Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

154 ratings
KX mod
Items (111)
Created by general guneric
https://i.imgur.com/vcvw2xy.png For more information, join our subreddit and discord Our Official Music Mod is here KaiserreduX started out in late 2019 as a collection of various submods for Kaiserreich, later evolving into a unified submod turned fork an...
Created by firefox
本MOD无需或者说是不可以和KX本体一同开启 今后请在启动器里的游戏设置里把语言改成中文(可能需要更新启动器),然后先不用任何MOD开一次游戏原版确定切成中文后,再开KX汉化 可能会出现各种文本问题,正在观察中 每次更新的内容请看改动说明 注意,KX现在内置了路线教程,远比讨论区的准确 由民间热心人士组建的kx讨论群,可加群讨论872718435 如果发现读取了是原版,可以看看讨论区的方法 提醒一下,所有SUBMOD用之前都请关注一下是否适配了最新版本KX KX汉化补充 https://steamcommu...
Kaiserredux Anime Mod: Moeredux
Created by Majo Max
https://i.imgur.com/6WOR2Xt.png Currently up to date with Hearts of Iron 4 version 1.14.* and Kaiserredux "The Lily and the Crescent Hotfix 2" This mod is STANDALONE from the Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich! Do NOT have this mod and Moereich active at the ...
Kaiserredux Music Mod
Created by general guneric
https://i.imgur.com/LESKdA6.png Official Music Mod for KaiserreduX! For more information, join our subreddit and discord This mod was made to take a good chunk of space off the main KaiserreduX download size. Self-explanatory; new songs added with most upd...
Created by WPlus12
KX汉化补充,汉化了部分硬编码文本,主要为人名、地名,需搭配原版汉化使用。 汉化内容:人名、部分GUI、动态地名、阵营名、部分提示信息、随机人名、部队名称、舰船名称、情报机构。 因未能进行完全测试,所以如果出现任何BUG或者遗漏未翻的内容,欢迎在评论区反馈。 感谢yunkui大佬的协助。 重要:原版汉化更新后,请关闭该汉化直到适配完毕!!!!!! 重要:由于汉化修改了大量代码文件,所以补充汉化不兼容任何原有国家的内容扩展Submod,强行使用的话可能会出现各种各样的问题!!!!!!! 当前适配的汉化版本:新...
KX: Return of NMDVP
Created by 可视化方法
KX deleted/reset the communism route, which is also ushered in the final outcome of this mod This mod adds back the Communist Germany-Goebbels route—— kx部分国家微调(新): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3244364529 —————————————————————— Kai...
Kaiserredux:legacy of the revolution
Created by 梁国雄
革命的遗产kx版本 提供意大利共产党,日本左翼,中国共产党,玉帅左转的内容 打评价,谢谢 QQ群:920295270 二刺螈化:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2948048982 kr版本: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2750081577...
Kaiserredux LKMT 完全重制
Created by OceanCurrent
Kaiserredux LKMT 完全重制 在评论区问更新内容的统统打死,建议看看改动说明 背景故事的补充 1. 在国民党北伐失败之后,国民党一溃千里,总司令蒋介石下落不明确认为牺牲。宋庆龄、廖仲恺、陈公博等左翼收拢部分有生力量选择南下,汪精卫等人组成的中央委员会则前往巴黎寻求国际援助。由城市暴动转而农村革命斗争的过程中,国民党左翼遭遇了许多失败,实力不断削弱。在临时中央委员会权威不断动摇的时候,廖仲恺、陈公博选择冒险主义的路线,意图在反动势力疏于防范的杭州发动起义。此时作为执行委员的李德胜(化名)、方志敏...
Kaiserredux LKMT Redux Moe
Created by Bitter Tenderness
Kaiserredux LKMT Rework Moe Introduction Used anime pictures to replace leaders and minister Added anime model (Keqing) for all Chinese forces. For person who did not need anime model, just delete the documents of entities and models (steam\steamapps\works...
Goodbye, Sweet Europe - A Kaiserredux Submod
Created by infant annihilator
SLOVAK CONTENT IS HERE! Play as Slovakia, to get any ideology path and conquer the world! Want a Free Territory of Europe as Anarchist Slovakia? You can! Want Nat-TransHumanist Štefánik? You have it! To get Slovakia as independent state, play as Hungary an...
Kampf um Paneuropa: A Kaiserredux Submod
Created by Glowingone
Austrian Empire can now form Paneuropean Union. Thanks Ultra2.0, we now have a Russian Localization mod for Kampf um Paneuropa. Updates: 1/26/2024 - Cores on Armenia and Azerbaijan. - Extra African claims. 12/20/2023 - Compatibility with the latest KX upda...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
不列颠联盟重置,增强三条政治线buff以突出不同,外交线扩展,军事线大增强 已经适配官中 更新: 加强了莫斯利线,莫斯利现在可以拿到一部分前自治领的核心(红色帝国联邦?) 立本现在需要是独立国家才能获得战争目标 更新,对原版的三条政治线全面增强,莫斯利线增加与法国或俄国的合作,这将获得法国或俄国的核心 kx原版的泛欧罗巴与红色英联邦依然可以生效 文本已更新 增加一条激社的列宁主义路线(可以得到俄国核心)(ps:怎么谁都有俄国核心啊) 缩短第一个140天国策所需要的时间...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
意社重置,对意社政治线进行全面重置加强,现在激社线可以尝试与北方和平统一,墨主席线现在分为重建罗马线(恢复国号与大量核心)和民布线(地中海航行靠舵手),军事线加强 更新:为墨主席增加三位继承人梅塞,巴尔博,格兰迪,梅塞有一条光复民主的线文案和剧情仍未做完但国策已经可以使用 文本已更新 修复军事线 修改动态国策 修复罗马核心,现在罗马的核心将更接近历史上的罗马 减少所有国策时间,增加葛兰西路线 修复图标重叠,将军独线由梅塞改为图哈 适配新意社版本,由于已经有了葛兰西线,删除我原先的葛兰西线,删除法西斯线,将拔...
Kaiserredux - A Rising Dragon
Created by ChairmanMeow
We are a submod for the mod Kaisseredux that focus' on adding more content to asia. We plan to further expand this content and refine it till you get the best. Come join the wackiness and play the mod. Content added for release: Leftist Legations(League of...
KX-Rotermorgen Fan Fix
Created by gg_briand
KX-Rotermorgen Fan Fix Thank you for getting us to the most popular of the week page! - Includes deleted NMDVP path. - Fixed the all white map issue, some portrait issues, and super event issues. - Enable this mod with KX. - Credit goes to the original cre...
Created by Another Eve
mod from: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2936314314 This version is for Kaiserredux. Simplified Chinese Version Only. If somebody could transfer it to English or otherwise, just do it. Any way, if it was not update on time, it must ...
EU4 Style Monuments (Kaiserredux Compatibility Patch)
Created by LimonenZitrone
Information This is a compatibility patch mod for EU4 Style Monuments and Kaiserredux: A Kaiserreich Expansion. You need to activate all 3 mods. Since it aims for making the included monuments work with Kaiserredux: A Kaiserreich Expansion, it changes the ...
Japanese Straits - Kaiserredux Edition
Created by OriginallyHam
Kaiserredux But Every American has Shades (New)
Created by POTUS
The creator of "TNO but everyone has sunglasses" brings you it's long awaited, small spin-off! I had to re-upload this mod because I got a new pc. All future updates will be on this version of the mod. This sub-mod provides portraits for every American lea...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
PS:国策会让小胡子上台 对波罗的海的德三路线进行了拓展,增加大量核心(包含德二传统领土外的卢森堡,瓦隆卢森堡,南锡,丹麦本土,奥地利地区和整个波西米亚地区)和极强的民族精神,且可以通过国策独立并获得对德奥的战争目标(打不过可以混分拿下法国或俄罗斯的首都,然后用傀儡国的人力大造兵) 德三路线具体为开局的会议相关事件点不加稳定度的选项,稳定度小于0就会出叛乱,然后镇压叛乱的决议不点或只点一个,等到防卫军夺权,再镇压叛乱,进入民粹路线 进行了一定的兼容性修复 已经适配官中 现在德三将会构建与低地的德意志认同以及...
Created by MrPunk
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/819002974403344349/DD18664314A26EA83C62E9B0127FFCB35092B53A/ q群:162239327 介绍 你好,这是KX海军重置。 这是一个基于VNR原版海军重置专门为KR世界线制作的丰富海军历史的模组。该mod的目标是创建一种软核、角色扮演为主的海军体验,同时将对原版的改动尽量控制在最小,以防你需要重新学一遍怎么玩。 如果你喜欢以下东西,那这个mod可能很适合你 -历史向,...
kx 法公社重置
主要内容:无政府派扩展,劳工派扩展,雅各宾派重置,甘莫林将军重置,索雷尔派微调,赖伐尔拓展,温和派扩展 发现BUG请在讨论区反馈,如果你觉得好玩,请留下一个好评! 谢谢辣!(更新内容请看改动说明) 请使用中文游玩...
KX - Flag Compilation Submod
Created by Owl
WELCOME TO THE KAISERREDUX FLAG COMPILATION This mod exists as a way to get some of the best flags (and some I've made) from the Steam Workshop and the Internet into KX. A Big Thanks to A Flag Mod: Kaiserreich and Kaiserreich Realistic Flags for being a bi...
tnoui kx patch
Created by LEON
This mod contains: TNO style super event gui, kx country selection gui, some tno style ideology icons There are two solutions to the avatar bug: Delete the biden_ui.gui file in the patch and ui directories(everytime patch update needs to be done again) Cop...
The Fluttering Cedar: A Kaiserredux Submod v0.1 'A Storm In Silence'
Created by hilaal_al_din
《飘摇雪松》已适配中文!请开启kx汉化版,并在启动器中将system语言设为中文进行游玩! The Fluttering Cedar is a Kaiserredux submod which add Beirut Vilayet (Lebanon) as a country that appears on map at the start of the game and have playable content! This is a demo contains 2.5 years of playable...
Miracles on Vistula CN
Created by ZDongYu
关于国策,描述一下它们就是: - 工团主义者 - 民主社会主义者 - 民主民族社会主义者 - 民主党,包括典型的社会民主党、社会自由党和社会保守党 - 国家民主党 - 反国家民主党路线(作者觉得这条路线特别有趣,因为它代表了战时波兰不同意识形态的交织) - 共产主义路线 -- 还有:从 KX/KR 移植过来的军事树和(略有改动的)外交树。 这是kx波兰的重置mod,里面含有大量的可游玩内容,包括上述几个路线,洋人也说了接下来有可能会更德国占领托管的国策,还请大家多多支持,送上一个赞! 路线指引: (如果您想...
[KX-SubMod] Miracles on the Vistula: a Polish Rework
Created by Mightus
Kaiserredux is perhaps my favourite mod for HoI4, however it always saddened me that core Polish tree was predominantly a leftover from Kaiserreich (excluding some explicitly meme options, and small adjustments); but hey hey hey, no more it is! Well at lea...
[CN] KX:Nation Europa
Created by ZDongYu
!!!WARNING!!! !!!!汉化还有部分BUG和不完善之处,欢迎提出BUG和修改建议!!!! 请留下您的赞! KX:Nation Europa (正在更新中) "如果你爱我们的国家,你就是国民;如果你爱我们的人民,你就是社会主义者。" ——奥斯瓦尔德·莫斯利 Discord : https://discord.gg/Y5gvWVTp8n 欢迎光临! Kaiserredux 的子模组Nation Europa——加入了大不列颠最最伟大(迫真)的带带护国公奥斯瓦尔德·莫斯利在OTL上提出的 "欧罗巴之国...
Nation Europa: A Kaiserredux Expansion
Created by Kalmus
"If you love our country you are national, and if you love our people you are a socialist." - Oswald Mosley Discord server: https://discord.gg/Y5gvWVTp8n Welcome! Nation Europa - submod for Kaiserredux- expands on the concept of "European Nation" developed...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
奉天,本子扩展,为幸亥波拿巴移植属于和人皇帝线的许多宣称和核心,在西进论中为本子增加了一条主动尝试控制奉天并更加激进对塞的路线(仅限民粹本子) 为奉天增加了一条反制日本进攻的路线,可设置日本进行东方会路线来游玩(难度较高) 奉天国策全面增强,所有国策效果均有提升 因为kx更新过程导致奉系的高祖之裔,中华大一统者两领袖特质均丢失(严重怀疑是不是kx移植krlkmt直接给文件覆盖了)所以我重做了两个特质,kx制作组发现并修复后取消(我觉得大概是发现不了的) 奉系快投降且不与日本作战时可以倒向共荣圈 更新 : 高...
faster kx
Created by 国际主义魅魔
开局触发事件,可选择吞并部分国家来减少cpu0的压力,以及可选择是否增加群体buff改变美,俄内战速度 修复本地化bug...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
克里米亚的列宁弟弟路线太短了,我对其进行了全面扩展加强,现在列弟将带领布尔什维克重建苏联 主要内容包括,更快地解决淡水问题,召回前布尔什维克将军,加入第三国际,以及,重建苏联后迁都莫斯科...
KX: Regni Dei Polonia v.2 (already integrated into KX)
Created by Nickay
Regni Dei Polonia is a submod for the critically acclaimed Kaiserredux (which is a standalone mod now so don't play it together with Kaiserreich, daily reminder) Reminder to play KX, especially their github version (RDP GOT INTEGRATED INTO KX, IF YOU'RE PL...
*Read Description* KX - Medals For Everyone
Created by Racer911-1
Message I've updated the original mod to be compatible with Kaiserredux, meaning I won't update this submod anymore until further notice. This Mod only works with Kaiserredux Mod and By Blood Alone DLC Enabled...
Kaiserredux Extended tech tree copmatibility patch
Created by Bolshevik Remover
Hello because of the broken launcher a new mod had to be created. It works fine all the way to 1960 and possibly beyond. If You enjoy my work please consider supporting me via Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/BolshevikRemover You can get early access and ...
配套KX_RM赤色黎明汉化使用...... 修改戈培尔的人民元首特质 给德国航母加了50个命名牌称号..... 陆军兵牌全部汉化,并且根据wiki以及我小说自创的内容全部汉化完毕。 部分师团番号以及军舰命名来自我为其mod写的小说:https://www.xrzww.com/bookdetail/63856 《赤色黎明:新世界》讲述一中华民国第六共和国国民议会众议院议员魂穿戈培尔后,开疆扩土建造日耳曼尼亚新世界以及不可言说的事(迫真)——(目前堆集文稿准备签约) ps:bug已经全部修复,请尽情享用,,,,...
Kaiserredux Ideology Effects
Created by Spooky Elite
Based off of a mod that was on the workshop years ago that i cannot find anymore This mod adds passive effects to all the ideologies in Kaiserreich making them actually different with different modifiers This Submod is compatible with Kaiserredux only Tota...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
Created by gaulis
kx的顾问栏加了很多有意思的内容,但感觉槽位太少了(6选2,经验给的又少,还要150政治点),本mod 把总参谋和陆海空军部长加到两个,总司令加到四个,陆海空指挥重心,加到了三个,工业企业加到三个,所有顾问的政治点花费降到75(克服了kx的一些技术性困难)。我卡尔终于不用纠结选什么了!...
KX: Sub-Ideology Picker
Created by OneManArmy
KaiserreduX has tons of sub-ideologies, but there's no way to choose any of them. So I made a submod that changed it. EaW and RF version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3290743917 TWR version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/...
Map Fix
Created by mqxl
KX地图修正 按照个人喜好调整了一些state边界 请配合KX汉化使用 -立白波边界 -瓦隆与瓦隆卢森堡边界 -梅梅尔与东普鲁士边界 -达达尼尔与东色雷斯边界 -特兰西瓦尼亚内部边界 -瑞士内部边界 会导致加载速度变慢 会有部分动态地名无法正确显示汉化...
KX - Population Hell (Population Boost)
Created by Owl
WELCOME TO KX - POPULATION HELL! You ever get tired of Boring, tame games with not many deaths? Do you sometimes wish your game to be even more challenging? a Slog? And with even more dead bodies than you know what do do with? Then look no further! The Aim...
Kaiserredux: submod for achivements (KX submod)
Created by RzulekMietek
This mod add 65 achivements made by me to Kaiserredux. It is first verasin and I am plannig to add more in the future. Icons used by me are from Kaiserredux and lardge portion of ideas I have from r/Kaiserredux so thanks everyone for your suggestions and I...
标准世界地图Kx汉化适配版(初级版) 整合了Kx汉化,无需打开Kx汉化。...
Created by 余念
喜欢的话点个赞呗!!! 你是否还在因为各类AI不兼容KX,还在烦恼AI太简单,来试试这个吧! !!!前排提示!!! 无任何火星兵!非常好的兼容,除了修改了陆军AI的模组基本上都兼容,不过科技模组可能会让AI变弱。兼容各类海战AI模组。 专属KX的AI策略,做了大部分KX子mod的兼容(哪个KX子模组不兼容你留言,我秒更) QA:本mod主要修改了什么? 降低了补给造价,额外的地块格子数量和额外的资源建筑 更聪明的AI科技点法 重新设计了AI编制,24宽,36宽,甚至哈人的50宽都有,在不同时间段出现。 重新...
所有建筑的建筑费用降低到原版的一半! 包括军民工厂、船务、基础设施、各类防御设施等等。 适配KX汉化版,需要自行适配其他修改了buildings的mod,请采取以下方法: 1、找到该mod的文件夹。 2、找到文件夹中的descriptor.mod文件,打开它。 3、你会看到以下代码,在这里插入任何你想要适配的mod,原理就是这里出现的mod会在本mod之后加载。 你需要知道你适配的mod的名字,一般是创意工坊里面的mod标题。例如: dependencies={ "Kaiserredux汉化" }...
Kaiserredux Submod: MOE NMDVP
Created by 可视化方法
The Moe mod of KX: Return of NMDVP KX: Return of NMDVP: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2801060532...
Created by OverNight29
That's a simple submod for KX! It adds a few new portraits for based people!...
KX Georgia Expanded CN
Created by LemonZhanger
已适配官方中文 This is Chinese version for KX Georgia Expanded The English version link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2929138399 本mod是对格鲁吉亚极权线的拓展 现在朱加什维利同志不再只是窝在高加索那一块地了,你可以消灭白匪,建立苏联! 无需加载原mod,请直接将本mod与KX汉化一起使用。 部分汉化文本来自KX官方汉化组,已获得授权...
Created by Prussiablue1
kx的斯大林路线太短了。 给斯大林添加了扩张路线。现在斯大林将重新组建红军,将从格鲁吉亚出发,尝试联合曾经的战友与同志们重新打会莫斯科。 1921失败了,1941再来一次。 1.0 格鲁吉亚阶段已经基本完成,事件文本也已经完成。不过苏俄阶段还没有内容 English version :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2804838749 有bug请评论区留言...
Better Mechanics : Laws | Kaiserreich/KX
Created by Amine Alkaline
YOU DONT NEED TO USE THE ORIGINAL MOD, THIS IS A STANDALONE MOD Inspired by the Military Laws mod, I present to you : The Civilian and Military Laws Mod It will enbale you through a combination of those mods to enact civilian and military decisions through...
[50% Updated] KX: Georgia Expanded
Created by Pharaates
About Always felt that Jughasvili’s path in Kaiserredux was incomplete? Well, now you do not have to! The idea of the mod is to make Jughashvili bring the October Revolution back to Russia once again! Restart the Russian Civil War with an expanded focus tr...
KX 湖南拓展
本MOD立志做到KX的全赛里斯势力拓展,目前已包含湖南、使馆城市、两广、山东、云南、大清、奉天的内容增加: 湖南包括了工团起义与建立PROC;国民党右派内容;何键军政府;赵恒惕复辟大宋;陈渠珍政府;石顶武的三期普渡;顾净源佛教与释照空政变内容。 使馆城市包括了总工会与左翼作家联盟;何东与英属上海;黑帮夺权;天主教夺权内容;警察夺权;大道政府的内容 两广包括了彭湃的自由地区;旧桂系的土匪天地;完全重置了的李宗仁建国后内容;两广商团重置 山东包括了白俄雇佣军与重建旧皖系的相关内容。 云南包括了白族与回族的相关内...
Created by 盖亚
先行版本,在湖南分裂事件中选择第一个选项,选择起义军打败了赵恒惕即刻游玩中华苏维埃共和国。 先玩八省联合,会弹出事件的,当湖南分裂的时候,第一个选项,就可以触发了。兄弟们,有什么好的想法,也可以在留言区提出,还有运行本mod请不要开meme模式,也不要去在意新师瓦本 游戏交流群796959964...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
本MOD停止更新,最新内容请移步至 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3146899297 查看,谢谢游玩...
重要!!!!! MOD未整合KX,使用必须下载KX原版或汉化版!!!!!否则将无法使用!!!!!! 请勿在除KX模组以及原版中打开本MOD,会出现游戏崩溃 ------------------------- 欢迎下载原版: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3155665240 欢迎下载TNO适配版 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3166013135 -...
Created by 本居小鈴
兼容kx汉化补充 这是原版头像版本 不列颠联盟反革命霍巴特路线: 将霍巴特路线删除的国王添加了回来,并仿照新版事件对其中一部分国王和统之后添加了独特的国名 2:逐步添加全世界的君主候选人,目前已经实装了全欧洲君主100位 全中东君主25位 俄社: 1:加米涅夫转其他线 2:军事线完成第二红军或者授权赤卫队能触发事件可以点他们各自的国策/军事线 3:完成俄罗斯共产党开会后并触发马雅可夫斯基归来后能触发事件直接选择自己心仪的布布上台(但开大会的事件还会继续触发,除了选择阵营和选择军事线焦点其他没啥影响) 4:更...
KX-a rising dragon汉化
Created by NAG_HAMMADI
Kaiserredux子mod-A rising dragon的汉化。 大部分是机翻,润色程度不足,凑合用。 部分借用了 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3018609299 的翻译。 与汉化KX+原版A rising dragon并用,启动器设置为中文。 据反馈,本mod似乎和KX萌化mod不兼容,不要同时开。 路线指南见讨论区。...
本mod拓展并修改了原KX中洪都拉斯的联合果品公司的部分国策内容 由于本人是第一次制作mod,诸多内容还在探索中,请多包涵。 9.21更新0.3版本,详细内容请查看改动说明...
KX俄社扩展 大林线和托司机线
Created by 国际主义魅魔
全新的俄社扩展,斯大林线以及托司机线,斯大线将倾向于建立高效俄社,托司机将注重世界革命,大林与托司机上台方式为加米涅夫上台且未点出放权国策 修复了大林最后一个国策变成格鲁吉亚的bug(滥用kx事件的作者的锅),另外斯大林和托洛茨基最后的国策都会改名统一苏维埃联邦,斯大林的特质“钢铁主席”也会在国策中赋予 小更新,现在完成最后国策后会被正确地称为苏维埃联盟了 已经适配官中 更新: 增强斯大林,并增加三位继承人,为托司机增加一个派更多志愿军的buff 修复文本bug 缩短国策时间,修复贝利亚图标 更新:为斯大林...
Created by 国际主义魅魔
对直系的政治线全面扩展,帝国线为军独线,威民线,亲德线,共和线增加联省线,并对宣统维新三条线增强,社民将注重民生,社自将致力建立军事强国,社保将注重倒车并获得强大骑兵buff 修复图标缺失,维新线也会被称做大清帝国了,减少国策时间...
KX: Return of NMDVP
Created by dark61
Kaiserredux Submod: Return of the NMDVP - Includes deleted NMDVP path with Goebbels path and anarchist path (not fully optimised) . - Languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Russian - Fixed some portrait issues, and crashes. - You must have KaiserreduX to ...
Created by 本居小鈴
更新的详细内容在改动说明 不再更新 请各位见谅 新mod地址https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3244364529...
KX 模范殖民地CN
Created by 郭子岚
Kx子模组 模范殖民地的外挂汉化版(机翻润色) 内容为整个kx非洲地区的重置与扩展 *乌里沙这个国家好像有bug 国策不显示文本 好像是和kx汉化有冲突,我解决不了,如果有人能帮忙解决可以找我...
Kaiserredux Norway + : the Submodsception
Created by steffplays
Version: 0.1 Norway got the short end of the stick after the Weltkrieg and the Syndicalist revolutions. A nation alienated from the German sphere due to their pro-British stances, the revolution cut the country off from previous trading partners. Now, Kais...
Kaiserredux Norway+ 扩展汉化
Created by NAG_HAMMADI
为KX子mod Kaiserredux Norway + : the Submodsception做的汉化。 原mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2791799588 搭配kx汉化使用,不需要开启原子mod。...
Created by Ryu Satsuki
不可与KX部分国家微调同时启用, 不可与KX部分国家微调同时启用! KX部分国家微调已经整合! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/5846309606651163138/7A62553DE5CB44DFB09FD21335B3622920AE73ED/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false 如您所见,这其实是成立新国家KX版的汉化版本,在...
Updated Kaiserredux Formable Nations
Created by Yephzer
Probably not going to update with more content in the future, just keep it compatible with KX and the latest hoi4 update. So don't expect an update for a while. IMPORTANT You cannot form nations if you are a puppet of another country and any decision that ...
Kaiserredux but every American has sunglasses (OUTDATED)
Created by POTUS
I am no longer able to update this version of the mod. I have made a new, up-to-date version of it that you should subscribe to. The creator of "TNO but everyone has sunglasses" brings you it's long awaited, small spin-off! This sub-mod provides portraits ...
Kaiserredux Submod: Colorful Subideology
Created by Saha
Since the 1.14 update, subideologi can now be colored, so I have set various colors for most of the subideologi added in KX. I have tried to make the colors as relevant to the ideology as possible, but if you have a better color or if it is difficult to se...
Kaiserredux: Subideologies in the Diplo Screen
Created by Krumtum
Yeah, like in the title...
Diplomacy Puppeteering For Kaiserredux
Created by Ryu Satsuki
感谢原作者@Stakataka_3030的授权 原Mod地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3220287016 为KX做了微小的条件修改,限定在盟友间进行“要求臣服”和“要求更改宗主”,且时间要在1939年之后。 ...
KX: Improved American Trees
Created by OneManArmy
Personal changes and fixes to American trees in KaiserreduX....
由于kx爱尔兰红线没有扩张线,所以只好帮他做一个 添加了多个只适用于红线的扩张国策,从英国到世界,前提是英国爆发了反革命(在游戏选国家页面设置英国工团走向) 还添加了多个适配事件和民族精神。 ——来自一个玩了半天红线结果没有半点扩张的up 目前只有中文本地化,添加了15个扩张国策,几个事件等 需要加载汉化kx,并建议在游戏选国界面的自定义规则里,选择让英国爆发内战或者重建反革命政府,以更好地使用mod 可能还余留一些bug,将会尽快解决...
KX: a red and black dawn version 2.0
Kaiserredux a red and black dawn, a KX submod Current features Integration of my KX patch mod which does the following : -Added Manfred Von Richenhofen as a general for the CAR if they ally with the Germans. -Alaska, Panama, and Texas respectievly no longe...
KX Libyan Desert Fix
Created by Czarna Kawa
Hello there! Are you anoyed when fighting in North Africa in the latest KX version, because of the passable Libyan Desert? I've got just the soulution! I present to you the Impassable Libyan Desert submod for Kaiserredux! Features: Impassable terrain in Li...
Kaiserredux Path Wheel
Created by truck gaming
Ever felt so overwhelmed by the amount of content in Kaiserredux that you just don't know what path to play? Then just try your luck with this mod! This is essentially a tiny submod that changes the KX subreddit shortcut on the main menu to a wheel of fort...
Created by 鸡哥全能少年
20个政治家,20个政治顾问,20个理论家,20个工业企业,20个陆军指挥重心,20个海军指挥重心,20个空军指挥重心,20个总司令,20个总参谋,20个陆军部长,20个海军部长,20个空军部长,20个陆军学院精神,20个陆军精神,20个部队指挥精神,20个海军学院精神,20个海军精神,20个海军指挥精神,20个空军学院精神,20个空军精神,20个空军指挥精神 20 politicians, 20 political consultants, 20 theoreticians, 20 industrial ...
Created by 赛里斯的凯撒
两广扩展,彭湃线: 在彭湃返回故乡的选项中 选择让他回到故乡 打赢桂系后 就能进入彭湃线 郭继承线: 进入彭湃线。 战争状态,投降倾向大于75 小胡子线:德国稳定的<-25%触发小胡子内战 刘湘重建大汉:国策走四川王...
kx more slot(kx究级槽位)
Created by Wopy
扩展了kx的可用槽位,包括政治顾问、工业企业、海陆空司令部、理论家、海陆空精神 English: Expanded the available slots in the kx mod, including political advisors, industrial companies, naval, land, and air command headquarters, theorists, and naval, land, and air doctrines. 2024.7.16更新:兼容最新kx...
KX — 可提升自治度
Created by ฅ'ω'ฅ
kx lkmt中华公社拓展 教员线和总理线
Created by 国际主义魅魔
为lkmt的中华公社增加教员线(教员现作为工团党的马列派)和总理线,增加教员做为将领(需点国策获得) 为lkmt增加两个buff以缓解PP不足,第三次归正大会条件更改,现在不需要完全统一和抗战结束,第三国际在点完重建外交部后,又会派志愿军给lkmt了,下午会修复图片问题 修复教员图片问题,为教员增加天才战略家与强于适应两个特质 修复101不出现,将所有35天国策改为21天,增加500点pp缓解pp不足 将敢死队与政委改为永久buff 修复将领bug,将教员放到第一个国策,将大部分将放到黄埔军校国策,已此保证...
kx 云南rkmt拓展
Created by 国际主义魅魔
众所周知,kx的校长没有似,如果校长来带领rkmt是否能打败lkmt,乃至列强呢(当然你可以选择不打列强) 云南的朱培德,现在可以邀请校长来领导,分为威民线(可以加入协约国或莫斯科协约),民粹线,以及扩展的军事线和外交线 修复1927雪耻卡国策的问题,因为奇葩的赛里斯领导权决议,所以建议先点决议,再点中华新生,不然旗子会变五色旗 对召集蓝衣社国策进行修复 更新:现在威民线会将顾问首脑换成孙科,点完获取友邦装备会获得俄国和协约国的志愿军,国策中增加一些稳定度...
[KX] New England Flag Decisions
Created by kafm
A set of new flags I made to replace the starting Sons of Liberty flag which I find quite ugly. Suggestions welcomed! Also would like someone to let me know how to add a bigger event box. :)...
KX - Population/Resource Hell (Population/Resource Boost)
Created by Owl
WELCOME TO KX - POPULATION/RESOURCE HELL! You ever get tired of Boring, tame games with not many deaths? Do you sometimes wish your game to be even more challenging? a Slog? And with even more dead bodies than you know what do do with? Then look no further...
Kaiserredux - A.A.P.A Australaisa
Created by Victims_of_
MERGED WITH MY HOTLINE MIAMI MOD NOW UP TO DATE NOW HAS 8 PATHS - A.A.P.A - Expanded Japanese America - 50 Blessings America - Communist Australia - Socialist Labor Party Australia - IWW Australia - ACTU Australia - Rum Rebellion Australia Along with a new...
Created by fh45c5
兼容kx汉化补充 这是原版头像版本 本mod整合了绝大部分国内外kx子mod以及其他mod内容,并逐渐增加原创内容。 mod制作组严重缺人,诚邀有志之士加入 欢迎加入交流群625852280,683148094 萌化版链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3264342315 内容太多写不下,查看请移步 https://www.kdocs.cn/l/cbHqwrWHq2XU?startTime=1718366038984 路线指...
NO Mutually Exclusive-KX 取消互斥-KX
Created by Mushroom
早哦。午好。晚安。 Good morning. Good afternoon. Good night. 简介 Intro : 1. 取消了部分原版内容的互斥,包括但不限于:军工组织的特质&科技&将领特质。 The mutual exclusion of some original contents has been cancelled, including but not limited to: the characteristics of military organizations & technolo...
允许同时走多条线路 新增的事件、国策以及强力buff 更轻松的安地西亚成立 与第三国际的强力联动buff 更多新内容正在制作中(新建文件夹...
Created by fh45c5
KX 更快的整合领土
Created by 玩原神玩的
如图,将原版整合领土所需的时间与pp点都大致砍半了 该mod可在当前版本正常启用 更新:在反复测试之后发现仍有概率让该mod失效,所以我改成了决议组,该mod默认不生效,只要玩家点点决议组,该mod便可生效,所以记得点决议,ai不可用 因更新失误,不小心将自己整的GS代码整进了原本的代码中,现已更正...
KaiserreduX: Convert Equipment | 装备改装
Created by AiseposMoon
This mod is a submod of KaiserreduX which allow you to convert all old equipments to new equipments. I will not often play HOI, so if this mod is outdated or has any bug, please tell me. 这个mod是 KX 的子mod,允许你将库存的旧装备改造成新装备。如果mod过期了或有任何缺漏,请在评论里通知我。...
Created by Ethan
修改内容: 外东北与外西北省份划分 增加事件 增加决策 增加直系国策内容...
Created by fh45c5
kx部分国家微调的萌化 需要与kx汉化,kx萌化,kx部分国家微调一起开启...
KXAI improve
Created by 北风☭
模组版本:0.3.6,适配游戏版本:1.14.x,兼容KX海军重置(📌带海军重置时在设置里禁用AI海军自动获取科技以避免海军马鹿超前几年点科技浪费科研槽!!!📌) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/  原KRAI模组地址  KX强化50格模组地址 基本运营改进 优化了AI的陆军编制(没有花哨的垃圾编制!AI根据产能来决定编制,将在高产能的...
GEA rework
Created by Gewner
为德属东亚内容扩展了国策内容 完全重做了原版老旧的kr内容 为四位总督路线添加了独特的政治线国策 赫尔穆特·冯·穆克(社保)的两条路线 瓦尔德克和皮尔蒙特的约西亚斯亲王(威民/家独)的一条路线 威廉·海耶(家独)的一条路线 费迪南德·舍尔纳(国粹)的一条路线 修改了黑色星期一国策树 扩展了军事线和外交线的国策 为印度支那战争添加了独特的国策树 添加了干涉八省联合内战乃至整个中国的国策 各路线上台方式请在游戏内的路线指南中查看,不涉及路线方面的修改请到“改动说明”中查看 欢迎各位玩家游玩,如果有任何游戏中的问...
Kaiserredux: World Domination
Created by wchishun2
A Kaiserredux Submod Collection that provides endgame world domination content with 147 formable puppets/colonies. (Rating would be appreciated) Currently includes: - Canada: 60+ Canada Dominion, Crown Colonies and other formable countries. (An overhaul an...
Kaiserredux Submod: Both Side of the Ocean
Created by Gewner
由于美国早期内容有相当一部分的路线已经过于早期,无论是民族精神,icon还是国策路线都缺乏观赏性与可玩性。因此这个模组将会缓慢的微调或是重做部分美国的早期内容。当然对于一些欧洲的旧内容可能也会进行修改,但主要以美国为主。 版本0.1 狂野西部 为西部军区WCC重置了政治与经济路线国策 调整了军事线国策 为奥马尔·布拉德利(军政府)增加政治国策 可以转入带有四年国策内容的民主选举路线(移植自太平洋国) 为德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔(进步保守主义)增加一条路线 为柯蒂斯·李梅(军政府)增加一条路线 为麦克阿瑟流亡线...
KaiserreduX ⇾ Roter Morgen | NMDVP
Welcome to the revamped Roter Morgen ! ‹ BETA › Version https://i.imgur.com/nH7qUTF.png : 28.08 / 2024 Current HOI4 version supported: Bolivar v1.14.8 (9d66) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2500142617284447745/C13B35FB443BAC8559FE16F459BC6CDA807...
Kaiserredux Submod:红色黎明
Created by 2445620758
本mod为KaiserreduX ⇾ Roter Morgen | NMDVP mod翻译的中文本地化,感谢原mod作者https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3277861826 还有感谢参与汉化和帮我要授权的友友...
Created by Ryu Satsuki
测试用版本,欢迎反应BUG BUG反应一群(禁聊东亚内容) 683148094 BUG反应二群(民族与革命群) 791162778 路线指南 https://docs.qq.com/doc/DRlBGWEx3SEllSUlZ 内容: 小黄和奥地利艺术家的路线(红色黎明、至上之国) 捷克斯洛伐克共产党的哥特瓦尔德路线(Bohemia Expanded - Discontinued) 法兰西公社的拓展内容(KX部分国家微调、Nation Europa) 不列颠联盟的拓展内容(KX部分国家微调、Nation Eu...
Kaiserredux Satisfying Country Names
Created by JonathλnPR
Ever felt like some of the Country names in Kaiserredux din't satisfy you? This mod adds country definitions and official names to some of the countries that missed them, for example Guatemala > Republic of Guatemala Please Note: As of release only the cou...
Kaiserredux Better Colors
Created by JonathλnPR
This mod changes some of the starting colors of nations of nations in Kaiserredux. It either completely changes, or switches around colors of nations, but primarily all the colors have been darkened Be aware This mod overrides mods that sets custom color c...
Kaiserredux:Spain Rework 为无政府工联添加了5条可玩红线和新的军事线、扩张线、工业线,五条红线分别为:国家工团主义线、无政府主义线、工团主义线、共产主义线、再生主义线。 PS:依旧保留了原版内容,新内容在内战爆发后通过国家工团主义者政变事件中进入 为了玩家的 游戏体验,特意增加了内战国策以便于玩家能更快的结束西班牙内战 闲聊群:791162778 另一个群:683148094 本人的KX内容整合:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Kaiserredux Submod:部分扩展
KaiserreduX Submod:National and Revolution Q群791162778 国家工团主义攻势 为西班牙CNT新增了五条条线:国家工团主义线、无政府线,工团线、共产主义线、再生主义线。 第聂伯奔流 为西乌克兰添加了两条线: 乌克兰社会民族主义线(极权):班德拉将发起一场轰轰烈烈的民族革命与斗争,誓要将一切压迫乌克兰无产阶级的人统统扫除。 乌克兰民族主义线(国家民粹):班德拉将接纳东佐夫的理论,在乌克兰境内掀起民族主义狂热,一切阻挡乌克兰民族复兴的种族都将会被清算! 去战斗,工...
KR/KX - Models for Everyone BETA v0.1.1 (AN56 HEAVILY Recomended)
Created by Owl
WELCOME TO KR/KX MODELS FOR EVERYONE! Ever get tired of seeing ugly Generic Models? Do you use Autobahn nach '56? Fans of Kaiserreich or Kaiserredux? Well here is a mod to fulfill your Aesthetic itch you may have! Autobahn nach '56 is HEAVILY Recommended t...