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(OUTDATED) Ultimate Vanilla + MORE ADDONS Modpack - By Marcus Aurelius
This is an addon collection to my marcus vanilla + Ultimate collection ( SEE IT IN THE LINKED COLLECTION) featuring mods that are goods but that don't fit in the base collection because of balance so feel free to use or not. For exemple you can add mod to the factions you want depending on what gameplay you want or use a lot of them for a Unbalanced experience

Its not an all in but theorically they can be used together but it's better to just pick what you want. So check what it does, some may be incompatible with some things of the vanilla collection so take care
Items (48)
LoW - Dragon Legion
Created by Macho Chunko
Sup y'all, it's ya boi bringing out a quick BETA of the original Dragon Legion mod from WH2. Changes in WH3 This version has some changes compared to the original, some to the units themselves, some new added buildings, changes to the original Dragon Princ...
LoW - Legions of the Scarlet Empire
Created by Macho Chunko
Introduction Sup y'all, it's ya boi bringing out another BETA of a mod i'm working on for WH3.This mod is a merged version of 2 mods i made for WH2, LoW - Blood Legion and WO - Order of the Bloody Rose. An Unique Lord The mod adds a new legendary lord for ...
Fire Lancers - Cathayan Shock Troops
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
The Legions of Cathay are weary of defending and hunger for the glory of the charge. This mod gives Cathay a variety of new and much needed high impact shock troops to let cathay wage a more aggressive war. As a spiritual sequel to my Cathayan fireworks mo...
Marcus Heretic Roster for Khorne and Chaos - IE UPDATED
Created by Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Heretic Roster The plot : Some warriors of Khorne decided to take the unholy way of the ranged weaponry. With the help of the Chaos Dwarfs they became very powerful warriors using customized ranged weaponry. Same for Tzeentch with some magical guns....
[DEER24/巴托尼亚]骑士王国( BRETONNIA UNITS PATCH Knight Kingdom)
骑士王国 巴托尼亚单位合集 Intro      巴托尼亚,骑士的国度,这个伟大的派系把我的思绪带回了遥远的中世纪,CA为巴托尼亚制作了丰富而优秀的兵种,但为了得到更丰富、更有中世纪国度风味的游戏体验,我制作了本Mod,基于中世纪风格的大量新增步兵单位以及几个原创新骑士团的精锐部队,配合上原版无比强悍的巴托骑士,我想你一定能感受到来自中世纪的召唤      Bretonnia, the kingdom of knights, this great faction has brought my thought...
【Deer24帝国单位包】帝国传奇 ( Units patch:Empire Romance)
如果喜欢我的MOD,请给我点一个赞,让更多人能看到我的MOD吧 If you like my MOD, please give me a “like” so that more people can see my MOD 非常抱歉,由于我加速器的问题,我无法在评论区进行回复,但大家反馈的问题我都会看的,非常感谢大家的支持! 在二代中,我制作了一款名为帝国传奇的MOD,为帝国制作了许多富有传奇色彩的单位,但在三代中,这些设计显得有些过时了,因此,我延续了二代MOD的制作理念,冠以相同的名字,重新为帝国制作了一...
【Deer24 基斯里夫兵种包】厄孙之牙 (Deer24 Kislve Units Patc Ursuns Tooth)
计划制作基斯里夫的兵种包 为基斯里夫添加很多没有背景依据但符合派系文化特色的部队 持续更新中 兵表更新: 基斯利夫满级城:咆哮之牙 红沙皇冠军 普拉格满级城:普拉格使徒 普拉格惩戒军 厄伦格勒满级城:厄伦格勒近卫军 达兹太阳雨(地狱风暴火箭炮) Intro This is my Kislev Unit Module - Ursuns Tooth. It contains 6 new unique units which include 3 new melee infantry, 1 missile infa...
【Deer24 Bretonnia's Knights】English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation mod updated to fit better with the base vanilla game, I have updated the unit names and some descriptions. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Core Mods Base Mo...
【Deer24】Ursun's tooth translation patch
A translation patch for my mod Ursun's tooth 我的mod 重要提示:使用对单位模型进行了修改的mod时出现闪退状况的,请将画面设置中的单位细节调整至较高及以上 与龙同行震旦兵种包: 取消招募限制: Trans...
【Deer24 Empire's Romance】English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation mod updated to fit better with the base vanilla game, I have updated the unit names and some descriptions. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Core Mods Base Mo...
[Deer24 Walk with the Dragon] English Patch
Created by Shock
Intro This is the English translation mod updated to fit better with the base vanilla game, I have updated various names, descriptions and skill ability names. Also I have linked Deer24's other sub-mods here in English to make it easier for you to find. Co...
Empire Greatsword Captain (6.0)
Created by Snek
This mod adds a new subtype of the Empire Captain: the Empire Captain with greatsword. He has a bit better stat line from the Empire Captain, but some changes to his skill tree and a totally different mount system. He shares a unit cap with the Empire Capt...
Warpmechs - Cyborg Skaven Units
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* Warmech packmaster to give regen to troops, he riders a special broodhorror and a brood horror RoR unit. *UPDATE* New regiment of renown and texture for RoR armors. Power swords for shield variants. *UPDATE* Fixed commander animations and boosted ...
Created by Sato Nozomi
大家好! 这是我为基斯里夫派系制作的矮人兵种mod,为基斯里夫派系添加了6种原创矮人兵种和两个特殊建筑序列用来招募。 有一点点Lore,勉强算个Semi-Lore,希望大家喜欢。 因为偷懒,没有单独做加成科技和技能,所以还是借用了原版基斯里夫部队的加成项。 有新想法的话会继续添加新单位,将来超凡帝国出了以后会添加给矮人派系。 LORE 基斯里夫人在起初看待矮人和看待其他外国人一样,都会带着排外的有色眼光。而这种态度在混沌大入侵后大大改观。群山王国的矮人至高王亲自带队驰援基斯里夫;侨居在帝国的矮人跟着虔诚者马...
『Shield of the North』Norse Dwarf units for Kislev-EN submod
Created by Sato Nozomi
Hello everyone! This is the dwarf units mod I made for the Kislev faction. It adds 6 dwarf units and two special building chains for recruiting for the Kislev faction. I will add them to Dwarf faction when immortal empire comes. Please subscribe to EN subm...
【停更转移】代号GYT-帝国原版风格兵种模组/GYT's Vanilla Empire Unit
Created by 代号gyt-B站
本mod已停更,请订阅代号GYT文明之盾: This module has been discontinued, and the content has been transferred to: English translation:https://...
【停更转移】代号GYT的矮人原版风格兵种模组/GYT‘s Vanilla Dwarf Unit
Created by 代号gyt-B站
本mod已停更,请订阅代号GYT文明之盾: English translation: 觉得好用的话别忘了点赞哈! =====================================================================...
The Eagle's Gift - Romans for Kislev
Created by Caesar
Something either really, really horrible, or absolutely awesome, has happened. Through some sort of twisted magic, of which even Tzeentch can't begin to fathom how it works, a portal between several dimensional layers and timezones has opened up. Through i...
TW Millennium: Modern Warfare
Created by Nightsaber
We now have an official Discord Server! Huge thanks to Nathan the Dwarven Shark for creating it ! With this Mod a new age of warfare has dawned in the world of Warhammer: The Empire has entered a new age of technology and received new units, buildings tech...
TW Millennium Submod: Morr Brigades Unit Expansion (Outdated)
Created by Elman36
IMPORTANT: Requires TW Millennium: Modern Warfare and Warband Upgrade Ultimate When the armies of the Empire began efforts to modernize their equipment, many regiments and knightly orders refused to accept the new weapons and armor. After all, why would th...
Heavy Gunners for Empire and Kislev
Created by Pwner1
Look for a submod soon that puts state troops on steroids. Engineers of Nuln and outcast dwarf engineers of the Empire (residing in Nuln) have beend designing many new deadly weapons, but as their power and size increases they came to realization that the ...
Guns of the Empire (6.0)
Created by Snek
This Mod adds 24 Gunpowder Units to the Empire roster. Though some are based on, or at least inspired by lore/fluff mentions most are inventions of my own. As a unit pack, this is savegame compatible. For details on skill/tech groupings, abilities, and som...
TDQ - The Princess Guard
Created by Typher
TDQ – THE PRINCESS GUARD The Princess Guard mod brings six new units to Warhammer 3! I may have went a little overboard here. This mod includes a total revamp of the wh2 Princess Guard model, a new heavily armored spear unit, a new hybrid spear/archer unit...
Johnny's Artillery Pack
Created by Johnny
Hello! this is my first custom unit mod and I am excited to share it with the community. what does this mod do? - adds new artillery units to the game for custom battle and campaign. - see below for which races are currently affected (i will be making more...
GMD Path of Green
Created by dilaguna
Hello there guys ! It have been a long way ! Ot all started as simple experiment (As all of my mods does !) But i decided to make something unethical by my standarts - change basic lord skill line. Additions to this mod - Root Ability(Its hidden) As long a...
Living Mountains - Kislev Ice Titans (Early Testing)
Created by Chonky Lizard
Overwiev Adds a new "boss-type" unit for Kislev, the Ice Titan. This mod is not finished yet, but ive uploaded it to get some feedback on balance, visuals, bugs, ideas... Everything is still subject of change. Can be built where the Elemental bear is build...
Rune Golems ( Vanilla 6.X ) ( MCT Support ) (REQUIRES ASSET PACK)
Created by _D3rpyN3wb_
------------------(REQUIRES ASSET PACK)----------------- What this mod does: - Adds 4 late game, semi lore-friendly Rune Golem for the dwarfs :D - Great-Axe (Bonus Anti-Infantry) - Great-Hammer(Armor-Piercing, Bonus Anti-Lar...
The Ferocious Rippergator - WH3 Port
Created by Chonky Lizard
This is a wh3 port of my Rippergator mod from wh2 This mod adds the rippergator to the LZ roster, an aggressive carnivorous monster unit. The strength of the Rippergators lie within their speed, ability to disrupt a lot of infantry and survivability. Undyi...
The Broken - Faction + Crystalback collection
Created by Chonky Lizard
This mod gives the faction Tepoks spawn, which is next to kugath an unique Lord that focuses on my crystalback units (but more of the new units added with the mod) You'll need mixus faction unlocker to play the faction (Ty to mixu for his great mod) This i...
Fortress War Mammoth
Created by Chonky Lizard The Fortress War Mammoth is a new T5 variant for the War Mammoth, fitted with a bigger Plattform and cannons plundered from Reikland that shoot of the side. Only really big Mammoth are fitted with this Plattform. Ability: Dr...
Glf Unit Expansion translated into English sub-mod
Created by FullAutoAttack
!UPDATE 6.0! Scrap Upgrade UI Framework by BAGHolder is currently needed for the scrap UI to show up This mods translates the GLF mod from Chinese to English. All my mods: https://steamcommunit...
[GLF] Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
添加内容: 这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多兵种 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 新增兵种加成: 补丁: English Patch: https://steamcomm...
Sovrei's Nurgle Units - Immortal Empires Update
Created by Sovrei This mod adds new units to the Nurgle faction, and Festus' Warriors of Chaos faction. The Putrid Blightkings, also known as the Exalted Champions of Nurgle, are not one particular tribe or gro...
Mortal Warriors of Nurgle
Created by Stratovarius
Features! Unleash the power of Grandfather Nurgle, Lord of Pestilence, with 8 new units: Putrid Blightkings. Brutal warrior champions of Nurgle, they are few in number but mighty in strength. Elite infantry. Exalted Plague Ogres. Built to smash, and to dra...
Chaos Mortals of Slaanesh
Created by Stratovarius
Chaos Mortals of Slaanesh! Unleash the pleasure of the Dark Prince, Lord of Excess, with 4 new units, in both campaign and MP: Chaos Knights of Slaanesh. Finding pleasure in the disfigurement of their foes, these cavalry give Slaanesh a heavy, durable, pun...
GMD Jade Legion (Version 2 is on my workshop - this version is discontinued !!!)
Created by dilaguna
I offer you, for a change of mind, my addition to the forces of Cathay (namely, the Northern Provinces) The list of troops is as follows - Lords - Jade Monk Grand Mster is a master of Chun Vin style. He doesn’t know how to use magic, but you can customize ...
GMD Path of Feral
Created by dilaguna
Mod Updated for latest patch. To use ROR - restart the campaighn. Hello guys ! Several people asked to make separate thundertusk mod. Here is a lint to the poll Please vote and i would made it tomorrow Finally i rele...
Greater Kislev
Created by NoMatterWha
Welcome to Greater Kislev Greater Kislev is a mod that enhances your campaign experience both for you and the AI. Expect new units, brand new effects, traits, balance fixes, fully reworked tech tree with the addition of The ...
Storm against Chaos (Empire Edition)
Created by Johnlehnhof
-- LORE --- These are desperade times. Chaos rises everywhere. The Emperor needs his best men to repel the forces of chaos. The brave Wardens of the Empire join the fray, even the Rangers leave there outposts and bolster the ranks of Franz. Volkmar has sen...
Nuln's Fallen: Chaos Empire Handgunners
Created by wormyjb
My VERY first unit mod! (Hugethanks to Kobold Loremaster for giving me the idea and helping me with balancing!) Add's a unit into the game for the Daemon Prince. Traitorous Empire Handgunners, defecting to chaos are now available for recruitment once you b...
Darkborn Elves - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Dawi Thunder (6.0 - Scrap UI Framework Required)
Created by Snek
This mod adds 16 new units to the Dwarf roster. Submods and Compatibility: SFO Radious Translation submods: German Korean Czech Chinese Russian Iron Thunderers A line infantry with a gun-axe (stat line based on Infernal Guar...
Thick Tatiyana - Kislev Superweapon
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* No more bears. Ice Witch trainees among the crew propel the cannon into motion. *UPDATE* Destroyed model available. Adds a super heavy artillery mortar to Kislev. A cross between Little Grom and Queen Bess. A single shot devastates an infantry uni...
Grand Order of the Reiksguard - All In One Collection
Created by Nox
Welcome Everyone! This mod is a port of my "Grand Order of the Reiksguard" Collection from Total War Warhammer 1 & 2. I hope you enjoy using it but feel free to tell me what you think and leave constructive feedback so i know what's good and where things c...
Dwarf Polearms ( Vanilla 6.X ) ( MCT Support ) ( REQUIRES ASSET PACK )
Created by _D3rpyN3wb_
---Before subscribing to this mod here are reminders--- >This mod use custom animations that is not meant for the dwarfs and the unit, expect graphical glitches, clipping and animation twitching < NOT LORE-FRIENDLY BTW -But realistically why use short weap...
Imperial Dwarfs
Created by zerg93
*NOTICE* All of my screenshots are taken with my certified potato pc™. This means (at least in theory) that my custom units will look better on your high-end machine (if you do have one). So don't be scared off by my horrible screenshots, thanks. *NOTICEX2...
Created by Nazgreg
As of tonight, this mod will no longer be maintained. Since there are now some official additions, I have decided to remake it, improving most of the features it originally had, adding new ones, and discarding those supported natively by the game. Oh, and ...
Linked collections (1)
In 3 collections by Marcus Aurelius
903 items
Ultimate Vanilla + Modpack - By Marcus Aurelius - OUTDATED (Reskin mods not included)
44 items
(Outated) Ultimate Vanilla + EXTENDED Modpack - By Marcus Aurelius
378 items