Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

55 ratings
Swindon's Magic Roundabout
Assets: Intersection
File Size
570.164 KB
7 Nov, 2019 @ 11:26am
20 Dec, 2019 @ 12:53pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Swindon's Magic Roundabout

Five small roundabouts placed around one large one… this is Swindon’s Magic Roundabout and it’s been going strong since it was built in 1972.

This intersection uses no props, no decals, no ploppable asphalt, no sugar and no preservatives, just a very simple shape.....pardon, mixed up with Cul De Sac - I meant, just a very complicated shape, but yes, no still no props. So confusing that it will definitely NOT fix your traffic and just create more issues than it solves, you're welcome. Now plop it in your city already!

Good luck figuring out how to set the correct priority signs and block junction entries with TMPE. (I've provided the instructions in the pictures, you'll have to zoom in to read everything). They don't look like normal yield / block signs, yes, but the Swindon is also not a normal roundabout.
Avoris_ 5 Nov, 2023 @ 10:58am 
Safest road junction in the UK.
thobusteng 4 Aug, 2023 @ 11:22am 
I used to live in Swindon, and because this was on my commute to college, I had to go through it on a rush hour traffic...twice a day. Utterly terrifying experience.
thawking 8 May, 2023 @ 4:52pm 
looooool at the thumbnail
mreduar 7 Dec, 2022 @ 12:39pm 
Hello, please update it so that it does not use deprecated dependencies.
Misused chair 16 Nov, 2022 @ 1:37pm 
can you make a version that doesn't require next
m4gic 4 Jun, 2022 @ 8:41am 
This looks like they just had a various sizes of arrow stencil and a lot of white paint to get rid of...
irigdoog 1 May, 2021 @ 11:09pm 
Was wondering if it's showing this because I turned off Network Extensions 2? Had to turn it off for Zone Adjuster to work.

Tiny Cul-De-Sac
Used by:
Swindon's Magic Roundabout

Tiny Cul-De-Sac is possibly DLC or mod content.

John ''Ewillo'' Smith 11 Feb, 2021 @ 6:51am 
I cant find it in game after download, and yes i have turned in on in assets
MadSynth 27 Jun, 2020 @ 2:08pm 
@H_crane and others.... If you haven't, try enabling anarchy to plop this down.
Kroxldyphivc 7 May, 2020 @ 8:21pm 
Update: After 6 hours of turning all mods off except for required, and tons of trial and error, and gaining a new appreciation for what all is involved in creating assets. I can confirm that if i open this in the asset editor and save off my own local copy but more importantly I delete all the "Tiny 1N1W" slip lanes off the asset it will now plop this roundabout into the game. Then I can rebuild the slip lanes using the same "Tiny 1N1W" manually in game and proceed, Fine Road Anarchy required for slip lane building. I don't know if there was an easier way or not, or if others haven't had this issue with the newer version, "Tiny Lane, Post Biffa" version, but it's what worked for me.