Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Water Friendly Vanilla Cave 01 - Textures untouched
Assets: Building
File Size
6.751 MB
11 Jan, 2021 @ 10:22am
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Water Friendly Vanilla Cave 01 - Textures untouched

In 2 collections by 74091796519793665
Water Friendly Vanilla Rocks and Cliffs
33 items
Das Kiefernwaldtal-Vanilla Hways - One click collection
17 items
This is the same as the vanilla one, TEXTURES ARE TOTALLY UNTOUCHED.

HOWEVER, I have made it “WATER FRIENDLY” by modifying its functionality. Normally, if you put any vanilla rock/cliff on water, you will see some glitchy water displacement, and that is because they were not configured for “water friendly” behavior as a default.

This one, and the rest of the collection, are totally safe to place on water. You will not see any glitch at all.

I’m publishing them one by one, and adding to a single collection, so you can download the ones you need.

Since their textures are totally untouched, they should normally share textures. For that, Loading Screen Mod would be a good idea.

If you do not like the vanilla rocks and want something with different colors and better texture, I would like to recommend you the water friendly rocks made by Greyflame. She has a very nice collection.

By the way, I removed trees and props.

How to use:

1. - By default, you only can place them on water, but if you use Fine Road Anarchy 2, then activate it (CTRL A), so you can place them anywhere else.
2.- You will find them in the same tab where the vanilla rocks are. In case you do not, then I would like to recommend you using Find It! 2 to quickly access any of them.


I would advise against subscribing to the hole collection, which is about 179 MB, particularly if you are playing in a low or medium spec machine. Subscribe only to what you need.