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[WOTC] Iridar's Appearance Manager
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2021년 11월 26일 오전 12시 36분
2024년 9월 3일 오후 1시 31분
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[WOTC] Iridar's Appearance Manager

Iridar님의 1 모음집
FOXCOM Lite Prototype - Supplemental
아이템 46개
Adds new functionality to Character Pool and new interface to manage units' appearance, as well as an automated Uniform Manager.

For a brief overview of the mod's functions, check the introduction video above, or click the link below for an in-depth explanation.


New Soldier Customization UI
  • New "Manage Appearance" screen. Allows copying units' entire or partial appearance onto other units, as well as importing soldier appearance from Character Pool or Memorial, or putting uniforms on soldiers. You can also make sweeping changes to your entire Squad, Barracks or Character Pool. This can be used, for example, to quickly set the same camouflage for the entire Squad.
  • New "Stored Appearance" screen. Allows viewing, "equipping" and deleting stored appearance for each armor the soldier have ever equipped.

Character Pool Changes
  • Character Pool soldier list is now sorted and shows soldiers' class.
  • Aded a "Search" button to filter out soldiers based on their name or class.
  • You can Shift+Click to select or deselect multiple soldiers in Character Pool.
  • Character Pool scrollbar position is saved.
  • Character Pool now saves Appearance Store - individual unit appearance for each armor.
  • It's now possible to pre-customize appearance of Character Pool units for each armor by equipping said armor on the new Loadout screen. Weapons can also be previewed in Character Pool.
  • "Dormant" character pool units that do not appear in the campaign are now allowed.
  • Appearance validation is now turned off in debug game mode, and can be also turned off in normal game mode. Appearance validation is the game attempting to correct the appearance of Character Pool units if their cosmetic body parts become missing, typically because cosmetic mods with those body parts have been deactivated. Disabling validation allows temporarily disabling cosmetic mods without losing the customized appearance of your Character Pool. If appearance validation is currently disabled, a new button is added to soldier customization screen to perform it manually for specific soldiers.
  • Individual Character Pool units can be converted to Uniforms. Uniforms are grouped separately on the Manage Appearance screen, and may be applied to soldiers manually or automatically.

Automated Uniform Manager
  • When soldiers equip new armor for the first time, the mod will look for a suitable Uniform in Character Pool, and apply it automatically.
  • Individual soldiers and Uniforms can be excluded from participating in this automated process.
  • This system can be disabled globally in Mod Config Menu. If disabled globally, individual units can still be included in the automated process.
  • You can also work with Uniforms manually using the Manage Appearance screen.
  • Uniforms can be shared through Character Pool files.

Automated Backups

If you start the game with Appearance Manager disabled, there's a high chance all of the extra information about Character Pool units, like their Appearance Store and uniform status, will be lost. To prevent you from potentially losing hours of customizing your character pool, Appearance Manager makes automatic backups of the character pool.

The next time you start the game with Appearance Manager enabled, you will get a pop-up message asking whether you want to restore the Character Pool from backup.

Be careful with
  • Any stored appearance on the Uniform unit will count as a potential uniform, so when you are done setting up a uniform, make sure to go to Stored Appearance screen and delete any unwanted appearances.
  • Be very careful when you Apply Changes to multiple units. Double check cosmetic options you have enabled, otherwise you might accidentally give the same face to all soldiers in your barracks, for example.



Appearance Manager has limited compatibility with Unrestricted Customization - Wotc and its Redux version. They make Appearance Store a mess, so Stored Appearance screen becomes useless. Manage Apperance screen is switched into compatibility mode where you can import only other units' current appearance.

You should still be able to set up and apply uniforms automatically or manually, but you will have to use one Uniform unit per appearance, storing appearances for different armors within one uniform unit will become impossible.


Appearance Manager replaces CharacterPoolManager and will be incompatible with any mod that does the same. It also has the following ModClassOverrides:
UICharacterPool - can be safely disabled by removing its entry in this mod's XComEngine.ini. Doing so will disable sorting and the "Search" button. UICharacterPool_ListPools - required for the mod to Import and Export additional information to and from Character Pool files created with this mod.

- WOTC Extended Character Pool
- Sorted Character Pool
- [WOTC] Sort Characters by Callsign

are INCOMPATIBLE unless you disable Appearance Manager's ModClassOverride for UICharacterPool.

Other than that, should be compatible with anything and everything.


Presets and MCM settings for this mod are stored in this file. You might want to back it up when deleting User Config folder.
..\Documents\my games\XCOM2 War of the Chosen\XComGame\ConfigXComAppearanceManager.ini

Mod's default configuration is located here:



In case of non-soldier uniforms for some characters, like Shen, their body will clip through the cosmetic body parts added by their uniform.

Mod causes a ton of log warnings and redscreens while working with Character Pool Loadout. Those are annoying, but completely harmless, and fixing them all would require more effort and Highlander changes than it's worth.


Huge thanks to Xymanek (Astral Descend) for crucial code support and UI improvements.
Thanks to my beta testers: RustyDios, lago508, Deadput.
Blame Veehementia for making me think that making this mod was a good idea.

Please support me on Patreon[www.patreon.com] if you require tech support, have a suggestion for a feature, or simply wish to help me create more awesome mods.
인기 토론 모두 보기(6)
2024년 4월 19일 오후 2시 12분
Questions about how some of the features work
2023년 7월 11일 오전 3시 35분
trying to apply appearance filter by class, doesn't work.
2022년 9월 22일 오전 2시 33분
Русский перевод
댓글 648
Iridar  [작성자] 20시간 전 
1. Yes, because uniforms automatically apply at campaign start or when a soldier equips a particular armor for the first time.
2. Right.
3. You'll need separate uniforms for males and females. I'm not sure if you can hold appearances for different genders within one uniform unit, but even if you can, I think it would be easier to just have different uniform units for different genders.
Just make sure you're using specifically LWOTC soldier classes and not vanilla. LWOTC classes would be later in the list, so if you see two entries for Ranger, pick the second one.

4. Nothing, I think.
Teppopups1 2024년 9월 8일 오전 8시 30분 
Thanks for your reply.

OK. So to summarize, what I need to do, how many and which Uniform profiles I have to create to automatically assign the same uniform for all soldiers and color them according to class?

From what I already know:

1. Create all required Uniform profiles before campaign start as they have to be applied before the armour look is created for each solder. Right?

2. Two Rookie Uniform profiles (male and female) containing all the uniform looks for all armors without color. Right?

3. Number of Class Uniform profiles, one for each class, containing just color. Right? Or should I create double for male and female as well?

As far as I understand it just compares the class, not uses preconfigured names as for vanilla and should work With LWOTC as soon as I will create class uniform profiles under LWOTC. Is that true?

4. What else?
Iridar  [작성자] 2024년 9월 8일 오전 8시 12분 
> I asked for advice, with specific practical requirements what I want to create. Instead I received lot of useless talk without actual recommendations how to do that.

You received advice at the pace of you disclosing vital information. If you said you want the mod to automatically override soldier appearance with uniforms you have created after the campaign has already started, then I'd just tell you right away the mod can't do that, it wasn't designed with that use case in mind.

Actual actionable advice: set up uniforms first, then restart the campaign. If you don't want to do that, then automation will not work for you until you reach the next armor tier.
Iridar  [작성자] 2024년 9월 8일 오전 8시 05분 
> I asked for advice, with specific practical requirements what I want to create. Instead I received lot of useless talk without actual recommendations how to do that.

You received advice at the pace of you disclosing vital information. If you said you want the mod to automatically override soldier appearance with uniforms you have created after the campaign has already started, then I'd just tell you right away the mod can't do that.

Actual actionable advice: set up uniforms first, then restart the campaign. If you don't want to do that, then automation will not work for you. The mod wasn't designed with that use case in mind.
Iridar  [작성자] 2024년 9월 8일 오전 8시 02분 
> Another downside is that there is no way to apply the uniform to all soldiers, I mean there is such option in the interface, but it does not work, it only applies to the same rank and same gender and same armor.

It doesn't look at rank, but it will distinguish rookies from non-rookies, if enable the Soldier Class filter.

> It's a bit better than go to customize each soldier from scratch but I would not call it AUTOMATIC UNIFORM MANAGER, because there is no actual automation.

There is as much automation as there needs to be not be invasive. It's not supposed to work mid-campaign.
Iridar  [작성자] 2024년 9월 8일 오전 8시 00분 
> Not sure what this mean. Do you mean cosmetic mods or something? No I don't use 3rd party cosmetic mods, only those in the base game.

Ranger and Sharpshooter are vanilla soldier classes, but LWOTC adds its own version that have the same player-facing name, but a different internal name, which is what Appearance Manager looks at when determining whether to apply the uniform or not.

> Are you saying that automatic uniforms are applied at the moment when the soldier gets new armor? And there is no way to activate it otherwise? That's useless because these events are very rear.

"Apply to any class" uniforms are applied when the unit equips the armor used for the uniform for the first time. For Kevlar Armor, that's usually on campaign start.

"Apply to same class" uniforms are applied when the soldier is first promoted to that class (potentially overriding their previous appearance) or when they equip new armor for the first time.
Teppopups1 2024년 9월 8일 오전 7시 47분 
What I did I created two Uniform profiles (male and female) containing all the armors in the game, and assigning it manually to each new soldier. (Not sure if I will have to re-apply it when new armor will be introduced, I don;t know, can't test.).

And the TRUE automatic coloring is done by Automatically Color Units mod. Because creating Uniform profiles with all possible combinations, with no actual automation is PAIN IN THE ASS.

I asked for advice, with specific practical requirements what I want to create. Instead I received lot of useless talk without actual recommendations how to do that.

Of course I'm free not to use it, but I already spent my time to install it and trying understand how it works. Second, it clearly states that it has built-in Automated Uniform Manager, but it turns out that it is unusable in practice!
Teppopups1 2024년 9월 8일 오전 7시 47분 
Another downside is that there is no way to apply the uniform to all soldiers, I mean there is such option in the interface, but it does not work, it only applies to the same rank and same gender and same armor.

The only way around that is to go to each solder and apply it manually, because it is locked only to to these parameters as well as the armor type. If you have several ranks, genders and armors, it will not apply to all of them. Only one by one manually.

It's a bit better than go to customize each soldier from scratch but I would not call it AUTOMATIC UNIFORM MANAGER, because there is no actual automation.
Teppopups1 2024년 9월 8일 오전 7시 46분 
@ Iridar

> Are you sure your uniforms are for LWOTC versions of those classes and not vanilla?

Not sure what this mean. Do you mean cosmetic mods or something? No I don't use 3rd party cosmetic mods, only those in the base game.

> A rookie uniform will not apply if the soldier already has appearance for that armor, which they will since the start of the campaign.

Are you saying that automatic uniforms are applied at the moment when the soldier gets new armor? And there is no way to activate it otherwise? That's useless because these events are very rear.

For example Automatically Color Units mod applies every time you open soldier in the Armory or promote the soldier to new class. Instantly.
Iridar  [작성자] 2024년 9월 8일 오전 4시 30분 
> I have created color uniforms for Ranger and Sharpshooter
> BTW I'm on LWotC

Are you sure your uniforms are for LWOTC versions of those classes and not vanilla?

> I have tried to recruit new solder and nothing was changer either

Could be one of the rookies whose appearance was generated at campaign start, not sure how LWOTC handles them.

> I have set to 'Apply to any class' for this Rookie Uniform profile.

A rookie uniform will not apply if the soldier already has appearance for that armor, which they will since the start of the campaign.