Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Items (423)
АН-225"МРIЯ" (AN-225 "MRIYA")
Created by Mauser_NATO
Ukrainian super-heavy cargo aircraft. Made on the basis of AN - 124 In reality, only one copy was made for transporting USSR copies of the space shuttle aircraft. 3 color options. Year of issue 1988 - Today Currency RUB. !!!!!There is one bug. because of t...
Created by Mauser_NATO
АТ-Т Тяжолый тягач на базе танка Т-54, Также на базе тягача Инжинерная машина БАТ-М. 1- Бульдозер 2- С закрытым кузовом 3- Лесовоз 4- Бульдозер для уборки снега Года выпуска 1950 - 1979 ---------------------------------------------- AT-T Heavy tractor base...
ГАЗ-13 Чайка (GAZ-13)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Газ-13 Чайка. Членовоз министерского уровня. 7 посадочных мест 6 цветов Выпускался 1959 1981 --------------------- GAZ-13 Seagull (GAZ-13) Gas-13 Seagull. Nomenclature transport ministerial level. 7 seats 6 colors Issued 1959 1981...
ГЭС-27 | Hydro electro power station '27
Created by dimndroll
RUS Для тех, кто не может дождаться появления ГЭС от разработчиков — этот мод. Он основан на легендарной Волховской ГЭС, одной из первых советских гидроэлектростанций. Её строительство началось почти сразу после революции, но было прервано из-за гражданско...
ГорТранс. (city transport infrastructure)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Мод на разные станции, полустанки, депо, и прочее. Mod to different stations, stop stations, depots, and more. !!!! The use of mod materials is prohibited. !!!!...
Дворец культуры
Дворец был построен в начале 70-х годов для посетителей Припяти и Чернобыльской АЭС. «Энергетик» являлся частью целого комплекса городских центральных зданий, куда входили сам дом культуры, универмаг, гостиница «Полесье», ресторан, кухня для детей, кинотеа...
Rail station PACK
Created by Benser
PACK провинциальных жд станций. Первая станция двухколейная, остальные одноколейные. PACK of provincial railway stations from Ukraine. The first station is two-track, the rest are single-track. Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
r18100 & ANGARA
Created by olDen
r18100 & ANGARA SPEED 5 CAPACITY 1000 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Public transport stops
Created by BORO
Остановки общественного транспорта. Три остановки без подземного перехода. Четыре остановки с подземными переходами (подземный переход декоративный) Public transport stops. Three stops without underpass. Four stops with underpasses (decorative underpass) Н...
Public Sauna PACK / БАНИ
Created by Benser
ПОШЛИ В БАНЮ!:) Баня всегда была больше чем баней. Не только «помывочным местом» и цирюльней, «второй матерью» и праздником души и тела, но и этаким клубом для дружеских посиделок и пиршеств. ПАК состоит из трех типов бань: 1. баня - больница (1 машина) 2....
Created by olDen
project_585 COOLER SPEED 7uzla CAPACITY 350 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Inknown...
Деревня | Village
Created by dimndroll
RUS Для тружеников села в первом выпуске "Сельской жизни" представлена традиционная русская деревня. Это 64 уникальных дома: 16 отдельных участков и 16 сельских улиц, по 3 участка. Дома относительно уютные, качество жилья — 55-65%. Для строительства нужны ...
Created by Mauser_NATO
ЗИМ или ГАЗ-12 Членовоз Есть13 расцветок 2 варианта Личный транспорт Скорая помощь Вместимость 6 чел. Года выпуска 1949 - 1962 ------------------- ZIM or GAZ-12 Member carrier There are 13 colors 2 options Personal transport Ambulance Capacity 6 people Yea...
НПП Пульсар (Pulsar - Electrodetail Factory)
Created by Tesmio
Support me: НПП "Пульсар" – научно-производственный центр, специализирующийся на производстве изделий СВЧ-электроники на основе кремния, кремний-германия и широкозонных полупроводниковых материалов. НПП «Пульсар» основан в 195...
Пак жилых зданий серии 1-464ДМ
Created by Billman007
Приветствую! Представляю Вам, одну из самых распространенных серий типовых жилых домов России и стран СНГ. Представленные дома серии 1-464ДМ являются модификацией общесоюзной серии домов 1-464Д. Жилые здания данной серии строились преимущественно в Мурманс...
Набор магазинов - Pack of stores.
коллекция магазинов. store collection...
Заводоуправление и четыре новых цеха ЗТМ
Created by Tesmio
Сразу четыре новых типовых промышленных здания из комплекта завода тяжелого машиностроения. - Центральная заводская лаборатория(химический завод небольшой производительности) - Сборочный цех(автозавод) - Гальванический цех(завод электроники) - Электромехан...
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
ЛуАЗ-969М (LuAZ-969M)
Created by Mauser_NATO
ЛуАЗ-969М "Волинянка" Лёгкий многоцелевой внедорожник. Есть 8 разновидностей: 1,2,3 - Пассажирские версии. 4 - Самосвал. 5 - Открытый кузов. 6 - Закрытый кузов. 7 - Автоцистерна. 8 - Бетономешалка. 16 расцветок. Года произвоцтва: 1972 - 2002 --------------...
Каменная шахта с дробильной установкой (Big Gravel Mine )
Created by Tesmio
Stone mine with built-in crushing apparatus. At the exit, you immediately get gravel. Included in the ZTM complex. 100 Workers Productivity 13 tonn\day Excavators 3 things ------------------------ Каменная шахта с встроенным дробительным аппаратом. На выхо...
КРАЗ 260 (KRAZ 260)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Украинский многоцелевой тяжелый грузовик двойного назначения Кременчугского автозавода. Выпускался с 1979 по 1993 Представленно 15 вариантов грузовиков: 3 - Закрытый кузов. 4 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Автоцистерны. 1 - Цементовоз 1 - Лесовоз 1 - Бетономешалка....
Запорожець ЗАЗ - 968 (ZAZ - 968)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1971 -1979...
Пак ранних вагончиков
Created by Chestir
Небольшой пак вагончиков для раннего старта. Автор мода Валерий Карпов. Крытый вагон 18 тонн (т.н. нормальный товарный вагон, НТВ) для зерна, одежды и т.д. Вместимость 18 тонн, доступность 1916-1960гг Крытый вагон для цемента на базе НТВ 10т., 1916-1960гг ...
Пельменная | Dumpling
Created by dimndroll
RUS По просьбам трудящихся спроектирована типовая советская пельменная 70-х. Работает как маленький магазин еды. Максимальное количество продавцов: 5 Максимальное число посетителей: 18 У здания нет заводских соединений, а склад всего на полтонны. Поэтому р...
Плакучая Ива
Ресторана «Плакучая ива»,на самом деле не существовало, его соорудили в павильоне на киностудии Мосфильм,специально для этого фильма. Restaurant...
Полустанок (Rail station 1 track)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Простой пассажирский малый полустанок. Тут основной мод Here is the main mod ...
СОВХОЗ / Real soviet farm
Created by Benser
СОВХОЗ / FARM Новый Совхоз в советсом стиле. Техника - 18 мест Хранилище - 350 т New Farm in real soviet style. $WORKING_VEHICLES_NEEDED 18 $STORAGE_EXPORT RESOURCE_TRANSPORT_COVERED 350 26/12/2020 add version without rail and with 12 vehicles Другие мои р...
Серия 121 60 25 В
Серия 121-60-25 – крупнопанельные дома, распространенные в городах, строившихся в качестве обеспечения жилой инфраструктуры крупных энергетических объектов (ГЭС, ГРЭС, АЭС). Дома имеют специфический внешний вид, в связи с крестообразной планировкой этажа. ...
Таврія ЗАЗ - 1102 (ZAZ - 1102)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1988 - 1997...
Created by Tesmio
Теплоэлектроцентраль (ТЭЦ) — разновидность тепловой электростанции, которая не только производит электроэнергию, но и является источником тепловой энергии в централизованных системах теплоснабжения (в виде пара и горячей воды, в том числе и для обеспечения...
УАЗ - 452 (UAZ - 452)
Created by Mauser_NATO
УАЗ 452 Буханка Грузовой вариант Автобус Личный транспорт Амбулатория 22 расцветки Параметры: Буханка Скорость: Буханка! Вместимость - Буханка!!!! Грузоподьёмность - БУХАНКА!!! Прочее: БУХАНКААА!!!! Года производства: 1965 - тепловая смерть вселенной ...
VT 18.16 "Vindobona"
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Representation of v 18.16 "Vindobona" train in-game. Power car statistics: Power: 1472kW Weight:62t Price: 95,530 RUB Availability: 1956-2003 Max speed: 160 km/h Wagon statistics: Capacity: 56 pasangers Weight: 44t Price: 25,708 RUB Availability: 1965-2003...
Volkswagen T3
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Volkswagen Transporter — первый минивэн и второй гражданский автомобиль Volkswagen после Volkswagen Käfer. Микроавтобус, ставший одним из самых узнаваемых символов эпохи хиппи. Третье поколение производилось с 1979 по 1992 гг. и было последним поколением с...
Volkswagen Polo Sedan
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Volkswagen Polo Sedan — легковой автомобиль, производимый с 2010 года по полному циклу, со сваркой и окраской кузова, на заводе фирмы Volkswagen под Калугой. Является моделью с кузовом седан в семействе Volkswagen Polo V. Polo Sedan был первым в истории фи...
Created by painkillerlexar
TrainStation 4 lines Medium Size , 3000 pass ...
ZSD Nysa 522 Emergency skin pack
Created by Elektrofumigator
A skin pack for in-game Nysa 522 Ambulance. Pack consists of: - Regular tricolor scheme for Polish EMS - Bicolor scheme for early (up to 70s) Polish EMS - Milicja Obywatelska scheme (Polish pre-1989 police) Militia station used in 2nd shot: https://steamco...
ZiU-10 skin pack
Created by Gerbilskij
A collection of skins, mostly from the former USSR, for the ZiU-10 trolleybus, including a modernized door variant. Detailed content ZiU 10 (683) - blue/white - cream/green stripe - white/orange stripe - white/blue stripes - white/red stripes - white/red (...
ZiU 9 skin pack
Created by Gerbilskij
A collection of skins from USSR/Russia for the ZiU-9 (ZiU 682) trolleybus (various versions). Detailed content ZiU 9 / 682B - beige/red stripe - cream/blue stripe - cream/green stripe - cream/orange stripe ZiU 682V (1983) - beige/red stripe - cream/blue st...
ZiU 682G skin pack
Created by Gerbilskij
A collection of skins for the ZiU-682G trolleybus, including a variant with modernized doors. Content: - white/green stripes (Moscow) - sand/orange (Nizhny Novgorod) - orange/blue (Belgrade) - blue (new doors, Moscow) - white/red stripe - cream/green strip...
Created by olDen
zil_130 SPEED 90 AVAILABLE 1962 1994 the model is adapted by Inknown...
ZIL-4333 pack
ЗИЛ-4333 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль разработки и производства автомобильного завода имени Лихачёва в Москве. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 90 км/ч Мощность - 110 кВТ Года - 1993 2010 Модификации: 1.ЗИЛ-433360 бортовой 2...
Created by KsenoN
ЗИЛ-432930 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль производившийся на Заводе имени Лихачёва. Являлся заменой модели ЗИЛ-130. В моде присутсвует ЗИЛ-432930 и ЗИЛ-432940. Автор моделей: CHEEKI BREEKI (Gohan) Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорост...
Универсам | Universam (grocery supermarket)
Created by dimndroll
RUS Универсам (универсальный магазин самооблуживания) – это один из первых советских супермаркетов в современном понимании слова. Правда, в отличие от универмагов, там продавали исключительно продукты и хозяйственные товары. Такие магазины массово строилис...
УАЗ - 469 (UAZ - 469)
Created by Mauser_NATO
УАЗ - 469 Бобик. 2 варианта 13 расцветок 7 посадочных мест. Производился 1972 - 2003...
ШАХТЫ (Mine)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Шахты и сопутствующие объекты. Буду сюда кидать сюда здания горной промышленности когда они будут готовы. Mines and related facilities. I’ll throw here mining buildings when they are ready....
14-9037 vagon
Created by oleksii.kapustin
RU: Транспортер железнодорожный, модель 14-9037 (Стахановский вагоностроительный завод, Украина), предназначен для перевозки транспортных упаковочных комплектов ТУК-13 (контейнеров с ядерными отходами) по железным дорогам в составе специального грузового п...
15 Story Panel Apartments
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by buildings from Sovkhoz imeni Lenina, Moscow Oblast. Available in 3 colours. Capicity 180 Quality 87%...
21 storey flats prefab
Created by 3division
Sample apartments with 21 storey. Good to save place in your city :-) For moders: Check source files to see how to add your new building Documentation will follow soon! (works with version and higher)...
3 into 1 Conveyor Transfer
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
3 into 1 Conveyor Engine...
4 way switch high 2
Created by ⑨汁糖
4 way eletric high output...
5 Lenin Monuments
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small Lenin mosaics...
Ampir brick houses PACK
Created by Benser
ПАК кирпичных сталинок начала 50-х с высокой детализацией по мотивам серии домов в Дарницком районе, г.Киев, Украина. Состоит из 3 домов: 1. Ampir brick house S - пятиэтажный дом на 100 жителей 3. Ampir brick house М - пятиэтажный дом на 220 жителей 4. Amp...
Ampir house
Created by Benser
Жилой дом в стиле Cталинский ампир в городе Киев. Жители - 300 чел 17/10/2020 добавил зеркальный дом Residental house in Stalin ampir style,based in Kyiv Ukraine Residents 300 Update 23/08/2020, fix construction, heating 17/10/2020 added mirror house Други...
Animal farms / Коровники
Created by Benser
RU В продолжение сельской темы новый маленький пак с фермами. Состоит из: 1. Ферма 1 производит скот, так как коровы немного пасутся, нужно меньше зерна. 2. Ферма 2 по задумке производит меньше скота,но также производит молочную продукцию, то есть еду. 3. ...
Antonov AN-148
Created by oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-148 — среднемагистральный узкофюзеляжный пассажирский самолёт. Двухмоторный турбореактивный самолёт, построенный по аэродинамической схеме свободнонесущего высокоплана с крылом умеренной стреловидности и однокилевым Т-образным оперением. Пассажировм...
Autosan BusPack
Created by neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack include: Autosan H9-03. Its been produced in SFA AUTOSAN between 1973 and 1980. It has 101kW (135hp) engine, and capacity of 48 passengers. Autosan H9-35, city version of H9 family. Its been produced in SFA AUTOSAN between 1975 and 1997. It has 1...
Automobile troops of the Ministry of defense of the USSR. Part 1
Created by Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. The mod contains samples of automotive, construction and special equipment used by the Soviet Army. I thanks everyone who points out the shortcomings and shortcom...
Audi 100 (C3)
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Audi 100 — название семейства легковых автомобилей бизнес-класса, производившихся в ФРГ компанией Audi с 1968 по 1994 годы. Все поколения модели имели определённую техническую преемственность между собой и сохраняли заложенные с самого появления модели баз...
Antonov AN-24
Created by oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ан-24 (по кодификации НАТО: Coke — «Кокс») — турбовинтовой пассажирский самолёт для линий малой и средней протяжённости. Оснащён двумя турбовинтовыми двигателями АИ-24 с воздушным винтом изменяемого шага. Самолёт выпускался с 1959 по 1979 год, произвед...
AP 5 (53213)
Created by vinnikandry
Arctic Cathedral
Created by Fiend
The Arctic Cathedral is the popular English name of Tromsdalen Church, the parish church of Tromso in Norway. It was designed in 1965 by architect Jan Inge Hovig. It serves 600 people....
Barkas B1000 GDR Firefighter (Feuerwehr)
Firetruck B1000 Country: Germany Available: 1960 - 1990 Available for purchase for rubels...
Bagger 288 Bucket wheel excavator (Building)
Created by βlu∃_βrO
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not on the beta test branch, the niamtion will be twitchy and after a few degrees of rotation, the arm will snap back to start. This is fixed in the new version, so please be patient until this fix comes to the stable release. Thank...
B1000 SMH3 (GDR)
Adds the ambulance SMH3 Barkas B1000 which was used since 1983. Using partly the original model of the game and a attachement modified from one of my own old models. (I used to prepare some mods for 911-First Responders some years ago...) See also my textu...
Created by frostsey
База́р - с минимально оборудованными торговыми рядами, под открытым небом, где присутствует множество продавцов и покупателей и происходит розничная торговля продуктами питания и другими товарами....
Created by vinnikandry
Serial production of BelAZ 540 was launched at the end of 1965. The main feature of the car is the ability to transport up to 27 tons of cargo (or 15 m3)....
Berlin TV Tower
Created by KArantukki
Berliner Fernsehturm Der Berliner Fernsehturm ist mit 368 Metern das höchste Bauwerk Deutschlands sowie der vierthöchste Fernsehturm Europas. Der Fernsehturm befindet sich im Park am Fernsehturm im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte. Der Fernsehturm im Internationale...
Bijlmermeer style blocks
Created by Nyxyx
Bijlmermeer was a neighbourhood in Amsterdam, Netherlands, designed by Siegfired Nassuth and built in 1975. It housed over 50,000 people with over 150 nationalities. It's early implementation was notorious for crime due to the failure of the buildings to a...
Bitum Powerplant
Created by painkillerlexar
BitumenPowerstantion Bitumen means Mazut ("heavy fuel oil") , we no have no mazut in game but Mazut its close to Bitum so we can have one more resource for get Electricity! ...
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
The Biofuel Plant, now you can turn grain into fuel. I repurposed the Concrete Plant model to become a Biofuel Plant instead, with new colours to differentiate them. I will try and improve the pipe connectivity at the back, they do work but you have to pul...
Blue Chs2r
Created by 3division
Skin For Chs2r locomotive...
Boeing 727
Created by oleksii.kapustin
RU: Boeing 727 — американский узкофюзеляжный среднемагистральный пассажирский самолёт. Первый полёт совершил 9 февраля 1963 года. Всего с 1963 по 1984 год было поставлено 1832 самолёта. Аэродинамическая схема — свободнонесущий трёхмоторный турбовентиляторн...
Boeing 747
Created by Mauser_NATO
I think it does not need an introduction. 2 options: Covered Passenger 13 colors. Currency...
Bombardier TWINDEXX Vario
Created by Vilaxe
The Bombardier Twindexx Vario is a type of double-Decker car manufactured by Bombardier Transportation , which is used by Deutsche Bahn in regional and long-distance transport. Bombardier Twindexx Vario is part of the Twindexx family, which also includes T...
Created by Fiend
The Deutsche Reichsbahn's Class 52 is a German steam locomotive widely used throughout the Soviet Union. I did not make the original model - credit goes to Sketchpad user 'accessviolation' who made it freely available. I modified the model to reduce polygo...
Bread factory
Created by Gerbilskij
A medium sized bakery, don't get fooled by its appearance comrades, here we produce only the freshest bread out of the finest chem... WHEAT FLOUR, made from our glorious republic golden fields. Thank you to Ryantheskinny for the help fixing some errors. NB...
Brick houses 2
Created by robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 45-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 45-125 robot...
Bucket Dredger
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Instructional video on placement provided. Today I present to you a Bucket Dredger. An excavation boat meants for gravel mining in shallow waters. In game version, it acts as a factory, where you send fuel to power the boat and get gravel out of it. It con...
Skins for the brick blocks of flats (4 storey)
Created by robs074 Skins for my 4-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins for the brick blocks of flats (3 storey)
Created by robs074 Skins for my 3-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Bucyrus Erie Class 24 dragline excavator
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Huge thanks to ryantheskinny for commissionaning me to make this awesome beast of a machine! :) Requires ryantheskinny's Strip Mine building. !!WARNING!! Due to refueling in gravel mines being not yet implemented, it is !!IMPORTANT!! to put gas stations ne...
Buick Electra 225 (1959)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Представительский автомобиль конца 50 х. 3 Варианта кузова: Седан. Универсал. Скорая. 20 Расцветок Года выпуска 1959 - 1964 Валюта USD. -------------------------------------------- Executive car of the late 50s. 3 body options: Sedan. Station wagon. Ambula...
Bus stop
Pripyat. The central part of the colonnade in the town square....
Building Tuning Pack
Created by knoelliX
Tuned Excavator for faster Building. Vehicles have to be transported by truck and do not need fuel. Getunter Bagger für schnelleres Bauen. Fahrzeuge müssen per LKW transportiert werden und benötigen keinen Kraftstoff. E-10020-L exvacator: Speed 0 need tran...
Created by painkillerlexar
Build on Stalingradskaya str. Individual City project 1966 Жилое здание по индивидуальному городскому проекту на улице Сталинградской. 1966 год Qual 97 220 Workers...
Created by painkillerlexar
Very Small BusStop VilageSmall Busstop some visual problem with Vehicles overcrossing , but work ) Bus stop for vilages where imposible place standart bus station...
CAT Pack
Created by KsenoN
Caterpillar Inc. «Ка́терпиллар» — одна из ведущих корпораций по производству крупнейшей спецтехники в мире. В данном моде присутсвует техника CAT: автогрейдер, погрузчик и каток. Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar is one of the leading corporations for the produ...
Car dealer PACK
Created by Benser
Магазин "Автомобили" Модель основана на реальном здании. 17.01.2021 обновил мод, немного исправил скрипт и размеры модели. Теперь в моде 3 автомагазина: 1. Магазин "Автомобілі" (назва Українською мовою) 2. Магазин "Автомобили" (название на русском языке, к...
Created by Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой. Busstop mosaic. 12.10.2021 добавил одностороннюю остановку (add version of one way busstop ) Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Cement Truck VEB Zementwerke
Adds a german, GDR themed cement truck texture for the Skoda Chasis. As an easteregg, I added the insignia of the cementcombine "Rüdersdorf" near Berlin. Trivia: that´s where the last part of "The Hunger Games" was set, and that´s why you can see a ROBUR L...
Chevrolet BLAZER k5
Created by Mauser_NATO
Шевроле Блезер К5 Внедорожник второго поколения. Производился с 1973 по 1991 год. Присутствует 4 варианта кузова и 20 вариантов раскраски. Валюта USD. ----------------------------- Chevrolet blazer k5 Off-road vehicle of the second generation. Produced fro...
Checkpoint for Railway
Created by Tesmio
Checkpoint for trains. The game is presented as a repository. Not a hindrance to transport. Контрольно-пропускной пункт для поездов. В игре представлен как хранилище. Не является помехой для транспорта. ...
Checkpoint N1
Created by BORO
Здание проходной №1. С открытыми воротами. Работает как остановка общественного транспорта. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – проходная без лозунга. 2 – проходная с лозунгом «Слава труду» На здании без лозунга вы можете написать собственный текст. Building ...
Created by Tesmio
Checkpoint. The game is set like a small warehouse. Not a hindrance to transport. It interacts well with fences from other mods. UPD 28/03/20 - Completely redesigned model of the guardhouse. Контрольно-пропускной пункт. В игре установлен, как маленький скл...
Created by Mauser_NATO
Popular model for fast driving, and trips for killing demons. Year of production 1965 - 1970 12 Colors. Currency USD....
Chevrolet Impala (1983)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Chevrolet Impala (1983) 12 color USD 1977 - 1985...
Chicken Farms
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
2 small chicken farms, mirrored for easy connection. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Requires up to 20 workers. In the mod category Factories. No heating requirement...
Cinema Kosmos
Created by robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base score...
Cinema Sojus
Adds a small cinema to the game. The name of the cinema is Sojus, like the soviet space ship. Employes 10 people, serves approximately 100 people....
Created by frostsey
Created by Wild Bunny
Coastals from Germany and Poland includes: Kümo 500 general cargo capacity: 500 t speed: 8 kn available from 1950 to 1970 for ₽ Kümo 840 general cargo capacity: 840t speed: 11kn available from 1960 to 1987 for ₽ type b431 aggregate/Open capacity: 2959t 18T...
CME2 (T458.1) Skin Pack
Created by PETRMA
Diesel locomotive CME2 (T458.1) T458.1190 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) T458.1518 (průmyslová NDR/industry East Germany) T458.1013 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) T458.1220 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) 50704 Kuba (Cuba) DES 3003 Irák (Iraq) T458...
Civil rural building / ПАК сельских зданий
Created by Benser
Пак гражданских обьектов для сел и маленьких городов в стиле второй половины 50 х годов. Состоит из: 1. автобусная остановка с мозаикой 2. 4 памятника: вьездная стелла, чайник, колосья пшеницы и "мой завод моя гордость" $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS ...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Container Wagon
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Train production in screenshot made by OffTheRails: Containers kindly provided by Nyxyx :). Brand new redesign of my container wagon with 7 different variations of skins. Ca...
Collection of various cranes
Created by MC Bonito
KB 100.1 (Tower) 1965-1982 RUB Kato NK 200 (Vehicle) 1975-1980 USD KB 504 (Tower) 1976-2000 RUB LG 1280 (Vehicle) 1974-1976 USD RDK 250-2 (Tower) 1980-1991 RUB UPDATE K-161 (Road) 1961-1975 RUB KATO NK-360B 1970-1975 USD KATO NK-1200S 1980-1994 USD Models ...
Distillery / Спирткомбинат
Created by Benser
Лохвицкий спиртовой комбинат (ЛСК) — предприятие спиртовой промышленности в городе Заводское Полтавской области Украина. Производил спирт, ликеро-водочную продукцию и биотопливо. Lokhvitsky alcohol plant is a factory of the alcohol industry in Zavodske tow...
CSD EM475.1
Created by ondrahoracek
CZ Elektrická jednotka původní řady EM475.1, dnes označená 451, vyráběná ve vagonce Tatra Studénka od roku 1964. Z důvodu možnosti změny délky soupravy je k dispozici samostatně čelní, vložený a zadní vůz. Z výroby byly jednotky dodány jako čtyřvozové, v p...
Cooling towers
Created by Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a cooling tower alternative in the style of power plants found in various parts of the USSR, in industrial centers like Tolyatti, Samara, Novosibirsk, and Irkutsk, among many others. Typically smaller than the big concrete ones, these coo...
Conveyor towers
Created by MTandi
An alternative to the standard conveyor engine that makes your conveyor spaghetti better organized. Differences: - All conveyor attachments are elevated - Has 2 footpath connections that can be used instead of road connection after construction is complete...
DODGE Diplomat
Created by Mauser_NATO
Хорощая машина для вашей полиции. 3 варианта автомобиля. -Седан -Универсал -Полицейская ( как добавят в игру добавлю ) Выпускался 1977 - 1988 20 цветов. Валюта USD. --------------------------------------------- Nice car for your police. 3 car options. -Sed...
Dodge Palara - 1971
Created by Mauser_NATO
Dodge Palara - 1971 Currency USD 20 Color 1971 - 1975...
Double-decker Car-carrier Wagon
Created by βlu∃_βrO
A blue double-decker car-carrier wagon. Finally updated, so its possible to load vehicles onto upper deck! It is recommended to only load personal cars due to other vehicles clipping onto upper deck. Modrý vozeň na prepravu vozidiel. Konečne aktualizované,...
Created by vinnikandry
DZ 143
Created by vinnikandry
Eternal flame
Вечный огонь — постоянно горящий огонь, символически знаменующий собой торжественную память народа о павших героях, борцах за свободу, за честь Родины. Eternal flame-a constantly burning fire, symbolically marking the solemn memory of the people of the fal...
Created by Frantic_Monkey
ED9M (Russian: ЭД9М) is an AC electric train, similar in design to ED4M DC trains. Operated on the railways of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. 240 trains ED9M and about 500 ED4M were produced. The mod includes trains of 4 and 6 cars. Created by Old, Toha. ...
Э5К и 2ЭС5К Ермак/E5K & 2ES5K Yermak
Created by Frantic_Monkey
Yermak is a series of russian built electric AC mainline locomotives; 2ES5K (2ЭС5К) is a freight twin-section, E5K (Э5К) is a freight and passenger single section. They was designed to replace the old VL60 and VL80. Mainly operated in Siberia and Russian F...
Farm v2
Created by r63Slam
24 working vehicles. x2.5 storage. Added fuel in storage Added fertilizer in storage...
Outdated: Farm Fueling Station Pack
Created by ryantheskinny
A collection of farm themed fueling stations, in green, reds, yellow and the old white color scheme. new items for updated game mechanics (building skins)
Fairchild C-123 Provider
Created by Mauser_NATO
Army transporter Years of issue 1955 - 1970 11 Colors Currency USD....
Extra Barbed Wire Fence
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Another version of my barbed wire fence, this time with extra barbed wire coil going in the middle. 6m high, suitable for any kind of building worth protecting in your humbble, peaceful rebuplic. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Ďal...
Fence PO-2/Забор ПО-2
Widespread in the USSR concrete fence PO-2. Fence sections fit well together. If you decide to fence off any building with this fence, then from the beginning put a fence, and only then connect the building to the road. The fence does not interfere with th...
Fences and arches
Created by Raysione
This mod contains a pack of fences and arches: Yard fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. Park fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. With the help of my mod, you can perfectly decorate courtyards and parks with these lovely 1950s style fences. P.S (arches an...
Fish Farm
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
Fish Farm. Produces a small amount of meat in return for supplies of grain (to feed the fish) and wood (fuel for the smoker). Must be partially placed over the water (the side with the blue dots). Pre-levelling is definitely recommended as they can be a qu...
Fixed fields
Created by MTandi
This mod adds copies of vanilla fields with a few fixes: 1. The road connections are exactly in the middle of the field side 2. The field is shown as a box, instead of a plane during the construction, so you can tell where the fences will be placed 3. The ...
Fixed playgrounds
Created by MTandi
The game has an issue with buildings that have only 1 worker. This issue makes citizens complain about sports even when you have playgrounds everywhere. Issue reason: New workers won't come until the previous worker leaves, which means that the building wi...
Football Stadiums
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A medium sized football stadium in a choice of 4 colour options. 30 staff - up to 600 visitors. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here -
FMZ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7
Created by xlimeee
FMŻ Bizon combine harvester pack with different paintjobs. Harvesting skill ranging from 25 to 32, cost is simmilar to E512 Paczka kombajnów zbożowych FMŻ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7. Szybkość koszenia od 25 do 32, koszt podobny co E512 Z040 Z050 Z056 Z056-7 poz...
Flat map with big river (blank)
Created by JonahF2014
A flat map with some small mountains, many resources and most importantly a huge river with a lot of Islands. Instpration/ base river map from some random river in greenland, didn't save the coords so I'm not sure but I think it might be this one: https://...
FORD Fiesta
Created by Mauser_NATO
Одна из удачных моделей форда. Выпускается до сих пор. Представлена модель первого поколения выпускавшиеся с 1976 по 1983 года. 15 Цветов. Валюта USD. ---------------------------------------- One of the most successful Ford models. It is still being produc...
FORD f-350 (1971)
Created by Mauser_NATO
FORD f-350 (1971) FORD f-350 1971 года 4 типа: 1 - Пассажирский 3 места. 2 - Закрытый кузов. 3 - Открытый кузов. 4 - Снегоуборщик. 20 Цветов. Выпускался 1971 1979 Валюта USD --------------------- FORD f-350 1971 4 types: 1 - Passenger 3 places. 2 - RESOURC...
FORD E-150 (1975)
Created by Mauser_NATO
5 Типов: 1. Личный транспорт. 2. Грузовой фургон. 3. Грузовой треллер. 4. Открытый кузов 5. Рефрежиратор. 20 цветов. Валюта USD Года выпуска 1975-1991 --------------------------------------------- 5 Types: 1. Personal transportation. 2. Cargo van. 3. Cargo...
FORD Crown Victoria 1987
Created by Mauser_NATO
FORD Crown Victoria 1987 COST USD 11 Color PASSANGER 5 1981 1991...
FORD Victoria
Created by Mauser_NATO
COST USD 1991 1998...
Forklift Garage
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
Forklift garage for 8 vehicles and a separate parking space for fuel deliveries. At the moment the garage menu only displays 4 vehicles, although 8 work fine without any issues. I have contacted the dev's and they are going to get it fixed soon....
Forklift Road Crossing
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
You can now cross the road with your forklift connections, allowing for much better planning. Vehicle clipping will occur, this I can't change. Rail crossing available here -
FSO Polonez Pack
Created by Elektrofumigator
Pack of 4 Polonez cars, 1977-2002. Polonez - car produced in FSO plant in Warsaw, Poland. Car was quite an export hit (for a short time at least) because of its price, size and reasonable build quality (at least at the beginning). Polonez was even license-...
Frome Russia with Love - Export
Created by Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. The mod gives your republic the opportunity to establish the production and export of automotive, construction and special equipment from modification packages:...
Gaz-24 Volga skin pack
Created by Gerbilskij
Set of simple repaints for the Gaz-24 Volga. Detailed content: - Gaz-24 black - Gaz-24 blue - Gaz-24 red - Gaz-24 white - Gaz-24 gray - Gaz-24 yellow - Gaz-24 cream - Gaz-24 taxi The original release was my first attempt at making skins for W&RSR (and also...
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Next — это флагманское поколение автомобильной техники «Группы ГАЗ». Основной принцип этой линейки - модульная конструкция кузова. Одним из примеров такой унификации стал автобус «Вектор NEXT», который был разработан на основе шасси «ГАЗон NEXT». Год выпус...
GAZ 32214 Ambulance
Created by Gerbilskij
1st generation "Gazelle" Ambulance (GAZ-32214) Available 1996-2003 Three skins included - white/red stripes Urgent Medical Aid" (Скорая Медицинская Помощь, Russia) - yellow/red stripes Urgent Medical Aid - Advanced life support"(Скорая Медицинская Помощь/р...
Created by frostsey
Gas (fuel) power plant
Created by Comrade Sky
This is an advanced NG/PG power plant that burns the lightest and cleanest fossil fuels in the motherland (and on the planet), but it is expensive to build and requires engineers to maintain the advanced equipment that prevents the release of most toxic po...
Created by BORO
Гаражи для личного транспорта. На 8, 16 и 32 машины. Тип здания – стоянка Garages for personal vehicles. On 8, 16 and 32 cars. Type of building - parking Дорога транзитная. При большом трафике машин, могут появиться пробки на дороге. The road is transit. W...
Gazelle 1st gen van & minibus
Created by Gerbilskij
1st generation "Gazelle" van and minibus * GAZ-2705 panel van Capacity: 1350 kg Max speed: 115 km/h Power: 74 kw * GAZ-322132 minibus Capacity: 12 passengers Max speed: 115 km/h Power: 74 kw Both available 1996-2003 Skins included GAZ-2705 / GAZ-322132 - w...
GAZ-M21 Volga - Blue/Cream
Created by geoitj
Chevrolet? Chrysler? Ford? Pah! This is the car the Union wants - and it will cost you no more than ten times the average wage; a bargain at twice the price....
GAZ-M21 Volga - Black Maria
Created by geoitj
A black Volga for use against the enemies of the State. The wide rear seat allows officers to sit on either side of their passenger, allowing for a significant reduction in the rate of escapes....
Created by gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-3110 - семейство легковых автомобилей среднего класса производства Горьковского автозавода. Производилось с 1997 по 2004 год. Помимо базового седана в модельном ряду были универсал и карета скорой медицинской помощи, которые производились до 2009 года....
Created by KsenoN
ГАЗ-3102 «Волга» («ноль вторая») — советский и российский автомобиль среднего класса, выпускавшийся с 22 декабря 1981 г. Горьковским автомобильным заводом. Однако, по целому ряду политических причин, вместо массового производства данный автомобиль выпускал...
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ГАЗель NEXT — семейство российских малотоннажных автомобилей, серийный выпуск которых начался на Горьковском автомобильном заводе с 9 апреля 2013 года. Новая модель (заводкой индекс A21RXX) отличается от предыдущей новой кабиной поколения NEXT c эргономичн...
GDR Texture Set Tiefbau (Construction Office)
Adds texture variants for the construction office (civil engineering) of the former german democratic republic (GDR). New for update 18th July: - Barkas B1000 Microbus added - Tatra texture improved New for update 31th July: - Stalinec bulldozer added - Ka...
Created by frostsey
Gradski Stadion
Created by Benco54
the Gradski football stadium holds almost 13,000 people. It has a conventional floodlight system and a well-designed cloakroom for the club's respectable players. There are 4 grandstands, one of which is the main grandstand, hard to miss! The stadium has a...
Granite embankment
Created by BORO
Гранитная набережная. 21 элемент для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Granite embankment. 21 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. 1. Набережная 12 метров (спортивная площ...
Created by painkillerlexar
Greenhouse 2 type of greenhouse complex Use Coal for Warm Electro for light Chimical for save growing Greenhouse Complex for your Comrades Warning! Now in balancing resources!...
Gravel Processing v2
Created by r63Slam
At your request, I removed the increase in production. Added only workers. Add conveyor input, vehicle station and connection road. x5 storage (50t import, 650t export) +5 worker (20 workers) If you need to return back with a boost, write in the comments ...
Gravel Mine v2
Created by r63Slam
x2 production. x10 storage. +10 workers (50) Add 2 conveyor output. Added fuel to storage...
Gym(nasium/Sportshall) - GDR like
Adds a gym, working like a normal football field, but serving much more people. Employes 5 people, serves approximately 35 people....
Haus des Lehrers (House of the Teachers)
Created by KArantukki
Haus des Lehrers / House of the teachers Haus des Lehrers (German for House of the teachers) is a building in Berlin, located near Alexanderplatz, built between 1962 and 1964 under the German Democratic Republic. Its most notable feature is a mural wrappin...
Heating Plants
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small heating plants. Available in 4 sizes: X Small - 4 staff - 12 Gj of heat - 60m3 - No Pipes Small - 6 staff - 24 Gj of heat - 120m3 - No Pipes Medium - 8 staff - 40 Gj of heat - 200m3 - 2 Small Pipes Large - 10 staff - 70 Gj of heat - 3...
Holden Station
Created by Fiend
My interpretation of the kind of station that Charles Holden might have come up with if he had lived in the Soviet Union. Capacity 4000 4 tracks Three versions included, with the road on the right or the left, and a smaller two-track one with no road conne...
Adding IFA G5 to the game. Including: fireengine, oil tanker (MINOL), covered&open&gravel version in colors red, yellow, blue and TIEFBAU New: added snowplow-version (07/02/2020) Trivia: IFA G5 was produced 1952 - 1964 IFA W50 (allready ingame) was produce...
Created by painkillerlexar
И-700 серия i-700 series 3 вида 3 type И-700A И-700Н И-700Я Серийные дома серии И-700 – это панельные здания башенного типа. Строилась серия в Москве на протяжении десяти лет в период с 1980 по 1990 год. The serial houses of the I-700 series are tower-type...
Huge Fabric Factory (NEW)
Created by KArantukki
Huge Fabric Factory Based on a cotton mill in Leipzig (east Germany). - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connection - 500 places for workers...
Hotel Continental
Created by Vikom
Hotel Continental, a luxurious 12-floors hotel with a heliport (just a decoration), inspired by a real life Hotel Continental in Brno, which was built between 1961 and 1964 (opened on 4th May 1964). Architects: Zdeněk Řihák, Alois Semela, Vladimír Kovařík....
Hospital (VII-70)
Created by kostas667
The city hospital, massively built in Moscow from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. The project was developed by the Moscow Research and Design Institute of Culture, Health and Sports. Architects V. Fursov, I. Abaev, I. Moseshvili, E. Chuchmareva. Workers ...
Ikarus 260-280 reskin
Created by dimndroll
RU Жёлтая окраска "Икарусов", которая использовалась Мосгортрансом. Оригинальный мод был создан пользователем Admiral и опубликован на портале Transport Games: Я только перенес его в Мастерскую для ...
Ikarus 55/66
Created by Norch
The Ikarus 55, one of the best known and most successful types of long-distance and tourist buses, was manufactured between 1954 and 1973 at the Ikarus factory. It is the sister type of the 55 city bus, the Ikarus 66 city bus.The Ikarus 66 is the urban-sub...
Il-18 Aeroflot CCCP
Created by PETRMA
Il-18 Aeroflot CCCP-75554...
JenTower 1972 DDR Tech-University
Created by [BFTB] Ham
Jentower - build from 1970 - 1972. The tower was used as university. Work as a tech-University The architect of the tower was Hermann Henselmann, one of the most famous architects of the former German Democratic Republic. The idea of a monolithic tower as ...
International Transtar 2 (CO 4070)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Седельный тягач. 8 типов прицепов: 1 - Бетономешалка. 2 - Рефрежиратор. 3 - Цементовоз. 4 - Цистерна 5 - Прицеп для сыпучих грузов. 6 - Лесовоз 7 - Открытый прицеп. 8 - Закрытый прицеп. 20 цветов. Года выпуска 1968 - 1981 ----------------------------------...
InterCity-Express 1 | ICE 1
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Statistics: Power car: Price: 146,091$ Max speed: 160km/h (limited by game) Power: 4800KW Empty Weight: 80t Passanger Wagon: Price: 57,029$ Capacity: 71 passangers Weight: 53t Restaurant Wagon: Price: 64,487$ Capacity: 40 passangers Weight: 60t Wiki page f...
Kamaz 5320 skin pack 1
Created by Gerbilskij
Here is the first set of skins for the Kamaz 5320, which includes the first three variants of the Kamaz 5320. In detail, this pack includes: Kmz 5320 Covered - yellow - orange - blue - red Kmz 5320 Open - yellow - orange - blue - red Kmz 5320 Oil - yellow ...
Kamaz 5320 skin pack 2
Created by Gerbilskij
Here is the second set of skins for the Kamaz 5320, which covers the construction-related variants of the Kamaz 5320. In detail, this pack includes: Kmz 5320 Dumper - yellow - orange - blue - red Kmz 5320 Mixer - yellow - orange - blue - red Kmz 5320 Crane...
Kamaz 5410 SovTransAvto
Created by Gerbilskij
Two repaints for Kamaz 5410 (covered) in SovTransAvto livery (red and blue) ....
KAMAZ 5320-5410 fuel trucks reskin
Created by dimndroll
RU Это три КАМАЗа бензовоза, один на базе 5410 и два на базе 5320. Вариант окраски кабины в цвет хаки был наиболее распространённым в СССР. На кузов также нанесены знаки огнеопасных грузов. Оригинальный мод был создан пользователем kuzya07 и опубликован на...
Kamaz 55102
Created by vinnikandry
Khrushchovka variant
Created by Comrade Joe
Variant of the game's vanilla Khrushchovka housing building. This reskin uses some elements from the reskin posted by user Raysione on
Khovrino Hospital
Created by Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
KAVZ 685
Created by olDen
bus_kavz685 $MOVEMENT_SPEED 90 $COST_RUB 4700 $RESOURCE_CAPACITY 21 $AVAILABLE 1971 1993 the model is created by Oleg Gordienko...
Created by pascha.frolow1990
The quarry. Quarry for the extraction of stone rocks. Attention! Updating the mod. It does not require: electricity, drinking water and sewerage. Parking has been removed as unnecessary (it takes a long time to load, the trash can interferes, there is only...
KAMAZ 6350
Created by KsenoN
Прололжаем тему военного автопрома. Автор модели: неизвестный. КамАЗ-6350 — бортовой тягач повышенной проходимости, выпускаемый Камским автомобильным заводом (КамАЗ). Унифицированный армейский полноприводный автомобиль многоцелевого назначения семейства «М...
Created by painkillerlexar
Kindergarten Детский сад серии VI-52 medium size 360 kinders 30 workers Автор модели: Тимур Самедов (citizensnip)...
Created by [BFTB] Ham
A small Kiosk - with 3 Worker. Works like Kino. Based on the Models of DDR - Kiosks....
Kirovets K-700 pack
Created by oleksii.kapustin
«Кировец» К-700 — советский колёсный трактор общего назначения повышенной проходимости, тяговый класс 5. Мощность двигателя 220 лошадиных сил. Первый трактор покинул сборочный цех и вышел на поля страны 13 июля 1962 года. В 1975 году Кировский завод начал ...
kraz 258/258b & c 652
Created by bacr1492
kraz 258 years of manufacture 1966 - 1989,capality 22 000 kg,max speed 60 - 68 km/h,power 160 - 176 kw (in 1969 have a small upgrade).Semitrailer s - 652 year of manufacture from 1967. ...
Krasnozemsky Socialist Federal Republic
Created by Raysione
Comrades, I present to your attention a television station made in the style of the Stalinist Empire. It is ideal for the 40s-50s. As you can see, I took the Frostsey model, for which many thanks to him. Here is a link to his original mod:https://steamcomm...
KMZ5410 tractor trailer in orange
Created by ryantheskinny
Orange Kmz 5410 cabs for route identification...
Created by gachimuchiman
ZIL-41047 - a representative car with a limousine-type body, manufactured at the Likhachev Plant from 1986 to 2008...
ZiL-41042 '88
Created by gachimuchiman
ZIL-41042 - ambulance, manufactured on the basis of the ZiL-41047 limo at the Likhachev Plant from 1988 to 1992...
ZIL-164 pack part2
Created by Storm_
Среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль ЗИЛ-164 производился на заводе имени Лихачёва с 1957 по 1964. ЗИЛ-164 стал результатом модернизации ЗИС-150 и широко применялся до 70-х годов XX века. Всего с 1957 года по 1964 год был выпущен 385691 автомобиль в более ч...
ZIL-131B + trailers
Created by oleksii.kapustin
ЗИЛ-131 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль повышенной проходимости Московского автозавода имени Лихачёва, основная модель. Являлся заменой грузовика ЗИЛ-157. Значительная часть этих машин производилась для Советской Армии. Производился с 1966 г. ...
ZIL-130 Kolhoznik
Created by KsenoN
В данном моде представлен автопоезд (зерновоз) для ваших Совхозов. ЗИЛ-130 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль разработки и производства автомобильного завода имени Лихачёва в Москве. Один из самых массовых автомобилей в истории советского автопро...
Xtra Large Bus Station V2
Created by Akira43
An extra large 1 way bus station with 6 vehicle positions using advanced vehicle pathing. (Requested item by linch-roman) After hours of testing multiple variants (including an 8 positions station), different road configurations and different access order ...
Created by oleksii.kapustin
ВЛ8 (Владимир Ленин, 8-осный; до 1963 — Н8 — новочеркасский) — советский магистральный грузовой электровоз постоянного тока с осевой формулой 2о+2о+2о+2о, выпускавшийся с 1953 по 1967 год. До 1961 года (до появления ВЛ10 и ВЛ80) был сильнейшим локомотивом ...
Created by oleksii.kapustin
RU: ВЛ60 (Владимир Ленин, тип 60, до января 1963 — Н6О, — Новочеркасский 6-осный Однофазный) — первый советский магистральный грузо-пассажирский электровоз переменного тока, запущенный в крупносерийное производство. В 1960-х наравне с ВЛ8 и ТЭ3 являлся одн...
VAZ-2121 Niva
Created by KsenoN
Нива (известна под названиями ВАЗ-2121 «Ни́ва» и LADA 4x4) — советский и российский автомобиль повышенной проходимости — внедорожник малого класса с несущим кузовом и постоянным полным приводом. Серийно производится с 5 апреля 1977 года по настоящее время ...
Created by KsenoN
ВАЗ-21099 «Спутник» («девяносто девятая») — советский и российский переднеприводный автомобиль II группы малого класса с кузовом типа седан. Представляет собой наиболее полноразмерную модель в семействе Лада «Спутник». Основные характеристики: Максимальная...
Created by KsenoN
ВАЗ-2108 «Спутник» («восьмёрка») — советский и российский переднеприводный автомобиль II группы малого класса с кузовом типа хетчбэк. Основные характеристики: Максимальная скорость - 170 км/ч Мощность - 55 кВТ Пассажировместимость - 4 чел. Года - 1984 2014...
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
VAZ-2105 "Zhiguli" (LADA 2105 — is a Soviet and Russian small class car produced by the Volga Automobile Plant from 1980 to 2010. The second generation of the factory "classics", a deeply modernized first model. The founder of a new family, which in 1982 a...
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
VAZ-2104 "Zhiguli" (LADA 2104 — is a Soviet and Russian rear-wheel drive car of the III group of small class with a station wagon body. Developed at the Volga Automobile Plant. It was produced from July 2, 1984 to September 17, 2012. Year of issue: 1984 – ...
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
VAZ-2107 "Zhiguli" (LADA 2107 — is a Soviet and Russian rear-wheel drive car of the II group of small class, with a sedan-type body. At the time of its debut in the hierarchy of models of the Volga Automobile Plant, it was considered the successor of the V...
M62 (T679.1 DR 120) Skin Pack
Created by PETRMA
Skin Pack for M62 (T679.1) T679.1168 ČSD (Czechoslovak State Railways) T679.1294 ČSD T679.1600 ČSD 120 269 DR (Deutsche Reichsbahn East Germany)...
Lyubinsk (Uninhabited version)
Created by PhasyX
The 4-year-long war has finally concluded and our glorious nation has proven victorious. We have "liberated" this country from the abysmal greed of the capitalists and you have been tasked to handle the borough of Lyubinsk. Here are the details: Lyubinsk i...
Created by PhasyX
The 4-year-long war has finally concluded and our glorious nation has proven victorious. We have "liberated" this country from the abysmal greed of the capitalists and you have been tasked to handle the borough of Lyubinsk. Here are the details: Lyubinsk i...
Long perpendicular parking
Created by Holodets
Long Parking (perpendicular parking 2) lot along the road. 18 seats. Vehicles and pedestrians can pass through it. It takes up little space, and can be placed in courtyards between houses. 2 version: - parking - parking-trolleybus...
Lokomotiva 754, ZSSK
Created by 4smiler
Skin for Locomotive 753, which has markings from 754 model Variant: 'blonski' color scheme Company: ZSSK (Sovak republic)
Lokheed C-130H Hercules
Created by Lex713 What's up, Doc? Production: 1964 - nowdays; Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin, USA; Top speed: 700 km/h; Engine: 4 х Allison T56-A-15; Capacity: 22t; Wingspan: 40m; Length: 30m; Height: 11.5m; Takeoff distance: 777m. 12 Skins, 8...
Created by olDen
KTM1 SPEED 40 CAPACITY 72 AVAILABLE 1947 1961 KTM2 SPEED 45 CAPACITY 72 AVAILABLE 1958 1969 KTM5 SPEED 75 CAPACITY 140 AVAILABLE 1969 1992 KTM8 SPEED 75 CAPACITY 135 AVAILABLE 1988 2007 KTM19 SPEED 75 CAPACITY 125 AVAILABLE 1999 2012 the model is adapted b...
Created by painkillerlexar
Kukuryza Prototype was build in 1989 in Poland little bit problems with build visualisation , but all work :)....
Created by frostsey
Realistic Škoda Pack Part 1/4 - Škoda Garde/Rapid
Created by precum baby
Six new skins for Škoda Garde and Rapid inspired by real color charts. _____________________________________________________________ Škoda Garde: - Lagoon Blue - Sun-Yellow - White - Black - Tobacco Brown - Ruby Red Škoda Rapid: - Lagoon Blue - Modena Gree...
Kindergarten pr. 212-2-66
Created by Gerbilskij
Project 212-2-66 kindergarten were built across the USSR since the mid '70s. Stats are 80% more than the original kindergarten: 18 staff / 180 kids max; in real life, it accommodates around 280 kids. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "C...
Landscaping Blocks - Grass
Created by Lex713
Information Requested mod - landscaping blocks aka curbs. Nothing innovative but significantly expands the possibilities of landscape design. In couple with my other mod - Ploppable Asphalt you can make fancy squares, parks or just decorate your road sides...
LADA Granta
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
LADA Granta (Лада Гранта) — российский переднеприводный автомобиль малого класса, разработанный Волжским автомобильным заводом на базе LADA Kalina. Серийное производство стартовало 16 мая 2011 года. Продажи начались в конце декабря 2011 года. В линейке про...
Lada 2105 skin pack
Created by Gerbilskij
Series of simple repaints for the Lada 2105. (early attempts at making skins for W&RSR)...
Large Catholic Cathedral
Created by ryantheskinny
Old fashioned Catholic Cathedral. for those who wish to allow a little (Big) religious freedom to their republic. Idea by Archiver, mesh edited and scripted by Ryantheskinny, original credits for the mesh and texture belong to 3Division...
Large Chemical Plant
Created by KArantukki
Large Chemical Plant - 500 workers - 4 railroad connections - 1 road connection...
Large Clothing Factory (NEW)
Created by KArantukki
Large clothing factory made out of bricks - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - 250 places for workers...
Logging Camp
Created by RED
Logging camp Building model - base game version Are you tired of plopping trees all the time? Well, your toil is over. I rescripted base woodcutting camp into factory. Now, trees will be supplied in return for food and alcohol. What?! Cutting trees is hard...
LM-49 LM-57 LVS-86 LM-99
Created by olDen
LM-57 SPEED 65 CAPACITY 170 AVAILABLE 1957 1968 LVS-86 SPEED 75 CAPACITY 186 AVAILABLE 1987 1997 LM-99 SPEED 75 CAPACITY 102 AVAILABLE 1999 2008 LM-49 SPEED 55 CAPACITY 125 AVAILABLE 1949 1960 the model is adapted by denizabr...
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ЛиАЗ-5256 — советский и российский высокопольный автобус большого класса производства Ликинского автобусного завода. Предназначен для крупных городов с интенсивным пассажиропотоком. По состоянию на август 2019 года выпущено около 25700 таких автобусов. Они...
Li-2 Skin pack
Created by ZIMA
Ли-2 Советский поршневой пассажирский и военно-транспортный самолёт времён Второй мировой войны средней дальности, выпускаемый по лицензии на выпуск Douglas DC-3, США. Строился в СССР до 1953 года. Широко эксплуатировался в МГА СССР — «Аэрофлотом», в подра...
Li-2 Cargo/passenger utility aircraft
Created by ZIMA
Ли-2 Советский поршневой пассажирский и военно-транспортный самолёт времён Второй мировой войны средней дальности, выпускаемый по лицензии на выпуск Douglas DC-3, США. Строился в СССР до 1953 года. Широко эксплуатировался в МГА СССР — «Аэрофлотом», в подра...
Created by painkillerlexar
Ленинградский Спортивно Концертный комплекс имени Ленина Строительство было начато в 1970 году и окончено в конце 1979 года СКК был открыт 19 мая 1980 года Уничтожен в 2020 проек руководитель арх.Чайко Игорь Михайлович арх-ры Чайко И. М., Баранов Н. В., Як...
Leningradskaya Hotel *****
Created by Raysione
This mod contains a hotel building made from a photo of the Leningradskaya hotel, which is located in Moscow, as well as an additional building (without collisions), which you can insert into your hotel, thereby increasing the number of meters in it. CHARA...
Adds a laundry place for your socialistic neighbourhoods. Why is it a kindergarden? The idea was not mine, but I liked it alot! Laundry places are a good place to hold a chat, and do homework while looking over (your) children. Employes 2, watches over 6 i...
Large Warehouse
Created by KArantukki
Large Warehouse in 2 different variations: - Warehouse for covered goods with 1600t of space. - Warehouse for open goods with 950t of Space. ...
Large Coal Power Plant
Created by KArantukki
Large Coal Power Plant - Place for 80 workers - up to 5600 MWh energy production - 2 road connections - 6 medium voltage connections - 6 high voltage connections...
Large Electronic Component Factory
Created by KArantukki
Large Factory for Electronic Components Inspired by the 'Halbleiterwerk' in Frankfurt (Oder) in east Germany. - 1 Road connection - place for 300 workers...
Marked Incompatible ]  Large Farm
Created by KArantukki
Large Farm - 768 tons storage - 24 vehicles - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connections - 5 factory connections...
Large HV switch
Created by VencaCZ
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to game scripting limitations, maximal power capacity is limited to 19MW! I figured it out last day of making this project. Maybe, someday in the future we will be able to change this limitation. With the arrival of new power lines, I i...
Large metal gate
Created by BORO
Большие металлические ворота. Ворота можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. Large metal gate. The gate can be built anywhere. The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Тип здания - завод. Подключение к дороге...
Large Oil Storage
Created by Sam
Large Oil Storage 13500T Storage Facility 2x Input 2x Output 1x Road Connection Now with rail loader option Big thanks to ryantheskinny for help/guidance throughout. Any bugs please message me....
Large Oil Well
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A large Oil Well, which started out as a bit of an experiment in Blender. I liked how it came out so I thought I'd share it. More expensive than the vanilla oil well but also about 70 percent more productive. This is in the mod category as a mine, I can't ...
MACK B-61 (1953)
Created by Mauser_NATO
1- Бетономешалка 2- Открытый прицеп 3- Закрытый прицеп 4- Цементовоз 5- Рефрижератор 6- Прицепная цистерна 7- Снегоуборщик. 20 цветов Года выпуска 1953 - 1966 Валюта USD ---------------------- 1- Concrete mixer 2- Open trailer 3- Closed trailer 4- Cement t...
Created by Mauser_NATO
MACK RD 690 Есть 8 разновидностей: 1- Бетономешалка. 2- Самосвал. 3- С закрытым кузовом. 4- Тягач с закрытым прицепом. 5- Тягач с открытым прицепом 6- Тягач с прицепным рефрежиратором. 7- Тягач с цистерной. 8- Cнегоуборщик. 31 Расцветка Года выпуска - 1992...
Main Firestation East Germany, 6 fireengines
Adds a building inspired by main firestation east Berlin (Marzahn) and (Bernard Kunze). Can hold 6 fire engines....
MAN Lion's City A21 NL273
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
MAN Lion's City - это серия городских автобусов с низким полом и низким входом, производимая немецким производителем грузовых автомобилей и автобусов MAN Truck & Bus (ранее MAN Nutzfahrzeuge) с 1996 г. в основном для европейского рынка, но также доступна в...
Maritime Infrastructure Pack
Created by Mayor__Defacto
Assorted Harbours to improve maritime infrastructure in your republic. Goes well with my Motor Barges Pack....
Mayor Defacto's New Industry Pack
Created by Mayor__Defacto
This pack is intended to have a variety of industrial buildings, made in a a soviet style, for various purposes....
MAZ -530
Created by vinnikandry
Soviet heavy-duty dump truck with a 6 ? 4 wheel arrangement, produced serially by the Minsk Automobile Plant and the Belarusian Automobile Plant from 1957 to 1960 and from 1960 to 1963, respectively....
Wood Heat Plant
Created by Benco54
This is the wood heat plant which is based on the original one in Zurich, Switzerland. here are some facts about the work: Wood is considered a non-fossil, climate-neutral raw material and only releases as much CO2 as it previously bound. This means that t...
Created by painkillerlexar
Колесо обозрения Работает как элемент культуры , заменяет кинотеатр Работники - 3 максимум посетителей - 88 Ferris wheel type in game - cinema Workers - 3 maximum visitors - 88...
Western excavators and cranes pack vol. 2
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Huge thanks to ryantheskinny for commissioning me to create this pack! Volume 2 contains more western themed excavators and cranes. In total there are 9 new vehicles, 3 shovels, 3 drag shovels and 3 cranes. While shovels are more versitale, drag shovel-typ...
Wartburg Fire Command Car
Adding the typical Fire Command Car in GDR-times. Wartburg 353 (1966-1989) Wartburg 1.3 (1988-1991)...
W50 Refrigerator Truck
Adds refrigerator trucks IFA W50 (GDR) to the game. Texture variant ImmerKühl and KöstlichImmerMarktfrisch (GDR - like) and plain grey, green, yellow, orange and blue for non german soviet republics. :-) Uses the vanilla IFA W50 chassis, cabin and a remode...
W50 Gravel with Trailer
Transport capacity: 12 tons Country: East Germany Available: 1960 - 1990 Available for purchase for rubels...
Mercury Coupe (1949)
Created by Mauser_NATO
2 Types 20 Color 1949 1962...
Mercedes-Benz W140 S600
Created by Lex713
Mercedes-Benz W140 - is a series of flagship vehicles that were manufactured by the German automotive company Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz unveiled the W140 S-Class at Geneva Motor Show in March 1991. The W140 series replaced the W126 line with the first p...
Mercedes-Benz W124
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Mercedes-Benz W124 — серия легковых автомобилей бизнес-класса немецкой торговой марки Mercedes-Benz, которая производилась в 1984—1996 годах. Впервые была представлена в 1984 году и предназначалась для замены моделей серии W123. В 1995 году автомобили W124...
Mercedes-Benz O305 pack
Created by Kosmos
Mercedes-Benz O305 in many different colors...
MHD zastávky BA
Created by Lac_M
Replacement for vanilla bus and trolleybus stops. + one side bus stop + small trolleybus stop + small bus station + small trolleybus station I will add more variants later. 3D model by: ryantheskinny...
Mig 21 Monument
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
Mig 21 Monument. My own version of other similar Soviet era monuments. Due to the shape of the model I have had to put the footpath at the back but this is only needed if you want to build it with a construction office. Monuments serve no purpose other tha...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1
Created by Salty
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1 This mod is a set of objects of the field camp of the military construction detachment of the Ministry of defense of the USSR. An attempt was made to recreate the structures and struc...
Maz 504 SovTransAvto
Created by Gerbilskij
A repaint for Maz 504 (covered) in SovTransAvto livery....
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
МАЗ-203 — белорусский низкопольный городской автобус второго поколения Минского автомобильного завода. Мелкосерийное производство этого автобуса началось со второго квартала 2006 года; первая крупная партия из пятидесяти автобусов была произведена по заказ...
Created by Gerbilskij
MAZ-5335 is the updated version of the MAZ-500 series, manufactured at the Minsk Automobile Plant from 1977 to 1990. The main differences from the previous version are new headlights moved to the front bumper and a new grille. * MAZ-5335 covered Capacity: ...
Created by Gerbilskij
MAZ-5432 is an evolution of the MAZ-5429 4x2 tractor-trailer, manufactured at the Minsk Automobile Plant from 1981 to 1988. The MAZ-54323 is an upgraded version that become available in 1988, the main differences from the base 5432 are a more powerful engi...
Created by Gerbilskij
MAZ-6422 is the 6x4 variant of the MAZ-5432 tractor-trailer manufactured at the Minsk Automobile Plant since 1981. Included in this pack are the MAZ-64227, produced between 1985 and 1988, and its upgraded version, MAZ-64221, that become available in 1989. ...
Mazda 6 (GH)
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Mazda 6 — среднеразмерный автомобиль японской компании Mazda. Выпускается с 2002 года. В Японии и Китае продается под названием Mazda Atenza. Предшественником модели считается Mazda 626, так же известная как Mazda Capella. Mazda 6 первого поколения стала п...
Medical university
Created by robs074 Medical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers with basic education and 45 lecturers. Serves about 135 students. Uni...
Medical university - skins
Created by robs074
Skins for my medical university. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Medium Waterfront Store
Created by Fiend
Medium sized store, capacity 600. It has two docking stations for ships, two railway lines, and two vehicle stations....
Mercedes-Benz Actros MP1
Created by Lex713
Mercedes-Benz Actros - a good mid-class car for carrying capacity, average in terms of performance from foreign cars represented in the game Hard Truck 2. The game features 2 modifications of the first generation truck (MP1), manufactured in Germany from 1...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 2
Created by Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. I thanks everyone who points out the shortcomings and shortcomings in the work of the modification. Together we will make the mod even better. Peace to all. ...
Ministry of Culture
Created by KArantukki
Ministry of Culture This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of Education
Created by KArantukki
Ministry of Education This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of Finance
Created by KArantukki
Ministry of Finance This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Minol Gasstation (DDR/GDR)
Created by KArantukki
Minol Gas Station Minol gas station of the german democratic republic. - 2 road connections - 6 vehicle slots...
Mitsubishi Lancer 10
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Mitsubishi Lancer is a compact car produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi since 1973. The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueas...
MN TG 18.4
Created by 3division
Transport capacity: 21 tons Empty Weight: 7.5 tons Engine Power: 320 KW Transport type: Covered Country: Germany Available: 2000 - present Available for purchase for dollars...
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Комплект расцветки «МосГорТранса» Икарусов 260, 280 и МАЗ-104 + МАЗ-104 «МосТрансАвто». ______________ MosGorTrans" Ikarusov 260, 280 and MAZ-104 + MAZ-104 "MosTransAuto" color set....
Moskvich 2141
Created by KsenoN
Последний в моей серии Москвичей на данный момент. Москвич-2141 советский и российский легковой автомобиль третьей группы малого класса с кузовом типа «хэтчбэк», выпускавшийся с 1986 по 1998 годы на Автомобильном заводе имени Ленинского Комсомола (АЗЛК) Ос...
Moskvich 412
Created by Sahsa_STALKER
Personal car Moskvich 412...
Created by painkillerlexar
Monument of MotherlandCalls...
Motor Works
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A small vehicle manufacturing plant. Works at 1/10th the rate of the vanilla facility, although much smaller and much cheaper. Under the mod category Production Line. Available in two colours, white tiles or red brick and with mirrored versions for easy pl...
Neurological Department
Неврологическое отделение медсанчасти 126 (Припять), находится по ул. Огнева, 4 Neurological department of the medical unit 126 (Pripyat), located on the street. Ogneva, 4...
New Checkpoints
Created by Tesmio
КПП - контрольно-пропускной пункт для транспорта, направляющегося на режимный объект. Создан в кооперации с Blue_Bro специально для его забора. В игре представлен как остановка. Checkpoint - a checkpoint for vehicles heading to a secure facility. Created i...
Nuclear Reprocessing Plant
Created by Benco54
This is the recycling plant for nuclear waste. It requires a lot of chemicals and, of course, nuclear waste for reprocessing. This will then produce the UF6 for nuclear fuel fabrication. Nuclear fuel was recycled in the USSR. Mainly in the so-called RT-1 p...
Orthodox Cathedral
Created by Rat
Kazan Cathedral, formally known as the...
Old Town Residential Blocks
Created by baronjutter
A delightful palette of old town buildings to create charming perimeter blocks for your historic Soviet Republic. This is the residential set, featuring a collection of blocks, strips, and individual buildings to create many configurations. I hope to add s...
Old Style Industry Pack
Created by Mayor__Defacto
Old Style Industry Pack - Much thanks to Ryantheskinny for miscellaneous industrial items (Crates, Fuel Tank), and Comrade Joe (Texturing for Large Rail-Connected Warehouse). Building models and Clothing Factory textures by Mayor__Defacto This pack current...
Old merchant ship
Created by Mauser_NATO
Старое торговое судно Года выпуска 1941 - 1968 Валюта USD ----------------------- Year of production 1941 - 1968 USD currency...
Off Shore Oil Platform
Created by Novu
Off shore oil rig. Now you can drill for oil under water. Comes in two versions. First version is found under mining and works the same as land oil rigs but will look weird if placed in deep water or entirely on land. The 2nd version is found under factory...
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
An aquarium for your people to marvel at the wonders of the deep blue sea. Works as a cinema for up to 250 people....
Orthodox church and Museum
Created by Benser
Свято-Варваровская церковь была построена еще в 1824 году в селе Корсуновка Полтавской области, Украина. В 1984 году комунисты решили ее уничтожить и взорвали ее со второй попытки. В память о ней этот мод. В игре работает как церковь и как музей. St. Barba...
Orthodox religion
Created by Sahsa_STALKER
The package of the Orthodox Church...
Overpass of a big heating pipe
Created by BORO
Эстакада большого теплопровода. Девять арок для автомобильных дорог. Девять арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – теплопередаточный пункт. Overpass of a big heating pipe. Nine arches for highways. Nine arches for railways. Building type - heating transfer....
P-3 17 storey
Created by kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red, blue and yellow Number of res...
P-3 4 storey
Created by kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
P-3 9 storey
Created by kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
Palace of Soviet
На разработку этого моего первого мода ушли много времени, для меня было непросто и хочу выразить огромную благодарность мододелам, которые сотрудничали и давали советы: (По алфавитному порядку) Akira43, comrade Dimitry, LexaR, ProToType, Raisyone, Ryanjev...
Palace of Soviet Museum
Второй вариант Дворец Советов, который функционирует как музей. Первый вариант, который функционирует как горком (ратуша): Дворец Советов — неосуществлённый проект строительства высотного ад...
Palast der Republik (Party HQ/Attraction)
Created by KArantukki
Palast der Republik / Palace of the Republic The Palace of the Republic was a building in Berlin that hosted the Volkskammer, the parliament of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany or GDR), from 1976 to 1990. It serves as a party university just li...
Park Inn Hotel
Created by Benco54
The Park Inn**** by Radisson Berlin Alexanderplatz is the tallest building and the eleventh-tallest structure in Berlin and the 29th-tallest building and tallest hotel-only building in Germany. The 37-floor high-rise is in the northeast of Alexanderplatz i...
Park Monuments and Buildings
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of monuments and buildings to add some decoration to your cities, towns and park areas. Pack includes: Trimuphal Arch, 2 Flags, Obelisk, Red Star Monument, Clock Tower, Amphitheatre, Pavilion, Greenhouse, a selection of fountains and urns and ...
Created by Gerbilskij
Additional car parks with 12, 14, 20 and 32 parking spaces. The first is based on the small parking, while the other on the vanilla medium parking, with rearranged access and dimensions. UPDATE: Large car parking is now passable, I also removed collision f...
Pedestrian crossings
Pedestrian crossings, above ground and underground....
Peoples Palace Flats
Created by Ternet18
Comrades of our great socialist paradise! A new super-luxurious mega project has arrived from our architects Ryan and Ternet! 840 people living in what they described as a Glorious 92% quality flats! The price lies up there at roughly 140 000 Rubles but wh...
Perpendicular Parking
Created by Holodets
Perpendicular Parking along the road. Takes up little space, 2 connections for pedestrians. Cars can drive through it. 10 seats...
Created by Mauser_NATO
PETERBILT-351 Американская дорожная классика. Идеально подходит для дальнобойщиков и дорожных маньяков убийц. Присутствует 2 варианта грузовика, а также 5 типов кузовов и 7 прицепов. Прицепы: 1 - Открытый. 2 - Закрытый. 3 - Рефрижератор.. 4 - Лесовоз. 5 - ...
Peterbilt 359 + semitrailers
Created by oleksii.kapustin
Peterbilt 359 - американский седельный тягач, внушительных размеров, выпускавшийся с 1967 г. Мощность двигателя - 475 л.с. (350 кВт). Масса тягача - 21,5 т. Максимальная полная масса автопоезда - 86 т. Максимальная скорость - 120 км/ч. На данный момент в п...
Peugeot 308
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Peugeot 308 — компактный автомобиль французской компании Peugeot, входящей в концерн PSA Peugeot Citroën. Начало выпуска — сентябрь 2007 года. В модельном ряду заменил Peugeot 307. С 2013 года выпускается второе поколение автомобиля. Автомобиль Peugeot 308...
Peugeot Boxer
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Peugeot Boxer — коммерческий фургон, разработан бюро-дизайна «Fiat Centro Stile». Выпускается совместным предприятием СП Sevel SpA, созданного в 1978 году итальянской «Fiat Group» и французской «PSA Peugeot Citroën». Современный дизайн фургон приобрёл в 20...
Pipeline overpass
Created by BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
Pipeline overpass 2
Created by BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада 2. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Не воспламеняется. Pipeline overpass 2. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Not flammable. Сделано на основе насосной станции. Требует подключение электроэнергии. В данной версии арка р...
Plain Concrete Fence
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Plain version of my barbed wire fence without the barbed wire, so not so suitable for protection but only for sepataration of your land or buildings. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Planá verzia môjho ostnatého plota, tentokrát bez...
Plastics Factory
Created by archiver213
The Plastics Factory V2. x2 production and consumption. x5 storage. Thanks to OffTheRails for his help....
Playground Collection
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of 5 small, inexpensive wooden playgrounds which act as kindergartens. Playgrounds 1-3 can have 3 staff and up to 18 kids. Playgrounds 4 and 5 are slightly larger and can have 5 staff and up to 30 kids. No heating requirement...
Poliklinika pr. VII-40
Created by Gerbilskij
Soviet medical building project VII-40, originally designed in 1963, it was built until the early 1980s. Generally used as a local medical clinic, in game it works as a smaller hospital. The main model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skyl...
Polish State Railways Pack 1.0
Created by mattslodki
Polskie Koleje Panstwowe (eng. Polish State Railways) Big thanks to: LovelyPL, Forged73, ((Toprus, ryantheskinny, CZsfPurplik. I'm an example that you can learn how to mod, so please check Still work in progress, need to add some lod1.nmf fi...
Polish State Railways part 4.0- Diesel pack
Created by mattslodki
PKP diesel pack by: Mattslodki-Adaption Chester models to game, reworked ripped models from game, skins, alpha bogeys, UV mapping. J ó z e k Z b a g i e n-Moddeling locos, UV mapping, skins. Xlimee-SU160 model, fixing skins. Big thanks for: Prof Dr Inż. P....
Polski Fiat 125p Indigo
Created by Elektrofumigator
Dark blue colour that will remind you of the cold Baltic sea....
Polytechnische Oberschule (School)
Created by KArantukki
Polytechnische Oberschule / GDR School...
Created by frostsey
Small powerplant coal...
Prefab apartments element
Created by 3division
This brings the new elements to build vanilla game like prefab panels apartments with balcony Purpose of this item is for modders - as sample file for custom elements for building editor...
Panel house 2 - skins
Created by robs074 Skins for my prefabricated block of flats (11 storey). Includes sixteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Panel house 3
Created by robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 145 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Panel house 2
Created by robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 200 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Skins for the prefab block of flats (12 storey)
Created by robs074 Skins for my 12-storey prefab block of flats. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Created by Lac_M
railroad crossing trough factory connection need forklifts to work road crossing here:
Created by olDen
$MOVEMENT_SPEED 24 uzla $COST_RUB 50000 $RESOURCE_CAPACITY 66 $AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Vladimir Vitaro adapted by Oleg Gordienko...
Panel factory
Created by pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, conveyor connections are combined with the grid. For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one....
Renault Laguna III (X91)
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Renault Laguna — среднеразмерный автомобиль французского автопроизводителя Renault. Первое поколение появилось в 1994 году, в 2001 ему на смену пришло второе поколение. Третье поколение поступило в продажу в октябре 2007 года. Официально третье поколение R...
Renault Logan I
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Renault Logan is a low-cost, sub-compact vehicle designed by Renault specifically for emerging markets. The main production is deployed in Romania at the plant of industrial group Dacia, owned by Renault since 1999. In Russia, the first generation of t...
Reskin of Mauser_NATO's Merchant Ship
Created by Heidong
Mauser_NATO's old merchant ship reskin....
Created by frostsey
polnostiy novay model restorana...
Restaurant series 51047
Created by Raysione
This mod contains a typical restaurant 51047 made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 15 workers serves at least 150 people (tourist restaurant has 3.8 * attractiveness) There are two options: works as a restaurant (for tourists) and a ba...
Created by painkillerlexar
Rinok FoodMarketplace 300 Persons KolhozMarketplace...
Road Markings Pack
Created by Lex713
Information Let me introduce you to my brand new idea that I've already spoilered in one of my workshop item's comment section: Road Markings Pack! Now you can decorate your republic even more! There is total of 28 different road markings from East Europe ...
Road Sing Pack
Package of traffic signs. Priority. One-way road. Service Signs. Prescriptive Signs...
RoadRail Station
Created by r63Slam
3 in 1. Bus, trolleybus and rail station. Add 2 pedestrian connection. 500 passanger....
Roundabout Ornaments
Created by Norch
Roundabout Ornaments: 5 types 15x15 and 20x20 size ...
Run-of-river hydroelectricity
Created by Benco54
Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) or run-of-the-river hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of stora...
Ryan's Rural Assets Pack
Created by ryantheskinny
BETA - Package of Rural and light industrial Buildings. Special thanks to: Paradoxbound - testing wHAT - fuel station pump mesh Gerbilskij - the original scripting for the rural fuel station and the support of the modders community warning - the 4 slot roa...
Ryan's Transport Pack
Created by ryantheskinny
1. medium aggregate unloader, similar to the vanilla unloader 2. small aggregate unloader. 3. petroleum terminal for trucks 4. a single and dual track locomotive fuel station...
Scania 124
Created by Klapaucius IV ---------------------- Production: 1998 - actual Cargo Capacity: 32ton Engine Power: 360hp (268.4 kW) Max. Speed: 95Km/h High Performance Model (LowPoly Model) A special thanks for the brillia...
School (70s)
Created by robs074 School from the 70s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The...
School (70s) - skins
Created by robs074 Skins for my school from the 70s. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Created by painkillerlexar
School Medium Size , bricks , 300 students ...
Created by frostsey
Created by frostsey
Shooting gallery
shooting gallery.Chernobyl Exclusion Zone....
Created by Shotkey
This Leningrad series of residential buildings is a 12-story gray brick building. The houses are equipped with two passenger elevators and a garbage chute. All flats have loggias or balconies. On the 13th floor there is a service room, according to the pro...
Simple Forwarding Pump
Created by KArantukki
A simple pump for long distance pipelines, one input and one output connection. Comes in two versions with different connections on both sides....
Created by olDen
Kolos SK-6 SPEED 20 SKILL HARVESTING 31 AVAILABLE 1971 2000 the model is adapted by Inknown...
W50 Fireengine LF 16
Adds the fireengine IFA W50 LF 16 to the game. Using partly the original model. Details of the car may changing in the next days... you guys are a great community to help fix the details. (KW/Weight/Speed). Pricing might be changed too. :-) Hope to hear fe...
W50 Coolertrailer
Transport capacity: 12 tons Transports: Meat Country: East Germany Available: 1961 - 1990 Available for purchase for rubels Uses ingame trailer, includes color variants green, yellow, blue, grey....
VZ 2106 Skins pack
Created by MC Bonito
Few colors for VZ 2106...
Vulykh tower block
Created by Gerbilskij
A 14-storey brick residential building, originally designed by Soviet architect E. Vulykh (officially: series II-67). A modernised variant with white tiles and slightly higher quality of flats is also included. This model was originally developed by Pashka...
Shopping mall
Created by Benser
ЦУМ (Центральный универсальный магазин) Киева — один из крупнейших магазинов Киева, расположенный в центре города. ЦУМ - первый торговый объект формата department store в Украине построен в 1939 году. $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE 3.5 Игровые характеристики как у мага...
Skins Granite Embankment package 1
Created by BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 1 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 1 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins Granite Embankment package 3
Created by BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 3 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 3 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins Granite Embankment package 2
Created by BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 2 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 2 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Slag Wagon
Created by βlu∃_βrO
Thanks to Mel in Discord, I am bringing you a slag wagon. Since there is no "slag" in-game, it is configured for aggregate good (coal, gravel, iron). Produced between 1934 and 1985 and used mainly around steel mills. 16t carrying capacity costing you aroun...
Small Brick Factory / Малый Кирпичный Завод
Created by EZ88
A small brick factory with a "classic" look. Produces a smaller amount of bricks than the regular factory but needs less workers. Workers needed: 30 Consumption: 9 ton coal per work day Production: 15 ton bricks per work day Небольшой кирпичный завод с «кл...
Small Cement Plant
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
An old aging cement plant. Takes up to 20 workers and produces up to 12t of cement per day. About a third of the size and cost of the vanilla version. No heating requirement...
Small Cement Plant (Brickstone)
Created by KArantukki
Small cement plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 15 workers...
Small Churches
Created by Fiend
Religion is incompatible with Marxism and religion was suppressed by the Soviet Union, but religion is not necessarily incompatible with socialism, so if you want to put churches in your socialist state, here are three you can use. They are based on the on...
Small clinic ('50s)
Created by Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
small Firestation, 1 fireengine
Adds a very small firedepartment for rural areas of your town. Can hold only 1 fireengine. Quickly built and cheap. Not heated....
Small PrefabPanel Factory (Brickstone)
Created by KArantukki
Small prefabricated panel factory - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 40 workers...
Small Rural Store
Created by Amotax
(PL) Mały wiejski sklep spożywczy z okresu PRL (1947-1989). Tego typu sklepy o nazwie „GS Samopomoc Chłopska” były powszechne na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce. Mały, słabo zaopatrzony, głównie z podstawowymi produktami. (ENG) Small rural grocery from PRL ( ...
Small Refinery
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A Small Oil Refinery for fledgling Republics Maximum Workers 50 Oil consumption 10t per day Produces Fuel 5t/day and Bitumen 3t/day No heating requirement...
Small tank storage
Created by Gerbilskij
A smaller tank storage, made from existing ingame models, edited and adjusted. Capacity: 300t Original 3dArt: 3Division...
Small Shop
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
A small shop based on a design from the Institute for State trade and public catering. Designed in 1955....
Small school
Created by Gerbilskij
A small school buiding, with reduced personnell requirements and capacity compared to the original one (5/8). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 as an admin building for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with...
VAZ 2110
Created by MC Bonito
RUB 1995-2007 Max speed: 165 km/h Cars for a cars god!...
Ursus Heavy series Pack (C385 - 1204)
Created by xlimeee
This pack contains 8 tractors made by Ursus. This mod used to contain only Ursus C-385 and Ursus C-385A. It had been remastered and expanded with fresh 3d models and textures. More vehicles of this type will be added in the future. The so-called "Heavy ser...
URAL Soviet Army Skin Pack
Created by PETRMA
URAL Sovětská armáda URAL Soviet Army Урал Советская Армия ...
Construction offices pack
Created by Gerbilskij
We cater for all sizes: this package conveniently includes the updated versions of all my construction offices. Main changes are updated models, lighting and texture mappings, plus other small fixes. UPDATED 02/08/2023 using new 3D Models from vanilla COs ...
University of Defense
Created by Vikom
University of Defense, serves as a party HQ for 30 workers and 30 comrades. Inspired by a real building in Brno. Finished in 1937, architect Bohuslav Fuсhs. The building first served as an HQ for some parts of Czechoslovak army, during the nazi occupation ...
Created by frostsey
Created by frostsey
The Store Supermarket. At the heart of the mechanics of the store...
Underground Parking
Created by Pyro
A large capacity underground parking garage. Capacity: 32 cars (Update: I've noticed that the problems with this start when the vehicle population increases more than 32 cars. I have now limited the number to 32. Lets see if this cuts down the number of is...
Underground Heating Pumping Station
Created by HardCore Gaming
Modded Heating Pumping Station with Six Underground Connections. Five versions up to 1000m underground pipes. The cost of construction includes the base building and underground pipes. Therefore, only an advanced republic can afford such object. You can bu...
Created by painkillerlexar
Living 9 floor bricks build type 164-80-4 by LexaR...
Twin nuclear pressurized water reactor
Created by Benco54
Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) constitute the large majority of the world's nuclear power plants (notable exceptions being Japan and Canada) and are one of three types of light-water reactor (LWR), the other types being boiling water reactors (BWRs) and...
TVZ 61 Belarus
Created by 3division
Belarus skin for TVZ61...
Tupolev TU-134
Created by oleksii.kapustin
RU: Ту-134 (по кодификации НАТО: Crusty — «Резкий») — советский пассажирский самолёт на 76—80 пассажиров для авиалиний малой и средней протяжённости, разработанный в начале 1960-х годов в ОКБ им. Туполева и выпускавшийся серийно с 1966 по 1984 год на Харьк...
Tumen River RU CN NK
Created by MrMiyagi
Tumen River - where the USSR, China and North Korea meet! No uranium nor bauxtite update needed: The developers made it so all maps autogenerate newer resources. Any map you pick will have these resources. 1.1 - 11 Jan 2020 Update to fix Kamyshovyy border ...
Tu-154 INTERFLUG (East Germany)
Created by PETRMA
Tu-154 Interflug (East Germany)...
Tu-154 Czechoslovak Airlines
Created by PETRMA
Tupolev Tu-154 OK-TCB Československé aerolinie Tupolev Tu-154 OK-TCB Czechoslovak Airlines...
Tu-154 Aeroflot CCCP
Created by PETRMA
Tupolev Tu-154 Aeroflot CCCP-85412...
Created by painkillerlexar
Type 144 86 and Type 144 86 18 Thanks kowkamurka for model!...
TROLZA-5265 Megapolis
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Тролза-5265.0* «Мегаполис» — семейство российских низкопольных троллейбусов большой вместимости для внутригородских пассажирских перевозок, серийно производившееся с 2007 по 2019 год на ЗАО «Тролза» в городе Энгельсе Саратовской области. Год выпуска: 2005—...
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
Transformer with altered connections to provide a high power throughput...
Created by paster88
transformator трансформатор transformer...
Trabant Sedan - Cream/Red
Created by geoitj
Trabants went through several variants and some of the earlier ones were supplied in really quite attractive two-tone paintschemes. The model in game right now is a later one, but here's an attempt at gussying it up with an interesting paintscheme and chro...
Trabant - Neptune Blue
Created by geoitj
Also appropriate as naval camouflage. You know, for when you float your Trabant over to Sweden....
Small Transformer and 4 way Switch
Created by OffTheRailsGaming
Two cut down versions of the power transformer. One with High Voltage throughput, 2 High Voltage and 2 Medium Voltage connections. And one with 4 Medium Voltage connections. Larger version with High Power throughput also available - https://steamcommunity....
Small warehouse
Created by Gerbilskij
A small warehouse, may be useful as a storage for consumers' goods and/or to connect to department stores. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full permission from th...
Snowplow station
Created by MTandi
Small technical services building with 3 parking slots for snowplowers. Textures by 3division....
Stalinka variant of Type 1-447
Created by Comrade Joe
This mod is a reskin of the type 1-447 5-storey apartment buildings made by Comrade kostas667, in the style of Muscovite stalinkas. Credit for the 3D work and unwrapping goes to Comrade kostas667, and it is posted with his permission. All stats are the sam...
State Opera and Ballet Theater of the ChASSR
Created by Comrade Joe
The present mod is inspired by a marvel of late soviet architecture, the State Opera and Ballet Theater of the Chuvashian ASSR, built in Cheboksary in 1975 (?). Entirely modeled in Blender using whatever photos I could find of it and google streetview, it ...
Created by WitcherShade
Электростанция на солнечных панелях. Требует много электроники для постройки, нужны 5 рабочих для функционирования. Генерирует 2,44 мегаватта электроэнергии. Обновление v1.1: - увеличено число рабочих с 2 до 5 - добавлены пешеходные дорожки - добавлено доп...
Strip mine for the Class 24
Created by ryantheskinny
This is an attempt at making a proper open pit lignite mine for Role-playing. it is meant to be used with the class 24 dragline model by Blue_bro Link: and needs to be placed on a stone patc...
Created by frostsey
THE STORE SUPERMARKET.The mod is based on the store: Shop_Prior. The number of platforms for unloading goods has been increased to three. All other parameters of the original store were not changed....
Created by oleksii.kapustin
EN: KhTZ T-150K is a general-purpose agricultural wheeled tractor manufactured by the Kharkiv Tractor Plant (UKRAINE). It has been produced since 1971. Operating power is 170 horsepower (125 kW). Speed is up to 35 km/h. Operational weight is 8 t. In additi...
T-34 Monument
Created by KArantukki
Monument of the famous soviet T34 tank....
Tatra 815 pack
Created by Gerbilskij
The Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra as a successor to Tatra T813. It uses the traditional Tatra concept of rigid backbone tube and swinging half-axles giving independent suspension. This pack includes several versions of the 8...
Tatra 815 Fire Truck
Created by Gerbilskij
Tatra 815 fire truck in two variant, the East German TLF-32 and the Czechoslovak CAS-32, both on a 6x6 chassis. **Updated 24/10/2021** New model ** UPDATE August 2022 ** Added CAS-24 4x4 (two-axle) variant. * Tatra 815 TLF 32 Fire truck Max speed: 100 km/h...
Tatra 148 construction and military skins
Created by Gerbilskij
Inspired by the work of Brewer for the T138, I decided to create a set of skins for the Tatra T148, at least for the construction-like versions. This first release of Tatra 148 skins include a few construction and military ones. Namely T 148 Covered - yell...
tanker r63a
Created by olDen
tanker_r63a SPEED 5 uzla CAPACITY 200 CAPACITY 300 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Oleg Gordienko...
T3 Skin Pack
Created by Tigrovica
Small Skin Pack For Tatra T3, all designs are based on real designs, that were used in other cities...
Created by oleksii.kapustin
RU: ХТЗ Т-74 — советский гусеничный трактор, выпускавшийся Харьковским тракторным заводом с 1962 г. по 1983 г. Полная масса - 5,91 т. Мощность - 75 л.с. (55 кВт). Добавлен ХТЗ Т-74 с плугом вместо отвала. EN: HTZ T-74 is a Soviet caterpillar tractor manufa...
TOYOTA corolla E20
Created by Mauser_NATO
Японская микролитражка. Выпускалась с 1970 по 1978. Представлено двухдверное купе. 20 Цветов. Валюта USD. ------------------------------------------------ Japanese minicar. It was produced from 1970 to 1978. Presented two-door coupe. 20 Colors. Currency is...
Toyota Corolla (E70)
Created by Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Toyota Corolla (яп. トヨタ・カローラ, Тойота Королла) — компактный автомобиль, выпускаемый компанией Toyota. Появившись в 1966 году, в 1974 году он попал в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самая продаваемая модель в мире. По данным книги, к декабрю 2000 во всем мире бы...
Toprus' Szklarska Poreba Srednia station
Created by Toprus100
Hi! I welcome you back in another mod of mine! My second station - this one is based on Szklarska Poręba Średnia, a station in south - western Poland between Jelenia Góra and Szklarska Poręba. It has one platform, two tracks and a building. The connections...
Toprus' S200 Reskin Pack
Created by Toprus100
Hi peeps! So here's just a quick one-day project I made, it wasn't that hard. This pack contains a few modern Polish reskins for the locomotive S200 (Or in-game CME3). These locomotives were imported from Czech Republic to Poland and found use in private c...
Toprus' PKP Wagons pack
Created by Toprus100
My large pack of the basical Polish wagons. It includes: -110A sleeping coach (Blue+white stripe) -111A 2nd class passenger coach (Green+Beige stripe) -112A 1st class passenger coach (Red+Beige stripe) -Jwx restaurant wagon (Red+Golden stripe+ WARS) These ...
Toprus' PKP ET42
Created by Toprus100
My skin for the VL10 locomotive remade to the PKP class ET42 electric locomotive....
Toprus' Facc 411V Reskins PACK
Created by Toprus100
Hi there! Are you tired of the default hopper car skin? Do you want to add more variety to your freight railway? Or do you just want to have P O L I S H skins? Then this reskins pack is for you! It includes 6 skins of original PKP and also private companie...
Toprus' Bąk Railway Station
Created by Toprus100
Hi yall! Today I present you my very first model I made myself from scratch, textured and scripted to work in Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. It is a rough recreation of a railway station in northern Poland - Bąk. It is positioned in the middle of ...
The Centipede House
Created by Akira43
This is a residential building based on a real life one built in the 80s on Begovaya Street in Moscow. It has been nicknamed Centipede because of the 40 leg shaped high pillars the structure stands on. It is also known as The House On Legs and The House of...
Created by frostsey
Created by Frantic_Monkey
The ТE3 (Russian: ТЭ3) is a two-unit Soviet diesel-electric freight locomotive. From the early 1960s to the mid-1970s, it was the main locomotive on the non-electrified railways of the USSR, replacing powerful steam locomotives. Due to its simple and relia...
Tatra KT4(t)
Created by LodzkiBus
Tatra KT4(t) Tatra KT4 is the name of a four-axle, articulated tram-car developed by CKD Tatra. The first pre-production vehicles entered service in Potsdam in 1975, with the first production vehicles in 1977. Tatra KT4T has a thyristor equipment TV3. Conv...
Tatra 815 road cranes
Created by Gerbilskij
The Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra as a successor to Tatra T813. It uses the traditional Tatra concept of rigid backbone tube and swinging half-axles giving independent suspension. This pack includes three road cranes of diff...