117 ratings
不懂的就看截图一个个点吧,懂的人我觉得也不用说啥,估计Warhammer2MM MOD管理器都用上了哈。

2021/7/17, 战锤大更新后很多都失效了,部分已经在15号后更新过了。15号更新之前的那些, 可能等多一段时间让原作者都更新下我再整理一个完整的。

2021/7/19, 【【【【很重要,认真看下】】】】
1. CBE系列,大家可以先不删。关了。等更新。
2. Expanded Roster 系列,有些还能用,有些不能,有些作者答应会1~2星期内更新,有些没回应。看不懂英文/不能和作者沟通/嫌麻烦的,可以先关了。
删除他们,重新订阅Mixu unlock系列,等他们正常下载完毕。再打勾。(如果你也用了他其他子MOD,最好也这样操作。我帮你省了几个小时)

@已知Steam工坊的问题,就像我提到的MIXU一样,部分MOD会下载失败,或者更新不完整导致闪退,一般都是功能性,和修改城池,初始配置的。如果你也看到删除不了一些MOD,手动删。点击查看对应MOD的工坊页面,绿色高亮的地址,最后的一串数字就是你“workshop\content\594570\ 我是数字“ 之后的位置。(网速允许的话,最好把15号后到至今有更新的MOD都删了重装一次)

@游戏文件下的DATA文件夹,把所有旧的MOD Pack删了。已经确认是主要因素!
-- 干净的Data 截图 --



AI General II: Spectator Mode Advanced:自动作战MOD你最好要点进去看看说明哈。基本操作选中兵牌, 然后 SHIFT+F9 启动。双手离开键盘开始看史莱姆。
---OVN lost faction 系列可能导致闪退,OVN很多势力是丑丑的。(这个已经确认和某些新增初始建筑的MOD冲突--魅魔)你只想看大腿和白色史莱姆可以不开。(出问题多半是他,现在给我踢出去了,我自己会弄还好,等明白了再选择性订阅这个作者的。)
--部分兵种脸部颜色和身体颜色有色差,是因为种族美化漂白了大部分人,和一些果体mod覆盖了。可以根据自己需求把Beautiful Compilation 这个系列和其他美化换位置,位置在上面的优先应用。

--UI Modding Framework 框架
--Mod Configuration Tool: Reborn 游戏内设置Mod参数界面
--(BETA) More Slots (Mixu's Unlocker Submod) 这个我暂时保留在合集,看作者更新不。别启用。更新过后出错。
--不知道为啥合集一直打乱我的排序。记得这个More Slots放MIXU主MOD上面哈。
--Mixu unlock
--Mixu 其他子MOD

Items (128)
UI Modding Framework
Created by Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a whole framework allowing the possibility of creating custom user interfaces within mods. Creating UI's within mods is notoriously difficult which results in very few, if any mods utilizing them. This framework unlocks this possibility by pr...
Font Chinese - 中文字体 - 楷体
Created by SK1Q84
Font Chinese KaiTi 中文字体 更美观周正、更适合阅读的楷体。 说明: 替换默认UI字体为「SK1Q84 楷体」。为自制中英字体。 字体在游戏内的效果见上方图片预览。 字体显示大小,在各个分辨率下有所不同,由UI缩放调控。 ① 支持简体中文、繁体中文。 ② 与所有非同类效果的MOD兼容,兼容游戏本体及DLC。 另一个黑体: 中文字体 - Font Chinese - 黑体 可以都订阅,随时切换选其一。 实机视频预览: 全面战争:战锤3 - STEAM 创意工坊 MOD - 中文字体 - 实机...
因为在合集里翻译过于繁琐,我把这个mod独立出来了 该mod为各个古墓王新增了专属兵种、科技 强化了科技古墓王,新增4个传奇领主、2个传奇英雄 新增部队升级 洛阳侯战锤汉化群 群号:887232998 注意事项 该mod只汉化了文本,需要订阅原mod 如果订阅了没有变化应该是载入顺序的问题,把该mod放到第一位载入就行了 ...
Mixu's CN 汉化 合集(2021/10/15 持续更新,想众筹个战锤3 )
Created by 鱼大仙
贴吧汉化文本错误反馈地址 欢迎大家反馈汉化问题,比如说名称错误,语法错误或优化,逼格更高。关键字:杨大仙(方便查找) ————————————————————————————————————————————— 经过MIXU大佬的授权 ————————————————————————————————————————————— 由于本人不懂英语,汉化在参考全战官方中文翻译原文,及大...
Created by Nasynia
自用帝国单位mod汉化系列【已完结】的汉化整合版,头疼mod过多的朋友可以订阅加载此mod以替代。没有把本mod放入大多数介绍的原因是因为我还是希望各位能继续订阅那些你喜欢的系列成员,如果没有让你感到困扰的话,希望你能把这些mod保留在订阅当中,这样能方便更多人看到这些优秀的mod。 感谢各位支持本人的汉化作品,很高兴这么快我就能发布一个完整的合集了,希望这些mod和我的汉化能让各位满意。 注意!本mod将表现为补丁形式,需要配合本体使用,不知道原版链接的可以直接查阅必需物品,或者点击各mod的详细页面查看...
Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
If you don't see DLC content, try redownloading the mod, deactivate submods and use the latest KMM for fuck sake. This mod is a startpos mod that makes pretty much all factions playable and adds custom slot templates everywhere, allowing stuff like landmar...
Created by 鲨鱼辣椒
替换普通矛兵及精英矛兵的模型 (支持我) 您的支持将是我的动力,感谢!...
(BETA) More Slots (Mixu's Unlocker Submod)
Created by Captain Nemo
PARTIAL UPDATE - it works but i do not check slots unlocking and compatibility YET This is the Mixu's Unlocker compatible mod that adds more slots to every major settlement IT MUST BE PLACED ABOVE MIXU'S UNLOCKER AND LANDMARKS MOD! Supports Landmarks of th...
Created by 鲨鱼辣椒
不知道是否有人看过这部番呢:) 此为新兵种版 替换原版兵模: (支持我) 您的支持将是我的动力,感谢!...
Avelorn Reavers
Created by AmekiKyou
Use handmaiden and mounted princess's model to make two copies of illyian reavers (slight difference on charge bonus and melee defence). Same way to recruit as Illyian reavers....
Ash's 33 New Skills for Lords
Created by ArahorPlays
Updated for The Silence & The Fury + Thorek! *Please read Known Issues at the bottom of the description before posting & to find the list with Compatible Mods + Previous working mod version if you run into complications* The legacy lives on from Ash's 33 N...
One Turn Technologies (Player Only)
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ One Turn Technologies (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will make your researches cost only 1 turn to be completed. ...
Created by 鲨鱼辣椒
替换弓箭手,轻甲弓箭手以及精英弓箭手。 如果出现模型无变化,声音是男声等问题请将此MOD置顶。 SFO版: 如果遇到模型扭曲置顶无法解决可以用替换阿瓦隆的版本 SFO版: 原版:
Created by AndreasGG
This mod is now also available for Total War Warhammer 3: This is a continuation of two mods from TWW I Wulfee's Ariels Gift mod
Beautiful Compilation
Created by The Rogue Roman Description This is a compilation of my Beautiful reskin mods for certain units and heroes. This mod will be updated as I release other warrior or hero or lord reskins. Legendary lords (including Alarielle and Morathi) and f...
Created by 华龙巨浪
招募需要一级兵营 炮灰单位180人 使用单手剑和火枪,替换了游侠单位,理论上受弓箭手和游侠加成 已知问题 由于模型动作原因没法拿长枪,使用吸血鬼海盗的领主的动作近战攻击会打出冲击波 sfo版本
Beautiful Alarielle
Created by The Rogue Roman Description Alarielle the Radiant is goodness incarnate. She’s the kind of goddess-next-door you’d be proud to bring home to Mom. This version of Alarielle is similar to how she looks in Age of Sigmar. Reskin only. Does not ...
Beautiful Khalida
Created by The Rogue Roman Description High Queen Khalida Neferher of Lybaras, rejuvenated. Which, despite her decayed appearance in tabletop, is more true to the army book: Khalida was embalmed and placed in a seated position within a specially made ...
Beautiful Morathi
Created by The Rogue Roman Description Annoyed with all the attention Hellebron has been getting lately, Morathi has decided to up her game and remind everyone why she can show her face in public more than once a year. This one is more faithful to the...
+25% Increased Range for Ranged and Artillery units (Player Only) - CAMPAIGN ONLY
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ +25% Increased Range for Ranged and Artillery units (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give your beloved troop 2...
+25% More Movement Range for Generals & +75% More for Agents & Heroes (Player Only)
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ +25% More Movement Range for Generals & +75% More for Agents & Heroes (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give yo...
+400% More Ammunitions for Ranged and Artillery units (Player Only) - CAMPAIGN ONLY
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ +400% More Ammunitions for Ranged and Artillery units (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give your beloved troop...
100% More Research Points (Player Only)
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ 100% More Research Points (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will double the research points production you have each...
2 Skill points - Max level 50 - Special Skill dump
Created by NeonDracoz
2x Skill Points - Max level 50: Every lord and hero gets 2 skill points per level and the max level for both is now 50. This part of the mod will also work with any other mod that adds lords and heroes. Skill Dumps: Basic skill dump unlocks at level 20 and...
Created by 鲨鱼辣椒
替换银光守卫的模型 如果出现模型无变化,声音是男声等问题请将此MOD置顶。 已知问题:不知道为什么被击飞的刹那手上会出现一根鞭子 SFO版: 参考图: (支持我)
A.I. Passive Agents
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ A.I. Passive Agents Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will prevent the A.I. to use agents against you. You will still be available to use yours as normal. You will find a Radio...
All Factions Renown Units no recruit limits no 10 turns to wait [ Patched For : The Silence & The Fury ]
If you find any units problem just tell me here About Mod : 1.This mod only work with The Mortal Empire ,Not Vortex 2.This mod will conflict with some other mods :【For Example : if the mod youre using include : startpos file change , the mod with original ...
Uber Agents - 100% Success Chance (Player Only)
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ Uber Agents - 100% Success Chance (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give make your foolest beloved agents the u...
Unbreakable Units (Player Only) - CAMPAIGN ONLY
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ Unbreakable Units (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give some courage to your troops, they will never flee, eve...
AI Tweaks - No Anti-Player
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
Adjustable Battle Speed
Created by sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". This mod features UI elements to adjust the game speed in singleplayer and multiplayer custom battles, campaign battles and replays. The adjustment range is b...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots for better view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to zoom...
Building Progression Icons II
Created by Spartan VI
Building icons reflect their building chain's upgrade progression! Includes all factions from TW:WARHAMMER 1 and 2 + DLC. Mod Features: Building icons now reflect building upgrade progression. Every faction's buildings are modded and fit the original art s...
AI General II: Spectator Mode Advanced
Created by Decomposed Warning: This mod is not compatible with Spectator Mode II. You will have to choose one or the other. Fully supports Vandy's Mod Configuration Tool! AI General for A Total War Saga: TROY here! Ini...
Faster End Turn Camera
Created by Vanishoxyact
Simple mod to speed up the camera used to move around the map during the end turn phase, as I found it was too slow. Should be compatible with every other mod, unless it also changes this camera. Save game compatible. If you would also like a higher campai...
Dwarf Bodyguard (Dwarf Mount Replacement)
Created by jenosite
This mod is made to replace mount for dwarf. I think that mount is nothing to suit dwarf. Beside I decided to make body guards for dwarf characters. This mod adds body guards for dwarf. Thorgrim Grudgebearer - Grumbling Guards Thorgrim Grudgebearer – Hamme...
Skip Intro Logos
Created by DaTroll
Last Update: 2021.07.14 Launches the game straight to the main menu. Skips the intro logos (SEGA, Creative Assembly) and the opening cinematic. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to report bugs....
[HN] Cleaner Balance Bar
Created by [HN]
Cleaner Balance Bar does what the name implies, making the balance of power bar cleaner and more easy to read.
[HN] Clear Skies
Created by [HN]
Greatly reduce the amount of fog present on the campaign map Ever wished you could actually see what's going on the map? This mod ...
No Morale Loss
Created by Spell
Fight to Death! Player & A.I units gets Unbreakable. Banner 'Da Immortulz' is disabled, to prevent unkillable status. By request. Campaign Only! Does not need to be updated! It still works. Experiencing unintended behaviour? Please, before you comment and ...
No difficulty Public Order penalty (Reupload)
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ No difficulty Public Order penalty (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will prevent Public Order malus from difficulty level to happ...
No Building Autoconversion - Anti Snowball
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
New Legendary Lord Artefacts Warhammer 2 (Updated for Silence and Fury)
Created by stompie5
**If you are have problems with the mod, try unsubscribing and then resubscribing and then restart Steam** **Updated for Warhammer 3** This mod adds over 200 new Legendary Artefacts for all ...
Instant Veteran Units (Player Only)
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ Instant Veteran Units (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will let you recruit fully trained units (rank 9) from the v...
Instant Quest Ancillary 立即获得神器
Created by TransARM
(Scroll down for English description) 已整合DLC沉默与愤怒,达到神器任务等级后等一回合可直接获得传奇领主神器(包括所有隐藏神器). 注意事项 - 旧档只有在未激活神器任务的前提才兼容; - 先读取此mod再读取SFO; - 跟 Community Bug Fix 部分不兼容,如果坚持要用,此mod读取顺序要优于CBF。 由于强制跳过一些神器任务会影响其绑定派系的某些功能,具体参考以下操作可重新获得完整体验: 如何解锁 ''精英死灵巨像'' 和完成 ''哈肯的破碎心灵'...
Infantry Speed 50% Faster (Player Only) - CAMPAIGN ONLY
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give make your infantry troops going 50% faster on the battlefield. Slavyk...
Carpet Bombing Hellstorm Rocket
Created by No.213
2019/11/29 -ver.1.1 Please check the change notes. 2020/05/11 -ver.1.2 Please check the change notes. 2020/05/13 -ver.1.3 Please check the change notes. 2022/01/27 -ver.1.4 Please check the change notes. This simple mod improves Helstorm Rocket Battery's f...
[LIG]Ladies of Empire
Created by Less Is Good
Tired of empire's sausage party even after Festag? then this may serves you Women soldier's that fit into empire roster 1. Noble greatswordwomen They are noble ladies, so got themselves better steel and armors But because they are only 80men(women), quite ...
Daughters of Ulthuan (updated for Rakarth)
Created by Nimue
Update: added a number of new faces. Big thanks to h3ro and Masked Mustachio This is a standalone version of the female soldiers added to the High Elves in my Asur Cosmetics Mod . This adds female soldiers to most units in the High Elves roster, including ...
Witch Elf reskin (Death Hag)
Created by AndyTheToy
This mod is a lot like my other witch reskin...well actually it's the same thing except that this mod changes the witches to the death hag. This version doesn't have the clipping the other one does and it makes them look more feminine for those of you who ...
修复暗精小姐姐+自制小姐姐 中文
Created by 314212538
陈哈哈大佬的原mod地址→ 由于大佬@陈哈哈 跑路(误←_← 迟迟不更,古墓王更新后mod失效只能自己去学着用pfm了,学会后又在基础上自己改了几个小姐姐 新增加的单位: 巫灵骑手 巫灵骑手(着甲持盾) 欢愉掠夺者 赫莉本巫灵亲卫(仅麻辣鸡丝 赫里本) 黑色宫廷侍女 黑色宫廷侍女(重甲长矛) 黑暗飞马骑士 黑暗飞马骑士(长戟) 色孽神选骑士(仅欢愉教派) 凯恩神选骑士(仅麻辣鸡丝 ...
Created by 西疆棉花王
Eng version 木精竟沒有最常見的性感女弓兵,太讓人髮指,所以我做了一些出來。 1.深林遊俠 Deepwood Ranger 深林斥候(Deepwood Scout)的女兵版,能力價格幾乎一樣,近戰值稍微不同。 2.巡林女俠 Pathwatchers 巡林客(Waywatchers)女兵版,能力幾乎一樣,近戰值稍微不同。 3.林地哨兵 Glade Sentinel 林地...
High Elves Wardancer Mod - Version 8
Created by ByzantineBasileus
For those of you who are playing Total War: Warhammer 3, I am converting my mods here: Welcome to the High Elves Wardancer Mod - Version 8! This update sees an increase in armor and a rebala...
AI General II: Spectator Mode Advanced(汉化)
Created by Ashen One
注意:该MOD仅为原MOD的汉化,需订阅原MOD再订阅本MOD,同时开启生效。 版本:1.12.0 『The Silence & The Fury』 说明:可以让AI控制自己部队的MOD,可以手动操作个别部队也可以全部由AI控制。 快捷键: shift+F9:AI控制选中的部队 shift+F10:AI控制未选中的部队 shift+F11:单位语音响应开关 shift+F12:AI控制召唤的部队 镜头保存快捷键5(默认没有,需在快捷键设置里添加):AI控制重新集结的部队...
Imperial Women's Army 帝国女兵
Created by empire knights
AI translation 如果mod模式不好用,那么自己转化成movie模式,原因不明 If mod mode doesn't work well, you can convert it into movie mode for unknown reasons. 兵种MOD帝国女兵(一样会有3人队,10人队,100人队,500人队,1000人队) MOD Imperial Women Soldiers (3, 10, 100, 500, 1000) 其中百人队,兵牌和原兵种一样,强度也类似,更高的属性,但...
Legendary Lore
Created by IfThenOrElse This mod adds a little flavour to your campaigns by adding text events to the game when certain conditions are met, which will tell you a little of that character's lore in a narrative form. h...
Created by ZCSTC
功能 汉化mod:Banner Overhaul Ⅱ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我的其他mod 高等精灵装备锻造 高精领主事物官坐骑补充包 高精传奇领主技能大修 八风暴雨对地 帝国补充包 阿尔道夫皇家宝库——帝国装备锻造 永恒女王和影王神器强化 高等精灵领主英雄补充包 阵营旗帜大修汉化 ...
巫靈魔弓手 Witch Elf Archers
Created by 西疆棉花王
增加一支暗精弓兵單位 3/19更新加入新勢力。...
暗精女領主新盔甲 Dark Elf Female Dreadlord Armor
Created by 西疆棉花王
暗精靈女領主的舊盔甲實在太無趣,完全看不出女人的曲線美,所以我就把它換掉了。 It always bothers me that Female Dreadlords of Dark Elf don't wear boobplate armor like they should, and nobody ever fixes it, so I decide to fix it by myself. This mod only changes mesh, nothing else. There is neck s...
Albion swordmaiden及Amazon Cold one riders汉化
Created by 悸动战士
Albion swordmaiden诺斯卡单位 Amazon Cold one riders帝国单位,塔拉克斯兰地标招募...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0
Created by Cataph
- WH3 port. Latest blog posts: - Visual Updates!. - NEW UNITS! Thanks to ChaosRobie, Tortoise Tanks and their fancy ROR version! You know Da Vinci’s tank? Yeah, SURPRISE! with extra wack. ||Try it with our Closer to Tabletop overhaul!|| Southern Realms is ...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0 assets
Created by Cataph
Heavy duty pack for the main TEB mod. Required to use it, on pain of spooky invisible models. This allows me to update the main mod in a timely manner, instead of having to wait until my challenged update bandwidth can tackle hundreds of MBs. NOTE: this pa...
Aquizar's TEB Unit cards (Dogs of war included)
Created by Aquizar
This is a personal submod I've created to add in flavour art for unit cards for the factions that come with Cataph's TEB mod. The cards are made with the set artstyle that is followed in the base game(almost). Most are made from scratch while some re-toole...
Better Cards: Legions of the Southern Realms ( TEB )
Created by CaptainSnafu
This is a units cards modified submod. The original cards are all out of shapes because they get the wrong sizes and length-width ratio , and most of them lack of background pictures. I spend over 1 hour to Photoshop them and get them right. I also replace...
Legions of the Southern Realms ( TEB )
Created by BahamuT
This is a mod that add a few new units to the factions of Tilea , Estalia , Border Princess and New Colonies ( TEB ) in the Mortal Empires Campaing. They are a variaty of troops and warmachines to add flavor to this awesome factions, but they are not lore-...
TEB Unit Pack
Created by Seven
IF YOU PLAY WITH SFO, YOU SHOULD GET THE SEPARATE MOD HERE: Updated Finally! Adjusted the stats and redefined the roles of some units, updated all the card art I didn't like, and fixed some ...
Buildings and Techs Expanded for Southern Realms
Created by CaptainSnafu
Building Being rich is one of the most important features of TEB. But in TEB mod, it's special economic building only provide 300 money per turn.So i simply finish the Workshop chain to the top tier. Now you can get richer cities than the empire. Level 2 (...
Dryrain Dark Elves Reskin
Created by hooveric
I will disable this mod soon. please use the all-in-one version...
Formations 2
Created by CastledCard This mod builds off of Crynsos' mod by simplifying the amount of formations each unit has and making it more light weight and compatible with other overhaul mod...
Empire Units
Created by Singemeister
Free Company Militia (Dual Weapons) - From the army book, might be useful Shielded Halberdiers - Slightly better at dealing with missile fire Imperial Footmen (Spears) - Solid spear infantry (Receives buffs to State Troops) Imperial Footmen (Swords) - Soli...
Expanded Event Art Compilation
Created by GunKing
Compilation featuring expanded campaign event art for Greenskins, Wood Elves, Beastmen, Bretonnia, Vampire Counts, Dwarfs and The Empire. These illustration expansions have NOT replaced all of the original vanilla art assets, they exist alongside each othe...
Supreme's Sexy Wood Elves (NSFW) - FIXED
Created by Blackarot
About this mod This mod is a cosmetic mod that makes the some Wood Elf female units skimpier, but NOT completely nude, since that’s against steam guidelines. The units included in this mod is; - Wardancers - Wardancers (Spear) - Bladeslingers - Sisters of ...
Expanded Roster - Amazons 汉化(Chinese)
Created by flameyjf
原 这是只是汉化文本,需订阅原mod才能生效 请把此mod排序放在原mod之上 mod介绍: 添加了全新的亚马逊种族的传奇领主、领主、英雄、技能、魔法、部队和建筑 可以在自定义战斗中选取亚马逊派系体验 在战役中,亚马逊族被加入到了蜥蜴人派系下, 在部分蜥蜴人派系重要主城里,可以建造亚马逊独特建筑以招募亚马逊部队 游牧派系无法招募亚马逊部队 PS.我另外重新制作了亚马逊部队的所有兵牌和美化...
Expanded Roster - Amazons Cards(亚马逊兵牌美化)
Created by flameyjf
请把此mod排序放在原mod之上 Please put this mod sort above the original mod 原 建议搭配汉化 这个mod重新制作了亚马逊部队的兵牌,使其更贴近原版游戏风格 并高清美化了亚马逊领主和英雄的兵牌头像 为了使部队兵牌更接...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
【此mod已移植至锤3】 为游戏添加了一位强力传奇英雄,骑士王 骑士王拥有自己的技能树、神器、技能,是一位十分强力的英雄 骑士王的模组是用巴托尼亚的赫潘丝和帝国的战斗牧师改的,声音是高精灵法师的声音 仅巴托尼亚、帝国、高精灵、木精灵、矮人、鼠人、黑暗精灵、古墓王、蜥蜴人的传奇领主势力可以招募 (ps:原本不想给鼠人用的,但是我很喜欢玩鼠人,所以还是加了,yesyes 招募方式为开局直接出现在首都或派系领袖附近,大漩涡和凡世帝国都可以招募,仅玩家有效,需要开新档 注意:如果开局没有看到该人物,请检查您的游戏版...
Expanded Roster - Amazons
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official Amazons lore while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We tried to choose the best units based on diversity, usefulness on the battlefield a...
Expanded Roster - Beastmen
Created by Decomposed This mod got a honorary mention by CA! Thank you guys, it's appreciated <3 DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete ...
Expanded Roster - Chaos Dwarfs
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official 5th/6th edition Chaos Dwarfs army book by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. I tried to choose the best units ba...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Goblin Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official 8th edition Greenskin army book by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. I tried to choose the best units based on di...
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Orc Pack
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official 8th edition Greenskin army book by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. I tried to choose the best units based on di...
Greenskin Mount
Created by jenosite
This mod is for tear of greenskin. This mod adds 19 mounts to greenskin. Almost every lords and heroes(LL-legendary Lord-, Lord, Hero) now can become monster units. This mod was motivated by Lizardman faction. Grimgor Ironhide - Body guard: Black Orc Grimg...
GCCM: Main mod
Created by Maruka
BEFORE COMPLAINING IT DOESN'T WORK, PICK THE GOLDEN BOI AND ATTACK EITHER GRIMHOLD OR KARAK HIRN. What´s this? This is GCCM, or "Grand Campaign Custom Maps". It's a mod that brings custom maps to the campaign, with the goal of increasing visual and gamepla...
GCCM2: Custom Assets
Created by Frodo45127
What is this? This is a compilation that includes: 50 buildings restored from TW:W1 that CA only included partially in TW:W2. Collection of custom decals made by Maruka. 5 custom buildings by Frodo45127 (those flammenwerfer gates are one of them). 64 Kisle...
Created by 金花
注意:订阅这个mod请确保你已满18岁 Note: To subscribe to this mod please make sure you are over 18 years old 祝大家七夕节快乐! Happy Chinese Valentine's day! 修改了巨型河巨魔巫婆、美杜莎(包含精英跟神龛)、鹰身女妖的贴图材质,让她们看起来更加美丽且原始 The texture materials of River Troll Hag, Medusa (including elites and sh...
Lahmian Vampires
Created by Poljanan
Adds Lahmian handmaiden units to vampire counts....
Mixu's Mousillon
Created by Mixu
This mod adds new legendary lords, heroes, units, techs, skills and bunch of other stuff for Mousillon. Features: Added Mallobaude and his gang. Removed access to all vanilla RoR's from Mousillon. Removed access to Vargheists, Hexwraiths, Black Coach and T...
More Beautiful Aranessa!
Created by Black Rabbit
This is something I have been requested for for awhile, but I was waiting for others! Here it finally is! =) Thank you for all your support! I started with her base file and slowly changed the way her face was shaped, making her more like her concept art o...
Created by 逝水
此MOD旨在添加更多17世纪的欧美火枪元素的单位来填补帝国派系在战锤世界各派系的差距,以增加更多的灵活性和多功能性。请注意,我没有专业的摩德德,所以我从各种Mod中占据了这些单元,并将它们调整为一个。其中我给火枪步兵系列增加了装填弹药的动作。并且还增加了帝国经济建筑加强,例如:军营建筑都开始增加财政收入,贸易资源以及帝国队长招募容量增加等等 新单位如下: 帝国瑞克火枪步兵团:帝国火枪前排步兵,可当前排。1级兵营招募 增加了帝国自创被动技能(类似高精尚武精神技能) 帝国精锐火枪步兵团:帝国火枪前排步兵,可当前...
Regional Growth - One Turn (Player Only)
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ Regional Growth - One turn (Player Only) (Radious and Steel Faith Overhaul compatible) Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will give seed your lands with holly fields, even your ...
Somber Dark Elves
Created by The Rogue Roman Description The Dark Elves are now dressed in armor as black as their hearts. For most units, metal armor is now gold and charcoal-black. Most fabric is also black, except for subtle color acc...
Leafy Wood Elves
Created by The Rogue Roman Description This mod is inspired by the best Wood Elf artwork, and makes them more aesthetically consistent while fixing a few graphical bugs. The Wood Elves now have bright gold accents in their armor and wear more leaves t...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0的简体中文补丁
Created by [HAN]Sephiroth
各位,本次带给大家的,是Cataph制作的 Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0的简体中文补丁。 Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0 是一款种族的MOD。 作品新增了一系列南方城邦王国,并添加了数名可选之传奇领主,极大地丰富了战锤世界。 作品庞大、细腻,几乎兼容各主流MOD,已成为全战战锤的必备MOD之一,喜欢的朋友不容错过。 该MOD最先由CunningS收集在他制作的哥布林汉化合集中,后来被洛阳侯收集于合集中;近期和CunningS商量后...
Undivided Warriors of Chaos
Created by The Rogue Roman Description Are you tired of Warriors of Chaos that look more like shiny Roman legionnairies than psychotic worshippers of the dark gods? This is the mod for you! This mod reskins the Warriors of Chaos to give them more indi...
Radiant High Elves
Created by The Rogue Roman Description The lower races should fear the deadly radiance of the Asur. The High Elves are now brilliant silver and white. All metal is bright silver. Fabric is white or gray, with just a few...
Sisters of Avelorn
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Expanded Roster - Amazons 亚马逊 中文汉化 Chinese Translation
Created by CaptainSnafu
Just chinese Translation pack. 我又忍不住回来玩战锤了。 从我的【中文汉化合集】里分离出来并更新了,这种大型mod不方便在合集里维护。 翻译的版本是原mod 4月17号的那版。 必须mod里的兵牌mod不是必须的,只是推荐使用。 这个兵牌的作者也是最先翻译亚马逊的大佬,后来更新大量内容后我接手了,后来我删了游戏,他又接手,现在原作者又更新了一堆东西。因为两人的翻译风格不同,我干脆还是自己在自己接手后的版本上进行了更新。 把这个mod排序排到最上面去。 另外,玩这个mod推荐用O...
Expanded Roster - Beastmen 中文汉化 Chinese Translation
Created by CaptainSnafu
Just chinese language pack. 这种大mod不适合做进汉化合集里,独立出来了。 翻译对应原mod 2021年3月22日 版本 排序排到最上面去。 ...
Urban Defense Expand城墙拓展
Created by 金花
MOD状态:可以正常使用,无需更新 This mod adds new garrison buildings of their own style for each faction 这个MOD为各个种族增加了属于他们风格的独特城墙(大城城墙+小城城墙) 一个地区你只能选择建造一座城墙。同时,新城墙费用更贵,他们拥有独特的驻军以及军队技能 SFO Submod兼容补丁: Mixu...
Vampire Count Mount
Created by jenosite
This mod adds 15 mounts to Vampire Count. Vlad von Carstein - Empire of Carstein ( Warsphinx ) - 18 level Vlad von Carstein - Guardian of Sylvania ( Griffon ) - 18 level Vlad von Carstein - Nightmare Horse ( Ethereal ) 10 level Vlad von Carstein - Barded N...
Realistic Particle Effects
Created by The Rogue Roman Description This mod removes non-realistic particle effects from the game. It does this by editing the VFX files themselves, so it changes no stats and is fully compatible with all overhauls and reskins. This mod is based on...
glf Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多玩具兵种 以后不定期更新(如果我有时间) SFO版: 한글 패 치: English Patch :
[LIG]Amazon Cold one riders
Created by Less Is Good
Amazon Cold one rider - have low armor & no shield, instead they are much faster and higher charge bonus than usual cold one rider - regeneration trait so it can be sustaining if you use wisely - Order factions in Lustria(Hight elf, Dwarf, Huntsmartial, Li...
Landmark Supplement地标补充
Created by 金花
SFO version SFO版: English Patch: MOD功能: 这个MOD为目前游戏里所有地标增加了低级跟高级版本,让它们可以跟随主城升级到顶级 一共增加了大约284个新建筑(154种地标) (一小部分部分地标由于效果实在太弱或者因...
Mixu Submod-Urban Defense Expand城墙拓展
Created by 金花
MOD状态:可以正常使用,无需更新 If you use my 【Urban Defense Expand】 and 【Mixu's Unlocker 】 at the same time, some areas will not be able to build new walls. The function of this mod fixes this problem 如果你同时使用我的【Urban Defense Expand】和【Mixu's Unlocker】,会导致一部分地区无法建造新城墙,这个...
Created by xyao19
1.7更新—补全兵种左下小头像 主要内容 *给所有自定义兵种补齐了左下角2D头像,基本都是兵牌的放大部分,不再是原版兵种占位,但是不像模型这我也没办法。 *给所有自定义兵种重新设定了镜头角度,3D头像模式下会比之前更自然,但是存在部分无解的错位和模型BUG,建议2D。 其他看日志 加载顺序 12.13更新——淫纹实体化!全新外观,以及专职远程的新姬骑士兵种!详细变化请看更新日志
Created by AI(NORMAL)
7.16:删掉了影响敌方法术的效果,加了2个新效果;PS:死风应该是游戏本身的问题 换掉了原版那几个丑比吸血鬼图片,然后根据人物特征添加了血裔唤醒效果,并修改了血裔的描述 (图片是GOOGLE来的,无授权,侵删) 只有图片替换的版本: 如果你喜欢这个mod请给我点赞谢谢XD -----------------------------------------------------...
Sword Of Fay Enchantress湖神仙女之剑
Created by 金花
SFO版: MOD内容: 给湖神仙女更换了动作,加上了一把新的剑跟杯子 感谢荼蘼为我制作了新建模 在早期设定图中,湖神仙女有一把剑跟杯子,但是到了正式版中,这些都没有了,杯子也只出现在了预告片中。另外,通过游戏内容挖掘,我们发现伊莎贝拉的动作ID为:hu1b_bretonnian...
beautiful fay enchantress湖神仙女美化
Created by 金花
更改了湖神仙女的贴图材质,去掉了一些皱纹跟痣,让她看起来更少女 衣服增加了透明质感 眼睛变成了蓝色、眉毛加深 其他美化: 贞德美化(短发): 贞德美化(长发):
Beautiful Repanse De Lyonesse贞德美化V3
Created by 金花
MOD状态:可以正常使用,无需更新 MOD内容: 修改了贞德的模型跟贴图 胸甲变得更女性化 兼容性: 不兼容任何修改贞德模型贴图的mod 跟Animated Banner for Repanse不兼容 兼容SFO的骑马拿旗 其他美化: V1版本:
Better Unit Cards for Kislev Reborn
Created by ss7877
Short Description We think, that Kislev Reborn is one of the best faction mods and we hope, Better Unit Cards for Kislev Reborn will make your experience with it even better. MiniFAQ - Why can't I see the new unit cards? This mod should be above the Kislev...
ER: Kislev Reborn
Created by Decomposed Welcome to Expanded Roster: Kislev Reborn. This ambitious project aims to complete and expand the official Kislev lore while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We have created tons of content includin...
Expanded Roster - Norsca
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official Norsca lore by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. I tried to choose the best units based on diversity, usefulne...
Expanded Roster - Vampire Counts
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official 8th edition Vampire Counts army book by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. I tried to choose the best units bas...
Follower Expand亲随拓展
Created by 金花
MOD功能: 给所有种族增加了更多的亲随 这些亲随的掉落方式全是原版就有的,至于详细掉落方式请到游戏里自行体验,当然你也可以通过海上捡垃圾或者解锁古圣密码来获得它们 具体加成及效果: English Version: 한국어: https://steamcom...
Real Pikemen for Cataph's Southern Realms
Created by ChaosRobie
"Who's that Pikemen?" This is a submod for Cataph's Southern Realms that changes pikemen to behave like they do in Rome 2 or Attila. Read this: Cataph knows all about this mod, and has rejected its inclusion in Southern Realms, and for good reason. And tha...
Nanta:木精叠叠乐-哨站还原wood elf outpost restored.pack
做了个MOD还原木精灵的哨站加成,可以继续叠叠乐了,保留了新版额外驻军。 祭品庭院: +2发展(派系范围) +2%所有建筑收入(派系范围) 饲料丛林: +5 每回合单位经验获取(所有军队) +1% 所有远程单位远程杀伤(所有军队) +1% 武器杀伤(所有军队) 库诺斯之爪回归! 所有领主的库诺斯之爪+12%射程(领主军队) 所有英雄的库诺斯之爪+10%射程(军中所有部队) I made this mod for outpost restoration, now we can make superpositi...
WO - Order of the Bloody Rose
Created by Macho Chunko
Introduction Hey, i'm back. After a long break from modding i'm back, this time with a "rework" i've wanted to do for a long time of one of my older mods. The mod in question is LoW - Blood Legion But wh...
Created by 华龙巨浪
还在为打赢了胜战而无法缴获敌方领主的装备而烦恼? 明明敌方全军覆没却没办法搜刮出敌方领主的装备,怀疑装备是进入了亚空间(数据删除) 自带史诗装备无法缴获...
Created by TravellerL
———————— 简介 ———————— 此mod为骑士道添加了解锁圣杯誓言功能,同时也将圣骑士纳入骑士道解锁誓言 提供给有需要的玩家 当mod启用时,玩家即可在满骑士道招募誓言全解锁的领主以及圣骑士,便不再有玩家反复刷誓言的问题 随着骑士道的增加,巴托玩家也会解锁不同阶段的誓言,如下所示 骑士道达到勇武(800 - 1199点)时: 所有领主初始即拥有骑士誓言 所有圣骑士初始即拥有骑士誓言 骑士道达到德劭(1200 - 1599点)时: 所有领主初始即拥有骑士与求索誓言 所有圣骑士初始即拥有骑士与求索誓言...
Mod Configuration Tool || The Vandy Library
Created by Groove Wizard
This is a reupload of the Mod Configuration Tool, hopefully temporary. Steam Support ticket is in progress, hoping there's a fix for the original mod. It doesn't look likely that Steam has any intent to respond with my issues beyond prewritten replies to t...
Linked collections (2)
Contains 31 items