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【汉化】Custom Lord Creation/自定义人物mod汉化
Created by PJGG
仅汉化文本,需要原mod做前置 原mod: mod问题不要找我,问就是不懂,我只是个搬砖工 因为汉化了脚本,所以mod一旦更新这个汉化就不能用了,切记...
Created by Braised fish
这只是汉化文本,需订阅原mod才能生效 请把此mod排序放在所有原mod之上 包括了所有我汉化的low作者的作品 兼容sfosub mod LOW - Blood Legion Mixed Warriors 暗精吸血鬼兵种拓展 LoW - Dragon Legion 高精龙王子系列兵种拓展 LoW - Dragon Legion Corsairs 高精龙海盗系列兵种拓展 LoW - Phoenix Legion 高精凤卫系列兵种拓展 LoW - Black Guard Legion 暗精马勒基斯兵种拓展 M...
已更新【汉化】Boyz Will Be Boyz - 更接近桌面大修 (CTT) - CN
Created by PJGG
Boyz Will Be Boyz - Closer to Tabletop overhaul (CTT) 更接近桌面大修汉化 仅修改文本,需要原mod前置 一切荣誉都归原作者所有 ——————mod介绍—————————————————————————————— 这是一个更贴近桌面平衡的mod,更侧重战术层面和战损控制 特点就是所有兵种数据严格按照桌面数据设置 相对SFO来说更贴近原版,相对原版来说更贴近桌面 大量的兵种被动,包括好的(各种强力技能)坑爹的(器械会故障、枪械会哑火、战车过崎岖地形会导致散架...
Only translated into Chinese,not a new verson. 仅翻译成中文,请将汉化MOD置于原MOD上。 合集链接: MOD介绍视频: MOD合集是承宣和明曦推荐的,我是他俩的B站粉丝,看到合集里的少量MOD还未汉化就顺手汉化了一下,由于不是专业翻译,有错误请在...
Created by 小铭
B站UP主 明曦啊xmD 这是格朗尼之锤,矮人最棒的机制MOD的汉化。 排序,把这个汉化MOD放到 原上面就行了 原MOD链接
Created by 布霖
目前鸽了OVN,汉化了这个。 接下来摸了,要玩CK3。。。。。。。。。 近日准备把搞诺斯卡熊人搞了...
Created by 小铭
该MOD为八峰山大修汉化 在这里也感谢@贝尔摩德 洛阳侯 该汉化采用了一些洛阳侯之前汉化的译本。 请把这个Mod放到八峰山大修原MOD上面。 如果你用了洛阳侯汉化,也请放到洛阳侯汉化上面。 原MOD链接:
因为在合集里翻译过于繁琐,我把这个mod独立出来了 该mod为各个古墓王新增了专属兵种、科技 强化了科技古墓王,新增4个传奇领主、2个传奇英雄 新增部队升级 洛阳侯战锤汉化群 群号:887232998 注意事项 该mod只汉化了文本,需要订阅原mod 如果订阅了没有变化应该是载入顺序的问题,把该mod放到第一位载入就行了 ...
Expanded Roster - Amazons 汉化(Chinese)
Created by flameyjf
原 这是只是汉化文本,需订阅原mod才能生效 请把此mod排序放在原mod之上 mod介绍: 添加了全新的亚马逊种族的传奇领主、领主、英雄、技能、魔法、部队和建筑 可以在自定义战斗中选取亚马逊派系体验 在战役中,亚马逊族被加入到了蜥蜴人派系下, 在部分蜥蜴人派系重要主城里,可以建造亚马逊独特建筑以招募亚马逊部队 游牧派系无法招募亚马逊部队 PS.我另外重新制作了亚马逊部队的所有兵牌和美化...
Kaylica's mods 汉化包
Created by Kaylicaaa
Kaylica's mods zh-cn translation submod 为我的莱弥亚派系,史崔格派系和尼古拉契派系MOD添加了中文文本 如果以后能有新MOD,也会在这里更新文本 请将该汉化包的加载顺序放在较高的位置 如果有什么问题请在下面留言...
Mixu's CN 汉化 合集(2021/10/15 持续更新,想众筹个战锤3 )
Created by 鱼大仙
贴吧汉化文本错误反馈地址 欢迎大家反馈汉化问题,比如说名称错误,语法错误或优化,逼格更高。关键字:杨大仙(方便查找) ————————————————————————————————————————————— 经过MIXU大佬的授权 ————————————————————————————————————————————— 由于本人不懂英语,汉化在参考全战官方中文翻译原文,及大...
感谢布霖的奉献,如果没有他,不知道要到猴年马月才能汉化完 欢迎加入洛阳侯战锤汉化群 群号:887232998 注意事项 该mod只汉化了文本,需要订阅原mod 感谢群友的帮助 如果订阅了没有变化应该是载入顺序的问题,把该mod放到第一位载入就行了 必需物品一定要全部订阅 您的支持是我创作的动力
因为这个mod修改了一些游戏本体的文本,给不订阅这个mod的玩家带来了一些困扰,故把这个mod从合集里独立出来 这个汉化最初是在搞毛合集的基础上弄的,感谢搞毛二哥群友的支持 SFO版: 我的合集: 您的支持是我创作的动力...
One Button Respec(汉化)
Created by Ashen One
注意:该MOD仅为原MOD的汉化,需订阅原MOD再订阅本MOD,同时开启生效。 版本:1.12.0 『The Silence & The Fury』 说明:可以一键重置技能点的MOD,每个角色只能重置一次,解决了合邦加入的领主乱加点的问题。...
汉化的大多都有SFO兼容补丁,自行搜索,当然汉化也适用于原版mod 汉化不易,多多点赞~ Marienburg Land Ships - 玛丽恩堡陆行船 "Morr" War Altars - 帝国三种新战争祭坛 Sea Dragons - 暗精海龙、地狱龙(SFO已内置) Wood Elves Meadow Chariot - 木精灵草甸战车 Hydra Species - 暗精三种新多头蛇变种 Old School Gotrek and Felix as Heroes! - 高崔克和菲利克斯作为英雄,拥...
Legendary Lord Lore汉化
Created by 金花
原MOD地址: 注意 这个MOD我会不定期更新,因为内容实在太多,而我因为工作实在太忙,我没法一次性更新好 合作汉化 这个MOD的文本量实在太多了,我一个人难以完成,如果你想贡献你的个人之力,请在评论区留言 MOD内容 ①:传奇领主特殊事件(使用传奇领主走到大地图特定的位置) 完成进度:894/1413(63%) ②:地区事件(建造完某建筑或地标后出现事件介绍) 完成进度:1233/...
Land Encounters汉化
Created by xx
此MOD功能:将Land Encounters进行了汉化。原MOD地址: 原MOD功能:陆地宝藏:在陆地上添加了许多宝藏(捡垃圾),类似于原版海上宝藏的机制,然后有各种事件供你选择。 注意事项:该MOD需订阅原MOD使用,需排序于原MOD上方。 另:还有小部分文本未汉化完全。(3月23日已施工完毕) 如果大家还有喜欢的MOD需要汉化的话可以给我留言奥,我会注意并采纳的。 请大家...
经过一周的奋战!终于完成了这个mod的汉化 洛阳侯战锤汉化群 群号:887232998 注意事项 该mod只汉化了文本,需要订阅原mod 如果订阅了没有变化应该是载入顺序的问题,把该mod放到第一位载入就行了 您的支持是我创作的动力
(Update Version:God's chosen)Blackoutsider units expansion / blackoutsidier 兵种包(更新版本:众神之选)
Created by Blackoutsider
THX to my dear friend, now SFO version: 11.28 update version, 1.Eng text released. Pretty Thanks to @Jomix7 for his effort! 2.Added artillery chariots and Ancestor Sacred Statue (like necrof...
*Important Notice* Cpecific's Skill Queue (win64)
Created by Cpecific
*Works on 1.12.1* *IMPORTANT NOTICE* CA is going to disable some modding functionality, after which memreader will no longer be possible to use (this is not an old *notice*, as some people misinterpreted, but a current state of affairs). I asked them to in...
首先感谢Sam大佬和SorcererSupreme大佬提供mod灵感! English version is here:All Faction: New Landmarks Recruit Norsca Hunted Monsters (original monsters version) 前排提醒: 此mod由于需要占领城镇,因此仅对所有非游牧派系有效(即混沌和野兽人此mod暂无效) 此mod兼容大多数mod,包括SFO、mixu领主包和派系全开mod等,兼容凡世帝国和大漩涡 ——————————————...
1 Turn Confederation Penalties
Created by Lesrek
Works with latest patch. Only makes the modifiers for confederating last a turn. You still need to wait the normal number of turns before you can confederate again. Unlikely this will get updated and doesn't work with the current version of the game. Feel ...
60 Levels and 2X Skill Points with Skill Dump (S&F dlc Updated)
Created by ClayChuang
自用的技能点mod 60等 每级2技能点 增加处理多馀技能点的dump 并让多馀技能点有一点作用 最高可升到120等 兼容 Compatible SFO: Grimhammer II Mixu's Legendary Lords 1 Mixu's Legendary Lords 2 Mixu's Tabletop Lords Mixu's Mousillon Mixu's: Vangheist's Revenge O6OPMOT's Heroes of the Empire Empire Master En...
随机部队抽奖 Purchase Random Units
Created by 何物萌之哉
Purchase Random Units Allow Player spend 2500 gold purchasing an random unit. The purchase button is located on the top left of the recruitment interface. The unit purchased will be add into player's force immediately. Many different kinds of units can be ...
Varied Monsters Compilation
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This is a compilation mod that adds colour variations to the following monsters and beasts in the game: DARK ELVES 3 variations to Kharibdyss 6 variations to War Hydras --> Varied Hydras HIGH ELVES 2 variations to Flamespyre Phoenix 2 variation...
Blessing of the Chaos Gods -- Unit Upgrade for Chaos
Created by oil
Intro Introduce the scrape upgrade system to Chaos 。 Add a new resource to Chaos called skulls when you can collect by killing your enermies. Offer these skulls to the chaos gods and they will bless you! Upgrades Each unit has four upgrade options, corresp...
Building Progression Icons II
Created by Spartan VI
Building icons reflect their building chain's upgrade progression! Includes all factions from TW:WARHAMMER 1 and 2 + DLC. Mod Features: Building icons now reflect building upgrade progression. Every faction's buildings are modded and fit the original art s...
Decline Diplomacy
Created by Marthenil
You can now alt-tab to your heart's content during those long turn times, without worrying that those pesky Dawi that declared war on you (again) have stopped the end of the turn waiting for you to click ok. Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and ...
Easy Diplomacy (S&F Patch)
Created by Nomad
Just another easy diplomacy cheat mod, for PLAYER ONLY. Requires 300 gold bribe to get what you want, most of time. Sometimes requires a little more. Didn't feel like waiting for all the old, outdated ones to be updated. Here you go, enjoy :) Compatible wi...
Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
Created by sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal! Why? The longer you play a campaign the m...
Force Confederation
Created by sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". Tired of messing with the diplomacy system until the AI finally agrees to confederate? So why not beat them up and force them into submission? Spare yourself ...
Follower Expand亲随拓展
Created by 金花
MOD功能: 给所有种族增加了更多的亲随 这些亲随的掉落方式全是原版就有的,至于详细掉落方式请到游戏里自行体验,当然你也可以通过海上捡垃圾或者解锁古圣密码来获得它们 具体加成及效果: English Version: 한국어: https://steamcom...
glf Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多玩具兵种 以后不定期更新(如果我有时间) SFO版: 한글 패 치: English Patch :
Home Region Movement Bonus
Created by Dresden
This mod increases movement for armies in their own regions by 10%. Compatible with most mods and with ongoing campaigns/save games. In current campaigns, you will have to end turn once for it to take effect. Notes: - Does not affect horde factions since t...
Instant Quest Ancillary 立即获得神器
Created by TransARM
(Scroll down for English description) 已整合DLC沉默与愤怒,达到神器任务等级后等一回合可直接获得传奇领主神器(包括所有隐藏神器). 注意事项 - 旧档只有在未激活神器任务的前提才兼容; - 先读取此mod再读取SFO; - 跟 Community Bug Fix 部分不兼容,如果坚持要用,此mod读取顺序要优于CBF。 由于强制跳过一些神器任务会影响其绑定派系的某些功能,具体参考以下操作可重新获得完整体验: 如何解锁 ''精英死灵巨像'' 和完成 ''哈肯的破碎心灵'...
Landmark Supplement地标补充
Created by 金花
SFO version SFO版: English Patch: MOD功能: 这个MOD为目前游戏里所有地标增加了低级跟高级版本,让它们可以跟随主城升级到顶级 一共增加了大约284个新建筑(154种地标) (一小部分部分地标由于效果实在太弱或者因...
Legendary Lore
Created by IfThenOrElse This mod adds a little flavour to your campaigns by adding text events to the game when certain conditions are met, which will tell you a little of that character's lore in a narrative form. h...
More ancillaries slots for all factions
Created by 小铭
Thanks for @ClayChuang The contents is like the cover. The mod is suitable for all factions....
No Climate Penalties
Created by Psycho
Description Effectively removes Climate Penalties by setting their values to 0 (see image above). Affects the Climate Penalty itself, so works for all factions. Compatibility This mod is an extremely basic value adjustment, so it should be compatible with ...
No Extra Upkeep
Created by Unnamed_Shadow
This mod removes the percentage increase to your upkeep when recruiting a new lord. I found it necessary considering the annoying Chaos Hordes spawning whenever a new ritual for the Vortex starts. The AI already can recruit as many armies as they want. Mak...
One Button Respec (Updated!)
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Here is a mod that adds a single button to the character UI to fully respec the character's skills. This can only be done once per game per unique character. As far as I know this is a 100% full respec that does not mess with quest skills, innates, traits,...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by Militus Immortalis
WARHAMMER 3 VERSION HERE Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Rakarth Update". This mod transfers legendary lords and legendary heroes of defeated factions (of the same culture) to factions that are still in play. This...
Region Trading
Created by Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a new UI which provides a basic version of region trading. Functionality currently includes purchasing and gifting of regions. The main reason this mod was added was to allow the player to obtain regions which have been taken by friendly AI f...
Region Trading - Unrestricted
Created by Vanishoxyact
This mod removes the restrictions from the Region Trading mod allowing you to buy any province from any faction, and gift to any faction. This mod requires the base Region Trading mod to function, which can be found below: Region Trading Enjoy! Vanishoxyac...
Remove unit loss from colonizing ruins
Created by WillAitch
Removes the unit loss associated with colonizing a ruin....
Rename Legendary Lords - yes, it still works
Created by prop joe
Allows you to rename Legendary Lords and other immortal characters using the rename button in the bottom right of the character details panel. Made for Twitch Streamers and Youtubers. This is a pure script mod, and compatible with literally everything. Mod...
The Dukes of Bretonnia 汉化(2020-5-15日更新)
Created by 鱼大仙
经过作者许可授权 更新到最新版本 卧槽 居然更新成功了 更新到了V.3 增加了5个新的传奇英雄 坦克雷德二世·德·奎那利斯公爵 哈根·德·吉索莱奥公爵 吉隆·德·阿曼德·阿奎坦公爵(巴托掌旗官) 提奥多里克·德·布理奥涅公爵 弗尔卡·德·蒙特福特公爵(步战英雄,农奴扛把子) 貌似作者后续会添加 里昂尼斯牧羊妹 Repanse de Lyonesse 如何招募???5个领主都没出现前不要使用CE修改!!!!!!卡脚本 3DM的修改器可以用 吉隆·德·阿曼德·阿奎坦 红公爵是阿奎坦的 玩任何布列诺尼亚派系:覆灭...
UI Modding Framework
Created by Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a whole framework allowing the possibility of creating custom user interfaces within mods. Creating UI's within mods is notoriously difficult which results in very few, if any mods utilizing them. This framework unlocks this possibility by pr...