

項目 (257)
建立者 Vista
The Greatest Swordsman <MORE NERF, NOT ORIGINAL MOD> Original: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=409184357 The greatest swordsman is now in the Don't Starve Universe! He wields 3 swords; all named and each have their own perks. He's a ...
The Witch of Flowers, Pamerah
建立者 琴咕咕
【7.28,renew, Ver.1.10】 *I saw someone asked me to make an English version.* *But, I don't speak English.* *So I tried to translate other text content besides the characters' lines, using Google Translate.* *Of course, this article is also included.* - - - ...
Swire, the Superintendent
建立者 Anomen
Swire, Guard Operator from Lungmen, will provide professional police assistance and extra training for you. https://i.imgur.com/6hzIypR.png Playstyle: Swire is a born leader and can easily turn a disorganized group into an effective combat force, but it co...
建立者 绯月蝶影
基础属性 生命值100 饥饿值100 理智200 移速0.8 攻击倍率0.7 自带一本科技 免疫火焰 寒冷时不损失生命值损失等量的san值 初始自带法杖和助听器 法杖属性:攻击距离8 伤害37 助听器属性:60%防御 10%加速 可使用源石碎片维修 角色专精 精一:魔法一本解锁 属性变化:生命上限+30 饥饿上限+30 移速0.9 攻击倍率0.9 法杖攻击距离+1 伤害57 获得小范围照明功能 解锁技能点燃 精二:魔法二本解锁 属性变化:生命上限+30 饥饿上限+30 理智上限+40 移速1.1 攻击倍率1...
建立者 金城美穗
饥饿值:150 精神值:180 生命值:120 昆虫学者来到永恒领域自带一个专属的捕虫网,自带100%的耐久度(仅昆虫学者自己可以使用)。蜜蜂,杀人蜂,蠕虫(地龙),蜘蛛,龙蝇,小果蝇之类的昆虫不会主动对昆虫学者有仇恨和攻击,但会因为昆虫学者主动攻击拉起仇恨,在装备养蜂帽时可以增加养蜂帽对自身专属的护甲效果(比例为猪皮头盔,仅限昆虫学者自己生效)。制作材料从8个蜘蛛丝变成4个蜘蛛丝。蜂蜜药膏的恢复血量收益对昆虫学者可以在原有的基础上+10。 昆虫学者主动杀死(谋杀)虫子类生物(杀人蜂,蜜蜂,蝴蝶,蜘蛛,果蝇...
建立者 MelonDog
This is a fan character from Arknights mod:伊桑Ethan 可用以下这个网址查看mod最新介绍:(如果没看到请别急,我会逐步完善的!) http://wap.modwikis.com/mod/mainPage?_id=654b3bfdaa49810aaddec209 如果很不幸发现了bug,可以加群反馈,群号:901641844 或者在mod下评论,我会看到的! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/206888752...
[ArkNights] Mudrock
建立者 sirco
This mod cease updating because i have to prepare for an exam.New contents will probably be added in 2024(summer?) Before you stands, The Sarkaz mercenary, The former friends of the fertile earth and the rock, And our youthful and beautiful Sarkaz big girl...
Geralt of Rivia
Currently found: growing beard 4 skins silver sword (double damage to monsters), steel sword (double damage to all others) elixirs SIGNS Sign Action Usage https://i.imgur.com/iqm0p85.pngAXIY Makes the pig follow Geralt hotkey G https://i.imgur.com/3gK2OJX....
Rick SAnchez
建立者 manladypig
Adds Rick from Rick and Morty to Don't Starve Character's stats: Health: 75 Hunger: 125 Sanity: 50 -Has access to level 2 science from day 1 -Only has 75 health -loses no sanity from fighting monsters -loses no sanity from night -but has a max of 50 sanity...
建立者 Kazehaya
————不期而遇的详细介绍在讨论区———— 水月-明日方舟同人mod Mizuki-ArkNights 目前仅发布于Steam平台创意工坊,禁止二传二改 作者:风早Zanoku 贴图:词秫 代码:六花 特别鸣谢:六花在代码方面的支持与各位mod作者的联动授权 水聊交流群/赞助途径(万星园修复计划):364906225 点赞摩多摩多,我真的很需要这个—— mod介绍视频: ①https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hV411K7hV/?spm_id_from=333.337.sea...
Hornet The Protector
建立者 GlaceVee
This mod adds "Hornet" from "Hollow Knight" as a playable character --- Stats --- - 120 Health - 175 Hunger - 150 Sanity --- Perks --- - Is a spider - Has a strong stomach, but gets hungry faster (+20%) - Loses less sanity during the night (-75%) - Deals m...
Ouma Kokichi
建立者 naranchans
danganronpa v3 lil shit for dst lmao Has: -Custom Speech BE CAREFUL WITH INSPECTING MERMS FGKLJGLKF -Hand drawn sprites WIP: -Sanity Increasing Hat+Cape Can: -Hit hard, has a damage multiplier by 4 -uh -everything else a dst character can do...
Whisky (Character Mod)
建立者 mentos
A mod that adds Whisky, a not so ordinary depth dweller. Featuring 4 unique skins, full speech, voice and spider abilities. This mod will crash if used without Modded Skins and it is also compatible with Mods in Menu. Stats (Stats and abilities in this mod...
Gamzee Makara
A WiCkEdLy cApRiCiOuS TrOlL FrOm tHe wEbCoMiC HoMeStUcK! hOnK! LaNgUaGe wArNiNg! He uSeS ExTrEmElY StRoNg lAnGuAgE. StAtS -hUnGeR: 200 -sAnItY: 90 -hEaLtH: 200 AbIlItIeS -sTrOnG HiTtEr -dOeS NoT LoSe sAnItY At nIgHt -sTaRtS WiTh a dRaGoN PiE AnD PhLeGm -cU...
建立者 梓川 枫
空弦-明日方舟同人MOD Archetto-Arknights 作者:星枫如至 画师:? 码师:上班时间&秃驴 请确保对于原版拥有一定的理解与熟练度,以此获得更好的游玩体验。 由于steam模组介绍页字数受限,目前版本更新的内容及先前内容会进行整合并以B站专栏的形式展示。 1.4版本内容专栏介绍链接: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv33921279/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 1.3版本内容专栏介绍链接: https://www.bilibili.co...
东风谷舞以 kotiya
东风谷舞以个人主页:https://www.acfun.cn/u/34154121 感谢以下各位大佬的付出! 代码:花花 画师:凌子 武器:第十一类罗夏墨迹 个人技术指导:冰比冰水冰 没有他们的付出就没有这个模组的诞生 再次感谢! ——————————————————分割线———————————————————— “奇迹和魔法可不都是免费的!”少女挥舞御币,退治邪灵 生命100 饱食度150 理智150 人物可用符纸升级 上限30,每升级一次三维增加5 四格范围内有花存在可以为舞以回复理智,效果可叠加 武器...
贝拉(Happy Bella's Day)
建立者 Monster.
2023.12.09更新: 1.新上皮肤豆沙套装与茉莉套装 2.修复果蝇王刷新卡退 贝拉(小企鹅形态) 饥饿:150/生命:200/精神:200/空手伤害:1.25倍 技能被动: 1.贝拉对甜味的耐受度很低,吃带糖齁甜的料理会额外掉5点的san值 2.出场自带一个贝极星,忠诚! 3.贝拉心地善良,热爱大自然与小动物,与中立生物保持友好关系,特别是猫猫跟兔人,不喜欢皮弗娄牛,但是这不妨碍皮弗娄牛喜欢她 4.害怕蜘蛛!害怕蜘蛛!害怕蜘蛛!被蜘蛛看到并被攻击时每分钟掉3点san值 5.植物种植大师!(自我认为的,...
建立者 Kazehaya
-你知道么,以前在乌萨斯的时候,他们都叫我“红刀”。 雷德-明日方舟同人mod Reid-Character From Arknights 评论区已开启,水聊交流群:605419759 / 364906225(q群) 上五星之后准备更新 2023.9.26查看 居然真的五星了,那就准备更新啦 别急,码师高考去了T.T 2024.5.1查看 火与钢有在准备,预计八月更新 介绍新增:羽毛笔联动内容 本mod目前仅在Steam发布,禁止二传二改,禁止无授权用作素材 This mod is only publish...
Yuuka Kazami 风见幽香4.0
建立者 空乙己
风见幽香,来自东方project的强大妖怪! 原作者:Hansard/AMN 由于原幽香mod在2018年之后就不再更新,许多功能和现在版本不兼容,在得到原作者授权后修复并重置了花妈mod 代码:Wulmaw 画师:捡屎专家 策划:空乙己 封面:牙蘭(from lof,授权使用) 人物介绍 自带物品: 幽香的阳伞 --可以收起和撑开 --收起时时攻击为近战,造成更高的伤害 --撑开时攻击为远程,但造成的伤害降低且消耗较大。不过可以挡雨并提供额外的减伤。 --可以用来施放符卡 新实体: 向日葵 --由向日葵种...
建立者 哦寄寄呗呗
卡得【CODA】mod。 *一个时空穿越的女孩,这次她将经历什么样的冒险? 【暗影和月光之赐】 *吃玻璃回血量(25)和理智值(35) *吃噩梦燃料回血量(25)和饱食度(35) *吃两种物品均可以获得半天时间的自发光 形态切换: *月光女仆,理智值大于等于210,自动切换 防御70%(不和护甲叠加) 攻击召唤小虚影 攻击影怪有35%增伤 移动速度加快35% 小范围加san光环 短距离瞬移 *暗影女仆,理智值低于等于80,自动切换 防御70%(不和护甲叠加) 移动速度增加35% 概率抵挡伤害 小范围减san...
Willow, The Firestarter [Outdated]
建立者 sock
Version: 1.0.4 This mod was made due to popular demand! Hope you like it :) Willow Changes: Willow now can extinguish burning objects at the cost of her sanity (Configurable; default: yes) Willow now won't get her loot burned from enemies that she has kill...
自用勿喷 7/29更新:添加了纯粹恐惧(2个噩梦燃料)和树精雕像(2个大肉汤,3个木头,1个石砖,1捧灰烬)的配方 上调了三维,以及初始的移速倍率和攻击倍率; 即死技能的消耗减半; 修改的游魂的移速攻击,现在不会出现游魂走丢的情况,且游魂现在可以攻击影怪; 将西行妖每10分钟杀一人的机制更改为了仅种下时杀一人(UUZ);(经常杀带有死亡惩罚的队友老被说是服务器蛀虫) 减少了西行妖的复活CD; 加快了西行妖产生花的频率; 为UUZ添加了多人物TAG;(妖梦不在了也要学会独立) 加强了扇子,帽子; 人魂灯更改为...
#Satori Komeiji(Rebuild)
建立者 古明地ボール
Please provide error logs for feedback bugs!!! Please provide error logs for feedback bugs!!! Please provide error logs for feedback bugs!!! Original author: Hansard (code) TimeDicine (map) Currently: 古明地ボール(Code) The original Mod has stopped updating in 2...
Itsuka Kotori
建立者 夏沫の风
Character 3D: Health: 200 Satiety: 150 Spirit value: 150 Character characteristics: *Kotori is immune to damage from flames and high temperatures, but it can affect the mind. *When adding fuel to a fire pit, snowball machine, etc. in a qin, there will be a...
Sunny, The Hikikomori
建立者 MrSociety
Between the suburbs of fear and tragedy... Sunny is a teenager of not very tall stature or very special physical features, he is serious and not very emotional due to a trauma from the past, he must learn to forgive himself and carry on, now in the constan...
Violet Evergarden
建立者 Lilith·Blinks
Violet•Evergarden: Character from< Violet Evergarden>, on her travel seeking the meaning of love Status:175hunger, 200sanity, 200health Accuracy:Violet’s machine arm need to be maintained fluently. Fast build and has more work efficiency between 90%~100%, ...
STOLAS [Helluva Boss]
建立者 에나
헬루바 보스에 등장하는 게티아 족의 왕자 스톨라스를 돈스타브 스킨으로 제작해보았습니다! 아직 수정단계이며, 천천히 수정과 보완을 할 생각입니다. 다소 부족한 모드 스킨이지만 잘 부탁드립니다. 피드백은 환영입니다! We made a Donstav skin for Stolas, the prince of the Goetia tribe, who appears in the Helluva boss! It is still in the revision stage, an...
时崎狂三Tokisaki Kurumi1.34
建立者 时崎狂Ⅲ
Character: Kurumi Tokisaki Hunger: 130 Sanity: 150 Time: 100 Abilities: 1.2 * movement speed, 0.8 * damage. Chance to drop weapon if not using her own. Can read books, loses 10 sanity when killing non-monster creature. Cannot gain accursed trinkets. The ni...
moluo:血量250饥饿250理智250,可以使用机器人的插件有12格插槽,由于是机器人吃食物无视新鲜度但是只有50%的效果,出生点在奶奶岛出生时自带潮湿度当潮湿度降低攻击力也会降低归零时,会大幅度降低san值moluo可以下水游泳增加潮湿度 技能:X键召唤12条以角色为中心的无敌触手组成的圈会一直攻击周围敌人持续时间5秒CD10秒 专属装备:散兵的斗笠 防御70% 移速25% san值回复8.1 佩戴位置护符 可以左键放置在地上变成烹饪锅右键收回 合成材料:眼球伞x1钢羊毛x2和铥矿x5合成 专属装备:...
Author:十八, 伊塔, Yyyytyi_Slime_Block This character comes from "Over the Garden Wall" *Has her own unique voice *Immune to cold *1.5x moving speed *1.25x damage *Fearless of anything *Non epic creatures will not actively attack her *Can sing and has her own ...
Riko, Reg &Nanachi
建立者 RICK
Riko, a lively and inquisitive girl, a trainee explorer, her dream is to catch up with her mother, become the legendary explorer "White Whistle". Reg, the humanoid-looking robot that Riko had found in the Abyss, has lost its memory. Nanachi, a furry creatu...
建立者 风雪烟飘渺
Uzi Doorman
建立者 poisonousfreak
Uzi Doorman is a character from the pilot Murder Drones made by Liam Vickers on Youtube. The character rights go to Liam Vickers. This is my second DST mod so I haven't figured it completely out yet. If there's any problems, please tell me. There's no alte...
建立者 养猪小能手
饱食度:648 san:0(点击可开启唤灵模式) 生命值:328 4倍饥饿速率 人物出生在月岛 按X召唤专属武器--月之权杖 出生自带天命、月之皇冠 ...... Q群:795190715...
交流群 583839156 欢迎来玩 好耶 是新的明日方舟Mod!!! 霜星的战衣0.1.3 版本 合成: 使用 坎普斯之泪 熊皮 与两个下界合金来进行合成 下届合金制作: 坎普斯之泪需要击败狂暴克劳斯进行获取 金子 80 远古残骸 通过挖掘远古雕像获取 “远古残骸” 4 效果: 不会过热 烧伤不会损失生命值 穿戴后附近一个屏幕内不会自燃 额外效果: 给予衣服蓝宝石启动“冬痕”状态 “冬痕”状态效果: 每秒损失1HP(旺达无视) 启动时瞬间让附近的生物冻结 每分钟释放一次“冰环” (冰环:造成200点伤害并...
The Grim Reaper (DST)
建立者 Tempos
The Grim Reaper from the Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy enters DST! His traits are as follows: Not that afraid of the dark or monsters. Small chance to drop bits of bone on getting hit. Starts with his scythe. Protect his head... (Can drop his head upo...
建立者 冷青
前言:相信大家看到这个mod都不陌生,没错之前已经有人上传过冰雪兔娘了。这个冰雪兔娘本来只是我随手写来当作模版给萌新们参考练习用的教学模版,但是没想到他们居然拿来上传换积分了,这都是我管理不当引起的。 由于之前的冰雪兔娘只是教学用的存在很多的细节问题,例如:百步冰封的使用是需要消耗精神值的,可是精神值为0了还能使用技能,加上技能无cd......总而言之,之前那个只能算是个半成品,所以我向管理员要求下架,现在我本人在这里诚恳的为我给大家带来的不便道歉。 鉴于这个mod上传之后很多萌新都喜欢,为了不影响萌新们...
猥琐联盟/The Weisuoers
建立者 濕爺
欢迎订阅本模组! 详细介绍页面:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv18677934 欢迎各位感兴趣的玩家进入QQ群交流:859235832。 在某一时刻,一道神秘的光芒划破了永恒大陆的死寂,展开了一扇奇特的传送门,从中走出的,是四个奇怪的家伙。他们看起来早已有所准备,不多时,就在荒野中消失得无影无踪。无论是从其他位面被卷入的生存者,或是永恒大陆的原住民,没人知道这四个家伙到底是什么来历,只听说,他们在跟别人介绍自己时,会使用一个古怪的身份——猥琐联盟。 濕爺 https://s...
建立者 浅蓝色的羽翼
原作者:柴柴Chai-Chai 原模组链接: 卡尼猫Carney 历史改动或bug修复等请看这里: 改动说明 字数限制问题,模组介绍都放这了(如果链接点不开就复制到浏览器打开): 模组介绍 https://hitao0110.github.io/mod_dst_mydesc/index.html -------------- 来自作者的话: 如果游戏过程中遇到bug,欢迎评论留言。 本人不是专业制作mod的,所以有bug不一定能修 代码“参考”了别的修改过的卡尼猫和其它模组,贴图也来自其他模组 模组或贴图作...
Peppino Spaghetti
建立者 Rina7z
This mod add playable Peppino from Pizza Tower game. Peppino Spaghetti - anxious, a little overweight, balding Italian man middle age and own his little pizza restaurant. He can run really fast. Stats: 160 -health. 150 -hunger. 130 -sanity. Speed 1.3 Hunge...
Fix the bug that can't place constructions, and fix the bug that will flash back when using R skill without opening delay compensation Origin version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751626040...
搬自wegame 作者已同意...
建立者 Stapello
Leshen Play as a magical creature from Slavic myths called Leshen. He can do many useful things and can be a perfect addition to your playthrough with friends. Also he has many ancient secrets, so go and discover them all. If you find any bugs, write about...
建立者 吃苹果的萌狼
未经本人允许禁止以任何形式的搬运!!!!! 【简介】 出自《狼与香辛料》中的女主,外表是一名14岁少女的样子,其真身是一头巨狼。某天收到女儿缪莉寄回来的羊皮卷以后被卷入饥荒世界,为了找到回去的方法开始探索饥荒世界 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 【人物属性】(可自行设置) -生命值:150 -精神值:250 -饥饿值:250 ----------------------------------------...
建立者 Hanging
"If I can become her, can I see it as the continuation of her life?" ———————————————————————————— Health:100 Hunger:100 Sanity:100 K_ K is essentially a robot, and she has certain technology. She is regarded as the same kind by clockwork creatures, you can...
建立者 蛋挞
一键开服工具更新啦!这次真正做到零基础,全自动!30秒把你的存档直接变成专用服务器! 注意!这个不是在你生成世界的时候启用的,而是在你订阅后进入你下载的mod文件里面,打开压缩包里面的文件,通常在D或者C:\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\322330\2911140696文件夹里面 请先在steam上选择工具页面,然后安装Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server,这是官方的饥荒服务器主程序 你只需要运行压缩包里的.exe文件,根据弹出选...
The Noise
建立者 Kyoobot
This brings The Noise from Pizza Tower to Don't Starve Together! Art, scripting, lines, and sound design by Kyoobot. Now Noise has a custom weapon, his shiny red bat! Currently this is a work in progress, the description will be updated when it is finished...
Sally Fisher
建立者 six-eyed
Meet Sal Fisher, from the game Sally Face. During the battle with the shadows and the cult, Sally has arrived in the constant Stats: hunger - 200 sanity – 200 health – 100 Features: - Has a stand mind. doesn’t lose sanity in the dark. - He doesn't like to ...
建立者 Windows_XP
让神话书说中白骨形态的白骨夫人拥有装备栏! 如果你开启了能力勋章模组,也会开启勋章栏 (能力勋章:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1909182187) 你可以选择开启所有栏;或单独开启某个装备栏。 如果你开启了5格,也可以单独开启背包栏或护符栏。...
建立者 丧芝
I’m lost… will you take me home? Health:100 Hunger:100 Presence:100 ______________________________ Wuma’s sanity bar has been replaced with a presence bar. They have the same mechanics, effects that affect sanity will affect presence. However, low presence...
建立者 夏洛特の光芒
fgo烟雾镜(整活角色) https://s2.loli.net/2023/02/14/t3Vedvb29aGZczH.png 你,给我玩饥荒! https://s2.loli.net/2023/02/14/Mf4jkHbAVgLlz7h.png 饥饿371,理智169,血量213 角色技能(被动) 幸运E:击杀非boss时掉落物有20%概率0掉落 斗争的魅力:烟雾镜招募的生物时间比普通角色多一倍,招募的生物会主动攻击范围内的敌对生物 自带专属道具 https://s2.loli.net/2023/02/1...
【西行寺 幽幽子】Saigyouji Yuyuko V1.4修复版
建立者 铱十三
个人制作的修复版。 1.修复扇子开合: 找到workshop-1491254470\scripts\prefabs\shanzi_yoyozi.lua 86行的inst.components.useableitem.inuse = false 这句下面到end前面加return false 2.修复小恶魔灵魂崩溃: 把workshop-1491254470\scripts\components\rechargeable.lua 重命名为yoyozi_rechargeable.lua 将workshop-14...
Scarlia the Abandoned Feral Child [TWEAKED]
建立者 Luneyl
I am not the creator of this character! Before reading this, please check out original mod page and thank it's author! Original mod: Scarlia the Abandoned Feral Child and her best Friends V.2 I realy like this character but always had another vision of her...
Yell MY LEG! every time you die.
建立者 Nosidda
Totally did not steal some code :). Tell me if yall want a ds version....
Wathom, the Forgotten Parody
建立者 Atobá Azul
A hunter with an uncontrollable surplus of energy, Wathom lives on after crawling out of the Abyss he was imprisoned in. The civilization that once occupied the ruins always piqued Maxwell's curiosity. Even he on the throne didnt know all the secrets burie...
The Daycare Attendant
建立者 Enderia220032
14.02.2024 As of today a rework of this mod is in plans. Your favorite Daycare Attendant, this time in The Constant! With their special candies! -- Stats & Perks -- ⋆ Health - 175 ⋆ Sanity - 150 ⋆ Hunger - 150 ⋆ Lower hunger rate ☀ Ability to create Sundro...
建立者 月城冬海
This is a new role from soul tide Akaset...
Basil: The Deluded
建立者 Monngo(she/they)
Adds Basil from the game Omori into Don't Starve Together! After making a poor deal in a desperate attempt to help his best friend, Basil was taken into an unfamiliar world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Garry (Ib) Playable Character!
建立者 JustAGh0styy
Have you ever wanted to play as a character from a fairly old RPG Maker game? No? Well too bad, cause I have! Introducing The First of 3 Mods I'm Working On! (Yes, I am working on them I promise!!) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/872073828489101323/...
建立者 ✪knilb
请使用/Please Use: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3068264140 original mod url : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=359479220 I very like this character and I wanna make it better.(I just use the charactor graphics o...
Jotaro Kujo
建立者 POM
A character from JOJO's Bizarre adventure part3. #JJBA He can't use standpower in The Constant. Jotaro Kujo : The Star "Yareyaredaze..." Health 200 Hunger 150 Sanity 200 *Walks faster - speed ×1.3 *Stronger than others - damage ×1.5 - 죠죠의 기묘한 모험 3부의 '쿠죠 죠타...
建立者 Kazehaya
禁止二传二改,禁止无授权搬运及用作其他用途 评论区已开放 mod介绍专栏(很久没更新了):https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv22873646 mod介绍视频: ①吃土穷神: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AV411G7jt/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=c7848a73fcb84de171dfef3c3648d457 ②艾尔薇特Alvitr: https://www...
Aria Crystal (Rebuild)
建立者 应急预案
Sorry I am poor in English, the following introduction is for reference only. As the original author is busy with work and has no time and energy to continue to update mod, I will continue to make and update this mod. Original mod:https://steamcommunity.co...
建立者 어쩌라고
BASIL is a major supporting character in OMORI. made by AringAring,Nemo Health : 150 Hunger : 150 Sanity : 130 *love flowers....
Helga - Fennec fox
Anthro Fennec fox, little fennec fox. She loves the stars and fireflies. She is also afraid of the dark and monsters. Sorry, this is a test character and he may have small problems and bugs. This is my character and I am the author Arts, reference, model a...
Childe Tartaglia : Delusion Unleashed!
建立者 Void Automata
Childe Tartaglia from Genshin Impact! https://i.imgur.com/MO1Ichi.png Health: 200 Hunger: 150 Sanity: 75 3000+ unique lines of dialogue https://i.imgur.com/lGSEDVF.png https://i.imgur.com/PE4LaP4.png https://i.imgur.com/XNY3YGJ.png Comes with his own custo...
建立者 LSPK
以下为机翻! Don't Starve Fan Mod! It's the secret cable sauce of Tomorrow's Ark~ Module introduction: 3D: *The secret cable is a special type of pulling people that tends to be defensive! So there are 130 points of blood! *Ansuo's spirit is powerful! It has a s...
建立者 Nugget
Doppio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 죠죠의 기묘한 모험 - 비네거 도피오 캐릭터 모드입니다. - 개구리 다리 (날것) 먹으면 피 30 회복, 이성치 5 하락 (원래는 이성치 10 하락) "철분!" 대사 이벤트 -용과와 관련된 음식을 먹으면 이성치 50 회복, "보스?" 대사 이벤트 -아이스크림을 먹으면 "네! 여보세요? 도피오입니다." 대사 이벤트 등등 여러 대사 변경 시작 아이템: 용과, 아이스크림, 개구리 다리, 곡괭이 ...
Eirudy [Beta 2.0]
建立者 Error
Crash? My fault. Brand new 2.0 version, dolls ready, bugs possibility still exists. We appreciate your feedback. See you later. by Error ------------------- 2.0 ver: -English translation. -Magic sword and magic shield more useful. -Dolls: Rachel, Boar and ...
Angela(from Library of ruina)
建立者 무한궤도
This is Angela, a character from Library of ruina and Lobotomy Corporation. She can imitate other survivors' recipes. (However, some of them require higher magic levels.) The imitated recipe is unstable. She can't take a watch apart as skillfully as Wanda....
Alice the Fox (Tiny Bunny)
建立者 SweetieYiffy_Foxy
Translated by Yandex Translator A local weirdo, who supposedly lives in the forest. Wears a frighteningly real fox mask and smells of Christmas. Likes feeding stray dogs and talk nonsense. Sees Anton as a tasty treat. © Tiny Bunny Statistics: Hunger: 200 H...
Hazbin Hotel - Velvet
建立者 GriLLya
WARNING! Please. First of all, I created this mod for my own use, for my style of play and comfort, and I will not remake it for other people's requests. Please. DON'T try to change this mod, don't steal sprites and don't re-upload my work a second time to...
1.1 version update +Added the character ascent item "Shivada jade gemstone". Ganyu can get 1 Shivada jade gemstone if her participates in defeating boss level units. +Added character ascent function. Now Ganyu has no Constellation in the initial state, and...
Worgott, the Omen King
建立者 Sümi
Worgott has arrived to join the misery. Use the Omen power to stay alive, but be careful, as overusing it results just the opposite. The character's original name is Morgott (or Margit, as his pseudonym), he's from Elden Ring. Stats: Hunger: 145 Health: 17...
Raiden Shogun(雷电将军)
建立者 1526606449
这里是雷电将军的人物MOD,说起来这个MOD我应该很早就开始规划了,但是因为美术和特效的原因做了很久也没有做完...现在她总算是姑且算作完成了呢,可以和大家见面了 (如果喜欢的话能点个免费的赞吗,我会继续加油哒,谢谢) (Could you please give a like to the MOD if you like it? I will carry on.Thanks!!!) 此MOD必须包含“元素反应”和“Edited Anims”才可以运行 The MOD dependent on "Eleme...
Riven DST New(Crash Fixed)
建立者 洛神·紅塵雪
It's only for the convenience of people who like this character. If anyone mind, I will delete it 1.This mod is modified on the basis of the original character mod. Theoretically, the compatibility is better. 2.This mod is not a patch, but a complete chara...
Kemo Fujin
建立者 三羽兎
It is a custom character mod for DST. Character by ケモ夫人 https://twitter.com/kanon_pic/status/1453205423192883204?t=esYZLCtXDNAMiidXAE9NLw&s=19 ●基本能力 -150 Health -300 Hunger -300 Sanity -最初から以下のアイテムを持っている スマホ ●キャラ解説 -性能 お気楽 ケモ夫人は現実から逃げがちなので、常にSAN値がかなり回復します。...
Yae Miko 八重神子
建立者 NaNaN
Genshin Impact character. Press "Z" to use Elemental Skill. Press "X" to use Elemental Burst. This mod has referenced Yus' code in general structure, thanks a lot! https://steamproxy.net/id/Ysigr/myworkshopfiles/?appid=322330 sanity: 200 health:100 hun...
建立者 TY4N
darkest dungeon character mod fanmade thanks a lot to 애볼레수확기 who supported translate Eng to kor.version of speech script.(still working on) ---- 1.2 버전 업데이트 노트 캐릭터 -캐릭터 비율 수정 -파츠 해상도 최적화 -상호작용시 일부 이미지 피봇 빠짐 개선 -"bonesaw"제스쳐휠 디자인 수정 능력치 -정신력 220으로 픽스 -기본이동속...
Sally (from Bofuri)
建立者 Ealphax
Risa Shiramine (Sally) from "I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense" enters The Constant ! Hunger : 120 Health : 120 Sanity : 200 Abyss Dagger It's Sally's dagger Deals 30 damage, unbreakable Gains 10% charge when attacking At 100%, you can c...
Honkai Impact - Character
建立者 风筝
Character :Kiana Kaslana、Raiden Mei、Bronya Zaychik Kiana Kaslana(HP 70,SAN 60,HUN 80)skill: eat can provide more values; level>5 increases gun attack Raiden Mei (HP 80,SAN 70,HUN 60)skill: get more money; level>5 increases sword attack Bronya Zaychik(HP 60...
Simon Henriksson (Cry of Fear)
The original character entirely belongs to Team Psykskallar company, developers of CoF. All credit goes to them. Basic stats & perks Health 150 Hunger 150 Sanity 75 Has to stay coolheaded and vigilant at any time: despite his low sanity level, he doesn't l...
The Lord of Dawn-Bondrewd
建立者 Hanging
The Lord of Dawn, Bondrewd. The "White Whistle" make unremitting efforts to exploit the dawn by inhuman means at all costs. Hunger, Sanity,Health https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1809907299080254611/325E41D2737F310F8C6BCE196EA044D511D406D1/ Chara...
Little Red Riding Hood
建立者 大雄O∧O
Original author: Fei Se Memory Author QQ: 2596707371 QQ group: 146218799 Agent uploader: Daxiong/Brother Shan Compatible with: Ranger, genuine, Tencent, etc Character attributes and descriptions: Self healing body restores 3 drops of blood in 5 seconds Inf...
Keeth Client
建立者 keeth
A collection of commonly used client mods 新手一步到胃~常用客户端mod合集 ☑如出现重影,请在游戏图像设置里关闭屏幕失真!!!☑ ☑'自动走路'有问题的关闭延时补偿就好了!☑ 点击这里有功能视频介绍~ 十分感谢Tony老师的代码指导, 我一直想加的功能终于加上了! 此模组系列基本包含常用功能,☑所有功能都有单独开关☑,请勿同时开启相同功能的其他mod,可能导致崩溃! 实在抱歉了各位饥友们,最近没怎么维护,因为现在没什么时间玩,以前的玩伴大部分都不玩了,也就没动力了...
[DST]Musha patch
建立者 不笑猫
只适配和原版一同使用,和其它任何版本公主都可以造成崩溃 >>> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=439115156 It needs to be used with the original: >>> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=439115156 崩溃加Q发日志:867974171 【优化】 游戏内更改快捷键(原版更改按键失效,在游戏内改一遍就好了...
Kanoh Aogu
建立者 라또
세포신곡 細胞神曲 Cell of Empireo 카노 아오구의 스킨 입니다! 스탯 체력 150 배고픔 150 정신력 250 시작 아이템 면도칼, 토끼털 침낭, 악몽 목걸이, 와플 * 도넛이 없어 꿀이 들어간 레시피마다 다른 대사를 준비하였습니다! 재미로 즐겨주세요!...
Hamlet Characters -Fixed and Reporked
建立者 Niko
The characters of Don't Starve: Hamlet, but now in Don't Starve Together! This is a rework of Honret's Hamlet character's mod. For any information not mentioned here, you can find it in the original mod's page. (Hornet's original mod has been taken down, I...
Night Rain Heart Empty
建立者 哦寄寄呗呗
I don't know English, it would be great if someone could help translate the file Can you translate the file and send it to me? I will update it 说明文档 Chinese explanation ...
Kochou no Sei ( 胡蝶の精 )
建立者 liz
Video review by 取名很麻烦 : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vG4y1T7a7/ We aren't a player in Onmyoji so concept art will not be the same as the original version, all based on our preferences and skill. There's a lot of artwork not by us so hope you still lov...
Rui Ta(芮塔)
建立者 丧芝
bug反馈群:648358577 :新皮肤-魔花教主 , 新武器-繁花炮 , 新道具-四季花环 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/5087410333568538312/2F5067DC0DED56F447E3D26B887B04BD5C9460B4/? 世界之花,即将绽放. ______________________________ 生命:90 饥饿:100 理智:200 ______________________________ : 站在花附近会缓...
建立者 Karis Rahl
A character from JOJO's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. NOTE: If you enjoyed (or disliked) my mod, a rating would be much appreciated. It has 72 positive ratings as of now and only 4 negative, yet Steam still tells me it's 4 stars, I don't understand why. ...
Uruha Rushia
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: Uruha Rushia What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Uruha Rushia in DST. The necromancer with some party support ability. https://imgur.com/IlRK8RS.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/sHpzLnV.png There is a huge config file, enjoy it how ...
La+ Darknesss
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: La+ Darknesss What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, La+ Darknesss in DST. https://imgur.com/qYDlWC2.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/eCR5ijk.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you like it! ===================================...
Tail Red
建立者 夏洛特の光芒
This project is intelligent mechanical translation. https://s2.loli.net/2022/12/24/AIUsE2ndMSioJzc.png skill three-dimensional:B:61,W:48,H:64 Tiji base combat suit: key to fly (the flight state cannot be attacked) and swim (no key) Inflammation of the sun:...
建立者 S
Angel Of Thursday 돈스타브 투게더 세계에 캐스를 추가합니다. Adds Cas into the world of Don't Starve Together. 능력 Perks 캐스의 후광이 밤에 약간 빛납니다. 천사는 딱히 배고프지않습니다. 천사는 잠들지 않습니다. 당신의 인간을 손가락으로 치료하세요! 인간이 되면 고달픕니다. Cas has halo Angels don't need to eat Angels don't sleep Heal your hu...
【Beta】Corgi doll : DaiDai // 柯基玩偶:袋袋
【【当前袋袋mod已不受更新支持,请前往创意工坊搜索订阅最新版袋袋mod!! This Daidai mod is no longer supported by update, please go to the steam workshop to search and subscribe to the Daidai mod! ! 】】 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 袋袋 DaiDai https...
Argalia(Library of ruina)
建立者 무한궤도
Library of Ruina's character Argalia character mode. Capabilities include: 50 percent higher attack power a 25 percent self-defence rate Restores health and sanity by fighting. He has he's own weapon. Other characters are not allowed. (Don't mass-produce f...
Hat Kid: The Homesick Hatter
建立者 Skylarr
Adds Hat Kid from A Hat in Time into the Constant! https://i.imgur.com/2dzRh5Q.png The Homesick Hatter Hat Kid is a young little adventurer, knitting powerful hats, and doing whatever she needs to in the quest to get home. Perks & Quirks *Experienced hatte...
Subaru Natsuki from Re:Zero (English Ver.)
"Hi there! I'm Subaru Natsuki, and not only am I clueless, I'm also broke beyond compare!" This is the English translation of the Korean mod originally published which adds Subaru to your game as a playable character. Subaru has no special abilities, thoug...
Wortox soul stack
建立者 jeremylefou
Allows you to change max soul stack update 1 : now player choose walter with this mode dont crash update 2: fixed crash when craft item...
建立者 zvxa
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!! ^^ Woodrow, or the shadow of WX-78's former self from WX-78's short. The name 'Woodrow' originates from several of WX-78's audio files. The name was possibly a development name for WX-78, so it has been commonly used...
EarthBound: Ness
建立者 Lucas
Hello again. Do you enjoy EarthBound? We bring you a classic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Chosen Boy https://i.imgur.com/LsKc7na.png Ness is the main protagonist of EarthBound, ...
[DST] Musha (bug fix)
建立者 pbc (temiruya)
This is the branch mod from " Musha" version:t 14.2.4 When these bugs were corrected in the original mod, you should use the original mod. >> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=439115156 FIXED BUGS: 1) playercontroller.lua:3741, When in...
建立者 香芋-Tarona
Dr.SRONE主角,石神千空(Senku),画风参考了原作动画第一季ED2 生命:100 饥饿:100 san值:300 技能:开局自带二本科技...
Izayoi Sakuya
建立者 donmor3000
Izayoi Sakuya "I'll be a mortal human as long as I live, thank you. Don't worry, though. We'll be together as long as I'm alive." *Fan-made MOD of Touhou Project, may be different from the original *Beginner in MOD crafting so there may be undiscovered bug...
Asuka Langley Evangelion
建立者 Soryu
The second evangelion pilot!,a competitive and outgoing girl from Germany. (The original Asuka, not rebuild) Stats: -165 HP -150 HUNGER -200 SANITY Perks: -Loss sanity faster (25% faster) -Good at fighting (Damage multiplicator of 20%) -Can stand hunger (5...
建立者 旺仔
V 1.4.7 Carney is on her trip has flexible combat skills walking and eating fish make her upgrade, no upper limit can craft useful hat,dagger and backpack Even I died,the Death can't stop me from upgrading ...
Amethyst (Steven Universe)
建立者 Adipup
Amethyst from Steven Universe for Don't Starve Together! This is my first mod for this game, so she may need a few updates in the future. However, I just kind of made this mod for fun, so I don't really mind if she's a bit OP. Enjoy! Overview Amethyst is a...
东方Project 魂魄妖梦 | Konpaku Youmu Remake (Touhou Project)
建立者 _Koishi恋_
*This is a character mod of 「Konpaku Youmu」 from the 「Touhou project」 Based on https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1324987252 by Zinji 半分幻の庭師 Konpaku Youmu ·Moves slightly faster than the normal. ·Satiety and appetite are quite small... ...
建立者 Rina7z
{Requested character!} CHAOS! CHAOS! Jevil from Deltarune chapter 1 Game Deltarune and Jevil character belongs to Toby fox. Stats: 180 hp 150 hunger 100 sanity Have voice sounds Hunger fast rate is 0.8 instead 1. Starts with Devilsknife — 66 damage, uses 5...
建立者 丧芝
暴风骤雨中的草偶娃娃正在歌唱. ______________________________ 生命:150 饥饿:150 理智:200 电量值:200 ______________________________ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829028098894444851/6F47D9A21A3C3FDA3AA1BD22656B788D21C87B12/? 烁玛天生自带一把电吉他.(攻击力34) 当烁玛装备电吉他时,能够使用Z键进入演奏模式,...
Shirogane Noel
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: Shirogane Noel   What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Shirogane Noel in DST. The Danchou of Hololive. https://imgur.com/UmeOle9.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/VoVQKQO.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you like it! ======...
Devil May Cry
Hi guys! Someone in my previous mod asked me, can I create Devil May Cry characters? And I thought – why not? So, here we are – Dante and Vergil, devil brothers in Don’t Starve Together! It was a long and hard work, but I gave my best and going to continue...
Hazbin Hotel - Vox
建立者 Miles
WARNING! Please. First of all, I created this mod for my own use, for my style of play and comfort, and I will not remake it for other people's requests. Please. DON'T try to change this mod, don't steal sprites and don't re-upload my work a second time to...
Lambert (wip)
建立者 JadeGolem444
This mod brings the satanic, cult gathering lamb, Lambert from Cult of The Lamb into the Constant as a playable character! Credit to KyanOwl for the portrait art used in this mod. this is still a work in progress mod so any feedback/suggestions will help u...
建立者 三角
《游戏王Vrains》人物同人MOD。 画师:三角 码师:SunRiver 2021.9.3: 这是作者第一次创作MOD,能力有限,所以目前还没有添加太多角色特性。但如果将来这个MOD更新了,将会加入更多有趣的能力!(比如抽卡) 如果反响不错的话,还会考虑更新Vrains同系列其他人物的MOD。如果在使用中遇到了任何BUG,欢迎在评论区留言反馈。谢谢! -使用决斗盘Into the Vrains! 藤木游作可以使用出生自带的决斗盘变换成playmaker的形象。 变身期间:血量的增减由理智值承受,无视BOS...
Spinel, the Forgotten Gem (Steven Universe)
建立者 Sümi
Spinel has arrived to join the misery. Stay close to your new best friends if you don't want to become that mental wreck again. Spread the happiness! Stats: Hunger: 125 Health: 175 Sanity: 125 She's faster than other characters. Every value is adjustable i...
Wirra the Wild Child
建立者 Furry Eskimo
Third Halloween Update Released! 🎃 10/17/24 Adds Wirra the Wild Child into the world of Don't Starve Together. 🌎This mod is multi-lingual. Over 20 different languages are available. Having escaped Charlie’s clutches, Wirra spends most of her time wandering...
建立者 WIT
https://i.imgur.com/1j9BLKK.png (Then once by man and angels to be seen,/In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.) - Walter Scott Yes, it's Kraken -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Maple (from Bofuri)
建立者 Ealphax
Kaede Honjō (Maple) from "I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense" enters The Constant ! Hunger : 120 Vitality : 200 -> 1000 Sanity : 200 Level up by eating monsters : gains 10 max health by eating raw monster meat (up to 1000) Putting every p...
[Asakiri the Cyborg] User Experience Enhancement
建立者 沐曦
This ISN'T a re-uploaded self-use mod. This mod is based on the mod . Please use this mod and together. The link of https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2601796546 This mod is applicable for a specific version of . Now this mod is applica...
Selina Zifer
建立者 Dragon Wolf Leo
All comments that violate Steam Rules and Guidelines will be reported. Selina the Tribal Wolfess is a playable character for Don't Starve Together. The Don't Starve version is here. This is a commissioned character mod for Selina Zifer. More info on commis...
建立者 dingus
a mod made to be played with friends but i guess you can use it too stats are 90 health 125 hunger 100 lunacy they don't get insane but they do get enlightened they can now make items trade sanity and health to make a bun combine the bun with nightmare fue...
Jark the lynx
建立者 Dr.Presto
https://i.imgur.com/1j9BLKK.png Meet Jark the lynx, a foolhardy coward! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backstory https://i.imgur.com/RzWUcEa.png While working part-time as a mascot at ...
建立者 DoMayZ
HOT FIX Keys not working: Options -> Controls -> Changes: *Force Attack -> key F. *Open Crafing Menu -> Tab. *Scoreboard -> Caps. -> Apply. Default keys (skills): Z, X, C, V, R 【Stats】 https://i.imgur.com/wcrbpKp.png Begin hunger is 220, decreases 1.5x fas...
Nue Houjyuu(1.3.7)
建立者 Terliy
A modified version of the original one, with known bugs fixed and new upgrades added. Nue enter the Constant with her own weapon. It's powerful, but drains your sanity extremely fast. Eat food listed below to improve your various stats. Royal Jelly - Max H...
Andrew Kreiss [Identity V]
建立者 Kiwikyun
He spawns with a shovel, has night vision, 130 health and 150 sanity...
建立者 Yus
Stats HEALTH: 220 HUNGER: 130 SANITY: 170 -Zhongli hates seafood Items Vortex Vanquisher https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1841418161939612271/90581F356B61F254A321AD45ACA2F71F3D9DEE1E/36/38.5/41/43.5/46 DMG. Increases Shield Strength by 20/25/30/3...
建立者 wieselstoater
Check out the other mods we made! https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2759529852 https://i.imgur.com/1j9BLKK.png https://i.imgur.com/ZAycQfp.png A Saladmander Boy This mod is working in progress! **DO NOT REPOST**...
建立者 猁lynx
Lower in three dimensions, eating slowly increases the upper limit of hunger and health. Has three main skills: Jump Dodge, Spark , Hunt, and some other passive effects that interact with each other. Birth with her own Star Crown, which can be fed the Moon...
Mountain The Wolf
建立者 Winged Fox
https://i.imgur.com/PmxCVR5.png Character for cool person Mountain Character can be configured to play in the mods menu before starting server! Special thanks to Kodi-Fox and Skaily Foxy for drawing sprites, technical part and other creative work! You can ...
建立者 Rina7z
-HEY EVERY! IT'S ME! SPAMTON G. SPAMTON! EV3RY BUDDY'S FAVORITE ]! Now you're chance to be a BIG SHOT because you can play as Spamton The Salesman from Deltarune chapter 2! Spamton stats: * 140 health, 130 hunger, 120 sanity. * Custom sounds. * Can eat spo...
Guts the Black Swordsman and Puck, Updated and patched
Dark Xero Edition. Updated and patched by WCC I would like to thanks the creator of this mod for bringing in an awesome character. Changelog: -Guts emits an insanity aura. -Added the ability to change guts’s diet in the mod settings, comes with 3 setting: ...
Shirakami Fubuki
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: Shirakami Fubuki   What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Shirakami Fubuki in DST. The Fox Friend. https://imgur.com/aVdkrDB.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/lbjYda2.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you like it! ===========...
Urara(Expansion Pack)
建立者 WuYi-思无益
Urara是一只猫娘!"Is a nekomimi." Original character attributes: Urara, 3D: Hunger 100 Life 110 Intelligence 200 Traits: small animal affinity minor cold tolerance return san aura (gives one yard range to surrounding teammates) New: two spell books and two ancie...
Usada Pekora
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: Usada Pekora   What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Usada Pekora in DST. A War criminal An Idol of Hololive. https://imgur.com/gFAjUx6.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/jlvdrBS.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you like it!...
Camael - 灼烂歼鬼
建立者 Itsuka灬MaoGui
五河琴里精灵化所显现的天使为火之天使‐灼烂歼鬼,是一把带着火焰的巨大战斧,威力强大,能够对敌人造成物理与火焰双重伤害. 此mod只单单制作了灼烂歼鬼一个武器待更新. 配方所需 -红色月石x2 -月石坑x2 -金块x5...
Rimuru Tempest
建立者 Scorpion
Rimuru Tempest Rimuru Tempest from anime "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" (Tensei Shytra Slime Datta Ken). Stats https://i.imgur.com/jV5CGWb.png Abilities Level System For each slain creature, Rimuru receives a bonus to the maximum stats. https://...
Nanachi from Made in Abyss
建立者 Sound
This is a QoL update(meant for personal use) from the original mod: Link. Credits to original authors 羽织haori and 宵征. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/859487587014380114/05377125342CF267B82693E2957A268F268E1AE8/ Stats & Perks Health: 150 | Hunger...
Nanashi Mumei
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveEN: Nanashi Mumei What is this mod? It adds HololiveEN Vtuber, Nanashi Mumei in DST. https://imgur.com/CEZjzj2.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/JaklGWd.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you like it! ===================================...
Alice Margatroid Character Mod (bug fix)
建立者 pbc (temiruya)
The mod was branched from version:3.0.0 of the original mod. I will maintain it until the original is corrected. BUGFIX: 1) A doll activated, the game crashed. (Mar/30/2023) 2) When a doll took an attack from a frog, the game crashed. (Mar/30/2023) 3) Atta...
Link from Breath of the Wild
建立者 My Lover Sothis
Link from Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild This one took quite a bit, and im pretty pleased with the outcome. Some of the boot textures can be a little wonky at some times, but it shouldn't be a huge problem. Base Stats: Health: 180 Hunge...
建立者 Chahot
Zedex - The Spark in the Dark
建立者 Kiibie
Zedex OC mod commission art/coding by me! (Character belongs to contributor @Zedex & Additional coding by @meepenator) Please do not re-upload, nor modify this mod. This character belongs to @Zedex and the art is rightfully mine. __________________________...
建立者 nickNickNICK
Strong Bad by name, but not by nature. *Now with New Dialogue!*...
【东方Project】Kazami Yuuka 风见幽香 (NEW)
建立者 空乙己
风见幽香,来自东方project的强大妖怪! 原作者:Hansard/AMN 由于原幽香mod在2018年之后就不再更新,许多功能和现在版本不兼容,在得到原作者授权后修复并重置了花妈mod 代码:Wulmaw 画师:捡屎专家 策划:空乙己 封面:牙蘭(from lof,授权使用) 人物介绍 自带物品: 幽香的阳伞 --可以收起和撑开 --收起时时攻击为近战,造成更高的伤害 --撑开时攻击为远程,但造成的伤害降低且消耗较大。不过可以挡雨并提供额外的减伤。 --可以用来施放符卡 新实体: 向日葵 --由向日葵种...
Guts, the Black Swordman [RUS]
建立者 Mr. Heisenberg
RUS Это Гатс, Чёрный мечник и его эльф Пак. В этом моде вы можете поиграть за Гатса, мод полностью закончен, переведён на русский и доработан для удобной игры. ---ОПИСАНИЕ--- Гатс имеет тёмную ауру, которая будет снижать рассудок у ваших друзей. У Гатса ес...
Godrick, the Grafted
建立者 Sümi
Godrick has arrived to join the misery. Graft special arms from your fallen enemies to let the Constant know who's the Golden Lord. Stats: Hunger: 155 Health: 155 Sanity: 125 Most values can be modified from the Mods menu. Perks: Graftable Arms: Godrick is...
Hatsune Miku (DST)
建立者 Daniel
The personified Vocaloid software in Don't Starve Together. https://i.imgur.com/63eyAvV.png Credits: The creators of this character Dragon Wolf Leo for Extended Sample Character Stat change concepts by Mistor Love and Lolabuns Standalone: https://forums.kl...
建立者 K별구
Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xianle ※Very strong stat※ Strong stats make you sick and tired of playing fast. *It's recommended to adjust the stats on your own before playing.* *I'm not responsible for correcting errors.*...
Osamu Dazai
建立者 Angry Ghost
A character from Bungou Stray Dogs. Stats: Health 175 Hunger 150 Sanity 120 Perks: Deals more damage(1.5) Has bandages that restore 10 HP. Has ability "No longer human" - can stun enemy when hitting Also changes the attire when his sanity is low Thanks for...
建立者 电子妈妈
*是一只牧羊犬 正义善良 * 基础数值生命300/饥饿200/SAN100 * 擅长战斗 攻击力是威尔逊的1.5倍 * 喜欢吃东西 很容易饿 饱食度掉的很快(1.2倍) 只喜欢吃肉 不能吃蔬菜 并且吃不新鲜的食物会有更高的惩罚 * 饥饿100以下时攻击力会掉到威尔逊的1.2倍 * 性格勇敢 SAN流失速度较慢(0.7倍) * 不能睡觉 晚上需要他站岗 * 出生自带一个武器狗骨头 装备伤害 55 有耐久度(合成表 猎犬牙齿*1+树枝*5+绳子*2=狗骨头) * 当狗牌遗失时不用再担心会与ringo失去联系 目...
Wack, The Ripper
建立者 Waffe
This mods add a Halloween-themed cereal killer character... Wack, The Ripper! He is voiced by a harp, most if not all "announcement" lines (e.g. when you freeze, go in darkness, hounds are approaching, ect.) are unique quotes, and he even has a custom caro...
建立者 jeremylefou
original mod : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=559804807 it's the boner brother from Undertale with a custom voice and lines oh man lets go wild Stats: health - 1 sanity - 195 hunger - 100 Cons: ⚠️1 hp⚠️ Fast hunger lost ⚠️No damage ...
建立者 Ninj4Kitty
This is a character mod for Pikachu from Pokemon series. --STATS-- Health : 250 Hunger : 250 Sanity : 275 This mod also includes a sword for Pikachu. The sword currently has infinite uses because I haven't added the recipe for it yet....
Green(Jack),the friend
建立者 Glimer
"Until a bored shadow responded to his thoughts....." Green(Jack),the friend. ·author: programmer:Wulmaw artist:Glimer Character introduction: health:75 sanity:200 hunger:150 "lonely":100 Green does less damage and he cannot equip any hat ohter than goggle...
Samansha 3
建立者 LongFei
For more detail https://www.zybuluo.com/longfei/note/2385369 The base HP and damage are low, but the combat power can be enhanced by transforming. She can use active spells or buff, and transform into battle state. She is a comprehensive character that can...
Dave Miller
он кстати гей поцоны...
建立者 Kyuchi
The Heavy Metal Queen. She gets crazy very easily but can relax singing. v 2.6 * Health: 120 * Hunger: 200 * Sanity: 120 Yakisoba: egg + veggie + meat + red/green/blue cap Microphone: twigs x4 + gold x2 Retsuko is a small red panda with an unexpected hobby...
Basil from Omori
建立者 Aris
In the real world, he has blond hair and has a single pink flower tucked behind his left ear. He wears a green knitted sweater vest over a white t-shirt, beige shorts, and black shoes, resembling the same clothes that SUNNY wears. BASIL is depicted as a re...
Tsunomaki Watame(角卷わため)
建立者 Staly
HololiveJP: Tsunomaki Watame   What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Tsunomaki Watame in DST. As a "bard sheep" Watame uses her beautiful song and melody to help everyone! She could also craft items for her teammates, using her wool. https://imgur.c...
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveEN: IRyS IRyS, a half-demon, half-angel also known as a Nephilim, once brought hope to “The Paradise” during the ancient age. https://imgur.com/tesSekL.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/s9gzE2z.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you lik...
Higurashi Characters DST Mod - Mion and Keiichi
建立者 Birb
Both of these characters are from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni These are their statuses Mion Health: 350 Hunger: 95 Sanity: 100 Speed: 1.35 Strength: 1.90 Keiichi Health: 255 Hunger: 200 Sanity: 85 Speed: 1.55 Strength: 2 (They were supposed to come with cust...
Smol Nozomi
建立者 Kelsuis
Guys SilvaGunner is back! I try to edit speech file, but it doesn't work for whatever reason.... well meh...
Kun King
建立者 谁不重要i
This is a real man! This image is also found several painters to finalize the most adorable version, thanks to this stem for bringing happiness to everyone! The character itself is also very inspirational, developing from scratch, growing little by little,...
Gawr Gura
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveEN: Gawr Gura What is this mod? It adds HololiveEN Vtuber, Gawr Gura in DST. SHAAAAAAAARRRRRRRKKKKKK! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1665736384471740335/A0D8CCB29259086DB3F4F2AE41A4F80DDFB48B6A/ Default Stats https://imgur.com/Q24kQJH.p...
建立者 Yus
Stats HEALTH: 150 HUNGER: 150 SANITY: 140 -Venti is allergic to catcoons. Items Skyward Harp https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1836912569910842699/7BDB3BAF098A156A87EB2A00E13633E46E2530A2/38/40.5/43/45.5/48 DMG. Hits have a 60/70/80/90/100% chance...
Chell, the Test Subject
建立者 Sümi
Chell has arrived to join the misery. Use your Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device to survive this huge test chamber called the Constant. Stats: Hunger: 155 Health: 155 Sanity: 195 Most values can be modified from the Mods menu. Perks: Portal Gun: Chel...
Yay! Rain!
Wormwood gains 1 health every 5 seconds while it rains during the day (and he is below 80 wetness) through the powers of PHOTOSYNTHESIS. This makes spring a little less grueling. (Configurable)...
Wolemorm, the Absolutely Normal (Mineral Edition)
建立者 Sümi
Wolemorm has arrived to join the misery. Important notes: This is the original, beginner-friendly version of my Wolemorm mod. I don't really have any plans to update this version, my main focus is on the Recorrupted Edition. You can find the main version o...
Shinano Eiji
建立者 라또
세포신곡 細胞神曲 Cell of Empireo 시나노 에이지의 스킨 입니다! 스탯 체력 400 배고픔 150 정신력 120 시작 아이템 도끼, 생선 튀김, 툴레사이트 왕관, 스너틀 갑옷 *Nigth Vision으로 밤과 동굴에서 밝은 시야가 유지됩니다. *새나 토끼같은 동물이 도망가지 않습니다....
Niko (DST) | Re-illuminated
建立者 Niko
The constant has claimed another victim, Niko: The Messiah. Niko finds themself in a whole new and much more scary world. But luckily Niko is not alone. Through the help of you and The Author and whatever survivors await Niko in the constant, returning hom...
Moxxie [Helluva Boss]
A demon trapped in an unforgiving wilderness, forced to survive against the forces of the unknown. Seperated from I.M.P and taken from Hell itself, Moxxie now tries his hardest to survive in an unfamiliar world. Stats: Health: 150 Hunger:125 Sanity: 100 1....
Pannacotta Fugo : JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
建立者 햄정이
Pannacotta Fugo from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. health: 150 hunger: 150 sanity: 200 damage: 2 상대적으로 덜 배고파합니다. 보라색의 무언가를 가지고 시작합니다. 문의는 트위터 DM으로 (@YUJO3O) Thank you...
Airana Stormrider
建立者 Auveiss
Play as Airana the ice dragon who get lost in the constant trying to go back home, if you help her, she can help you too get through the game. Adventure lies ahead!! Character stats : - Health 100 - Hunger 120 - Sanity 170 Power : - Immune to freezing and ...
M. louis(E)
建立者 富萝莉
Manutsawee Config Current configuration ① Louis: the basic samurai sword is not durable ② Set some unimportant weapons to burn ③Better samurai headgear can now be crafted ④Now we can make better witch robes ⑤New warrior armor https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gi...
凹凸世界雷安同人mod mod群:867596400(所有通知都会先在群里说) 作者已弃坑,不会再做调整与更新~ ...
Natsuiro Matsuri
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: Natsuiro Matsuri What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Natsuiro Matsuri in DST. An offensive support character. https://imgur.com/W9KZvJM.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/cMGYlxu.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you like i...
Akai Haato & Haachama
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: Akai Haato & Haachama What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Akai Haato in DST. Beastmaster and chef types character. https://imgur.com/zGGryze.gif Default Stats https://imgur.com/ulY3yBC.png There is a huge config file enjoy it how you l...
Le Fantasque
建立者 wws_kyon
warship girl mod...
Wicked Woodie
建立者 Tyroue
Woodie just got some massive changes with the latest Woodie buffs along with Wormwood and Wolfgang. Fortunately this means many of my previous changes are no longer necessary. Therefore, this mod will currently adjust Lucy's damage to be slightly higher. +...
Mariel the Battle Maid
建立者 Marielx
Original Character, an adventurer who wears a maid outfit for personal reasons. -Main features- *Lifesteal *High sanity *Multi-tool sword *High damage...
建立者 MephistoZJ
Octodad: -health: 150 -hunger: 150 -sainty: 200 https://www.instagram.com/zacktryoll/...
Rengoku Senjurou
建立者 seaweedsuksuk
A little brother of Rengoku Kyoujurou from Demon Slayer(KNY) for Don't Starve Together. "Here's your tea. Please drink it." Status Hunger 140 HP 140 Sanity 140 *Heart of gold Could not attack small animals. *Therapeutic He has a sanity aura that heals othe...
建立者 风雪烟飘渺
profile: Start with a lot of food, three-dimensional 233, moving speed 1.233, twice the hunger rate! The collection speed, production speed and tree cutting speed are slightly faster than other characters, and the soul state moves fast! You can read books,...
建立者 乃木鸽子
Amiya -AMIYA- ·Coder:eatMew(咸鱼) ·Supervise:乃木鸽子(鸽子) ·Translater:bow-car(蛋壳) ·Action coder:老王天天写bug(小豪) ·Support:虚无 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/752590776071861054/D5D838B614CD4166AEF14E6B3AB3BB1FEBDF48E9/ 【Character feature】 *Leader: Can read...
Rin Kaenbyou (rework, modified)
建立者 Sinicero
Rin is a character from Touhou, a series of popular japanese games involving filling your screen with colorful and deadly projectiles. Reworked perk to new food, allow her to get her max 450 hp and still benefit from it Rebalance: Her hunger and sanity now...
F.G.O: Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Update 2023 I have failed. i forgot how to code in lua. i'm sorry Rework Pending So I was playing D.S.T. and alas! There is a Jeanne mod but no JALTER MOD?? Well then I took it to myself to actually make it myself Things you do for your waifu The Avenger f...
建立者 muffin
建立者 So0 nim
She is my OC I made for me and my friends thx ^^)9 Her insanity increases rapidly when she is with Shacha. Shacha >>> https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2250624863&searchtext=...
Heavy Weapons Guy: The Reimagining (TF2)
建立者 <default>
https://i.imgur.com/EpELivj.png Hi, everyone. Do you perhaps remember this mod here: https://i.imgur.com/2zeBVgE.png If you do not - this is one of the oldest mod creations for Don't Starve Together. Time was a bit rough on this one - items in that mod are...
Shiba Lemon&Micha 2.0
建立者 緹拉米_Tilami
Shiba Inu brothers from Taiwan Yellow is older brother and black is younger brother Their abilities come from realistic personalities ---------------------------- - Base Stats - Shiba Lemon LV 0 - 30 Health 60 - 200 Hunger 50 - 170 Sanity 50 - 210 Regenera...
One Piece Dracule Mihawk(Abridged Version)
建立者 村东头王大爷
Piggy`s Mihawk Character mod, got the authorization to change the mod, this version removes all the skills, only retains the original Black sowrd and hat (The Black sowrd has 63 attack, with Infinite durability and can also cut trees, hats are 20% rainproo...
建立者 MySora
恨穹不是妹,恨妹不成穹! 初始属性很差,但随着等级上升可以获得大量属性。 交流群号: 777150028 这是一个很不适合单人游玩的人物,建议拉上自己的小伙伴一起玩。 如果你对这个人物足够了解的话,也可以尝试挑战独自游玩。 码师:Fl 画师:魔法少女唐间竹子(人物贴图) Copyright 2022 。此产品仅授权在 Steam 和WeGame平台指定账户下, Steam平台:MySora 模组ID:workshop-1638724235 WeGame平台: 穹の空 模组ID:workshop-219902...
Lamb (Kindred) | Reforged
建立者 Angelica
Mod originally made by Senshimi, Click here for the original. All I did was a rebalance/rework. This wouldn't be possible if it weren't for Senshimi's talent. WARNING:This is only a mini-rework and not the final version, Wolf is currently being a bugfest. ...
建立者 丧芝
This will be an absolutely static world。 ______________________________ HEALTH:200 HUNGER:150 SANITY:150 ______________________________ Neo is immune to cold. When Neo approaches icebergs and frozen creatures, he will continue to lower his temperature.(wil...
Meat Bag(肉袋)
建立者 丧芝
永远无法摆脱饥饿的实验体生物,巨大的嘴仿佛可以吞下一切. ______________________________ 生命:999 饥饿:100 理智:100 ______________________________ : 饥饿速度极快,处于饥饿状态时双倍扣血. : 拥有饱食度时会飞速恢复生命值,但在此期间移动速度会大幅衰减,并且攻击力降低50%. : 饥饿状态下会进入暴走模式,移动速度大幅提升,并且攻击力翻倍. : 体型巨大,生命值极高,但被攻击时会受到更多伤害. :无视任何食物带来的负面效果(包括不...
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST EDWARD ELRIC ver3.2h 2023: The King of Farming & Building
建立者 西澈
Default language is Chinese, but you can change language to ENGLISH in mod configure! With Edward mod on,though other player can use Edward's craft too, but only Edward can get side products when crafting. This mod published much earlier than new Wilson,an...
Hu Tao
建立者 Ealphax
Genshin Impact's 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Enters The Constant ! Hunger : 150 Health : 200 Sanity : 150 Sanguine Rouge Hu Tao has a permanent x0.75 damage modifier While she's under 50% max health, she gains a x1.34 damage modifier So u...
[ DS and DST ] Akemi Homura ( Puella Magi Madoka Magica )
建立者 小开心
晓美焰:日本动画作品《魔法少女小圆》及其衍生作品中主要角色。 Akemi Homura 晓美焰: health: 150 sanity: 200 hunger: 150 sandtime : Kill Epic Creatures Drop. Have sandtime when you die. You will be resurrected. 击杀史诗生物掉落。 带有 sandtime 死亡时,将会复活. homuragun : damage : 55 range : 5 Attack weak cre...
建立者 Yus
Stats HEALTH: 170 HUNGER: 150 SANITY: 120 -Qiqi likes cold weather and won't be freeze when the temperature drops to -20°C in winter. But Overheating occurs when Qiqi's temperature is at 50°C. -Qiqi gain small sanity when the temperature is low, and lose s...
[ DST ] Momoe Nagisa ( Puella Magi Madoka Magica )
建立者 小开心
百江渚:《魔法少女小圆剧场版 叛逆的物语》中的登场角色。 Momoe Nagisa 百江渚: health: 150 sanity: 200 hunger: 150 Momoe Nagisa like to eat cheese. 喜欢吃奶酪的百江渚. trumpet(Nagisa's weapon) : damage : 10 or 55(Nagisa) range : 5 Attack weak creatures. You will be punished. 攻击弱小生物会受到惩罚. cheese(f...
Umaru Chan DST (Crash Fixed)
建立者 洛神·紅塵雪
It's only for the convenience of people who like this character. If anyone mind, I will delete it 1.This mod is modified on the basis of the original character mod. Theoretically, the compatibility is better. 2.This mod is not a patch, but a complete chara...
Winsome, the Gambler
建立者 Sümi
She used to be a waitress in a glamorous casino, until she found a mysterious, dark book. She used it to grant herself great fortune, until she risked too much. She lost a bet she never should have accepted. Stats: Hunger: 105 Health: 105 Sanity: 105 Most ...
建立者 hiroshige036
Matikanefukukitaru 「はい!マチカネフクキタルです!」 Matikanefukukitaru is a character from "Uma Musume Pretty Derby". She is based on a Japanese racehorse of the same name that was active in the past. As horse girl, she is a pretty girl who likes to tell fortunes and sup...
FGO fate/grand/order 大姐 stheno 斯忒诺
建立者 电脑玩家Elfa
有bug的话可以加下qq 1094374804或者2035443372具体私聊说一下,为了大家的游戏体验,不是吗 For ElfaResight just ElfaResight 画师:硅合金 码师:鑫 因为海伦娜mod所以,朋友帮我厨力放出弄了这个mod 血120 饥饿120 理智200 平A伤害偏低 1.5倍移速 快速采集 魔力值1000 每次攻击回复3点魔力值 技能1:吸血C 【z键】对三格地皮范围内的一个敌方单位释放,造成伤害,自身回复魔力值,12秒cd 技能2:女神的反复无常A 【x键】消耗魔力值...
Daniel FoxTowers
建立者 Wandour
Big and Burly, soft at the heart. it's a requested simple skin mod not much changes...
建立者 鱼仔
【太真详细信息】 更多内容请加Q群: 太真QQ二群: 511656917 更新日志: 修复了禁用物品在游戏内效果不明显的bug 修复琵琶错误叠加攻击特效导致电脑卡顿的问题 新增道具 番号幽冥 与暗影编织者战斗8分钟不死将会解锁这个道具 新增皮肤 板 目前参与群内的设定募集活动会获得这个角色皮肤 如果遇到技能栏消失请上下地洞或者退线重连 反馈bug请附带日志(最好是这样辣) ============================ 更新内容太多,请加群查看太真wiki链接 https://www.alan.p...
[WarshipsGirls-R] Vittorio Veneto
建立者 嚼铝的电酱
Introduction video website BILIBILI:BV1tu411f7fb Painter:HiiragiMayuki Animation:wws_kyon Code:Akyizob,Pengye Copywriting:Niannianhaihaoaixuexi —————————————————————————————————— Character : Hunger 130, San 150, health 300 Born with 4 raw coffee and a staf...
Sakana & Chinanago
建立者 老王天天写bug
This mod is based on 🐟「Sakana!」石蒜模拟器 https://github.com/itorr/sakana Original art: 大伏アオ https://twitter.com/blue00f4/status/1551887529615687680 https://twitter.com/blue00f4/status/1552066743853813760 Intro Added two decorations that you can make in "Struct...
Giorno Giovanna(JOJO's GoldenExperience)
建立者 I 4C U
New Edition In This Edition, you need to unlock every single creature by making its blueprint in your craft tab Put the special blueprint on ground and use your power(press X) on it Introduction to mod : originated from the character that created by Hirohi...
Hollow Knight
建立者 WUDA
The Vessel character mod Adds Hollow Knight to the game Stats: Health:150 Hunger:175 Sanity:150 Perks: Faster: 115% speed Gains 1/3 sanity per hit Added Nail + Upgrades Added 7 charms + recipes for each Added a charm slot Doesn't talk too much (is a mute) ...
Whispy, the Agricultured
建立者 Rex
https://imgur.com/K2fVOTP.png "Time to get out of my comfort zone." ----------------Bio Lore: WIP Birthday: November 4th Favorite Food: Pumpkin Cookies Voice: Piccolo Trombone Starting Items: Garden Digamajig, 5x Seeds ----------------Passive Abilities Com...
Ninomae Ina'nis
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveEN: Ninomae Ina'nis What is this mod? It adds HololiveEN Vtuber, Ninomae Ina'nis in DST. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1756938425188171317/5AC0F1213B3C8F2FD30A835DC9787EF4B817E3D1/ Default Stats https://imgur.com/o94TN9i.png There is a...
Winley <Primal Update>
建立者 ForxeNN
It is recommended to use this mod without other modifications to prevent possible conflicts. Yes. A casual Catcoon combined with Gnar, from League of Legends. I know, very creative. I mean.. maybe he inherited something different from: cats , otters , racc...
Yakumo Yukari
建立者 Yukari7777
Yakumo Yukari comes from unknown world to manipulate Don't Starve Together world! YOU MUST ENABLE THIS MOD TO PLAY DS(single) version Yakumo Yukari comes from unknown world to manipulate Don't Starve world! Who is Yakumo Yukari This is a character mod base...
Amelia Watson
建立者 ZeroRyuk
HololiveEN: Amelia Watson What is this mod? It adds HololiveEN Vtuber, Amelia Watson in DST. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1756938568797209527/F656C462FE3C7D4CED5B158DF530214057CB142E/ Default Stats https://imgur.com/6Q7CNVT.png There is a hug...
Wynn, the Environmentalist
建立者 Sage
This mod adds Wynn, the Environmentalist, to Don't Starve Together. ***For more work by me and information about character art commissions, visit http://sageoflegend.com/commissions/ This character was designed to feel just like an additional base characte...
Whandler, the Digital Artist
建立者 Sage
This mod adds Whandler, the Digital Artist, to Don't Starve Together. (Gotta know how to promote yourself!) ***For more work by me and information about character art commissions, visit http://sageoflegend.com/commissions/ The character was designed to fee...
Walker & Wollie, the Companions
建立者 Sage
This mod adds Walker & Wollie, the Companions, to Don't Starve Together. A unique new pet-based character design for your survival enjoyment! ***For more work by me and information about character art commissions, visit http://sageoflegend.com/commissions/...
Loona [REMASTERED] [Helluva Boss]
A Hellhound who's too bored to care.. most of the time. When I originally made her, I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% sure she looked, "right", thought her face was weird and many people in the comments voiced the same! So... I've given her a complete makeover...
OC mod for Don't Starve Together. Play with her ^.^ > https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2249880093...
Silvan - Guardian of the nature
You don't need cut the trees anymore! Added the new creature in the world. He will be your best friend if you tired of choping. Interactions: - Can trade twigs, berries, grass, carrot and mushrooms to logs; - Trade colefant trunks to living logs; - Plantin...
建立者 MR.Wilson
# Original Author: Haruz # Original Link: steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=364189966&searchtext=mitsuru ####################################### Introduction: 1. Hate hunger, become weak when hungry 2. Love to fight 3. Like to eat meat food (e...
Lira Mentor
建立者 ZNZN
This is a mod that adds witch "Lira Mentor" and 6 types of exclusive items. She is good at wands and books, but has low physical attack power and is vulnerable to pain. The exclusive item is a low-power ranged weapon. Attack power increases up to 300% with...
建立者 Freeze
"Hey! everyone" http://i.imgur.com/skyFJbI.png Perks: * Healing factor (1 hp every 1 seconds) * Not afraid of monsters * Low sanity (can change in the mod's configuration options.) * Can teleport (-5 per sanity use) ----------------------------------------...
建立者 羽织织
Art:羽织haori Code:宵征 Thank Peacock for completing nanachi custom speech. Don’t forget to thumb up if you like it. You can click the following pictures to browse our other character mod from Made in Abyss. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/859487587...
Fire Fist Ace
建立者 Silhh
UPDATE: 8/11/15 Ace has a new fire "item" which allows him to shoot fireballs (ranged, 30 dmg, no fire spread) Ace is here to assist Luffy in Don't Starve Together! - Ace's hat is an item which gives sanity. - Ace has a fire item which allows him to shoot ...
The Medic
建立者 Goat Slice
The Medic from Team Fortress 2 for Don't Starve Together! Now you can practice medicine on your friends! With custom complete speech lines based off of what Medic says in game written by me! Including a custom voice! ___________ Stats https://i.imgur.com/N...
建立者 Silhh
Luffy is off on another adventure to the Don't Starve universe! KAIZOKU OU NI ORE WA NARU! Normal mode: - His strawhat is an item which gives Sanity - Eats all meat - Slight damage Increase - Hunger Set to 300 - Does more DMG with fists - Hunger Drain is 2...
[DST] WhaRang
建立者 JinYering
* (DS to DST) MOD Scale down. <!> Excluded: Pets, Wall, Skills, etc. * This mod is not complete. If experience frequent errors or crashes, stop using them. Check for Change Notes Subscribe to Single version Version 1.4 Released Hello. There was a mod updat...
建立者 Nc5xb3
This mod supports Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together. Also available on the Klei Forums 2023-09-09 - Fixed nil ground name error causing crash 2022-08-13 - Fixed issue with waypoints shared on online servers due to DST update (Thank you Dragon O' Chaos...
[DST] Crash Bandicoot 3.0.0
建立者 capo²
This mod adds Crash Bandicoot to your character roster! Along with items from the Crash Bandicoot universe. Subscribe to download the mod and play today, either solo or with friends! http://i.imgur.com/85G6581.png Old: http://i.imgur.com/Hqo431r.png AKU AK...
IJN DD - Hibiki
建立者 RaythalosM
「不死鳥の名は伊達じゃない。」 IJN Destroyer Hibiki, from Kantai Collection, or Kancolle. (My mods are not skin compatible, aka they can't use alternate clothing besides gloves, pants/skirts, and shoes, because of the body proportions being different/taller from the defa...
Death [DST]
建立者 Wisielcowa
~~ THANK YOU FOR OVER 100K DOWNLOADS! ~~ Death - Anthropomorphic Personification ** It's not certain why he is in Don't Starve world. Probably Azrael sent him here for Maxwell's soul. Also rumor has it that somewhere here is Binky. ** Mod inspired by chara...
Remilia Scarlet
建立者 月城冬海
This is the master of the Scarlet Devil Mansion Remilia...
建立者 柴柴Chai-Chai
https://i.loli.net/2020/10/23/yi5E6p3ZHlvGYAh.jpg Traveling Carney Cat Possesses agile combat skills Upgrade by walking and eating fish, with no level cap! Easy to obtain increased gathering and killing drop multipliers Can craft convenient and practical h...
Sollyz Character [DST]
建立者 Haru
Version 1.1 (For Don't Starve Together (Beta) Sollyz The Cat Slap! "I love Haruz as well as I love those fish!" *eat fish level up (max30) *have fishing rod *run faster when morning lv1 >> lv30 health 100 >>220 hunger 150 >>300 sanity 90 >>150 speed normal...
Rin Kaenbyou | Touhou Project
建立者 Senshimi
Rin Kaenbyou - Lore - Rin is a character from Touhou, a series of popular japanese games involving filling your screen with colorful and deadly projectiles. Rin is a feline demon with an energetic and positive personality. Her main occupation is carrying a...
Shipwrecked Characters
建立者 Goat Slice
The characters from Shipwrecked ported over to Don't Starve Together! With DST assets and speech strings! This port is strictly for the characters and their items. Not 1-1. With various config options. https://i.imgur.com/gyPmHBx.png https://i.imgur.com/9K...
Shiro | No Game No Life
建立者 Senshimi
Shiro I was commisioned to make this mod, thanks to the person who made this happen! - Lore - Shiro is one of the main characters from the anime: "No Game, No Life". One day, Shiro and her brother Sora were playing videogames, until a mysterious being clai...
建立者 AceTonaa
♣ Xenomorph ♣ → Health: 250 (5x fire damage) → Hunger: 100 (0.8 hunger rate) → Sanity: 60 (don't lose sanity during the night) → Very Fast → Eats only meat → 1.8 of damage → Immunity to overheating → Clothes are invisible → Night Vision ♣ I am Brazilian, t...
Annie(League of Legends)
建立者 Arcade
!!!===Tibberdoll glitch fixed===!!! "Annie may be one of the most powerful champions ever to have fought in a Field of Justice. I shudder to think of her capabilities when she becomes an adult." ― High Councilor Kiersta Mandrake Welcome to the Summoners ri...
Saber (All-In-One) (Fate Series)
建立者 Aida Enna
This is a compilation of the 6 Saber skins found originally in this port: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=933667492 This mod has custom characters and items. The only way to make them available is by downloading and enabling the Modde...
Madoka Kaname(Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
建立者 Arcade
August 28th 2017 Kyubey prototype added. A more finished Kyubey later this week. "If someone says it's wrong to hope, I will tell them that they're wrong every time." Please read the change notes for the December 23rd patch Commissioned by RoflcopterV22. S...
建立者 Yus
Stats HEALTH: 140 HUNGER: 150 SANITY: 150 -Ganyu is a vegetarian and Ganyu's hunger rate is also lower. -Ganyu can eat flowers, ferns, succulents can restore 5 hunger, and eating cutgrass can restore 7 hunger. Items Amos' Bow https://steamuserimages-a.akam...
Yae Sakura
建立者 宵征
Yae Sakura Don't forget to thumb up if you like it. You can choose language here. https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw1024/006n5Dirly1fkoimfo0xrj30eu0ey0td.jpg https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw1024/006n5Dirly1fkoimfo1rqj30mx0m1js3.jpg Character from Honkai Impact 3rd. I make...
Marisa Kirisame
建立者 Time
17-06-02 Important update :powerful hakkero addsin the mod! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirisame Marisa, an ordinary magician, lives in the Forest of Magic….. until one day some hags throw her into...
建立者 大钢炮plus
v1.01 Add sound in configuration Fix can't open fox Choose language and sound in configuration Kagura hunger 150 san 200 health 150 Happy new year!! Thank you very much for your support 1.Have a paper umbrella.Extra damage to shadowcreature. 2.Have a pet f...