Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (283)
Created by xxyztwz
需要配合同名的MOD才能使用,否则就是普通的建筑物。 效果:根据路边停车的数量多少,每周能有一定的收入,车越多收得越多。但是会降低20%的居民区需求 在地标建筑第五级的菜单你能找到这个建筑 Need to subscribe the Mod which is the same name one, otherwise no effect. Effect: Depe...
Created by 红米先生
中国上海浦东恒生银行 by 白米...
Created by 红米先生
中国浦东海关大楼 by 白米...
Created by CR
可以定做广告牌 联系qq2735326625 验证 密码 张丽...
Created by 联通
中国牡丹之都广告牌 by 联通、STE AM。高15米...
中国馆 China pavilion
Created by LIME
Created by imengyu
包含中国高速常见的指示牌(有字) by imengyu...
Created by 红米先生
北京內城城牆 (模塊化) | 北京内城城墙 (模块化) | Beijing Inner City Wall (modular)
Created by Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a newer draggable version available in the workshop. I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can walk on the wall now and it's easier to place. ****************** 明清北京內城城牆(english description at the bottom) 中國歷史上最後兩代王...
中国邮政 Scania_G_China Post
Scania_G_China Post by E32 SJP-GZQ T(Z)89......
Created by 红米先生
临街底商3 by 红米 每栋出门面牌内容不一样,其他均一样,此建筑是参考安徽省铜陵市第二中学对面商铺楼而制作完成。细节没有那么多,都是已经高清贴图为主 SUB(5个子建筑合并) 面数500左右一个, 4X4格子, 贴图分辨率1024X1024...
Created by 红米先生
中式经典主题三种铺砖样式Three brick laying styles of Chinese classic theme-1
Created by 红米先生
请自行订阅笔刷工具,在地图上可使用三种样式针对不同地方可以刷不同样式铺砖 Please subscribe to the brush tool by yourself. You can use three styles on the map. You can brush different styles and pave bricks for different places...
Created by 红米先生
中式超宽大门 by 红米...
中式经典主题三种铺砖样式Three brick laying styles of Chinese classic theme-4
Created by 红米先生
请自行订阅笔刷工具,在地图上可使用三种样式针对不同地方可以刷不同样式铺砖 Please subscribe to the brush tool by yourself. You can use three styles on the map. You can brush different styles and pave bricks for different places...
五死城 Chinese Fantastic Palace 오사성
Created by TAEMIN B
五死城 Chinese Fantastic Palace 오사성 五死城 Chinese Fantastic Palace 오사성 This building has Chinese traditional style and it is created virtual palace. It's not at real, Forbidden City or Beijing, China. This castle seems that it has to be in a myth or legend like...
Created by hakurai
最も新しい地方銀行であり北九州市に本店を置く北九州銀行の支店をアセットにしてみました。 Office4×4(Level 2) 北九州銀行 by hakurai...
Created by 笑看红尘
Created by ZEIR
单向隐形路4米(高速) 用于公交枢纽与站外路段和站台路段的连接 此道路为高速路类型但限速40,无人行道,不可放公交站...
博华医院 Bohua Hospital
Created by amamIya
博华医院 Bohua Hospital by amamIya Hospital Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main:6088 Glass:2587 SubMesh:32008 Lod: Main:1381 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
城市管理局大楼City Authority building
Created by 红米先生
城市管理局大楼 by 红米 可执行城管执法功能,最好订阅执法功能MOD,或者不订阅也行...
圓山大飯店牌樓 Grand Hotel Gateway
Created by Emperor Li
位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 本建築在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! The Grand Hotel is a Chinese classical style building located at Yuanshan in Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan. It was completed in 1973 and one of the famous landmark in Taipei.(from: wik...
Suzhou Guojin center, China中国苏州国际金融中心
Created by 红米先生
苏州国际金融中心于2010年3月2日正式奠基。该项目将建成包含一栋92层,楼高450米的超高层建筑,预计在2013年落成,届时将成为江苏第一高楼。 2010年3月2日上午,苏州九龙仓开发的苏州国际金融中心超高层项目正 式奠基,该项目将建成包含一栋92层,楼高450米的超高层建筑,这也再次刷新了苏州城市的高度,成为苏州城市新地标,同时与南京紫峰大厦并列成为江苏第一高楼世界第七大高楼。苏州国际金融中心超高层项目预计在2013年落成。 苏州国际金融中心位于苏州工业园区湖东CBD商圈核心区域,西面正对金鸡湖,地块面...
Created by 红米先生
垃圾分类 by 红米...
大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle
Created by TAEMIN B
大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle 大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Osaka Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. and it began to build in 16 century. So it's an impor...
Created by ELeven夜
天猫超市电瓶三轮车 by 大福蝶...
Created by 红米先生
宣传栏 by 红米...
市公安局 Municipal PSB
Created by amamIya
市公安局 Municipal PSB by amamIya Real Glass Caution: High Polyhedron Model Polyhedron: 36433 LOD Polyhedron: 2688 Texture: Major Structure: 1024*1024, 64*64 Glass & others : 256*256, null Area: 15*9 Jail capacity: 200 Police Car: 40 ...
Created by 笑白衣彡
Created by ELeven夜
顺丰快递电瓶三轮车 by 大福蝶...
Created by 红米先生
高速服务区 by 红米 有服务区建筑+高杆灯两件资产,为商业型建筑,占地8X3格子,贴图1024X1024...
Created by xxyztwz
1、前期可用(100名普通工人即可) 2、超低造价(莫非用的是可回收原材料?) 3、5个水电站的峰值发电量(一旦拥有,别无所求) 4、超低的运维费用(什么,你还想更低?你想让那100个工人罢工么?) 5、完全无污染,连噪音都没有(你即使修医院边上也没问题) 超级太阳能电站 by xxyztwz...
Created by Damien大米
三层立交 ,非常省地,显示中很常见于城区之中。 这个立交 需要配合tm这个插件。更改红绿灯及车道, 造景玩家,也需要自己准备沥青覆盖 画线...
タイムズ駐車場 parking decoration pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本でよく見かけるタイムズ駐車場の装飾プロップです。 左側通行用 <mesh info> parking gate triss : 826 tex : 512x512(d) parking adjustment machine triss : 286 tex : 256x256(d) parking times triss:130 tex : 512x512(d) parking guide1 triss : 30 tex : 128x256(d) parking guide2 triss : 28 tex...
Created by 红米先生
中式交通围栏 by 红米...
乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha
Created by MC100
Created by 小翔xiang
共享单车(vehicle)版 by 小翔xiang 注意:!!!此物品需要after dark DLC支持,因为此物品模型套用的是after dark DLC 的自行车模型!!! 该物品属于vehicle中自行车部分,所以它只会出现在人行道和自行车道等非机动车道中,不会与机动车一样出现在机动车道上。 此物品为vehicle,并非prop,如需订阅prop版本请搜索共享单车(prop) 里面共包含4种共享单车,分别是ofo单车,青桔单车,摩拜单车,哈啰单车。 三角形面数:522,贴图:256x256 --- ...
Created by HooHeeHaa
Clouds & Fog Toggler 去云雾开关 Sakuya16个人汉化版
Created by Izayoi _Sakuya16
Clouds & Fog Toggler 原作者链接: Clouds & Fog Toggler 去云雾开关 Sakuya16个人汉化版 汉化mod交流群:938052880 汉化了MOD主菜单...
[PLT]Prop Line Tool汉化版
Created by Catnip.
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Created by 红米先生
Community Park小区公园
Created by 红米先生
Community Park小区公园 by 红米...
Hong Kong Bus Terminus 2 | 巴士總站 2
Please inform me if you encounter any problem. Thx~ :D Introduction of the building - A common bus terminus design in Hong Kong - With 5 boarding bays Known issues | 已知問題 - Bus stops cannot be too close to other roads or buses will take the nearest route t...
Created by ZEIR
替换原版公交候车亭为不锈钢系列 替换原版道路和NE2道路的大型、小型公交候车亭 暂时未发现兼容性问题 有问题可以在下面留言 Replace the original bus shelter with stainless steel series Replace the large and small bus shelters of the original road and NE2 Road No compatibility issues found at this time If you have any...
Emergency Cam
Created by PhatR
This cinematic camera mod follows the action in your city by showing you views of vehicles in emergency. Helicopter and vehicle's in emergency, police, ambulance, fire, disaster and flood types will be shown at random, if there are none, it will randomly s...
zxQuad 001 - Straight 12u
Created by aXudar
zxQuad 001 - Straight 12u I hope you like it. Please see the image, with the guide as show you how to place it. I'll in the near future release more simple roads, highway exits, intersections and so - all of it with quards. If you like or dislike my work, ...
Advanced Toolbar
Created by CWMlolzlz
Advanced Toolbar introduces new functionality to the toolbar including an expandable asset panel and auto icon centre. Too many icons on your bar? Center them all by enabling Auto Centre in the options. This will shift them so they are easier to access. Th...
Fine Road Anarchy 2 汉化版
Created by Catnip.
根据原作者最新的版本汉化!请给我点赞,谢谢 作者原址: 感谢作者的开源和源代码分享 如有侵权,请联系我删除! 此mod与游戏的1.12。*版本兼容(并且可能与下一版本兼容)。 原始说明 该mod在建造道路时添加了其他选项。 基本上具有锐利的交角,但与Fine Road Tool兼容,并且在启用无秩序状态时具有更好的行为。 -无政府状态(Ctrl + A):启用后,将消除所有限制,...
KTX-Sancheon B type
Created by CHAIRMAN KTX-산천 B type KTX-Sancheon B type 차량편성(Formation of the Train) 10량(10cars) Pc - T1 -T2 -T3 - T4 - T5 -T6 - T7 - T8 -Pc 승객정원(Passenger Capacity) T1 : 53 T2 : 56 T3 : 33 T4 : 56 T5 : 48 T6 : 48 T7 : 56 T8 : 60 영업속도(Service Speed...
Spectra Evaporator [Meta]
Created by Spectra Spectra Evaporator Meta by bullettMAGNETT Leave feedback or let me know if something is wrong. Info: Tris 1080 / LOD 370 1024x1024 maps Size: Large Press Release: "S...
Stadium Light Tower
Created by ManuRamos
Pack of 2 stadium light towers. This is a rebuild of my old stadium light to which I have added a new taller one with a beacon on top. First unsubscribe to the old one before subscribing to this, otherwise you will have repeated assets. There is the old to...
Electrical Substation - Small
Created by CaptainVenom
Electrical Substation, small concrete. Looks amazing near power plants or to the end of a transmission line. It has a bigger part intended for high voltage lines and a smaller one for lower voltage, such as common suburban poles. It also works as a solar p...
Net fence prop, 3 square long
Created by meingott
Fence prop, 3 grid units long, because placing stock short segments was too much of a hassle...
Power Substation v2 (MG)
Created by meingott
ATTENTION, READ THIS!!: --- Asset bug: Workshop asset uses private asset ( 3 square long_Data) --- People, stop commenting about this, source files are long lost and it cant be fixed! It doesnt affect gameplay so just let it go! --- Power Substa...
Railway Power Substation
Created by REV0
Electricity - Substation My Discord Server Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Sub/switcher station for electrified rail networks. Based on Switzerland and visually consistent with Railwa...
Kobe_Ohashi 神戸大橋
Created by suudon3
Kobe_Ohashi by suudon3 神戸大橋です。 好きなので作りました。 兵庫県神戸市中央区にある日本初のダブルデッキアーチ型鋼橋だそうです。 かっこいいですね。 Fateシリーズに出てくる冬木大橋と言った方が伝わる方も多いかもしれませんね。 首都高の4Lの道路と組み合わせるとちょうどいいはずです。 よろしくおねがいします。 This is Kobe Ohashi. I made this because I like it. It is the first double-deck arch b...
NTE - Happy Little Buddha Mini-Plaza - Silver
Created by spinoza73
The Happy Little Buddha Plaza is a perfect place to catch your breath. Even if it is small, thanks to the small buddha, it gives the same benefits as a plaza of normal size! Can be plop anywhere, no need for roadside - Tiling: 1x1 - 5620 tris - Highly deta...
Japanese Green Fence
Created by ako_ako
※tokachi氏製作のフェンスパックにも緑のフェンスが含まれています。 こちらのフェンスは網目の綺麗さなどに問題もあるので、今後はtokachi氏のフェンスの使用をおすすめします。 緑のフェンスです。日本だと緑をよく見る気がします(気のせいかもしれない)。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。"Japanese" や "fence" で検索しても出てきます。 Prop Line Toolのフェンスモードでの使用を推奨します。 新品のバージョンと錆びたバージョンがあります。 This is green f...
Parking Lines (White)
Created by DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Times Parking(3x3)
Created by touubou
Coin parking lot seen in Japan. Actually it can be used as car parking lot. The asset is set as a park. The size is 3 x 3....
Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX) - Savegame 北京大兴国际机场存档
Created by Ls1960
Daxing International Airport by Ls1960 For English description please scroll down 北京大兴国际机场-游戏存档 2020/1/21更新:删减了很多不必要的mod和少量资产(已经不能再少了),更新了几个基础mod到最新版本。 另外:此存档不会更新新版CSUR,工作量太大,后面可能会出一个带大兴机场跑道滑行道布局的地图 资产数:1709 MOD数:50 地图大小:81格 首先还是感谢@UNFU的航站楼资产 本来当时是想做一个大兴空港...
Created by Damn
Los by 熊三三...
2012 Honda Goldwing CHP
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Pursue Suspects in the First Japanese Motorcycle on the Workshop "911, What's Your Emergency?" "We got a serious collission on Interstate 5 near the Sperry Avenue exit, a truck crashed across the barrier and destroyed the Ho...
3 way interchange #10 (two level)
Created by 3nƒ0я¢3я
3 way interchange #10 (two level) Cost: 13,340 Upkeep: 143 / week -> mirror version <-...
No Seagulls
Created by thale5
This is a lightweight mod that removes seagulls from your city. The mod does two things: - it patches the game so that seagulls are no longer created - once a save has loaded, it looks up all seagulls and asks Citizen Manager to let them go. The changes ar...
Pollution Solution
Created by Shadow Link
Details A simple mod for Cities: Skylines that allows you to enable/disable Noise, Ground, and Water pollution. Noise Pollution Disabling and Re-enabling Noise Pollution takes effect after a few seconds. GroundPollution Disabling Ground Pollution takes eff...
Prop Precision
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) This mod allows props to be placed much more precisely. This is not a new tool but allows existing tools to place props with a lot more precision. It saves additional data to preserve the precision of t...
Prop Snapping
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Tree Snapping, but for props. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But ...
Prop & Tree Anarchy
Created by BloodyPenguin
Place props & trees wherever you like With this mod enabled you can place props & trees: - under water - on roads - within building's footprint This is useful when placing props with More Beautification mod. I also recommend to use Prop Snapping to snap pr...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Palm Tree by pdelmo
Created by pdelmo
Low poly palm modeled after a cocos palm stats & info polygons 111 Texture D&A @ 512x512 Not too tall and low size variation for liines of palms...
Unlock All + Wonders & Landmarks
Created by BloodyPenguin This mod unlocks all from beginning, including all Wonders (a.k.a. Monuments ), Unique Buildings Levels I-VI, European biome Landmarks, (if you have Deluxe Edition) Deluxe Edition Landmarks + DLC specific unique buildings an...
Concrete barrier - PACK
Created by jPRO Concrete barrier - PACK As addition to DeCzaah's barriers Elevatable: concrete_barrier_3m_E concrete_barrier_12m_E concrete_barrier_48m_E concrete_barrier_end_E Terrain conforming: concrete_ba...
Japanese Localization RD
Created by Gansaku
自動生成される道路名と地名を、若干日本っぽくします。地名は大阪府の郵便番号データに不思議な加工をして作ってあるので、不自然な点が大いにあるかもしれませんが。 ゲーム自体を日本語化したい方は日本語化MODへ。もちろんこのMODと同時に使用できます。 The way of generating road names by vanilla game (using the first and last names of the person's name) is noticeably different from ...
Super Demand
Created by Klyte45 Make all demands stay high forever. Works with new and previous-saved cities. The Cims even don't care about basic items (water, sewage, etc) before construct their buildings by consequence of it. Enjoy! WARNING: This mod do...
Futuristic Fire Station (Tuas View) CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Fire Station CC The Idea of this Building is based on the "Tuas View Fire Station" from Singapore ( ). And because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Can you see the "hidden" symbolic Firefig...
Created by MrMaison
Bamboo by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece Bamboo set. Included are a straight Bamboo tree, a bendy one and a little shrub cluster. Bamboo trees are actually in the grass family and considered the most primitive grasses. They are some of the fastest growing ...
Advanced Road Tools
Created by pcfantasy
This Mod can build more complex curve to help build a interchange quickly. 这个mod可以画出一些复杂曲线,帮助快速修立交 !!!!! Tools will still detect your real cash amount even when you use unlimited money. If you want to build roads for free, you can click a option in mod`s o...
Created by Katalepsis
Add an extra layer of realism with this simple tides simulation This mod makes the sea level rise and fall. It can add a nice little touch of realism to your game. Set the range and speed of tide change in the options menu and watch as the sea level rises ...
Theme Mixer 2
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you load, mix and customize Map Themes It's finally here, at long last. This is a complete re-make of the original Theme Mixer mod. Features Change map themes directly in-game. Select map theme "parts" from different map themes (Atmosphere, Structures...
Mods Listing (Save and load mods config)
Created by CoarzFlovv
What this does Mods Listing allows you to save a list of all the currently active (checked in the content manager) mods, assets and district styles. These lists can later be loaded and applied, making the management of a large amount of mods/assets tied to...
Marked Incompatible ]  Search Box Mod
Created by CWMlolzlz
Enables a search box to browse placeable assets ingame. Buildings, props, growables all appear in searches. This includes assets in other mods. As of Update 1.2, this mod supports favourite assets. Update 1.2 New - Assets can be favourited. This is done by...
Created by kian.zarrin
No longer supported, a new Beta version is worked on that can be subscribed by clicking here. to report problems or ask questions please come to my discord channel: Pl...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
US 1-Way Road Pack [ONE Click]
Created by Grozunol
⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤══════⦃◯⦄══════⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤             DISCLAIMER         If you subscribe to the 𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝘾𝙇𝙄𝘾𝙆 version, 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 subscribe                  to the others single roads,                to avoid duplicate asset problems. ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤══════⦃◯⦄══════⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤...
Created by RHYRT
东方之巅,闪耀世界 很抱歉你们在加载时候可能需要一些车子,他们并不适合这个城市,对此,你们可以用tmpe清除所有车辆,然后保存游戏再重新进入 Sorry you may need some cars when loading, they are not suitable for this city, for this, you can use tmpe to clear all cars, then save the game and re-enter 过一些时间,我将创造一个更大的圆形城市,为为这个城市量...
Fine Road Anarchy 汉化版1.3.5
Created by Timiy
Fine Road Anarchy 汉化版 官方最新版同步汉化 作者版本1.3.5 汉化版本1.3.5 使用方法 订阅后找到该MOD启用即可 如有更新请留言,谢谢 原作者连接: 感谢作者的开源...
Adjust Pathfinding
Created by Strad
Warnining! Advanced/experimental! Please report any bugs or odd behavior! This mod allows you to change behavior of in-game traffic. You can make vehicles avoid specified segments and redistribute them better across the city. Are the pesky drivers using a ...
Road Color 道路颜色修改中文汉化版
Created by Timiy
可以修改道路颜色 README This MOD is a Chinese language version customized for Chinese players. original author: If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete,thanks MOD汉化说明 英文名:Road Option...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing prop
Created by XDBX
HPO by XDBX...
HK pedestrian overcrossing5
Created by XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing5 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第5条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the fifth one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“Pa...
Mini FPS Booster
Created by Krzychu1245
This is a mini fps booster which increases the frame rate in-game by 5-15%. It works by reducing the number of raycast calculations the game does to work out where the mouse is. You won't loose anything. It doesn't break any...
(Obsolete, do not use) Mod Compatibility Checker
Created by leftbehind
No longer maintained Please use the new Compatibility Report mod instead, which is actively maintained and has some considerable improvements compared to my old mod compatibility checker. A message to Holy Water / Chaos, whomever or whatever they are... Co...
Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks
Created by kian.zarrin Hides tracks that are unconnected by TMPE lane connector tool. Instructions: 1- subscribe to and enable this mod and TMPE. 2- use TMPE lane connector to connect tracks. 3- unconnected tracks will disappear (see limitations)....
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
3 way interchange #2
Created by 3nƒ0я¢3я
3 way interchange #2 (three level) Cost: 58,310 Upkeep: 615 / week...
Patch Loader Mod
Created by Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
FPS Booster
Created by Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
Ample Water Tower
Created by marsilainen
Ample Water Tower by marsilainen The Ample Water Tower is a large water supply that provides a water source for areas that do not allow a Water Pumping Station to be built. It can supply water to greater area and for larger amount of people. Also known as ...
Rail-Over-Road Train Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of 2 train tracks - a 16m wide version for small roads, and a 32m wide version for medium and large roads. These tracks can be placed over any road without the use of mods, and no disappearing pillars! Examples:
Small Cobblestone Decorative Network
Created by Lost Gecko
Small square cobblestone. Purely decorative (not a functional road), it follows the terrain but doesn't flatten it, so it can be raised and lowered without moving the ground. Useful to pave streets, pavements or plazas. includes 4 and 8m wide versions. The...
Indoor Stadium - Allegiant [DLC CAMPUS]
Created by _luminou_
Indoor Stadium - Allegiant Copy without Logo of the "Allegiant Stadium - Las Vegas" Adapted for the DLC "CAMPUS" (Some elements change color) Version without DLC is availbale on "Sketchfab" Don't forget to rate the model ; ) Small click for you, great visi...
Fallout 4/76 - Rocket '69
Created by VLB
Fallout 4/76 - Rocket '69, base model by Tristan B. From Fallout 4 and 76! The original name of the car is "Chryslus Cherry Bomb". Prop version ...
Fallout 3/NV - Corvega Coupe
Created by VLB
Fallout 3/NV - Corvega Coupe, base model by lowriderfreak. From Fallout 3 and New Vegas! Prop version ...
Additive Shader
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
Scania P250 4x2 Agriculture
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP250 4x2 農業 速度 : 100km/h 貨物搭載量 : 8000 Scania P250 4x2 Agriculture Speed : 100 km/h Cargo capacity : 8000...
Scania P250 4x2 DB Schenker
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP250 4x2 DB Schenker 速度 : 100km/h 貨物搭載量 : 8000 Scania P250 4x2 DB Schenker Speed : 100 km/h Cargo capacity : 8000...
Swanky Street - Winter
Created by MrMiyagi
*4 required items* Swanky Street is a fashionable street with pleasant muted lighting, trees, benches and high-end street ads. Ideal for locations like a tourist / entertainment district, a parkside promenade, fashion High Street, etc. This winter edition ...
Illuminated Bare Trees
Created by MrMaison
Illuminated Bare Trees by MrMaison Let there be light....on Bare Trees! Introducing a 4 piece Illuminated Bare Tree set. These trees are in prop form and my first illuminated nature assets. There will be more to come including tropical plants and trees. Th...
Metal Planter 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Metal Planter 01 by Beardmonkey...
Old Gas Lanterns (Set)
Created by Titan
This is a set of 3 old-styled gas lanterns Back in the old days many streets were illuminated with gas lights. Of those old lanterns quite a few survived as usual street lights. The ones in this set are from the city of Dresden, Germany. All of those lamps...
Street Ads - 10 variations
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A simple street ad prop with ads for all sort of brands - some known from the radio. I won't list all the brands, but I'd like to thank MrMiyagi and MrMaison for letting me use some of their ads - gotta have M...
Volvo FH 4x2 DSV
Created by ron_fu-ta
Volvo FH 4x2 DSV 速度 : 100km/h 貨物搭載量 : 12000 Volvo FH 4x2 DSV Speed : 100 km/h Cargo capacity : 12000 ...
Flexible overpass walls - Slanted sides
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Ever been frustrated my overpass assets were just a little too high for your needs? Well, then this is for you! They're pretty much identical to my other ones, except for the fact they're lowered into the ground. ...
Flexible overpass walls - Small roads
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Ever been frustrated my overpass assets were just a little too high for your needs? Well, then this is for you! They're pretty much identical to my other ones, except for the fact they're lowered into the ground. ...
Decal Prop Fix (deprecated)
Created by boformer
This mod is for players who want to use decal assets with a size larger than 8x8m and/or tiled decals. Make sure that the mod is enabled! This mod does not mess with save files, simulation or the user interface. It is safe to use and can be disabled at any...
Theme Decals
Created by Ronyx69
Adds decals which match the current map theme. 32m/16m versions for grass/cliff/sand/gravel/ruined/oil/ore and 32m/16m corner/16x8m edge versions for pavement. Known issues: If the mod is disabled, it won't work, because it's disabled. If you change graphi...
SKF - Pavement Theme Decals
Created by Shannanigan
I created these Pavement decals in order to have small & simple walkways, driveways, patios, etc. for my houses. They are located under "Residential / Ground Tiles" in the Asset Editor. Since these are decals without "ruining", that hideous animated grass ...
4-lane intersection innercity
Created by $4И†4
4-lane intersection innercity by $4И†4 Specially for large cities with dense traffic. Via tunnel and bridge traffic is separated causing less traffic jams than regular intersections. Made with mod Fine road tool 1.3.7 (with road anarchy). Traffic Manager: ...
Shibuya River Bank Prop Pack
Created by ARTFX
Welcome to my first ever Workshop asset! As seen in episode 3 of the Atsuki YouTube series: Shibuya River Banks Prop Pack Made for my first Cities Skylines YouTube series about the city of 'ATSUKI', which is a fi...
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project
Created by _luminou_
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project Following the news in 2012 that Zaha Hadid Architects had won a competition to design the 80,000-seat Tokyo National Stadium as a centerpiece for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japan’s Prime Minister has announced that ...
Manila City Hall
Created by Shredra
Manila City Hall As seen on my youtube series "Isla Ivatan" The Manila City Hall is the official seat of government of the City of Manila, located in the historic center of Ermita, Manila, Philippines. It is where the Mayor of Manila holds office and the c...
Allegiant Stadium - Las Vegas
Created by _luminou_
Allegiant Stadium - Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium (formerly Las Vegas Stadium) is a stadium located in Paradise, adjacent to Las Vegas in the state of Nevada in the United States. Its construction was validated in March 2017 at an estimated cost of $2 billio...
Hard Rock Stadium
Created by _luminou_
Hard Rock Stadium Hard Rock Stadium is a football stadium located in Miami Gardens, Florida, a city north of Miami. It is the home stadium of the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League (NFL). Hard Rock Stadium also plays host to the Miami Hurricane...
Modular Stadium Pack
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, I made this pack more than three years ago, but I have never published it. Now it is available for everyone in workshop. This pack contains 10 assets. You can find all assets under park and plazas tab. Use Repaint mod by algernon to change...
tiny roundabout
Created by Shubi✪DFQ✪
6 unit diameter rotery for low trafic by Shubi✪DFQ✪...
McDonald's [RICO]
Created by conno
"Billions and Billions Served" McDonald's is a chain of American fast food restaurants, often symbolized by two large "golden arches". McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant by revenue and is only beat out by Subway in the number of locations. They c...
Tunnel Entrances
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Edo Castle 江戸城
Created by hkhrm2003
Edo Castle (Kan'ei Era) Original 3D Model made by SeaGate from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted, modified and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
Osaka Castle 2.0
Created by dabaofu
Osaka Castle V2 by dabaofu The new LOD model and the lod_d map unique Space:10*8 Cost: 150000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000...
Yangzburg Castle
Created by THZ
Yangzburg Castle by TGB_THZ This is a fictional building, some inspired from Nagoya Castle. Tris : 25,444. Space: 12*10 Tourists(L~H):100, 100, 100 Attractiveness Accumulation:15 Entertainment Accumulation:150 (Radius 400 meters) Height: 50.2 meters 3ds ma...
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Ploppable 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Kentucky Fried Chicken by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (ploppable) A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type KFC in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. I do not own any rights on Kentucky Fried Chicken and have only made this for free, non-commercial pub...
Kentucky Fried Chicken (growable H2 4x4) by BumpaNiggl
Created by BumpaNiggl
Kentucky Fried Chicken (growable H2 4x4) by BumpaNiggl A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type KFC in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. I do not own any rights on Kentucky Fried Chicken and have only made this for free, non-commerci...
McRonald's with Drive-In and Cafe (Growable Shop H1 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
McRonald's with Drive-In and Cafe (Growable Shop H1 4x4) by BumpaNiggl Mc Donald's makeover. This is the growable version with darker windows and changed illumination map, scaled down to fit a 4x4 high density zone. The object has all maps. Placed ingame t...
Created by lopiv2
McDonalds by lopiv2 Low Commercial Growable If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
McRonald's with Drive-In and McCafe by BumpaNiggl (1x ploppable)
Created by BumpaNiggl
McDonald's makeover (tested, working, 1x ploppable, appreciates feedback and votes) A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type Mc Donalds with a Drive-In and McCafe. Double checked and placed ingame to make sure it works; and i...
McDonalds Ploppable
Created by lopiv2
McDonalds Ploppable by lopiv2 If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
McRonald's (Ploppable park, 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
McRonald's (Ploppable park, 4x4) by BumpaNiggl A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type McDonalds. I do not own any rights on McDonalds and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use. Uploaded as a ploppable park...
Created by KingLeno
isign1 by KingLeno...
Soldyne's RMB Rounded x8
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
More Flags ( + flags replacer )
Created by BloodyPenguin
Adds more flags props and also allows to replace stock flags with any of those flags This mod requires Prefab Hook by @boformer to function properly!. Like stock flags (United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France) prop, most props this mod provi...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Cordyline Australis
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cordyline Australis Mediterranean Plant 1024x512 Texture Main = 746 Triangles Lod = 32 Triangles 3 Meters in Height with variations of 1.2 Max Scale & .85 Min Scale.
IKEA by Leno
Created by KingLeno
This model is best used with the RICO mod, but can be used as a Unique Building for those without the mod. The IKEA sign prop I created is not actually used in the model, but is listed as a requirement to just to link to it. Use More Beautification Mod htt...
Cynth's Gas Station (ploppable)
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Cynth's City Gas Station (ploppable Park) Finally the ploppable version of the Gas Station. You'll find it in the Park-categ...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
PKX Airport 北京大兴国际机场
Created by UNFU
For English Description Please Scroll Down. 全球最大航站楼----北京大兴国际机场 北京大兴国际机场(IATA代码:PKX;ICAO代码:ZBAD)是中华人民共和国北京市大兴区正在建设的北京第二座国际机场。北京大兴国际机场一期工程按2025年旅客吞吐量7200万人次、货邮吞吐量200万吨、飞机起降量62万架次的目标设计,飞行区等级指标为4F,工程总投资799.8亿人民币。 机场定位为大型国际航空枢...
Quad Train Tracks
Created by rcost
Quad Train Tracks based the vanilla tracks, would not have been possible without Bad Peanut's bypass tracks and quad powerlines, I'm calling this a beta because this is my first asset and improvements must be made. They are, however, functional, so use the...
Quad Connecting Station Track Set
Created by rcost
Bypass and Dual Island Station Tracks with connections for Quad Train Tracks. Requires the listed Quad Train Tracks for the bypass catenary. I’ve added a separate Dual Island ground segment and Bypass elevated segment in an attempt to achieve MOM compatibi...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Scania P320 6x2*4 Refrigerated (Fish)
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP320 6x2*4 冷蔵トラック(魚) 速度 : 100km/h 貨物搭載量 : 8000 貨物が空の時はリフトアクスルが上昇します。 Scania P320 6x2*4 Refrigerated truck (fish) Speed : 100 km/h Cargo capacity : 8000 When the cargo is empty, the liftaxle will rise....
Ploppable Asphalt +
Created by Ronyx69
Allows using road shaders on props for ploppable asphalt, pavement, cliff, grass, gravel surfaces. Also includes legacy asphalt props, they are outdated but still work fine if you used them before, from now on I recommend using the new set. http://steamcom...
Ploppable Pavement
Created by Ronyx69
12 ploppable pavement props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Request...
Ploppable Pavement (old props)
Created by Ronyx69
This is a legacy pack for users/maps/saves that used them, they still work perfectly fine but I made a new fuller pack: ...
LRT Jabodebek [Metro]
Created by meshd
Looking for other variants? LRT Palembang LRT Palembang LRT Palembang Asian Games LRT Palembang Asian Games LRT Palembang LRT Jabodebek LRT Jabodebek LRT Jabodebek INKA Light Rail Transit - LRT Jabodebek Asset Name LRT Jabod...
eu_bridge (water only)
Created by OI MATE SWISS
so you want more bridges.. well i agree here have a new one this one should also make no issues with the water what so ever but you can only place it on water .. soo yeah sorry about that. hope you can use it well somewhere. Also all you people out there c...
Lion Statues
Created by ale_donkey
Lion sculpture props Two decorative stone lion statues for your zoos and college campuses. Use Prop Painter with Move It to change their colour. Lion Statue Left Model tris: 764 texture: 512x512 (d, n, c, s) LOD tris: 44 texture: 32x32 (d, n, c, s) Lion St...
Created by 龙潜渊
死者广场 by 龙潜渊...
Bamboo Tree Cluster
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up! Thanks :) This is a model that I got from the 3D Warehouse. I changed the trunks to geometric cylinder and re-textured everything. You can find the original listing here...
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Cherry Blossom Tree Child
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Child by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Adult Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Japanese Castle
Created by Optron Warrior
**03/10/2015 V1.5:Updated to include night lighting for After Dark expansion. I managed to update this asset directly so no need to re-sub :-)! Description: A Large Japanese Castle based in part on Karumoto Castle bat for SC4 as reference, as well as real ...
Japanese Stone Fence
日本を演出する石塀。多くの場面で使へるでせう。 石塀 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Sea Defenses Network / 日本の堤防
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese angled walls(dikes) to prevent waters. We can see them around seasides in Japan. You can find this at canal tools. 2 variations are contained: with terrain / without terrain. Recommended Mods: Move it Quay Anarchy Height: 1.5m ( up tp 20m ) * Disc...
Spiral underground parking (small road version)
Created by vilgard92
Spiral underground parking (small road version) by vilgard92 A 100% functional underground parking with real parking lots. Cars take the spiral ramp to get in and out of the underground car park and pedestrians access it via the central lift. A small park ...
Fountain 12.23 (Animated)
Created by neinnew/네인
Fountain 12.23 Fountain 12.23 in Gwanghwamun Plaza, a landmark in Seoul, honors Admiral Yi Sun-shin. AnimUV animated, no requires mod. In fact, there is a statue of Admiral Yi Sun-shin at that location, but it was not included in the assets. So I recommend...
Anno 2070 Music Pack
Created by goldfishgamer
Uploaded by popular demand. Adds music from Anno 2070 to your game! It unfortunantly DOESN'T include all the music from the game, because there are way too many tracks and if I included them all, the mod size would be too big. So I had to exclude a few tra...
[OBSOLETE] Trolleybus Trailer AI - use only if required by the workshop asset
Created by Krzychu1245
Support Trolleybus trailers with poles at any trailer Cities: Skylines got trolleybusses with Sunset Harbor DLC. Unfortunately new trolleybus AI doesnt support trolley poles to be used on trailers, which was a required condi...
Created by 红米先生
道路天桥大门版本 by 红米 类似PROP方式一样摆放即可,请开启道路无碰撞摆放安全。门型中间宽度为45米,适合超宽道路或者高速道路使用。...
Springwood Police Bike
Created by Archie Cuntingham
I got love for you, if you were born in the eighties, the eighties Now has fixed leaning and performance, and one police officer that gets off the bike when entering a house. Police car Speed: 40 Crime capacity: 50000 (standard) Criminal capacity: 1 2970 t...
Watch It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to watch status of the important capacities in the game. NEW IN 1.17 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.16 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines ...
More Vehicles
Created by dymanoid This mod increases the limit of spawned vehicles. The vanilla game allows at most 16,383 moving vehicles and at most 32,767 parked vehicles. Want more? With More Vehicles, up to 65,535 moving vehicles and up to 65,535 parked...
Infinite Demand
Created by μohnytoxic™
Force infinite demand for residential, commercial and industrial zones. You can also disable infinite demand in-game. Open the options, navigate to the "Infinite Demand Mod" settings page and click the checkbox. Please keep in mind that the simulation has ...
IRIZAR i6 EuroLines
Created by TecniRanger
IRIZAR i6 EuroLines by TecniRanger - Aqui os traigo otro autobus interurbano o Autocar del DLC Sunset Harbor, es el modelo IRIZAR i6 integral con motor SCANIA de la Agencia EUROLINES _______________________________________________________________ - Eurolin...
Directional Light Bollard
Created by Pixel_monster
Directional Light Bollard by Pixel_monster A Low intensity Street bollard with directional yellow light. Used for my Stonewall Quay Asset. If you like this asset please Subscribe to my workshop and rate this asset and commen...
Stone Wall Quay- Tiled
Created by Pixel_monster
Stone Wall Quay- Tiled by Pixel_monster Stonewall Quay ideal for river and lakefronts. It has a sloped wall with stone block Roman masonry, a protective concrete wall, and a stone tiled pedestrian pathway with light bollards. Time to Make your waterfront g...
District Style: Classic American Christmas
Created by m4gic
The town is decked with twinkling lights and garlands and all is blanketed in snow. The children are fast asleep. The soft crunch of tires on the fallen powder is the only sound as parents arrive home to secretly stow-away the gifts that "Santa" will bring...
Batman Forever Batmobile
Created by DTOX
Batman Forever Batmobile by DTOX FTW ---- Prop version is included ---- Working “police car” to patrol your city in style. If you like these assets please rate them! Thanks, and enjoy! :) The Batmobile design is property of DC. Check out other items in my ...
Schattenfluegel Midtown Exch.
Created by Johnny-=GER=-
2 Highway Intersection, added large roads each corner Subterranean roundabout Pedestrian connectors Some decorations Roundabout made of motorway tracks, disabling traffic lights should not be neccesary to avoid traffic jams but could be helpful. Intersecti...
Oil Truck
Created by Burr
A generic oil tanker truck. Stats: Cab 856 tris 512 textures 84 LOD tris 64 LOD textures Trailer 523 tris 512 textures 36 LOD tris 64 LOD textures This is based off the vanilla Oil Truck and will deliver oil products around your city....
[PROP] LaFerrari
Created by CityOfTokyo
LaFerrari It's prop version. Vehicle model is here.
Created by 红米先生
Pizza Hut 2.0
Created by BrowncoatTrekky
This is a scaled down version of Waffledog's Pizza Hut. I tried to bring some life to it with the KingLeno props and thought it came out great so published it. Added RICO and converted to an L1 Unique Building. All credit to Waffledog and workshop mods whi...
[LHT] Volvo Ayats Double Decker Bus
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Modern Left Hand Traffic Double Decker Bus When the roads are congested, an articulated bus takes up even more valuable space and could increase traffic instead of alleviating it much. Double Decker buses offer the perfect co...
New Routemaster
Created by AleX_BY
New Routemaster for Skylines by AleX_BY Capacity: 45 ======== PLEASE READ ABOUT THE CAPACITY HERE ========= I try to balanced it with default values by devs, so capacity of my 12m buses - 30, 15m buses - 40, and doubledeckers like this - 45. As I know you ...
2 Banners PR China - Small and Large
Created by MrMiyagi
For Tem2zy and anyone else who wants them, 2 Banners PR China for your walls, buldings and temples! This was made using Armesto's Banner flag template. If you can use Photoshop or GIMP, you can make any flag or banner you like following his guide, where he...
Gendarmerie - BMW 1200RT
Created by Raymond Pelletier
#FrenchCityDesigners The BMW R1200RT is a touring or sport touring motorcycle that was introduced in 2005 by BMW Motorrad to replace the R1150RT model. It features a 1,170 cc (71 cu in) flat-twin engine with a six-speed gearbox and shaft drive. Gendarmerie...
JR500 Series Shinkansen
Created by Windows 95
My First Ever mod for a video game... EVER! The Train is fully capable of being assigned colours based on whatever line it is on. Stats are default passenger train stats, next update will have new stats. Updates: October 07 2015 - Updated for After Dark Au...
JR700 Dr.Yellow Trainset
Created by Windows 95
As promised, here's a Dr.Yellow reskin of the JR700 Trainset (or Dr.__INSERT COLOUR HERE___) Train line colours are represented by the train body. Unlike the regular JR700 or Railstar assets.. In real life, the Dr.Yellow trainsets are used as a diagnostic ...
JR700 Railstar Livery Trainset (Japan)
Created by Windows 95
This is the "Railstar" livery re-skin of the JR700 Series bullet train I released earlier. Line Colours represented by the stripe below the windows. The locomotive should show up on both ends of the train regardless of Advanced Vehicle Options. ===========...
JR700 Shinkansen Trainset (Japan)
Created by Windows 95
Line Colours represented by the blue stripe below the windows. The locomotive should show up on both ends of the train regardless of Advanced Vehicle Options. This model took me some time since the front end of the train has quite a complex geometry; makin...
Lamborghini Veneno
Created by CityOfTokyo
Lamborghini Veneno The model that was made in commemoration of the Lamborghini establishment of a business 50th anniversary based on Aventador. As for three closed models, only six roadsters are made. Because a position overlaps with a stop-lamp, the blink...
Louis Armstrong Park Entrance (New Orleans) by ChiliadSun
Created by ChiliadSun
Main park entrance from Louis Armstrong Park (New Orleans). Requies Park Life DLC to function. Game stats: default as Main park gate, 3x3 footprint Tech stats: Main model: 3340 tris, 1024x1024 texture Custom LOD model: 180 tris, 128x128 texture Enjoy!...
Pacific Ocean (Theme
Created by Incorniieytoo
A theme based on the pacific Ocean. Used for Islands surrounded by a large body of ocean only. Features high rain, no fog, and a 25% chance to see the northern lights. Low pixelated ground textures for realism....
Deutsches Aprilwetter
Created by Desamii
Wetter Theme, standard Europäisch. Keine Änderungen an Farben oder Texturen. Temperaturen schwanken zwischen -10°C und +20°C. Etwas weniger Regen und Nebel als realistisch wäre, aber soll ja nicht nerven, so wie echtes Aprilwetter....
ES64F1 SBB Cargo International / MRCE Locomotive
Created by Justin Credible
SBB Cargo Locomotive by Justin Credible Put toghether your own trains with this engine in the Asset Editor by using the mod "Extended Asset Editor 0.4.11". You can find tons of outstanding trailers in the numerous Trailer Packs created by ✪ CV . The locomo...
TrailerVariation Loader
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Allows the use of variations for custom vehicle assets, like truck trailers and cargo wagons. Think empty vs. loaded log trucks. This mod is required for end users (and asset creators) that want to use custom assets using this feature. Submesh variation ma...
Extended Asset Editor 0.7.6
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Adds some stuff to the asset editor for dealing with vehicles. (And perhaps more asset types in the future) Trailer variation loader requirement This is needed if you want to see the effects of changing the Variation fields of submeshes in-game. If you don...
Created by pkbsl
This is edit vanilla tollgate road without tollbooth. This road made for support Korea tollgate Ver. 2 Pack. If You don't subscribe that assets, DO NOT subscribe this asset....
Korea Tollgate Ver. 2 Pack (Suwon-Gwangmyeong Express)
Created by pkbsl
This is korea tollgate Ver. 2 Pack (Suwon-Gwangmyeong Express). Build this tollgate in flat land....
Blooming Jacaranda
Created by MrMaison
Blooming Jacaranda by MrMaison Introducing a Blooming Jacaranda tree! It's native to Tropical and Sub Tropical regions. This is my first flowering tree. Use this to add color to your foliage areas or for decoration. There are actually 49 species of Jacaran...
Extended Roundabout(Elipsis-about?)
Created by Daniel Cofour
For those tight spots. Better than two intersections one after the other. A tiny disclaimer. It only works well if only 4 of the 6 ins/outs have heavy volumes of traffic going on them. If all 6 have heavy volumes, you're better off doing roundabouts or ret...
Gwanghwamun [광화문]
Created by Kugisa
Gwanghwamun by Kugisa Gwanghwamun (Hangul: 광화문; hanja: 光化門) is the main and largest gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace, in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It is located at a three-way intersection at the northern end of Sejongno. As a landmark and symbol of Seoul...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing 港式人行道天桥 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第一条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the first one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“PageUp” HK pedestrian overcrossing onl...
SolarParking Panel UP (Prop)
Created by Zuben
SolarParking Panel UP (Prop) by Zuben Tris: 568 / 70 Texture: 512x512 / 32x32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you like. plaese rate up. Thank you. 마음에 드시면 평가하기 눌러주세요. 감사합니다. ...
lane & centre lines (faded)
Created by Moog®
As far as I can tell, there are five different types of lane lines and centre lines in the vanilla game and NExt2 road packs. I've tried to reproduce them all here so you can always find a matching line for your lovely intersections and junctions. This pac...
Dumpcar 31-945
Created by Белюна
Dumpcar 31-945 from G00r00....
Illuminated Date Palms
Created by MrMaison
Illuminated Date Palm by MrMaison This is a 7 piece set of Date Palms with lights. Great for decoration in parks and commercial areas and also tropical holiday scenes. These trees are props. STATS: Illuminated Date Palm Pruned- 557 tris 1024 textures Illum...
[Grow+RICO] Tour Flanades (Sarcelles, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Flanades/Lochères, Sarcelles, 95 Val d'Oise Construit en 1970. Built in 1970. High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x2 Residential Level: 4 Avec/With Ploppable RICO Homes: 70 Construction Cost: 7000 The color can be changed with Repaint La couleur peut êt...
Train - (DB-BR6400) Texaco
Created by RaverTiger
Train - (DB-BR6400) Texaco by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Train (Cargo / Oil) • Speed: Standart • Cargo Capacity: Standart (7 waggon) • Design: Texaco • original Design: - engine:
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop)
Created by _luminou_
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop) Pack of 6 "Roof Heliport" (prop) No DLC required Contains all textures and LOD files Roof Heliport 01 Triangles: 610 / 106 Weight: 16.41 / 2.89 Texture: 256² / 128² Roof Heliport 02 Triangles: 314 / 10 Weight: 7.32 / 0.25 Textur...
中式快速路龙门架 China Urban Expressway Prop V2.0
Created by 狼少
China Urban Expressway Prop Pack V2.0 This is China Urban Expressway Prop Pack This pack includes: CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 2 lanes CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 3 lanes CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 4 lanes CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 5...
Fine Road Tool 2 汉化版
Created by Catnip.
更多道路工具选项 By:Catnip.汉化...
No Abandonment
Created by Katalepsis
Disable Building Abandonment This mod disables abandonment in your game. Useful for people who like to play in complete sandbox mode and not worry about their carefully placed buildings being abandoned. Already abandoned buildings are not affected. Enjoy! ...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Unlimited Trees Mod v1.12
Created by DRen72
UNLIMITED TREES MOD v1.12 Current code by BloodyPenguin and mod site hosted by DRen72 Latest Code Update: May 24, 2018 (Compatible and tested with v1.12.2 and Campus DLC) This mod unlocks the games limitation of 262,144 tree...
Aldi Grocery Store
Created by DieHardHunter
Aldi Aldi (an abbreviation for Albrecht Diskont) is a grocery store/discount chain founded by Karl and Theo Albrecht, based in Essen, Germany. The chain was split into 2 in 1960: Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. Internationally, Aldi Nord operates in Germany, Denma...
Multi-storey car park
Created by Lord von Adel
It is located in the parks menu. Details: costs: 20.000 maintanance: 1000 size: 4x4 capacity: 64 vehicles This version will get no more updates! If you want, you can use this version by Forkboy22:
Spaghetti Saucepan
Created by Ecumenopolitan
Hello! This is my first attempt at making a pinavia interchange. It's also probably the biggest interchange I've ever built! All of the connections are at the ground level. Fine road tool is recommended to make the bridges and trenches right! Hope you like...
Bus Station(With Bus Road)
Bus Station with Bus Road...
Bus Transfer 001
Created by KMABoss
Updated 5 April 2018: Changed the road from 3-lane one way Hwy to 2-lane one way high-end. Shortened the pedestrian paths to make it easier to connect to them, and slightly changed the layout of them. Added some props, but works well without them. I have t...
Bus Stop 2 Lanes + 1 way
Created by Gensdame
Bus Stop 2 Lines by Gensdame...
Leafy Street Tree. Low poly
Created by pdelmo
Leafy Street Tree by pdelmo. Don't forget to rate for more nice but low poly nature assets 280 triangles. 512x512 texture...
Set of Ground Metro Stations
Created by clus
Set of Ground Metro Stations Prolog Happy New Year ! New year ... new things, or at least a bit different compared to the "usual" stuff that comes from me. ;) Yeah ... its vanilla ! :) I wanted to do something relaxing, afte...
Created by CASILLAS
疫情检查点2 by CASILLAS 由于尺寸原因,这个资产需要配合Procedural Objects模组使用!!!否则尺寸过大!...
Created by CASILLAS
疫情检查点1 by CASILLAS 由于尺寸原因,这个资产需要配合Procedural Objects模组使用!!!否则尺寸过大!...
3 Layer Roundabout
Created by down4th
size : 48x48...
人行天桥 ( Pedestrian bridge )
Created by LIME
Pedestrian bridge to update optimization...
SF Express
Created by LIME
SF Express by Lost丶青柠...
Chinese corridor
Created by LIME
Polygon:1005 triangle:1084 side:2969 Map:1024 X 1024 LODMap:128 X 128 Asset type:Prop This asset has a different combination, I will release one by one 禁止企鹅转载 ...
Chinese corridor Corner
Created by LIME
Polygon:850 triangle:1066 side:2430 Map:1024 X 1024 LODMap:128 X 128 Asset type:Prop This asset has a different combination, I will release one by one 禁止企鹅转载 ...
No graffiti overpass support - highway
Created by Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets A graffiti-free version of this asset. You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance Fits with all the default high...
Small Stadium Lights
Created by KingLeno
2 small high school football stadium lights with medium brightness and low (dim) brightness....
Underpass support - small road
Created by Avanya
Can be found under Common Props - Streets Some places it just doesn't look right to have the road elevated or on ground as it raises into a bridge. I created this little prop to decorate that space. This is made for smaller roads 12 units long and raising ...
Large Residential Grid 8x6
Created by Driver Kaldie
This is my first upload for Cities Skylines. I made a large residential grid with bus lanes within it's inner circle. It's really nice for large maps. It can of course be used for commercial and industrial zoning as well. The zoning grid is almost perfect ...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Boulevard Park
Created by agusingnavy
Boulevard Park by agusingnavy Vanilla Park 8x2 *UI Priority: -110000009 - agusingnavy -...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 1
Created by 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含国铁LOGO+250隶书汉字。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 及拼音以便于查找。例如寻找 “一”,输入 “crcp yi”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、...
DIY货运火车站站台轨道-DIY Cargo Railway Station Platform Track
Created by 幽泽wize
这个车站火车轨道,自带车站性质,可在任意地点放置。然后给他接上道路,以便车辆可以到达就行。灵感来自英国多佛港与法国加来港之间英法海底隧道的铁路货运站。 Translate : This cargo station train track, with its own station nature, can be placed at any place. Then connect him to the road so that the traffic can arrive. Inspired by the ra...
Created by ZXJ
现代大型公园 by ZXJ...
China Flag [Dynamic Flag]
Created by Toyota Land Cruiser
How to make your own Flag step by step Guide Waving Flag of China This Flags are waving. Both Flags use the same Texture. Use Loading Screen Mod for the half needed RAM. The Original Flag by APF Find the Flags by typing FFLGH in the Find it search bar. Fla...
Stone Bridges Pack
Created by RyanCat
Stone Bridges Pack by RyanCat Contains 9 historical Chinese stone bridges prop. Use Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance for better LOD performance. Or use Ultimate Level Of Detail (ULOD) to configure the LOD distance. UseLoading Screen Mod to share textures....
UK Brutalist House
Created by Brammered
What’s this?: Making a city, but lack those ambitious brutalist projects the local council undertook in the 60s/70s? Well, look no further than this, the UK Brutalist House. This building comes straight from Camden’s own Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate. Des...
First Person Camera: Updated
Created by tony56a
An update of nlight's First-person camera! Also: a fix for the light flickering issue when following a vehicle/pedestrian. adjustable vehicle camera offset positioning increased field of depth options for a more "isometric camera"-y feel ( reduce field of ...
Train Display Mod
Created by Asmape
FPS視点で電車などに追従したとき、左下に現代日本風電車内LCDを表示します。 This mod draws the display like the one in the Japanese train when following trains in FPS mode. 言語 / Language 日本語 / Japanese English / English (v1.1.0) 简体中文 / Simplified Chinese (v1.2.1, thanks to cluper) Deutsch / ...
DT&R Ad Ship Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo DT&R Ad Ship Nothing like the fresh smell of Rocket Exhaust in the Morning.. This Asset includes: Blimp version Individual Props Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artwork, animations, ...
Medium Monorail and Tram Road
Created by BadPeanut
Check out my other roads HERE Make suggestions by filling out this form Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit to desktop) 2: Use launch parameters to set "--disableMods" > See ...
暨南大学校门 Main Gate of JNU
Created by HooHeeHaa
Jinan University (abbreviated JNU) is a public research university based in Tianhe District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, China. It is one of the oldest universities established in China, tracing back to the Qing dynasty. You can find it in the pane...
Created by jdsxk
BUCT by jdsxk...
韦驮菩萨像Statue of Bodhisattva Weituo
Created by MC100
Skanda , also known as Wei Tuo (Chinese: 韦驮) and Idaten (Japanese: 韋駄天) is a Mahayana bodhisattva regarded as a devoted guardian of Buddhist monasteries who protects the teachings of Buddhism. He is also sometimes called in the Chinese tradition "Hufa Weit...
北京中央电视塔 Beijing Tower
Created by CM.
该资产中包含之前还原武汉计划视频中的武汉龟山电视塔。 The asset includes the Guishan TV Tower in Wuhan, which was previously restored in the video of Wuhan plan. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到(两个资产) You can find it in level 6 special buildings (two assets) 因为工作等原因,现在做资产的时间并不多,这次的资产也只是自己抽空做的,在细节等方面...
Miscellaneous Props 一些雜物
Created by Bathtub
A couple props for my own use. Slightly modified some of Emperor Li's assets: Two (tall & short) version of Imperial City Wall with grey roof instead of yellow Some Beijing props but with green roof and red paint. Beijing Siheyuan (Courtyard) wall network ...
Formula One Race Cars
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 prop and vehicle (bus) versions of race cars based on various Formula One cars. Place the pits bus depot with access to the racetrack and create a bus line, recolor the line to whatever you want. Use a mod like IPT to set the bus on that line: h...
Created by ZXJ
新城区 by ZXJ...
Created by ZXJ
中国城 by ZXJ...
Tiny Lights for Escalator
Created by potato24x7
Tiny Lights for Escalator Lights with tiny light effect. Created for the Escalator Pack. Custom Effect Loader Mod by boformer is required by this prop to work. Light is illuminated 24 hour basis. Check the escalator pack Ani...
Custom Effect Loader
Created by boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Train Station Liège-Guillemins
Created by Nickayz
Liège-Guillemins is a train station in - well, Liège - in Belgium. It is part of the high speed corridor between Paris and Düsseldorf frequented by the Thalys and ICE trains. It was opened to public in 2009 and designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Ca...
DAWIN C Island ThemeV.2
DAWIN C Island Theme...
Created by ZXJ
中国大陆和香港 by ZXJ...
Created by ZXJ
中国城 by ZXJ...
Created by ZXJ
新型回收站 by ZXJ...
Match Day Stadium: Colossal Park Sports Precinct
Created by BadPeanut
This is a Match Day Functional stadium with an Expo Centre and built in Train Station. It does not have Varsity Sports AI to work with Campus DLC University Areas You will of course need the free DLC Match Day for it to function correctly (and appear in ga...
Labyrinth 5x4
Created by Giraf
Labyrinth 5x4 by Giraf...
【CZ5】长征五号1:1模型-China CZ-5 Rocket-中国航天
Created by zcy
Parking Lot (2x4) Urban
Created by lapin0
A working parking lot, bench also gets used by cims. Construction Cost : 250 Upkeep : € 8.00 / week Entertainment Accumulation : 10 Entertainment Radius : 180 Water : 0 m³ / week Electricity : 32 KW Garbage Accumulation : 1...
Giant Turbo Junction
Created by Ecumenopolitan
Hello! It's a large highway junction with long semi-circular ramps. This interchange takes plenty of space and a relatively flat area is recommended. All of the connections are on the ground level. This thing could be a landmark on itself. Hope you like!...
DB Central Station Props [Set]
Created by Titan
This is a set of different platform props 8 platform props to bring life to your station. All of these props follow a design used by the DB (Deutsche Bahn), the German rail operator, on their main and central station. A ticket machine A ticket validator A ...
Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack
Created by Polygon This prop pack includes two original benches you can find at LA Metro’s Expo Line Stations. Check out my appendant LA Metro Stations & Props. Mesh Info Bench A: 696 tris, 512x256 diffuse, specul...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Created by GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Train Station Display (dual)
Created by boformer
Train Station Display (dual) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Display (single)
Created by boformer
Train Station Display (single) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Liège-Guillemins Modular (vanilla track)
Created by Nickayz
Liège-Guillemins is a train station in Liège, Belgium. It is part of the high speed corridor between Paris and Düsseldorf frequented by the Thalys and ICE trains. It was opened to public in 2009 and designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Che...
Medium Road for Stations
Created by rcost
Medium Road for use with elevated over the road stations, taken from the medium road monorail station...
Metro Station Over Road V1
Created by rcost
Over Road Metro Station based on vanilla elevated station. Uses road segment from over road monorail station. Requires Medium Road for Stations because I had to rip the meshes out of the game to use the monorail station road, as they are not available in t...
Linked collections (1)
Contains 314 items