Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Itens (47)
[Azur Lane] Nagato Leader and Sakura Empire Civilization
Criado por 八云寺幽幽紫
New Civilization: Sakura Empire And Leader: Nagato From Azur Lane If there are any bugs or balance related content please leave a comment, thanks I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. ======================================== 2021.8.4 Fix a series of...
[Azur Lane] Enterprise Leader and Eagle Union Civilization
Criado por 八云寺幽幽紫
New Civilization: Eagle Union And Leader: Enterprise From Azur Lane If there are any bugs or balance related content please leave a comment, thanks I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. ======================================== 2021.1.15 Set English ...
[Azur Lane] Bismarck Leader and Iron Blood Civilization
Criado por 八云寺幽幽紫
New Civilization: Iron Blood And Leader: Bismarck From Azur Lane If there are any bugs or balance related content please leave a comment, thanks I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. ======================================== Civilization: Iron Blood ...
Don't Starve of Mr. Toad 蟾蜍先生的饥荒
蟾蜍先生来到了饥荒世界。到了饥荒世界也没什么别的,大概干了三件事,一是建立市场,二是把威尔逊理论写入生存手册,三是提出生存的三个代表性的法则。 LUA:三件小事 1、市场:建造市场+50%生产力。 2、每回合获得大预言家和大作家点数,随时代推移不断增加。 3、 先进文化:纪念碑和剧院广场建筑+1文化+2信仰。 先进生产力:采石场和工业区触发文化炸弹。 根本利益:宜居度对快乐和狂喜城市的产出加成加倍。 UA:苟全性命 除首都外,所有城市-3粮食。自带制陶术技术,建造城市时获赠粮仓。生产开拓者不消耗人口。在完成...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【周文王】领导的中国,属于我个人制作的【中国历代皇帝系列mod】中的一个。图片皆来源于互联网,版权均属于原作者。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 中国古人普遍有崇古心理,效法上古圣贤之君、效法“三代”之法,是古人津津乐道的话题。周文王就是人们心目中的完美形象。 历代以复周礼为己任的人数不胜数。由于年代久远,文献残缺,人们对周文王的了解未必很多,周礼也未必很完美,但是作为人们对清明之君、清明之制的一种向往,意义是积极的,抽象意义的周文王影...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【轩辕黄帝】领导的中国,属于我个人制作的【中国历代皇帝系列mod】中的一个。图片皆来源于互联网,版权均属于原作者。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 自燧人以迄唐、虞洪水之时,其历年虽无确数,以意度之,最少当亦不下数千年。故合而观其制作,则惊古圣之多;分而按其时期,则见初民之陋。牺、农之时,虽有琴瑟、罔罟、耒耜、兵戈诸物,其生活之单简可想。至黄帝时,诸圣勃兴,而宫室、衣裳、舟车、弓矢、文书、图画、律历、算数始并作焉。故洪水以前,实以黄帝时...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Suwako Moriya
Criado por 姥鲨
Moriya Kingdom and Moriya Shrine lead by Suwako Moriya. DLC "Gathering Storm" is needed. I translate it into English by myself with Google. If you find any problems, please contact me. You can choose English or Chinese to play this MOD and English is the d...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【隋文帝】领导的中国,属于我个人制作的【中国历代皇帝系列mod】中的一个。图片皆来源于互联网,版权均属于原作者。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 杨坚倡导节俭,节省政府内不少开支、废除了不必要的杂税并设置谷仓储存食粮。杨坚成功地统一了历经数百年严重分裂后的中国,从此中国在大多数的世纪里都保持着他所建立的政治统一。 开皇盛世气象恢宏磅礴,杨坚下令修建首都大兴城(即后来长安城),大兴城的修建不仅是中国古代城市建设规划高超水平的标志,也是当时...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【明太祖朱元璋领导的中国】,属于我个人制作的【中国历代皇帝系列mod】中的一个。图片皆来源于互联网,版权均属于原作者。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 朱元璋作为中国最杰出的君主之一,一生勤于政事,建树颇多。特别是创设了大量的制度典章,不但打下了明朝近三百年基业,促成明朝前期社会安定、经济繁荣的局面,还影响到清朝。自明到清,中央集权的政治统治和统一的多民族国家的行政管理制度渐趋完备。 朱元璋最重要的功绩是推翻元朝统治,除暴乱,平定天下,...
[GS]American Santiago
Criado por Kunsmendon
This is a brief description of the mod. Recently it only includes Chinese Text. 目前仅支持中文文本...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【唐太宗】领导的中国,属于我个人制作的【中国历代皇帝系列mod】中的一个。图片皆来源于互联网,版权均属于原作者。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 唐太宗李世民的文治武功,自古就为人所津津乐道,颂扬备至。学界对他的雄才伟略和他对中国历史所作出的重大贡献都给予积极的肯定。李世民是一位有作为的政治家和军事家,在反隋建唐的斗争中起着领导作用,唐太宗玄武门之变的胜利,在客观上对唐初社会历史的发展起着积极作用。唐太宗不歧视少数民族,除对突厥的侵扰用...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Palace of Earth Spirits
Criado por 姥鲨
A civilization of Earth Spirits Palace. Include three leaders: Satori Komeiji, Koishi Komeiji and Utsuho Reiuji. DLC "Gathering Storm" is needed. You can choose English or Chinese to play this MOD and English is the default language. The Korean translation...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
此mod为【财神领导的财神殿】,本mod严重超模,仅供娱乐使用,图片皆来源于互联网,版权均属于原作者。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 财神爷在中国道教中是主管世间财源的神明,财神是中国民间和中国唯一的自己的宗教道教普遍供奉的善神之一,每逢新年,家家户户悬挂财神像,希冀财神保佑以求大吉大利。吉,象征平安;利,象征财富。人生在世既平安又有财,自然十分完美,这种真切的祈望成为人们的普遍心理。求财纳福的心理与追求,充分反映在春节敬祀财神的一系列民俗活动中...
[GS] Benjamin Aidoo's Ghana Empire
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm, Rise and Fall Expansion, Viking, Australia and Persia Macedon DLC. Ghana - Traditional style: Can't build Theater District, can't gain Great Writer, Great Artist or Great Musician, but each population in city can provide 1 Cul...
[PR] Girls Und Panzer - Miho Nishizumi and Anzu Kadotani
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Unit Model by IthildinX. Civilization Trait Girls und Panzer - Senshadou: Receive a free Heavy Cavalry unit after constructing Encampment an...
[GS] A Certain Scientific Railgun - Mikoto Misaka and Misaki Shokuhou
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. Campus Metropolis - Tree Diagram: Cities with at least 2 specialty districts can gain +15% Science. Cities with at least 3 specialty districts can provide +1 Science, +1 Gold from each population. Lv.5 Judgement: Spe...
Criado por dedicus545
添加一个亚里沙文明,她来自本格猜拳智能手机电子竞技:影之诗 Adds a new civ Arisa. She's from The REAL smart phone Finger-Guessing E-Sport: Shadowverse ———————— 新领袖:亚里沙 New Leader: Arisa 领袖特性:森林守护者: Leader Trait: Protector of the wood. 森林、雨林额外+3生产力,森林、雨林中的战斗单位防御时战斗力+15,所有单位友好领土雨林、森林开启回合...
[GS] Idol M@ster - 765 Production
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. Unload or Unsubscribe the previous version of this mod before you use it. Idol M@ster - M@STERS OF IDOL WORLD!!: Cities with govenors can provide +1 Culture, +1 Gold from each Citizen. Sheriff: Replace field cannon. ...
[GS] LoveLive! Sunshine!! - Chika, Hanamaru, Mari and Yoshiko
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm DLC and LoveLive! - μ's. Unload the previous version of this mod before you use it. LoveLive! Sunshine!! - School Idol Festival: Campus district can provides +4 Faith and +4 Culture. Kadota Tsurugi: Replace Swordsman. Earns 50%...
[PR] Spice and Wolf - Holo
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait Wise Wolf - Futures Transaction: +2 Trade Route capacity. Enjoy 35% off discount when purchasing units, buildings, plots,...
[PR] Land of the Lustrous - Phos and Bort
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Persia & Macedon DLC. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait Land of the Lustrous - Bone: Hills terrain provide +1 adjacency bonus for land districts (+2 adj...
战舰少女 R /WarshipGirlsR
Criado por Yukina Minato
This is the first mod I made. Please forgive me for any problems. Also, my English is not very good, part of the text is translated using GOOGLE Port of Piran +6 power: 战舰少女R RG&GS Cilization: Warship Girls R Leader: Lexington Civilization Trait: GIrls Bro...
Criado por 雪の聲
NO ENGLISH! NO ENGLISH! NO ENGLISH! 图片来自网络,版权属于原作者。 最近补了少战就做了这个MOD,能力基本都是想到啥做啥。 极度依赖冻土。冻土单元格收益提高,冻土给区域的收益提高。 LA:为了真理 拥有特殊总督农娜。拥有特殊平民单位喀秋莎。 偶像崇拜。城市市中心区域额外获得 2 信仰。 CA:极地真理 国内商路,目的城市每有一个特色区域,商路 +1 粮食。购买冻土单元格-50%金币花费。 从冻土中获得额外的产出。当你没有创建宗教时,冻土单元格 +1生产力;创立宗教后,冻土...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【明宣宗领导的大明王朝】,添加了一个文明【大明王朝】与领袖【明宣宗】,图片皆来源于互联网。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 这个mod将添加一个新的文明【大明王朝】。支持中文,英文。 This mod will add a new civilization in game,Ming.Support Chinese and English. 文明:大明王朝 Civilization:Ming 能力:风华无限 CA:Unlimited el...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【齐桓公与他的齐国】,添加了一个文明【齐国】与领袖【齐桓公】,图片皆来源于互联网。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 齐桓公,本名吕小白(?-前643年10月7日),姜姓吕氏 ,春秋五霸之首,与晋文公并称“齐桓晋文”,公元前685~前643年在位,姜姓齐国第十六位国君。 齐桓公是姜太公吕尚的第十二代孙,齐僖公第三子、齐襄公之幼弟,其母为卫国人 。在齐僖公长子齐襄公和僖公侄子公孙无知相继死于齐国内乱后,公子小白与公子纠争位,成功后即国君位 ...
Arknights W
Criado por xiaofu
Only can use in Gathering Storm Civilization: Sarkaz mercenaries Leader: W Civilization Ability: Mercenary system Begin in Classical Era, End in Industrial. Land combat Unit +200% Production, Maintenance +3/4/5 Gold. Leader Ability: Blasting mining All Min...
Criado por 露滴麦浪摇
需要“风云变幻”DLC,没有DLC可能进不去!!!!! 然后加载可能需要点时间............. 文明:天翼种 特殊能力:精灵回廊:所有种族力量的源泉,而天翼种能从中获得更多的优势。(所有槽位转化为通配符槽) 领袖:吉普莉尔 特殊能力:1、对于以弑神为目标的天翼种来说,杀戮就是本能。(没有厌战情绪,没有占领处罚) 2、年龄六千四百零七岁,能够运用十六种族的全部语言,更精通异世界语与古语等七百种以上的语言及其知识,却仍旧渴望未知。(文化产出+20%) 区域:阿邦特·赫伊姆 属性:天翼种的住所,是漂浮在...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Hata no Kokoro
Criado por 姥鲨
A civilization lead by Hata no Kokoro. DLC "Gathering Storm" and "Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack" is needed. I translate it into English by myself with Google. If you find any problems, please contact me. You can choose English or Chinese ...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【儒家文明】,是我新制作的【百家争鸣】中的一个mod,图片皆来源于互联网。 特别感谢Hemmelfort和群里小伙伴们的帮助。文明6mod制作交流群711403691 这个mod将为添加一个新文明【儒家】和一个领袖【孔子】。支持中文。 文明:儒家 能力:君子六艺 【礼】:每回合获得3点外交支持 【乐】:以二倍速度获得大音乐家。 【射】:远程单位+5攻击力 【御】:在友好领土内移动力+1 【书】:著作+4文化 【数】:拥有“数学”尤里卡 领袖:孔子 能力:至圣先师 触发的鼓舞上升至100%,但触发...
[GS]Moriya Suwako [Touhou Project]
Criado por Kunsmendon
Sorry, This only supports Chinese text....
[GS]Murasa Minamitsu [Touhou Project]
Criado por Kunsmendon
Now it only includes Chinese Text. 目前仅支持简中文本...
Phantagonist's Li Shimin (Emperor Taizong of Tang)
Criado por Phantagonist
Adds Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang, as an alternate leader for China. Li Shimin Ability: Immortalized Confidants Killing an enemy unit grants +1 Great Person points of every type. Recruiting or patronizing Great People provides 1 copy of Legacy specif...
[PR] Kaguya-sama - Chika Fujiwara's Japan
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Ethiopia DLC. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Leader Trait Chika Fujiwara - Secretary Fujiwara: Each Delegation from a foreign civilization, Embassy from a foreign civil...
三界至尊 九天之主 玉皇大帝
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【玉皇大帝】,奇观控的福音。 文明:天庭 五行演万物 一气化三清 开局拥有金(采矿业)木(畜牧业)水(航海术)火(占星术)土(制陶术)五种科技。城市单元格扩张速度与城市发展速度增加15%。每制造一个建筑者会额外获得2个建筑者。每制造一个开拓者会额外获得1个开拓者 领袖:玉皇大帝 太昊金阙 所有奇观+5信仰,+5科技,+5文化,+5金币、5生产力和+5粮食。建筑者可以推进27%奇观进程。拥有一个特殊建筑“南天门” 议程:老天爷 喜欢宜居度高的文明(+16) 厌恶宜居度低的文明(-16) 单位:仙人...
Criado por 墨影斋主人
这个mod支持中文和英文 This mod supports both Chinese and English 文明:天诺 Civilization : TENNO 海盗仓鼠 Pirate hamster 启动尤里卡上升至90%,触发鼓舞可以直接解锁相应市政,开局拥有“制陶术”、“畜牧业”、“采矿业”科技和“法典”市政。但所有城市-75%科技与-90%文化。自动获得主体化并雕塑巨作+5信仰、5生产力。 Start Eureka rises to 90%, triggering encouragement c...
Phantagonist's Zhu Yuanzhang (Hongwu Emperor)
Criado por Phantagonist
Adds Zhu Yuanzhang, Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, as the alternate leader of China. Zhu Yuanzhang Ability: Rise of the Peasant Emperor +50% Production towards City Center buildings. Controlling at least 8 Granaries and 8 Ancient Walls (or Urban Defen...
[Fate]Arturia Pendragon of Britain
Criado por Entarogan
English and Simplfied Chinese supported. If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Civilization :Britain UA:Garden of Avalon: All units can heal after move . All units +10 strength against barbarians. All cities can train relative uni...
[GS] Kantai Collection - Shimakaze, Yamato and Naka
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Viking & Australia DLC. Kantai Collection - Large Ship Construction: Can see Oil, Niter, Iron, Coal, Alumium resource from the start. Canals are unlocked with the Shipbuilding technology. Gain a unique Governor - ...
[Azur Lane] Belfast Leader and Royal Navy Civilization
Criado por 八云寺幽幽紫
New Civilization: Royal Navy And Leader: Belfast From Azur Lane If there are any bugs or balance related content please leave a comment, thanks I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. ======================================= Civilization: Royal Navy Ci...
Criado por UFO300
The work of mod rookie, which is a civilization with the theme of ocean. I hope you like it. The mod picture comes from the game 《ATRI -MY DEAR MOMENTS》and the Internet. If there is infringement, I will delete it immediately. Civilization:Eden Leader:Atri ...
ZHONGLI Vago Mundo
Criado por dedicus545
添加一个璃月领袖——钟离 ———— 璃月文明特征:千岩之国 岩之国的子民坚信着脚下的大地。丘陵+2信仰,+2生产力 ———— 特色建筑:七天神像 只要不失去你的崇高,整个世界将为你打开。+2文化,+2信仰值,每回合+1大预言家点数 ———— 特色单位:千岩军 千岩军,璃月特色单位,替代枪兵,消耗增加,战斗力更强,移动力为3,视野为3,可移除2次地貌,防守时战斗力+10。升级为枪刺与射击方阵 ———— 钟离能力——尘世闲游 丘陵中的战斗单位防御时战斗力+15,所有单位友好或敌对领土丘陵开启回合+3移动力 Ad...
Criado por Venn
this is a touhou mod which adds Shameimaru Aya as a new leader of a new civilization Tengu Society. Hello everyone, this is Hamburgvenn, maybe a new face to you. Hope this mod could bring happiness to you all! XD This was the first time I made up a mod, an...
!Azur lane Northern Parliament
Criado por 无言Infinite
This mod is not support English...
Princess Connect Civilization - [Pecorine, Kyaru, Kokkoro]
Criado por Kevin Liu
This mod brings you civilization "Princess Connect! Re:Dive" and three leaders of the Gourmet Edifice: Pecorine, Kyaru, and Kokkoro (ペコリーヌ, キャル, コッコロ). Unique District: Guild Clan, which replaces commercial hub and unlocks special district project "Clan Ba...