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Chaos Dwarf Challenge Mode
A collection of mods that makes the Chaos Dwarf campaign genuinely challenging. Play game on L/VH or VH/VH.

A few key points.
- All your enemies get 30-40%, loreful buffs to their stats.
- More loreful start positions and an improved game progression.
- Replenishment is significantly down.
- Chaos dwarfs are individually stronger but considerably less numerous.
- Lightning strike is removed from the game, replaced with a less cheesy effect.
- AI will counterspell you if they have a wizard on the field. Your wizards also have this ability.
- Certain troop types for all factions may rampage due to a variety of loreful factors.
- Units at low leadership become more defensive.

Good luck.
Elemek (48)
Ambushes - Terrain Matters
Készítette: Cerb
"The ragged, haggard column of Bretonnians marched forward through the sweeping dunes of the Nehekharan territory. For hours the only sounds that could be heard at any distance were the complaints of the peasantry and the disciplinary actions against them ...
Magic/Artillery Rebalance - Anti-Monstrous+ Damage
Készítette: Cerb
Mod Summary Adjusts spell and large projectile damage to be more of a threat to larger or tougher enemies. Large projectiles such as cannonballs, bolt throwers and many magic projectiles are now serious threats for larger monsters, and a lord or a unit of ...
War of Attrition - Reduced Replenishment
Készítette: Cerb
Mod Summary Lowering replenishment across the board opens up a much deeper campaign experience, including the use of supply lines to reinforce and replenish your armies, a much more balanced decision between playing tall and wide on the campaign map, and t...
Cerbs Unit Pack - Kislev, Cathay, Ogres
Készítette: Cerb
Units added: Cathay: Jade Dragoons - armored skirmish cavalry armed with blunderbuss, focusing on burst melee damage but with some melee power NOT CURRENTLY WORKING, DISABLED - Jade Crossbows (Mounted) - armored skirmish cavalry/melee hybrid unit that can ...
Készítette: Cerb
"The air grew colder and the sky dimmed slightly as the ice witch summoned to her a vast cloud of ice shards, concentrating deeply she directed it at the advancing chaos warriors. Before the spell could be fully unleashed, Kairos snapped his fingers, turni...
Dying Races
Készítette: Cerb
"Thin lines of brave elves assembled along the slope of the hill, armor shining in the light, standards held high above them. Their skill at arms was unmatched, their soldiers having trained for decades with masters with hundreds of years of expertise, on ...
Fast Units - Fast Armies
Készítette: Cerb
"The Hobgobla Khanates forces moved swiftly across the landscape, their steeds allowing them to close the gap between them and their prey, a cathayan infantry column slowly marching their way across the landscape. Their wolves would feed well tonight." Cha...
Fear the Beastmen
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Beastmen faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 40% health for elites (bestig...
Fear the Bretonnians
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Bretonnian faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. - larger unit sizes for peasant troops (40%) - knights have an extra 20% health, 5 melee attack, 5 me...
Fear the Cathayan Legions
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Cathay faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 10 melee defence for shielded t...
Fear the Daemonic Hordes
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Undivided Daemon faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - nurgle - 20% phys, 5 ...
Fear the Empire
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Empire faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - larger unit sizes for basic foo...
Fear The Greenskins
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Greenskin faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 40% health for elites - 20% ...
Fear the Khornate Legion
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Khorne faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health 20% phys, 5 ma, 5md - all other k...
Fear the Kislevites
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Kislev faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health all other troops - 20% hp, 10 ld,...
Fear the Lizardmen
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Lizardmen faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health Skinks and below - 20% models,...
Fear the Norscans
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Norscan faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health champs+, 40% health Chaff - 20% ...
Fear the Ogres
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Ogre faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health - 40% health for ogres - 40% models for gnolbars...
Fear the Plague Legions
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Nurgle faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 20% phys, 5 ward - other daemon...
Fear the Slaaneshi
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Slaanesh faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health 20% phys, 5ma, 10 charge bonus ...
Fear the Tomb Kings
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Tomb Kings faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 5 melee defence, 10% physic...
Fear the Tzeentchian
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Tzeentch faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - tze - 20% phys, 50% barrier h...
Fear the Vampire Coast
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Vampire Coast faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 20% physical resistance,...
Fear the Vampire Counts
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Vampire Counts faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 20% physical resistance...
Fear The Vermintide
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Skaven to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 40% models for chaff - 20% models/20% h...
Fear the Warriors of Chaos
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the warrior of chaos faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, halved health Chaos warriors and ab...
High Elf Tech Rework
Készítette: Cerb
This mod completely changes around the tech tree of the high elves, based on my SFO mod of the same name. I tried to give the player more difficult choices, as many of the techs will now have negative effects associated with them, but also more powerful po...
Impetuous Troops
Készítette: Cerb
Adds four new random chance passive abilities to a wide variety of troops: Fight to the death - These units may recognise their time is up and fights to the end in a blaze of glory. - 33% chance, 60 second duration, 180 second cooldown - chance to activate...
Leadership Matters
Készítette: Cerb
"The men at arms holding the flank of the formation were confident, their shields were sturdy and their swords sharp, they had trained for this moment, it was their duty to defend their homes against the beastmen menace. Disgusting mutations, not even wort...
No AI Battle Bonus (Updated)
Készítette: Valsan
UPDATED for Immortal Empire Remove AI battle bonus (and player morale malus) in hard and very hard battle difficulty so you can experience better AI without having to deal with stat bonus. The mod simply change the lines to do what's supposed to do nothing...
No lightning strike or ambush attacks
Készítette: Cerb
"The noise was unbearable as massed Skaven tunnel slaves dug through soft dirt in a frenzy towards the surface, pushed forward by a mix of vile concoctions and the prodding points of their overseers' weaponry behind them. Occasionally one would falter, the...
Rare, powerful veterans - vanilla
Készítette: Cerb
Mod Summary Veteran troops have proved themselves in blood and fire, and with this mod, their stats increase to represent their battlefield experience. Veteran units will often be the last to rout from an army even under considerable pressure, and will hol...
Unit Caps for All (Updated for 4.2) (Mod for Sale)
Készítette: Vacuity
Successor mod here, After updating for 4.2, this mod will not be developed further. Feel free to use the mod as a framework or guide for your own cap mod, and if you want advice on anything, I'm willing to respond to friendly questions. My only two require...
T3 minor walls
Készítette: Cerb
"Across the lands the kingdom was secure, each settlement a bastion of defence against the darkness. Having such excessive defences was costly, and obstructed many aspects of citizens lives, but it was worth it for such a formidable obstacle for their enem...
Terrain Penalty Realism Changes
Készítette: Cerb
"The Cathayan column marched along the plains, unknowing of the violence that was about to be unleashed upon them. Warpfire cracked as the skaven guns opened up from their concealed positions in the treeline, shields crumbling and the screams of soldiers d...
Siege Battle Vanguard Deployment
Készítette: bushez
DESCRIPTION: This mod will give the Defender Lord and the settlement garrison have Vanguard Deployment when u will build your walls building to max level. -Why? I always wanted to try from time to time to put my melee units outside the walls and let the ra...
Fear The Dawi
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Dwarven faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health - armor +20, 20% health all units except slayers - slayers +10 ma/20% hp...
Fear the Asrai
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Wood Elf faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 10% physical resist, 20% heal...
Fear the Druchii
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the Dark Elf faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 10 melee attack, 20% health a...
Fear the Asur
Készítette: Cerb
Gives some loreful buffs to the High Elf faction to either make you overpowered when playing as them or give you more of a challenge when fighting them. Single entity large, 20% health Monstrous, double entities, half health - 5 melee defence, 5 melee atta...
Scaling AI Difficulty
Készítette: Cerb
"The forces of darkness had descended, strongholds lost one by one against the oncoming tide of destruction. They were all that was left, one last beacon of light, the best of them were arrayed along the walls in ranks ten deep, thousands of soldiers to th...
AI Embeds Passive Agents
Készítette: Commiss4r
Enemy agents again won't use offensive skills and AI will put them into armies more often than not. The AI should still be able to use unique actions like warlock bombs, pirate coves, and nurgle plagues. I had stopped these in my TWW2 mod and did not enjoy...
Tier 3 Starting Capitals [OUTDATED]
Készítette: Beans
This mod is out of date and may not work correctly. It also may still work fine. I have no schedule or plans to update at this time. ABOUT TIER 3 STARTING CAPITALS TIER 4 VERSION HERE This is a limited recreation of the amazing WH2 mod, Higher Starting Tie...
Channel Magic
Készítette: Cerb
"Lightning flicked through the air, snapping aggressively as its energy surged through the night sky. Flowing robes fought against the wind as the form within winced under the strain, the exertion of keeping such might under control. It would have been too...
Chaotic, Unreliable Artillery
Készítette: Cerb
"A veritable arsenal lined the hills on either sides of the valley as the men of the empire looked across and saw the Norscan horde opposing them, behind which lay multiple hellcannons, weapons of supreme destruction howling for blood in their bound and ch...
Miscasts Matter
Készítette: Cerb
A simple mod that makes it so that miscasts have more effect on the player. When a miscast occurs, more damage will happen to the caster, their spell will be significantly less powerful and their leadership will be lowered for a time. Currently bugged on C...
Ogre Overhaul Cerb
Készítette: Cerb
Ogres have always been one of my favourite races, but theyre very much a snowball faction - when they do well they annihilate everything but if you lose camps they get messed up really badly. This mod reduces the power scaling of ogres, allows them to be l...
True Champions of Chaos
Készítette: Cerb
The chosen of chaos are supposed to be among the best fighters in the world, with incredibly thick armor, raining immensely strong blows upon their enemies. This mod drastically reduces the size of the following units but increases their stats to compensat...