XCOM: Chimera Squad

XCOM: Chimera Squad

664 ratings
[CS] Shield: Bonus Armor
Tags: Shield, Armor
File Size
106.658 KB
24 Apr, 2020 @ 11:04am
24 Apr, 2020 @ 12:48pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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[CS] Shield: Bonus Armor

My shield allows me to protect my squad and take down the bad guys, Chief!
-Cherub, Warden

Shield: Bonus Armor
Cherub carries a shield to defend against Chimera Squad's foes - improving his armor in battle.

By default, Cherub's shield will receive +1 armor. This is represented by the new ability: Shieldbearer

Additional Details
This will seamlessly integrate into a current or new campaign.

The amount of armor applied is fully customizable in the config file XCom_Customize_This_Mod.ini.

Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or discrepancies. I hope you enjoy!

Collections [XCOM2]

Popular Discussions View All (2)
6 Dec, 2021 @ 10:49pm
KOREAN Localization
3 May, 2020 @ 3:29pm
french translation
Brain_is_Back 9 Dec, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
Hey, i just translated this mod into Korean. I want you to add this file to the mod.

Porygon 11 Jan, 2021 @ 5:48am 
Whoa. Saw this as #1. I'm not surprised, this "small" change fills out Cherub as a tactical option. While I think that Cherub is just viable enough as is to be a solid roster pick, I always felt that he should have had +1 Armor by default. He's a tank character with no integrated tank - that shield doesn't actually help him unless it's triggered by abilities etc. I want Cherub to last a bit longer than the average agent under fire. This mod fixes that.
vandujr 23 Jul, 2020 @ 2:47pm 
This was the first mod posted, and it is STILL #1
Finarfin 23 May, 2020 @ 9:56am 
Knocking a game has nothing to do with tooltips. There's just something lacking in this game, possibly character. I just have no desire to fire it up for some reason. I felt the same way about Outer Worlds, though I'm a big fan of previous games made by those developers and other Fallout games. There was something about Outer World that just didn't pull me in. Same with this game, and I've played X-COM since it was on 3.5" floppies and called UFO.
vandujr 21 May, 2020 @ 1:35pm 
still top on popular? oof
FreeFormSage 21 May, 2020 @ 10:35am 
Finarfin - Read the tool tips before you knock a game. Keeps you from looking like an idiot who wants to seem cool online by not liking something.

OP - Interesting. Will be using this. Thanks.
NeoSquall 21 May, 2020 @ 6:20am 
Charges are used to do more damage and add a cone effect to Shield Bash ability; you acquire charges by applying Kinetic Shield to Cherub or other agents and having enemies destroying them. Normal Shield Bash is just like Subdue. Agent progression unlocks more ways to acquire charges or use the shield to make Cherub into a passive cover for allies and gain additional armor during enemy phase.
It's quite clearly explained in the tooltips, if you don't understand it's not the game's problem.
Finarfin 19 May, 2020 @ 6:31am 
Yet it doesn't tell you what the fuck a charge is used for. I've already stopped playing this game anyway. It's just not....interesting. It's definitely a $10 game.
Scholomance 18 May, 2020 @ 9:07pm 
it literally spells its triggers and functions out clear in the tooltip: "Cherub places an energy shield on self or ally to prevent all damage of the next attack. Cherub gains one charge when the energy shield is destroyed. Does not automatically end the turn."
Brigand231 11 May, 2020 @ 5:13am 
Like Zepod said, each time an agent who has the Kinetic Shield effect gets hit, the shield "breaks" and gives Cherub +1 charge. There should be a little graphic effect over Cherub that says something like "+1 Charge". There is a counter for charges near the ammo counter on the bottom left of the screen when it's Cherub's turn, much like Axiom's Rage counter. The charges are held in reserve during the mission until you use Cherub's "Shield Bash" ability - when you use it all charges are consumed and the maneuver does more damage for each charge consumed.

If your trying to ask what the shield effect does on agents, it blocks all damage for one "hit" on that agent. You can tell it's active by a sort of pinkish, hexagonal haze around the agent.