Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Bugfixing my shit
you know how it be something broke again
アイテム (43)
(RBM) Realistic Battle Mod
作成者 Sharkan
This version of the mod is for live version of the Bannerlord (1.2.9) and for beta (1.2.10). Version for beta (currently there is no BL beta) can be usually found here This mod makes com...
Adonnay's Exotic Weaponry
作成者 Adonnay
AEW - Adonnay's Exotic Weaponry Requires: Bannerlord 1.1.0 or higher! Still works on 1.2.7. Do NOT deinstall item mods (like this one) or troop mods during an ongoing campaign or your savegame will crash upon load! ATC on Discord (for ATC/AEW/CN) Hardly an...
Adonnay's Troop Changer
作成者 Adonnay
ATC - Adonnay's Troop Changer Requires: Bannerlord 1.2.7 or higher ALSO: If you had the Nexus version installed, make sure you deinstall/remove it before trying to use the Steam version. The game will always load the Nexus version of the mod first! What do...
Artems Lively Animations
作成者 Artem
作成者 Bot easy
# About This mods will report a detailed error. Instead of infinite loading/freezing or any weird behaviour, the game should throws an error window so you can identify the cause. You can also save the error logs as well. Source code:
作成者 MacAwesooome
Description Level up your troop management with clear and concise information about your formations. Make smarter decisions on the battlefield with a glance! This mod can also be found on Nexus mods. Features Aggregated troop statistics - Get real-time upd...
作成者 carbon
Have a detachment of guards defend you in combat! Features Separate group of troops is detached from your other formations and is designated as your personal guards. Guard troops will not respond to your normal commands (by default) so you don't have to mi...
作成者 Pinkie Arg
For the Early Access version please visit this! Sources available at GitHub! Installation This module should be one of the highest in loading order and placed above native modules. Ideally, it should be second in load order after Bannerlord.Harmony. Impor...
CC's Banners
作成者 ClearanceClarence
Currently adds 728 new banners with 48 new color choices to the game. Looking to uninstall? Read bellow Delete the mod file located in the workshop: steamapps\workshop\content\261550\2877445271...
Choose Your Troops
作成者 Carióceco
Allows the player to choose the initial troops they will take into battle, is very useful especially when you have a very large army and the game's automatic troop selection don't satisfies you. The option to select troops will appear when your army is lar...
Cinematic Combat 1.1.3
作成者 Artem
This mod adds matched combat, killmoves, bleed-out states, mercy kills and shield taunt mechanics to Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. REQUIRES BANNERLORD 1.2.9 REQUIRES HARMONY REQUIRES BUTTERLIB REQUIRES MOD CONFIGURATION MENU REQUIRES UIEXTENDEREX https://st...
Deadly Siege Engines
作成者 woodbyte
All siege weapons can kill now. This mod makes trebuchet and mangonel hits (or more specifically any boulder hits) be treated the same as most other attacks, meaning there's a chance troops will actually die now. If you have a problem please report it at t...
Detailed Character Creation
作成者 Designer225
Steam Workshop version of the original mod created by PoPoWanObi/TravisSteward and currently maintained by Designer225. Description Players may now adjust their body weight, muscles tones, and age in a lightweight plugin. Safe to install and uninstall with...
作成者 Bennyz
A vanilla-friendly mod for the campaign and sandbox modes of Bannerlord. Diplomacy's goal is to provide balanced, fun, and creative options for characters to have an impact on the world, including both the player and NPCs. Diplomacy creates more believable...
Dismemberment (Plus) for v1.2.12
作成者 The_Schwarz
DismembermentPlus ** This mod is only meant for Campaign and Sandbox game modes, it is not compatible with CustomBattles. If links are broken see the Support Discussion JOIN ME ON DISCORD: Discord More Information about the mod and access to other versions...
Enable Achievement
作成者 Bot easy
Taleworlds disabled achievement if you're running mods :^). Use this mod to get around that. 100% obfuscation free. Feel free to compile: Do whatever you want. Have fun and have a nice day. It should work on sandb...
作成者 Spinozart1
Check the great video "I Spent 50 Days as an ASSASSIN in Bannerlord" by Arean, really nice story telling! A lot of the features of Fourberie are show cased, so it may be a good inspiration for your new campaign ;) I'm really busy IRL and don't have time an...
Governors Handle Issues
作成者 carbon
Governors of towns and castles will resolve all issues with towns and attached villages. In case you were not aware, unresolved quests in towns and villages will harm prosperity and loyalty of towns and castles. This makes it very difficult and grindy to p...
作成者 Pinkie Arg
For the Early Access version please visit this! A library for patching, replacing and decorating .NET and Mono methods during runtime. Intended to ensure that all mods in a player's modlist are using the latest version of Harmony to minimize conflicts. We ...
Heal on Kill
作成者 carbon
Gain health when you kill or damage enemies. By default you will gain 15% life leech off all damage you do. Options for healing only on kills are available as well as allowing NPCs to heal in the same way you do. See the mod configuration manager page in-g...
Helmet Hair Cover Continued Plus
作成者 bshardy
This is a continuation of the original Helmet Hair Cover Tweaks mods by OldManHustle. It stops the game from removing your character's hair on helmets where it doesn't clip too badly. UPDATE: RBM compatibility is now built in. There are two versions of thi...
Hideout Plus
作成者 KuTiLL[A]
This mod adds an extra features to hideouts Features Daytime Attack Allow player to attack to hideouts at daytime. Send Troops to Hideout Allow player to send troops to hideouts. Send Troops to Hideout when Player Wounded Allow player to send troops to hid...
High Middle Ages Calradia
作成者 Maty743 At its core this mod converts Bannerlord from the Dark Ages setting up to the High Middle Ages period (1000-1300ad). Please see nexus mods page for full explanation (Steam workshop has word limit grrr) https://www.nexusmods....
I Don't Care - Campaign Log Filter
作成者 PajTajster
Filters out useless campaign log info I don't Care! I've made this mod after seeing how much useless (for me, at least) info is being displayed in Campaign log . Who the hell cares about some Khuzait lord that was taken prisoner when you're a Vlandian vas...
Improved Garrisons
作成者 Sidies
Improved Garrisons is a Mount & Blade Bannerlord mod which aims to improve the management of your castles and settlements. With this mod a Improved Garrison will be added to each of your fiefs which allows the usage of new advanced and highly customizable ...
King Slayer - Manual Battle and Auto-Resolve Kill modifiers
作成者 Gwenolric
The mod is loaded if it appears in magenta at the bottom-left when the TalesWorld Logo appears Modify the Kill/Wound ratio according to your choices. Feature: Affect both Player and AI, Manual Battle and Auto-Resolve Disable all death preventions mechanism...
Kingdom Politics Expanded
作成者 carbon
A complete overhaul of AI voting on Kingdom Policies and Settlement ownership plus a whole lot of bugfixes. Kingdom Policy Features In Native the AI doesn't really care about Kingdom Policies. It votes based a preset set of weights that have nothing to do ...
Marry Anyone Updated
作成者 Mac Love
This is a Fixed version for newer versions of the game. ---- This is an open source mod, if you want to contribute by improving it, you are welcome! ---- Now you can marry practically anyone. Marry townspeo...
作成者 FoozleMcDoozle
Adds 10 new arena maps into the game, currently: 3 Empire 1 Sturgia 2 Aserai 1 Battania 2 Vlandia 1 Khuzait And distributes them throughout the map I don't know about you, but I usually start the game off by going from town to town fighting in tournaments ...
More Trait Info
作成者 Depression
A simple mod that adds more info on player character Personality Traits and displays a message every time your underlying trait 'XP' is modified for direct feedback on every decision that results in trait changes. I won't mind developing it further if ther...
My Little Warband
作成者 Plebeian Kilo
Important Uploading on behalf of LL Muse, the creator of this amazing mod. He wished to keep his steam account private and requested that I upload for him. This will be the official steam workshop page for his mod. To clarify: All credits, future updates, ...
Party Size Increase
作成者 kony
A simple modification that increases the party size by 150. All other bonuses and statistics affect the party size as usual. Affects both the player's party and AI lords, but not caravans etc. If you would rather have smaller bonus, here's a version with +...
作成者 arunasradv
The mod aims to implement peasant revenge after village has been raided. Player and AI heroes, who captured the criminal, can now allow notable peasant to behead the criminal. Mod adds features: 1. Dialogues for notable peasants and AI lords. 2. AI behavio...
Realistic Battle Sounds
作成者 Carióceco
This mod will enhance battles adding more than 50 real life sounds, extracted from another games and mainly from weapons/armor test videos, each sound specified according to the armor. Now you can disable weapon collisions and blow sounds for allies in the...
Realistic Weather
In the vanilla game there is no fog or dust storms. Although there is rain and snow, it does not have variable density and it does not affect morale. This mod adds rain, snow and fog with variable density, and dust storms to both the campaign map and missi...
Realistic Women Dialogues
作成者 Carióceco
This mod is a update of an very old mod called "Talk Like a Medieval Woman Please" which simply replaces unrealistic dialogues for female wanderers and companions in the game. (Also if the mod author asks me to delete it i will)...
Remove Fog of War
作成者 Depression
Removes the Fog of War mechanic added in 1.1.0 to the Encyclopedia. Now, again, you can know the details of every Hero and every Settlement without visiting them. This mod is completely safe to add and remove at any time. It does not modify your save. Afte...
Stop Starving Yourselves
作成者 carbon
Prevents Prosperity from growing beyond what a settlement's food production can support. Features Prevents prosperity from growing to the point of starving a settlement. Calculates the target prosperity of the settlement based on a 90 day moving average of...
Surrender Tweaks
In the vanilla game, lord parties and settlements do not surrender, so I added that behavior in. I also added text showing an enemy party or settlement's chance of surrender on the "power level comparer bar" (only appears if they want to surrender). Curren...
作成者 Pinkie Arg
For the Early Access version please visit this! Sources available at GitHub! Installation This module should be one of the highest in loading order. Ideally, it should be loaded after Bannerlord.Harmony or Bannerlord.ButterLub. For Players. This mod is a ...
War Cry and War Horn
作成者 TR-YalnızKurt
____War Cry____ - Supported version v1.2.9 -All banner bearer soldiers in your party now sound the "WAR HORN" during the war cry. (War Cry mod version of 7.1.0) -You can shout a battle cry in Field or Siege Battle. Just press the "V" button. But your Leade...
Distinguished Service 1.1.6
作成者 Howl
This is an updated version of Distinguished Service that should hopefully work on 1.1.6 I am not the creator of the mod, all credits goes to 8thor8 Also available on steam Big thanks to PapaOurs for the 1.1.0 version aswell Have you ever decided that the r...