Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

171 ratings
Ancient Paragons (Great People Pack)
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16 Nov, 2023 @ 7:43pm
6 Jan, 2024 @ 6:05am
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Ancient Paragons (Great People Pack)

In 2 collections by JNR
JNR's Playlist (Gameplay-only)
116 items
JNR's Project 6T
13 items

This isn't any dawn of man - it's the dawn of great men! And women! Now the Ancient era has its own great people. Bring your early-game powerhouses to proper glory with 13 new personalities who were among the very first in their field, pioneering the foundations of arts, philosophy, technology, science, commerce, and warfare that shape our lives up to this day.

Ancient Paragons adds two new Great Generals, Admirals, Engineers, Merchants, Prophets, Scientists, and Writers, each. All are assigned to the Ancient era, except for the Engineers, who are assigned to the Classical era.

Big thanks to the Civ 6 modding Helpline Discord server for inspiration and a lot of good ideas, in particular to Phantagonist, Zolaar, TheColdHands, Traditional Boywife, and all other of the Modder Pass II contributors!


New Great People
Great Generals
Ancient Great Generals will provide their active bonus to all Ancient and Classical era land units.
  • Fu Hao: Creates a heavy cavalry unit that can only be revealed by adjacent enemy units.
  • Siyaj K'ak' (Vanilla): Grants 1 Envoy.
  • Siyaj K'ak' (RF/GS): Grants +2 Loyalty per turn for this city.
Great Admirals
Ancient Great Admirals will provide their active bonus to all Ancient and Classical era naval units.
  • Henenu: Grants 60 Gold. Increases Trader range over water by 33% (10 tiles).
  • Nei Manganibuka: Creates a naval melee unit that can move over ocean tiles without the normal technology requirement.
Great Engineers
  • Imhotep: Grants 2 Charges of 175 Production towards wonder construction. Replaced by Imhotep from the Babylon DLC if available.
  • Maria Hebraea: +20% Production towards district projects.
Great Merchants
  • Ama-E: Increases Trade Route capacity by 1. Domestic Trade Routes to this city provide +1 Food and +1 Production.
  • Hiram: Grants 1 Tyrian Purple, a uniquely manufactured Luxury resource which provides +4 Amenities.
Great Prophets
  • Moses: Founds a Religion, and establishes this city as a Holy City.
  • Gargi Vachaknavi: Founds a Religion, and establishes this city as a Holy City.
Great Scientists
  • Maitreyi (Vanilla): Grants +1 Science, Culture, and Faith to Campus district buildings in this city.
  • Maitreyi (RF/GS): Grants +0.2 Science, Culture, and Faith per Citizen in this city.
  • Thales of Miletus: Triggers the Eureka moment for 1 random technology from the Ancient era and the Inspiration moment for 2 random civics from the Classical era.
Great Writers
  • Enheduanna: Nin me Å¡ara (The Exaltation of Inana), Innin Å¡a gura (A Hymn to Inana)
  • Ptahhotep: The Maxims of Ptahhotep (Fragment A), The Maxims of Ptahhotep (Fragment B)

Compatibility and Recommendations

Does not require any expansion but some bonuses are only available with either Rise & Fall or Gathering Storm. There are fallback bonuses for vanilla, however.

One of the Classical era Great Engineers is Imhotep, who is added by the Babylon DLC. For those without the DLC, Imhotep is added but with a generic bonus to rush wonders. No replacement is added to the Medieval era because there are still three Great Engineers available for it without him.

Grand Eras (Project 6T) is compatible but not required.

JNR's Mod Series

sloth.dc 25 Feb, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
Note: Out of order in modlist due to 6T prefix
JNR  [author] 6 Jan, 2024 @ 6:05am 
issues with icons and unit models fixed
sirkerry 13 Dec, 2023 @ 8:51am 
Anyone else having an issue with the Writings created by these 2 new Great Writers missing their icons in Quick Deals?
Puddings 28 Nov, 2023 @ 6:11am 
Okie ty for explaining <3
JNR  [author] 25 Nov, 2023 @ 4:34pm 
I was unsure how to mention him, yes. Just leaving him out would've been confusing. I did say "13 new GP" in the intro, not 14. And if you don't have the NFP / Babylon DLC, this mod will still add him. I think overall the description makes it clear what you're getting.
Puddings 25 Nov, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
Why is Imhotep included in description when it's basically the same as vanilla? Or am I missing something..
Patricida 24 Nov, 2023 @ 9:31am 
Thanks to @Plati kindness there is a compatibility patch for Real Great People:
Patricida 22 Nov, 2023 @ 9:00am 
Broken Lord 21 Nov, 2023 @ 4:39pm 
Nei Manganibuka has a model of warriors
Sailor Cat 17 Nov, 2023 @ 6:26pm 