Anno 1800

Anno 1800

917 ratings
Optimized City & Production Layouts
By Jörg Haider
From the guy that prought you optimized layouts for Anno 1404:
Are you sick of not knowing how to place your buildings, having your population riot due to a lack of access to their much desired locations? Are you distrought at the sight of your productions, that are just laying about all over the place, enormously inefficient?
Then do not fret my dear freind, for I posess the solution for all that ails you: This very guide. In here you will not only learn how to construct your cities beautifully and ellegantly, but also how to arrange your productions efficiently and easily.
You can find these and many others at:
Optimal City Layout: Old World
Old World
Now this layout is designed to wor up to tier 3, so in the beginning there are obviously gonna be some gaps. You may fill them or leave them empty as you please. The main point of this one is to be kinda easy and straight forward, so you can slap it down quickly.
I think this image is quite self explanatory, so I'm not gonna add anything more to this.

Also, these are Plans for Monopops, including an all-in-one version. The whole thing is modular, so to extend it, just paste it in whatever direction you need.
Optimal City Layout: New World
So, you just arrived in the New Worl, and are trying to grab a foothold in these unknown lands. But you're uncertain, you waver. How? All my attempts to settle these islands end in utter chaos and complete failure. The solution, good Sir (or Madam, whatever), is right here! A stage one and two layout.
Lumber & Wood
This is for raw lumber:
And this consequently for refined lumber:
You obviously need both. And it's actually two of the first and only one of the second one for complete efficiency.
Work Clothes
Yep, that's it.
And with the New Harvest DLC, this one is for invcreased productivity.
Again, several options. The first one needs a medium level Warhouse tho:
And this one for maximum chooch factor.
With this one you have two options avaliable. This one:

And this one. Just be mindfull that this one needs at least a medium level Warehouse:
And with Bright Harvest DLC, this is a great combined Soap & Sausage production.
Again several options:
The first one is a complete production circle, the second one is missing hops.

Canned Food
It's merely missing an iron mine:
Very nice modular area for many productions
You can fit any of these productions in here as you see fit:
Productoin Chains
Just a general summary of all protuction chains.
Zoid 2 Nov, 2023 @ 7:43pm 
This is very helpful in the early game for getting an economy up quickly to keep pace with Beryl. It isn't perfect, nor even the best way to do things -- your island is going to look trashy; there will be lots of wasted space; you will experience imperfect need satisfaction among your populace. Still, I say again that it is invaluable to have a workable modular layout like this that you can just copy and paste in the beginning when you're racing against the clock, early in the game.

Remodel later when you have more time for a leisurely pace of development -- like, after you contain or destroy Beryl.
Aziryn 3 Jul, 2023 @ 9:22pm 
Honestly kind of unhelpful if every island were giant squares without rivers, maaaaybe but I felt this was really lacking.
watcherzero 20 Feb, 2023 @ 4:05pm 
I tend to always build farms along rivers as you can easily match the jagged shape with the single tile fields for maximum land efficency.
Zalek 17 Dec, 2022 @ 8:02pm 
79Maliboo its the difference between coupling and cohesion in system designs. Just because you can does not mean you should. As complexity grows coupling will have larger and larger side effects.

In software this is called technical debt and it accrues interest extremely fast. But the same principle applies to many other systems. You will end up getting lost and confused once coupling has reached a certain point

This is generally what people experience when things are "not modular". You move one sheep pen isolated by itself and that does not seem like a big deal, then all of a sudden your entire production chain crumbles and you cant figure out why, then go bankrupt while you are scratching your head trying to add some convoluted band-aid that will come back to bite you later.
79Maliboo 15 Nov, 2021 @ 1:43pm 
Not sure how much of this information is applicable? Town centers, yea, production centers no. Optimization of space depends 1 on the shape of the land. 2. Only the item being put into the space. There's no advantage (other than unions, which most of these dont show) to forcing everything into a small area. If its in a warehouse it magically transports across the island. Optimization of districts, rather than production areas, is paramount imo. factories in one district, homes in another.

I'm also really bad at the game so take my question with a grain of salt.
Alexander 18 Oct, 2021 @ 8:53pm 
Production chain image is from beta version, what do you think? This is fine for pathfinding, how much space you need/how many warehouses - but they all lack firehouses and there's atleast twice as many production chains in the game now - and the games real charm is asking players to come up with their own designs and solutions, just have at it and see what you end up with.
Sinnapels™ 12 Oct, 2021 @ 2:15am 
Still relevant in 2021?
GameMaster 23 Oct, 2020 @ 7:25pm 
Bright Harvest adds new additions to your farms, silos (which use grain (old world) or corn (new world) to boost productivity of ranches) or tractors (which requires oil so you can produce fuel which is fed to tractors, used to boost productivity of ALL your plantations/farms). These produce a significant boot to your farm output (with 200% output being the more common number)...
DreXav 26 Jun, 2020 @ 6:17am 
How does bright harvest make this obsolete?
GameMaster 6 Jun, 2020 @ 10:44pm 
With the Bright Harvest DLC, this is obsolete. Then there is the fact that ALL buildings are vulnerable to fire and riots, not just the housing.