Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (85)
⊿S.I.N‘s Punisher Custom M9 SILENCED -Vrchat (Magnum)
Created by 半喇柯基
- Replaces the Desert Eagle Magnum - Animations : empty - Models/Textures :Vrchat/⊿S.I.N - Silenced sound - Partial luminous effect 第三人称皆有换弹动画 原模型法线贴图约等于没有 毕竟是偏卡通向的模型,索性我就换了一种类似“无主之地”的风格化所制作的枪械模组 感谢“YJB”大佬为我提供的帮助 非常感谢! ...
【地图】公主岛战役princess island battle V1.2
Created by fever钟
【更新时间:22.9.8。地图实际完成时间:21.12.29】。这里是根据【双生视界】手游的基础上制作的三方图,也是目前迄今至2.0版本之前的最后一次更新。 很抱歉这个瓶颈期能卡住自己这么长时间,改了又改,优化了又再次优化,机制没问题就是地图布局依旧有欠缺的情况,同时,这在21年的年底最后一次优化三方图的时候就想说的事。从2022年开始全力做好新春会的工作准备,也在同年2月15号发布新春会特供mod到创意工坊后便鸽到现在。 其实就是不敢面对而已……何况这还是用15分钟左右的时间就能打通关的三方图。 可谁能想...
【少女前线】 SG553 (95式)| [Girls Frontline] SG553 (95 rifle)
Created by 洛兮
替换隐藏武器sg552,replace the hidden weapon sg552。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 在同样属性的角色中难得地同时对指挥官也相当上心。 称呼指挥官时一直非常礼貌地以"您"代称,充满温柔贤淑气质的同时也意外地容易让人产生一点距离感。 接定制皮肤枪,不过不是免费的(毕竟要恰饭的嘛)!...
Created by 只是地狱吖
这是暑假制作的最后一个MOD 以后做MOD的时间少很多 该MOD含有:飘动骨骼(第三称手腕VRD 完整的表巴尾巴动画 ================ model form 茶叶味香皂/少前2工作室 compile by diyujiang fix by diyujiang/cats ================ 2024.2.9调整大小120%/修复表情 ================ 封面来自于官方宣传图 有八人包,需要b站置顶(UID:454130937) 禁止以任何形式将此模组重新上传到创意工...
Created by 只是地狱吖
10月份把除了工坊有的少前2模全部做了一遍 这是其中之一 MOD包含: 飘动骨骼(第三人称) 更适合二次元的着色 完整的角色表情 风格化的VGUI以及展示图 手腕裙子VRD ================ model form GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2:EXILIUM compile by diyujiang fix by diyujiang/cats ================ 有八人包,需要b站动态置顶(UID:454130937) 封面来源于官方B站宣传图 禁止以任何形式将此模组重...
Created by 只是地狱吖
10月份把除了工坊有的少前2模全部做了一遍 这是其中之一 MOD包含: 飘动骨骼(第三人称) 更适合二次元的着色 完整的角色表情 风格化的VGUI以及展示图 手腕裙子VRD ================ model form GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2:EXILIUM compile by diyujiang fix by diyujiang/cats ================ 有八人包,需要b站动态置顶(UID:454130937) 封面来源于官方B站宣传图 禁止以任何形式将此模组重...
Created by 只是地狱吖
10月份把除了工坊有的少前2模全部做了一遍 这是其中之一 MOD包含: 飘动骨骼(第三人称) 更适合二次元的着色 完整的角色表情 风格化的VGUI以及展示图 手腕裙子VRD ================ model form GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2:EXILIUM compile by diyujiang fix by diyujiang/cats ================ 有八人包,需要b站动态置顶(UID:454130937) 封面来源于官方B站宣传图 禁止以任何形式将此模组重...
Created by 只是地狱吖
10月份把除了工坊有的少前2模全部做了一遍 这是其中之一 MOD包含: 飘动骨骼(第三人称) 更适合二次元的着色 完整的角色表情 风格化的VGUI以及展示图 手腕裙子VRD ================ model form GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2:EXILIUM compile by diyujiang fix by diyujiang/cats ================ 有八人包,需要b站动态置顶(UID:454130937) 封面来源于官方B站宣传图 禁止以任何形式将此模组重...
【少女前线2:追放】托洛洛【AK-Alfa】 替换 Zoey
Created by 凯茜帕鲁格
【注】:未经本人允许禁止修改并二次发布该MOD,如有需要还请告知我并在简历里附上该MOD的出处,否则一律视为盗取 更新:2023/8/2 【修复了左肩扭曲的bug,增加了法线贴图和高光贴图使模型拥有更多细节】 更新:2023/7/24 【将两瓶伏特加绑在了挎包上】 更新:2023/7/23【将模型放大了10%】 使用【少女前线2:追放】的角色【托洛洛 AK-Alfa】替换了一代人物佐伊 头发和衣服可以飘动,没有表情 模型来源:【少女前线2:追放】 MOD制作者:鸠白千夏 MOD发布者:鸠白千夏 什么叫中国速...
Created by 只是地狱吖
10月份把除了工坊有的少前2模全部做了一遍 这是其中之一 MOD包含: 飘动骨骼(第三人称) 更适合二次元的着色 完整的角色表情 风格化的VGUI以及展示图 手腕裙子VRD ================ model form GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2:EXILIUM compile by diyujiang fix by diyujiang/cats ================ 有八人包,需要b站动态置顶(UID:454130937) 封面来源于官方B站宣传图 禁止以任何形式将此模组重...
【武器脚本】M82A1 CQ
Created by Dazzle_白麒麟
本MOD是替换游戏内【15连发木狙】 后坐力和子弹扩散 提升部分,这是为了约束本武器太过于强大 破坏游戏相对应的平衡性, 单颗伤害:200 换弹速度:2.2s 弹匣容量:10发 射击间隔:0.4s This mod is a replacement in-game Recoil and bullet diffusion Boost section, this is to restrain the weapon from being too powerful Disrupt the balance of th...
【老婆枪】少女前线 HK416 T1 - 警戒线
Created by Dazzle_白麒麟
【本MOD替换的是 M16】 首次霍霍 少女前线的老婆们,本期的主题是少女前线的HK416,保留了部分写实风格, 希望大家会喜欢,二创改车作品,新增内容如下: +辅助瞄具 +检视动作 +专属皮肤 +消音器 +新音效 +新激光指示器 【原链接如下】 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2851532800 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2048626140750594467/F01...
【老婆枪】少女前线 UMP45 T1 - 鼻梁粉碎者
Created by Dazzle_白麒麟
【本MOD替换的是 Uzi】 二创改装车作品,少女前线 UMP45老婆枪以下是新增内容 +检视动作 +新全息瞄具 +新消音器 +垂直握把 +动作修改 以下是原版链接,我从MP5 改成了Uzi 因为 MP5不常见 所以还是改个实用一点的 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2900141105 ...
安全可靠的45防爆盾 少女前线
Created by AnkaThefool
开发组对其的描述:应订单要求,采用45姐(UMP45)换下的胸部钢板压制。 实战后某队员评价:Safely,Deadly. 某位不愿透露身份的404小队成员:就手感来说确实没什么区别。 替换隐藏武器 防爆盾(无脚本)。 This is a mod to replace RiotShield. 原模: Ballistic Shield https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2846441676 原本内侧还做有个瞪着你的45,太瘆人所以移除...
少女前线主题 M9替换马格南 (Grils Frontline's style M9 replace Desert Eagle)
Created by HCのYUDA
这是我最近觉得手感很棒的一个模组,于是把它做了个皮肤。 【说明】少女前线主题 M9替换马格南 【Description】Grils Frontline's style M9 replace Desert Eagle 已获得原模组作者8sianDude许可 模型源自:8sianDude https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532124673 model derived from:8sianDude https://steamcommu...
少女前线医药箱 / Girls' Frontline medical cabinet
Created by PIO
黑色系医药柜,带灯,夜光 喜欢帅帅的ar小队和wa酱就订阅吧! 图源分别来自微博和设定集 少女前线Q版药丸:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1544583143...
少女前线:鼻梁粉碎者(Girls Frontline UMP45).VRC 替换 尼克 2.0
Created by 半喇柯基
模型作者:studio chakapo mod包含:表情,vrd,飘动,r摇(这么平真的摇的起来吗) ———————————————————— 这个模型看似简单的很,做起来嘎嘎快 但做完后我还是大E了,毛病接踵而至。 修的那叫一个痛苦。屁股都坐麻了。 做了一堆版本,最后还是挑了一个看上去还行的版本上传到了工坊 不得不说45姐这个模型很精致,外骨骼的链接处理的也很好 相比其他版本的ump45多了几分严肃。更像个成年钢板 没人抢着做那就我来吧! 然后我就把她做了出来,工坊发先行版,最终版bilibili ———...
少女前线 主题门 / Girls' Frontline Door
Created by PIO
将游戏中的10多种门替换为少女前线主题高清门 复刻不给大兔子我要弃坑(☄◣ω◢)☄!! 如果有不忍心打破门的玩家可以订阅一下这个MOD,作者使所有门都不能被破坏 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131857159&searchtext=unbreak (此MOD只能在自己为主机的情况下才可生效) 友情提示:有订阅过类似于这种MOD的玩家,请关闭之前的MOD,以免发生冲突 ﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊﹋﹊...
少女前线 孙红雷孙黑雷 土制 / Girls' Frontline Golyat Pipe Bomb
Created by PIO
少女前线中的歌利亚替换了土制 你喜欢唱,跳,rap,打篮球( 孙黑雷/孙红雷)吗 感谢kaizen大佬的建模制作 这个mod已经拖了半年没传了,这几天想到了就把坑填了_(√ ζ ε:)_ 土制部分会带夜光,四肢会动,每关会随机一种(孙黑雷几率比较大)...
少女前线 羽中 替换TANK(Girls Frontline yu zhong replaces TANK)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换TANK,变成了 羽中)This character is a replacement TANK and becomes yu zhong 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用 You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription 【介绍】羽中是谁?羽中是少女前线游戏的制作人,也就是总裁 who is Yu zhong? Yu zhong is the producer and ...
少女前线 404小队棒球棒 / Girls' Frontline 404 Baseball Bat
Created by PIO
替换了游戏中的棒球棒 顶端是404小队队徽,增加了不刺眼的夜光 不要在意Nepgear穿模的手...
少女前线 M1014 HQ&Arby26's Animations(Girls' Frontline M1014 HQ &Arby26's Animations)
Created by 半喇柯基
Origin mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2267557582 by 洛洛无霍 models and materials by QUERENTIN animations by arby26 Replaces the autoshotgun.替换m1014 自制的第一个试作型枪皮: 主题为少女前线M1014,带夜光。 融合了个人原创设计(可能有点风格上的跑题??)角色一面是普通造型,一面是大破造型 全程用ps配合max制...
少女前线 Q版小人药丸(60种随机) / Girls' Frontline Pain Pills 60RNG
Created by PIO
替换了止痛药,50种随机小人 猴妈画的小人真是越看越魔性! 瓶盖瓶身分别展示了三种不同立绘,夜光 身上每小关只随机一种药丸,野生的药丸是完全随机 少女前线医药箱:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1546777727 2018.10.28更新: 更新至54种人物,增加了9A-91! 2018.11.19更新: 更新至60种人物,增加了部分二星、三星角色!...
少女前线 UMP45平底锅 / Girls' Frontline UMP45 frying pan
Created by PIO
替换了平底锅正面背面和打击音效 我跟你说 45姐的胸真是sdcsfgfhjjk,jnfhshfvadaoia.a.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrYS9PdUcAA6cz_.jpg:large 据说作者生前是个体面人 2018.11.19更新: 增加了原打击音效...
少女前线2 佩里提亚(Girls Frontline 2 Peritya)- 少前2 MOD
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换francis,变成了佩里提亚)This character is a replacement francis and becomes peritya 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
少女前线2 HUD(Girls Frontline 2 HUD)- 少前2 MOD
Created by 月悠红茶
【说明】这个是少女前线2 HUD,素材来源于少前2 This is the MOD that modifies the Girls Frontline 2 HUD. The material comes from Girls Frontline 2 少前2 MOD 链接(Girls Frontline 2 MOD Link) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2543009704 更改者是月悠红茶(HCHA) Changed by ...
Created by 综合病症患
夜光不刺眼 night light is not dazzling 感谢你的订阅与支持 Thank you for your subscription and support 学业繁忙告辞 4k已更新https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519995395...
少女前线HK416 自动贩卖机/Girls' Frontline HK416 Vending Machine
Created by PIO
替换了自动售货机,目前10种 高清自动贩卖机,约30秒替换一次 指挥官,有我就够了( 图片均来自P站 ...
少女前线MP7 替换mac-10(Grils Frontline MP7 replace mac-10)
Created by HCのYUDA
我以前是个卧底,我坐过牢,也卖过棒棒糖,甚至得要杀人,结果成绩斐然,让我获得升迁—Bandit 【说明】少女前线主题 MP7替换mac-10 【Description】Grils Frontline MP7 replace mac-10 模型源自:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=414950487&searchtext=MP7 model derived from:https://steamproxy.net/shared...
404-Anchor Loding 少女前线404的加载图标
Created by Unsmart-POI
AN-94 Script
Created by barbinsnarshin
Changes the stats of the ak47 to be like the AN-94 from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2: Damage: 40 Clip size: 30 Fire rate: 625 RPM...
Arknights - Cuora M82A1M skin (HuntingRifle) glow 明日方舟 - 蛇屠箱 M82A1M 替换猎枪 夜光
Created by SHArknight
来陪我玩玩吧! 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2839758425 Original Mod - M82A1闇冥 原图 还有一张实在找不到出处sorry 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是58 定制MOD,征得金主同意后发布 非常感谢金主爸爸!!! 龟龟! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1...
Created by Kagarino Kirie
" While you are looking at Cele Ghost set" You: Which one is better for the AK slot? ... AK12 or SC2010? Damn it, they are both good guns. " Too hard to make a decision? " - Then this mod is for YOU! AK12 will now move into the Scar slot! So you can use bo...
COD:MW AK-47 Resonant(共鸣)
Created by 半喇柯基
replase ak-47 替换AK47 -------------------------------------- 模型和材质:Infinity Ward Origin compie:viper 移植/compie:Denny凯妈 再编译/recompie:me 音效:Denny凯妈 -------------------------------------- 感谢凯妈的动画授权! 过程一言难尽,这里不再赘赘述----------------------------------- ...
cons-Girls' Frontline series 2 OTS-14 R15 pillow replace medic
cons-Girls' Frontline series 2 OTS-14 R15 pillow replace medic It's not easy for pigeons like me to have 1000 fans. Just take this as a welfare for 1000 fans gugugugugugu R15图片抱枕替代药包 There are two pictures in total. Two R15 5S are replaced Luminous effect ...
Escape From Castle Yhy
Created by MerCurio
inspired by return to castle wolfenstein Aww shaka here we go again... i took your feedback from my last campaign "Temple Ruins", how infinite hordes were annoying and put quite a challenge for some of you and taking out the fun. Now i don't like to make i...
Finale(Defense) Theme: Girls' Frontline OST - SENTRY.B
Created by SQ_FlanTheEX
https://i.imgur.com/puQLc9M.png Replace the finale theme with "Girls' Frontline OST - SENTRY.B" Source: (First Video) Showcase: (Second Video) Attention! After subscribe this mod, extract the music file from VPK to cover the original music file and unsubsc...
Girls Frontline Baseball Bat[少女前线logo棒球棒]
Created by 劳伦缇娜
这个mod替换了原版棒球棍【Baseball Bat】 加了少女前线的夜光logo 【有大神跟我唆不能太花里胡哨】 看着logo被鲜血染红的样子 是不是想和感染者来厮杀一场呢 希望大家订阅的时候大大点赞qwq 阿里嘎多 ...
Girls Frontline Negev
Created by Vaz0w
This addon replaces Bill. --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; VGUI; Zoey Animation; Facial expressions; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you like i...
Girls Frontline SHATTERED CONNEXION: Connexion End music
Created by ~&南宫唯&~
From Girls Frontline Shattered Connexion...
Girls' Frontline - Taskforce 404 [Name Change](Chinese Ver)
Created by Air
This changes the names of the original Left 4 Dead 1 Survivors; Bill > HK-416 Zoey > G11 Francis > UMP-45 Louis > UMP-9 Credit changes; Bill > "As H&K 416" Zoey > "As H&K G11" Francis > "As H&K UMP-45" Louis > "As H&K UMP-9" It's useful for who uses Chines...
Girls' Frontline - Taskforce 404 [Name Change]
"We're the squad that does not exist." - UMP-45 _____________________________________________________________________________ U P D A T E : As it turns out, although I'm not particularily sure if it's working through Workshop subbing, my alternative sugges...
Girls' Frontline 404 Teams spray painting
Created by Stupid Guan
With following,you can use them directly! Options - multiplayer -sprays little work!404 teams from Girls' Frontline! Enjoy...
Girls' Frontline Glowing Logo Fireaxe
Created by 「404 Not Found」
My second Girls' Frontline skin. It's fireaxe With Girls' Frontline logo. logo is glowing in dark. Hope you like this skin. SHOJOZENSEN! Credits Texture, Normal Map - TOG | K1CHWA...
Girls' Frontline IWS 2000 Military Sniper
Created by 「404 Not Found」
Military sniper IWS 2000 reskin. IWS 2000 in lens, and logo in side. Hope you like this skin. SHOJOZENSEN !...
Girls' Frontline M99 少女前线M99图像手电筒
Created by Echo·Iris
Girls' Frontline M99少女前线M99图像手电筒 未经授权 禁止转载 authorized reproduce...
Girls' Frontline M99 sniper 少女前线M99 铁狙
Created by Echo·Iris
Girls' Frontline M99 sniper 少女前线M99 铁狙 一天两更真开心\(^o^)/~ 未经授权 禁止转载...
Girls' Frontline MP5 少女前线MP5
Created by Echo·Iris
Girls' Frontline MP5 少女前线MP5 我的本命枪就是这么来的( ̄▽ ̄)~* 未经授权 请勿转载...
Girls' Frontline UMP45 少女前线 UMP45
Created by Echo·Iris
Girls' Frontline UMP45 少女前线 UMP45 感谢 @Rabbit | Tank 的想法 未经授权 禁止转载 图源:少女前线...
HK416 Saferoom Loading Screen : Girls' Frontline / Dolls' Frontline
Created by NPCsnake
-Girls' Frontline- HK416 Chapter(Saferoom) Loading Screen -少女前线- HK416 关卡(安全室)读图背景...
Honkai Impact 3 死士小僵尸
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av56461876 PS:Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.Revision of the release is subject to my approval. 未经许可严禁转载,修改发布需经过我的同意 thank:竹音 thank:大鸟 重要:本mod目前没有语音诚邀有志之士制作语音包,我会特别加上其合作者 If bl...
Honkai Impact Adult Raiden Mei's katana 后崩坏书芽衣太刀替换武士刀
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Adult Raiden Mei’s katana Replaces default one. 崩坏3后崩坏书芽衣太刀替换游戏内武士刀 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Katana. 替换 武士刀 ----------------------------Then/补充---------------...
Honkai3-impact witch music
Created by 烈焰V2
Replace witch music with some music from Honkai3-impact Recommended for use with Seele Vollerei witch mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1870681092...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Created by Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
lord dragon [spitter]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's lord dragon replace spitter in game. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是mua猫装替换了jockey 希望大家喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces spitter. 替换 spitter ------------------------Then/胡说...
MAC-10 | Kriss Vector The Division - Emergency Procedure
Created by Kokkorylien
One of the skin of MAC-10 | Kriss Vector The Division "Emergency Procedure" Series. Suitable for many urgent work items, including the treatment of infection. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1830174836223430320/BDFF34EB1D476CB9B8D26F0838A9087081...
Mia Replace Jockey
Created by Vaz0w
This addon replaces Jockey. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Hamuketsu --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; First person arms; ------------------...
New 少女前线 AR15 替换 G3 / (Girls' Frontline) AR15 replace G3
Created by 杰罗尼莫
特别感谢大佬“M82A1闇冥”提供的技术支持. "指挥官……这是梦吗? 我之前的迷茫……到底是为了什么呢? 请让我一直看着您吧,因为一闭上眼睛……我就担心自己会醒来……" AR15 替换 G3(带音效和夜光) 原版mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981058753 原作者:Denny凯妈 , zmg and DragonOfJustice original mod: https://steamcommunity.co...
OBO: Rifle, M60 - M134 Minigun script
Created by pLankycide Book
OBO: Pronounced "oboe" (yes, like the instrument), it stands for "Overseer's Balance Overhaul for Weapons". This is a script that overhauls the M60 special weapon, turning it into an M134 minigun. This is a specific version that fires 1000 rounds per minut...
Seele Vollerei replace witch.
Seele Vollerei replace witch. Only the model was replaced, no sound....
Sexy charger
Created by 原神职业选手
This mod makes the charger sound sexier ...
Tank Theme: Girls' Frontline OST - Singularity E3 Theme
Created by SQ_FlanTheEX
Don't worry. This won't be the last time we fire on each other. https://i.imgur.com/puQLc9M.png Replace the Tank music with "Girls' Frontline OST - Singularity E3(Boss) Theme" Source: (First Video) Showcase: (Second Video) Attention! After subscribe this m...
The Particles Manifest
Created by Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
thirdpersonshoulder 第三人称(中文版)
Created by 凝萱
》第3人称脚本:订阅即可《 《 NUT + CFG 双版本 》 该脚本包含NUT和CFG两个版本 单机或者本机服务器下NUT版本会自行生效 非本地服务器则按下指定按钮使用CFG版本 ========================================= 在以下情况下生效:《NUT版本》 1.完成战役 => 单人模式 2.完成战役 => 与好友一起玩游戏 => 创建新战役大厅 => 服务器类型选择:本地服务器 3.自行探索 -------------------------------------...
TTi STI Combat Master 2011(pistols) 塔兰战斗大师2011 替换 双枪
Created by 半喇柯基
从隔壁CS起源扒的模型,希望你能够喜欢! - Replaces pistols - Animations : mav - Models/Textures :Tangent24 2023.6.17 fix reload speed 修复换弹动作 2023.6.18 fix Bullet in the barrel 修复枪械套筒内的子弹权重 no Flashlight.ver: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2990456286 ...
UMP45 Hunting Rifle (Girls' Frontline)
Created by 「404 Not Found」
My First Girls' Frontline weapon skin. I love UMP45 so much. So I made this skin. Hope you like this skin. SHOJOZENSEN!...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[Bocchi the Rock] "Boomer" Kikuri's Voice
Created by io-ichan
Replace Boomer's voice with Kikuri's voice Boomer Mod...
[Bocchi the Rock] Hiroi Kikuri [Replace Boomer]
Created by io-ichan
Sorry my poor English I think Kimuri is very suitable for the position, so I replaced it. I ported this model from Koikatsu Voice TAG: Bocchi the Rock , Hiroi Kikuri , Boomer...
[COD:MW2019] Minigun Sound
Created by XEN
This replaces the default m60 firing sound into MINIGUN from COD:MW2019 Original Gun Addon: MW19 Minigun https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2811664894 Wallpaper Used in this addon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo52mfTiiRI&t=84s Audio...
[GirlsFrontLine]Hud V2.1
Created by 可児澪です
爆肝20多个小时终于算是把坑填了.. -把血条改为战斗内选中人形的UI样式 -武器栏简化并更改了颜色 -打包和拉人的进度条改为简约风格 -白色圆点准星 -击杀提示框与字体颜色改为白色 注意_(:з」∠)_ -如果战役内有超过4名玩家在场的话可能会出现未知的显示错误 -虚血实血全靠猜(你以为我是大绿 其实我是全是虚血哒! -团灭界面里会乱入一个其他玩家的界面 -暂停界面时准星依旧还会显示 -倒地背景图可能会与其他人物Mod冲突 调整加载优先级或直接放入本地Mod文件夹内为最优法 看心情也许会有后续更新(吧 就...
[Honkai 3rd]M134 Vulcan Minigun replaces minigun
Created by 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】M134火神机枪替换加特林机枪 Replace minigun with M134 Vulcan Minigun in Honkai Impact 3....
[Hunter] Kanna Kamui
Created by K"ashimura♦
Model from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter characters. Front cover 「Author」TOMATO 「PixivID」61771640 Model 「Author」icemega5 Resource modification list L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter Model L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter FPS Arms Hunter Special Ability I...
[Kanna] Hunter Sound
Created by K"ashimura♦
Sound from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter Sound. Sound source Kanna Kamui 長縄まりあ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Appear animated episodes 1-12 ...
[R18]M320-小小少女的涂鸦 少女前线 (夜光)
Created by 老瑞瑞
少女前线M320 (涂鸦) 替换 榴弹发射器 小416真的太可爱了,黑猫的赠礼???,我直接黑猫的婚礼!!! 小小少女的童心与秘密握在手中 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/16/m4Zwn3tgolub1pJ.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/16/vPBsDLfJMzQFkjr.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/16/Dvsn95XOLAFE8B4.png 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/...