Arma 3
1,315 평점
X66-Mammoth Tank
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Tracked
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2018년 3월 25일 오전 10시 13분
2023년 10월 6일 오전 4시 59분
변경 사항 31개 ( 보기 )

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X66-Mammoth Tank

Feel free to help me here :
or here my patreon :
On my patreon you will see my work in progress.

This mod was originaly designed to be in Arma1.

Acting on the orders of Joseph Stalin, Soviet engineers created the Mammoth Tank, the heaviest tank ever produced in the Red Alert conflict, to counter the increasing threat of the Allies latest tank. The Mammoth was armed with two 120mm cannons and twin anti-infantry and anti-aircraft Mammoth Tusk missile pods. An atomic generator powered the enormous vehicle. Mammoth was extremely heavy armored, it was also very slow. It was truly the last word in conventional vehicle technology. The enormous chassis was supported by a pair of treads on each side. The turret was plugged into the hull with a relatively thin screw-like extension. There is no large turret well and the turret is a self-contained module with crew transfer being possible between the turret and hull. The turret aiming and rotation mechanism is automated so much as it aim directly to its intended target swiftly. The vehicle is equipped to carry out limited battlefield repairs independently. In addition to being a threat to ground targets the tank's missiles could also engage aircraft.

The CSAT updated the tank and rearmed it :
- They changed the engine due to his danger for the crew. The mammoth explosion made radiation for decades in the area and killed the crew years later even if they leaved the tank.
- There is now 2 Gaz Turbines in the engine compartment,
- They also installed two 188 mm cannons instead of the twin 120 mm.
- The turret armor is thicker than before.
- In order to modernize it's capabilities they installed a radar in the turret nose between the cannons.

-weight :250 tons.
-maxspeed :30kmh.
-armament : Twin Cannons 188mm 76 shells in total : for 1 canon(20 APFSDS/HVP, 8 HE, 10 HEAT), 12.7mm Coaxial machinegun, 35mm Machinegun and 12 missiles AA and AG.
-Armor can auto-regenerate until 50%.

-OPFOR camo side : CSAT, CSAT pacific, SLA grey, green, snow and Desert.
-BLUFOR camo side : Nato,Nato Pacific,Gdi,Desert,Woodland and snow

-Arma 3

--Work in Progress--
-fixing the reported error/bug on the tank.

--Known Bugs
-Backfire missile stuck to the left missile pod

This mod is the result of my passion about video-games, I mixed the command and conquer famous unit into Arma,
This is the first addon i am publishing. I did my best to make this unreal unit fit well into arma game. I told myself "what if the tank would exist, how it would be ..."

I want to thanks bohemia and all the Arma community. I hope this Gift will please you all.
Have fun with it and see you at the next update.

Thank you for your FeedBack and bug report, working on it :)

Big Thanks to Luetin to let me link his video which illustrate the most the story of the mammoth tank
from his youtube channel :

From [GhostSoldier]VIPER

인기 토론 모두 보기(6)
2020년 7월 16일 오전 10시 19분
Armor auto-repair?
2019년 3월 12일 오전 10시 57분
Adding a fire control UI
2019년 1월 4일 오전 4시 49분
Your mod
댓글 602
stonegodspeed 2024년 1월 26일 오후 7시 42분 
this mod is truly a masterpiece. its quality is super above par, the behemoth packs a definitely proportionally punch, and it reflect one cardinal rule of real-life armored warfare:

speed, armor, firepower are the holy trinity of tank survival. if a tank just got ultra armor and firepower but moved slowly and recklessly, it would collect some maneuverability damage very soon, and become a large-size practice target for enemy quickly.

so, to paraphase a comical indian-singaporean, use this treasure as a hundred-ton mountain goat, route-preplanning is the key, shoot and scoot is the rule. don't just sit there and duel out with the enemies like me............
The omega crazytails 2024년 1월 14일 오전 3시 05분 
Also ravenfield has a few
The omega crazytails 2024년 1월 14일 오전 3시 03분 
This is great be awesome if one day you did a few metal slug vehicles i think metal slug would be the coolest game to do here on arma 3 simply because it has tons of vehicles big and small ground air water and it is super popular they is a few on gmod but would be sick on here great tank mod also
Ace 2023년 12월 7일 오전 9시 30분 
If you're being hit inside of the tank, you may want to check some of your other mods. That sounds like mods interfering. I had similar issues and it turned out to be ACE's fault, because I hadn't configured ACE properly.

For the mod author, any plans to do any other fictional vehicles like this? Because I used this as a boss fight for a campaign recently and it was awesome. Though it does get tracked rather easily. Again, we're using ACE. Could be nice if you made it so its tracks and other things could also self-repair.
GSVIPER  [작성자] 2023년 10월 15일 오전 10시 15분 
@Marcos Paulo The shells of the mammoth tank have more hit than the arma merkava one, so i don't think it's a problem about caliber here, that pickup is from a mod ? maybe something is wrong with it.
The anti air gun fire rate is like this because i decided to put it like this, slow firing but powerful hit.
Marcos Paulo 2023년 10월 15일 오전 8시 38분 
Very odd behaviours here.
No enemies are running away. On the contrary: they are shooting at my tank and hitting me inside it.
Besides that, I needed more than 8 shots of 180mm to destroy a pickup. And what about this anti-air fire rate? Really?
arthur2shedsjackson 2023년 10월 11일 오후 12시 12분 
totally boss, but for some reason even when I am driver, ai crew wont switch weapons on there own or fire the cannons/missiles, I am in control of that and it's not optimal... works well if I am driving but not commanding crew. thanks
Isebaille Tobany 2023년 10월 7일 오후 8시 51분 
Thank you!!!
GSVIPER  [작성자] 2023년 10월 6일 오전 4시 57분 
This is an error i made, this is fixed, i'm uploading now, it will be available in 30 minutes, sorry for this annoying bug
GSVIPER  [작성자] 2023년 10월 6일 오전 4시 27분 
@Isebaille Tobany and @junaidimyt, i am testing it, this is weird , the sounds worked until now, i am investigating why suddenly it doesn't work, thank you for your feedback :)