Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

519 人が評価
Simple Map Editor Fix
150.382 KB
2019年8月29日 9時18分
2022年11月4日 16時18分
9 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Simple Map Editor Fix

About fix
This mod fix that closes the vulnerabilities that this mod uses .
Original mod: .
Also this fix adds new tiles.


Turf Editor:
Use the Numpad keys to place turfs. Turfs are placed under your mouse pointer.

Numpad 1 = Deciduous Turf
Numpad 2 = Desert Turf
Numpad 3 = Marsh Turf
Numpad 4 = Savanna Turf
Numpad 5 = Grass Turf
Numpad 6 = Forest Turf
Numpad 7 = Old ocean
Numpad 8 = Barren
Numpad 9 = Rocky Turf
Numpad 0 + Numpad 1 = Mud Turf
Numpad 0 + Numpad 2 = Guano Turf
Numpad 0 + Numpad 3 = Slimey Turf
Numpad 0 + Numpad 4 = Cobblestones
Numpad 0 + Numpad 5 = Scaled Flooring
Numpad 0 + Numpad 6 = Cave Rock Turf
Numpad 0 + Numpad 7 = Wooden Flooring
Numpad 0 + Numpad 8 = Carpeted Flooring
Numpad 0 + Numpad 9 = Checkerboard Flooring
Numpad Plus + Numpad 1 = Blue Fungal Turf
Numpad Plus + Numpad 2 = Red Fungal Turf
Numpad Plus + Numpad 3 = Green Fungal Turf
Numpad Plus + Numpad 4 = Dark Runic Bricks
Numpad Plus + Numpad 5 = Dark Runic Tiles
Numpad Plus + Numpad 6 = Dark Runic Trim
Numpad Plus + Numpad 7 = Runic Bricks
Numpad Plus + Numpad 8 = Runic Tiles
Numpad Plus + Numpad 9 = Runic Trim
Left + Numpad 1 = Quagmire Peatforest
Left + Numpad 2 = Quagmire Parkfield
Left + Numpad 3 = Quagmire Parkstone
Left + Numpad 4 = Quagmire Gateway
Left + Numpad 5 = Quagmire Soil
Left + Numpad 6 = Quagmire Citystone
Left + Numpad 7 = Pebble Beach
Left + Numpad 8 = Meteor
(Left + Numpad 9,Right + Numpad (1-9)) = New ocean types

Press F1 to save the current world. This saves the world manually, the game automatically saves every dawn and when you exit to menu.

Press F2 to save and restart the server. This also restarts any server or client mod you may have, so this is useful for testing mods.

Press F3 to load the last save. Be warned that this reverts any unsaved changes made on the world after the last save.

Change Character:
Press F4 to go to the character selection screen. Be warned that this deletes all items in your inventory, resets your prototyped recipes, and unreveals the minimap.

Cut, Copy, and Paste:
Press Ctrl + C to copy the entity under your mouse pointer. If no entity is under your mouse pointer, then it copies the turf under your mouse pointer.
Press Ctrl + X to copy and delete the object under your mouse pointer. You cannot cut turfs.
Press Ctrl + V to paste the entity or turf that you have most recently copied or cut. It is pasted at your mouse pointer.

Delete Key:
Press Numpad Del to delete the entity under your mouse pointer.
You can hold it down then hover over entities if you want to delete large quantities of entities in a short amount of time.

Creative Mode:
Press Numpad Slash (Numpad /) to toggle Creative Mode on or off. Creative Mode enables god mode and free infinite crafting.

Press Numpad Asterisk (Numpad *) to telepoof your character to your mouse pointer.
You can hold it down then move your mouse pointer around the screen to travel long distances within a short amount of time. You travel slower the closer your pointer is to the center of the screen, and you travel faster to closer it is to the edges of the screen.

Reveal Minimap:
Press Numpad Hyphen (Numpad -) to reveal the entire minimap, completely eliminating the fog of war.

Lightning Strike and Zoom Out:
Press Numpad 0 + Numpad * to cause a lightning strike at your mouse pointer.
Press Numpad 0 + Numpad - to zoom out your camera.

Alternative Hotkeys:
Go to the mod's configuration settings then set "Use Numpad?" to "No". This allows you to use the mod even if you don't have a numpad on your keyboard.
Turf Editor: Press J and K to choose. Press L place turf.
Delete Hotkey: Delete
Creative Mode Hotkey: F6
Telepoof Hotkey: F7
Reveal Map Hotkey: F8

New controls:
Added an alternative control for tile placement, it allows you to use ALL available tiles in the game, however due to its flexibility and my laziness, the tile names will not look so fancy. You can enable it in the mod settings, it is available with and without a numpad.

With numpad:
Use the left and right arrows to switch pages, when switching pages, their content will be displayed, each tile on the page corresponds to a number on the numpad.

Without numpad:
Nothing fundamentally changed for users. Do the names of the tiles look less fancy.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2022年12月6日 5時14分
ピン留め: Errors
The Great Trololarion
242 件のコメント
Jesica K-J 9月22日 1時37分 
Hey is there a way to delete Shoals, like the fish shadows in the water where you are able to fish with a rod? Cant seem to be able to do it.
야 도란? 8月27日 10時59分 
I tried to change the land to coastal ocean tiles, but it crashed. It seems like changing the land to ocean will crash.
Birbo 7月3日 10時36分 
Ice Floe tile when
白起43 6月20日 21時29分 
Dear author,

I am a player of DST and also a mod developer and sharer on the WeGame platform. Recently, I came across your mod on Steam and was deeply impressed by its creativity and functionality. I believe it would be well-received in the WeGame community.

Therefore, I am writing to request your authorization to transfer your mod to the WeGame platform. To ensure your rights and respect your original work, I will retain your name and provide detailed credit to you as the original author in the mod description. Additionally, I would like to integrate some of your mod's features and content into my own mod to enhance the overall gaming experience.

If you agree to grant permission, please let me know if you have any special requirements or considerations.

Thank you very much for considering this proposal, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards
/King 4月29日 6時13分 
this mod would be the best mod, if only you could change biomes size, i mean enlightenment areas when you increased lunar island size for example
瑶瑶 2月20日 5時35分 
按 F1 拯救当前世界。这会手动保存世界,游戏会自动保存每个黎明和您退出菜单时。

重新 启动:
按 F2 保存并重新启动服务器。这也会重新启动您可能拥有的任何服务器或客户端模组,因此这对于测试模组很有用。

按 F3 加载上次保存。请注意,这将还原上次保存后对世界所做的任何未保存的更改。

按 F4 键转到字符选择屏幕。请注意,这会删除您库存中的所有物品,重置您的原型配方,并取消显示小地图。

按 Ctrl + C 复制鼠标指针下的实体。如果鼠标指针下没有实体,则它会复制鼠标指针下方的草皮。
按 Ctrl + X 复制并删除鼠标指针下的对象。你不能割草皮。
按 Ctrl + V 粘贴您最近复制或剪切的图元或草皮。它粘贴到鼠标指针上。
McGzai™ 2023年10月17日 4時09分 
Please add option to change or remove "J,K,L" keys.
Nick 2023年7月14日 6時17分 
would love if i could set areas with this mod that have enlightenment instead of sanity
Robie777 2023年7月4日 8時46分 
alternate key (J K L) still active even "use numpad option" set to yes, can you fix? thx
TL 2023年6月23日 13時57分 
what is the non-turf option?