Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (83)
【协奏曲零】海兽吟咏 QBZ-191(Replaces M16)
说明 · 【协奏曲零】海兽吟咏 QBZ-191(Replaces M16) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:FReeZeICE · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1838037836195126563/FE5B1DC5461A6BCA7C754A3B08DF4D0B2DC5042E/?i...
【原神】胡桃主题 玻璃门医疗箱 Original Medical Cabinet with glass
说明 · 【原神】胡桃主题 玻璃门医疗箱 Original Medical Cabinet with glass · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:sheq · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1709663927...
【BEATLESS】Vector替换Mac-10(replace slienced smg)[animated skin]
Created by M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】Vector替换Mac-10消音冲锋枪 Credits The Division - Models, textures and sounds Models and Textures ripping - scream Sounds editing - scream Animations - Cele Material and fix - M82A1闇冥 ...
乐动态喷漆(Kennedy living painting)
Created by Shuchi
乐,摇摆乐 size: 256x256 大小:256x256 使用方法:选项→多人联机→喷漆图案→Kennedy...
书记舞 电脑显示器动画
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
替换了游戏内的电脑显示器, 我是藤原拓海 我开着AE86 我有个妹妹叫藤原千花 听说广大b站用户想娶我妹妹 如果你能在秋名山赢了我,我会同意你娶我妹. 今晚秋名山见 粉丝群:931395294...
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push
Created by 真·勇者
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push 试听地址 http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733 Audition address http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733...
【Blue Archive】Otose Kotama Glock 19 Replaces pistol
Created by Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
六小龄童jockey 语音包
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
改编不是乱编,戏说不是胡说,今年上半年,炒面制作的求生之路正式开机,我将继续扮演美猴王jockey弘扬求生文化,文体两开花,希望大家多多支持 本人b站:UID44627725 希望大家点个关注哟! 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av42829378 替换了jockey的语音和骑人bgm, 刷出jockey:一堆六学语录 骑头上:美女调戏八戒bgm,重复:师傅!走!(多种六学词汇) 受到攻击:晶晶 死亡:我正版西游记 推荐订阅突变模式:300jockey,,,,然后你...
少女前线 AN94 替换 Eills / (Girls' Frontline AN94) replace Eills
Created by 杰罗尼莫
红茶大佬的AN94替换Eills的版本。详情请见: Red tea's AN94 replaces Eills's version. For details, see: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2009995750 我也相应的做了语音包,点右边必需品就可。 I also made a voice package accordingly. Just click the necessities on the right. ! ...
明日方舟 整合兵(Arknights Reunion Movement soldiers)
Created by 月悠红茶
B站视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JV411h7xa (这个明日方舟MOD的演示)(This Arknights MOD Video presentation, If you can not watch the video, please use VPN) (这个MOD是替换zombie,变成了整合兵)This MOD is a replacement zombie and becomes Reunion Movement soldiers 【游戏MOD群】加...
Created by mmi开心
Created by mmi开心
少女前线 K2黎明之前替换-scar (Grils Frontline K2 replace- Desert Rifle)
Created by HCのYUDA
【说明】这个是少女前线的战术人形K2,它将替换scar 【Description】This is the MOD that modifies the Girls Frontline K2.It replacing the Desert Rifle 模型源自:8sianDude https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1649731007 model derived from:8sianDude https://steamcommunity...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Created by 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
猫宫日向木喷 | NekomiyaHinata pump Shotgun(pump Shotgun)
Created by 桃乐丝啊
猫宫日向 猫老大 NekomiyaHinata 木喷 单喷 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 拥有质感 Have texture 模型动作均来自官方 The model and action are from the official https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1716409000985268792/58B23AB02D84A5F1A73DA803106524B4...
美游替换弗朗西斯/Miyu Replace Francis
模型作者已授权上传到创意工坊 The original model author has authorized to upload to the workshop 原模型作者:MoMo_Rui Origin Model Author:MoMo_Rui 作者B站有号 Mod作者:我 Mod Author:Me 好久没发mod了,发一个证明自己还活着 预览视频 Preview video b23点tv点EvTX3Rk 点自己加(举报的人没妈^^) 美游替换弗朗西斯 Miyu Replace Fransic 包括...
魔女之旅 伊蕾娜 电视机动画
Created by Cheese菠蘿包
魔女之旅伊蕾娜 替换电视机动画 遇到困难睡大觉~! ...
All-Star (PvZ: GW) replace Charger
Created by vale/ro
Now All - Star is here. This addon doesn't include first person arms because versus mode doesn't allow to play with addons. Model used: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=386688382 Ripped by: https://steamproxy.net/id/PrawnBoy Tom: ...
Aether Gazer: Onirii [Bill & Other Survivors]
Created by Kokkorylien
Credits: Modeller - Aether Gazer Original Model Distribution - www🐟aplaybox🐟com/details/model/ZMU4WnYqv0wz Copyright -「Aether Gazer」 Compiler - Kokkorylien (bilibili UID: 2100612) Content: character model. arm model. flex animation / facial expression. vgu...
Alternate Car Alarm
Created by C0RSA1R
Replaces the default car alarm sound with a lower pitched one including a horn. More of my mods: http://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198058357555/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550...
Animated Saferoom Arrow
Created by 暗帝皇™
Change color of saferoom logo and checkpoint arrow. The color is GLOWING in dark and the arrow is animated (scrolling motion). another version --> http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1139499103...
Arknights - Fiammetta Titanfall2 R-6P skin (grenade launcher) glow
Created by SHArknight
我不喜欢破坏——除非有必要。 给榴弹发射器摸了舟里我最喜欢的炮手肥鸭小姐,ttf原枪太棒了,献上感谢! 原模传送门 Twilight Sparkle Original Mod - Twilight Sparkle 侵删 替换模型,音效,动作 replace model,sound,animation original credits: mav - Assets Extract and Help ShadowRUN 幸運な - Texture Work/Shaders Twilight Sparkle - P...
Arknights - Heavyrain KSG skin replace chrome shotgun glow 明日方舟 - 暴雨 KSG 替换铁喷 夜光
Created by SHArknight
嗯,我来保护博士。 俺の愛馬が!! 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728354171 Original Mod - Lt. Rocky 原图 画师:野猪三三三三 侵删 替换模型,音效,动作 replace model,sound,animation original credits: Insurgency - Audio Payday 2 - Audio TehSnake ( Workshop / Gamebanan...
Arknights - Blemishine P90 Skin(Uzi) Glow 明日方舟 - 瑕光·异月灾裔 P90皮肤 替换 Uzi 夜光
Created by SHArknight
分开双月、踏足于大地上的灾裔。勇者绝无可能在正面对决中获胜。 -------------------------------------- 原模传送门:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=234509270 侵权删除 If the infringement occurs, I will delete this addon Credits: Porting/Rigging/Extra Animations - Twilight Spar...
Arknights - Firewatch R700 skin (scout) glow 明日方舟 - 守林人·覆雪 R700皮肤 替换鸟狙 夜光
Created by SHArknight
这把弩是为了审判罪人制造的。终有一天, 我要用它降下最后的裁决。 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2476804138 Original Mod - 8sianDude 原图 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 小鹿的第三个枪皮 白 色 死 神 两脚架UV有问题导致材质不对,我尽量让它看着不那么奇怪了(笑哭 全部枪都做完一遍了) 没啥好做的了就接定制枪皮吧,只限舟_...
[Witch] SCP-096
Created by Yagira
SCP-096 replacement for Witch, no sounds included as there is already a mod for that. This is an early release, expect updates. Sound mod here. ...
[Kantai Collection]Hibiki AK12 replace AK47
Created by _LvZ1
响だよ。その活跃ぶりから不死鸟の通り名もあるよ。 我其实本来是想继续整ba的,不过我一个朋友特别喜欢响爷。 动作来自Fnuxray Animations: Fnuxray 我用的mod是Nstreys修复过换弹速度后的版本。 I used the fixed version by Nstreys 原mod(修复版):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2229635385 原mod:https://steamproxy.net...
[HUD] Slim HUD - Alternative
Created by PillGrabbard
This was a request made by Shadow , to revert the inventory position back to it's original state. So here is an alternative version, for those who liked the original position of inventory. A slim and simplistic-looking HUD, that replaces the traditional on...
只替换人声 大量脏话,含妈量极高,接受不了的请不要订阅 搭配下面bgm更有感觉 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2779195056...
Tonfa Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Tonfa. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & parame...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Created by мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
SR-25 Kou-Glow
Created by 花の韵❄
替换30发连狙 部分夜光 立绘红-正觉醒反初始 根据SR-25 仙狐小姐(发光)作为模板 https://i.ibb.co/7zb86zN/2u.png 11/6 修正主体颜色 简化夜光方式 隐藏手电筒... 声明 - Original SR-25 model: Firearm: Source Team - AN/PEQ-15:Odeca - 7.62mm NATO bullet: Kali - Scope lens: New World Interactive - Animations: Arima, I...
Squidward - Smoker
Created by Despair
This mod replaces the Smoker with Squidward. Comes with: -Voice...
The flashlight strong
Created by 蒋芥石
flashlight is good!!!is strong,but no very strong!!!...
Shovel Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & parameter. Details: Self luminous. Rainbow material. Dynamic materials. Dynamic transparency. No ...
SCP-500 (Pills)
Created by snrk
The pills that cures everything. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, THIS ADDON IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH PAIN PILLS ANIMATIONS! I might make this addon compatible with it. I didn't know how 500 would look like, so i imagined how it would look like. A simple model i did tha...
RE8 Village Colt 1851 Navy Cartridge Conversion Custom "Wolfbane" (Magnum)
Created by 8sianDude
A highly modified and engraved single-action only revolver found in Moreau's Lab house in Resident Evil 8 Village is the Colt 1851 Navy Cartridge Conversion, known as "M1851 Wolfbane" in-game. This was apparently a gift to Moreau from Mother Miranda accord...
Snorlax (Boomer)
Created by Majro
Play the PokéFlute they said, it'll be fine they said... What's large, round, hungry, and about to cover you with its extremely acidic digestive juices? Why, it's a Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon! Its thick fat helps it withstand heat, cold and poisoning. W...
Queen - Don't Stop Me Now Concert
Created by space.odyssey2001
Replaces Dark Carnival Music and Posters. Other Queen Concerts Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Concert Queen - Somebody to Love Concert Queen - Keep Yourself Alive Concert Queen - Radio Ga Ga Concert Queen - We Are the Champions Concert Queen - The Show Must Go ...
Pitchfork Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Pitchfork. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & pa...
MW2019: Quest Items
Created by mav
tacticool gnome tacticool cola Campaign specific carryables reanimated. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Materialization Method and Assistance ThomasCat: Conversion Rig, Animation...
Arknights - Nightingale AA-12 Skin(spas) Glow 明日方舟 - 夜莺·灿阳朝露 AA-12 替换spas 夜光
Created by SHArknight
夜莺宝贝儿生日快乐!!! -------------------------------------- 原模传送门:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614151942 Original Model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614151942 侵权删除 If the infringement occurs, I will delete this...
Arknights: Sora (Swimsuit) [Nick] [V5] [DL for ALL Survivors]
Created by Kokkorylien
Credits: 製作者/Modeller - Sour暄 Original Model Distribution - www🐟aplaybox🐟com/details/model/7NqcqJZYrd9I 画师/イラスト/Illust - 幻象黑兔 Copyright - 「Arknights」 Compiler - Kokkorylien (bilibili UID: 2100612) Content: character model (W_model). arm model (V_model). an...
Axe & Pan Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & parameter. Details: Self luminous. Rainbow material. Dynamic materials. Dynamic transparency. No ...
Buff Steve Tank
Created by Shimakaze
Therapist: Buff Steve Tank doesn't exist in l4d2 BUFF STEVE TANK IN L4D2: Another cursed mod recommended by someone in my group! https://i.imgur.com/w9wfrPP.png If you want sounds, go ahead and make a "fan made sound mod" here~ https://steamproxy.net/s...
Baseball Bat Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Baseball Bat. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials &...
Cricket Bat Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Cricket Bat. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & ...
Crowbar Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Crowbar. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & para...
CS:GO Incendiary grenade
Created by Twilight Sparkle
Well hello everyone again, so as again i bring you another small replacement which is again for another throwable, so this one's Incendiary grenade and it will replace the Molotov, it also comes with its own sounds as well and it also uses its original ani...
Arknights - Robin Auto shotgun skin glow 明日方舟 - 罗宾·原野的馈赠 一代连喷皮肤 夜光
Created by SHArknight
好厉害,感觉像在看动作片一样...... -------------------------------------- 替换官方模型的贴图 replace official texture of auto shotgun 罗宾这皮肤颜色搭配真的是越看越喜欢,我当时没源石买,我有罪_(:з」∠)_ yj快给我复刻啊啊啊啊 又是信仰美见老师的一天,美见就是世界的主宰!! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1836918911299322362/2926DE30...
Custom Refrigerators P2
Created by Nayara Santana
🥇Do you want me to make more mods for you? then donate steam points to me so I can continue to post more mods by clicking on the Reward option above. 🥇Você quer que eu faça mais mods para você? então me faça doação de pontos steam para que eu possa continu...
Electric Guitar Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Electric Guitar. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of material...
Girls' Frontline Loading screen
Created by Izayoi Sakuya
Added a final campaign loading image The original link https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1536627763...
Golf Club Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Golf Club. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & pa...
Full Health When Change Level(安全屋满血)
Created by KtOrangeeK
When level changed, all players' health (including dead players) will become full. 当玩家进入安全屋使关卡切换时,所有玩家(包括死亡玩家)恢复满血状态。...
Knife Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Knife. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & parame...
lord dragon [spitter]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's lord dragon replace spitter in game. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是mua猫装替换了jockey 希望大家喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces spitter. 替换 spitter ------------------------Then/胡说...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Created by Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
m1加兰德 令
Created by 燕双鹰
嗯,第三个令也有了,不做quz95是因为模型实在粗糙。 做出来很难看。令真好看 原mod:byDenny凯妈 自带夜光 ...
Machete Holographic Rainbow
Created by Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Machete. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & para...
McDonalds replacement for Burger Tank
Created by Ellie
Ever felt that you couldn't get good burgers and good fries in L4D2 ? Now you can : McDonalds - Replaces the Burger Tank in (at least) the No Mercy campaign with a McDonalds - New walls, floor, table fabric, menus and sign. - Big Mac not included Enjoy ;)...
MW2019: Placement Explosives
Created by mav
Placement Explosives help control areas and locations by acting as traps. Handle anything that comes your way with a well placed explosive. All placeable explosive items. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. This mod co...
Mia Replace Jockey
Created by Vaz0w
This addon replaces Jockey. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Hamuketsu --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; First person arms; ------------------...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
Created by Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
Dynamic Light
Created by Sw1ft
READ THE DESCRIPTION Dynamic Light This is a server-side add-on (for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server) Creates dynamic light on molotovs, pipe bombs, spit, burning infected (SI and Tank) and muzzle flash Chat Commands !dl_reset - reset settings to default !d...
Created by Azuki
The original ZoneBox. Be fancy! Skyboxes made by komaokc used for: Dead Center Skybox Dark Carnival Skybox Swamp Fever Skybox #1 Swamp Fever Skybox #2 Hard Rain Skybox #1 The Parish Skybox The Passing Skybox Unused skybox found in Left 4 Dead 2: Hard Rain ...
GenJi Katana
Created by ClearSkyC
龍神の剣を喰らえ! i have been playing OverWatch, i like genji's unique skill, so i made his katana for l4d2, hope you like it. Credits: Blizzard - Model; Textures; Sound; Me - Animations; Materials; Compile. enjoy~ no sound version - http://steamproxy.net/shar...
Improved Blood Textures Reduced
Created by BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. This version will decease the blood size. Note: Blood not layering on ...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Created by Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
Licker (Hunter)
Created by Deva
Here's a riddle for you all. What can be Red and covered with Brown and Yellow at the same time!? The answer is: you after be raped by a wild Licker that came out of nowhere! ...
Reisen Car Itasha
Created by PZY
く__,.ヘヽ. \   ./ ,ー、 〉      \ ', !-─‐-i / /´       /`ー'    L//ヽ、      /  /,  /|  ,  ,   ',    イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i .     レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |      !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   |         |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./ |      レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i |       レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ...
[VScripts] Library of Utils
Created by Sw1ft
Just my library for various scripts...
The helicopter (miku)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD changes the rescue helicopter, it is the appearance of blue MIKU,I hope you can like it,My computer technology is not very good, so the MOD is not very perfectBut I still want to thank you for your support,In addition,the MOD as a pink crashed hel...
The Particles Manifest
Created by Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
[OUTDATED] Particle Overhaul Mod
Created by мяFunreal
THIS MOD IS OUTDATED AND WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED. Instead, look here to find a collection with newer particle modifications, all in separate addons. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3018426177 This particle mod modifies pretty much ...