Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Regia Marina - Italian Navy Historic Guide
Készítő: Alice
This Guide gives you the historical flavour of the Italian ships and how to design them for roleplaying and historical playthroughs.
The Italians unlike the other victors of the Great War stood in a predicament of signing the London Naval treaty which didn't help the Regia Marina ambitions of a strong large navy.

This guide will showcase the templates for building the Regia Marina to as historical as the aspects allow of the ships.
Ships built or under construction
The Regia Marina starts with 152 ships with 10 under construction 2 of which are being refitted.

  • Andrea Doria Class: 2
  • Conte Di Cavour Class: 2
  • Littorio Class: 2

Heavy Cruisers
  • San Giorgio Class: 1
  • Trento Class: 2
  • Zara Class: 4
  • Bolzano Class: 1

Light Cruisers
  • Giussano Class: 6
  • Montecuccoli Class: 4
  • Taranto Class: 2
  • Duca Degli Abruzzi Class: 2

  • Navigatori Class: 17
  • Curatone Class: 49
  • Maestrale Class: 16

  • Bandiera Class: 11
  • Calvi Class: 3
  • Sirena Class: 21
  • Mameli Class: 17
Battleships and Battlecruisers
Conte di Cavour Class
Produced: 3
Owned: 2
The Conte di Cavour is the oldest class of battleships in the Regia Marina and undergoing refits at the start of the game. Originally built during the Great War one of the three ships was lost due to a magazine explosion.
Design for the Class:

Early Battleship
  • Heavy Battery II (320mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar I or II
  • Engine II (75,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)
  • Battleship armour II (250mm)
  • Heavy Battery II (320mm)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)
  • Anti Air I (13mm) later changed to Anti Air II (20mm)
  • Heavy Battery II (320mm)
Due to the limitations of the Early Battleship Hull not all 4 320mm's could be fitted

List of Ships in Class
  • Conte di Cavour (under refitting)
  • Giulio Cesare (under refitting)
  • Leonardo da Vinci (sunk 1916)

Andrea Doria Class
Produced: 2
Not long after the Conte di Cavour where completed the Andrea Doria Class of battleships where under construction and are the most modern battleship at Italy's disposal in 1936, The ships like the previous class are awaiting refits as Italy didn't want to spend to much on new battleships. This is due to Italy's limitations in amount of Steel it could produce. I have displayed 2 designs for the ships being their pre refit and their post refit designs which are not like the designs in-game.
Design for the Class:

Early Battleship
  • Heavy Battery I (305mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • none
  • Engine I (30,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)
  • Battleship armour II (250mm)
  • Heavy Battery I (305mm)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)
  • Anti Air I (13mm)
  • Heavy Battery I (305mm)
Due to the limitations of the Early Battleship Hull not all 5 305mm's could be fitted

1937 Refit:
Early Battleship
  • Heavy Battery II (320mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar I or II
  • Engine II (75,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)
  • Battleship armour II (250mm)
  • Heavy Battery II (320mm)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)
  • Anti Air II (20mm)
  • Heavy Battery II (320mm)
Due to the limitations of the Early Battleship Hull not all 4 320mm's could be fitted.

List of Ships in Class
  • Andrea Doria
  • Caio Duilio

Littorio Class
Produced: 3
Planned: 4
The Littorio Class, also known as the Vittorio Veneto class is the last class of battleships produced by Italy and were designed as a response to Frances new classes of battleships. This class consisted of 4 ships being built 2 at a time with the later 2 yet to begin construction.
Design for the Class:

1936 Battleship
  • Heavy Battery III (381mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar II
  • Engine III (128,200hp)
  • Secondaries II (152mm)
  • Battleship armour III (295mm)
  • Heavy Battery III (381mm)
  • Heavy Battery III (381mm)
  • Anti Air II (20mm)
  • Floatplane

List of Ships in Class
  • Littorio
  • Vittorio Veneto
  • Roma
  • Impero (never completed)

Cristoforo Colombo Class
The Cristoforo Colombo Class is a made up class designed by World of Warships as a hypothesis future battleship design after the Littorio Class.
Design for the Class:

1940 Battleship
  • Heavy Battery III (381mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar II
  • Engine III (128,200hp)
  • Secondaries II (152mm)
  • Battleship armour III (295mm)
  • Heavy Battery III (381mm)
  • Heavy Battery III (381mm)
  • Secondaries II (152mm)
  • Anti Air II (20mm)
  • Heavy Battery III (381mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Cristoforo Colombo
Aquila Class
Planned: I
The Aquila is a carrier which has converted an older Trans-Atlantic passenger ship. The ship begun construction in 1941 however would not be completed instead laying dormant until it's scrapping in 1952. Unlike the rest of the majors (except the Soviet Union and Germany) Italy hadn't caught onto the carriers until the later close to World War II.
Design for the Class:

Converted Cruiser Hull
  • Hangar Space
  • Hangar Space
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Radar your choice
  • Carrier Engine III (151,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Aquila

Sparviero Class
Planned: I
The Sparviero is a carrier which had been constructed from converting an Ocean Liner. Like the previous ship it was never completed and was scrapped in 1946.
Design for the Class:

Converted Battleship Hull
  • Hangar Space
  • Hangar Space
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Radar your choice
  • Battleship Engine I (30,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm)
  • Deck Armour
I made it a converted battleship hull to give the slower engine hp and the deck armour which the converted cruiser cannot give.

List of Ships in Class
  • Sparviero
Heavy Cruiser
San Giorgio Class
Produced: 2
Owned: 1
The San Giorgio Class is a class of 2 armoured cruisers pre-dating the Great War. This class exists as heavy cruisers in-game of which one ship remains as the second was converted into a target ship. The ship doesn't need to be changed from the in-game design as even though it doesn't have the correct secondaries and primaries the ones it does have do represent the older generation of weaponry.

List of Ships in Class
  • San Giorgio
  • San Marco (converted into a target ship)

Trento Class
Produced: 2
The Trento Class is the first class of heavy cruisers constructed by Italy in the interwar years.
Design for the Class:

Early Cruiser Hull
  • Medium Battery II (203mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar your choice
  • Engine IV (120,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm) (represents the 100mm cannons on board)
  • Cruiser armour I (70mm)
  • Medium Battery II (203mm)
  • Torpedo III (533mm) represents the 8 dual torpedo tubes.
  • Either Floatplane or additional AA armament (can be AA I,II or III)

List of Ships in Class
  • Trento
  • Trieste

Zara Class
Produced: 4
The Zara Class is the second class of heavy cruisers constructed by Italy.
Design for the Class:

Early Cruiser Hull
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar your choice
  • Engine II (95,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm) (represents the 100mm cannons on board)
  • Cruiser armour III (150mm)
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Floatplane
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Zara
  • Fiume
  • Gorizia
  • Pola

Bolzano Class
Produced: 1
The Bolzano Class was the last class of heavy cruiser for Italy it is sometimes considered the 5th member of the Zara Class.
Design for the Class:

Early Cruiser Hull
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar your choice
  • Engine IV (120,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm) (represents the 100mm cannons on board)
  • Cruiser armour I (70mm)
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Torpedo III (533mm) represents the 8 dual torpedo tubes.
  • Either Floatplane or Ant-Air I (13mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Bolzano

Brindisi Class
The Brindisi Class is a imagined class of heavy cruiser made by World of Warships. It continues the design of the Zara Class into the beginning of the 1940's.
Design for the Class:

1940 Cruiser Hull
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar your choice
  • Engine IV (120,000hp)
  • Secondaries III (120mm) (represents the 90mm dual purpose cannons on board)
  • Cruiser armour III (150mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Torpedo III (533mm)
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Brindisi
  • Amalfi (the earlier tier on the list i included here as a more likely to be produced design)

Venezia Class
The Venezia Class is a imagined class of heavy cruiser made by World of Warships. It continues the design of the previous World of Warships Class into the beginning of the 1940's.
Design for the Class:

1940 Cruiser Hull
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar your choice
  • Engine IV (120,000hp)
  • Secondaries III (120mm) (represents the 90mm dual purpose cannons on board)
  • Cruiser armour III (150mm)
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Torpedo III (533mm)
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Medium Battery III (203mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Venezia

Napoli Class
The Napoli Class is a imagined class of heavy cruiser made by World of Warships. It embodies the pinnacle of Italian weaponry and size for a modern heavy cruiser.
Design for the Class:

1940 Cruiser Hull
  • Medium Battery IV (203mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar your choice
  • Engine IV (120,000hp)
  • Secondaries III (120mm) (represents the 90mm dual purpose cannons on board)
  • Cruiser armour IV (150mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Torpedo III (533mm)
  • Medium Battery IV (203mm)
  • Light Cruiser Battery III (152mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Napoli
Light Cruiser
Giussano Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Giussano Class is the oldest class of light cruisers in the service of the Regia Marina.
Design for the Class:

Early Cruiser Hull
  • Light Cruiser Battery II (152mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Engine II (95,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm) represents the 100mm's
  • no armour
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Light Cruiser Battery II (152mm) or a floatplane
  • Light Cruiser Battery II (152mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Alberico da Barbiano
  • Alberto da Giussano
  • Bartolomeo Colleoni
  • Giovanni delle Bande Nere

Cadorna Class
Produced: 2
Owned: 2
The Cadorna Class is the next class of light cruiser for Italy they feature an almost identical array of armaments to the previous class and are placed in with that class in-game. the design will be exactly like the previous class.

List of Ships in Class
  • Luigi Cadorna
  • Armando Diaz

Montecuccoli Class
Produced: 2
Owned: 2
The Montecuccoli Class is the next class of light cruisers in the service of the Regia Marina. They are similar to the previous 2 classes however upgrade the engine and are on the 1936 hull so more armaments can be added.
Design for the Class:

1936 Cruiser Hull
  • Light Cruiser Battery II (152mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Engine III (106,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm) represents the 100mm's
  • armour I (70mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Light Cruiser Battery II (152mm) or a floatplane
  • Light Cruiser Battery II (152mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Raimondo Montecuccoli
  • Muzio Attendolo

Duca d'Aosta Class
Produced: 2
Owned: 1
The Duca d'Aosta Class are very similar to the previous class with only small changes to the class so they have been placed in with the previous class with 1 being built and one already in the fleet.

List of Ships in Class
  • Emanuele Filiberto Duca d'Aosta
  • Eugenio di Savoia

Duca degli Abruzzi Class
Produced: 2
The Duca degli Abruzzi Class is the next class of light cruisers and are under construction at the start of the game. They present an noticble upgrade over the previous 4 classes with more modern armaments for the time.
Design for the Class:

1936 Cruiser Hull
  • Light Cruiser Battery III (152mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Engine III (106,000hp)
  • Secondaries I (120mm) represents the 100mm's
  • armour II (100mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Torpedo III (533mm)
  • Light Cruiser Battery (152mm) or a floatplane
  • Light Cruiser Battery (152mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Duca degli Abruzzi
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi

Capitani Romani Class
Produced: 4
Planned: 12
The Capitani Romani where the last class of light cruisers produced by Italy in the second world war. 4 of the 12 ships where finished before Italy had surrendered. One of the completed ships was scuttled and re-completed in 1956.
Design for the Class:

1940 Cruiser Hull
  • Light Battery IV (135mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Engine III (106,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • No armour
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Torpedo III (533mm)
  • Light Battery IV (135mm) or a floatplane
  • Light Battery IV (135mm)
  • Minelaying

List of Ships in Class
  • Attilio Regolo
  • Giulio Germanico
  • Pompeo Magno
  • Scipione Africano
  • Caio Mario (not completed)
  • Claudio Druso (not completed)
  • Claudio Tiberio (not completed)
  • Cornelio Silla (not completed)
  • Ottaviano Augusto (not completed)
  • Paolo Emilio (not completed)
  • Ulpio Traiano (not completed)
  • Vipsanio Agrippa (not completed)

Bari and Taranto Class
Produced: 2
Owned: 2
The Bari and Taranto Class where 2 ex German light cruisers of the Great War by 1936 standards they're pretty out of date and are more of reserve cruisers for the Regina Marina. Neither ship needs to be changed in game

List of Ships in Class
  • Alberico da Barbiano
  • Alberto da Giussano

Etna Class
Produced: 0
Planned: 2
The Etna class was a class of 2 cruisers originally built for Thailand however with the war happening during the 2 ships construction the ships where seized by the Regia Marina. Neither ship would be completed in time to see service. The design below is for how Italy had used them and not how they would of been designed for Thailand.
Design for the Class:

1940 Cruiser Hull
  • Light Battery IV (135mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Engine I (60,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Armour I (70mm)
  • Light Battery IV (135mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Light Battery IV (135mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Etna
  • Vesuvio
Mirabello Class
Produced: 3
Owned: 2
The Mirabello Class is the oldest class of Destroyers in the Regia Marina fleet. Only 2 of the 3 ships remains in service as the other 1 had sunk in 1920. The two ship are part of the Navigatori Class in-game
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer
  • Light Battery I (105mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine II (44,000hp)
  • Nothing
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Carlo Mirabello
  • Carlo Alberto Racchia (sunk 1920)
  • Augusto Riboty

Leone Class
Produced: 3
Owned: 3
The Leone Class is the next class of destroyers. The class is part of the Navigatori Class in-game.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer
  • Light Battery II (120mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine II (44,000hp)
  • Nothing
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Leone
  • Pantera
  • Tigre

Sella Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Sella Class is the next class of destroyers. The class is part of the Curatone Class in-game.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer
  • Light Battery II (120mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine I (36,000hp)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Francesco Crispi
  • Quintino Sella
  • Bettino Ricasoli
  • Giovanni Nicotera

Sauro Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Sauro Class is the next class of destroyers. The class is part of the Curatone Class in-game.
Like the previous class this class shares the same armaments in the ship design.

List of Ships in Class
  • Cesare Battisti
  • Daniele Manin
  • Francesco Nullo
  • Nazario Sauro

Turbine Class
Produced: 8
Owned: 8
The Turbine Class is the next class of destroyers. The class is part of the Curatone Class in-game.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer
  • Light Battery II (120mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine II (44,000hp)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Aquilone
  • Borea
  • Espero
  • Euro
  • Nembo
  • Ostro
  • Turbine
  • Zeffiro

Navigatori Class
Produced: 12
Owned: 12
The Navigatori Class is the next class of destroyers. This Class of destroyer consists of 12 ships however in game a couple of the previous classes have been grouped in with it.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer
  • Light Battery II (120mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine IV (54,000hp)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Alvise Da Mosto
  • Antonio da Noli
  • Nicoloso da Recco
  • Giovanni da Verrazzano
  • Lanzerotto Malocello
  • Leone Pancaldo
  • Emanuele Pessagno
  • Antonio Pigafetta
  • Luca Tarigo
  • Antoniotto Usodimare
  • Ugolino Vivaldi
  • Nicolò Zeno

Freccia Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Freccia Class is the next class of destroyers. This Class of destroyer consists of 4 destroyers and has been grouped with the Maestrale Class.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer
  • Light Battery II (120mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine II (44,000hp)
  • Depth Charges
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Dardo
  • Freccia
  • Saetta
  • Strale

Folgore Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Folgore Class is the next class of destroyers. This Class of destroyer consists of 4 destroyers and has been grouped with the Maestrale Class. Their design is similar to the last class so I've grouped them into that class.

List of Ships in Class
  • Baleno
  • Folgore
  • Fulmine
  • Lampo

Maestrale Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Maestrale Class is the next class of destroyers and is the most recent in the Regia Marina. This Class of destroyer consists of 4 destroyers. Like the 2 previous classes of ships the design remains the same.

List of Ships in Class
  • Maestrale
  • Grecale
  • Libeccio
  • Scirocco

Oriani Class
Produced: 4
Planned: 4
The Oriani Class is the next class of destroyers to be constructed.
Design for the Class:

1936 Destroyer
  • Light Battery II (120mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine III (48,000hp)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Alfredo Oriani
  • Vittorio Alfieri
  • Giosuè Carducci
  • Vincenzo Gioberti

Soldati Class
Produced: 17
Planned: 19
The Soldati Class is the next class of destroyers to be constructed after the Oriani Class and where the final class to be produced by Italy in the war.
Design for the Class:

1936 Destroyer
  • Light Battery II (120mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine III (48,000hp)
  • Depth Charge
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Alpino
  • Artigliere
  • Ascari
  • Aviere
  • Bersagliere
  • Camicia Nera
  • Carabiniere
  • Corazziere
  • ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  • Geniere
  • Granatiere
  • Lanciere
  • Bombardiere
  • Carrista (never completed)
  • Corsaro
  • Legionario
  • Mitragliere
  • Squadrista (never completed)
  • Velite

Comandanti Medaglie d'Oro Class
Produced: 0
Planned: 20
The Comandanti Medaglie d'Oro Class is the final class of destroyers to be designed for the second world war by Italy. The class was under construction but none of the ships had made it even a quarter of the way done before Italy had surrendered.
Design for the Class:

1940 Destroyer
  • Light Battery IV (135mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine IV (54,000hp)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Depth Charge
  • Minelayer

List of Ships in Class
  • Commandante Toscano
  • Commandante De Cristofaro
  • Commandante Dell'Anno
  • Commandante Casana
  • Commandante Baroni
  • Commandante Margottini
  • Commandante Borsini
  • Commandante Fontana
  • Commandante Giorgis
  • Commandante Giobbe
  • Commandante Moccagatta
  • Commandante Rodocancchi
  • Commandante Botti
  • Commandante Ruta
  • Commandante Novaro
  • Commandante Fiorelli
  • Commandante Corsi
  • Commandante Giannattasio
  • Commandante Milano
  • Commandante Esposito
Torpedo Boats
Rosolino Pilo Class
Produced: 8
Owned: 8
The Rosolino Pilo Class is the oldest class of torpedo boats in the Regia Marina. This class like many of the next classes where built in the Great War however where classified as Destroyers but eventually became Torpedo-boats in the late 1920's. In game all the following Torpedo Boat classes have been merged with the Curatone Class.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer Hull
  • Light Battery I (102mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm) (Later replaced by Anti-Air IV in modernisation)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine I (36,000hp)
  • Nothing (1941-42 modernisation added extra Anti-Air IV (40mm) )
  • Mines (in the modernisation the mines are swapped for Depth Charges)

List of Ships in Class
  • Rosolino Pilo
  • Giuseppe Cesare Abba
  • Giuseppe Dezza
  • Giuseppe Missori
  • Antonio Mosto
  • Ippolito Nievo
  • Fratelli Cairoli
  • Simone Schiaffino

Giuseppe Sirtori Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Giuseppe Sirtori Class consists of 4 ships and have similar starting load-out to the previous class however where not modernised the same way receiving not much due to only 2 surviving ships at the time of the modernisation program. This class also is merged in with the Curatone Class.

List of Ships in Class
  • Giuseppe Sirtori
  • Giovanni Acerbi
  • Vincenzo Giordano Orsini
  • Francesco Stocco

La Masa Class
Produced: 8
Owned: 7
The La Masa Class consists of 8 ships and have similar starting load-out to the previous classes, their 1940 modernisation is similar to the first classes 1942 modernisation however nothing still remains in the slot which would be extra anti-air on that class. In 1942 2 of the ships of this class received modernisation which adds Torpedo II (533mm) into the empty slot being the Giuseppe La Masa and Giacinto Carini. This class also is merged in with the Curatone Class.

List of Ships in Class
  • Giuseppe La Masa
  • Angelo Bassini
  • Enrico Cosenz
  • Benedetto Cairoli (Sunk 1918 in a collision)
  • Giacinto Carini
  • Nicola Fabrizi
  • Giuseppe La Farina
  • Giacomo Medici

Palestro Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Palestroi Class consists of 4 ships and have similar starting load-out to the previous class they where modernised the same way as the first class. This class also is merged in with the Curatone Class.

List of Ships in Class
  • Palestroi
  • Confienza
  • San Martino
  • Solferino

Generali Class
Produced: 6
Owned: 6
The Generali Class consists of 6 ships and have similar starting load-out however having Depth Charges instead of mines to the previous classes, however they received 2 modernisation's the first adding a minesweeper gear in 1936 whilst the second modernisation in 1939 brought the ships AA to Anti-Air IV levels. This class also is merged in with the Curatone Class.

List of Ships in Class
  • Generale Antonio Cantore
  • Generale Antonio Cascino
  • Generale Antonio Chinotto
  • Generale Carlo Montanari
  • Generale Achille Papa
  • Generale Marcello Prestinari

Curatone Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Curatone Class consists of 4 ships. This class like every other so far contains the same loadout as the original at the start of the game. The modernisation program follows the same route as the La Masa Class.
List of Ships in Class
  • Curatone
  • Calatafimi
  • Castelfidardo
  • Monzambano

Spica Class
Produced: 32
Owned: 2+2 in construction
The Spica Class is the first true torpedo boat class for Italy in-game with all the previous being re-designated to torpedo boats after their construction. In-game they've been merged with the Maestrale Class for some reason. All the subgroups for this class also remain very similar in design.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer Hull
  • Light Battery I (102mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine I (36,000hp)
  • Depth Charge
  • Mines

List of Ships in Class
  • Astore
  • Spica
  • Sirio (under construction)
  • Perseo (under construction)
  • Canopo
  • Cassiopea
  • Castore
  • Centauro
  • Cigno
  • Climene
  • Aldebaran
  • Altair
  • Andromeda
  • Antares
  • Sagittario
  • Vega
  • Airone
  • Alcione
  • Aretusa
  • Ariel
  • Calipso
  • Calliope
  • Circe
  • Clio
  • Libra
  • Lince
  • Lira
  • Lupo
  • Pallade
  • Partenope
  • Pleiadi
  • Polluce

Pegaso Class
Produced: 4
Planned: 4
The Pegaso Class is the next class of torpedo boats for Italy. The class is similar to the last class however had more depth charges.
Design for the Class:

Early Destroyer Hull
  • Light Battery I (102mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine I (36,000hp)
  • Depth Charge
  • Depth Charge

List of Ships in Class
  • Pegaso
  • Procione
  • Orione
  • Orsa

Ciclone Class
Produced: 16
Planned: 16
The Ciclone Class is the next class of torpedo boats for Italy.
Design for the Class:

1936 Destroyer Hull
  • Light Battery I (102mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine I (36,000hp)
  • Depth Charge
  • Depth Charge

List of Ships in Class
  • Aliseo
  • Animoso
  • Ardente
  • Ardimentoso
  • Ardito
  • Ciclone
  • Fortunale
  • Ghibli
  • Groppo
  • Impavido
  • Impetuoso
  • Indomito
  • Intrepido
  • Monsone
  • Tifone
  • Uragano

Ariete Class
Produced: 16
Planned: 16
The Ariete Class is the last class of WW2 Torpedo Boats for Italy.
Design for the Class:

1940 Destroyer Hull
  • Light Battery I (102mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine I (36,000hp)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Depth Charge
  • Mines

List of Ships in Class
  • Alabarda
  • Ariete
  • Arturo
  • Auriga
  • Balestra
  • Daga
  • Dragone
  • Eridano
  • Fionda
  • Gladio
  • Lancia
  • Pugnale
  • Rigel
  • Spada
  • Spica
  • Stella Polare
Gabbiano Class
Produced: 49
Planned: 60
The Gabbiano Class is the only WW2 Corvette class of Italy. Some of the incomplete ships where finished off by Germany and some ships where suspended due to Italy's surrender in 1943.
Design for the Class:

1940 Destroyer Hull
  • Light Battery I (102mm)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Fire control - your choice
  • Radar or Sonar - your choice
  • Torpedo I (450mm)
  • Engine I (36,000hp)
  • Anti-Air II (20mm)
  • Depth Charge
  • Depth Charge

List of Ships in Class
  • Alce (never completed)
  • Antilope
  • Ape
  • Ardea (never completed)
  • Artemide
  • Baionetta
  • Berenice
  • Bombarda
  • Calabrone (never completed)
  • Camoscio
  • Capriolo (never completed)
  • Carabina (never completed)
  • Cavalletta
  • Cervo (never completed)
  • Chimera
  • Cicala (never completed)
  • Cicogna
  • Clava
  • Cocciniglia
  • Colubrina (never completed)
  • Cormorano
  • Crisalide
  • Daino (never completed)
  • Danaide
  • Driade
  • Egeria
  • Euridice (never completed)
  • Euterpe
  • Farfalla
  • Fenice
  • Flora
  • Folaga
  • Gabbiano
  • Gazzella
  • Grillo (never completed)
  • Gru
  • Ibis
  • Libellula
  • Lucciola (never completed)
  • Maggiolino
  • Marangone (never completed)
  • Melpomene (never completed)
  • Minerva
  • Pellicano
  • Persefone
  • Pomona
  • Procellaria
  • Renna (never completed)
  • Scimitarra
  • Scure (never completed)
  • Sfinge
  • Sibilla
  • Spingarda (never completed)
  • Stambecco (never completed)
  • Strolaga (never completed)
  • Tersicore (never completed)
  • Tuffetto (never completed)
  • Urania
  • Vespa
  • Zagaglia
H1 Class
Produced: 8
Owned: 5
The H1 Class Submarine is the oldest class of submarines in the Regia Marina serving in in both world wars. This class is part of the Mameli Class in-game
Design for the Class:

Early Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine I (1,200hp)
  • None

List of Ships in Class
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3 (striken 1937)
  • H4
  • H5 (sunk 1918)
  • H6
  • H7 (stricken 1930)
  • H8

Mameli Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Mameli is the first class of submarines built by Italy in the interwar era. Due to the class not having much of a loadout and that the H1 class couldn't have their 450mm torpedos or a way weaker engine they're grouped together.

List of Ships in Class
  • Pier Capponi
  • Giovanni da Procida
  • Goffredo Mameli
  • Tito Speri

Balilla Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Balilla Class was the next class of Submarine and was the first Ocean-going subs with a much more powerful engine than the previous 2 classes. In-game this class included with the Mameli Class.
Design for the Class:

Early Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine IV (4,300hp)
  • None

List of Ships in Class
  • Balilla
  • Domenico Millelire
  • Antonio Sciesa
  • Enrico Toti

Pisani Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Pisani Class was the next class of Submarine. In-game this class has been placed with the Mameli Class.
Design for the Class:

Early Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • None

List of Ships in Class
  • Giovanni Bausan
  • Marcantonio Colonna
  • Des Geneys
  • Vettor Pisani

Ettore Fieramosca Class
Produced: 1
Owned: 1
The Ettore Fieramosca Class was the next class of Submarine is a single ship. In-game this class included with the Bandiera Class.
Design for the Class:

Early Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine IV (4,300hp)
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Ettore Fieramosca

Bandiera Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Bandiera Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

Early Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Fratelli Bandiera
  • Luciano Manara
  • Ciro Menotti
  • Santorre Santarosa

Squalo Class
Produced: 4
Owned: 4
The Squalo Class was the next class of Submarine. The design is the same as the Bandiera Class which it is a part of in-game.

List of Ships in Class
  • Delfino
  • Narvalo
  • Squalo
  • Tricheco

Luigi Settembrini Class
Produced: 2
Owned: 2
The Luigi Settembrini Class was the next class of Submarine. The design is the same as the Bandiera Class which it is a part of in-game.

List of Ships in Class
  • Luigi Settembrini
  • Ruggiero Settimo

Argonauta Class
Produced: 7
Owned: 7
The Argonauta Class was the next class of Submarine. It is merged with the Sirena Class.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine I (1,200hp)
  • None

List of Ships in Class
  • Argonauta
  • Fisalia
  • Jalea
  • Jantina
  • Medusa
  • Salpa
  • Serpente

Sirena Class
Produced: 12
Owned: 12
The Sirena Class was the next class of Submarine. The design is pretty much the same as the previous class hence why they're merged together.

List of Ships in Class
  • Ametista
  • Anfitrite
  • Diamante
  • Galatea
  • Naiade
  • Nereide
  • Ondina
  • Rubino
  • Sirena
  • Smeraldo
  • Topazio
  • Zaffiro

Glauco Class
Produced: 7
Owned: 7
The Glauco Class was the next class of Submarine. It is merged with the Sirena Class.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Glauco
  • Otaria

Pietro Micca Class
Produced: 1
Owned: 1
The Pietro Micca Class was the next class of Submarine. This single sub had been skipped out from the game however had been recently built in 1935
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • Mines

List of Ships in Class
  • Pietro Micca

Calvi Class
Produced: 3
Owned: 2 + 1 in construction
The Calvi Class was the current class of Submarines with 2 already built and the final on it's way.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine IV (4,300hp)
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Pietro Calvi
  • Giuseppe Finzi
  • Enrico Tazzoli

Perla Class
Produced: 10
Planned: 10
The Perla Class was the next class of Submarine. It uses the Sirena/Argonauta Classes design.

List of Ships in Class
  • Ambra
  • Berillo
  • Corallo
  • Diaspro
  • Gemma
  • Iride
  • Malachite
  • Onice
  • Perla
  • Turchese

Adua Class
Produced: 17
Planned: 17
The Adua Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • None

List of Ships in Class
  • Adua
  • Alagi
  • Aradam
  • Ascianghi
  • Axum
  • Beilul
  • Dagabur
  • Dessiè
  • Durbo
  • Gondar
  • Lafolè
  • Macallé
  • Neghelli
  • Scirè
  • Tembien
  • Uarsciek
  • Uebi Scebeli

Foca Class
Produced: 3
Planned: 3
The Foca Class was the next class of Submarine. This is a class of 3 minelayers.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • Mines

List of Ships in Class
  • Atropo
  • Foca
  • Zoea

Argo Class
Produced: 2
Planned: 2
The Argo Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine I (1,200hp)
  • None

List of Ships in Class
  • Argo
  • Velella

Marcello Class
Produced: 11
Planned: 11
The Marcello Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine III (3,400hp)
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Barbarigo
  • Dandolo
  • Emo
  • Marcello
  • Mocenigo
  • Morosini
  • Nani
  • Provana
  • Veniero
  • Comandante Cappellini
  • Comandante Faà di Bruno

Brin Class
Produced: 5
Planned: 5
The Brin Class was the next class of Submarine. This class uses same design as the previous class.

List of Ships in Class
  • Archimede
  • Brin
  • Galvani
  • Guglielmotti
  • Torricelli

Liuzzi Class
Produced: 4
Planned: 4
The Liuzzi Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

1936 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Alpino Bagnolini
  • Reginaldo Giuliani
  • Console Generale Liuzzi
  • Capitano Tarantini

Marconi Class
Produced: 6
Planned: 6
The Marconi Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

1940 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine III (3,400hp)
  • None
  • Snorkel
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Maggiore Baracca
  • Michele Bianchi
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Alessandro Malaspina
  • Guglielmo Marconi
  • Luigi Torelli
Submarines II
Cagni Class
Produced: 4
Planned: 4
The Cagni Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

1940 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Engine IV (4,300hp)
  • Torpedo I (533mm)
  • Snorkel
  • Torpedo II (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Ammiraglio Cagni
  • Ammiraglio Caracciolo
  • Ammiraglio Millo
  • Ammiraglio Saint-Bon

Acciaio Class
Produced: 13
Planned: 13
The Acciaio Class was the next class of Submarine.
Design for the Class:

1940 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine I (1,200hp)
  • None
  • Snorkel
  • None

List of Ships in Class
  • Acciaio
  • Alabastro
  • Argento
  • Asteria
  • Avorio
  • Bronzo
  • Cobalto
  • Giada
  • Granito
  • Nichelio
  • Platino
  • Porfido
  • Volframio

Flutto Class
Produced: 13
Planned: 48
The Flutto Class was the next class of Submarine and is the final class for the Regia Marina. There was 48 planned only 13 of which where constructed by the time Italy surrendered.
Design for the Class:

1940 Submarine Hulls
  • Torpedo II (533mm)
  • Engine II (2,400hp)
  • None
  • Snorkel
  • Torpedo I (533mm)

List of Ships in Class
  • Cernia
  • Dentice
  • Flutto
  • Gorgo
  • Grongo
  • Marea
  • Murena
  • Nautilo
  • Sparide
  • Spigola
  • Tritone
  • Vortice
  • Aluminio
  • Antinomio
  • Bario
  • Cromo
  • Ferro
  • Fosforo
  • Litio
  • Manganese
  • Piombo
  • Potassio
  • Rame
  • Silicio
  • Sodio
  • Zinco
  • Zolfo
  • Amianto
  • Magnesio
  • Cadmio
  • Tridio
  • Mercurio
  • Oro
  • Ottone
  • Ruthenio
  • Vanadio
  • Attinio
  • Azoto
  • Bromo
  • Carbonio
  • Elio
  • Molibdeno
  • Osmio
  • Osigeno
  • Plutonio
  • Radio
  • Selenio
  • Tungsteno
Other Info:
If I have missed any ship classes out please do comment.

Other Guides:
United States


Soviet Union
3 megjegyzés
Richard McBeef 2023. nov. 4., 6:42 
Shouldn't the Comandanti Medaglie d'Oro's main battery be Dual Purpose iii or iv given that it had (in theory) the ability to engage low flying aircraft?
FarmerInRealLife💕 2021. nov. 13., 5:57 
Germany navy guide when?
Daz 2021. nov. 13., 1:54 
Please do a Germany one! :)