

2,486 ratings
(1.0) Vanilla Animals Expanded — Livestock
Mod, 1.0
File Size
3.385 MB
1 Apr, 2019 @ 9:40am
8 Dec, 2019 @ 3:58am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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(1.0) Vanilla Animals Expanded — Livestock

This mod is now obsolete with RimWorld 1.1.

I have negotiated a deal with Tynan Sylvester and added this mod to the vanilla game.


1.2.4 (08/12/2019): Nerfed Yak wool.
1.2.1a (26/07/2019): Integrated patch for [T] More Floors, thanks to Xavien.
1.2.1 (26/07/2019): Adjusted temperature of Yaks and Horses, changed drawsize of a Guinea Pig.
1.2.0 (05/04/2019): Geese now drop Birdskin, can be trained to be obedient and attack enemies. Additionally, they are wilder now and can easily turn on you when tame attempt occurs.
1.0.1 (02/04/2019): Added a patch for A Dog Said.
1.0.0 (01/04/2019): Release

I have always found the base game lacking in certain animal types. You can hunt these most amazing creatures like grizzly bears and thrumbo, but for reasons unknown to me, you can never hunt a lion, because they are simply not in the game. When checking out other mods that add normal, earth-like creatures to the game, I’ve noticed that they either don’t fit the game art style, or are too imbalanced to play with. On top of that, most of the mods add science fiction creatures and there was nothing to really satisfy me. I have decided to create my own spin on standard, earth fauna.

Vanilla Animals Expanded is a modular mod. It means it will come out in several modules allowing people to subscribe to only the animals they want in the game. The first part of this update is the Livestock variant. This mod adds 9 new creatures to perfectly fit vanilla game, with custom vanilla artwork, sounds and balancing. With this variant you are finally able to keep an army of ducks at your disposal, or ride bisons into battle due to base support for Giddy-up.

Vanilla Animals Expanded: Livestock adds following animals to the base game:


There shouldn’t be any incompatibilities or issues, but in case anything pops up, report issues in the comments. This mod is compatible with Giddy-up.

Q: Do the animals spawn randomly in biomes?
A: Yes, they should be added to the vanilla animal pool when spawning, but some of them are restricted as farm animals and can only be obtained from caravans and traders.

Q: Can I suggest a feature?
A: Absolutely, leave a comment down below!

Q: Will you keep updating the mod with new animals?
A: Not as part of the Livestock mod, no. I will however release new animal packs.

Q: Is this mod compatibile with Giddy-up?
A: Yes.

Q: Why is your mod special?
A: I am a vanilla player. Anything that doesn't suit vanilla game makes me cringe and I stay away from it. I did however find the game lacking after some time, therefore I've created these animals to be as accurate and as close to vanilla graphics style as possible. What is special? The best part is - nothing in this mod is special at all. Nothing will make you go "Oh that's unusual", because the whole purpose of this mod is to blend into the existing game.

Q: Is this mod save game compatible?
A: Yes, you can add it and remove it whenever you like.

Q: I like your design style, would you like to team up?
A: Definitely. The best way to learn is to work with a lot of people. I could use someone to explain .xml a little bit more in-depth, and I can provide that person with accurate artwork for any project what-so-ever.

Graphics are created by me, Oskar Potocki.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.


STEAM: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1700683323
DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pne7aekxtysocb9/VanillaAnimalsExpanded-Livestock.rar?dl=0

Popular Discussions View All (6)
16 Nov, 2019 @ 3:37pm
14 Jan, 2023 @ 12:46pm
Started getting this error on load after a whole in-game year of playing with this mod
9 Apr, 2019 @ 3:38am
These are farm animals, how about farm environment?
Boss 24 Aug, 2024 @ 6:45am 
To be fair, your 1.5 Hospital Module mod has a bunch of links to all these outdated mods. You're not helping your own headache of people asking for updates when you do that :P
The Dude with shogun 14 Aug, 2024 @ 11:36am 
Hey bro, where is 1.9?? Still wayting.

Joke aside, great job with your mods. You guys does one of the best mods we all enjoy.
Majimba gaming 15 Jun, 2024 @ 12:59pm 
1.7 when?
Mash💀 3 May, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
Imagine looking at this mod, reading the description, SEEING THE PICTURES OF THE ANIMALS, and STILL not realizing that this shit has been vanilla for years
Oskar Potocki  [author] 6 Mar, 2024 @ 2:30am 
Nobody is using it, this mod is a part of the base game since 1.1. This means everyone has these animals in their game without any mods.
FemboyActual 5 Mar, 2024 @ 3:27pm 
> This mod is for 1.0. It is not compatible with anything beyond that.

meanwhile literally all of us still using this in 1.4
Woobie Woobie 21 Aug, 2023 @ 11:57am 
I know it was probably years ago at this point but congrats on getting it added to the game :D
Oskar Potocki  [author] 24 Mar, 2023 @ 4:17am 
This mod is for 1.0. It is not compatible with anything beyond that.
Ratshit 23 Mar, 2023 @ 3:32pm 
is this compatible whith mounts mod
Alewolfo 29 Jan, 2023 @ 11:12am 
I think most of your mods should be part of the game