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Items (143)
Created by clzjcn
万年风雪号欢迎各位,我们的征途是星辰大海! 更多信息在: 视频介绍: 文章介绍: 若有版本更新会置于文章最后。 ...
Created by whosyourdaddy
本Mod修复了在使用中文输入法码字的时候无法弹出候选框的问题,因此大多数玩家都不必再忍受游戏里糟糕的输入体验了! 订阅Mod后,相关文件会自动下载到本地的 ~Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\602960 目录下。 找到里面名为 2789811877 的文件夹。 里面有一个ZIP压缩文件,把它解压并覆盖到你游戏的根目录 ~Steam\steamapps\common\Barotrauma 启动游戏即生效! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....
Created by 泥皮狗腿
安 装 步 骤!!!!!! 安 装 步 骤!!!!!! 安 装 步 骤!!!!!! 注 意 注 意!!!!!! 注 意 注 意!!!!!! 注 意 注 意!!!!!! 1.创意工坊下载mod后,先于设置启用本mod,然后退出游戏。 2.重启游戏后,mod才会正常运作,人物在游戏中的动作才会正常起来(新bug我也不知道怎么回事,麻麻地) ———————————————————————————————————————— ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑以上完成后就可以进入游戏了,谢谢你的支持!! ———————————...
Created by 雨望
有着各种各样的特殊装备和道具等等,将持续更新,不断完善......现目前已有的东西: 特殊道具: 加工台操作平板:远程查看加工台,但现在只能制造,不能远程摸物品。 飞船导航终端操作平板:一般用于远程操控无人机和穿梭机。 导航终端操作平板:一般用于远程操作船只。 战利品天赋经验:用沉船id卡和画皮卵合成,可以制作500天赋经验的道具!快去杀画皮吧! 手持制造机:可以便携制造普通的弹药,并且容纳下大多数物品等等。 万能工具:撬棍,螺丝刀,扳手,三合一! 辅助药品: 天赋点保留药剂:你不会再因为...
可储存的大枪(Big guns in pocket)
Created by Med-Pon3
这是一个简单的mod,不改变任何原版武器属性,但允许你把突击步枪,霰弹枪和裂变枪这三个本来只能背负的武器保存到物品栏和柜子里,就像是smg和一样。 This is a simple mod, didn't change any status of defult weapons, but allows you store assault rifle ,autoshotgun and nucleargun in your inventory and lockers, just like smg....
大工具箱 big toolbox
Created by Smartcirno55
大腰包 big toolbelt
Created by Smartcirno55
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
勇气是人类的赞歌!致孤勇的舰长! Courage is the hymn of mankind! To the solitary brave captain! 中文版为“守护者-L-a/b/c/d”,不要买 "Guardian-L-a/b/c/d" The English version is "Guardian-L-a/b/c/d",don't buy the “守护者-L-a/b/c/d” 守护者-L——深潜潜艇 Guardian-L——Deep-diving submarine 定位:专为单人战役和2...
Created by chevady
东方呼啸,巨浪滔天! The East is whistling and the waves are huge! 种类:深潜 价格:6000MK 推荐船员:3-6 尺寸:42x9米 载货量:28箱 船只强度:中等 船只维护:普通 建议难度:高 推荐的船员经验:任意 武器系统 轨道炮x1 线圈枪x4 深水炸弹发射器 深潜诱饵发生器 自动放电线圈 如果您喜欢这艘潜艇,请给我一个赞,这真的对我很重要,感谢你们! If you like this submarine, please give me a like! ...
Created by Smartcirno55
已经同步官方配方,所有炮弹,深水炸弹,弹药箱都可以放进物品栏。感谢贴吧大佬Kalthuzad的帮助。我已经不玩这个游戏了,如果因为版本更新出现了bug请留言,我会尽快修复( 我又回来了)...
Created by DarthCY
原mod: 删除了其中不需要的内容,避免产生汉化文字冲突,有待测试。 麻了,怎么改都一样,暂时弃坑了...
Created by 星尘水螅体
描述 一个超模的56格手提大容量箱子,方便单人在换船、捞沉船、剿匪时搬东西。 可装物品 除了基础的物品,还能装 工具箱、弹药箱、轨道炮、大型枪械、潜水服,等等 无法直接放 特殊的异星遗物,需要内套 异星遗物箱 购买与贩卖 基础价格 1000,基本多数站点的商人处都能购买与贩卖 构造与解构 构造材料:摄魂块 x 1,刚素块 x 1,雷素块 x 1,铅 x 1 解构返还:摄魂块 x 1,刚素块 x 1,雷素块 x 1 特性 防火; (防水); 可悬浮在水中;(官方bug,防水与悬浮二选一,观望中) 水中发出荧光...
扬帆,起航! 叛离自由兄贵会的香蕉船长,根据从野兽船厂抢来的BEAST设计图和突击艇N2,将海盗船重新改造。现在,香蕉船长和他心爱的海盗船二代目EX要重新启航了 神秘的敞篷船,怪物和角色都可以从上侧直接进出,随时准备进行激情快乐的甲板保卫战 ※大型怪物进不来 快乐的露屁股小艇,让被甩下小艇成为日常,让跳帮变得更有感觉 大船数据: 类型:侦查型T3 船只体积:56x37 水平速度:23 垂直速度:14/-15 载货量:80 船只武装:5x电磁炮,1x轨道炮,自动线圈 小艇数据: 船只体积:11x3 水平速度:...
深渊基因 Abyss Gene
Created by ALiza
添加了三种新的遗传物质: 1. 深渊基因:免疫所有伤害,水下呼吸与抵抗水压。 2. 画皮基因片段:水下呼吸、抵抗水压与免疫画皮感染。 3. 自愈基因:获得自愈能力。 三种遗传物质均可以在哨站商店中购买,基础价格已调整为 500000mk 与 200000mk。 也可以通过医药加工台使用一个未鉴定遗传物质制作。 如果你不想让遗传物质在商店中出售或通过制作获得,请使用 Mod 文件中 Replacement 文件夹下的 genetic.xml 覆盖 Genetics 文件夹中的同名文件。 物品ID: genet...
4x Stack 4倍堆叠上限
Created by 五月
now it's for There seems to be an up limit at 32. Even if I change the number to 800, you still can't stack over 32 I am busy playing other games lately, so I can't promise it is up to date. So I just tell you how to mod vanilla files. It's simpl...
All The Talent Trees
Created by aaron.golder
Disclaimer! This Mod does not work with other talent tree mods and/or other jobs then the vanilla ones. ! After activating the mod via the mainmenu or by connecting to a server always restart the game, or the mod will not work ! Description Working on some...
Abyss waifu
Created by Smal`Mickey
Abyss waifu 在这里要感谢 Waifu in the deep 的作者大佬@Van 以及@事不过三兄 对本MOD制作和修复的技术支持,再次感谢~ MOD为测试版本,有14种面部装饰, 女性8种发型,5种脸;男性8种发型,4种脸。 目前女性还不能切换皮肤颜色,以后会跟进。 已替换的衣服有: 女性全替换 男性职业衣服,男性潜水服 新的改进版MOD已经发布,本MOD已停止更新,请订阅Abyss waifu++获得更多内容 MOD is a test version with 14 kinds of fa...
Ammo extended 2 (RUS/ENG/汉语)
Created by pumpkin
AMMO extended This mod adds: 31 items. 1 affliction 4 items are overwrited(plasma cutter, welding tool, flamers) What does this mod do? Ammo extended is a campaign-balanced mod, that adds more ammunition for stock weapons and turrets. https://media.discord...
BaroDrama V5
Created by Jsoull
Take your one-way ticket to the bottom of the Europan Seas in Style, with this collection of brand new Diving Suits built to fulfill essential roles on-board your submarine. Each suit is lovingly crafted with both personality and function, helping to disti...
Apo-5 "Chainsaw"
Created by 江奈
For everyone having issues with pulse cannon while using Performance Fix - just add memorycomponent to the Client High Priority Items. It might help. Supported languages for now: 简体中文 繁体中文 English Русский Polski (translated by Frosteusz) 日本語(translated by ...
Barotrauma 40K
Created by Альфарий
WARNING! THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE USED WITH OTHER MODS! DO IT ON YOUR OWN RISK AND FEAR. As example: What you can use without any issues: What I highly DON'T recommend to use with this...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Created by whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
Craftable Ammo Updated
Created by Matthew05
This is an updated and a bit changed mod Craftable Ammo. - Updated to Barotrauma v0.14.6.0. The recipes take long to craft on purpose, so the players won't be incentivised to only craft. Recipes: Revolver Round (4 seconds / Weapons 40): 0.10 Copper 0.20 Le...
Cute Husk
Created by 雲雪幽
Cute Husk~画皮爱你哦~...
Created by pogger dogger
Adds a simple defibrillator that can be used rather effectively, regardless of medical skill level. - CPR seems too slow and unreliable? - Most of your crewmates have no idea what to do in case somebody passes out and panic? - Liquid Oxygenite doesn't feel...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
Created by Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
Dugong Mk2(Extended Hull)
Created by Ninebreaker
*If you can't see the submarine in game enable it in the options, if you still cant find the submarine try to verify the cache, and if it still not showing up copy it from the mods folder to the submarine folder. File is called Dugong Mk2-6* Extended versi...
Enhanced Armaments
Created by SCP-966-1
A Heavily Armed Europa, para bellum. . . A large mod primarily focused on the instruments of death, from firearms to chemical and radiological weapons (and the equipment to protect against such instruments). https://i.imgur....
火力不足 [Insufficient firepower]
Created by 苏大妈
You are free to use, modify and distribute the XML and SUB of all my mods in any way you like. 你们可以随意以任何方式使用,修改,分发我所有mod的XML和SUB. 制作中,更新频率高,可能会因为我移除/改动某些东西,控制台报一两条无影响的红字,请谨慎订阅。 Making, High update rate, Please Subscribed with caution. Because I remove/modi...
舊日方尖碑-Old Great One
Created by RaLsei
在破碎的遺跡中,其中一個遺跡碎片引起了科學家的注意,將"他"改造成一艘適合人類開動的異星戰艦,但是同時引起了一個自稱"傑克"的某種怪異肉塊,他擁有意識,能夠使用人類的科技自主開砲,也能擔任自動駕駛,這艘艦艇最怪異的是,很少人見過他的動力來源,聽說見過的人都罹患了精神病。並且整艘船艦似乎有什麼能量在堅硬的鐵牆上竄動,猶如跳動的血管一般。 配備: 無限能源 生體控制自動砲x四門 異星能量防水門 擁有大空間貴賓(囚犯)容納室...
<XT船厂> 惊骇位元 Europa's horror
There should be no difference between 2.0 and 2.1,i just put more bomb shelf...... But if u find it running oddly, just switch your submarine into 2.0 version. Designed for multiplayers!Knowing there are singleplayers, I just made a fire control system! En...
Created by Sakura_zero
装备属性: Abigail's clothing: 抵抗40%的钝器伤、撕裂伤、枪伤、咬伤 抵抗20%的流血、画皮感染 抵抗100%的辐射病 具备小丑服装属性,提供8格储物空间 合成要求:摄魂矿块*2、防弹纤维*1、塑料*1 Abigail's hat: 内置耳机和自动注射功能 内置潜水面罩功能 内置热成像和健康扫描仪功能 具备小丑面具属性,具有100%品质的长尾鲨基因时氧气罐不再被消耗 合成要求:摄魂矿块*2、防弹纤维*1、FPGA电路*1 Abigail's Key-I: 造成15的结构伤、钝器伤、精神...
Abyssal armory - Reinforcements
Created by Yak'All
TL;DR Section provided as always Weapon breakdown: The A.R.C. Assault rifle The A.R.C. is the main focus for the wardens at MarineCorps. This fast shooter rifle kills its victim when it just barely realized it was being attacked. It holds an advanced 50 ro...
Abyssal Warsuit
Created by Yak'All
Yup. You guessed it. Not a replacer "Fear not the creatures of the abyss, for they also can bleed" UnderEuropanSeaMarineCorps Europa changed: Deep caves, multiple outpost have lost coms, nightmarish roars from the depths. Adapt or die, this is how life goe...
Created by 18公斤的鳳梨
希望成为一名星际战士么,想不再因为失血流血等debuff而苦恼?来试试这个,将总共20道星际战士改造手术以基因的形式加入到了游戏中,来改造你的角色成为一名真正的星际战士吧!多种战团的动力甲选择,多种武器和装备的搭配,噢,在你痛快的屠杀异形的时候,别忘了还有作为主力的凡人部队! 如果你不喜欢穿着动力甲,或者压根没找到足够多的基因(笑),凡人的装备一样可以成为你的一个好选择——克里格死亡兵团亦或是卡迪安突击军,精准的激光步枪或是凶猛的霰弹枪,一切都可以供你选择。(军务部温馨提示:如果你不是星际战士的话,最好不要...
Created by LeDoux
Hello there ! This mod add 8 different backpacks : - Backpack : 15 slots (regular items) - Heavy Backpack : 3 slots (large items) + 3 slots (for toolbelt and similar) + 3 slots (regular items) - Medical Backpack : 8 slots + 16 slots (medical items) + Boost...
anime sound【cloud】+Weapon sound
Created by 雲雪幽
anime sound【cloud】 我把游戏的声音改了 I change the sound 【還有公開招募各種攻擊的語音我手上只有三個】 【I just only has three attack voices ,if you guys have any other voice can tell me and send to me】 打开本mod所在位置【STEAM\steamapps\workshop\content\602960\2649949504】以开始进行替换安装mod 如果无法打开请确认你是...
BaroPlus (Open)
Created by Nick
Adds more things to expand the late game content of Barotrauma. As of 9/2/2022 this mod is now made Open, meaning all content within it, current and future, will be entirely open to any modification without need of permissions. This includes add-ons, edits...
Created by Caeures
正體中文版本 相容性 Europa Waifu++ Girlfrontline Gun pack...
Black Sea's Armory(BWeapons)
Created by Bodevarc
Fixed,if you find any bug please let me know! Now with four language,English,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Russian!Special thanks to Cain. Inspired by EK,i made this mod. Powerful Fractalguardian New Job with unique items: Iron Rider Weapons: Euro...
BOScore [Stop Updating]
Created by Noking
请将此模组置于模组列表最上方已停止更新,不需要此MOD BOS系列模组核心组件(未安装可能导致部分模组无法使用) Please place this module at the top of the module list! BOS Core Components (Failure to install may cause some modules to be unusable) ...
Created by ZorenZal
Description Mod adds catGirl gene mutation, which every human can get cat ears. Also with this gene, you can bite someone, after which your crewmate will receive a buff that will reduce psychosis. Q: How to bite? A: By default "R" key, you can change this ...
Combinable Coilgun Ammo (Last Update Oct 2021) ABANDONED
Created by inject
ABANDON SHIP Hi folks, I'll no longer be providing updates to this mod. As far as I know it still works as of 20/03/22 (at least, no one has complained about it not working since the last few updates). Anyone is free to take these files and update them and...
CrouchHarder [Discontinued]
Created by Was it ever thus?
Well, what is it? This mod makes your character crouch HARDER, so now you can actually gunfight in tight corridors in tandem (one guy is crouching and another guy is shooting over his head). Crouch walking animation is a bit junky, but nothing big. THIS MO...
Dead Space
Created by Kamikaze Airlines
Dead Space Mod for Barotrauma! There are now more developers working on this mod. Hopefully we can bring you more content soon! Currently this mod includes; - Unitologist faction - Dead Space monsters - Weapons such as the Plasma Cutter and Pulse riifle - ...
Deep Sea Girl (Monster)
Created by DTC_Destiny
Added two character: Luka/Haku Two corresponding cleanup mission A randomly generated event They can also be seen occasionally during the journey Localized text errors should have been fixed. Two languages are currently supported At present, the monster st...
Doomslayer ( Infinite Oxygen )
Created by Nailo12
【出处】这个mod的原作者是Udrakan,我魔改了他的作品,原作地址是: 【它被改动的是】潜水服不再消耗氧气,穿着它就不会缺氧死亡。另外修改了一下防御力;霰弹枪的威力进行了修改(可能并不明显)。 【详细】单人玩家终于不用再被AI穿着潜水服缺氧死亡而烦恼了!AI不会换氧气罐,但是潜水服不再消耗氧气了!所以这个问题被解决了!而且毁灭战士套装也能让你在水下探索时更轻松应对任何问题。 ...
Duffelbag Fix / 遺物袋補丁
Created by Jin_Shou
Doom Eternal
Created by ПΛПО Dragoon
Doom Eternal mod. Hopefully starting off strong. This will be the last new mod from me for a long while. I need to go and finish updating my other stuff to bring them up to standard as, well as finish adding things to them. Features: Creatures Demon Zombie...
Dead Space - 動力裝甲修復 -stoped update
Created by DogKing
Fix Diving Suit Locker and Dead Space Suit Please put this MOD on the top of the dead space as shown in picture 修復動力裝甲貼圖過時與潛水服櫃無法收納的問題 安裝時請如圖 把本MOD置於Dead Space上面 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2021/12/25 The suit can now b...
Elite Medal (Add a item,All skills/stats reset to 100) 精英勋章 (增加一个物品,会将全技能重置为100)
Created by George Joestar III
精英勋章 (增加一个物品,会将全技能重置为100) !!!重置!!! 在站点贩卖机购买 全技能60版本 解锁全天赋树请用这个 喜欢的话可以点个赞 Elite Medal (Add a item,All skills reset to 100) !!!RESET!!! Purchase from vending machines All skills(or stats):60 All The Talent Trees + Unlock Parallel Talents ...
Elite(Jobs) Talents Update 精英(职业) 天赋更新
Created by George Joestar III
新增两个职业 自带螺丝刀、扳手、撬棍、焊枪、等离子切割器、耳机带电池、ID卡,无服装 全技能分别60跟100 多人游戏中该职业可选上限无限制 无法在站点雇佣,但开始游戏选择添加AI船员有几率生成 与" No role Balance "一同食用效果更佳(正常情况下游戏会强制选一名幸运小朋友成为船长) 全技能60 全技能100 注意不要跟同时启用 喜欢的话可以点个赞 Add 2 custom job Spawn with wrench,screwdriver,crowbar,weldingtool,plasm...
EuropaWaifu! 二次元妹子 (Longhair&diving suit update,Search Waifu addon!长发更新,搜索Waifu addon )
Created by Deep♂Dark
Updated! 中文往下翻 What is this mod This is a texture replace mod for character you have to install it Manually This mod including 1. Some new faces. 3. Original designed outfits(11) . 4. redesigned body . Update log 04.11.2021 Update face accessories Update S...
Created by sharaj00
IMPROVED EuropaWaifu and some(over 160) anime sound from Gayshit Impact, Euphoria Have fixed many problem of original mod and added some new things, include male replacing Almost all clothes sprites have been redrawn or replaced What includes: AnimEuropa -...
Created by Ludiniea
Mod Language Support English ( For use that need to delete document 'ar' 'hg' 'rf' 'bullets.xml' and 'UMP45' in 'smg' & 'weeaboo' in 'items', then copy xml in 'English' of 'UMP9' to override 'ump9.xml' at original ) Simplified Chinese Mod Information Add h...
为了帝皇 For the emperor
Created by 小康
战锤40k星际战士模组 2021.11.20更新 1.更新了物品的英文 2.修复与其他mod不兼容的bug,更新了弹匣的id,可能出现爆弹枪开火没反应,显示弹药用尽的bug,需要开新档解决,如果是潜艇编辑器里,需要在编辑器里把潜艇里原先的弹药和枪械移除后,把潜艇更新一下解决。其次可能会跳红字显示原先的弹匣缺失,属正常现象,重新按放弹匣即可。 PS: 下个版本将进行对物品制作和购买的调整。 有的朋友提出希望增加阿斯塔特手术强化肉身,这个目前还在研究,可能会是下一个更新之后的主要更新方向。 ...
Functional Necrosis v7.0.42 中文补丁(旧旧旧旧旧旧版)
Created by 杨永信
别急,讲故事的老爷爷都Remake了,我已经斥重资0元吩咐人去办了。 ...
Gawr Gura A sonar
Created by TERESHI
Replaces the standard sonar sound with a new one...
[Deprecated] Girls' Frontline Gun Pack Chinese Pack
Created by Misor63
The original mod supports chinese now, This mod is deprecated. Girls' Frontline Gun Pack...
Gunlight - EVOLVED
Created by LeDoux
FIGHT THE DARKNESS UPDATE Welcome into the new most recent and insane version of Gunlight - Evolved ! FEATURES : - Almost all weapons have now a flashlight (which is visible on weapons sprites) - For the flashlights to work you need batteries (which are dr...
Gene Splicer+ [New Genes]
Created by The Nugget
Current Features IF THE NEW CONTENT IS NOT LOADING PLEASE REINSTALL THE MOD FROM IN GAME AND RESTART. + All genetic material is removable without destroying it. +Adds two new gene splicers with far more capacity than the vanilla ones. +Omega Gene Splicer 8...
Girls' Frontline Gun Pack
Created by LinAAAAAHH ! 🌺
Adds 82 guns ripped from the Mobile Game Girls' Frontline Comes with Simplified & Traditional Chinese Translation! provided by misor63, Ludiniea and give you up, let you down. Patch #7.91 Changelog - Decreased drop- and spawnrate of all items across the bo...
Gura Walfie Decoration
Created by QWEWQ198
Some adorable Gura arts #gawrt created by amazing artist Walfie !! Recover your sanity while looking at them (In reality!!) Hope you guys likes them ============================================== Credits for Picture used: Ar...
Half-Life Combine Module Pack
Created by SloppyTrainyard
Universal Union now visited Europa, because they can Adds various items and structures related to Combines from Half-Life game series Includes Outfits, with custom footsteps...
Created by 无声萌狼
  Ammo is loaded and weapons control is online! Iona ready to navigate.  Information  Cost:8200Mk Item:3100 Velocity: 40km/h-70km/h Number of crew:3~5 【武装清单】 --Gravity gun (triple laser) --2 Railguns --1 Cannon --3 Laser --5 Coil guns --In-room laser --2 d...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Ion Shark/离子鲨—Orca Plus系列
Created by EinhornN7
Orca Puls系列-离子鲨(Ion Shark): -双推引擎+大型核子反应堆 -更多的充电电池/盈余电箱+超级电容器和钢化保险柜 -更舒适的火力覆盖点+磁暴装甲(线圈) -改装的前制3浮厢+船头撞击结构与抽水设计(撞角替换成了磁暴装甲) PS:mod前置并非必要前置,如果您为游戏新人,可以先用无线燃料棒熟悉游戏。 =============================================== -在原版Orca2的基础上,我改进了潜艇。 "On the basis of orca2, I...
Jin-Roh mod
Created by MagmaVirm
This modification adds weapons and armor from the 1999 anime "Jin-Roh" Список предметов: Cerberus armored suit Mg-42 Stg-44 Heavy Ballistic Shield Unbalanced Wearable Underwater Scooter Thanks for mod improvements...
Created by Kov
A "toolbelt" with 56 slots in which you can put any item, including crates, ammo boxes, diving suits, railgun shells, etc. You can also place them on your hotbar, as well as hold one in each hand. Available at fabricators for 1 organic fiber. It does not r...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.2 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 + Hotfix 3 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that ad...
M10 All-In-Pack
Created by ИMSS
This mod is basically united pack of all my old suits and clothes. With one little (or monstrous!?) bonus Kept you waiting, huh? After a while, and some requests in comments about packing all my stuff in one pack, this is it. My magnum opus. M10 All-in-Pac...
Created by TAT
没有撤退可言。 本潜艇的T是tortoise的缩写,即在本体上牺牲了一些垂直机动性而加装了定向动能护盾和防弹装甲的版本。 因为我是萌新,害怕那些无比强大的怪物,所以没有考虑过平衡性。 本舰体型较小,适合1到4人游玩。 基本信息 大小:31m*10m 载货量:50箱(之前为24箱,2021.11.15更新为50箱) 最大速度:50km/h(正常) 105km/h(加力燃烧室) 下潜速度:15km/h 上浮速度:10km/h(正常) 19km/h(快速上浮) 特性 防御: 主装甲为外星墙加普通外壳复合装甲,舰首...
Created by Dewmoont
This mod adds a minigun to the game. A six-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire. 3000 rounds per minute. A badass look confirmed. The base price of the minigun 2000 cr. The base price of ammo is 120 cr. You can buy this items in the following places...
Movable and Sellable Wrecks
Created by Evil Factory
Movable and Sellable Wrecks This mod introduces the capability to move and sell wrecks from any mod, including the base game. It also provides a heavy industrial hook for lifting wrecks in situations where you lack a lower docking port or the wreck isn't r...
New Wrecks For Barotrauma (With sellable wrecks)
Created by heheboi
New Wrecks for Barotrauma Expand and enhance the world of wrecked ships with this high-quality mod. Discover 18 new wrecks and their variants. Encounter unique and perilous traps. Dock with any wreck, even those not from this mod. Experience more challengi...
Pirates of the European /扩展与更强的海盗船
Created by 雨望
注:此mod有了更强的海盗船,官船可能不是对手,请注意。 原版海盗船将奖励4400mk,且没有dugong海盗船了,可小心对战。 mod海盗船将在游戏难度30以上出现,并且比较强大,请谨慎对战。 海盗-锤击点:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Orca护卫舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-U-1211海盗鱼雷舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Kasrull指挥舰:50难度,5500mk。 海盗-Azimuth反潜艇舰:60难度,奖励5500mk。 且海盗npc将加多 而且接受反馈,也还在不断更...
Created by ПΛПО Dragoon
Yaujta have decided this a good world to hunt upon. This mod adds Yautja to several parts of Europa's seas. They are tough, with decently strong weapons. If you encounter them prepare for a fight, if you beat them, you secure yourself their armor and weapo...
GunLights (Deprecated)
Created by Hollish
This is no longer maintained, please refer to one of the below links Total Nugget's Remake: Wiki5ecret刘增瞳's Remake: ========...
Halo Weapons(UNSC)
Created by 月目巳
 Halo Weapons(UNSC)  The First part . Content: Ⅰ. Weapons 1. Light Weapons M6H2 pistol (New*)MK50 Sidekick M7 SMG (New*)M20 PDW M6H2 Tactics Type1 Recurve Knife*2 2.Conventional Rifle MA5D Assault Rifle MA5B Assault Rifle (New*)MA40 Assault Rifle (New*)VK7...
Performance Fix
Created by Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
R-278 «Dugong»
Submarines of the R-278 project is a modernized version of the Dugong submarine. Modernization provides for the replacement and installation of all necessary equipment for more modern, increased carrying capacity, refinement and expansion of internal compa...
Richer Merchant
Created by Misor63
Richer Merchant Are you worried that the merchant's balance is too low? Do you want to sell more items? This mod makes merchant richer and allows you to sell the groceries you find from shipwrecks. Please note: this mod does not modify the amount of money ...
Right Trauma v0.2a [Eng/Rus] (WIP/в разработке)
Mod replaces clown faction. Currently mod is broken due to several base game updates. Await 0.3 version with fixes and new content. Мод заменяет фракцию клоунов. Последние обновления игры сломали мод. Ждите 0.3 версию мода с исправлениями и новым контентом...
[Weebs in]Hammerhead-Cookie☆
Created by Ji11
What is this mod This is a texture replace mod for Hammerhead and Gold Hammerhead monster you have to install it Manually Just don't ask about why i made this mod, even myself wanna know that. 这是啥 这是个针对普通锤头鲨和黄金锤头鲨的材质替换模组,你需要手动安装,就别问为啥要做这玩意了。 Install There ...
[USDB]More Clothing-更多的服裝
Created by USDBear
---------------------------- ——在保留原本畫風的基礎上改進而來,通過添加的方式增加了若干女裝…… ——所有職位各一套 ——添加若干海軍主題服裝及帽子 ——添加小丑服與帽子一套 ——添加戰術JK一套 ——添加畫皮教徒服裝一套 - Improved on the basis of retaining the original style, and added a number of women's clothes by adding... - One set for all pos...
重要 Important - Support language: Chinese, English - Github:Barotrauma-Animated - Discord: - Change Note:Steam Changelog - QQ群号:322191319 223590606 兼容补丁 Compatibility Patch 欧罗巴战争EuropaWar Compatibility Patch 精神创伤Neurotrauma Com...
Created by Noking
Wrecks 沉船模组 “水能载舟亦能覆舟” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加15个原版沉船 2.包括所有原版潜艇与穿梭艇 3.增加一个沉船定位器,感谢Biff_W的代码,原MOD: Wreck Locator 4.将会持续增加,并且符合原版强度,无陷阱(非某些阴间沉船模组 注:此模组兼容其他任何沉船模组,也不会影响沉船生成 ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用沉船模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造...
Created by Noking
Superman 超人模组 CN/EN “上天入地,无所不能” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加物品,超级方块 2.增加服装,超人服装 3.增加头盔,超人头盔 4.增加超级焊接工具 5.增加超级切割机 6.增加超级左轮 7.增加超级小刀 8.增加超级腰包 ●●●参数●●● 1.超级方块:在加工台无材料制造,可治愈所有疾病,同时也是弹药和燃料 2.超人服装:免疫所有伤害,可水下呼吸和免疫水压(需要穿一次潜水服),加快移速,增加全技能50点 3.超人头盔:免疫所有伤害,可查看健康状态,可查看潜艇状态,并且提供范围照明...
Created by Noking
Rice 稻米模组 CN/EN “稻花香里说丰年” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加种子:水稻种子 (种植方式同其他作物) 2.稻穗 (稻穗分解获得稻谷) 3.稻谷 (在加工台制成米饭,分解获得水稻种子,可堆叠x32) 4.米饭 (可治疗一切负面效果,在治疗界面食用) 英化提供:DKAMX ---------------------------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用稻米模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船...
Created by Noking
Planting 种植模组 CN/EN(基础代码来自于Hydroponics) “听取蛙声一片” ●●●简介●●● 1.可以种植海底的植物/细菌 2.新增大号种植箱和五种生物样本 3.需要使用大号种植箱培养生物样本收获植物/细菌 ●●●大号种植箱/生物样本●●● 大号种植箱: 1.可以自行制造或者在科研站点购买 2.需要安装在地面,并接电源使用 3.属于电器设备,请注意防水 4.供电状态可以通过是否发光来区别 生物样本: 1.在加工台制作,放置到大号种植箱生长 2.样本制成后耐久会快速降低,请及时放到种植箱...
Created by Noking
简介:Nova级小型核潜艇,响应新的开拓航线需求而建造的全能型潜艇,在顶部安装有额外装甲,同时拥有强大的火力配置并开创性的加入了基因分析设备。如果你要潜入深渊,那她一定是你的好帮手。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,原版战役 售价:2888mk 大小:25x5m 载货:12箱 最高水平航速:30km/h 最高下潜速度:17-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:2-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947...
Created by Noking
Medical 医疗模组 CN/EN “人命至重,有贵千金” ●●●简介●●● 原版修改: 活性纤维x2 可在加工台制作成 绷带x3 新增物品: 1.小型医疗包 恢复60点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 绷带+盐水+鸦片合成 医疗使用等级需求10 2.大型医疗包 恢复120点出血、失血、烧伤、内伤 皮肤+血袋+吗啡合成 医疗使用等级需求30 3.强化合剂 六项增益BUFF全满 内用辅液+酒精+广谱抗生素+麻痹治愈剂+加速粉剂合成 4.浓缩枭祸根精华 三秒杀死迅猛龙 枭祸根精华x3 5.抽血包 多次抽血增加耐久,抽血...
Created by Noking
Map 地图模组 “方寸之地,精彩演绎” ●●●简介●●● 1.修改地图大小为原版的2/3,节奏更快 2.修改地图航道生成,更加美观合理 3.修改站点转变速度,转变为城市更慢 4.站点更加富有,调整为20000/10000/5000 5.新增一个繁殖地类型,会影响周围站点生成 注意:模组不能在战役进行中加入,需要新开存档! ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用地图模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持!...
Created by Noking
Diving 潜水模组 CN/EN “上九天揽月下五洋捉鳖” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加一套潜水服 2.增加一个水下推进器 3.增加一个耳机 4.增加一个球灯 5.潜水服面罩半透明化 ●●●参数●●● 1.堡垒潜水服:在深渊潜水服的基础上提高抗性到80%,增加眩晕,麻痹,自带声呐,略微减速,能抵御10000米水压 2.高级水下助推器:速度更快,并自带声呐信标功能,可开关灯光照明 3.增强耳机:提升通讯距离 4.球灯:一个便携灯,可大范围照明 5.半透明头盔被官方抄了 英化提供:DKAMX ---------...
Created by Noking
Backpack CN/EN ●●●Items●●● 1. Backpack: crafting material Small satchel + relic bag Capacity 20 compartments, waterproof, can be fitted with tool belt, medium deceleration 2. Shoulder pack: crafting material tool belt + tool belt Capacity 12 blocks, not wa...
Created by Noking
Ammo 弹药模组 CN/EN “黄沙百战穿金甲” ●●●简介●●● 1.修改原版弹药材料 2.增加高级弹药 3.增加制作材料,底火 4.增加改装冲锋枪 5.增加照明鱼叉 ●●●原版●●● 冲锋枪弹药: 塑料+底火+钢筋 霰弹枪子弹x6: 底火+塑料+铁 左轮子弹x6: 底火+铜+钢筋 冲锋枪弹匣(再装填)弹匣+底火+钢筋 冲锋枪弹匣(分解) 塑料 ●●●高级●●● 被甲冲锋枪弹匣:塑料+底火+钢素块 弹匣扩容至25发,中幅增加伤害,小幅提升击晕时长 爆破霰弹枪弹药x6:底火+C4+塑料 对船壳墙体舱门伤害...
[BOS]中文优化 停止更新
Created by Noking
中文优化 —— 停止更新/请勿订阅 新中文优化MOD请前往: 中文优化-核心包 此模组对游戏内所有中文进行优化,并翻译已大部分潜艇编辑器与角色编辑器文本! 【自动安装】 在设置中勾选启用后,重启游戏即可 ■可能出现文字闪烁情况,这是没办法的事情 :-( 感谢以下成员对此模组做出的贡献:(贡献排名不分先后) 雨望,下北泽,V1TIA7E,ANSEL,CTos,FZJEEP,老虎脱粒机汉化组,心儿 Github: --------...
[方舟]Europa Arknights
Created by kal'tsitly
MOD还正处于更新中! MOD内容: 怪物: 源石虫α 80HP 近战 源石虫β 125HP 近战 庞贝 1250HP 近战 / 远程 自爆源石虫α 60HP 近战 / 自爆 源石虫异变体 2000HP 近战 浮海飘航者 50HP 远程 物品: 添加了6种武器与2种爆炸物 添加了2种装备 添加了一套可自动生成的来自方舟的矿物系统 添加了一套与矿石病相关的药物 特殊: 添加了货物系统(通过在站点倒卖货物赚取额外的金钱) 添加了矿石病(源石感染) 添加了九种不同类型的任务 添加了一个新阵营 添加了2个职业与2条...
Created by Noking
简介:Rod级迷你核潜艇,俗话说天下武功唯快不破,独特的单层船体轻量化设计,赋予了她顶尖的航速,同时也让日常维护变得非常轻松,如果你没有那么多人手,又喜爱强劲火力的话,她一定是你的最佳选择。 定位:任务潜艇,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:0箱 最高水平航速:65km/h 最高下潜速度:17km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-3人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:20030094...
[BOS]Music [Stop Updating]
Created by Noking
Music 音乐模组 (停止更新StopUpdate) NEW MOD前往: “此曲只应天上有” ●●●简介●●● 1.乐器更多歌曲 2.增加物品便携音箱 3.便携音箱需要插入电池使用,仅可在站点购买 ●●●歌曲●●● 吉他:爱的罗曼史 ,天空之城,D大调卡农 口琴:小星星,送别,友谊地久天长 手风琴:莫斯科郊外的晚上,喀秋莎,啊朋友再见 便携音箱:Astronomia(黑人抬棺...
Created by Noking
简介:Ero级中型核潜艇,采用仿生学设计,模拟了锤头鲨的外形,并且安装防撞隔舱和间隙外壳,使得无论是撞击或是爆炸都可轻松拿下,同时拥有惊人的货舱大小,如果想要通过运输来获利,那她一定不会让你失望的。 定位:运输任务,多人联机,原版战役 售价:5888mk 大小:50x8m 载货:72箱 最高水平航速:26km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-6人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:2003...
Created by Noking
Beacons 信标模组 “为后人指引方向” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加8个信标站变种 2.增加3个信标站类型 3.增加的类型为信标塔、中继站、改装潜艇 ●●●参数●●● 1.信标站(修建中/老化) 2.信标塔(正常/修建中/老化) 3.中继站(正常/老化) 4.改装潜艇(正常) ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用信标模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 ...
Created by 稀神日羲夜
月都重工,值得信赖!月夜见大人亲自提名! (由于探女大人工作忙碌,潜艇一直更新缓慢,请见谅~) ======================先进的月球科技======================= 潜艇最重要的就是火力!----------地面武装的月都PLUS版!更快!更强!更BIG! 木卫二最硬!-------------------------先进正邪装甲!跳弹MAX! 月之都的空间计划!----------------舱室功能完全,空间压缩技术由八云紫友情赞助! 领导者的高度认可!-------...
XM109 and Universal Charger【Infinitely ammo】
Created by Bodevarc
For fun.Very OP. Universal Charger Charge everything.Theoretically. XM109-Crimson Hunter OP gun. Handgun and Autoshotgun Autofilled unlimited ammo. 为了好玩。非常OP。 万能充电器【拥有104格超大容量外加能放进任何物品】 拥有能给一切带有能量条的东西进行充电补满【弹夹类无限弹药方法:带一把武器里放进一个弹夹另外一个放进万能充分电器里,当前武器的子弹打没了直接用...
XanMonsters Volume 2 Creature Pack
Note: if you're using an addon that overrides location types like ITA, watch out for the load order, as the new location of this pack doesn't spawn if its being overriden by another addon, so make sure using the console(F3) that the overrides happen BEFORE...
X-WT Kakodis卡柯蒂斯
Created by Fruit milk
简体中文 English 《这是 DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser 为基础的二改潜艇》 概述 一艘宇航战舰改装过来的潜艇,船外可见改装后一些机械暴露在外,她用于联盟的运输补给各站点的任务,为了减轻船体重量增加载货量,船上大部分武器被拆除仅保留部分轻武器防御,同时也运输核武器并且能在紧急情况下可以使用的唯一致命手段,拥有强大的反应堆和超速推进器可在短时间内机动回避。 规格 类型:运输型 价格:8500mk 尺寸:65x24 载货:76箱 水平速度:22...
Warhammer - Commissar outfit
Created by LeDoux
- A simple mod that add a commissar uniform and cap...
Created by Noking
Food 食物模组 CN/EN(基础代码来自于HungerLK) “民以食为天” ●●●简介●●● 1.添加饥饿值属性,随时间逐渐增加,低饥饿时不显示图标 2.需要使用食物减少饥饿值,非玩家角色不会饥饿 3.通过加工台或医疗加工台制造高级食物,或者在怪兽身上获得 4.不同食物会有正面增益或负面增益 5.有些食物也可以在站点购买或是在沉船中找到 6.电脑玩家设置治疗会自动喂食 ●●●食物●●● 1.糖水罐头:无法制作,但可以在站点购买或沉船找到。使用后留下一个空罐子,可以分解得到锡 2.腌肉罐头:藻鬓爬行者的...
Russian Weapons Pack [Мод на Российское Оружие]
Adds a bunch of Russian Weapons. 3 Assault Rifles. 5 Pistols. 1 Machine Gun. 1 Shotgun. To be more precise: AK-74 (which comes with a lazer pointer) AEK-971 AS "Val" MP-443 "Grach" TT-30 "Tokarev" PM "Makarov" PL-15 "Lebedev" Automatic Stechkin Pistol (APS...
Saber Personal Protection (OLD - v0.13.0.11)
Mod not working? Potential fix: ("A note about the patch: Unfortunately, there may still be some issues with mods. If a mod fails to update automatically, please head to the in-game Steam Workshop menu and click "reinstall" next to the mod in question. If ...
Created by 时光
迷你鲨已经非常过时了,于是研究所成立了新部门SG,SG成立后针对木卫二现在的环境研发出了这艘中型多功能潜艇SG-白鲸号。 规格:49x11m 水平速度:42 垂直速度:-18/14 载货量:38 价格:8000 该舰基础设施齐全 , 拥有小型穿梭机SG-海娥号,探敌雷达,防丘脑水泵,舰首搭载了激光主炮威力巨大。崭新出厂的白鲸号火力并不充足,需要进行升级才能达到正常水平。 适合成员3-6名,老舰长一人出航也行。 不知道什么原因我没办法在评论区留言,有事请在贴吧找我 贴吧里有问题解答!!!...
Shipwrecks Extended
Created by rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
Sloots Of Europa
Created by Oy!
*Edit* Well PayPal came to their sense, and now I can do commissions again. Which means, barely any time for making mods... I've lost a lot of interest in this game. I started playing it with me friends, and now that we have moved on to other games, it's k...
Soviet pack OUTDATED
Created by Kat_
For those who's wondering what is going on with mod I would say that I don't have time nor motivations to fix the mod not to mention updating it. Generally I resigned to work on it to the moment I'll have arrange my life. List of goods: Weapons: >PPSh-41 l...
Modern Russian Weapons (FIXED)
Created by Sunki
adds 15 new guns all can be bought on outposts + the ammo is craftable Russian translation - Assault Rifles AK-12 ( АК-12 ) AN-94 ( АН-94 ) ADS ( АДС ) AS VAL ( АС «Вал» ) Machineguns RPK-74...
The Nomad
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
Look pal, I know you're desperate to sell this hunk of junk for some easy marks but you really expect me to believe that an old earther ship just dropped out of thin air in front of your face? I dunno what you're playing me for but I got a nagging feeling ...
The Peregrine
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
A top of the range assault corvette, the A-12 Peregrine is the newest competitor to the market of Coalition strategic defense contracts. Equipped with both heavy firepower and manoeuvrability, the Peregrine is suited for heavy duty reconnaissance, fast ass...
The UwU Tapes
Created by Gentle
***Currently WIP to work with the new mod methods*** Are you bored with the same old music and silence bugging your game down? Why not try making it better with some weeb music and some bops! This mod adds in 21 different tapes for you to buy, each on load...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Ammunition Box
Created by Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Unlimited Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Piercing Ammunition Box Unlimited Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Physicorium Ammunition Box Unlimited Exploding Ammunition Box Unl...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Gun Ammunition
Created by Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : You can put them to original weapons. Unlimited Alien Power Cell Unlimited SMG Magazine Unlimited Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine Unlimited Exploding SMG Magazine Unlimited Assault Rifle Magazin...
Unlimited Items
Created by Misor63
Unlimited Items Unlimited Railgun<--Click here. Added unlimited versions of most items, as well as individual special items. All the items of this mod can be crafted and deconstructed. Support Languages : Help me improve the languages translation Simplifed...
Vanilla Weapons Overhaul
Created by SCP-966-1
This version is outdated and development has been handed to Draconis Version available here A mod which overhauls the majority of Barotrauma's weapons, making them less cringe to look at and appearing to be vaguely functional. VWO also features 14 addition...
Vanillatic Ballance Armory (EN,KR,CN,RU)
Created by BLKite
Ingame name 'Vanillatic weapon Armory' This mode includes this. 6 meele (3 is unique, 2 is need recipe) 8 Sidefirearm (4 is unique) 5 SMG, Carbine (2 unique) 2 Repeater (1 unique) 2 Rifle (1 unique) 3 Shotgun (1 unique) 1 backpack 2 afflictions Various kin...
Waifu addonpack 老婆装备包
Created by Deep♂Dark
Including: A diving suit: 10k pressure protection, unlimited oxygen, swim faster but received more damage 1 pistol : faster firerate 1 SMG: faster firerate with flashlight 3 Helmet Bunny ear 3 long hair with 2 color 1 backpack Install: This mod do not need...
Waifu in the Deep v0.5a
Created by BlackAz
因为有些小伙伴表示不知道如何获取一些东西,在这里说明一下 红色海盗服:官方海盗王掉落 电基鱼叉发射器:沉船、废弃哨站的箱子有8%和5%的几率获得 电基鱼叉电池:沉船废弃哨站1%几率获取(没啥用,图一乐) XDS-01潜水服:把保险箱分解可以获得设计图芯片,保险箱与义体残骸在沉船和废弃哨站有1%几率获取,(因为过于OP) 重力子放射线射出装置:特殊材料在沉船和废弃哨站有1%几率获取(因为过于OP) --------------------------------------------------------...
Warhammer - Bolt Pistol
Created by LeDoux
And for you people the bolt pistol from Warhammer 40k...
Warhammer - Cadian armor
Created by LeDoux
A full cadian armor just for you <3...
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
World War II - German Weapons, Equipment & Friends
Created by GreySciTe
This mod includes weapons and equipment of WW2 Germany and some more stuff. All firearms have reload sounds. In addition I implemented a new crafting tree for ammunition and explosives. If you have issues after mod updates, use the ingame 're-install' butt...
Stronger NPC 装备更好更加强大的NPC
Created by 雨望
强化了npc,保安将拿着更加强大的武器装备,你还能为虎作伥么?主要增强保安的装备,并且携带基因,大部分包括海盗,站点NPC,土匪,等等都将变成1.5倍血量,还有各种npc都将摸着天赋武器。 这次更新后工作量比较大,可能要一段时间来给npc列装,所以现在没有什么装备,这次只是强化了NPC的基础数值,比如分裂主义的npc血量,速度,精度都非常差,甚至比联盟npc差半截,我全部提升到了一样的1.0基础(联盟大部分只有0.8),这次更新强化的npc主要是把派系好感度提高后给的特殊npc强化了,希望你们能招募到,其他...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
Created by FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
T.I.T.A.N. power suit V2
Created by Yak'All
"When all hope seems lost, just don't forget: Aim for their head" "As always, this is NOT a replacer" "Community update. Quality of life improvements!" From: Head designer Matthias To: Bnllzmcdq Ktbhzm Latest ongoing project report: 'T.I.T.A.N.' With the r...
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Created by SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
The Cephalopod [BROKEN]
Created by Mour
The Cephalopod, one of the first attempts to utilize the barely understood but powerful alien machinery retrieved from ruin excavation sites. This ship is both stealthy and agile but initially lacks in major firepower.You will pilot a scout made to travers...
[Abandoned] Unlimited Fuel Rod
Created by Dewmoont
Unlimited fuel rod for reactor. You can purchase it at any of the outposts. Attention This mod overwrites the reactor code. There may be compatibility issues with other third-party mods for the reactor or with the release of new updates for the reactor fro...
Warden job
Created by Yak'All
The Warden is here, and no monster is safe After many weeks of research and development, The warden is now finally able to join the fight! Using three of my previously posted mods, this one makes sure you get the most out of each item. The warden is a powe...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Tool
Created by Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Toolbelt Mk.2 : The improved Toolbelt can carry most items, and the slots are increased to 30. Artifact Transport Case Mk.2 : The improved Artifact Transport Case has 6 slots. Welding Tool ...