Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

26 ratings
Items (33)
Created by Qapla' Balth je'
二战:新纪元附属音乐MOD 二战:新纪元 创意工坊链接 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1659548946 歌曲目录 伟大的十月 骑在银龙背上 Andreas Waldetoft - General war bring for the tanks:0 "坦克的全面战争" Andreas Waldetoft - HOI4 main the meallies:0 "main the meallies" Andreas Waldeto...
Created by Qapla' Balth je'
二战:新纪元 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/753718226910801354/EBF17D58881CA1D608A0F6680505C450AF7F62EC/ 注意事项 太祖头像点一下就能移动 【需要—启动器—游戏设置—中文】 (注意,是游戏设置,不是启动器设置。) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/753718226910710893/71ACE845DCBCF4063AE3330194235...
52 Chinese Localisation
Created by 电脑小龟L.T.
钢铁雄心4 v1.14.3 简体中文汉化包 240401版 * 目前AAT之前的是用的本民间汉化文本(修正了官中的一些错误),AAT之后使用的是官中文本。 * 覆盖了官中的文本和字体,打了本MOD后无论“英文”和“中文”都是汉语且都是修正后版本。 * 目前没有打算做全面的官中润色,基本上就是把大家汇报的汉化错误修一修,定期发布一下。 ===============汉化包说明=============== 本汉化包由52pcgame汉化组和牧有汉化组合作完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏本体及所有已发布的DLC。 汉化...
Cold War Iron Curtain-Chinese Version
Created by fight fow
本汉化包由他们改变冷战汉化组完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏。请在游戏启动器设置选择中英文均可,单独加载本汉化整合版即可,无需另外加载52本体汉化,也不要加载其他相冲突的mod。 冷战铁幕原mod英文版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1458561226 第一版:1.5天佑女王版已汉化完毕 第二版:1.54罗得西亚版文本汉化率:96.9% 第三版:1.9抉择时刻版文本量在9万5千行以上,汉化率97.5% 第四版:1.10强硬派文本量...
Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
Created by swf541
Updated to Current Patch Patch 03/11/2024 Current Version 0.3.9 Patch for DLC Comptibility and New Soviet Content (Kaganovich) https://i.imgur.com/HtdCckH.png The Year is 1949, a shattered planet begins to fall back into the arms of tyranny and conflict, a...
Cold War: The Iron Curtain - Music
Created by Kreunz
Music for Cold War: Iron curtain. DON'T POST STUFF ABOUT THE MAIN MOD ITSELF. CREDITS: Kreunz - Most of the stuff Gatts - Helping with the mod Dregorin - Fixing the entire mod All of the people who sung/played the songs...
World Ablaze (8.0) CN燃烧的世界中文版
Created by Polaris
重要说明 因P社已更新官方中文,本MOD现只保留【simp_chinese】语言,以前使用中文内容假替英文文件的汉化方式将被废弃,请各位玩家在启动器将语言切换至中文游玩。 启动器里选择游戏设置→语言→选择最下面的【中文】 简介 燃烧的世界(World Ablaze)是装备科技大改(Armed Forces Overhaul)的正统继任者,在装备科技大改(Armed Forces Overhaul)拆分为纯科技树MOD后,其游戏性、国策、事件等改动和新增均由本MOD继承,本MOD仅汉化,其他游戏性本体文件需要...
Marked Incompatible ]  [OUTDATED] The New Order: Last Days of Europe
Created by Lonely Knightess
https://i.imgur.com/AWg0Dz3.png Old Description: ========================================== https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Europe rests under the jackboot. World War II has been over for twenty years, but its legacy still lives on. T...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe(CN.Ver)
Created by Camouflage
时值西历1962年,欧罗巴正在长筒靴下苟且偷生。 第二次世界大战将旧世界彻底焚毁,一个新秩序从它的废墟中涅槃重生。在它的暴政之下,数百万人归于黄土之中。在它的威胁面前,自由的最后灯火行将熄灭。 大日耳曼国在世界大战中崛起,成为欧洲无可置疑的霸主。无数的生命在终焉之战逝去,但他们的鲜血换来的只有耻辱。德国的雄心壮志最终都化为了痴人说梦。它的军队如死尸般臃肿涩滞,它的政治如马戏团般内讧不休。如此种种,悉数印在阿道夫·希特勒那行将就木的视线之中。在他的身下,无数秃鹫盯着他,目露饥渴凶光。 东亚细亚在共荣圈的大旗下...
World Ablaze (8.0)
Created by Uncharted
https://i.imgur.com/tSNsh84.png TOA Compatible! Summary World Ablaze is a ongoing project to completely overhaul Hearts of Iron 4 to become more challenging, historical, and exciting to play. It features a massive expansion and complete overhaul to the tec...
Waking the Tiger (really)
Created by 喝鲁小夫
游击战大改,全新的游击队功能! 全新的ui,包括根据地建设、群众支持和根据地行动三个主要功能。 建设根据地就是盖根据地兵工厂招募游击队之类的,加强根据地的战斗力——也就是种田。 群众支持是很重要的,没有群众基础,怎么打游击?群众支持的提高主要是靠宣传来推动的。 根据地行动则是要根据地发挥作用,你建根据地当然是要发挥作用的,比如什么宣传呀,边境战争之类的。 还有政治斗争功能,但是只做了一个框架而已。 还有部分重置的prc国策。...
The road to 56 CN
Created by Hungry Fool
支持1.14新版本 现在只加载56汉化一个mod即可,不需要再订阅56原版 已经启用中文模式,请在启动器切换中文使用 游戏本体于每月的八号更新,届时我们的更新会导致旧存档闪退,想接着玩旧存档的请及时备份mod旧版本文件,我们的模组ID是2129897125 !!!重要!!! 注意: 请勿挂载52汉化、人名和部队名称汉化 、 原版汉化补全 、 以及任何修改将领领导人名称图片和部队船名的模组,除非它是专用于56之路打造的,因为其代码很**地把检测触发条件的代码写成了按名称检测,可能会出现,国策条件不满足,事件无...
Eight Years' War of Resistance Chinese Version
Created by fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Natt and WanNiang's great mod of "Eight Years' War of Resistance". Non-Chinese players please visit :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845721455 to get the English Version....
Created by Midare_Toushirou
This is a Chinese translated version of great mod of "Endsieg: Ultimate Victory". Non-Chinese players please visit https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1532883122 to get the English Version....
Endsieg: Music Extended
This mod contains the music of the mod Endsieg: Ultimate Victory. It is a collection of old Paradox productions, and other tidbits. Songs might get added in the future that fit the Endsieg Theme. Music is customized to Endsieg (that means, songs will be pl...
Endsieg:Ultimate Victory
Are you interested in a more accurate, more fun and europe-only Endsieg-like mod? Join the Primo Victoria Discord! This is the official successor to the Götterdämmerung 1944 Mod. Anyone else claiming to be or uploading a former/older version of this mod (G...
Fuhrerreich CN
Created by Camouflage
本次更新Fuhrerreich 0.5.2的预汉化版本,0.5的更新内容(斯堪的纳维亚)将在0.6版本(中国区诸势力)更新后一并汉化。本次更新重点工作在于新版本适配以及Bug修复,各位可将发现的Bug报告于汉化组。 元首之国(FR,Führerreich)是一款由著名的皇帝之国(KR,Kaiserreich)中同名事件衍生而来,基于钢铁雄心4的大型架空历史模组,描述了一条德国输掉一战的世界线。 OTL中卢西塔尼亚号被击沉后,1917年德国因战事不利而重启无限制潜艇战,于是美国对德宣战; FR中美国在截获齐默...
Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War CN
Created by fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Wolferos's great mod of "Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War".This translated version is only for Chinese players. Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War original mod link : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/...
In The Name of The Tsar CN
Created by fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of alex's great mod of "In The Name of The Tsar". Non-Chinese players please visit https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1176852112 to get the English Version. 这个mod由INOT Team团队制作,谢谢INOT团队!...
In the Name of the Tsar Music
Created by alex
https://i.imgur.com/EMjq5R1.png Welcome to In the Name of the Tsar Music mod! Current Version / Discord : https://discord.gg/zVsYcAM Main mod : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1176852112 -This is a music addon for our main In...
Created by firefox
本MOD无需或者说是不可以和KX本体一同开启 今后请在启动器里的游戏设置里把语言改成中文(可能需要更新启动器),然后先不用任何MOD开一次游戏原版确定切成中文后,再开KX汉化 可能会出现各种文本问题,正在观察中 每次更新的内容请看改动说明 注意,KX现在内置了路线教程,远比讨论区的准确 由民间热心人士组建的kx讨论群,可加群讨论872718435 如果发现读取了是原版,可以看看讨论区的方法 提醒一下,所有SUBMOD用之前都请关注一下是否适配了最新版本KX KX汉化补充 https://steamcommu...
Kaiserreich Music
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Over 1000 songs for countries all over the world! Region, ideology and nation specific songs for countries all over the globe. Tune into a multitude of radio stations and enjoy over 1000...
Kaiserreich Music Internationales
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Internationales music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Every version of the Internationale you could ever want! The glorious Internationale in every language we could find, combined into one mod. For your listening pleasure, ...
Kaiserreich Music Kaisercat
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Kaisercat music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png All the original Kaisercat music in one place! All the original songs created by Kaisercat cinema have been bundled together in this wonderful music mod. For your listening ple...
[OUTDATED] New East Asia: History of China 1936-1950
Created by Lee zi-hwei
Latest Version: 1.3.1, Supported Game Version: 1.12.x Click here to get it. Current Version: 1.2.2, Supported Game Version: 1.10.x About New East Asia This is a historical mod focusing on the Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945 and Chinese Civil War...
Novum Vexillum: China Expansion
Created by AUG
An expansion of Novum Vexillum, focus Asia region. Change China focus and remove internal frontier conflict part and regroup diplomatic goal. This mod support English and Simp-Chinese localization....
Old World Blues - Radio
Created by President Tandi
Listen to the tunes of the Wasteland! Currently includes the music from the Fallout New Vegas radio stations, along with Tabitha's PSAs and some extra tracks on the Mysterious Broadcast. OLD WORLD BLUES IS *NOT* REQUIRED, but you should still subscribe to ...
Old World Blues(Ver.CN)
Created by Double Zeta Kai
本Mod是一个submod!!! 不需要挂载52汉化!!! 注意!!!!SUBMOD!!!! 所以记得去订阅原mod!!!! 注意:只需挂载OWB本体及汉化mod即可正常游戏,切勿同时挂载52汉化。 如果出现打开游戏为原版的情况,先查看是否是订阅了旧版OWB(https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1303741106),一定要取消旧版的订阅并订阅新版。 汉化组还活着 会时不时更新的 当然我们也需要人手(中文和英文都要好喔 你英文再好中文...
Old World Blues: Legacy
Created by Zapdude
There's a new version of the mod, check here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2265420196 https://i.imgur.com/DYlFqkk.png War, war never changes. Old World Blues is a total overhaul for Hearts of Iron IV: starting in the year 2275 and...
The New Order: Dont Surf
Created by Lonely Knightess
https://i.imgur.com/m61NUyj.png https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Europe rests under the jackboot. World War II has been over for twenty years, but its legacy still lives on. The German Reich reigns supreme from the Atlantic sea to the ...
(已废弃)The New Order(CN.Ver): Translation of Non-Localization Files
Created by Camouflage
过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期过期 TNO制作组在汉化组的建议下已经将所有放置于非loc文件中的文本全部列入loc文本,所以不再需要订阅汉化补充包,请将汉化补充包取消订阅!!...