Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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French Navy: Guide to the historical and palnned ship designs
By Alice
This Guide gives you the historical flavour of the French ships and how to design them for roleplaying and historical playthroughs.
The French Navy like the other victors of the Great War stood in a predicament of having no real contenders to the sea however with watchful eyes on the other major powers of Japan and Italy. During the later years to the upcoming Second World War France like the other signing members of the London Naval treaty had started to create new ships both big and small.

This guide will showcase the templates for building the French fleet to as historical as the aspects allow of the ships.
Ships already built and under construction:
At the Start of the game France has a fleet of 135 ships and is building 21 ships.
  • Bretagne Class: 3
  • Courbet Class: 2
  • Richelieu Class: 1
  • Dunkerque Class: 1

  • Bearn Class: 3

Heavy Cruisers
  • Algerie Class: 1
  • Suffren Class: 1

Light Cruisers
  • Duguay-Trouin Class: 5
  • La Galissonniere Class: 5
  • Emile Bertin Class: 1

  • Chacal Class: 24
  • Bourrasque Class: 26
  • Le Fantasque Class: 5

  • Surcouf Class: 1
  • Redoutable Class: 28
  • 600 Series Class: 19
  • 630 Series Class: 16
  • Saphir Class: 6
  • Minerve Class: 4
Battleships and Battlecruisers:
Courbet Class
Produced: 2
The Courbet Class is the oldest battleship class for France in game. The class has out of all the following French battleships the most historical loadout for it's design however I will showcase a slight improved design more towards the ships historical specifications:

Early Ship Hull:
  • Heavy Battery I (340mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13.2mm)
  • Fire Control - Optional
  • Radar - Optional
  • Engine I (29,000hp)
  • Secondary I (138mm)
  • Battleship armour I (250mm)
  • Heavy Battery I (340mm)
  • Secondary I (138mm)
  • Secondary I (138mm)
  • Heavy Battery I (340mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Courbet
  • Paris

Bretagne Class
Produced: 3
The Bretagne Class was the first class of Super-Dreadnoughts built by France in game they have like many other ships a weaker design than the real life counterpart however the game also caps the design limit to 3 of the 5 dual 340mm main guns. The Following design is a slightly more accurate version of the Bretagne Class:

(Note the Bretagne and Courbet have very similar designs in this game due to limitation in the early hull design and lack of earlier heavy guns with extra AA instead of secondary guns to showcase the ship had slightly more air defence than the previous battleship class.)

Early Ship Hull:
  • Heavy Battery I (340mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13.2mm)
  • Fire Control - Optional
  • Radar - Optional
  • Engine I (29,000hp)
  • Secondary I (138mm)
  • Battleship armour I (250mm)
  • Heavy Battery I (340mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13.2mm)
  • Secondary I (138mm)
  • Heavy Battery I (340mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Bretagne
  • Provence
  • Lorraine

Dunkerque Class
Produced: 2
One ship is being built at the start of the game whilst the Strasbourg was launched at the end of the year for construction.

The Dunkerque Class in game doesn't have the specifications of the real ship so if you want to you can retrofit the class to the following specifications:

1936 Hull:
  • Heavy Battery II (330mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Radar - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Engine II (112,000hp)
  • Secondary I (138.6mm)
  • Battlecruiser armour II (283mm)
  • Heavy Battery II (330mm)
  • Secondary I (138.6mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Floatplane (either level will do)

The ships of the class are:
  • Dunkerque
  • Strasbourg

Richelieu Class
Produced: 2
Planned: 4
historically France had planned 4 Richelieu Class Battleships one of which is under construction at the start of the game. The Jean Bart is laid down at the end of 1936 just like the Strasbourg.
The final two planned ships Clemenceau and Gascogne can be built by the Focus tree if you choose to prioritise two ships over one Joffre Class carrier.

In Game the Richelieu isn't as it's historical armaments build the future Richelieus with the following layout for historical accuracy and if you really wanted to you can retrofit the focus tree ones and the Richelieu after they're built.

1936 Hull:
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Radar - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Engine III (150,000hp)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Battleship armour III (330mm) This is an optional expensive upgrade you can keep the level II due to how expensive it would be to refit a Battleship.
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Floatplane (either level will do)
Later on in 1943 the Richelieu would have it's 37mm Anti Air replaced with 40mm Bofors just simply add the Anti-Air IV to the ship or ships if you want to retrofit all 4.

The ships of the class are:
  • Richelieu
  • Jean Bart
  • Clemenceau
  • Gascogne

Alsace Class
Planned: 4

The Alsace Class of Battleships where designed as the future battleships of France after the completion of the Richelieu Class ships already under construction. These ships where the last to be planned before France had fallen to the German Reich in our timeline.
The ship class had 3 designs the following are the three designs:

Design I:
1940 Hull:
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Radar - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Engine III (150,000hp)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Battleship armour III (330mm)
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Floatplane (either level will do)
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)

Design II:
1940 Hull:
  • Heavy Battery IV (406mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Radar - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Engine IV (210,000hp)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Battleship armour III (330mm)
  • Heavy Battery IV (406mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Floatplane (either level will do)
  • Heavy Battery IV (406mm)

Design III:
1940 Hull:
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Radar - Optional preferably the latest one you have available.
  • Engine IV (210,000hp)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Battleship armour III (330mm)
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Secondary II (152mm)
  • Floatplane (either level will do)
  • Heavy Battery III (380mm)
The designs can also be applied to the 1944 Heavy Hull if you want a faster battleship.

The ships of the class are:
  • Alsace
  • Normandie
  • Flandre
  • Bourgogne
Béarn Class
Produced: 1
France had made two classes of Carrier before their surrender in 1941. The Béarn was the only one of the three ships to see service being converted from a incomplete Normandie Class Battleship.
In game it carries a very historical loadout with no real change needed except changing the AA guns to a 37mm Anti Air III if you choose to do so. Unfortunately due to this it cannot be equipped with any other weapons such as torpedo tubes and 75mm AA. The ship could carry 32 planes (ingame it can carry 40).

The ships of the class are:
  • Béarn

Joffre Class
Planned: 2
The second carrier class of France the Joffre Class was a modern carrier class for the time of it's planning however the ships where less prioritised over the Battleships in a similar manner to the British before World War II also. The Joffre can be added into the game via the carrier national focus if you choose not to go with two battleships. The ships could carry 40 planes.
Below is a design for the class:

1936 Carrier:
  • Hangar Space
  • Hangar Space
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)/ Anti Air I (13mm)
  • Radar if you choose to add it
  • Dual Purpose Secondaries (130mm)
  • Empty slot (optional slot for additional Dual Purpose Secondaries or Deck Armour if going for historical layout.)

The ships of the class are:
  • Joffre
  • Painlevé
Heavy Cruisers
Duquesne Class and Suffren Class
Produced: 6
The Duquesne Class is the oldest Heavy Cruiser class of ships France has in the game however they are merged in as a part of the Suffren Class. The Suffren Class was very similar to the Duquesne Class hence why they're merged together in-game. Like the class before they share the same armaments whilst being slightly shorter but longer and heavier.
Below is my design Duquesne class and Suffren Class:

Early Cruiser Hull:
  • Heavy Cruiser battery I (203mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine II (90,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Heavy Cruiser armour I (20mm)
  • Heavy Cruiser battery I (203mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Floatplane I or Heavy Cruiser battery I (203mm)
The last choice is to whether you want the full battery layout or the additional recon from a floatplane.
(If you want to differentiate the classes the Suffren had more armour in which you could give the class armour 2 (60mm) )

The ships of the class are:
  • Duquesne
  • Tourville
  • Suffren
  • Colbert
  • Foch
  • Dupleix

Algérie Class
Produced: 1
Following on from the previous two classes comes the single ship Algérie. It was the final Heavy Cruiser built and completed by France and was considered one of the most modern Heavy Cruisers of it's time.
Like the previous two classes it shares a similar layout of armaments except for a worse engine and more armour but due to the limitations of the ship designer you cannot include everything on the ship.

Early Cruiser Hull:
  • Heavy Cruiser battery II (203mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine I (84,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Heavy Cruiser armour III (110mm)
  • Heavy Cruiser battery II (203mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Floatplane I or Heavy Cruiser battery I (203mm)
Just like with the previous class the last choice is to whether you want the full battery layout or the additional recon from a floatplane.

The ships of the class are:
  • Algérie

Saint Louis Class
Planned: 6
With the London Treaty out of the way France could continue to work on a new set of 6 Heavy Cruisers to replace the ageing fleet of Duguay-Trouin Light Cruisers. The ships had been designed in 1939 and some of which where in the midst of construction during WW2 however none of which could be completed by the time France had fallen to Germany. The 6 ships would of been armed similarly to the Algerie Class but with a more versatile armament to deal with the other major nations.
The design for the class:

1940 Cruiser Hull:
  • Heavy Cruiser battery III (203mm) (
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine IV (120,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Heavy Cruiser armour III (110mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Heavy Cruiser battery III (203mm)
  • Floatplane I/II

The ships of the class are:
  • Saint Louis
  • Henri IV
  • Charlemagne
  • Brennus
  • Charles Martel
  • Vercingetorix
Light Cruisers
Duguay-Trouin and Jeanne d'Arc Class
Produced: 4
The Duguay-Trouin Class is the oldest Light Cruiser class of ships France has in the game. Along with the Duguay's the Jeanne d'Arc is also within this ship class in-game as it shares a very similar scheme of armaments that the previous ship class can use due to the limitations of the ship design where we cannot add any more torpedo tubes to the Duguay class of ship.
Below is my design for the Duguay-Trouin Class:

Early Cruiser Hull:
  • Light Cruiser battery I (155mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine III (100,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Light Cruiser armour I (20mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Light Cruiser battery I (155mm)
  • Floatplane I or Light Cruiser battery I (155mm)
Like with the earlier Heavy Cruisers the final slot will be depending on whether you want more detection and speed or more firepower as the designer limits the full armaments of the ship class.

The ships of the class are:
  • Duguay-Trouin
  • Lamotte-Picquet
  • Primauguet
  • Jeanne d'Arc

Pluton Class
Produced: 1
French Cruiser Pluton is a minelaying cruiser which appears ingame as a Duguay-Trouin Class. The design for the ship is as follows:

Early Cruiser Hull:
  • Light battery II (138mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine I (84,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • No armour
  • Light battery II (138mm)
  • Light battery II (138mm)
  • Minelaying Rail

The ships of the class are:
  • Pluton

Émile Bertin Class
Produced: 1
The Émile Bertin was a light cruiser designed for mine-laying and unlike the Pluton Class had armaments to engage other navies light cruisers.
The design is as follows:

Early Cruiser Hull:
  • Light Cruiser battery II (152mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine IV (120,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Light Cruiser armour I (20mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Light Cruiser battery II (152mm)
  • Minelaying Rail

The ships of the class are:
  • Émile Bertin

La Galissonnière Class
Produced: 6
The La Galissonnière Class is the current class the French are constructing in-game with the La Galissonnière already in the fleets. The other 5 are yet to be constructed with 4 on the production and one waiting to be produced.
The Ship design is as follows: (I also made a alternative design for 1936 so it can hold more Anti-Air and is closer to it's historical max speed if you are modding the game)

Early Cruiser Hull:
  • Light Cruiser battery II (152mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine I (84,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Light Cruiser armour III (110mm)
  • Torpedo I (550mm)
  • Light Cruiser battery II (152mm)
  • Floatplane

1936 Cruiser Hull:
  • Light Cruiser battery II (152mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine I (84,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Light Cruiser armour III (110mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Torpedo I (550mm)
  • Light Cruiser battery II (152mm)
  • Floatplane

The ships of the class are:
  • La Galissonnière
  • Marseillaise
  • Jean De Vienne
  • Gloire
  • Montcalm
  • Georges Leygues

De Grasse Class
Planned: 3
The De Grasse Class of Cruiser was a planned light cruiser group of 3 ships designed to be larger improved versions of the previous La Galissonniere Class. The ships like many other ships planned and under construction just before the war or during the war never got the chance to see service. 2 of the 3 ships were scrapped and the Germans had planned to convert De Grasse into a Aircraft Carrier. De Grasse would eventually be completed after the war but didn't retain it's planned armaments instead taking the role of an Anti-Air Cruiser.
The Plans are as follows:

1940 Cruiser Hull:
  • Light Cruiser battery III (152mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar (Optional)
  • Engine I (84,000hp)
  • No Secondaries
  • Light Cruiser armour III (110mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Torpedo I (550mm)
  • Light Cruiser battery III (152mm)
  • Anti-Air IV (40mm)
  • Floatplane

The ships of the class are:
  • De Grasse
  • Châteaurenault
  • Guichen
Large Destroyers
Chacal Class
Produced: 6
The Chacal Class (also known as the Jaguar Class) is the oldest group of large destroyers produced by France. The French designed their destroyers in two main groups large destroyers and torpedo boats (smaller destroyers and not actually the size of torpedo boats).
Below is my design for the Chacal Class:

Early Destroyer Hull:
  • Light battery I (130mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar/Sonar (Optional)
  • Engine II (40,000hp)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Depth Charge I

The ships of the class are:
  • Chacal
  • Jaguar
  • Léopard
  • Lynx
  • Panthère
  • Tigre

Guépard Class
Produced: 6
The Guépard Class was the second batch of large destroyers produced by France although very similar too the Chacal class the Guépard's where armed with 138mm armaments. In-game they're part of the Chacal class.
Below is my design for the Guépard Class:

Early Destroyer Hull:
  • Light battery II (138mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar/Sonar (Optional)
  • Engine II (40,000hp)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Depth Charge I

The ships of the class are:
  • Bison
  • Guépard
  • Lion
  • Valmy
  • Vauban
  • Verdun

Aigle Class
Produced: 6
The Aigle Class of large destroyers where very similar to the Guépard class with one of the only differences being the slight increase in speed. They like the Guépard class have been merged in with the Chacal class in-game you can separate them with the Guépard class design above if you want to be more historically accurate.

The ships of the class are:
  • Aigle
  • Albatros
  • Épervier
  • Gerfaut
  • Milan
  • Vautour

Vauquelin Class
Produced: 6
The Vauquelin Class of large destroyers where very similar to the last two classes however this class had slightly more anti air protection (which can't be shown in-game due to lack of extra slots) and mines. These ships have also been merged with the Chacal Class in-game.
Below is my design for the Vauquelin Class:

Early Destroyer Hull:
  • Light battery II (138mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar/Sonar (Optional)
  • Engine II (40,000hp)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Minelaying
  • Depth Charge I
(If there was more room an additional Torpedo and Anti-Air could be added).

The ships of the class are:
  • Casscard
  • Chevalier Paul
  • Kersaint
  • Maillé Brézé
  • Tartu
  • Vauquelin

Le Fantasque Class
Produced: 6
The Le Fantasque Class of large destroyers are the current class of six destroyers being built in France at the beginning of 1936. like the previous class these could lay mines. 2 of the ships have been built whilst the final 4 are almost complete by game start.
Below is my design for the Le Fantasque Class:

Early Destroyer Hull:
  • Light battery II (138mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar/Sonar (Optional)
  • Engine III (74,000hp)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Minelaying
  • Depth Charge II
(If there was more room an additional Torpedo and Anti-Air could be added).

The ships of the class are:
  • Le Fantasque
  • L'Audacieux
  • Le Malin
  • Le Terrible
  • Le Triomphant
  • L'Indomptable

Mogador Class
Produced: 2
Planned: 6
The Mogador Class is the final large destroyer class of France before France had surrendered. There was 6 planned ships like every other large destroyer class however construction didn't start on the class till 1939 so only the Mogador and Volta where finished.
Below is my design for the Mogador Class:

1936 Destroyer Hull:
  • Light battery II (138mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar/Sonar (Optional)
  • Engine III (74,000hp)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Minelaying
  • Depth Charge II
(If there was more room an additional Torpedo and Anti-Air could be added).

The ships of the class are:
  • Mogador
  • Volta
  • Hoche
  • Kléber
  • Desaix
  • Marceau
Bourrasque Class
Produced: 12
The Bourrasque Class is the oldest group of Torpedoboats produced by France and used at the start of the game. The French designed their destroyers in two main groups large destroyers and torpedo boats (smaller destroyers and not actually the size of torpedo boats).
Below is my design for the Bourrasque Class:

Early Destroyer Hull:
  • Light battery I (130mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar/Sonar (Optional)
  • Engine I (33,000hp)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Anti-Air I (13mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Bourrasque
  • Cyclone
  • Simoun
  • Ouragan
  • Orage
  • Mistral
  • Typhon
  • Trombe
  • Tramontane
  • Tornade
  • Tempête
  • Siroco

L'Adroit Class
Produced: 14
The L'Adroit Class is the second group of Torpedoboats produced by France. Like the previous class the ship has the same layout however historically was slightly heavier.

The ships of the class are:
  • Basque
  • Boulonnais
  • Brestois
  • Forbin
  • Frondeur
  • Fougueux
  • L'Adroit
  • L'Alcyon
  • La Palme
  • La Railleuse
  • Le Bordelais
  • Le Fortuné
  • Le Foudroyant
  • Le Mars

Le Hardi Class
Produced: 8
Planned: 12
Following on the Le Hardi Class is the next class and is the last class of torpedoboat destroyers produced by France before the fall of France. 8 where completed before the Surrender with a 8th almost completed whilst the other 4 where scrapped.
Below is my design for the Le Hardi Class:

1936 Destroyer Hull:
  • Dual-Purpose (130mm)
  • Anti-Air III (37mm)
  • Fire Control Optional
  • Radar/Sonar (Optional)
  • Engine II (40,000hp)
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Torpedo I (550mm)
  • Depth Charge II

The ships of the class are:
  • Le Hardi
  • Fleuret
  • Épée
  • Mameluk
  • Casque
  • Lansquenet (completed but didn't enter service)
  • Le Flibustier (completed but didn't enter service)
  • Le Corsaire
  • L'Intrépide (not completed)
  • Le Téméraire (not completed)
  • L'Opiniâtre (not completed)
  • L'Aventurier (not completed)
600 Series and 630 Series Class
Produced: 28
The 600 and 630 Series Class are a group of sub classes of submarines all sharing similar armaments, weight and speed. The sub classes of the groups include the Sirène, Ariane and Circé Classes for the 600 Series whilst the Orion, Diane and Argonaute Classes for the 630 Series.
Below is my design for the 600 Series and 630 Series Class:

Early Submarine Hull:
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Engine I (1,500hp)
  • Nothing

The ships of the class are:
  • Sirène
  • Naïade
  • Galatée
  • Nymphe (isn't included in-game due to being decommissioned in 1938)
  • Eurydice
  • Danaé
  • Ariane
  • Ondine (sank in 1928 on test trials)
  • Circé
  • Calypso
  • Thétis
  • Doris
  • Argonaute
  • Aréthuse
  • Atalante
  • La Sultane
  • La Vestale
  • Orion
  • Ondine
  • Diane
  • Amazone
  • Amphitrite
  • Antiope
  • La Psyché
  • La Sybille
  • Méduse
  • Orphée
  • Oréade

Requin Class
Produced: 9
The Requin Class is an early group of attack submarines for France. In-game they're grouped with 600 Series even though historically they were armed with more torpedoes.
Below is my design for the Requin Class:

Early Submarine Hull:
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Engine II (1,800hp)
  • Torpedo I (550mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Caïman
  • Dauphin
  • Espadon
  • Marsouin
  • Morse
  • Narval
  • Phoque
  • Requin
  • Souffleur

Saphir Class
Produced: 6
The Saphir Class is an early group of minelaying submarines for France. In-game they're as I would design them myself so no changes are needed.

The ships of the class are:
  • Saphir
  • Diamant
  • Perle
  • Nautilus
  • Rubis
  • Turquoise

Surcouf Class
Produced: 1
The Surcouf Class is a cruise submarine of France and was one of the largest submarine classes in the French navy.
Below is my design for the Surcouf Class:

Cruise Submarine Hull:
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Engine III (2,900hp)
  • Floatplane
  • snorkel
  • Torpedo I (550mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Surcouf

Redoutable Class
Produced: 31
The Redoutable Class is a submarine class of 31 subs which France are still producing at the game start. 21 are already in the fleet whilst 7 are under construction with 2 more for the player to produce if they choose to do so as 1 sunk a couple years before the game start.
Below is my design for the Redoutable Class:

1936 Submarine Hull:
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Engine II (1,800hp)
  • Torpedo I (550mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Redoutable
  • Vengeur
  • Pascal
  • Pasteur
  • Henri Poincaré
  • Poncelet
  • Archimède
  • Fresnel
  • Monge
  • Achille
  • Ajax
  • Actéon
  • Achéron
  • Argo
  • Prométhée (sunk 1932)
  • Persée
  • Protée
  • Pégase
  • Phénix
  • L'Espoir
  • Le Glorieux
  • Le Centaure
  • Le Héros
  • Le Conquérant
  • Le Tonnant
  • Agosta
  • Bévéziers
  • Ouessant
  • Sidi-Ferruch
  • Sfax
  • Casabianca

Minerve Class
Produced: 6
The Minerve Class is a group of submarines in the construction at game start with 4 of them being built (not with their actual names if you want to change them to their correct names you can do so) and 2 yet to be built.
Below is my design for the Requin Class:

Early Submarine Hull:
  • Torpedo II (550mm)
  • Engine II (1,800hp)
  • Torpedo I (550mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Minerve
  • Junon
  • Iris
  • Vénus
  • Pallas
  • Cérès

Aurore Class
Produced: 7
Planned: 15
The Aurore Class is the final group of submarines of France before their capitulation in 1941.
Below is my design for the Requin Class:

1940 Submarine Hull:
  • Torpedo I (550mm)
  • Engine II (1,800hp)
  • none
  • snorkel
  • Torpedo II or III (550mm)

The ships of the class are:
  • Aurore
  • Créole
  • Bayadère (never finished)
  • Favorite (finished by the Germans)
  • Africaine (finished after the war)
  • Astrée (finished after the war)
  • Andromède (finished after the war)
  • Antigone (never finished)
  • Andromaque (never finished)
  • Artémis (launched 1942)
  • Armide (never finished)
  • Hermione (never finished)
  • Gorgone (never finished)
  • Clorinde (never finished)
  • Cornélie (keel never laid)
Other info:
If I have missed any ship classes out please do comment.

Other Guides:
United States


Soviet Union
ljoshalata 4 Aug, 2022 @ 10:08am 
MrYellow 2 Jan, 2022 @ 1:42pm 
Good job on the guide cant imagine the effort needed to research all this with such detail.
Villageburner1968 19 Nov, 2021 @ 3:58pm 
amazing! these guides are very cool. thank you for doing all this research
Alice  [author] 12 Nov, 2021 @ 4:38am 
I do intend on working on the other major and some minor nations fleets such as Germany, however for now I have taken the time off to prepare for the historical tank designs. After I have done a couple of them I will continue to work on the Navy with America and Japan being in the work (they are quite time consuming).
WindyDay 11 Nov, 2021 @ 10:44pm 
Fantastic work on these guides. Are you planning on working on a German fleet?