

229 ratings




UnofficialCalamityWhips - 汉化 - 请勿订阅
AlchemistNPC Lite汉化补丁(密码7rvx,名字是anpc)[]

小优化(Faster UI)
非官方灾厄同人曲包(Unofficial Calamity Mod Music)
灾厄配方简化(Simplify Calamity Recipes)
BOSS喜加一,修普诺斯(Hypnos in Calamity Mod)
灾厄圣物上色(ColoredCalamityRelics)----建议搭配原版圣物上色(Boss Colored Relics)使用
神龛物品可合成(Calamity Craftable Shrine Items)
Replace String(见汉化指南)
npc列表(Census - Town NPC Checklist)
自动垃圾桶(Auto Trash)
自动锻造(Auto Reforge)
自动钓鱼(Autofish) 更好的体验里有自动钓鱼机----事实上钓鱼机并没有我想象中的好用。
多线钓鱼(Multiple Lures)----建议关闭法狗突变MOD配置中的多鱼竿功能(顺带可以关一下和更好的体验重合的功能),以防止出现不可预料的BUG
boss图标追踪(Boss Cursor)
BOSS清单(Boss Checklist)
更好的对话框(Dialogue Panel Rework)
合成表(Recipe Browser)
重力药水不颠倒(Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen)
血药cd提示(HP Awareness)
魔法储存(Magic Storage)
更好的体验(Quality of Life)----我愿称之为神,翻翻MOD配置吧,会有你想要的。
连锁挖矿(Ore Excavator)
懒人模组+汉化(Fargo's Mutant Mod)
盔甲可重铸(Armor Modifiers & Reforging)
在空中直接放方块(Free Block Placing - Place block on air!)
更智能的光标(Smarter Cursor)
使心晶和生命果发光(Heart Crystal & Life Fruit Glow)
商店格子增加(Shop Expander)
更好的混合材质(Better Blending)
角色看向光标所指位置(Improved Movement Visuals)
添加更多环境音(Terraria Ambience)
现在你可以使用官方 Wiki 中文语言包了(tML Language Pack Fix)
根据伤害类型改变伤害数值颜色(Colored Damage Types)
自定义使用晶塔的距离限制以及NPC数量限制(Teleport to pylons from anywhere!)----自行调整MOD配置

更好的光影(Lights And Shadow)----个人不太喜欢
塔防邪恶(Pylons Prevent Evils)你可以在更好的体验MOD配置里直接关掉邪恶地形蔓延,这样你大概率就不需要它了
多一个翅膀栏(Wing Slot Extra)----平衡问题
炼金术师npc(AlchemistNPC Lite)----平衡问题
Calamity Ranger Expansion/灾厄射手扩展-----听说有亿点超模
更改使用传送门枪时的鼠标光标(Portal Cursor)-----没啥用但是我喜欢
更多非官方灾厄鞭子(Unofficial Calamity Whips)
灾厄炼狱难度(Calamity Mod Infernum Mode)----萌新勿加
炼狱BOSS专属音乐(Infernum Mode Music)----如果你要玩炼狱模式的话

9999叠加(Max Stack Plus Extra) 更好的体验里包含此功能。
物品来自哪个mod(Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF)) 更好的体验包含此功能
快速复活(Shorter Respawn Time) 更好的体验MOD配置中可手动开启
扩充buff栏(Lan's Unlimited Buff Slots) 更好的体验MOD配置中可手动开启
卖BOSS掉落物的NPC(Bosses As NPCs) 灾厄召唤BOSS不消耗召唤物,所以这东西就没有必要了。
5个可能有用的NPC(Helpful NPCs) 肉后直接卖新三矿,卖光魂暗魂。至于那个卖草药和卖任务鱼的没什么用,随机生成的Chester我还没见过......
不生成墓碑(No More Tombs)----你要掘墓者铲子?但我们有爆炸手里剑! 更好的体验模组配置中可手动开启.

Update in 2023/01/24:

Update in 2023/01/11:
+自定义使用晶塔的距离限制以及NPC数量限制(Teleport to pylons from anywhere!)

Update in 2023/01/09:
+添加更多环境音(Terraria Ambience)
+现在你可以使用官方 Wiki 中文语言包了(tML Language Pack Fix)
+根据伤害类型改变伤害数值颜色(Colored Damage Types)

Update in 2023/01/03:
-5个可能有用的NPC(Helpful NPCs)
+角色看向光标所指位置(Improved Movement Visuals)

Update in 2022/12/30:
+更改使用传送门枪时的鼠标光标(Portal Cursor)
+小优化(Faster UI)
+炼狱BOSS专属音乐(Infernum Mode Music)
+非官方灾厄同人曲包(Unofficial Calamity Mod Music)
+灾厄炼狱难度(Calamity Mod Infernum Mode)
+修普诺斯(Hypnos in Calamity Mod)
+灾厄配方简化(Simplify Calamity Recipes)

Update in 2022/12/29:
+多线钓鱼(Multiple Lures)
+AlchemistNPC Lite汉化方式

Update in 2022/12/28:
+Calamity Ranger Expansion/灾厄射手扩展
+神龛物品可合成(Calamity Craftable Shrine Items)
+不生成墓碑(No More Tombs)

Update in 2022/12/27:
+Replace String以及更多灾厄鞭子与灾厄虚荣的汉化。


Items (49)
◆ Calamity Chinese Translation Patch ◆ 灾厄汉化补丁 ◆
Created by Kcovin
Introduce This is the unofficial Chinese translation patch of Calamity Mod ...
AlchemistNPC Lite
Created by Gregg
This mod adds 7 NPCs (Alchemist, Brewer, Jeweler, Young Brewer, Operator, Architect and Musician), who sell potions, materials and some other stuff. New combinations of potions are sold by the Young Brewer. The spawn condition for the Alchemist, the Jewele...
Armor Modifiers & Reforging
Created by Aitherix
Looking for a bit of more armor buffs? Armor Modifiers is a small mod that enables vanilla-based reforging for armor. The Goblin Tinkerer can now add modifiers for your armor, albeit a bit more pricey compared to accessory counterparts. Usage Simply head o...
Auto Reforge
Created by Sad Onion
Auto Reforge is a mod that replaces normal reforge menu with more complex one that allows you to reforge automaticly. Developed By Sad Onion...
Auto Trash
Created by javidpack Overview Adds an Auto-Trash Slot: Place items in the Auto-Trash slot to immediately trash them as they are picked up later. Useful for all those items that clutter your inventory. Ctrl+Shift click inventory items to quickly ...
Better Blending
Created by Orion
Better Blending simply modifies which tiles blend together, primarily blending environmental tiles to make the world look less disconnected, such as ores blending with stone, ice, or other ores. Sandstone, granite, and marble also blend with stone, dirt, a...
Boss Checklist
Created by javidpack
Bug reports in the workshop comments here will likely not be seen, come to our Discord or Github to report issues. Boss Checklist Boss Checklist lets you view a checklist of all available bosses while playing so you can progress through them as you defeat ...
Boss Cursor
Created by kgoyo
Boss cursor adds arrows around your character that points towards the boss. This way you do not need the mini-map open to be able to properly aim. The size and transparency of the arrow changes the closer the boss is, so that you get a good feel for how fa...
Calamity Mod
Created by Fabsol
Calamity Mod Discord Official Wiki LIMITED TIME! Gimme Swag Plushie Campaign The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria! With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes...
Calamity Mod Music
Created by Fabsol
Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each song on the soundtrack. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to cheat in the music boxes if you do...
Calamity's Vanities
Created by GinYuH
Calamity's Vanities Discord Official Wiki Calamity's Vanities is a mod which aims to add more vanity items/pets to the Calamity mod. The mod does not require Calamity to run. Note: This mod is not an official addon to Calamity, rather just a fun fan made m...
Created by fk99
Adds craftable tents that provide an additional spawn point to choose from upon death! Set up a temporary spawn point by crafting tents Choose to respawn between your tent or your bed Various tiers of tents with bonus utilities Craft your first tent with C...
Catalyst Mod
Created by apotofkoolaid
Catalyst Mod Discord Official Wiki The Catalyst Mod is a new game+ style add-on for the Calamity Mod. It currently adds various new items and enemies, some based on the superboss Astrageldon. The mod is planned to add much more content in the future, such ...
Census - Town NPC Checklist
Created by javidpack Overview Census - Town NPC Checklist modifies the housing panel to show missing townspeople. A "✓" signifies that the conditions for spawning that npc have been fulfilled. An "X" means that conditions have not been fulfilled...
Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod
Created by Furgo
This is a Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod!!! This is a Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod!!! This is a Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod!!! Fargo突变&魂汉化补丁 使用时请将游戏语言设置为中文 游戏中尤其是多人模式可能会出现一些...
Dialogue Panel Rework
Created by Cyrilly Discord This mod completely reworks NPC dialogue panel and sign editing panel. Inspired by the mobile version. Text scrolling is added. You can hold left to make it scroll faster. Mods that also modified NPC dialogue panel m...
Fargo's Mutant Mod
Created by Fargowilta
A Quality of Life mod that makes various adjustments and additions across the game to provide information and convenience. Adds the Mutant town NPC, who sells boss summons of nearly every mod, along several others. Other features include: -Infinite ammos, ...
Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen
Created by Cyrilly
This mod makes the gravity inversion effect not flip your screen, only the player flips. (This mod has no text at all so every language is "localized") Github:
Heart Crystal & Life Fruit Glow
Created by Chev
Makes heart crystals & life fruits emit light. 2023-08-06 - Update for tModLoader v1.4.4 - Life Fruits now glow yellow instead of green to better distinguish them from Jungle Spores 2022-08-26 - Added: - A basic config to enable/disable the Heart Crystal a...
Magic Storage
Created by absoluteAquarian
Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems! This mod offers a solution to storage problems on...
HP Awareness
Created by Core
This is a simple client-side mod that contains: Hurt and low HP/Health overlays + optional audio indicator Player HP bar Audio and visual indicator above you whenever potion sickness wears off Debuff indicators above you whenever you obtain a debuff + opti...
Pylons Prevent Evils
Created by Aitherix
Dislike evil biome spread but don't want to disable it completely? Need to prevent areas from being contaminated? Pylons Prevent Evils is a small mod that prevents the natural spread of crimson/corruption near a pylon. Supports other biomes like the Hallow...
Free Block Placing - Place block on air!
Created by Cyrilly
You can place blocks and walls directly in the air. No longer needs to be placed next to another block or wall. This mod makes the game think there's always a wall next to where you're going to put things, so it will let you place blocks and walls. It's a ...
Shop Expander
Created by Exterminator
Shop expander aims to solve a problem encountered by many players using multiple large mods. Town NPCs have a limited amount of free shop inventory space. When multiple different mods add items to a single vanilla NPC's shop, it can overflow, causing any a...
Quality of Terraria
Created by 太阳照常升起
Quality of Terraria, a mod to greatly improve your gameplay experience Join our Discord to report bugs and get replied quickly! These features may bring you better gameplay experience Only some functions are enabled by default, please check mod configurati...
Recipe Browser
Created by javidpack Recipe Browser! Recipe Browser is an indispensable mod for any player. It provides a service to the user that the Guide could only dream of providing. With Recipe Browser, you have access to p...
Wing Slot Extra
Created by Aitherix
This mod adds a dedicated wing slot near the armor and accessories page of the inventory. Updated with permission from original author abluescarab. Usage • Right-click on wings from inventory to move it to wing slot. • Right-click vanity wings to swap with...
Smarter Cursor
Created by Quandratic
Smarter Cursor is a fairly simple mod that tweaks the way smart cursor works with platforms, allowing it to better reflect your intentions when building. No more constantly making stairs when you just want to make a flat bridge, as this mod fixes that issu...
Unofficial Calamity Whips
Created by Poroboros
Do you like whips? Do you like Calamity? So do we! Unofficial Calamity Whips is a mod that aims to add several whips to the Calamity mod, in order to fill in progression gaps for summoner whip builds. DISCLAIMER: Unofficial Calamity Whips is in no way affi...
Replace String
Created by 夜谷紫幽
可以用来自己制作汉化包(?) You can make your own localization package ( ? )...
Calamity Craftable Shrine Items
Created by 小水母暮雾儿
You can use this mod to craft items that can only be found in shrines As we all know, these shrine items can not be found by players very smoothly Now you can craft these items: Trinket of Chi,Luxor's Gift,Tundra Leash,Onyx Excavator Key,Gladiator's Locket...
Calamity Ranger Expansion
Created by 承影
Join our discord sever Calamity Ranger Expansion is a mod that provides several extra ranger ammunitions and accessories, in order to provides more options for rangers and play for fun, instead of doing strict researches about "Who is the strongest equipme...
Multiple Lures
Created by Cyrilly
You can customize the number of lures when fishing from 1 to 200 You can even choose not to cast lures, but that would be silly If loaded with Fargo's Mutant Mod, it is suggested to turn of Fargo's Extra Lures in FargoConfig Works better with Autofish Mod ...
Created by Cyrilly Discord This mod can help you fish automatically. Which means auto pull and cast bobbers while holding a fishing pole. Auto Casting mode will automatically turn on when you are fishing and turn off when you stop fishing. You c...
Hypnos in Calamity Mod [Legacy 1.4.3]
Created by GinYuH
Hypnos Mod Discord Hypnos' Wiki Page It’s the one and only XP-00 Hypnos! 100% faithfully recreates from his page on the officially unofficial Fandom Calamity Mod Wiki!!! The mod contains: The one and only XP-00 Hypnos and his legion of 12 trusty Aergia Neu...
Simplify Calamity Recipes
Created by plantare
This mod simplified lots of calamity recipes that contains: *Cosmilite bar *Core of Calamity *Galactica Singularity *Life Alloy *Sea Prism by deleting these ingredients. There are too many simplified recipes to list them all here. Due to the issue of acces...
Colored Calamity Relics
Created by Altixal
Adds color to every relic from the Calamity Mod. If relics were placed without the mod loaded prior, break and re-place the relic to add the colors. Note that the mod places variants of relic tiles, and unloading the mod will also unload any existing relic...
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music
Created by apotofkoolaid
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki Vanilla Calamity Music Mod (aka VCMM) is an in-progress music expansion for Calamity. It aims to replace the entire vanilla Terraria soundtrack with new songs made in the context of the Calamity soundtrack. ...
Faster UI
Created by Leapofod
This mod aims to remove some slowdowns in the game UI that occur when the game lags due to their animation or interaction speed being tied to framerate Currently these include: - The scroll speed of the crafting menu - The acceleration and speed of craftin...
Portal Cursor
Created by The Golden Knight
Turns your mouse into the Portal cursor when using the portal gun Adds indicators around the mouse that correlate to your portals in the world Github: Config Options Use Portal Cursor: Enables when to use the custo...
Created by Ky
Aimbot Aimbot is a mod that allows you to automatically aim at targets. With this you can worry less about aiming your weapons and more about dodging! The aim is not perfect so against bosses that are extremely fast it is good to use weapons with a large a...
Created by The Golden Knight
Displays information about the tile you are hovering over in the world This mod is greatly inspired by the Minecraft Mod WAILA by ProfMobius and is intended to function in a similar way Suggestions and Feedback are welcome Forum Page: https://forums.terrar...
Improved Movement Visuals
Created by Orion
This mod changes the player's visuals without affecting gameplay. It allows the player to look at the cursor, turn to face the cursor, and lean forwards or backwards while moving. It also includes NPC rotation changes which allow slimes to lean while they ...
Colored Damage Types
Created by Fudgepants
Colored damage types changes the tooltip and damage text of weapons to be colored, so that it's easier to quickly tell what kind of damage the weapon deals at a glance. Now has cross-mod support! For instructions on how to add your mod's damage type, check...
Terraria Ambience
Created by 2bluntz@once
Terraria Ambience is a mod that adds liveliness to your little Terraria world! You can hear all sorts of things, such as crickets, ocean waves, campfire crackles, underground rumbles, and much more! Explore around a little bit! Hopefully you can relax a bi...
tML Language Pack Fix
Created by 太阳照常升起
Fixed the bug which language packs do not work in tML You may use any language pack after this mod is enabled Technical support: Cyril (
Teleport to pylons from anywhere!
Created by eddywm
This mod allows you to teleport to pylons without needing to be near a pylon. It can also override other pylon limits. With the latest update, it should work with pylons added by other mods, as long as they have updated to the new tModLoader code. The limi...
Lights And Shadows
Created by yiyang233
要打开原版那个”水波质量“。 提供光影效果。 在ModConfig里可以设置一些值。 Adds lighting and shadow effects, which can be adjusted in the Mod Config. Developed By yiyang233...