Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Skabt af Caibai
·让东方王朝三种政体能持有大都市 ·新增开局决议转变长安和洛阳为大都市 ·使原版大都市转变决议不影响丝绸之路在: 最近更新日期7/15...
东方王朝文化兵种扩展 Orient Empires Expansion of cultural customs
Skabt af KAHN
东方王朝文化兵种扩展 mod 本mod的所有文本都有标注并且十分简单,欢迎感兴趣的小伙伴自行英语本地化 All the text in this mod is annotated and very simple, so you are welcome to localize it yourself #有什么好点子可以私信我,我会给你做出来的鸥Q3Q# QQ群号:902225782 启动器内黄色三角不要紧,不影响游玩,亲测有效 请勿与hoc兵种mod一起使用,hoc里面有的内容本mod后续会酌情增加,优化和改...
Skabt af 17.
20221016 repair had_sex 修复官方had_sex记忆没有保存时间导致很多涉及sex记忆的事件失效bug ps,订阅我事件mod的别订这个,因为内置修复了,免得因为排序冲突...
Skabt af 牛奶大魔王
简介 本项目专注于将AGOT的子mod翻译 已经汉化的项目 图片加载不出点这里 常见问题 你没有问题,你有问题那你往下看 汉化还是不生效?重新订阅试试? 文本缺失?请先尝试自行原模组内置的假中文。不会的话....我要活吞你这个笨蛋 排序?置于需要汉化的模组下方即可。 BUG?你找作者啊! 冲突?我这个只是汉化模组冲突你自己排查! 觐见Q群341955554 还看?就你问题多,给你一拳 ...
勒索与暴毙/Threats & Tragedy
Skabt af Saltfish
十字军之王3:勒索与暴毙修改了TnT DLC和1.9原版更新中的许多不合理之处,包括巡游活动瞎扯无理由无通知送牵制和比武大会高频率的抢座位受伤、看台倒塌等。降低了比武大会畸高的意外死亡率。 Crusader Kings III: Threatening & Tragedy modified many contents of TnT (and the 1.9 base game), including giving hooks to everyone ridiculously without informin...
Skabt af 牛奶大魔王
基于1.12.1的官方中文意义不明以及诸多错别字进行以下修订,并没有过度润色,如果需要基于订阅量再考虑是否做沉浸润色版 官中汉化问题反馈区: 修订内容: 新增you,they,your等单词的本地化,此条修正来源于 语法宏问题(本地化显示you而非你/你们)修正 rich_presence_fp3_tax_collectors_min文件里的 正在经营避税地, 改为 正在搜刮民脂民膏, 【customizable_locali...
Skabt af 真快乐否
添加了四个关于摄政的右键决议,以及二个宣战理由。 右键决议:宣布我为未来摄政(兵谏) 使用范围:已激活二元制的君主;AI无法使用。 限制:兵力是君主的两倍。 右键决议:推翻摄政(兵谏) 使用范围:已激活二元制的君主的摄政角色;AI无法使用。 限制:兵力是摄政角色的两倍。 与原版区别:原版是发动密谋,与军力完全无关。 右键决议:全面深化摄政权力(兵谏) 效果:摄政加二十点权力天平点数。 使用范围:已激活二元制的君主;AI无法使用。 限制:兵力是君主的两倍;冷却一年。 右键决议:清君侧(兵谏) 效果:发动清君侧...
Skabt af 真快乐否
添加了三个关于摄政的右键决议及一个功能。 右键决议:(摄政)废黜君后 使用范围:已激活二元制的君主的妻子;AI无法使用。 限制:兵力是君主的两倍、权力天平的点数大于40 右键决议:(摄政)选择其为君主的继承人 使用范围:已激活二元制的君主的所有同族成员;AI无法使用。 限制:兵力是君主的两倍、权力天平的点数大于80 右键决议:(摄政)废黜君主 使用范围:已激活二元制的君主;AI无法使用。 限制:兵力是君主的两倍、权力天平的点数大于80 右键决议:(摄政)还政于君 使用范围:已激活二元制的君主;AI无法使用。...
Skabt af Calrad1a
个人原因 以后不会再弄汉化了 请大家订阅牛奶的新mod
Skabt af Calrad1a
Mod简介 专注于为地区扩展、丰富游戏机制功能之类mod提供汉化 努力保持最新&100%汉化 QQ交流群:689330252 项目地址 汉化合集 欢迎大家加入或者关注我们的进度 使用提示 汉化合集在启动器里的Mod排序尽量往下放 检查你订阅的Mod本体是否包含simp_chinese文件夹(如果有,那么!新N菌汉化对这个Mod将不起作用;如果没有,直接放心使用。) 如何快速检查并删除你订阅的Mod本体里的simp_chinese文件夹? 1.在这里推荐使用一款快速搜索工具---Everything/自己百度...
Skabt af 牛奶大魔王
牛奶汉化之RICE 是对 区域沉浸与文化丰富的文本进行汉化,,由于原汉化Jujiote菊苣已经长达一年多没有进行更新所以我接手了他原本的汉化内容并在其基础上更新至最新版本,并在未来会持续更新 12月更新日志 1月更新日志 1.9版本更新日志:
Skabt af 牛奶大魔王
简介 本项目将N菌汉化与牛奶汉化全部合并兼更新(部分远古项目与文本过多项目不包含其中,以传送门已汉化项目为准,原汉化仍保留并更新 N菌那边不知道) 感谢一代N菌 他入伍了以及二代N菌kennyS 他摸了的贡献 点我查看 | 如何删除假中文 因为我们收录并修订N菌和汉化合集,所以不建议在游戏中启用此两汉化以免覆盖集成汉化的文本 已经汉化的项目 图片加载不出点这里 你想要请愿汉化的项目 (给你两拳,竟然要奶皇看...
Skabt af 紫色隐者
感谢: 感谢【REBELLION】、【小鹿和我玩】两位玩家的接力,让大家玩到能跟的上版本更新的mod,非常感谢! 本mod的原理在于注释掉00_special_buildings中的is_holy_site_of = 由于每次游戏版本更新,该文件是重灾区,所以这种接力更新的模式非常适合本mod。 再次感谢有这么多玩家的订阅,再次感谢两位玩家的接力更新。 如果mod更新不及时,大家想自己动手的话推荐WinMerge这款开源工具,可以很快定位到本文件中被更新的部分代码。除了...
Skabt af lancelot4king
本MOD新增了一种新的互动选项----约会 my friend :@Prof.Dr.Max translate this mod into english and german! welcome to try it :D =============================== 下次预计更新: 下次准备做的是旅行活动,也就是类似像避世冥想那样需要, 将限制一段时间内玩家的...
The Emperor's Happy Life 美人如玉珍藏版
Skabt af TeemoOO
August Update: 1. Supports English version, currently 90% of content has been machine translated into English! 2. Knight Recruitment: The vassal cannot directly become your knight (you cannot send a batch of vassals to plague areas). You can interact with ...
Skabt af 凝辅国
重写了原版的“结束封臣战争”,“要求在封臣战争中投降”互动,与相应的拒绝事件。 可以对封臣的封臣使用这两个互动了,在拒绝事件中新增了一个加入战争的选项。 并添加这两个互动到当前情势栏内,不需要像以前一样需要一个个地去找在交战中的封臣了。 对原版的events/interaction_events/vassal_interaction_events.txt文件进行了修改。 欢迎任何bug的报告与反馈...
"More Game Rules" and "A Spouse Designer" Compatibility Patch
Skabt af ✪ fraxgut
"More Game Rules" and "A Spouse Designer" Compatibility Patch What it does Compatibility patch that allows the "More Game Rules" mod to run alongside the "A Spouse Designer" mod without breakage. Needs both mods in order to work More Game Rules A Spouse De...
199 Immersive Loading Screens
Skabt af Rhazak
Here's 199 loading screens from a large range of artists for you to enjoy. I've selected them carefully to make sure they fit with the game, mainly medieval era and no fantasy, tried to stay away from franchises such as Game of Thrones but some may have sn...
A Diplomatic Envoy - 1.12.1
Skabt af Castox
Instructions I recommend you watch the video attached. However, if you dont want to do that, I might still help you. But basically:. 0: Watch the video. 0a: Beta video 1: Look at your...
A Game of Thrones汉化(龙已更新)
Skabt af ShaoYang
A Game of Thrones的汉化子MOD,排序时请放在本体下面。 汉化BUG请在评论区反馈,也可加企鹅群528108205交流。 简介 CK3AGOT是一款完全转换模组,以乔治R·R·马丁所著的《冰与火之歌》中的幻想世界为原型,讲述了各级领主争夺冰与火的土地的故事。本MOD的名字出自原著小说第一卷《权力的游戏》,正如其名,是野心勃勃之人和怀抱梦想之人争夺权力的「游戏」。 剧本:九铜板王之战 九人团在...
A Game of Thrones
Skabt af CK3AGOT
A Game of Thrones: Beta for CK3 Version 1.12.5 CK3AGOT is a total conversion mod set in the world of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, where lords great and small vie for control over Westeros. The mod takes its name from the first book...
A New Sensible Family 2
Skabt af Olympia
An updated version, A New Sensible Family 3, has been created by the talented Rylock. I highly recommend either their stand-alone version of A New Sensible Family 3 or their more elaborate (and personally recommended) Love Marriage Family mod. Rylock's upd...
A Spouse Designer
Skabt af Lrds
We now have a ruler designer - but you cannot create a fitting spouse or children for your characters... This mod fixes this obvious oversight by PDX. It adds a spouse designer that can be accessed from the main menu. After creating your custom ruler, simp...
A Spouse Designer for 1.6.1 Edit After Start
Skabt af nicnecoli
This is a hotfix small piece of code developed to correct a perceived problem in kalanyr's mod "A Spouse Designer for 1.6.1" to allow editing after the start time. This mod contains all necessary files. I am a big fan of his mod and very grateful for his w...
A Spouse Designer for 1.12.*
Skabt af kalanyr
** ATTENTION: Concerning the Roads to Power Update ( 1.13 I assume): From the Dev Diaries I would expect that there might be some complexities to updating this mod to 1.13 ( since you can Ruler Design a Landless Adventurer off the bat ) , so be aware there...
Grants you the ability to abdicate the throne while continuing on as your heir, as well as the option to force your vassals to abdicate, however doing so will make them your rival so be careful! I'm no longer maintaining this mod, feel free to use it or it...
Advanced Cheat Menu 简体中文汉化
Skabt af Frice
本MOD无偿提供汉化更新 steam创意工坊为唯一发布平台,如有收费渠道提供本MOD,一律为假冒 如果启动的时候MOD还显示没更新,可以尝试取消订阅之后再重新订阅 用着有问题可以提出来,但我不一定改 =) MOD使用介绍&描述 功能介绍 你可以在任意角色添加/删除各种特征。 可以对任意角色进行的虔诚/声望/名望等资源进行增减。 在游戏内启用/禁用控制台模式(调试模式),不必再使用 -debug_mode启动项。 改变任意角色的文化/宗教。 生成各种数值的自定义架空角色。 宝物编辑工具,创造自定义宝物。 在“...
Advanced Cheat Menu 简体中文版
Skabt af Kuiwaiwai
20240616 1.12.* 版本正常使用 ~~~~ 本MOD为MOD:Advanced Cheat Menu的汉化版本,包含原MOD本体 并新增了部分功能 MOD描述 你可以为你的或其他角色 添加/删除 特质 又或是为角色 添加/删除 资源 你甚至可以在没有-debug_mode启动选项的情况下启用/禁用调试模式 改变你或其他角色的文化 改变你或其他角色的宗教信仰 生成角色、创造宝物、天降军队 .......
AGOT - Dragons of Valyria
Skabt af suizei
A simple mod that adds a decision to sail to the Smoking Sea in order to find a Dragon. There are 3 tiers of dragons: Small Dragon, Large Dragon, and Great Dragon. I've tried my best to balance how strong they are. How to obtain a Dragon: 1. You must be of...
AGOT - Valyrian Houses
Skabt af Nobutora
Greetings Champions! I decided to release a submod for the great mod AGOT, this mod includes a character interaction to adopt a valyrian house of your liking, hope you enjoy! Load order: under mod AGOT Notes: If you have any other non-cannon / cannon Valyr...
AGOT Better Domain Management
Skabt af Valaddar
X Achievement Compatible ✔ Ironman Compatible ✔ Existing Saved Game Compatible The mod has been updated so that it should remain usable (and not break games) even if it gets behind AGOT of CK3 on releases Features Simply remov...
AGOT Canon Marriage
Skabt af Pfizer
Thank you for using this mod. Let me know if you find any issues and I will work on fixing them. I am very, very new to ck3 modding, so please be patient. Feel free to download/upload/use this for your own modding, fix it if I stop working on it, etc. This...
AGOT Coronation & Nickname
Skabt af jim281062
AGOT Coronation & Nickname Event Kings of the Iron Throne will have their own coronation event and receive a custom nickname based on their personality! The event fires every time there is a new king whether it's you or the AI. Currently there are 211 tota...
AGOT Dragons Expansion
Skabt af brandt4997
*** Update in Development *** ETA: 12/23 Mod is currently Out of Date and untested for Tours and Tourney DLC. *** A conversion for the Age of Dragon Mod that adds dragons from a Game of Thrones (AGOT) and pop culture. Works on AGOT and vanilla. Save game c...
Skabt af Anumaril
Updated to AGOT version: This is a submod for A Game of Thrones aiming to brush up the gameplay experience by providing improved CoAs, DNAs, localisation fixes, and much more. Note that many features are toggleable via Game Rules. Mod link for non-...
AGOT: Canon Children+
Skabt af yeru AGOT: Canon Children has officially been integrated into the CK3AGOT mod, with new additions and more to come! AGOT: Canon Children will resume as AGOT: Canon Children+, a flavour submod for the now integrated canon children...
AGoT: Expanded Music
Skabt af subdude
A submod for the A Game of Thrones mod that adds contextual music from both of the HBO TV shows, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Included Music (225 tracks total): Game of Thrones S1-S8 OST House of the Dragon S1 OST Place anywhere after the A Gam...
All Lifestyle Event
Skabt af BlackShip
The mod was rewritten Now compatible with all other Mods Only affects player lifestyle event is triggered at the random time Choosing a lifestyle can trigger all (five) lifestyle events. (AI don't work) effects the events that can trigger based on lifestyl...
Always Move Realm Capital中文化
Skabt af 虚辰幻景
载入顺序放在Always Move Realm Capital之后(数字更大)以使用。...
Always Move Realm Capital
Skabt af Myrianne
Removes the "once per lifetime" restriction on moving your realm capital. You can move your realm capital as much as you like, but it does still have to be to a county capital. Compatibility This mod is not compatible with any other mod that overrides the ...
Art For Traditions
Skabt af Salo I find original tradition icons quite boring and uniform. The mod contains AI-generated art for every tradition in the game. Thus making them unique and charming. I used and "fantasy art" art style. Th...
Art For Traditions - RICE Addon
Skabt af Salo
It works on 1.6.0 with current RICE update. This is an addon for Art For Traditions which adds art to traditions from mod Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE). Load Order: Addon has to be below Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)...
Art For Traditions - The Fallen Eagle Addon
Skabt af Salo
This is an addon and compatibility patch for Art For Traditions which adds art to traditions from mod The Fallen Eagle while keeping The Fallen Eagle traditions code. 💾✅ This mod is save game compatible. Load Order: Art For Traditions has to be below The F...
Artifact Claims Nerf - No House Claims Against Dynasty
Skabt af Morven
Artifact Claims Nerf - No House Claims Against Dynasty House members will no longer be able to press House artifact claims against members of the same Dynasty in the artifact demand interaction unless they possess a personal claim to the artifact. No longe...
Artifact Creation Is Always Illustrious
Skabt af 关山未越
No matter what event option the player chooses, the Artifact what the player get is always Illustrious, which are only available for humans. Always be given a special ring (like the Lord of the Rings). Compatibility: Unique Artifacts + and any other mod....
Auto Repair Artifacts
Skabt af Ylow
This is a small mod which adds a button in the inventory window that allows players to regularly auto-repair all artifacts once every year. Because it actually changes the graphical user interface, it is not compatible with achievements, nor with other mod...
Auto sell indulgences
Skabt af ythrtu
自动收赎罪券。 Auto get money from indulgences without any messages when you are the head of faith and your faith has communion tenet....
BDW's Custom Nicknames Mod
Skabt af BDW
This mod enables you to pick a custom nickname for your character. It should work in multiplayer but I have no way to test that. Compatibility: This should be compatible with all other other mods since it doesn't touch vanilla files at all....
Better Barbershop
Skabt af Agami
Put the mod below CFP, EPE, AGOT or any other mod you use that changes the barbershop window. Tries to improve the new barbershop. Features: - a color picker for clothes! - hotkeys - green screens - you can scroll the panels - you can zoom in closer - visu...
Better Battles - Robe Update (1.8+)
Skabt af 3AGTTV
Thank you for your support! If you enjoy my work and want to give a tiny bit towards future updates, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Or, just leave a comment, feedback is always helpful! Patreon: THE PHO...
Better Executions
Skabt af Larry
Choose your method of Execution. This mod overhauls executions in Crusader Kings III: Choose from 8 new methods of executing your prisoners (see below) Execution sounds from Crusader Kings II Shows exactly how a character died when you check their tooltip ...
Better Marriage (AI)
Skabt af Torngasuk
Have you ever found yourself frustrated with the AI's matchmaking abilities? Seen too many princes and princesses married off to random nobodies? Lowborns climbing the social ladder far too easily? Frequent cousin and avunculate marriages centuries before ...
Better UI Scaling
Skabt af Agami
Prevents windows from going out of screen bounds when playing with increased UI scaling. Lets you scroll or move most windows. Adds zoom and pan for lifestyles and legaceies (with right-click). Makes some lists more compact. Tested at 130% scaling at 1920x...
Bigger Font
Skabt af Agami
Increases font size, especially for tooltips. Press Ctrl+Z to toggle the map tooltip. Changes a few windows to avoid overlap. If you use other mods that need to edit the county view, the top hud, the event window or the ruler designer, put them below this ...
Skabt af ac566
1.6.* compatible Description Adds a birthsign to characters when born. Based on forum user's request (link below). Characters born before game start or who are randomly generated as adults will get their sign on their birthday. SignEffect ARIES+2 Martial T...
Birthsigns 出生星座 中文汉化
Skabt af Juijote
Birthsigns 出生星座 中文汉化 在人物出生时添加出生星座特质; 而游戏开始时间前已经出生的角色或随机生成的成年角色将在生日那天获得他们的出生星座特质; 出生星座主要为技能增益,详情有两个强弱版本请看原mod说明; 更新: 1.0.0 需注意,原mod会额外增加一个生活特质; 欢迎订阅、点赞、收藏~ 也欢迎订阅我其他的MOD: 首推我最喜欢的明朝体~( •̀ ω •́ )✧...
Brighter Portraits
Skabt af Larry
Subtly increases the brightness of character portraits to give them more life...
Brighter Text Colors
Skabt af Zaister
This mod changes many interface text colors to appear brighter with better contrast against the dark background for improved readability. This is a work in progress. Please feel free to make suggestions for improvement. Now updated for CKIII 1.12.x!...
CFP-TFE Compatibility Patch
A patch for the Community Flavor Pack and The Fallen Eagle Load Order: If you find any issues, please report them here or on TFE's discord. Discord Link: Community Flavor Pack: https://steamcomm...
Chaos's CK3 Mod (通用精简版)
Skabt af chaosroc
本MOD已修改为功能较少的通用精简版,将来的新版本亦可直接使用,包含完整功能的旧版本请订阅 Chaos's CK3 Mod (完整版) ,或者使用本MOD的旧版本亦可。 通用精简版MOD内容: 在各个人物身上均可开启作弊列表,可以治愈各类疾病和伤残,可以调整能力,还有做爱,主角光环,永生不老,禁婚,禁育,招募廷臣,招募骑士等功能,请自行摸索。 在开始规则中可以增加玩家直辖上限,有 5,10,20,50,100,1000,9000 七档可调节。 做爱指令,可以对自己的情人或配偶执行,且可以选择是否留种,若留种...
Character UI Overhaul
Skabt af FunGaming44 Let me start by giving a huge thank you to all the mod creators of the mods included in this pack, without their hard work and all the time they put in it CK3 wouldn't be as nice as it is. Aga...
CK 2 Music
Skabt af Divexz
MUSIC IS VERY LOUD I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TURNING YOUR MUSIC VOLUME WAY THE HELL DOWN. I am working on normalizing the tracks to better fit the game if you wish to play without the metal music, you can download a submod that removes the metal music here https://...
Clear Notifications
Skabt af Agami
Adds a button with F hotkey to clear all notifications. The clear button can be moved to the right and notifications can be disabled completely, if you wish. Reenable them by pressing an arrow above the mapmodes or through a decision. Should be compatible ...
Clone Creation
Skabt af BeorTheOld
Features You can create a clone of yourself or anyone else in the world via character interaction. You can decide the age of the clone. You can change the gender of the clone. You can choose a name for the clone. (Same gender clones default to the template...
coat of arms fix
Skabt af BigBen
Support 1.5 5.5 add dynamic coat of arms of some German family. 5.4 Now compatible with the difficulty to create cadet branch mod. please give feedback if something wrong. 4.8 fixed some bug If you enable main mod , do not enable part packages Mod Content ...
Community Flavor Pack
Skabt af El Tyranos
Community Flavor Pack aims to add a lot of historical portrait accessories for your characters, filling the many cultural lacks of vanilla CKIII. Dress up for war or court as you would be between 867 and 1453, impress your friends and subjects. https://i.i...
Congenital traits affect portraits
Skabt af 坎儿井
My English sucks.This description is generated by the translation engine. 1. Comely, pretty and beautiful fixed, the cheek is softer. 2. Hale, robust and herculean character has hourglass-shaped body, faces don't put on weight easily. 3. Fecund characters ...
Custom Title Form of Address
Skabt af TerraPass
This mod allows you to enter and use your own form of address for your character based on their primary title. Updated for CK3 version 1.12 (Scythe). Sick of the standard "Duke", "Queen" or "Sultan"? Want a culturally specific term but there's no mod that ...
Cut off Ai's Seducing Hands 1.12
Skabt af Pior
2.05 a1: 1.11 Supported. a11: fixed a bug causes house feud ban spam. Added trigger for court and dynasty member game rule. a10 update: A new event edited. a9 update: 1.9 Supported.New events not fully edited. a8 update: 1.8 Supported. Two new events edite...
Daddy Pika's Cheat Menu
Skabt af SirPika
Information Right click your character to access it all. You can find useful information about this mod by pressing . What this mod does Modifier Menu - Customize your CK 3 experience with all in-game modifiers. Spawn Character Menu - Add children, courtie...
Daddy Pika's Cheat Menu Chinese Ver
Daddy Pika's Cheat Menu完全汉化版 这个mod可以做些什么 新功能:角色生成菜单-生成子女,内阁成员和廷臣 新功能:收养,断绝关系,指定继承人! 新功能:*语言兼容性! 新功能:信息菜单 切换到任何你喜欢的角色 让任何人加入你的家族 强制发出订婚请求 修改封臣契约 强制附庸你头衔下的其他小封臣 夺取/宣称任何你想要的头衔 全新的货币修改菜单 修改任意角色的名称 角色编辑器,可以编辑游戏中任意角色的任意属性 添加任何你想要的特质 夺取任何你想要的土地,头衔 改变任何人的宗教和文化 让整个...
Decide Birth Gender
Skabt af Momicchi
Decide the gender of your future children. Take the decision whenever. 3 options are boys only, girls only, and default. Translation help by
Decline Elections
Skabt af Ramuné
Achievement compatible. Save game compatible. Features Opt out of title elections for your current ruler via decision: Your character will no longer appear in the candidate list. Renounce your claims on certain titles in ord...
Decorous Loading Screen Pack
Updated and working with Crusader Kings III version 1.12 ("Scythe"). Features 210+ new, elegant loading screen backgrounds tailored for maximum immersion. All images are in a consistent style, grounded in period-appropriate realism in a similar style as th...
Developer Edition of Oriental Empires
Skabt af Chillshadow
新功能会优先用此mod调试,欢迎参与公测。 预计新增内容: 剧本《如梦令》《临江仙》《陌上花》 科举与雅集 祈禳与捉妖...
Displayed Birth and Death Dates
Skabt af MacAwesome
This mod adds birth and death dates (and death reason) to the character window. In vanilla, birthdates are viewable when hovering the age for living characters, the death date is viewable by hovering the age for dead characters, and likewise the death reas...
Dominus Mundi: Historical Flavor Pack
Skabt af Salicy
Dominus Mundi: Historical Flavor Pack " On Earth, God has placed no more than two powers, and as there is in Heaven but one God, so is there here one Pope and one Emperor. " 1.7 Bastion Update Available! completed a compatibility patch with the latest vers...
Domnius Mundi 1.9 Fix
This mod fixed some problems occurred with Dominus Mundi: Historical Flavor Pack in version 1.9. like: the angevin empire decsion work rightly all events about adding building slot work rightly now. all innovations show correct buffs the coronation events ...
Dynastic Liberties
An effort to increase flexibility at the time of dynasty weaving. Adopt, include honorable people in your Dynasty, disown them from being considered part of it and maybe embrace them back later, or designate your heir! *NOT* Ironman Compatible. The AI does...
Dynasty Member Alerts
Skabt af Viegnar
I made this mod for my own personal use. I like to organize my dynasty members (educate, marry, give land) but finding them from character finder was getting difficult with time. This mod adds new alerts: Dynasty members can be invited: Dynasty members who...
Dynasty Prestige From Vassals
Skabt af markade
同宗族的封臣也可以提供宗族威望,但是降低为独立领主的四分之一。 Dynasty members who are vassal of below of someone of the same dynasty have their prestige contribution multiplied with 0.25 对AI有效 Apply to AI 更新1.9 1.9 update 同宗族的封臣也可以提供宗族威望 Dynasty Prestige From Vassals(without penalty): ...
Eastern Etiquette 1.0 (OE prospect ver.0.161)
Skabt af 李肆
This is an adapted version of Oriental Empire, which is incompatible with the original mod. This mod is committed to simulating the official system, ritual system and various social systems of Han, Khitan, Jurchen, Mongol, Tangut and other cultures in East...
Electorate Stem Duchy
Skabt af Salicy
This is a simple mod. I made it because I didn't like the fact that the pre-election candidate designated in 1356 exists as an prince electors in CK3. Bohemia, Brandenburg is no longer a prince electors. Swabia and Bavaria take over, also modified from Eas...
Create your own Primary Title on game start! With Entitled, when designing your ruler, you can also create your custom realm, customize cultures and faiths, and mass convert counties and rulers. Entitled is a Mostly Mechanical Mod. Join us on our discord !...
Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded
Skabt af Celticus THE MOD IS 1.12.5 COMPATIBLE! Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded is an expansive project aiming to bring the world of Crusader Kings 3 to life with a wide selection of custom ethnicities and custom 3D assets. From the Zoroastr...
Extended Nicknames
Skabt af Anão Grande
Overview: Extended Nicknames is a mod that extends the amount of nicknames present in the game. Tired of the same boring nicknames like "the Foolish" or "the Heartbreaker", and even so appearing only a handful of times? Well this mod is for you, in it's cu...
Extended Outliner
Skabt af FUN
The Extended Outliner mod helps you keep tracking pinned characters. Outliner shows their coats of arms, military strength, hooks, and more. For advanced users: 1. You can switch between two modes. To do so, right-click the top bar that says Pinned Charact...
Fair Ladies
Skabt af lindest
"Faint heart ne’er won fair lady." ~English traditional This mod uses a conversion of "Fair Skin Complexion" by HHaleyy as a base. Thank you for permitting conversion! All nine female textures (default, blush, sallow, moled, ruddy, light freckles, heavy fr...
Fair Lords
Skabt af lindest
"But swich a knyghtly sighte trewely. As was on hym was nought withouten faille. To loke on Mars that god is of bataille." ~Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde" This mod uses a conversion of "Fair Skin Complexion" by HHaleyy as a starting point. Thank you for ...
Fallen Eagle Chinese Localization
Skabt af ST
Chinese Localization submod for The Fallen Eagle Latest Version: The Fallen Eagle - 'The Last of the Romans'...
Feudal Election Single Elector
Skabt af AmekiKyou
Simple Mod: Change the electors list to only include you for feudal election. Happy dictatorship....
Flag frame
Skabt af BigBen
The shield becomes the flag. The style depends on your culture...
Forbes World Top Remake
Skabt af slepher
Remake of Forbes World Top top 100 rich of global and local list vassals with special federal contract list vassals held more than one title on each tire list infidel vassals top 100 independent rulers of military power for users who cannot use this mod af...
Free Camera for Royal Court
Skabt af Agami
Adds free camera to the screenshot mode in the Royal Court. Make sure to enable animated characters in game settings!...
Skabt af 玩原神玩的
Completed HRE Emperors from Louis I to Berengar...
Skabt af Awakened
Translated by Google Overview Some interesting decisions/events/traits/nickname/buildings/character interactions Front row reminder: This is my first work, this mod is more for entertainment, and the values ​​are not in line with the vanilla version. If yo...
Give and ask for a prisoner
Send or ask for a prisoner This mod allows you to send your prisoner to other landed character. Now, as per popular request, you can ask for a specific prisoner. It should be slightly balanced now. And about mod compatibility? As this mod doesn't change an...
Governments +
Skabt af MASTER SKYWALKER Governments + allows you to play in the normal CK3 start dates but with Fallen Eagle's government flavour, decisions, laws, mechanics, contracts etc The mechanics includes: - Forming Legions - Restoring the Praetorian Guard ...
Governments + Chinese Localization
Skabt af ST
Chinese Localiztion Submod for Governments + ...
Help AI Find Spouse 帮助AI寻找配偶
Skabt af Juijote
Help AI Find Spouse 帮助AI寻找配偶 Help older heterosexual AI lords with few unmarried offspring and their older children find mates 帮助未婚少后代的大龄异性恋AI领主及其大龄子女寻找配偶 条件限制: 一般而言不受版本限制,长期有效; 决议为 AI 专属,玩家不可用,具体运行情况通过查找相关特质可知; AI 年龄≥30岁,男性≤55岁,女性≤45岁 未结婚 活着的后代≤2(不含私生子) 异...
Hidden Stats
Skabt af Iron Felix
"Hides" the stat-values by displaying them in binary form. From the Pdx-forum: Some of you may remember a pretty similar mod I made for CK2, this is the more improved edition. My reason I made that mod and thus my point still stands: I want a more challeng...
Higher Mortality Mod
Skabt af Fletz
"Higher Mortality"-Mod IS BACK! This mod adds some realism/challenge to the game by making diseases and pregnancy complications more relevant. Main changes: -) Moderate increased fertility in general - but also decreasing faster by age -) Pregnancies are m...
Historical Figure
Skabt af FUN
This mod provides historical information from Wikipedia. You can refer to it through the special trait icon, character search, and the in-game encyclopedia. In addition, the mod also creates many historical characters after the game starts. They will be bo...
Hot Single Knights in Your Area
Skabt af Schenk
This mod adds notification for every to-be-knight in your and neighboring realms based on criteria that can be set by decision: 12/16/20/24+ prowess Age under 40/30/20 or not limited Has more than 10 opinion about your ruler Can serve as knight Those knigh...
Immortality (Updated and Revised)
Skabt af YeshuaAgapao
Adds the ability to become immortal, as well as grant that same gift to others, or take it away. Decide what age such immortals shall be frozen at - full spectrum -- infants, children, pre-teens, teens, young adults, adults, mature adults, elderly / old, v...
Immortality Improved
Skabt af Paige 404
A mod for Crusader Kings 3 allowing players to grant any character immortality, and providing utilities for playing immortal rulers. Based on the currently abandoned Immortality mod by Slightly Productive
A mod that adds the ability to become immortal, as well as grant that same power to others. Features list: • Decisions to grant and take away your immortality. • Interactions to grant and take away immortality from others. • Decision to let you mount anoth...
Impregnate Spouse
Impregnate Spouse allows a male ruler to impregnate his wife or, A female ruler to be impregnated For Men: -Impregnate spouse or concubine via interaction once every year -Adds a custom opinion to spouse -Spouse must be an adult 40 years or younger -Ai wil...
In My Humble Opinion
Updated for v1.12.* In My Humble Opinion shows the player character's opinion of others, for RP-inclined players who like to factor this in their decision-making. In My Humble Opinion is a Mostly Mechanical Mod. Join us on our discord ! to keep up with new...
Infinite Wards (AI applicabled)
Skabt af BlackShip
Remove the limit of Wards #Player applicable #AI applicable #Guardian #Education...
Inheritable Relations
Skabt af Big Uncle
Updated for 1.12.*.* aka "Unfinished Business"... *Though the "Business" is "Unfinished", the mod itself is in fact Finished. Saddened by your best friend's indifference towards your heir? This mod enables the possibility of an heir to inherit their predec...
IR Terrain
Skabt af Yuk1nar1
Change the texture of the terrain and some map objects using the texture from the Imperator: Rome....
Knight Manager
Skabt af Lrds
"Your heir died in battle!" How often have your loved ones died a brutal death in battle, because you forgot to tell them that they did not have to fight? This mod prevents their death and saves you a lot of time. The Knight Manager adds a settings menu to...
Less Old Wives - AI Men Marry Younger Fertile Women
Skabt af Morven
Less Old Wives - AI Men Marry Younger Fertile Women Imposes marriage opinion penalties and hard nerfs on older and infertile women. The AI will no longer marry their teenage heirs to 60 year old grannies. Fertility and age become top matchmaking criteria a...
Local Artisan
Skabt af skela
Commissioning an artifact now produces better results (usually green, if you have the higher quality decisions it can also become blue). Your decisions now have an impact: Without a mod, there is a limit to the quality, which means that if you order an art...
Marriage and Alliance redone
Skabt af Tontura
This mod removes automatically created alliances after creating a marriage or betrothal, giving now only opinion bonuses between different characters. These bonuses may then help you to create an alliance further on! The mod also includes "break alliance" ...
modern Indian placename(Simplified Chinese)
Skabt af accelerator560
将印度地区三个帝国的梵文地名修改为现代地名 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 资料来自谷歌,译名或带有主观性,还望包涵 雅利安印度/达罗毗荼/缅甸文化不将主头衔显示为家族名: DLC1:河中呼罗珊地名现代化:
[Paused]More Bookmarks for Fallen Eagle
Skabt af ST
This is a submod that brings bookmarks that reflect the decline and fall of the Roman Empire in the west from 394? to 486? for The Fallen Eagle mod. 409 and 457AD Startdate is available now. Recommended Characters Emperors: Honorius, Theodosius Ⅱ, Majorian...
More Eye Color
Skabt af エーイオン
◙════════════════════════════◙════════════════════════════◙ This mod add more colors that you can choose from to change your eye color. Important Info : The color design is not mine I just update it and checked if its work and...
More Game Rules
Skabt af Neutrino
Customize your experience with more game rules! This mod currently adds the following game rules, with more to come: Playable Governments Shattered Realms AI Seduction, Intrigue, and Aggressiveness Matrilineal Marriage De Jure Empires Cadet Branches Fervor...
More Hair and Eye Colors (New Version In Description)
Skabt af Jingo Spunk
New Version This mod expands the hair and eye color palettes with every single color in the RGB color wheel -Any color can be selected in the ruler designer -Anyone can have any combination of hair and eye color like in an anime -Albinos will still have re...
More Legacies
Skabt af bravelildragon
Tired of being forced to choose between letting your stockpile of renown go to waste or investing in a legacy that doesn’t mesh with the character you’re roleplaying? Are you a power gamer who has finished all the vanilla legacies and wants more to spend y...
More Tenet Slots Updated 1.12
Skabt af Karstaag
You no longer need the MTS by Holger as a dependency I now fully integrated the files. This mod is also now achievement compatible. Credits to Karax and Holger for the original mod. Chinese translation:
[Discontinued] More Tenets Slots
Skabt af Holger
I stopped playing Crusader Kings III and maintaining this mod. Everybody is free to use its code for developing their own mods. More Tenets Slots is my updated version of More Religion Tenets Slots mod by Karax for the actual version of CK3. It‘s meant for...
More tradition slots
Skabt af markade
More tradition slots. Change default tradition slots from 5 to 12. Add 2 tradition slots per era. Apply to AI 较多的文化传统槽位。 基础文化传统槽位从5个增加至12个。 每个时代增加2个文化传统槽位。 对AI也适用 Much more tradition slots: 非常多的文化传统槽位 A few more tradition slots: 略多的文化传统槽位...
Skabt af FUN
The Nameplates mod helps you distinguish who's who in the event. Characters show their names, opinions, relations, and titles below. In addition, it disables tooltips in events. You can show them by pointing to the names. Th...
New Personality Events for Children
Skabt af Ledabot
This is a mod that adds 12 new childhood personality events for a total of 38, so that you can get a little variety to your childhood or guardian experience. The events work the same way as in vanilla and the traits from the new events have been arranged t...
New Personality Events for Children Translation
Skabt af Prof.Dr.Max
Just copied English to these Languages french german korean russian simp_chinese spanish...
Skabt af Lajos Tueur
Nicknames+ Nicknames+ aims to fix the current lack of nicknames and provide a framework for other modders who want to add nicknames in an easy way (the mod files include a guide to this). Rulers will get nicknames every year with a small chance and there i...
No Duchy Limit
Skabt af Neutrino
A standalone mod that removes the opinion penalties from holding too many duchies as a king or emperor. Should be compatible with most mods....
No More Chess or Board Games
Skabt af Dr. Glitchgo
This mod edits the AI's probability of using the "Challenge to Board Game", nothing else....
OE + CFP Compatch
Skabt af edmundz1998
Enjoy new Egyptian and Hellenic clothing! I manged to revive some assets from the discontinued The Bronze Age: Maryannu and made them part of this patch. Whoever wants to include these files in their own mod can feel free to do so. Please remember to credi...
Oriental Artifacts
Skabt af Chillshadow
《东方王朝》的衍生MOD,预计会逐次添加史实宝物和一些耳熟能详的趣味宝物。 但不包含新的宝物建模。...
Petty Inheritable Traits
Skabt af buddykenner
This mod adds 18 new inheritable traits, 11 good, 5 bad, 2 neutral. The traits are meant to give a small to moderate bonus without being as strong as the vanilla traits. Trait Name Effect Opposite Trait/s Silver Tongued +2 Diplomacy +5 Attraction Opinion S...
Player Appears in Liege's Royal Court
Skabt af XJ-9
Small mod that allows the player to be appear in their liege's Royal Court. In vanilla, the game has checks to make sure that the player can not be selected to be in a Royal Court. This mod removes all of them. I recommend using this mod with the Freecam f...
Player opinion & Personality
Skabt af Schenk
Quick and lazy RP mod made based on well known IMHO mod. Player's opinion now shown near opinion of the player Now played character has personality summary same as AI characters...
POD + Better Barbershop Compatibility Patch
Skabt af Sparc
You love Agami's Better Barbershop, but you are tired of your vampires appearing too buff? Tried of your vampires on the Road of Humanity getting too fat from all the feasts they attend? Tired of not having the scrollable character interaction menu? Then t...
Population Control (Reduce late-game lag)
Skabt af CreamKaKao Description A simple mod that controls the population. This mod helps reduce late game lag. <Before> <After> Creates a decision ...
Princes of Darkness
Skabt af Sparc
Dark Ages just got a whole lot darker. Play Crusader Kings III as a vampire, hunter, werewolf, changeling, mummy or demon! You are the Prince of the city! Inspired by the World of Darkness, Dark Ages: Vampire, Vampire: the Masquerade... "Hunters & Heists" ...
Princes of Vanilla Bookmark
Skabt af 尽点
This mod allows you to play Prince of Darkness with vanilla bookmark, placing this after Prince of Darkness in order to overwrite Note that you have to change the game rules to ensure that it works. The World of Darkness rules define which supernatural can...
Reduced Delay Between Cultural Reform
Skabt af Беккит
50 years of waiting reduced to 1 year. Affects ONLY the delay between reforms. All other vanilla values and prices are untouched. Have fun. If you like this mod, don't forget to hit the button. Thanks ...
Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)
Skabt af cybrxkhan Current Version: 1.12.2.b Hotfix for "Palermo" (Released 8/31/24, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X) Newest Flavor Pack: Sicily: Where Three Worlds Met Next Flavor Pack: TBA Discord Server for my mods Official Website for...
Reincarnate The Dead
Skabt af kReoSo
Contents You can pick a dead one and reincarnate it. It costs some piety(game rule 1), has some cooldown(game rule 2) and also you should have some counties in your realm which have the same cultural heritage as the reincarnated(game rule 3). If you hate t...
Remind Me to Hire
Skabt af Viegnar
Are you suffering amnesia like me? Do you always forget to hire some useful court positions? This mod will fix your problem. What does it do? reminds you to... Hire a Court Tutor: If you have children in your court who is about to complete their education ...
Remove bad traits from dynasty members
Skabt af ByraN
清除宗族成员负面特质 ,不包括白化病和其他名声特质(通奸者、弑亲者等)...
RICE + EPE Compatibility Patch
Skabt af cybrxkhan Latest Version Released 8/28/24, compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X Manual Download/Older Versions available on Github This is an optional compatibility patch for Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE) and Ethni...
Royal Gallery
Skabt af Murden
Royal Gallery This mod allows you to commission portraits for your favorites characters for 25 gold. To commission a portrait, right-click on a character you like and choose the option "Commission Portrait". The portraits are placed in a gallery which you ...
Scrollable Interactions
Skabt af Agami
Adds a scrollbar to the interactions menu if you have too many. It will look weird with few interactions: the menu will appear at the top of the screen. That's the only way I managed to make it work. Includes Barbershop for Everyone, since they use the sam...
SE CHNlocalization
Skabt af Solomon YOOOOO
SE汉化模组 Chinese translation submod for the Succession Expanded(SE) mod by Celticus,TheGib770,UberEpicZach,Emrysvaldr and other contributors:
Search & Trade Artifacts
Skabt af pharaox
Overview With this mod, you can search for artifacts, buy them from other characters, and sell them to other characters. The game doesn't have an artifact trading system, so this mod adds one. Since such a system would not be usable without advanced artifa...
Search & Trade Artifacts_中文汉化
Skabt af 小学生
Search & Trade Artifacts 汉化包 Search & Trade Artifacts Simplified Chinese Translation 原MOD: 功能: · 全局宝物搜索&过滤器 · 可以买卖宝物, 买卖双方是原持有者和其他角色, 而不是卖给虚空(更加真实)...
Secrecy Private Information
Skabt af Android X86
Description Shows various hidden personal information such as a character's romantic or intercourse relationship. Planed Requirements Required DLC : Royal Court Required MOD : not needed Extended MOD : Crusader Wh0res Installation - steam workshop Translat...
Selecting Concubines 诏令选妃
Skabt af TeemoOO
What does this mod do? Are you still worried about your family members not having a high-quality spouse? This MOD solves your troubles. When your prestige reaches level 4 (Noble People), you can spend 100 prestige to summon a group of newly grown ladies fr...
(DISCONTINUED) Show Me Your Personality
Skabt af Big Uncle
Compatible with 1.8.1. Bothered by the lack of information on what AI Personalities does? This mod aims to provide an in-game feature that let you know as much as possible about AI Personalities and their Specific Effects. 🎭 D...
Smaller World Map
Skabt af Starmender
Removes some parts of the world map for better performance. Empires removed: Abyssinia Ajuraan Bengal Empire Deccan Empire Guinea Mali Kanem-Bornu Siberia Tibet Kingdoms removed: Anbiya Himalaya Khotan Permia Sahara Removes Holy sites that used to be in no...
Social Relations Expanded (SRE)
Skabt af Big Uncle
Updated for 1.12.*.* Find the relation system to be irrelevant most of the time? This mod aims to make personal/family relations have a more prominent effect on how characters view each other. As a player, your relations and interactions with other charact...
Some Game Rules - Core
Skabt af kReoSo
Some Game Rules Some Game Rules - Core : The rules in SGR Core are compatible with anything literally. SGR - Government Succession Laws SGR - Weight and Muscle control SGR - Custom Titles pro tempore SGR - Councillors List of game rules Health & Fertility ...
开局可用长子继承法 Allows you start with primogeniture (hopefully). 但你仍需要高君权等其他前置条件 You still needs High Crown Authority etc. 更新:现在不需要高君权了(逐渐开始作弊 Update: Now you don't need High Crown Authority. (Cheating!...
Stop Leg Shrink
Skabt af nolatency
Update: The original fix from this mod for the female Western legwear seems to have been added to the main game! Thank you to everyone for your support. However, this fix is still needed for some legwear - particularly the wooden leg from the one-legged tr...
Succession Expanded
Skabt af Celticus THIS MOD IS 1.12.5 Compatible! Succession Expanded is the second project from the Expanded Mod series which aims to create a more historically authentic experience through the addition of multiple new succession types. From ...
Switch to Primogeniture
Skabt af Lazy_nerd
It’s just a cheat decision that can help you get the first-born Primogeniture law as early as possible. It works on tribe now and I lower its requirement to use this decision...
The Catholic Trinity 汉化模组
Skabt af LordCardinal
目前汉化貌似出现了一些问题,导致一定情况下本mod无法正确显示,可以将2730456007\localization\simp_chinese中的所有文件删除,将本mod上对应文件夹的所有文件复制到上边即可正确运行。问题正在进一步排查,请耐心等待。 另本汉化mod因时间原因会有不少错误,如发现错误可以直接写在评论区,我们将会尽我们能力去修订它。 The Catholic Trinity 模组的汉化,感谢肝帝CardinalCoresucn的无私奉献,此模组绝大部分汉化文本都是他的成果。 ui中有少量文本尚未...
The Catholic Trinity: 1.12.1 "Scythe"
Skabt af Uber The Catholic Trinity is a mod that originated as simply another module from The Kingdom of Heaven mod that has evolved into an independent and standalone mod for your CK3 games. The Catholic Trinity aims to expand your game-pl...
The Fallen Eagle - 'The Last of the Romans' Update
Skabt af AncientConqueror The Fallen Eagle is a total conversion mod that brings the Early Medieval Era (361 – 867) to Crusader Kings 3. With only 361, 395, 476, and 532 currently available as bookmarks, the mod will eventually include other starting...
The Witcher's Realms
Skabt af Bombus_Frigidus
Welcome to The Witcher's Realms! This is a fantasy total conversion exploring the Witcher's world in CK3. This mod is a fan project celebrating the works of Andrzej Sapkowski and CD Projekt S.A. All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owne...
Till Death
Skabt af Awakened
This description is provided by Google Translate Overview Unlock special character interactions through decision, establish a contract with your lover, and prevent a third party from destroying your lover's relationship About DLC: Enable the DLC "Royal Cou...
title name is not dynasty name(Indian culture)
Skabt af accelerator560
Title-Ranked Portrait Borders (Ironman)
Skabt af MacAwesome
This mod replaces the ranked corner triangles of portraits with full borders, more like CK2, and which are easier to see. This mod only edits a gfx file, making it IRONMAN COMPATIBLE. The top border will clip over top large headpieces (see the Emperor in t...
Unofficial Patch
Skabt af Kazarion
** This mod MUST be the first in your mods list** If you have other mods, loading this mod MUST BE at the very top => Because of the nature of this mod, I have to edit base game file, this is the source of many conflict with other mods editing the same fil...
Valyrian Steel
Skabt af Jedi Spell-forged and dark as smoke This mod aims to add a avenue to gain several artifacts through a unique decision. The player will have the option to fund an expedition to Old Valyria and pick an individual from their court to...
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Music
Skabt af Steelblade
Adds the entire sound track of Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines to Ck3! I created this mod after I played the Princes of Darkness mod for CK3 and was bothered that it didn't have music to go along with it. So here it is. ht...
Vassals To Arms
Skabt af Degreeno
Compatible with version 1.12.* This mod sends an event to the vassals of a defender in a war, if these vassals are somehow affected by this war. They can then decide to join the defender or to not join. A vassal is affected by a war, if he/she would lose l...
VIET Events - A Flavor and Immersion Event Mod
Skabt af cybrxkhan Current Version: 1.12.3 "Tripitaka" (Released 8/9/24, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X) Discord Server for my mods Official Website for my mods Paradox Forum Thread Manual Download/Installation available on Github Parado...
World of Conquerors
Skabt af Enosh
no english description right now. no time to translate. 简体中文玩家如果看到这个请切换系统语言为简体中文或者打开mod文件夹查看log文件即可获得历史版本内容介绍。...
[KET] Advanced Trait Icons
Skabt af Ketaros
This mod revamps and improves all the Trait icons from the game. Sadly they have a terrible blend that make them darker. I improved all of their vibrance, the result is an amazing better look, try it. - 100% Ironman compatible & Save Game in/out compatible...
[KET] Medieval Decisions
Skabt af Ketaros
This mod adds 165+ new decisions illustrations with the medieval art style. This is a flavor mod that can add a lot of style to your game. I hope you all enjoy. Some of the Illustrations Some Examples in Game https://i.imgur...
[KET] Portraits Decoration
Skabt af Ketaros
What is the Portraits Decoration? This mod adds a border and a thematica background to all portraits in the game as show in the picture bellow. This mod is one more piece I am moving out of my GUI Beautification mod and improving it a bit, I hope you guys ...