Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (65)
The Road to 56
Created by Greatexperiment
https://i.imgur.com/G8Lt4Zo.png Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. https://i.imgur.com/mEx5XdH.png We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the ...
The road to 56 CN
Created by Hungry Fool
支持1.14新版本 现在只加载56汉化一个mod即可,不需要再订阅56原版 已经启用中文模式,请在启动器切换中文使用 游戏本体于每月的八号更新,届时我们的更新会导致旧存档闪退,想接着玩旧存档的请及时备份mod旧版本文件,我们的模组ID是2129897125 !!!重要!!! 注意: 请勿挂载52汉化、人名和部队名称汉化 、 原版汉化补全 、 以及任何修改将领领导人名称图片和部队船名的模组,除非它是专用于56之路打造的,因为其代码很**地把检测触发条件的代码写成了按名称检测,可能会出现,国策条件不满足,事件无...
Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
Created by swf541
Updated to Current Patch Patch 03/11/2024 Current Version 0.3.9 Patch for DLC Comptibility and New Soviet Content (Kaganovich) https://i.imgur.com/HtdCckH.png The Year is 1949, a shattered planet begins to fall back into the arms of tyranny and conflict, a...
Cold War: The Iron Curtain - Music
Created by Kreunz
Music for Cold War: Iron curtain. DON'T POST STUFF ABOUT THE MAIN MOD ITSELF. CREDITS: Kreunz - Most of the stuff Gatts - Helping with the mod Dregorin - Fixing the entire mod All of the people who sung/played the songs...
Cold War Iron Curtain-Chinese Version
Created by fight fow
本汉化包由他们改变冷战汉化组完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏。请在游戏启动器设置选择中英文均可,单独加载本汉化整合版即可,无需另外加载52本体汉化,也不要加载其他相冲突的mod。 冷战铁幕原mod英文版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1458561226 第一版:1.5天佑女王版已汉化完毕 第二版:1.54罗得西亚版文本汉化率:96.9% 第三版:1.9抉择时刻版文本量在9万5千行以上,汉化率97.5% 第四版:1.10强硬派文本量...
Hearts of Iron IV: Economic Crisis
Created by bublov
Current version of the game: 1.10.8 Current version of the mod: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Economic-Crisis/Public-releases/main/.github/steam/en/description.png What if... did the world go in a different direction in 2013? The modification...
Economic Crisis: Mecha submod
Created by sepera_okeq
April Fool's submod for Economic Crisis. Did you want to conquer the world for the shagahodov? Now you have this opportunity! There are three countries to choose from: - Ukraine - Russia - USA And the rest of the world as default! You can also download it:...
BlackICE Historical Immersion Mod
Created by maverick
{LINK REMOVED} We aim to bring Hearts of Iron 4 to an all new level, making your game experience more immersive, historical and challenging. Black ICE completely overhauls most national focus trees, changes gam...
BlackICE Event-GFX
Created by maverick
Added several new event-pictures Version 7.0.2 updated for use on Avalance 1.12.13 Blackice HIM and lower versions Please report any comments or Q on the main Blackice steam page https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137372539...
Created by Manfred
黑冰8.1.0汉化(240316) 汉化包的每次更新内容可以点击本mod预览图右侧,更新时间下方的“改动说明(查看)”。 当前汉化包对应版本: 黑冰:8.1.0 钢铁雄心4:1.14.3 !!!请在启动器中将语言改为中文!!! 鉴于p社推出官方中文后云翻译平台下载文件为中文文件,原有的在英文环境下的字体文件失效 而我对这些东西一窍不通,故直接把至暗时刻的字体搬了过来 字体文件来源: 觉醒黑字体 感谢@DRGBRG制作 钢铁雄心4-黑冰 非主要国家怎么玩换皮坦克 推荐mod: BlackIce Submod:...
Blackice - Ranks - US
Created by homerz
21 Unit Ranks for BlackIce - US - United States Army AND Navy You need the original Mod http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137372539 For english AND german Version ...
Silly Ships
Created by CriticalSmoke
Gets rid of the limits in the naval designer. If I missed anything tell me! Armor and Engines stay the same since I figure they're required...
Extended Vanilla Naval Tech
Created by collingp
Extends the naval tech tree with new unit designs extending to 1958. New destroyer and cruiser models are equipped with heavier guns to represent the dawn of guided missiles and the decline of large surface combatants. New aircraft carriers with greater sp...
Endsieg:Ultimate Victory
Are you interested in a more accurate, more fun and europe-only Endsieg-like mod? Join the Primo Victoria Discord! This is the official successor to the Götterdämmerung 1944 Mod. Anyone else claiming to be or uploading a former/older version of this mod (G...
Endsieg: Ultimate Victory - CN
Created by nhhw16
抱歉,各位,此MOD不是我个人制作的,也是我从某论坛其他大佬手中得到且转载到创意工坊的,具体是哪位大佬我也记不清了,不过很感激他的辛苦分享,因为我搜遍了创意工坊关于此MOD的任何版本都没有汉化的,所以我就把手中仅有的汉化版给上传了上来,希望大家玩的开心,也感谢制作和汉化此MOD的大佬,谢谢你们的付出! 此版本或许有些老了,与最新版本本体游戏估计不兼容,我尽力找到最新版本上传上来,还望各位朋友谅解! 以下链接是我找到的最新版本的MOD,有需要的可以配合52的汉化以及我当前转载的这个MOD还有下面链接里面的MO...
Created by Midare_Toushirou
This is a Chinese translated version of great mod of "Endsieg: Ultimate Victory". Non-Chinese players please visit https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1532883122 to get the English Version....
Created by Qapla' Balth je'
二战:新纪元附属音乐MOD 二战:新纪元 创意工坊链接 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1659548946 歌曲目录 伟大的十月 骑在银龙背上 Andreas Waldetoft - General war bring for the tanks:0 "坦克的全面战争" Andreas Waldetoft - HOI4 main the meallies:0 "main the meallies" Andreas Waldeto...
Created by adamdj76
贴吧专用作弊MOD大力丸,谢谢各位吧友厚爱支持! 目前支持1.12版最新DLC。 各种作弊功能请自行加载MOD后在开局的决议中找大力丸决议,详细看描述。 (请不要关闭游戏决议中最上方的事件窗口,有些决议会出事件) 作弊一时爽,那是真的爽,一直作弊一直爽......不要太贪哦。 如果遇到不兼容的MOD,可以找到steam\steamapps\workshop\content\3944360\1326075315\,打开descriptor文件,把不兼容的mod名字加上去,跟其他我已经添加好的MOD排好队,不知...
52 Chinese Localisation
Created by 电脑小龟L.T.
钢铁雄心4 v1.14.3 简体中文汉化包 240401版 * 目前AAT之前的是用的本民间汉化文本(修正了官中的一些错误),AAT之后使用的是官中文本。 * 覆盖了官中的文本和字体,打了本MOD后无论“英文”和“中文”都是汉语且都是修正后版本。 * 目前没有打算做全面的官中润色,基本上就是把大家汇报的汉化错误修一修,定期发布一下。 ===============汉化包说明=============== 本汉化包由52pcgame汉化组和牧有汉化组合作完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏本体及所有已发布的DLC。 汉化...
Created by Qapla' Balth je'
二战:新纪元 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/753718226910801354/EBF17D58881CA1D608A0F6680505C450AF7F62EC/ 注意事项 太祖头像点一下就能移动 【需要—启动器—游戏设置—中文】 (注意,是游戏设置,不是启动器设置。) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/753718226910710893/71ACE845DCBCF4063AE3330194235...
Created by 南宫子羽
介绍: 如果你厌倦了军阀混战,想从一个统一的中国开始玩,那么你可以试试这个mod。一个小mod,全部个人制作完成,且用且珍惜。 使用说明: 1.请搭配52汉化可用 2.本mod难度较低,老鸟请增加难度。 3.本mod为个人娱乐作品,本mod中存在的政治观点仅代表个人观点,请勿过分评价。 主要特色: 1.为中国增加了大量的胜利点,基本和现代中国城市名一样,特定的只有北京改北平,沈阳改奉天。 2.增加中国个别省份,北京分出天津,上海分出南京和南通,其余未修改,后期再考虑细化。 3.修改外东北省份和胜利点,增加外...
Peace Deals
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod offers the option to make a peace deal with a country/faction you are at war with without capitulating it. It offers EU4 like peace deals that you can configure and send as a proposal to AI or other players. Add...
Cold War: The Iron Curtain PRC Music Redux
重制了中华人民共和国和中华民国的歌曲 这个mod现在可以和除了冷战铁幕音乐包以外的任何mod同时开 和冷战铁幕音乐包的兼容问题我在还在解决 之后增加/重制歌曲,增加新电台(朝鲜战争\其他年代) 如果有想要的歌曲可以在评论区留言哦...
[OUTDATED] New East Asia: History of China 1936-1950
Created by Lee zi-hwei
Latest Version: 1.3.1, Supported Game Version: 1.12.x Click here to get it. Current Version: 1.2.2, Supported Game Version: 1.10.x About New East Asia This is a historical mod focusing on the Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945 and Chinese Civil War...
Hearts Of Chuang
创象雄心 V0.1.2 Beta 预览版 ===============更新说明(2021/9/1)=============== 更新内容: 1.完成了地图内所有省份的国家划分以及资源、人口、建筑的设定 2.地图进一步修正错误 模组介绍: 创象雄心是一款基于现实世界的魔怔人及其事迹而创作的一款架空世界模组。模组想象这些魔怔人穿越回1936年并设法创建了他们自己的国家,而玩家则需要扮演魔怔人治理好他们的国家,与1936年的正常人以及其他魔怔人打交道,并在架空世界里创造出一个个传奇,,, 注意事项: 本模组为...
Historical Chinese Army
Created by Bitter Tenderness
Update 3.0: Replaced soldier models, weapons, motorized and mechanized equipment of CHI and PRC. Added Jet Plane model for CHI and PRC. Adjusted scale of Plane models. Fixed the bug of sodier sounds. A new mod which used in The Road of 56 has been made. ht...
Communist China Soviet Tanks
Created by 袁銀-ゆん-Yun
Note: Due to the nature of GFX mod, this mod does not require constant updates to match version number so long as Paradox does not change how selecting sprites work in the game. This mod changes the generic tanks of the PRC into soviet tanks, they would pr...
Additional Ship AND TANK Slots ++Updated++
Created by AlicePractice
Ultimate Tech Tree: New Horizons Edition here If you want a version with just additional Tank slots, head over here :) ++NEW++ Tanks now have 11 Special slots instead of 4! I also removed some restrictions on some components like secondary turrets for all ...
【新DLC发售在即,本MOD不再更新适配新版本与DLC】 【新DLC发售在即,本MOD不再更新适配新版本与DLC】 【新DLC发售在即,本MOD不再更新适配新版本与DLC】 同志,如果你喜欢这个MOD,请给个免费的👍👍👍吧,好让更多的人看到这个MOD。 【重要提醒!】 本MOD整合了《俘获战败国将领》MOD,重复订阅会出现BUG! 本MOD不兼容黑冰、kr、千禧、56、新纪元等大型MOD和其它更改将领的MOD 游戏机制修改 陆海空三军经验上限由 500 修改为 5000 指挥点数上限由 200 修改为 36...
Created by 稻春寒
下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利!                                                    ——毛泽东《愚公移山》 同志,倘若你喜欢这个模组,就请点个赞吧,方便更多人看到。 这是作者目前写了已经将近一年的模组,这将近一年来模组内容的变化算是作者从兔友转向左人的一个缩影,也见证了这整个的过程。 曾看到过许多相似于本模组的模组,但遗憾的是没有一个能让同志们满意的——几乎都是对特色党的吹捧而没有太多批斗的声音。从这方面看这个模组的内容在工坊中算是清流了(逃),...
Resist Japan CN S
Created by 新义州酱
Resist Japan 本人发布 非代发 已经适配官方中文 不需要52汉化【也别开怕BUG】 已经适配1.12.14 感谢太祖雄心提供的细化省份 有一些内容在重新制作 所以和图片不符合很正常 重要说明由于学业问题会暂停更新几个月请见谅 目前可玩内容有 中华民国 中华苏维埃人民共和国 大日本帝国 我说明一下有问题 去QQ群252205764 有BUG在QQ群里AT我或者私聊我尽量第一时间修复 让大家久等了 新交流联机群 QQ726568574 之前的群又G了 制作群 QQ252205764 已经向所有人开放...
Add Ideas Slots
Created by TheGameDaniil
Мод Add Ideas Slots. Переведен на Русский для удобства. Цена 75 Полит.Власти. Mod Add Ideas Slots. Translate also to English, Polish not work correctly (Idk why :/) Also you check version for Road to 56: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?...
The Great War Redux CN
本汉化为著名的一战redux mod汉化版 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1946557392 水群群号:582640616 欢迎过来汇报bug并吹水 Mod特征: 该MOD的创建是为了纠正《The Great War》MOD的不足。 -1910年剧本(1914年-进行中)。 -新国策: 俄罗斯、英国、法国、德国、意大利、奥斯曼帝国、塞尔维亚、奥匈帝国、保加利亚、清朝/中国、荷兰、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、巴西、瑞典...
Historical Chinese Army For 56
Created by Bitter Tenderness
Fixed the bug of AK and soldier sounds Pictures shown what the mod changed Replaced soldier models, Weapons, Motorized, Mechanized, Plane and Tank equipment of CHI and PRC If you find any bug, you can just tell me and I will try my best to fix them! Thanks...
Created by 雪风爱吃糖
简单为教员的陆军番号做了史实向还原并汉化了原版编制(考虑兼容,并没有在原版动手脚只是附加汉化),并丰富了海军命名,汉化并附加了独特的空军编队名字。 一.陆军番号 中国工农红军107个番号 共产党抗日武装155个番号 第十八路集团军71个番号 新四军38个番号 1946解放军纵队313个番号 1949解放军兵团210个番号 当下武警部队61个番号 国民党1946整编师前后番号 注:解放军番号百度上实在不太好找,只能借了PRC史实向部队番号的代码了。 二.海军命名 在原版基础上丰富了原时代海军命名,并添加了现代...
Modifier Icons CN ver.
Created by 1+1=⑨
Hi, This is a Chinese localised version of one famous mod called "Modifier Icons". If you're looking for the original one, please go to https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2668048070 Cheers. https://i.imgur.com/WGjlAIi.png 在所有BUFF修正前加上了图...
UMCbN 2.0
Created by Narzgel
2.01 Update is OUT! Join us on Discord! • https://discord.gg/GD8JWq7 • see regular TEASERS there • place for your suggestions, bug-notice • place for chat, chill and new friendships :-) Support UMC on Patreon and claim BENEFITS! • https://www.patreon.com/N...
UMCbN 2.0 (CN)
Created by 小龙龙笼包
本mod为汉化mod,原版为UMCbN 2.0,即原*UMC*系列mod,现原版已整合为一个mod 原版steam链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805019475 汉化已获得作者授权 尚未汉化部分进度: 法国:60%(剩余包括事件、决议、民族精神等) 德国:90%(剩余均为事件文本) 对原版字体不适应的朋友可以订阅这个mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetai...
World Ablaze (8.0)
Created by Uncharted
https://i.imgur.com/tSNsh84.png TOA Compatible! Summary World Ablaze is a ongoing project to completely overhaul Hearts of Iron 4 to become more challenging, historical, and exciting to play. It features a massive expansion and complete overhaul to the tec...
Created by 035569
########################请使用官方中文启动游戏###################################### 虎胆雄心是一款基于原版基础聚焦于坦克,装甲车,机械化设计器的一个大型扩展mod。通过前创意工坊模组坦克设计扩展的公开授权在此基础上进行开发制作,并添加了大量创新内容,特此声明本模组使用的一切素材且为停更模组的公开授权或公开素材,不存在对现存更新模组的抄袭问题以及授权问题。 基于原版坦克科技树的大规模修改与重做,完善坦克设计器,并增添大量坦克模组,将坦克模块升级部...
New East Asia: History of China 1936-1950
Created by FrankSoap
Mod Version: 1.3.1, Supported Game Version: 1.12.x About New East Asia This is a historical mod focusing on the Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945 and Chinese Civil War from 1945 to 1950. About English Localisation The English Version is still in p...
Expanded Designers Combined
Created by GDI Trooper
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2044123174734242499/CB13DE5596F7021469349C9F75A14A9F3900FD28/ From the creator of NSB Tank Designer Rebalance, BBA Aircraft Designer Rebalance and MTG Fleet Designer Rebalance: Expanded Designers Combined Expanded...
BSR x Randomizer
Created by tan_mi.ya
Do NOT use this mod along with BSR or Randomizer, this mod works indepedently from both mods due to each other's structure. You ever wanted something more crazy in your Randomizer runs? Ever just wanted to have more countries and states to play with? Well,...
Created by MrPunk
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/819002974403344349/DD18664314A26EA83C62E9B0127FFCB35092B53A/ q群:162239327 介绍 你好,这是原版海军重置mod,你也可以叫它VNR,这是一个起源于KR海军重置的项目。该mod的目标是创建一种软核、角色扮演为主的海军体验,同时将对原版的改动尽量控制在最小,以防你需要重新学一遍怎么玩。 请不要期待该mod有很强的对抗性,这里的AI设计并不是为了虐你或者和你...
Eight Years' War of Resistance
Created by chunchun7410
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/775102709099534592/2C661B287DE3D13E1F32EB1419140A3A98407888/ Current Version Current Version is compatible with 1.14.x You can report bugs or problem on the Discord. Offical authorization Most of our developers an...
Created by 吾双RG
公告:无论将来p社怎么更新,本字体mod永远都是可运行的,有感叹号也不用管! 铁人√ 这个mod会在你开启官方中文时显示52汉化mod所用的字体 侵删 如果字体变糊了评论区有解决方法 尘埃漫步粉丝群:528536160...
(新)The Great War Redux 中文汉化
Created by 思绪过分热情
⚠️请在启动器的“游戏设置”中将系统语言设置为中文⚠️ ⚠️本汉化为外挂式汉化,使用时必须与本体一起勾选⚠️ ⚠️打开是英文/乱码/原版内容的,请先查看帮助文件尝试自行解决,实在无法解决再加群询问⚠️ (位置:Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\394360\2968781930) The Great War Redux的新汉化Mod,在原汉化组的基础上适配了最新版本,同时修正了大量原汉化组的上古错翻和机翻内容。 QQ讨论群群号:773292710 部分子模组链接: 音乐包:h...
The Great War Redux
Created by J12
The Great War: Redux is a stand-alone rework to Wolferos’ famous Great War mod. https://i.imgur.com/q8cpY5E.png Revamped focus trees and gameplay for a more varied, replayable, historical and interesting experience. If you want to be involved in the develo...
Better MIO (realistic)
Created by deleone21
More realistic(hard) version of mod "Better MIO`s" This mod adds new Military Industrial Organizations (MIOs) for all four types, one for each type: 1. Bastion Armory(Tanks) 2. ArmadaCraft Shipbuilding(Ships) 3. Warhawk Dynamics(Planes) 4. Vanguard Armamen...
More idea slots RT56
Created by ShepardPower
Last updated for patch 1.13 Adds more slots for Road to 56, made with AAT (although not required) in mind. Slots added: 6 advisor slots 5 industrial concerns 9 theorists 3 chiefs for each branch (army, navy, and air) 9 military high command I do not plan o...
More MIOs
Created by thechtoto
Have YOU ever felt like the concept of MIOs cool, but the way it was implemented was somehwat generic and lacking? I have. So I made this mod. The More MIOs mod adds new Military Industrial Organizations (MIOs) to many minor and major countries, as well as...
zzz: 12 slots + Cost reduction for AAT patch
Created by artist0202
original mod were uploaded by daichi051515 original link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2981651298 Changing Point: New MIO with buff were added instead of legacy weapon company before AAT. MIO cost were discounted 90 from 180 Game ...
更多制造商、军工组织(More Manufacturers、mio)
Created by Sinni
Created by 青铜年代wio
1.工业制造商(国家科学院) 2.武器装备制造商(北方工业) 3.飞机制造商(中央飞机制造厂) 4.船舶制造商(船舶重工) 5.坦克制造商(一汽集团) 6.铁路装备制造商(国家铁路) 注:①更新了新DLC制造商 ②保留了未购买新DLC的游戏体验 ③简单适配了SOV合并制造商的体验...
12 Support Companies
Created by Amid
12 support companies Not compatible with Ironman Compatible with versions Hoi4: 1.14.* 6 Support Companies updated: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962681550 10 Support Companies updated: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Eight Years' War of Resistance official Simplified Chinese
Created by glen0822
这里是原版八年抗战模组的简体中文翻译submod 必须要和原版八年抗战模组一起在启动器里启用才能使用 请使用简体中文开启 若字体感到不适建议使用更换成52字体的mod 原版模组链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828712151 原简中版链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507554070 本模组为简中版修改及更新而来,感谢fightfo...
Created by KaGa
为中国势力添加更多军工组织 -- 该mod仅有最基础的平衡性调整 -- 所有军工组织暂时均为默认版本,后续更新会将其替换为专属军工组织 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 装甲企业: -- 中国兵器装备集团(坦克改装厂)(0.1已重置) -- 北方重工业集团(中型坦克)(0.2已重置) -- 国营617厂(步兵坦克) 海军企业: -- 大连...
Unlock plane slots
Created by W123
Latest Version!!! *Unlock 26 engine slots *Remove engine quantity limit *Adjust some bomb quantity limits *Remove weapon and special slots quantity limits UPDATE TANK AND SHIP VERSION TANK VERSION SHIP VERSION R56 VERSION R56 VERSION PLANE VERSION TANK VER...
VNR RT56 Compatch
Created by MrPunk
This mod is a VNR RT56 compatch. With this, you can play VNR with RT56. But it right now has some problems as RT56 changes some map definition. Known issues are that British fleet based in Scapa Flow will be spawned on land. To fix that, please switch to s...
Vanilla Navy Rework
Created by MrPunk
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/819002974403344349/DD18664314A26EA83C62E9B0127FFCB35092B53A/ Introduction Hi there, this is the Vanilla Navy Rework mod, or VNR, a project originated from Kaiserreich Navy Rework. The intention of this mod is to c...
中国地名胜利点增加与修正原版错位(2024.3.21) 修正了中国地名的错位,更改了一些不合时代的地名,按民国时期增加百余个城市/胜利点。位置准确,名称考究。地名全部是我翻阅1930-1948年间的老地图而增加的。 对著名的战役战斗地点做了着重的标记(对城市及主要战场的标记主要参考二战时的老地图以及现代还原二战时期的地图出版物,如果一个地区内战场太过著名,我会用它替换掉此地不是很出名的县城)这个mod可以体验到一寸山河一寸血的感觉,使部队每前进一步都有收获,每撤退一步都有失落,希望能给喜欢二战史的朋友们或是...
Created by 035569
新胡丹·战斗系统扩展是著名模组人虎胆剑心的作者伯爵的全新次世代设计模组。 最丰富的科技扩展,最正统的续作 是否厌倦了原版枯燥乏味,讨厌p社一成不变的线性升级,讨厌一贯pay to win的游戏模式?想要在高难模组里充分发挥自己的强大的指挥能力,想要摆脱重重锁链将手伸到触不可及的地方,想要体验历史上的意志决定论和超级武器? 那么新胡丹将是你的不二选择,600余款全新配件,四个完全重置的次世代设计器,四种新兵种,上百种隐藏科技将给予你独一无二的游戏体验,无论是历史上的钢铁巨兽,还是造价高昂的机械化车辆,速度制胜...
本MOD作为完整版的补充!删减了2/3的地名,只保留重要城市、重要战场,并重新划分了胜利点的数量。 完整版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3193245371 ! 2024年4月14日更新:修正了胜利点数...
冷战:东西对抗MOD - 简体中文
Created by David Wou
现在,召唤我们的号角再次吹响——不是号召我们拿起武器,尽管我们需要武器;不是号召我们去战斗,尽管我们正在战斗,而是号召我们在这一长期的晨昏对峙中承担起责任,年复一年,“欢欣希望,忍耐磨难”,去一起对抗人类共同的敌人:暴政,贫穷,疾病和战争。 ---约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪 The Cold War during 1947 - 1991 随着原子弹的一声巨响,自由世界和轴心国之间的战争宣告结束,但与此同时,新的对抗已经到来。作为上一次世界大战的失败者,德国已经被盟国和苏联分裂和占领,中国、朝鲜和越南共产党的崛...