Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars

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Named Workplaces
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2 Aug, 2019 @ 3:11am
4 Feb @ 1:25pm
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Named Workplaces

In 2 collections by ChoGGi
ChoGGi's Mods: QoL
172 items
ChoGGi's Mods: UI
76 items
Workplaces are named after the first person to work in it.
Translations would be nice, the string I use is: "<name>'s <workplace>, est. <sol>"

You can thank mrudat for the idea.
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18 Jul, 2020 @ 2:02pm
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Hereward 4 Feb @ 2:27pm 
Happy days, thank you.
ChoGGi  [author] 4 Feb @ 1:25pm 
Bumped name limit to 999.
Hereward 4 Feb @ 12:34pm 
Sorry, did I ramble a bit!

I recognise that having different naming styles for stuff could be overly complex so; is it possible to lengthen the string that the UI rename can accept?

This would allow better manual editing/tweaking of workplace/residence names. For my play style I could swap the first name for the surname and keep the rest of the string intact.

Phew, thanks. :-)
ChoGGi  [author] 3 Feb @ 8:40am 
What are you asking for?
Hereward 2 Feb @ 10:23am 
The hardworking trait sounds like a good idea. If your going under the hood ...

I like the first name string for shops and small businesses. With big/professional business, like mines and laboratories, I like to use <surname> <workplace>. Also residences as <surname> <residence>. Unfortunately the UI does not allow adding strings as long as your coded strings, therefore the workplace has to be abbreviated with no room at all for the established date.
ChoGGi  [author] 5 Nov, 2024 @ 4:59pm 
That's the way to get 'em working :)

Hmm wonder if I should add a mod option to give the hardworking (or whatever the name is) trait to the first worker?
Filavorin 5 Nov, 2024 @ 2:26pm 
It reminds me of an old ship turned tourist attraction that sits anchored on the river in Gdansk. It's called "Sołdek" after a dude whose last name was Sołdek and He was the one wielding cables on it or something. He was something that was called "Przodownik Pracy" ("First Worker"?) which was a popular soviet tradition of awarding the most hard-working slaves with fancy titles to encourage ppl to break their backs even harder.
lyssabet 16 Jan, 2023 @ 5:15am 
This adds a lot of flavor to the colony, and also makes it easier to differentiate the similar buildings from each other. Because it includes what sol the location opened its doors, it also gives a soft overview of how your colony has expanded as you play, which is fun.