Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

177 ratings
Rapeseed Field Pack [Industries]
File Size
7.492 MB
27 Oct, 2018 @ 9:59am
7 Mar, 2019 @ 3:42pm
3 Change Notes ( view )
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Rapeseed Field Pack [Industries]

In 1 collection by Maximilian
Maximilian's Farms [Industries DLC]
18 items
Update 3/7/19
You no longer need to be subscribed to the prop pack and they stay visible when viewed from far away! Thanks to MrMiyagi for sharing how to do this.

This is a pack of 3 fields for the Industries DLC. It contains 1 small, medium, and large size rapeseed field. These do not appear in the UI panel. To get these, build a field of the corresponding size and then select the field from the drop-down menu.

Make sure you thank DeCzaah for making the wonderful assets these are based on. Find the original props here.

Let me know if you have any problems. It seems to be working fine on my end. Enjoy! :D
DreamsongSims 29 Apr, 2022 @ 6:03pm 
I would love to have all of your fields available as XXXL! I love these so much!!
TurtleShroom 24 Aug, 2020 @ 2:16pm 
Does this actually work as a farm? Is rapeseed a resource you can get, or is it part of Food like the others?
fish 1 Jun, 2020 @ 1:49am 
It seems to be the same problem with your other fields. I am subscribed to the dummy version too.
fish 1 Jun, 2020 @ 1:49am 
This mod pulls an error 'duplicate prefab name'
xX_NUTLORD_Xx 23 May, 2019 @ 2:23pm 
michal.ledwon 23 May, 2019 @ 10:35am 
I was wondering if I'd find a rapeseed field pack here. :-) There's a debate in my country (Czechia) about rapeseed because it's said to cause damage to the soil. Also, our PM is the king of rapeseed fields and his concern produces it and buys it as fuel ingredience. :-)
Maximilian  [author] 9 Mar, 2019 @ 6:33pm 
@jetmatas, Yes they do. All my fields will pop up in the drop down menu of their respective field size (small, medium, large) except the ones labeled "dummy" and my new larger fields, which have their own icon in the UI panel (but also have a drop down menu - the default is wheat when you place it). And no, not according to the dictionary. It is rape.
jetmatas 9 Mar, 2019 @ 9:37am 
Hi there, really enjoyed your work on the large vanilla fields. Do these rapeseed fields also work like the large vanilla field, in that they appear in the drop down menu? BTW, are they pronounced "rap-ay" and not "rape"?
xX_NUTLORD_Xx 4 Feb, 2019 @ 7:15pm 
lul it was a joke
Maximilian  [author] 4 Feb, 2019 @ 7:01pm 
@Big Bad Nonja Canola is only a type of rapeseed and isn't grown in Europe I don't think (from what i read only Canada -who "created" it-, US, and Australia.And DeCzaah is German so it would be rapeseed.