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Items (138)
255 Tradition Slots + 256 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
Tidy Tradition 3.10~3.12
Created by Laquly 零者
3.12✔️; 3.11✔️; 3.10✔️; English✔️; 日本語✔️; Italiano✔️ The author cannot speak Japanese and Italian, so the translation of these two languages needs to subscribe to the following mods: 日本語の翻訳:
Created by 溯昔言
!!标准难度为尉官!! 其实这几个版本的ai已经很强了,我比较建议一些强度需求不大的玩家使用我的拆分8上buff,而不是使用爆裂之道,不过爆裂依然能为mod环境提供帮助。 前言: 传统强化ai的方式有很多种,1.优化ai建造逻辑,最大化利用难度加成优化运营-starnetai。2.无视运营、利用buff强行将ai的战力堆起来-小伞阶段强化与战力自适应。3.完全加成运营,利用特别的起源塑造强大的独特ai-涅槃。4.拒绝运营,利用事件固定刷根据时间决定强度的舰队与科技。 在上述那些优化方式中,玩家中接受度最广的...
Created by 溯昔言
开局将所有物种设置为子物种。 可以通过法令来让全银河变成自己主族(推荐)...
Created by 溯昔言
物种的特质上限提升到10点 领袖的初始年龄被设置在18-22岁之间 现在领袖升级时可以无限获得特质了。 研究领域的科学家只会获得研究领域的特质,非研究领域的科学家亦然。 现在领袖会不会获得负面特质 Species trait cap increased to 10 The initial age of the leader is set to be between 18 and 22 Leaders now gain unlimited qualities when leveling up....
Created by 溯昔言
3.7:适配圣约 修改了原版每个特使赋予的团结度(1变为3),修改团结度获得的经验(0.1变为0.3),团结度的上限(1变为300),最高速度为原版的27倍,同时现在进入即是外交权重投票 The experience required for federation upgrades has been significantly reduced, and entry is now a diplomatic weight vote...
Created by 溯昔言
银河的宜居球尺寸全部提升至16以上,同时一产区划更多。 国家起源母星全部提升至25格,盖亚起源提升至35格。 Galaxy's habitable spheres have all been raised to over 16 in size, with more zones for one generation. Nation origin star base increased to 25 squares and Gaia origin to 30 squares....
Created by 溯昔言
贸易协定持续时间提升至300年 ai购买奴隶的意愿降低了 海盗变少了,因为他们增长所需的时间增长了十倍 受惠的贸易协定现在最高提升200好感度 同族非洁癖国家不再对种族洁癖产生-1000关系,相反还会因相同种族获得100好感度提升。(原版为种族洁癖看同族正常,同族看洁癖为-1000) 修改了共同体的开会时间,同时覆写了原版的投票权重。 Duration of trade agreements increased to 300 years Ai's willingness to buy slaves has ...
Created by 溯昔言
为理想城增加了堡垒区划、商业区划、行政区划、执法区划、医疗区划、犯罪区划、贵族区划、神庙区划、科研区划、精炼区划,农业区划。 为理想城增加了多个星球类型(部分需要建造相应区划解锁) 盖亚星球现在会解锁12个建筑槽并提供30%的人口增速 更新: 殖民地类型: 1. 移除了神殿都市星球(3.4原版已包含)。 2.限制ai的医疗理想城 区划: 1. 移除了3.4原版已经提供的官僚理想城区划。 2. 移除了3.4原版拥有上位替代的神殿理想城区划。 翻译: 1. 删除了已移除内容的相关条目。 For the thou...
Created by 溯昔言
前言: 原版情况下的飞升彼此之间强度差距极大,飞升槽只有八个导致飞升路线十分固定。本mod旨在加强一些弱势飞升的存在感,增加他们的竞争力。本mod同时改写了ai的选取权重,让ai更进行一些更有效的飞升。 3.7更新: 适配了新的飞升系列。 不过在惠惠自己游玩了3.7后发现这版本的玩家强度超模到离谱,随便收两个ai就解放了所有的运营,飞升作为重要的内容分支已经属于是弟弟了,期待后续版本改进吧。 飞升改动: 战争之王:增加专属选项,佣兵可以无限进行升级,同时分红进行修改。 天机工程 :现在额外赋予神秘编码器、神...
Created by 幻灭暗影
星球决议:将这个星球上的外族人口全部变成你的主体种族,不管是生物机械石头人还是mod物种,种族洁癖福音。 顺便物种政策里把死灵dlc尸化机制修改了下限制,使玩家能随意使用,并大幅提高了转化速度,效果也是同化成主体种族. ai不会使用....
Doves Chinese Localization
Created by 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 内置汉化:列表 / 合集 独立汉化...
Classic Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Support 3.8 Added advanced ascension to all vanilla ascension The maintenance of this MOD has been taken over by 史黛拉芮丝の鼬子, no additional changes will be added If you need this MOD Remake Version Compatibility: ①Most Ascension MODs and tradition MODs are co...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.12 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
36 Building Slots
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Just increases the buildings slots to 36, and that's pretty much it. Mod does not modify the branch office slots anymore. If you want to change the buildings slot amount: Goto: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\...
Max Building Slot
Created by Aresunna
dscisions: spend 10 influence points to add a planet modifier, increase the upper limit of 150 building slots. The actual available slot depends on the mod of the building slot with 36, 66 or more slots After having the planet modifier, it can also be canc...
empire origin
Created by 溯昔言
Start as emperor...
The Reform Project
Created by Laquly 零者
The Reform Project After completing three ascensions, you will be able to choose a new reform plan ascension. In the reform plan panel, there are a total of 39 reform plans in three major categories, which correspond to various scenarios designed in the ga...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Mod Compatibility & Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod ...
More Starbase Slots
Created by zero
添加了更多星基槽位。调整恒星基地和模块的数据,让它们更有用。 同样修改了星环。 会被NSCmod覆盖。...
可建造堕落帝国建筑-2.0/ Buildable Fallen Empire Buildings - 2.0
Created by 152783536
本mod是“可造堕落帝国建筑”的修正版,原版本链接地址如下: 一、使用方式: 解锁这些建筑需要使用一个飞升槽,名称为“文物中继”飞升槽。使用“文物中继”飞升槽需要两个条件,一是已经开启并使用了两个飞升槽之后才能用;二是需要“奥术解密”科技。“奥术解密”科技由自动送星门科技事件360天后在社会学研究选项里面出现,并保持一直可选状态。 二、本mod所包含的内容: 1. 建筑 1.1 ...
支持3.0 在ACOT中可以建造堕落建筑并且升级 当你解锁暗物质科技时,你也能获得堕落建筑科技。并且这些建筑可以被升级为暗能量级。...
23 Tradition Slots + 24 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
47 Tradition Slots + 48 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
Created by 溯昔言
适配3.7 舰容总上限增加至99999 解锁泰坦、主宰、巨像、小龙的建造上限 资源仓库+200000上限 增加遗物的上限 开局解锁上上善道 给一个能清除遗珍冷却的遗珍 Ship capacity total upper limit increased to 99999 Unlock the construction limit of Titans, Dominators, Giants, and Little Dragons Resource warehouse +200000 upper limit In...
Created by 溯昔言
原版的时间显然是按照100年中期200年后期300年胜利写的,而玩家实际游戏时间一般在100-150年左右。所以很多cd都会显得漫长。随便干些什么等10年那真是黄花菜都凉了,将这些条款限制在四分之一到十分之一是比较合适的。 更改政策、迁都、物种权利、停战都只有一年冷却(10年变成1年),另外附庸条款为6个月冷却。 Policy changes, capital transfers, new leaders and armistice all have only one year to cool down...
惠惠拆分模组-6——时之虫、脑虫与帝国修改Worms of time, brain worms and Empires
Created by 溯昔言
时之虫现在遵循上个版本百分之一的概率触发 末日起源的buff被恢复了,现在可以正常粘球 成立星海帝国现在不会拆散联邦,更改旗帜和名称 脑虫概率增加十倍 Time worms now trigger with a 1% chance from the previous version Doomsday origin buffs have been restored and now stick to balls properly The creation of the Starsea Empire will n...
Created by 溯昔言
已适配3.7,错过法令可以控制台输入event megumin_chaifen.799调出来 增加了难度自动调整,星球计数器,把法令的消失时间改成了5年。 另外关于额外生成的利维坦打了没局势这个问题,大家可以在打之前选中利维坦控制台手动加代码。为什么不单独写事件hhh,事件到时候还要更新,谁知道蠢驴会不会再给局势改点别的,写起来太麻烦了。 无畏舰: effect = {save_global_event_target_as = automated_dreadnought} 神秘堡垒: effect = {s...
Created by Sickick
3.* 5.10DLC...
Created by Sickick
和任何mod都兼容 作为标识 辅助排序使用...
Created by Sickick
Created by Sickick
【简介】 主要用于完善&补充小爱合集の汉化! 完善&补充修正一些群星原版の汉化! 【兼容】 不会和任何mod冲突! 【排序】 排在最底下...
Created by Sickick
【简介】 This is a music pack for my own use Most of it is anime music!...
Created by Sickick
Created by Sickick
Created by Sickick
和任何mod都兼容 作为标识,辅助排序使用~...
Created by Sickick
小爱的合集专用的一些设定和文件 ...
Created by Sickick
标识符mod 兼容任何mod...
特殊星球区划拓展 Special Planet Districts Expansion
Created by Hua Zhang
一款简单的星球区划扩充mod,为理想城星球、盖亚星球和环形世界添加了总计十余个新区划,丰富游戏玩法。 本MOD大部分设计来源于惠惠拆分模组-5——更好的理想城与盖亚,感谢 @不祈昔言 的工作。 兼容Planetary Diversity系列。 A simple planetary Districts expansion mod that adds a total of more than ten new Districts to Ecumenopolis, Gaia World and Ring World...
Created by Sickick
【简介】 为小爱の合集提供修正补充 一个非常漂亮的宇宙星图美化~ 自动排序完毕后,将额外添加的mod排序在璀璨星图上方! 【兼容】 不会和任何mod冲突! 【排序】 本mod为合集配套mod请看合集简介!...
百年孤独One Hundred years of Solitude
Created by 溯昔言
这是一场孤独的银河之旅 星海的喧嚣与你无关 你提前100年进入了宇宙 等待你的,是持续百年的孤独 你在2100年开局 所有ai在2200年进入宇宙 堕落不受影响 本mod只有这一个效果,不需要时请自行关闭 It was a lonely journey through the Galaxy The noise of xinghai has nothing to do with you You entered the universe 100 years early Waiting for you, is t...
Created by ssssoRa
埃莉法语音助手已上线,路标: 在这个mod中,你将前所未有地扮演你自己。 · 你是否觉得群星的宏大叙事中需要一些属于个人的故事?在这个mod中,你将扮演一名转生者,与来自远方的少女邂逅,踏上旅途寻找失落的记忆。 · 作为转生者,你自然能够使用【PROPERTY】,也就是异世界动画里主角的状态栏,它将赋予你超乎常人的能力。你可以建造【勇者舰】来亲自...
Created by 墨汁鸽子
星间最为美丽和完美的天体 盖亚如同天赐的瑰宝。它们有的屹立于银河之间等待着他人去探索,有的被古老的失落帝国称之为圣地,当它们被我们发现的那一刻起,它的价值和宜居性就注定在我们记录的自然天体中处于毋庸置疑的地位。之前我们的技术并不能完全开发这类天体的潜力,只能在星球地表进行简单的开发,但随着我们技术的发展,这颗完美环境的力量和潜力逐步彰显,但随着我们对盖亚世界的探索一步步深入,一些星球的暗面和阴影中的谜团也崭露了其中一角。 本模组是盖亚星球相关内容的扩展(科技,政策,星球和区划修改,兼容华章的更多思潮) 内容...
V3.0)3.2.2的官僚如闪电般归来,现在包括格式塔 ! 3.2.2 bureaucrats return like lightning,Now include Gestalt !
这是一个补强模组 This is a strength compensation mod. 这是个人版本 This is a personal version. 兼容性注意:已修改两个pop_jobs文件 Compatibility Note: two pop_jobs files have been modified. 博士穿越时间,把3.2.2版本的官僚带回来了,现在,每个官僚能生产10点帝国规模. The doctor crossed the time and brought back the bur...
Created by 星劫
额外传统 已适配3.12版本,欢迎在评论区指出问题以及建议。 由于新版本改动过多,因此个别传统(例如培养)效果进行了大改,同时暂未适配蜂巢与智械(目前他们无法再采纳首都、盖亚传统),将在后续继续更新解决问题 感谢eval(_GET);对本mod的支持与帮助 扩展传统数量 目前增加的传统数量:32(21+11) 增加传统内容: 无条件传统:生产改革、聚焦科研、经贸改革、备战、开拓、建筑、电业、矿业、农业、培养、齐心、通灵、育种、改造、文物、狂想、陆军、首都、舰船、政令、微缩 有条件传统:军国传统、排外传统、平...
Created by Sickick 注意: 因为P社3.6版大幅改动底层代码,ZA排序已不适用于新版本! 随着P社的多核优化改动,mod之间的兼容性也逐渐越来越差! 长期以来使用大量mod后开铁人无法获得成就!成为使用mod一大遗憾! 在大量测试和长期研发下终于克服各种困难!完美解决了以上的种种问题! 精心制作了一些在3.6版本可以完美畅玩的合集!同时在开启大量mod后铁人模式正常获得成就! 目前采用全新的排序方式,群公告有详细的图文使用指南...
! Kogasa Advisor
Created by Sickick
Kogasa Voice Advisor Non English voice line right now But if you like this energetic and cute voice, jsut subscribe Compatibility and Sorting Anywhere and all mods compatible ...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Created by Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Created by Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
! Dark Blue UI Kasako's Bespoke
Created by Kasako'小傘
伞の产业革命定制 伞の框架必须作为前置 添加独立快捷按钮 可直接从星球界面查看人力参数 动态领袖界面 更好的地面战图片 注意安装前置mod 星球UI 108槽 【如果这个mod有帮助的话请点赞收藏,你的认同很重要!】 排序: -暗蓝科技UI后面 兼容性: -与所有修改星球建筑槽数量(超过36)のmod不兼容 -与所有所有改动星球界面的mod -星球UI 108槽 -星球UI 55槽 -星球UI的PD版 打赏链接(点图片)/Free Donation for Chinese User https://stea...
! Dark Blue UI - Synth Icons !
Created by Kasako'小傘
Neon fluorescent, stroked, translucent game icons style Support most popular mods that add new civics and ethics Support all vanilla trait icons Sorting: Try to go as far down as possible, otherwise it will be overwritten by other mods Compatibility: ①Supp...
! Dark Blue UI Remake
Created by Kasako'小傘
Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Some additional new features Legacy version of last major update Universal Patch for compatibility of mods list...
! Dark Blue UI Universal Patch
Created by Kasako'小傘
Make Dark Blue UI Remake compatible with MOD: Gigastructural Engineering & More Psionic Species Expansion Sorting: Put it wherever you want. Special thanks to: RedRover72 for main UI frame tweak for 3440p. If you have any requirements for compatibility wit...
! Immersive Beautiful Stellaris !
Created by Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box Galaxy position affects skybox Beautify the Milky Way map Optimize the lens Simplify the map UI 100 new wallpapers New room background New flag Other new materials original mod Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position ...
! PR Compatibility - ACOT [ABANDONED]
Created by Kasako'小傘
Update integrated into Production Revolution Patch --------------------------------------------------------------- -Make ACOT and Production Revolution work together -New jobs from will be accepted by -Most functions based on pops now work on Manpower Rega...
! Production Revolution
Created by Kasako'小傘
Mod version for Newest Update for Current Stellaris Manpower system that reduces pops, simplifies operations and improves optimization Independent tech tree and new research system The vanilla structure system has been expanded, and gameplay is expanded. R...
! Production Revolution Patch 3.2
Created by zero
3.4 Patch Make MODs below to support PR system Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story AshArms Distant Future 2200 Ancient Empire Nirvana Empire Project Ultimate Technologies NytoSpeciesEventsPack The DAL Species Mod Arpeggio of Blue Steel DLC StellarRegul...
! Reworked Tactical Battlefield !
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: non native English speaker, there may be translation errors> BETA TEST 2x system scale (while RSS is 6x) Bigger solar system + smaller ship The perfect balance between beautification and gameplay Compatible with partly compatible with Better stri...
! Universal Game Rules Patch
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Repair population cannot be assembled Repair orbital bombing failure Repair the failure of the jump engine Compatible with additional information types Make capital buildings from...
! Immersive Loading Screens
Created by Kasako'小傘
125 exquisite loading images This mod is part of Immersive Beautiful Stelalris Suitble for any version of game IRONMAN compatible If you like it, promote it to more people! Features 125 brand new HD loading images Golden age sci-fi style which is in line w...
Ancient Cache of Technologies
Created by Chirumiru ShiRoz
Introduction Summary of 3.12 Super Update can be read here. Ancient Cache of Technology explores the stories of the ancient enigmatic precursors, including the Curators, the Fallen Empires and those that came before them. Behind their history lies great ma...
Ancient Cache of Technologies: Override
Created by Chirumiru ShiRoz
Introduction This override patch intends to improves both the Fallen Empire, vanilla leviathans and crisis factions to be more challenging when using ACOT. It also contains some graphical changes to various vanilla icons to be more consistent. The Override...
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates
Created by Chirumiru ShiRoz
Introduction Secrets Beyond the Gates is an official add-on mod extension of the main Ancient Cache of Technologies that explores the custom backstory of the origins of the Fallen Empire and the secrets that lies beyond the scope of the local galaxy. Every...
Ancient Empire 1.9 [Stellaris 3.12]
Created by AetherGhost
Stellaris 3.12.* Compatible 1 Introduction Ancient Empire Mod is a late-game/end-game event mod that introduces the story of an ancient civilization that was once mighty but eventually fall for unknown reasons, a series of related technologies, ships, and ...
Anime Galaxy
Created by Sanctions
Anime Galaxy 3.0 ver1 Replace all of the vanilla species with anime girls including all DLCs. Animation images are derived from mobile games, PC games, and illustrations. Curators, artists, fallen empires, and space merchants have independent images. More ...
Archaeology Story Pack
Created by XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible A year ago, there was a contest to make archaeology event mod in my community. This mod is made as a reward for the contest. It adds 19 archaeol...
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Created by 茳华KiangHowa
这里是mod的制作组KIC啦(虽然只有两个人,而且写程序的只有茳华一个rbq)~ 本模组将苍蓝钢铁的琶音(苍き钢のアルペジオ,Arpeggio of Blue Steel)世界观的舰船们带到群星这个游戏的舞台中。本模组采用的世界线均参考于剧场版(毕竟漫画还在咕),人类和雾之间的战争结束后和平相处共同发展的结局。 雾将自己的重力子和纳米材料技术送给了人类,人类和雾一起迈向了FTL时代。雾们身先士卒踏上了第一艘殖民船,但飞行的途中突然收到了地球方向的怪异信号,随后舰船上的雾们也变得不省人事……虽然最终还是成功抵...
AshArms Aquarius History
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
The steps of time continue to move forward, endless past become history. City, the last place to live, has become a memory. Our civilization has survived our own wars, and that has given us endless opportunities. As we look into the stars again...... We wi...
Azur Lane Ship Class
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Azur Lane Ship Class Azur Lane New Ship Type Expansion Pack This MOD is an optional content expansion pack for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC 11 new ship size have been added to the game, the background source is the ship size in the Azur Lane game, and a variety...
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration repeatable technology integration pack It integrates all circular technologies of physics, sociology, and engineering. To make them more balanced with each other, some adjustments were made to the correction. If you us...
Azur Lane Species KuRUMiiii Edition
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 全新制作的碧蓝航线种族立绘 以及作者的私人内容。 只支持我自己的碧蓝航线主题DLC中KANSEN种族 其中大部分为皮肤立绘,整体观感为头像与半身像之间。 其中人口岗位的立绘为Q版小人。 完全根据我自己的喜好挑选 还原我账号中的婚舰以及偏好皮肤的数据~ 不存...
Azur Lane Stellaris DLC
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三 碧蓝航线主题DLC 2.9 新生 Language:简体中文,English 内置碧蓝航线精美立绘 本MOD内置了全新制作的专属KANSEN种群立绘,并有附有阵营区分。 并将碧蓝航线KANSEN作为独立的物种大类加入游戏(类似生物/机械/岩石) MOD中物种组别的第一个物种组是全部立绘模式。 第二组是由我精简领...
Azur Lane Stellaris UI
Created by Sickick
Azur Lane The Galaxy Idol
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Recommended Star Oath~This will be updated later Azur Lane Stellaris DLC The Galaxy Idol This mod is an optional content expansion package for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC. It is mainly the unique content of μ series KANSEN in the Azur Lane game. A new UI inter...
Azur Lane Voice Pack
Created by Sickick
3.8.*✔️; English✔️ compatibility Does not conflict with other mods 【sortord】 You can put it anywhere in the mod list Elaborate Azur Lane voice pack Contains the following voice packets Z23 Hood Laffey Akashi Aurora Javelin Belfast Sheffield Warspite Ayanam...
Created by 木木来啦
一个现代风格的中文命名MOD 人名姓是从百家姓里面抠出来的,名就是起名大全里的,随机组合应该会有很多奇葩的名字。 船名大部分取自城市名 殖民船取自航空公司名称 私人殖民船廉航 防御站三国兵器名 浮游炮山海经异兽 陆军古代中国军队名...
Created by Sickick
Diplomatic Expansion: Basic Frame/外交拓展:基础框架
Created by xskiper
This mod is just the basic framework of diplomatic development series. Please use it with other mods of Diplomatic Expansion series and load it at the bottom! 本mod只是外交拓展系列的基本框架,请配合外交拓展系列的其他mod使用,并且置于最下方加载! This Mod Offers a Lot of New Ways of Diplomacy 此mo...
Diplomatic Expansion: Penetration/外交拓展:间谍
Created by xskiper
This mod allows you to infiltrate the leaders of other countries and perform many new spy missions different from the vanilla game! 这个mod允许你渗透其他国家的领袖,并且执行很多异于原版的全新间谍任务! This mod belongs to Diplomatic Expansion Series 这个mod隶属于外交拓展系列 Basic Introduction This ...
Diplomatic Expansion: Vanilla Espionage++/外交拓展:原版间谍加强
Created by xskiper
This mod covers the vanilla espionage related content and some events, so it will cause some compatibility problems. It is not recommended to use it with other vanilla espionage enhanced mods! This mod runs on the basis of . It is recommended to subscribe ...
Extra Ship Components 3.0 [Actual]
Created by NHunter
Extra Ship Components 3.0 Other mod versions: - Stellaris 1.9: Extra Ship Components 1.9. - Stellaris 2.2: Extra Ship Components 2.0. - Stellaris 2.3: Extra Ship Components 3.0 - . - Stellaris 2.4-2.6: Extra Ship Components 3.0 . - Stellaris 2.7-2.8: Extra...
Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12)
Created by Elowiny Do you like megastructures? I sure do! This mod aims to expand on the concept of megastructures by adding more megastructures you can build, with a wide range of effects, and sizes ranging from large space stations to system...
Girls Frontline Voice Pack
Created by Sickick
3.4.*✔️; English✔️ compatibility Does not conflict with other mods 【sortord】 You can put it anywhere in the mod list Elaborate Girls Frontline voice pack Contains the following voice packets C93 G36 PPK KP31 MP41 HK416 M1873 M1931 Makarov PPSh-41 Mosin-Nag...
Isolated Home System 3.0
Created by 清秋
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 如果您愿意支持我们的话 我们的爱发电: 添加了一种特殊的初始星系,玩家的国家将会出生在一个像L星团一样与世隔绝的星团内,外面的舰船只能迁跃或使用一种特殊的星门进入这个星团。 特殊起源“破碎之环”和“虚空居者”拥有替代起源“孤立之环”和“孤立居者”,它们除了让玩家出生在孤立星团内部外与原来的起源没有区别。 Added a special starting system. Player’s empi...
LoturantaCofield_TheLeader 书姬洛忒兰娜·科菲尔德
Created by 格洛易斯
这是一个领袖MOD。添加了一些事件和一个领袖“洛忒兰娜”。可以在科学家和总督的状态中切换,并且能当统治者。 在特殊事件成为统治者过后可以在统治者、科学家和总督之间切换。 关于“洛忒兰娜”:这算是我看GOSICK过后产生的一个奇思妙想吧。这个人物的人设很大一部分参考了维包子,比如说爱看书,Lolita什么的……因为我不会画画,图也直接找的维包子。目前因为产能有限,只能在后续更新中实装GALGAME的部分了。希望你们能够喜欢。 领袖获取:开局5-10年内会刷一个标题叫大图书馆的时间,在做完事件链之后可以获得领袖...
Hiigara Shipset
Created by 清秋
欢迎加入群星中文频道 This mod can run in every version 这个mod可以在任何版本运行 BIG THANKS TO LORDZARMACK TO HELP ME REPAIR THE SCALE...
Machine Shipset
Created by AryxCami
The Automated Dreadnought guardian is a beautiful ship. Which makes it a shame that it's one of a kind and that there aren't many other ships in its style. Until now! Behold machine ships, a fully sectioned shipset! Machine Ships adds a new shipset in the ...
More Civics
More Civics This mod is intended to improve your stellaris experience with adding bunch of new civics. Currently adds 30+ new civics with various possibilities. Currently only doing version update. Some modifiers have been disabled or removed via game upda...
Elegant Chinese Random Names & Localisation Fix
Created by ChagatuAlin
A Chinese Localisation Mod ------------------------------------- 最后更新:3.9 尝试修复了随机名称包乱码的问题,在3.12运行正常 ...似乎 新增了一个预设名称包 - 人类(中华); 既复古又未来的中国风预设名称包。 已经完成对新版本的重制与调整适应,模组正常运作,但是否还有隐藏问题仍旧需要游戏体验去测试。 暂时未发现与新版本的兼容性问题。 由于更改随机名称与添加名称包也会变更校验码,所以此模组会导致校验码的改变。 - 在被无厘头的国家与...
SpaceBattleshipYamato:E.D.F. ShipSet
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
本MOD是基于《宇宙战舰大和号2199》与《宇宙战舰大和号2202》中出现的舰船作为核心 This MOD is based on the ships that appeared in Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and Space Battleship Yamato 2202 as the core 本MODは、『宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199』と『字宙戦艦ヤマト2202』に登場した艦船を基にしている。 仅以此MOD献给所有《宇宙战舰大和号》的粉丝和想了解内容的人 This MOD ...
Star Oath Project 2.0
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
New Leader System Expand for 3.11 Star Oath is a large-scale standalone leader system mod, using a brand-new framework to redesign Stellaris' leader system...
Nirvana Empire Project
Created by StaVis
欢迎大家加入QQ群讨论MOD及汇报BUG,或提出建议~ 建了个本MOD的QQ群~166037843 MOD大概内容: 1. 新国家具备较大幅度的强化,非平衡性MOD,若玩家未扮演涅槃帝国,则涅槃帝国将由AI扮演; 2. 玩家在开局一个月时可以选择是否保留AI涅槃,除非想要挑战自我(或开启了其他玩家强度...
Created by Sickick
3.8 1111111111...
Younger Species [supports iron man mode] v1.6
Created by 洛里斯杨远
Mod content: Replace the image of Humanoid_4 as Younger Species * 313 Species Vertical drawing * 23 loading pictures * 4 country icons ------- This mod supports iron man mode Update Log v1.6 update (23/04/05) Added 10 new loading pictures Fixed: Compatibil...
Created by Versaminx
Vaygr Shipset
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰 This mod can run in every version 这个mod可以在任何版本运行 BIG THANKS TO LORDZARMACK TO HELP ME REPAIR THE SCALE 欢迎加入群星中文频道...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
United Fleet Shipset
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 downscale patch compatibilty : 本MOD是Warship girls R and M...
Ultimate Technologies
Created by breloom1994
Have you ever felt constrained by military advances and economic growth? Inalterable planets and negative modifiers. Insecure borders, pirates plunder and angry populations. Or do you just feel like the graphics could be taken up a notch and the weapons co...
Trait Diversity
Created by Lylant This mod adds 220 new species traits to the game: ■ 169 Biological Traits 113 common traits 46 non-lithoids only 10 lithoids only ■ 51 Robotic Traits 33 common traits 7 robots only 11 machines only
Touhou x Warship Girls Gensokyo Species Mod
Created by ChagatuAlin
■ Last Update : 3.12 - Small Update: New Portraits and Civics Added, Adapted to 3.12 Versions. - There are Three Leader Portraits Group Options: Option Contain All Characters Option is Touhou Characters Only , and Option is non-Touhou Characters Only ( In ...
Girls Frontline Species Mod
Created by Sickick
【简介】 少女前线&云图计划立绘种族 【兼容】 本mod不会和任何其他mod冲突 【排序】 放哪都行...
Taidian Shipset
Created by 清秋 This mod can run in every version 这个mod可以在任何版本运行 BIG THANKS TO LORDZARMACK TO HELP ME REPAIR THE SCALE 关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道...
Created by 无言Infinite
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 这个mod添加了由多个作者所制作的考古遗迹,大幅增加了游玩群星时的探索体验! 感谢@FUZE ANTATIC制作的 Ancient Relics Story Collection-远古故事集为该mod提供的英文翻译! 吾之友人呐, 汝等又追随着吾辈之足迹,抵达这时间尽头。不妨听吾辈讲个故事吧。 上古之时,这片宇宙,地灵人杰,诞生了数位至尊。这些至尊成名久矣,或是将宇宙之法则玩弄于股掌之中,或是将人事之纽带拆散又重组。亦或者,有至尊举手投足之间,以...
Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 如果您愿意支持我们的话 我们的爱发电: Starwars:UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story为是以星球大战为背景,讲述星舰舰娘们在遭遇天灾之后,重新在其他银河系重建文...
Paimon Chinese Adviser
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
【Genshin series voice package】Paimon,your best friend! This voice package is not the content intercepted by the genshin game, It is a new dubbing created by simulating Paimon's way of speaking and common li...
Republic Shipsets
Created by 清秋
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 本mod支持NSC2 credit and big thanks Thanks for Nomada_Firefox allow me use his ship model...
Precursor Story Pack
Created by XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible There was an ancient civilization before us... this is their story. This mod adds 3 precursor stories written by the community members. This is ...
Star Wars: Kuat Ancient Empire
Created by 清秋
评论区我无法及时注意,如需反馈和查看更新日志,请您加入善良群星频道 我们的QQ群:637596124 MOD内容及介绍 如果您喜欢这个MOD,请务必点赞和收藏,您的支持也是我开发的动力。 本MOD添加了大量来自星球大战的星级战列巡洋舰以及星际无畏舰的,你能够熟知的帝国舰船,都能在这里找到。同时,这些舰船...
!! 00 Crisis Master[Abandoned]
Created by seven
Due to team disputes and improper operations, the original author's account has been abandoned as well as his work. For renewed version of this mod Click on the Link...
Created by 炸虾尾巴
领袖随等级的加成更高了 统治者每级 影响力+5%、经验获取+10%、凝聚力+5%、法令时间+5% 总督每级全产+3%、人口帝国规模-2%、犯罪率-4、行星建造速度+10%、行星决议速度+10% 海军上将每级舰船攻速+5%、武器伤害+5% 领袖最大等级调整为100 其他不变 Leaders have higher bonuses with level Ruler per level influence +5%, experience gain +10%, unity+5%, edict length +5% ...
Created by 羊毛大葱
使用两个决议来使你星球的全部增长人口用作迁出,同时让你需要的星球来接受这些人口。 前中期你可以借此优先发展一些重要的球。 后期你可以用此功能将满人口的球的人口增长都用作迁出,以此来解决失业和手动迁移的繁琐,大大节省操作。...
63 Tradition Slots + 64 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
Anime Galaxy (w/Aquatic)
Created by 元.Or1
Anime Galaxy For Stellaris 3.3.*, Aquatic species replacement included What is this? A branch and continuation from the original Anime Galaxy mod by Sanctions, which is likely to have been abandoned as it is not updated for almost a year at this point. I w...
Easy-to-understand Gestalt Strengthen
Created by 哈萨维682
As shown in the picture....
Created by Narush.
添加了3项科技,1个职位和3个建筑。 科技分类为:社会学-治国术 一级基础科研点:6000 二级基础科研点:12000 三级基础科研点:20000 职位基础维护:5能源 职位基础产出:0.25影响力 一级建筑提供1个职位,维护需要5能源 二级建筑提供2个职位,维护需要10能源、1稀有水晶、1易爆微粒、1异星天然气 三级建筑提供4个职位、维护需要20能源、2稀有水......
No Industrial Building Limit - Updated 3.12
Created by CaGoose
This is an updated version of Austen's No Industrial Building Limit. All credit goes to Austen. If they want me to remove the mod, then I will. This is my first mod, so I have no idea how to fix any bugs related to the AI. However, I did not notice any in ...
Madoka Magica NEW
反馈讨论群 984121070 这里得到原作者的授权,将会对魔法少女的mod进行后续版本的更新啦~ 以及感谢ai酱@有电脑还有吧主@环伊吕波的协助 不能够通过基因改造等产生魔法少女,想要全员烧酒请选择生命之种起源(已经做了适配,请放心食用) 现在生命之种存在严重的bug,无法正常游玩,请勿选择。 MOD内容: 本mod主要为魔法少女小圆的相关内容 物种头像:添加了新的物种头像。 物种特性:添加了新的物种特性。 国家理念:添加了新的国家理念。 派系:魔法少女政体特有的新派系。 事件:以魔法少女为核心的主线事件...
WSG Traits-More WSG Traits
More Traits for Warship Girls R and Mist Species 更多战舰少女特质,适配战舰少女、深海以及联合种族 建议搭配我的另一个Mod:WSG Trait - Trait Picks and Points使用,能够增加可用的特质数和特质点数...
WSG Traits-Trait Picks and Points
本mod用于增加Warship Girls R And Mist Species模组中舰娘和深海种族的特质点与特质槽数量,属于高正义度mod。 目前,已有增加特质点与特质槽数量的相关mod主要作用于原版种族,无法在舰娘类种族上生效,且大多数新增加的特质不兼容舰娘种族。为了满足使用更多特质的需求,我制作了这个mod。Mod增加了舰娘和深海种族初始的特质点和特质槽数量,并提供了一个额外的能够增加特质点的特质。 ---------------------------------------------------...
[origin]ring world in L star
Created by AExcalibur
世外桃源星环 二二元中,地联人摸鱼为业。缘星行,忘路之远近。忽逢桃星云,夹光数百步,中无杂星,矿物鲜美,合金缤纷,学者甚异之。复前行,欲穷其云。云尽光源,便得一门,门有小口,仿佛若有光。 桃花源的母星是一个扩大的环形世界,这个独立的星系中还有一个荒废的遗落星球,一个损坏的物质解压器。此中人语云:“不足为外人道也。”...
shroud magic girls strongershroud 玩了虚境五色梗的萌化mod= =,还有一些对魔法少女mod的补充 虚境的五个契约界面修改为了五色的画面 顺便将灵能界改回了虚境,五个契约也改了回去= = 以及对于虚境的一些强化 by 贴吧的虚境焰 【其实一般的版本更新不会导致这个mod失效的,如果出现失效,闪退等情况请在评论区反馈】 【注意!!!与魔法少女MOD一同开启时需要把本mod放在上面,魔法少女mod放在下面!】 魔法少女同盟国策来自于魔法少女mod(已经取得原作者酱油桑同意,接手...
中文顾问语音2.0 语音来源 欢迎使用中文顾问语音2.0 从2.4+版本开始这个语音包就发布了,今天经过数个版本迭代,部分语音代码改变导致用覆盖原版语音已经有很多BUG了,于是我决定修补这个MOD,新版本MOD是一个独立的顾问语音。 使用方法 订阅MOD,创建国家的时候,顾问语音里面选择中文语音即可。 如果你是中途加载这个MOD,点击左上角国家图案,在窗口下面选择顾问,在选择中文语...
The shelter of the fourth natural disaster
Created by MIJI0620
离谱的mod 菜鸟也能胜利 这是一个自嗨mod,没有平衡性 给你的帝国物种加第四天灾的庇护特质 作弊起源为堕落帝国开局 我又加了一些生草的功能,大家有什么关于mod功能的意见可以留言 这是作弊,这是作弊,这是作弊...
Created by Laquly 零者
1.巨构: 所有原版巨构(除了哨兵列阵)都可以无限建造; 巨型船坞可以建造在在任何一种有恒星的星系,但一个星系只能有一个巨型船坞,并且能与其他巨构共存; 2.飞升: 万众一心只能由非格式塔使用,格式塔现在有专属的增加凝聚力、减少人口舒适度使用、减少犯罪率的飞升; 理想城计划可以由格式塔使用; 3.科技: 有对荒芜星球增加“环境改造候选”的科技; 有改造熔融星球、剧毒星球、冰封星球、崩坏星球的科技; 4.上限 海军容量上限增加至999999 影响力无储存上限 5.舰队 泰坦无建造上限; 每500海军容量增加一...
Created by 知识学爆
虎哥顾问语音 有人用我再看看更不更新。 低技术力...
Created by shv2013
-帝国规模运算修改 每个星系占据规模 = 0.5 每个星球占据规模 = 2 每个分部规模 = 1 每一个人口占据规模 = 0.5 -将规模惩罚之中的传统花费惩罚减少50% -星球飞升: 星球飞升现在只需要一个飞升后就可以点 减低星球飞升递增的凝聚力花费 略微减低传统花费 -政体修改 民主制改为 重新安置人口概率+100%;官僚维护费-10% 机械智能的初始人口组装改为+2;殖民地规模占用改为25% -民政修改 高效吏制改为 官僚维护费-25%;帝国规模惩罚效果 -15% 环保主义者改为人口消费品维护费-40...
Created by Tsuta_Argentina
仅限中文 Chinese only 最近一次更新为2024.3.3,支持3.11.* 本MOD为TSU的自用MOD的循环科技独立拆分 主要改动 禁用并无效化了绝大部分原版循环科技 新增一批循环科技 新增循环科技列表: 1.物理学: 场操纵优化 无限循环,每级提供5%的造舰速度和亚光速(配合主MOD的作战AI改版算是正面BUFF,但原版总狗斗) 舰船主控更新 无限循环,每级提供2%的舰船武器伤害、射速 巨构大师 最高10级,每级提供100%的巨构建造速度 2.社会学 行政效率 无限循环,每级提供2%凝聚力产出...
Created by CPU 0
本mod存在的意义是改善后期一个月点一次循环的问题,所以整合了对玩家有用的循环,并按照百循的标准倍乘,科技的花费为原版循环科技的200倍或者2000倍 可以在政策中选择开启或者关闭百循包科技 循环包里塞了一些独特的科技加成,再次证明科技才是第一生产力;并通过增加造舰合金花费和减少科研速度来防止合金和科研点溢出(希望有用) 警告:毫无平衡,请不要与其他mod进行数值对比;使用了本mod后堕落将极大(大概几百倍天灾? )幅度增强,请不要试图在进入循环科技前去挑战它们...
Colossus Terraforming
Created by 9S
Colossus Terraforming New Update: - 3.9.* Support ================================ Tired of waiting for a long time terraforming? This mod can help you. You can use colossus for terraforming a planet in 4 months. Features: - Genesis Device * Can terraform ...
More Trait Picks and Points
Created by Cardinal_Z
Organic species trait picks increased to 8, starting trait point increased to 4, trait point from bio ascension increased to 10....
Power Fix(舰队实力显示修复)
Created by LakeArcFox
修复侧边栏舰队实力大于100K时,显示为1..的问题 修复舰队实力10K-99.9K时,数字错位的问题...
Resources Buildings & Infinite Jobs
Created by Hibiki_RT
Update for 3.7 Added three types of buildings that provide worker resource jobs (technician, miner, farmer) each of 5 levels, providing 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 jobs, and level 4/5 provides 10%/20% resource output. The 3/4/5 levels of buildings have to be built ...