Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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包含地图测试 模组(删减版)
Items (175)
Created by 姬野永远
新人第三次做MOD 如果喜欢请点个赞或收藏,非常感谢 CSGO 僵尸乐园MOD发布贴:https://bbs.zombieden.cn/thread-93918-1-1.html B站预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jL411q7Ta/ ...
[尼尔:机械纪元]白之约定 替换吉他(guitar)
包含夜光 ,ICON(武器图标),套用官方武士刀音频 吉他原版动作 第一第三人称视角都有光环 其实按游戏设定拿手里是没有的,但我觉得带光环好看 贴图参数有点整不明白 制作模型的老师只给了刀柄的贴图,剩下的都是我自己加的 借物表: 模型:taka96ga2sin B站预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nw411n7bB ...
[蔚蓝档案] 供餐部自卫枪械A型(爱清枫香)替换MAC-10(有消音那个) 枪械原型:MP7A1
供餐部自卫枪械A型(爱清枫香)替换MAC-10(有消音那个) 枪械原型:MP7A1 (Blue Archive)MP7A1 × 爱清枫香涂装 原版mod的作者做了三个版本模型,所以你在游戏中有时看到有光圈但是缺少部件的情况是正常的现象,是有三种不同的形态的 有夜光 原版mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2605129723 这把枪实在是太好用了,太喜欢了 希望能度过平安的一天,哪怕只有今天(T_T) 祝枫香生日快乐!!!...
[印花集] QBZ-191 Tactical × [东方] 魔理沙印花主题之集(SG552)
Created by 德丽傻
QBZ-191 Tactical 替换 SG552 ——改进了模型贴图 ——并且带有夜光效果 ——更新了描边版本:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3165273433 -——Improved model textures ——and has a glow-in-the-dark effect ——There is no model stroke effect for the time being, and may be added...
[印花集]APEX朱雀 瓦鸡传家宝
- Replaces the pichfork 替换草叉,用了闇_桜大佬的刀刃流动材质,感谢大佬的作品。 原作者: 重伤倒地乐 原MOD: apex朱雀(瓦尔基里传家宝) 预览视频 最后非常感谢大佬的授权。 ...
[Advanced Bot AI] 更多生还者AI功能
Created by LGPLv3
各种奇怪的功能 1. Bot的战斗方式有整体的提升,提升清特感和清小僵尸能力(优化一部分被包围后处理小僵尸能力)。 2. 更快的救人速度。 3. Bot能够丢一部分的投掷物。 4. Bot能够使用除颤器。 5. Bot能够使用弹药升级包。 6. 手持投掷物右键Bot可以交换Bot身上的投掷物。 7. 如果玩家没药没包的时候,Bot还会主动把自己的资源递给玩家,不管是药,包,或是投掷物。 8. 避免一些Bot踩痰救人的情况。 9. 更快的反应速度。 10. 玩家死了之后又没有包,Bot就会plan b(会自己...
Created by SkyFall
provenance:APEX Replace:UZI Models:CS:GO社区服zed移植 动作: Apex Legends - R-99 transplant BILIBILI: https://space.bilibili.com/26198578 Preview the diagram: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1779508163019377033/D79AE0840FEFF834C2FB53C316226E494913074E/?...
[Apex]Triple Take HYPERDRIVE(scout)
Created by shu
This mod was made using Twilight Sparkle's Triple take mod,all weapon animations are from her mod Replace scout Credits: model porting - shu Porting/Rigging/Extra Animations - Twilight Sparkle Model/Textures/Animations - Respawn Entertainment ...
[Apex]Garra de Alanza(Loba Heirloom)
Created by shu
Replace machete It has 7 deploy animations, which are only work on your server. This mod was published by me on bilibili on October 25th. Now I publish it to the workshop,and added a new deploy animation. Original mod link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/B...
[Apex]kunai(Wraith heirloom)
Created by shu
replace knife It has five additional deploy animations and two inspect animations.These animations are not available in multiplayer. No particle effects.I can't do it There is no audio replacement because the audio volume from APEX is very low, and when yo...
[APEX]Nemesis The Cleaner
Created by shu
Replace scar I have remade its animation and now it is closer to the APEX Note that there are still differences between it and APEX There are many parts of the animation that have been modified due to fingers twisting or passing through the gun, or influen...
[Apex]suzaku(Valkyrie Heirloom)
Created by shu
Replace pitchfork I still don't know how to port arm animations, but this time I changed the method of creating arm animations so that complex inspection animations can be make Credits: Model\Animation - Respawn Entertainment Porting\Rigging - shu...
[Blue Archive]Alice Tendou (maid) replace Louis
Created by Elaina
Alice Tendou (maid) replace Louis model:Koikatu/ SolityL Jiggle bones/飘动骨骼 Expression/表情 VRD Use the zoey action/使用zoey动作 The survivor portraits blinking animations....
[CODOL]CSG12 BLACK HOLE(shotgun_spas)
Created by MxDlZnB
Model: CODOL Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODOL Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB ...
[Destiny2] Ace of Spades
Replace - Magnum(Desert Eagle) and sound and icon this weapon is from <Destiny/Destiny2> Model - <Bungie> Motivation By <桃乐丝>...
[Destiny2] The Lament
Replace - Chainsaw Because of L4D2's some limitations,between actions and actions,the animation transition is a bit werid I want replace the but i can't find anysound more suitable then default sound In <Destiny2> "Lament"s sound is...just like a fullauto ...
[FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL/Touhou Project][APEX][Transplant/reprint]R-99-Kirisame Marisa-FLOWER KNIGHT
Created by SkyFall
Introduce: Besides Lingmeng, another most important character in the Oriental series. Taking Lingmeng as the initial interface of the game and Malisha as the game icon is the Convention of Oriental Series STG games (Windows integer games). (men in charge o...
[Genshin]可莉坦克/Klee Tank
Created by ERROR
自制模组,替换特殊感染者坦克 锵锵,可莉登场! 模型和贴图:模之屋@Welton 编译:ERROR(我) 做这个的原因是因为看了这个生草视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qY4y1A7D5 花了点时间摸出来,建议搭配可莉坦克BGM食用 A Mod made by me,replace special infected Tank. Model and texture: Aplaybox@Welton Compile:ERROR(Me) I made this mod b...
[Hanazono Serena] theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline
Created by 假的蛋糕蛋糕
theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline I decided to make a Hanazono Serena Adrenaline Used RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline) made by 8sianDude The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please leave a good comment whic...
[Improved] Headshot Feedback Effect
Created by MANACAT
This add-on adds SOUND and BLOOD EFFECTS when killing zombies with headshots. When a bullet hits a zombie's head, you want feedback that tells you it's a headshot just by hearing the sound? This add-on makes a blunt sound when you kill a zombie with a head...
Created by 春田在手
用大声娇喘替换除了TANK以外的特感攻击音效。 注意不要社死 =============================== Replace the attack sound effects of all special infected (including the Witch) except for the Tank with loud moaning sounds 素材来源: 旅する魔女が行く先々でHな目にあうアニメ ...
[R18]A Guitar
Created by 超级热土人
R18 Modified the map of the guitar The original picture is from:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=67795268...
[xdR] California Girls
Created by xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
「 粉色系列 」number.29-兔兔锤 - [ 板球棒 ] | 夜光版 /「 Pink series 」Cricket bat | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.29 - 板球棒 | Cricket bat 自制模组NO.4 - 粉色兔兔锤 / Rabbit hammer 这应该是目前做的模型里面咱最喜欢的一个,希望你会喜欢 好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱 φ(≧ω≦*)♪ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352671239790/C42DA9B39D68D5D54C64B52B405BC182CCBF0BDF/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima...
「Plants vs Zombies」音效 - 捡起钻石 替换 保护队友等UI声音
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「Plants vs Zombies」音效 - 捡起钻石 替换 保护队友等UI声音 UI Sound : 保护队友,救起队友,帮助队友,复活房救出队友,递药给队友...... ...
^^孩子不懂事做着玩的 如果你也想制作同款Mod,欢迎上B站搜索—— 小春都看得懂的小人枪Mod制作全流程 不必成为义子,也不用担心成为直立牲口,两小时一个的赛博大锅饭,自己动手就行 但是似乎有人把这个当成自己的专利了呢 ...
【碧蓝航线】超超可爱の小甜橙 小人枪 替换 榴弹发射器 Replaces grenade_launcher~
Created by 夜のろうそく
谨以祝贺碧蓝航线六周年~ 为了防止那些又白又晃的大船穿上泳装后 使钱包大破! 牛子受到不可逆的伤害! 让我们一起来单推超可爱的小甜橙吧! ———————————— 替换榴弹发射器的模型、声音和动画。 Replaces grenade_launcher including model、sound、animation sequence. ·动画均为自制,换弹动画参考了在恋爱循环中咱非常喜欢的一段动作,检视动画参考了小鳐的日常。 ·拥有长达十几秒的检视动画。(have view animations that l...
【碧蓝航线】独角兽手枪(Azur lane Unicorn pistol)
Created by 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了手枪(replace pistol) 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) Pid=83064048 更新说明 21/7/15增加细节(Add details ) 家里的电脑出问题了,出来上网顺便做个mod 这么敬业的作者不应该来个赞吗(笑)...
【动态】猎杀者匕首-数据流 替换 小刀
Created by 燕双鹰
简介 【动态】猎杀者匕首-数据流 替换 小刀 Huntsman Knife Data Stream Replace knife) 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials 与原mod没有任何改变,我只是修改一下替换成了小刀 已经过原作者授权 原作者:Natsumi_Channel 原替换砍刀https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2905580739&tscn=1672382025 ...
【明日方舟/动态】水月胆汁瓶(替换胆汁瓶)/【Arknights/GIF】Mizuki Boomer Bile
Created by Aslier
“Please send my kid love.”——Namie ============================= Replaced texture and sound ====================== GIF from《明日方舟》EP - Y1K 侵权删除 ==================================== 使用前提示: 该物品有夜光,但在夜光起作用的时候会看到动图有一定的重影只要不介意反倒感觉更酷炫了一点? 本来是从EP里找到一段循环的部分,但有127帧,而...
【明日方舟/Arknights】W 土制炸弹 pipe bomb
Created by Nagasaki Soyorin
只要全部干掉就完事了吧?别想那么简单?那真麻烦啊...... 之前一直做超天酱我想你们应该也看腻了,干脆试着做下舟好了。 替换了贴图和声音(replace basetexture and sound) 滴答声:三技能爆炸倒数时的声音 爆炸是原皮的语音,飞机导弹的爆炸是恍惚皮肤的语音 录语音时我无意间发现这两个皮肤的语音是独立的( 制作风格参考自(劣质的模仿):假的蛋糕蛋糕 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614208609 Or...
【赛马娘】爱慕织姬MP9 替换 UZI (夜光)/ (Umamusume Admire Vega MP9 Deplace UZI glow)
Created by KS_Azusa
替换了 UZI微冲(Deplace UZI) 不刺眼的高光(glow) 注:替换了模型,贴图,声音 原mod来自 Twilight Sparkle: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=223057939&searchtext=Mp9 origin mod from Twilight Sparkle: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=223057939&se...
Created by 只是地狱吖
突发奇想,就花了一天半做了这个MOD 该MOD含有:飘动骨骼 耳朵与尾巴的动画 第三人称的描边 手腕VRD 为什么没有第一人称描边呢,因为无法保证描边模型与手模权重完全相同,而且也没多好看 毕竟手模离摄像机较近,描边的瑕疵看得一清二楚 有bug可来b站私信反馈(UID:454130937) ================ model form Cygames compile by diyujiang fix by diyujiang/cats ================ 封面插画pixiv id:1...
Umamusume Tokai Teio Replace hunter
Created by GEtFiRe
Replace hunter Jiggle bones ...
- Minecraft - Wither Skeleton (Charger)
Created by 苦黄瓜
这里是简介 Description below: 来自我的世界的凋零骷髅替换牛牛 Wither Skeleton From Minecraft Replace for Charger 此MOD包含模型,贴图 This mod includes model/texture 此mod未修改Charger的判定箱,原版头部位置大概在眼睛高度 It doesn`t change the physics box, the head position is about the eye level Credits: 模型...
- Minecraft - Baby Zombie (Jockey)
Created by 苦黄瓜
这里是简介 Description below: MC的小僵尸替换Jockey Minecraft Baby Zombie Replace for Jockey 此MOD包含模型,贴图 This mod includes model/texture 此mod未修改Jockey的判定箱,原版头部位置大概在眼睛的位置,身体位置在模型后方 It doesn`t change the physics box, the head position is about the eye level, the body is...
- Minecraft - Bogged (Spitter)
Created by 苦黄瓜
这里是简介 Description below: 来自我的世界最新1.21快照版的沼骸替换口水 Bogged From Minecraft Newest pre version of 1.21 Replace for Spitter 此MOD包含模型,贴图 This mod includes model/texture 此mod未修改Spitter的判定箱,原版头部位置大概在模型头部正中心 It doesn`t change the physics box, the head position is abo...
【原神】COD:MW2022 Chimera 申鹤 替换 MP5
Created by FenLan.
替换 MP5 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 Chimera 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908110509&searchtext= ——我闭关修炼的时长有所削减,修为却不知不觉的增进。我将湖面冻成冰镜,让浮云和星斗浮现在眼前。 ...
【原神】M1014—甘雨(替换一代连喷) / 【Genshin Impact】M1014—GANYU
Created by 洛兮
替换一代连喷XM1014,replace autoshotgun xm1014 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normalmap),测试发现夜光并不合适,所以没添加! 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2173833864 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfile...
【原神/Genshin】刻晴/KEQING replace Zoey
Created by Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 素材:mihoyo 制作不易,喜欢请点个赞 DD闲聊群:697196002 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
【原神冲击】乔吉|胡涛 Replace 弗朗西斯
Created by 诗绮美 / Shikimi
————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Francis. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➧ Credits: 오연서 For the original upload (I asked his permission before compile her to Francis). ————————————————————————————————...
Created by 冇van题
手模一般,脚和膝盖有点问题 更新:人物变高了,脖子略微缩短了一点 12.5:添加乳摇 1.29:修改贴图参数 5.6:修改贴图参数 2024.7.14:优化手模 2024.7.18:飘带增加透明度 本模型素材的最终版权归【广州库洛科技有限公司】所属? created by 战双帕弥什/1010浣? ...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 Holger-26 邦比娜塔 替换 M60
Created by FenLan.
替换 M60 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 mav 制作的 COD:MW2019 Holger-26 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2635874609 ——唔....可爱吗?是主人为邦比娜塔选择的。需要更换为指挥官您的偏好吗?...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 M4A1 比安卡 替换 M16
Created by FenLan.
替换 M16 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 mav 制作的 COD:MW2019 M4A1 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2638479610 ——久违,指挥官阁下。无需惊讶,只是进行了一次机体更新。那么,清理部队队长比安卡,将继续为您效劳。...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 Vector 蒲牢 替换 Uzi
Created by FenLan.
替换 Uzi 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 Nstrey 制作的 COD:MW2019 Vector 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2809672914 ——以前我总觉得,只有握着武器的时候才能安心,但是现在,像这样握着指挥官的手,就好像能获得面对一切困难度勇气……现在的我们,可是什么都能办到的!指挥官你说是不是啊?...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2022 TAQ-M 21号 替换 30发军用连狙
Created by FenLan.
替换 30发军用连狙 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2022 TAQ-M 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2946501657 ——抓痕?跟21号没关系。不信你看。上次你说了,21号就再也没有把武器带进来了。而且,21号当时只是想比比,桌子和爪子,哪个更坚固。 效果图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/207563...
【战双帕弥什】Medical supplies set of four 医疗用品4件套 21号 替换 血包、电击器、肾上腺素、止痛药
Created by FenLan.
替换 血包、电击器、饮料、止痛药 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 ❀Beau❀、8sianDude、 Vanyarin、scream 制作的 医疗用品 原物品地址: 8sianDude【肾上腺素】 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2559240784 Vanyarin【电击器】 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789757961 ❀Bea...
【真白花音Mashiro Kanon】哒咩(推人音效)
Created by 小芝麻凛
【真白花音Mashiro Kanon】哒咩(推人音效) ...
【HUNTER / 追猎者】COD:MW2022 Expedite12 暗夜猎人 替换 M1014(一代连喷)
Created by FenLan.
替换 M1014(一代连喷) 复刻:COD19【追猎者】系列皮肤:暗夜猎人 Replica: COD19【hunter】Series Skin: Night Hunter 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2022 Expedite12 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882896669 M82A1闇冥 / BaiF*ckmouse:Compile / Audio / ...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
Created by 老瑞瑞
vtuber rurudo 替换 Nick 介绍:mod来源工坊,在原mod基础上进行修改 更改了v模并且测试大部分武器没有出现手部扭曲 降低部分地方分辨率,降低mod大小 填补缺少的倒地贴图,并且删除内裤 添加了动态头像,处理了裙子穿模(new!) 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/30/AjKhrwetD5b9xXT.gif 点击图片跳转原mod//Click on the image to jump to the original mod 原mod:>>秋善冬華/Koha...
Created by TPP
模型来源 TararaTarako 替换人物 Nick MOD包括 第一人称,第三人称,乳摇,屁股摇,飘动,表情,局部夜光 其他 有bug请在留言区反馈 谢谢! ...
【tank】紫薯替换TANK(带表情)/Zishu Replace Tank(With expression)
Created by TPP
创作者 はむけつ-版权 はむけつ-模型 TPP-编译 小孩子跟风做着玩 2023.2.7 独自抽泣 2023.2.7 更新tank第一人称手模...
【vtuber】愛乃てすら 替换 佐伊 replace zoey
Created by 流歌Ruka
感谢柒夕提供模型文件 作成者 稔 twitter: pailmond_ 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘骨:流歌Ruka 算是个定制mod 定制内容为无袖巫女maya手臂 该mod包含:第三人称 第一人称 vgui r摇 夜光 眨眼 表情 视频预览 转载请注明借物表,这个mod的链接以及我的id ...
【Vtuber/百鬼绫目/百鬼(なきり) あやめ/Nakiri Ayame】百鬼绫目替换Coach
Created by TPP
人間様たちこんなきりー!百鬼あやめだぞ!! 简介 魔界学校所属の和装鬼娘。いたずら好きで、よく鬼火を飛ばして他人をからかって遊んでいる。こう見えて実は生徒会長。 魔界学校所属的和服鬼神女孩,喜欢恶作剧,常常放出鬼火戏弄他人。虽然如此实际上是学生会长。 人设 hololive所属的虚拟鬼神,头上双角彰显着鬼神的身份,身穿着带有彼岸花图案的古风服装,身后系着红白铃绪结和背负着两把武器,与式神共同从幽世来到现世。 清脆的声线被观众赞誉清楚,说话过程常常把自己逗笑,直播常伴有悦耳的低笑声。 直播多以游戏实况、杂谈、...
〔蔚蓝档案] QBZ-95 砂狼白子(夜光) 替换 原版SCAR(三连发那个)
〔蔚蓝档案] QBZ-95 砂狼白子 替换 原版SCAR(三连发那个) QBZ95 X 砂狼白子涂装 没错,一切的原因都是因为玩BA玩的 你敢信为师第一次遇见白子是在文明6创意工坊的阿拜多斯文明模组里(-_-) zzz 原版95式传送门:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2105661848 https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/05/tqJjD4TdQePwWMa.webp 白子酱生日快乐!!!贴贴!!! htt...
2023 1 5 完全重置版 碧蓝档案 天童爱丽丝 替换弗朗西斯 Blue Archive survivor
欸嘿,做了两天的成果,她真可爱嘿嘿嘿。 玩的开心。 我才不会告诉你我做这个mod是因为我看了爱丽丝的本子( 太瑟琴了heiheiheihei 包括 vrd骨骼 飘动骨骼 ui 人物模型 手模 本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.788.0.0 欢迎关注 eills 帽子版本:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2855045894 2023 1 5 完全...
白火 replace katana/替换武士刀
Created by 鬼方恂
替换武士刀katana 感谢繁梦授权的武士刀动作和工程文件 原mod链接https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3077611545 模型来源自boothオリジナル3Dモデル】KUGINASABLADE-クギナサブレード-【カタナブレード】 https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/5547568 做了黑色款的 做的不是很好,希望大家喜欢。 如果你喜欢这个MOD然后想进行二次创作的话,请随意(不过最好在你的简介底下备注MO...
白洲 アズサ | AK47 - 鳖载着理发店 の 步枪AK47 | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 别在这里发癫 / 白洲 アズサ | replace the AK47 | Luminous 鳖载着理发店 / 白洲梓 | 替换 步枪AK47 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.ne...
崩坏3rd 丽塔镰刀 替换 铁铲 Replace "shovel"
Created by 765611984044657632
· 崩坏3rd 丽塔镰刀 替换 铁铲 Replace "shove" · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) ...
Created by
咩啊,之前做的CS2炎魔咆哮模组视频有人说是我技术力不行做的才不好看, 虽然这点是确实的但是好像没啥好说的, 反正我给求生之路2也做了个炎魔咆哮MOD动作基本仿照原版K的~ 音效也差不多吧 演示https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14u4y1772U ...
Created by
这是之前粉丝老爷想要的武器,这次没有K动画而是套用了别的动画, 不过反正M60也没法换弹无所谓 演示 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fj411h7Ya ...
春原 シュン(幼) | Military Sniper - 春原瞬(幼) の 军用狙击枪 | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 春原 シュン(幼) | replace the Military Sniper | Luminous 春原瞬(幼) | 替换 军用狙击枪 / 30连 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaih...
东雪莲 我爱你 推人音效
Created by 王嘉然
关键词:东雪莲,罕见,CNM,操你妈,焯你妈 推人音效...
Created by 秋善冬華
每次添加链接就被隐藏,抱歉啊大伙这是补最后一次了 ...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Created by 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
这简介我懒得再写了,复制都懒得再复制了,反正懂的都懂,不懂的去翻之前的作品的简介看。还是那句话,认准B站作者:CY火余 (*^▽^*) 模型:碧蓝档案,Blue Archive 普通佳代子替换小手枪,春节佳代子替代双枪。演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ns4y1B7DX 再有人过来问我咋小人在哪在哪看不完整啥的,指定有你好果子吃啊!ヽ(`Д´)ノ还有别再找我加啥steam好友了,不会同意的 ̄へ ̄ ...
和泉元艾米 | SPAS-12 艾米 | Luminous
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places. 艾米替换二代连喷SPAS-12 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Gs4y1m7HJ 模型:Blu...
机动战队-胧 替换 佐伊 / ironsaga-Oboro(Zoey)
Created by 泽雨胧夜
机动战队-胧 替换 佐伊 this mod replace Zoey this character comes from mobile games ———————————— 关于该MOD: 该模型属于 : 机动战队手游官方 制作者 : 一夜回到解放前 大家好,在两年前我曾委托先生,将机动战队的角色斯洛卡伊和胧的模型分别制作成人物MOD分享在创意工坊 两个模型分别替换了四个游戏人物,如有兴趣请查看下方链接 而胧替换佐伊的文件则未发布,仅由我自己保留使用。之后有一段时间没玩了,最近想起来找到了VPK文件,故上传...
空崎日奈 | M60 泳装hina | Luminous
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转�? This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 泳装hina替换M60 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Eg4y1x72o/ 模型:Blue A...
这是 流歌Ruka 的虚拟形象 流妈嘿嘿嘿,我的流妈嘿嘿嘿,大大的,香香的,软软的嘿嘿嘿。 我可太喜欢啦!!! 故事是,轩辕用ai作画给流歌设定了人设图,我就用一天时间从恋活捏人还原了并且导出 到求生里面做成mod了。(衣服找不到一样的啦!) mod包括 表情 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 现在,让流歌(流妈妈)和你们并肩作战吧!冲鸭!!!aaaaaa 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fd4y1q7fx/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0...
龙珠 主菜单图标
Created by Coffee Biscuit
龙珠(Dragon Ball ) 替换了原来的八个图标 图来源于龙珠斗士z 然后没了 _(┐ ◟ᐕ)¬_ ...
Arknights Specter the Unchained- Bile Bomb(Glow) Remake Version
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
祝你在梦中也能保持清醒。 替换了胆汁 Replace Bile Bomb 替换了材质,增加了特效,感谢原作者:Martel Replaced the material, Added particles, thanks to the original author:Martel 原MOD地址/The original MOD 外观 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2012576066228296516/2B5D98702480848690953BC0D5C...
浦和 ハナコ|SCAR 花子(泳装)
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
这简介我懒得再写了,复制都懒得再复制了,反正懂的都懂,不懂的去翻之前的作品的简介看。还是那句话,认准B站作者:CY火余 (*^▽^*) 模型:碧蓝档案,Blue Archive 泳装花子替换SCAR。演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hV41137sJ 最近被这抽卡整得心烦,后面看心情更新了,既用且珍惜 ...
Created by 咕噜可爱安
青眼白龙 替换榴弹枪 第一次做,做的很普通 游戏王-青眼白龙 龙年小玩具,喜欢就点个赞 视频演示【 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16p421o7P2/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=65c97f1dcac8ae97b7b45ac67068d928】 可根据个人喜好添加榴弹粒子特效...
umamusume Rice Shower Replace Witch (included wedding dress one)
Created by GEtFiRe
Replace Witch (included wedding dress one) If you like it,please give a good review! included Jiggle bones vrd ...
少女前线 维克托 万圣节<猫猫肉垫> 燃烧瓶/Girls Frontline Hallowmas KRISS Vector<kitten volar pad?> molotov
Created by dark^RUMi
少女前线 维克托 万圣节<猫猫肉垫> (燃烧瓶)/Girls Frontline Hallowmas KRISS Vector<kitten volar pad?> molotov 技术有限,萌新尽量做好作品。lack of technology,rookie try to be an molotov. 推荐大家可以找些燃烧瓶动作、音效等的替换mod,搭配食用效果会很好的。 i recommend you folks can find some molotov sound and other replace...
Created by mmi开心
聖園 ミカ | Uzi - 圣园未花 の Uzi冲锋枪 | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Mika / 聖園 ミカ | replace the UZI | Luminous Mika / 圣园未花 | 替换 UZI冲锋枪 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc...
天童爱丽丝 | AWP 爱丽丝(女仆)|Luminous
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places. 认准modB站作者(๑•ω•๑):CY火余 爱丽丝(女仆)替换AWP 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/...
通用材质 General Materials
说明 · 此物品仅用于个人MOD所使用的部分通用材质 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
小鳥遊 ホシノ(水) | Autoshotgun - 小鳥遊星野(水) の 一代连喷 | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 小鳥遊 ホシノ(水) | replace the Auto Shotgun | Luminous 小鳥遊星野(水) | 替换 一代连喷 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...
雪穗椛替换妹子 replace witch(夜光)
还是雪穗椛,这次是妹子 包括河畔的新娘妹子和普通妹子模型 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ ...
印花集 双持武士刀
Created by 偷跑仙人
替换武士刀 希望大家喜欢 视频链接https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1e24y1Y7DV/...
原神 卡比兔兔替换Bommer(Made by MLUI)
Created by 寻绪
这个mod是MLUI大佬mod的补档,MLUI大佬于2月5日下午删库退坑,精致的人物感染者等一系列mod都随之被删除。 本人仅上传,一切版权归原作者所有。如果原作者不满意,认为此行为侵权,本人立即删除。 也希望mod作者早日回归,重新上传mod。 This mod is a supplementary file of the MLUI’s mod. MLUI deleted a lot of mods in the afternoon of February 5, and a series of MODS ...
Admin Menu 2.0 (Simplified Chinese)
Created by 边渡友次子
Admin Menu 2.0 Simplified Chinese...
Admin System
Created by Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Apex Legends - Dead Man's Curve | Fire axe
Created by Leepc12XD
"You don't want to see this up close, skin bag." Model & Texture & Sound & Animation - Respawn Entertainment Animations & Porting & Compiling - Leepc12XD...
Apex Legends - Death Hammer (Guitar)
Created by Twilight Sparkle
Continuing with the melee weapons, i bring you now the Death Hammer from Season 6, Caustic's signature weapon, this one will replace the ("Guitar") as it comes with its original animations and sounds, so yeah, not much to say other than i hope you guys lik...
Apex Legends - Raven's Bite
Created by Twilight Sparkle
So after some time, i forgot i done this.. oops. but in any case, here it is so it doesn't get abandoned, but anyways, so this is the Raven's Bite, and its Bloodhound's signature melee weapon, this will replace the Crowbar as it comes with its original ani...
Apex Legends - Shock Sticks
Created by Twilight Sparkle
Continuing wit the new melee weapon from the heirloom, i bring you Lifeline's Shock Sticks, they are not really that "shocking" but you get the idea, anyways this will replace the Night Stick or Tonfa or whatever its called and it comes with its original a...
Apex Legends - Wingman
Created by Twilight Sparkle
So continuing with the Apex weapons, i bring you now the Wingman, this one will replace the Desert Eagle ( (Aka Deagle or whatever), and it comes with its orignal animations and sounds, so yeah not much to easy other than i hope you guys like it or not and...
Apex Legends Hud for - Ratio 16:10 ONLY
Created by MeFoxly
THIS IS ONLY FOR Aspect Ratio Widescreen 16:10 Original mod can be found https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2720331563 Apex Legends Hud for L4D. First ever mod so let me know if any bugs occur. Tested only in Co op/ Single/ Survival not...
Apex Wingman Animated Skin
Created by HK560
Readme Apex Legends - Wingman Animated Skin Need to subscribe “Apex Legends - Wingman” Replace Deagle comment if you have any question 皮肤定制请查看此链接 Bilibili preview video 关于转载或使用 禁止CSGO社区服移植使用该皮肤 (除EXG社区) 移植转载请先联系我 皮肤作者SkinAuther HK560 原作品Credits: Assets Ext...
Apex英雄 平行步枪 VK47 散热器 【枪声修改版】APEX VK47 HEAT SINK 【Sound modification】
Created by 电磁骑士
描述:Apex英雄 平行步枪 VK47 散热器 【枪声修改版】APEX VK47 HEAT SINK 【Sound modification】 该MOD由 HK560 大佬提供 原MOD链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828179053 修改内容:开火音效 这个MOD的外观真的太漂亮了 个人非常喜欢 但觉得原版的音效并不怎么好听 所以修改了一下音效 音效来源:PlanetSide2中的Vx29北极星开火音效 最后再次感谢 ...
Arknights - Mudrock's hammer(replace golfclub) 明日方舟 - 泥岩·黑曜石 锤 替换 高尔夫球棍
Created by SHArknight
沃土磐石,站起来吧。 -------------------------------------- 替换模型,动作,音效 是泥岩新皮的锤子,为啥不做原皮的锤? 我会告诉你是因为3D萌新不会做飘带吗?(理直气壮) 下图的泥岩角色mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787182300 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1813273200190585292/76764E6A8D...
Arknights - Mulberry AK-12 Skin(AK-47) Glow 明日方舟 - 桑葚 AK-12皮肤 替换AK-47 夜光
Created by SHArknight
护目镜......好,戴好了,准备要上了! -------------------------------------- 原模传送门:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=556271167 侵权删除 If the infringement occurs, I will delete this addon Credits: Killing Floor 2 - Model; Animations; Original Textures; A...
Arknights - Nightingale RE8 SGR-12 skin (spas) glow 明日方舟 - 夜莺·灿阳朝露 SGR-12皮肤 替换spas 夜光
Created by SHArknight
再次进行一个求夜莺新皮肤的作法 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2510910208 Original Mod - 8sianDude 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace spas model,animation,sounds 截图手臂长度是58 和替换一代连喷的SGR-12不会有贴图冲突放心吧 Original Credits: - Thor's Hammer model: Capcom - AN/PEQ-1...
Arknights - Shining ACR skin replace SG552 glow 明日方舟 - 闪灵 ACR替换SG552 夜光
Created by SHArknight
不要再回到战场上了,这里没有救赎。 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2326502898 原图 画师:-秩序菜机- 侵删 Credits: Scope Reflection - Mr.Brightside Sounds - Leon ACOG model&texture - Roman Prusakevich ACOG Lens texture - thanz HellSpike - ANPEQ2 Model El M...
Arknights - Whisperain SL8 skin (Hunting Rifle) glow 明日方舟 - 絮雨 SL8-1皮肤 替换15连狙 夜光
Created by SHArknight
这就是他们故事的结局,一个又一个悲剧...... 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1749955878 Original Mod - Lt. Rocky 原图 图片演示里的絮雨角色MOD https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2505322191 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 全部枪都做完...
Arknights Nearl the Radiant Knight Dynamic Skin MWR PK-PSD9 (MP5) (Glow)
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
总有一天,我们将扫清苦暗的迷障,等待初光洒下,等待......一个更好的明天。 替换了MP5 Replace MP5 替换了模型,材质,枪声,感谢原作者:zmg/Denny凯妈 Replaced the model, material, gun sound, thanks to the original author:zmg/Denny凯妈 原MOD地址/The original MOD 展示视频/Showcase Video https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...
Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart- Knife (Tonfa / Nightstick) [Animated Skin]
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
过去的你想过这样的未来吗,博士?哪怕现在的你只会恨我。我不怕你的恨,博士。如果想的话,就这样继续恨下去吧......在你依然还能恨的时候。 替换了警棍 Replace Tonfa / Nightstick 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:wx Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:wx 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net...
AWP 鲨鱼Gura 巧克力脆脆鲨 发光(替换AWP)replace awp (glow)
新手第二作,仅修改贴图材质,发光,比上一作稍微精细一点。 寄了,再做只剩同质化。 Model from CSGO: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222951058 更新了法线贴图和高光材质参数,高画质下质感更好 预览图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1844795862631663016/56C1BFAF4334A282711403A9408658B29B16D726/...
Blue Archive 亚津子 SKIN EVO
Created by 老瑞瑞
Blue Archive 亚津子 SKIN EVO 替换 Mp5 摸了好久才给摸出来,还存在不少瑕疵,不过也是懒得去修,仅个人使用,谢谢 >>视频展示点击转到(点击这里)<< 来点鼓励,继续做下一期!!! ...
Blue Archive Shared Content
Created by Cuba
This addon contains assets that are shared between multiple Blue Archive mods I have made. ...
Borderlands Loot Beams [Server Mod]
Created by ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
Host your game locally to use it. This script creates beams for all usable items. Weapons, melees, throwables, healthitems, carryables like gnomes, gascans etc etc...Known issues are the poor origin of the propane tank which is pretty off. Be carefull to u...
这是一款穿越火线擎天模型,它替换了游戏内的官方棒球棒。穿越火线中的近战武器擎天,替换官方的球棒,设置增加了动态荧光,加了一对动态眼非常拉风。切换和攻击声音做了替换,攻击和推制作了特效,稍微有些延迟,不过动作基本还原,推荐。 由“凡白独战群尸,爱敏~”制作,我高贵的大三亿里面的军用铲铲,好像拥有宇宙能量一样在发红色的荧光,很强势,贵族专享,一板铲(chuaner)敲(kao)死那些穷逼,本站提供求生之路2穿越火线科幻擎天铲铲MOD,需要的玩家不要错过哦! MOD来源于网络 如侵权请告知,好删除 ...
charlotte Sound
Created by 时运Ⅲ
ともり なお奈绪酱的 锵 jiang~~替换拾取物品音效 replace pick item sound...
Charlotte Tomori Nao For Rochelle | 夏洛特 友利奈绪 替换Rochelle
Created by PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Charlotte Tomori Nao 友利奈绪 Replaces Rochelle 替换Rochelle V2.0更新:全新的面部表情、全新的骨骼系统和飘动骨骼特效以及第一人称手臂系统 V2.0 Update:New flex animations,bones,jiggle bones,first person rig feature 模型特点: Flex animations 面部表情动画 w model & v model W模和V模 Zoey's animations 佐伊的骨骼动画 jiggle...
COMM: Broly [Tank]
Commissioned by Kit ___________________________________________________ Features: - Tank Model - Tank Sacrifice Model - Tank L4D1 Model ___________________________________________________ Model from: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Model and all rights belongs to:...
Common Sense & Echolink - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A gun with a cute design that Ayane is wielding. Unless you repeatedly say or do something insane in front of her, you don't get to see this in front of her very often The pistol that Kotama always carries. It is a model with a minimized firing sound so as...
CSGO Desert Eagle(csgo沙漠之鹰丨印花集)
Created by nacho
Add reload operation to the original version Support the original author https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2331189386...
Deathcraft Zombies
Created by Splinks
Thank you for everyone that gave their love to the new Deathcraft II Campaign. Myself and Special KBS greatly appreciate the support. So to thank you all for the many complements, we give you the common infected we used for deathcraft II. ~~~~~~~~~ATTENTIO...
Diescraper Redux
Created by Rectus
After being firebombed, the survivors must flee their safehouse, and find their way to safety. A 4 map campaign playable in all game modes. Extensively tested on Versus. Now playable on offical servers (possibly running outdated versions). Supported mutati...
Dragon Ball Super Music Pack
Created by W Λ T C H Ξ R
Content: Tank (00:52) & (01:18): Believe in Yourself (String Version) Hunter: Vegeta's Strength Jockey: Trouble Erupts Charger: A Tough Battle Smoker: The Terror of Freeza's Army Boomer: Champa's Theme Spitter: The Final Death-Match Witch: Beerus' Madness ...
Dragon Ball Super-Loading Screen(2)
Created by 卡卡™
Goku and his friends are enjoying Christmas.The picture originates from the internet...
Enderman (Smoker)
Created by Salvador_DS
Hailing from the dark End Dimension lives the Enderman. Tall, dark, and slender these creatures will not attack players on sight unless you attack them first and are actually pretty chill otherwise. I mean yeah, they'll occasionally steal your blocks but i...
ESC-Magnify flashlight
Created by 徒手开根号
Press ESC key at the beginning of each game to enlarge the flashlight with one click. No matter the local server or any other server is valid. No matter the local server or any other server is valid. No matter the local server or any other server is valid....
Created by R󠀡F
Original campaign made by H(eiti). My personal L4D2 port of this great campaign, which i think is more "faithful" to L4D1 version than other ports. L4D1 Version: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2511 Original Description: "The stages take place in Japan. m...
Genshin Impact Yae Miko R-18
Created by Vaz0w
This addon replaces Louis, and it's not for all ages. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Mihoyo MDJSN ShujinStudent Lonろん Cover: Pid: 96102269 Author: Nyansa...
Honkai Impact 3 Bronya - Breaking and entering the lurid rabbit Replace the silenced submachine gun
Honkai Impact 3 Bronya - Breaking and entering the lurid rabbit Replace the silenced submachine gun It was a failed test MOD, I was gonna try multiple muzzle fires, but I don't know why it didn't work. And then you take the leftovers and you make them like...
Created by 花の韵❄
HUD-RGB 血条 速度表 武器槽 击杀框 隐藏队友倒地背景 透明Tab&聊天框 禁止转载私自上传等 https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Blood bar speedometer Weapon slot kill box Hide the team member's falling background transparent tab&chat box It is forbidden to reprint, upload, etc. privately 大部分准星使用hudl...
ice sword (Golf clubs)
Created by ZMing
动作https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=562070011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 替换高尔夫球杆 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
infected damage display
Created by 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Infinite Warfare Effects Support ( for particles manifest )
Created by Urik
REQUIRED: - "particles manifest" (see required items) - you might need to restart your game for this to work LIST OF MODS that use it ...
Is Hollywood Particle Effects(Eye protection version)
Created by 易知诸22
It's a delicate particle effects mod.I don't know why it was deleted by the original author - Tenryuu. This kind of special cinematic effects is quite realistic.Like the effects that we can view in some movies! In order to show it to us again.I upload it f...
Created by 徒手开根号
Replace the Crowbar melee,Self luminous.Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time i want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop Original edition from no one https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
LED Flashlight (infected & survivor)
Created by 徒手开根号
Infection with Led light, Let the infected vision become clear.soft and not dazzling, replace the main line of sight of infected and survivor https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
lord dragon [spitter]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's lord dragon replace spitter in game. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是mua猫装替换了jockey 希望大家喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces spitter. 替换 spitter ------------------------Then/胡说...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Created by Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Majin Buu Replace Boomer
IMPORTANT If you have a problem with "server is enforcing consistency for this file" just type "sv_consistency 0" in console FEATURES -jiggle bones (cloth, cape, tail) -custom proportions -facial animations -same majin boo model on every campaing -limbs wi...
Medpack Vanilla(バニラ ❤ NEKOPARA)
Created by ✿ N A B I ✿
The medpack will be replaced with a new model and theme for Vanilla. Description The colors for this medpack were selected from a vivid color palette in order to match the theme for Vanilla. She is described as cheerful and cute. With a lot of cute details...
Mia Replace Jockey
Created by Vaz0w
This addon replaces Jockey. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Hamuketsu --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; First person arms; ------------------...
Minecraft Pickaxe [HUD Icon]
Created by MrDankusMemeus
Replaces the Crowbar hud icon with the Pickaxe from Minecraft....
Minecraft Pickaxe replaces the crowbar
This was actually a request made by a friend of mine i know there is alredy a minecraft meele weapons mod in the workshop but he wanted it separated credits to the original modder: Splinks: https://steamproxy.net/id/splinks...
Created by 天堂渐行渐远
Misaki(spitter) 海咲替换丧尸spitter 原作者MLUI大佬的作品 原作者链接:original author : https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198253430196/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 ...
MW19 AS VAL Upgraded 印花集 (Replace SG552)
嗨嗨嗨,我又来了嗷 感谢十月大佬的枪模授权 贴膜萌新,有不好的地方还请见谅 喜欢的话点个赞吧0w0 带珠光+夜光 视频展示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FN411479X/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=51f9fa98622fd1a54935d1f505d5ae21...
MW2CR Model 1887-Glitch 故障
Created by
Replaces PumpShotgun 替换木质霰弹枪 ———————————— 感谢Denny凯妈的模型授权,感谢我的好朋友们的鼓励支持。 ———————————— 前不久凯妈刚好发了这把1887的模型,而且我朋友也催我做一做木喷的皮,所以就赶制出来了。风格没有像上期那样那么炫酷(事实上模型也不允许我这样做吧),简约为美嘛~随便搞搞,支持up开拓新风格的不妨点个赞再走呗~ MOD演示视频链接: 【求生之路2】MW2CR Model 1887-故障】 https://www.bilibili.com/vi...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Created by 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
Portal Grenade Launcher Effect
Created by ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
A mix of Aperture Science technology and the most satisfying sound of Star Wars. This mod will replace the grenade launcher´s smoke trail, explosion effect and the fire/explosion sound. Works purfect with RocketDude mutation. Ahem ;D ( This mod will collid...
Prime Vandal from Valorant
Created by MokinSniper
Prime Vandal from Valorant Replaces AK-47 Some animations are little bit weird but I will not update them. I made this mod just for my friend and this is enough for him. I don't get any request for any mod. I upload this for who love prime vandal with Valo...
Project Neural Cloud perisicaria handgun replace m16
2022.03.22 NOW .this mod use cf ‘s sound have fun every one The model includes V-mode w-mode self-made action luminous UI funny Mod The creativity comes from CF's handgun, so it's a pity to try it. I should have experience next time Unfortunately, there is...
Rainbow Blood
Created by K"ashimura♦
Replace the game monotonous dark blood. So that the blood has more rich colors.: ) Replace the list Blood map Shoot the blood Cut the blood Smoker tongue Smoker die smoke Boomer bile Boomer explosion effect Spitter spit out sputum Remove the list Bile vomi...
Created by 梦依羽
和手模奋斗了好久,还是做不好 我太菜了 七月七号更新 重新制作了一下添加了自发光 尝试着做了表情 优化了一点点手模 裙子的vrd依旧没生效,弄不明白 ...
Rescue Dawn
Created by FangFee
这是我做出的第一张完整的地图!它也是我前一个地图:Sun City的完全重做版 剧情:代四人组从商场开车逃离后遇到了大量废弃车辆,不得不弃车步行,在路上不断寻求救援无果,最后得知在海边的virgil能够带他们离开 四人组需要向海边的旅馆前进,最后登上船只逃离 ...
Scout Gura 发光 Replace scout sniper (glow)
Created by 薄雪中意晚莲
这次是gura的scout,替换贴图,采用修改动作的v模,喜欢请点赞 手电筒是一个意外,它并不在贴图里面,我也不知道如何删除掉它 模型动作来自:Classic Scout: Tweaked Valve Animations 渲染图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1850429788459377253/EEBAE22784D7BA080536F81DD47A22F7EE10FFEF/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impoli...
Strawberry Parfait | Pills-夏季限定:草莓芭菲 の 止痛药
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit uploading to other places Summer limit | Strawberry Parfait replace the Pills - New Animation | Luminous 夏季限定 | 草莓芭菲 替换 止痛药 - 含自制动作 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/19...
Stronger Flashlight (LOCAL SERVERS ONLY)
Created by H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! A combination of 2 "CVARS" "CVAR1" "cl_max_shadow_renderable_dist" 0 "CVAR2" "r_flashlightfov" 120 Credits: Help with the script: Nines And You! Thank ...
T-Virus Vial (includes custom particles)
Created by 󠀡󠀡Lachie
Replaces bilebomb Tyrant Virus, commonly abbreviated as "t-Virus", "Blue for the virus, green for the anti-virus" Enjoy the mod while I continue to work on my improved hunter model replacement and all the mods with and without sounds, this may take some ti...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Created by Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
The Particles Manifest
Created by Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Created by мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
Tracers - Random
Created by Urik
Originally requested by Kevin Alasco. Random color tracers. For those who might be inclined to complain it doesn't work - please kindly check that's you're subscribed to Particles Manifest first, and also check your addons menu for conflicts. The conflicti...
TUMTaRA - Chroma Key
Created by мяFunreal
These maps belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Sometimes you just wanna use a greenscreen. This idea was suggested years ago and honestly i don't think anyone ever used. But hey, here it is. Mapnames: tumtara_chroma-key tumtara...
TUMTaRA - Item & Weapon Test
Created by мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. This map is a super compact itemspawner which a...
TUMTaRA - Playground
Created by мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. Mapnames: tumtara_l4d1_playground tumtara_playg...
TUMTaRA - RNG testing
Created by мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. "Random Number Generation" mods were a bandwago...
TUMTaRA - Survivors
Created by мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. This map is built to test Survivor animations a...
TUMTaRA Main Menu Buttons
Created by мяFunreal
This mod adds buttons to load all TUMTaRA maps with cheats enabled and a Developer Console button right to your main menu. Oh and it also moves the blog post button into the "extras" section, whilst moving the blogpost icon next to the extras. Of course if...
Updated melee unlock [Last Stand update!]
Created by FallFox
Allows all 14 melee weapons to spawn on every official campaign! (Example pitchfork will now spawn on Dead Center) Also unlocks female Boomers on Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, The Parish, The Passing, Sacrifice and Cold Stream. Missio...
Created by Oguzhan
Game :VALORANT -Replaces Baseball Bat ✅ Animations Valve ✅ 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐬&𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 Josseda673 Riot games tag: valo valorant ...
Created by Oguzhan
Game :VALORANT Replaces - Chrome Shotgun MW2019: M680-Animation ThomasCat&Mav 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐬&𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 Vtf-Vmt:Josseda673 Riot games 👆 ...
VRC maya 睡衣猫猫替换NICK
Created by 纸薄鱼
替换游戏内nick,包含表情,飘骨,vgui, 夜光,VRD等。 (PS.第一人称袖子太遮视野了,所以删了)。 如果是因为自身原因导致模组无法使用,请自己解决。每个mod之间自己做出取舍,而不是一味地让mod作者解决非原则性问题。 如果模型变白,请把效果细节调到高以上。 如果被举报下架,我不会进行补档。 https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/01/5t6pMKJmsjHe72U.png https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/01/mrdHC8IMq3p1Oti.png h...
VRC Meiyun美云 初始旗袍RNG 夜光 替换弗朗西斯 replace francis
replace francis!替换弗朗西斯 更新B站宣传地址:B站ID :椎名小夜音。 在BILIBILI.tv 我自费花钱买的模 花钱找人定制的 谢谢 ?谢谢UI大佬制作的mod 漂漂亮亮美丽好看模型。猫儿不香吗 内容 RNG 夜光 表情 小尾巴 模型从BOOTH买的! 她太可爱了, 我TM社保 起信誉了! 谢谢 你好 再见! 爱 !来自瓷器! 要留言得切美区加速器才能留言 我也不知道为什�? 8人包补发! 最近两周有新人物mod部署 ...
摸了一套高爆弹,燃烧弹,红外线的盒子 ps:因为求的问题第三人称时拿在手里模型会错位(不然就是背着的时候错位) maya to 高爆弹 lime to 燃烧弹 rusk to 镭射 借物表: 模型原地址:https://hetaray.booth.pm/ 转译:♡平板笨蛋会魔法♡ 如果无聊可以加萌新的小群哦,群号740374751 密码:笨蛋 ...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
Yuri's Evidence [Replaces Cricket Bat]
Created by -JoyRider-
Yuri's Weapon - Evidence the sword replaces melee Cricket Bat Apply cricket bat data. My production experience is limited, I hope the user can provide some valuable advices to me. Have fun:) 火向井百合专属武器 - 艾维登斯 替换近战板球棍 仅替换模型,套用板球棍原始数据。 修正动画播放错误。 本人制作经验有限,希望使用...