Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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fusion's twisted collection
Items (159)
"Friday the 13th" Machete
Created by Yog
"Welcome to Crystal lake..." https://cdn.yogensia.com/steam-workshop/headlines/description.png From the depths of hell he rises to hunt you in the darkest nights, he's your worst nightmare and he's here to make your life a living hell! And this Halloween y...
"Psycho1" Jockey ride music
Created by Rideout
Changes the riding track "Vassalation" for the Jockey to "Psycho1" from Cry of Fear. Composer: Andreas Rönnberg...
"The Shining" Axe Red Skin
Created by TrulySc
If Prophet wants me to take down this mod I will most certianly do so. This is mostly for private use....
"You Will Die" [Hunter Sound Mod]
Created by EmpireNews
replaces exenteration.wav (music that plays when you're pinned by a hunter), with music from a nightmare sequence in Cry Of Fear credit to original Cry Of Fear clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMfACF0HZJo , (uploaded by Hydris)...
(RNG) Glowsticks on Ammo Piles
Created by Spicy_Jam
Glowy UPDATE: the epilepsy issue has been fixed, thanks to xkcdjerry aka senzawa So me and Chimi were playing some custom maps, and I've realized just how much I need the ammo piles to be highlighted more. I didn't just want the whole thing to glow and wan...
[Metro 2033] Trench Knife (Machete Sounds)
Created by Caoch
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png Replaces Machete Sounds 仅修改了砍刀的声音 原版链接( 模型和声音都修改 ):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2016149172 这个模型的打击感优秀,源于它的声音很给力 于是我提取了声音做成了单独的mod,可以更好的和其他仅修改外型的mod来搭配 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
[SG552]SA80 Sound Replacement
Created by Hydralisk
A simple sound mod for the SA80 for SG552 addon. Replaces the horrid default CSS and L4D2 sounds for the SA80 with quality ones by Иavaяо. I did not change the bolt release sound as the model uses a default L4D2 noise used by other weapons. Credits: Иavaяо...
Actual Flashlight
Created by hurter
Based off a real flashlight, simple, wanted a better flashlight, here we are....
Afraid Of Monsters Director's Cut Axe Sounds
holae this replaces the axe SFX to the one from afraid of monsters ya kno ya kno blablabla if u hear bug sound let know Credit to Andreas Rönnberg for AOM an ya kno thas it ...
Alien Xenomorph Boomer Sound Effect
Created by †OneTS†
Replaces the Boomer's voice with an Alien's voice from Aliens Colonial Marines. For using Alien Boomer voice requiers Alien Boomer Model from aNILEator: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=343622351...
Ammo Upgrades: Remastered
Created by Spicy_Jam
Glowy A re-model of the deployed versions of incendiary and explosive ammo boxes. This version adds more bullets lying around the box, as well as the grenade round for the grenade launcher and the bullet belt for M60, since those weapons can actually acqui...
Basic Transition
Created by Azuki
A cleaner transition screen between maps. Without stats: Simple Transition...
Battlefield Hardline: Nightstick
Created by Qude
The Nightstick is one of the weapons found in Battlefield Hardline. A club of less than arms length fashioned out of wood. Typically carried for forced compliance or self defense by law enforcement officers. Now on mav's animations, includes the original n...
Battlefield V: Cricket Bat
Created by Qude
"I'm gonna paddle the shit outta something." ― Coach The Cricket Bat is one of the blunt weapons found in Battlefield V. For many British troops, cricket symbolized the way of life they fought to defend and matches were common in their camps. Soldiers luck...
Beta-Style Boomer Blood Bile
Created by Revenant100
This is a a recreation of the Boomer's blood bile seen in pre-release media for Left 4 Dead, hence the "beta"-ness. No more of that generic and boring green crap. The Boomer now spews a stomach full of good old-fashioned blood in your general direction. No...
Black Ops - SPAS-12 (Enhanced) [SPAS]
Created by Scout_115
"That's Italian. You can go pump or auto." - Gun Clerk "The SPAS-12, an Italian combat shotgun with a unique feature and is made by Franchi. The SPAS-12 was produced and designed in 1979. It fires 12 gauge shotgun shells and could carry up to Tube Extensio...
Blood Overhaul
Created by Phaeton
This add-on replaces blood splatters, flesh wounds and static blood decals with brand new higher resolution textures. I just figured original textures are kinda outdated since they are 14 years old. Breathe new life into your game with these. ...
Brighter Alarm Cars
Created by JT_
"Don't shoot that car!" Created for a partially colorblind friend who had trouble seeing the alarm cars at night, worse still trying to see them in the daylight. If you still have trouble seeing cars in the daylight. Aside from firing your gun you can also...
Coach - Tourist (No Camera)
Created by binary
well coach i guess you cant take any pictures sorry man works with body and head retextures has viewmodel arms and works with bile recommended to use the 'required' body retexture though that's up to you if you want to use it or not! Camera version: https://...
Coach - Tourist VGUI
Created by ChimiChamo
A lobby and incap icon for binary's Coach - Tourist. Credit to Pyromaniax for the lobby base....
Coach Body - vacation
Created by TOG | K1CHWA
coach in a hawaiian shirt (pattern is like one the seen in max payne 3) texture/normal *this modifies body only COACH SKIN ARCHIVE please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME ...
Coach Head - heavier beard
Created by TOG | K1CHWA 3rd
made beard slightly heavier custom texture/normal *this modifies head only COACH SKIN ARCHIVE please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS....
Colt AR15/M16 Reanimated (SCAR-L)
Created by AvengedDeathAlert
Commission work. Features - HUD Icon. - Custom sound. - Extra moving parts. - TLS thirdperson bones. - Camera shake. Credits TIGG, RedRogueXIII, Krycek, Andre-V: OG Compile Hyper3D: Deploy and Reload animation Inter, Rymd: Other animation ...
Common Infected Gib on Shove Kill
Created by ChimiChamo
Makes it so common infected killed via shoving have their heads gib. It will either be the whole head, the top half or just the jaw that explodes. Local/dedicated server only....
Concept Nurse Zoey: Blue Pants
Created by tomaz
A reskin for either my Concept Nurse Zoey mod or its sleeved counterpart. Makes the pants blue. The reason why the shirt and pants are separated is mostly because the outfit model came with separate materials, and also just so that you can mix and match to...
Concept Nurse Zoey: Blue Shirt
Created by tomaz
A reskin for either my Concept Nurse Zoey mod or its sleeved counterpart. Makes the shirt blue. The reason why the shirt and pants are separated is mostly because the outfit model came with separate materials, and also just so that you can mix and match to...
Concept Nurse Zoey: Sleeved
Created by tomaz
A simple model edit (not a reskin/retexture) of my Concept Nurse Zoey mod that gives her a longsleeve. That's all. Made this because I noticed that my reimagined L4D1 survivors all have t-shirts/are short-sleeved so here's this to make her stand out a bit....
Cordyceps Smoker
Created by Spicy_Jam
"SMOK- woah what in tarnation is that thing?!" Looks like that Smoker caught something more than just the Green Flu this time. This mod replaces L4D1/2 Smoker with his Cordyceps-infected counterpart, inspired by the fungal infection from The Last Of Us. Re...
Cry of Fear - Ambience
Created by Eros
"The city of Stockholme is unusual this night..." -BEST RECOMMENDED WITH HEADPHONES- This mod replaces several default L4D2 ambient tracks with tracks from Cry of Fear. (114 tracks to be exact.) Several sounds have been adjusted, modified, and mixed to pro...
Cry of Fear Faster (hunter) audio only
Created by Αfrafasti
I was looking for a sound only version of the Faster mods only to find out there wasn't one. Went and asked and figured while I waited I'd see if I could figure it out myself. Turns out, it was not as hard as I thought. Spurred on to do this after I saw an...
Cry of Fear Nightstick Sounds
Created by Ewgene
I saw the great port Rex The Impaler did for the Cry of Fear nightstick model and animations and thought it was very much lacking the original sounds, so here they are. Enjoy. For some reason, the riot shield also uses the sounds of this addon. Replaces: N...
Cry Of Fear SFX
Created by yoru
This modifies the heartbeat, doors, shove sfx, and all survivor footstep sounds. I occasionally carry some holsters, and they make those satisfying sounds as I walk. recorded those and layered the sounds over regular Cry Of Fear footsteps, you will only he...
Dark Carnival Lights
Add a little festivity to your Dark Carnival visit by turning on the lights! :) ------ The .gifs don't represent the actual speed of the light changes in-game. I just slapped a bunch of screenshots together with wild abandon. Added a video for all those co...
Dark Loading Screens Complete Set (HD)
Created by ALVIYAN
Dark theme loading screens for official campaigns. Black and white image with the custom style campaign name. Created by ALVIYAN. Included Campaigns: - No Mercy - Crash Course - Death Toll - Dead Air - Blood Harvest - The Sacrifice - The Last Stand - Dead ...
Dead by Daylight Medkit
Created by Ellie
This mod is a very simple mod that replaces the Medkit by the medkit from Dead by Daylight. Animations are MaxG3D ones. Enjoy :D https://i.imgur.com/t07MO1K.png Model : Behaviour Interactive(Dead by Daylight) Source engine Port : Mark2580 Animations : MaxG...
Dead Space : Exploder's sounds for Jockey
Created by john splooge.
Kinda Fits. Update : I kinda toned down the sounds a bit so its not too loud and added some new ones and replaced old ones...
Dead space Divider sounds for Smoker
Created by Rideout
This replaces the smoker voice files with the groans, wails, shrieks and squeals of the Divider from dead space 1 and 2 You can find the dead space Divider model here....
Default Defib CEDA Styled Retex [Fixed]
CEDA themed defib, colors matching their trailers. Similar features to my other defib mod but with slightly different normal, again modified from ihcorochris' wonderful Reshaded Items which you can check out here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
Defibrillator Animation Redux
Created by ShotgunnerFox
Tired of seeing the the vanilla Defib animations? I got just the right thing for you. This re-animation took me about 3-5 days maybe longer than that I thought I'd give the defibrillator some love and "revive" them with new, handmade animations If you like...
Detailed Rusty Jerrycans, Propane and Oxygen Tanks
Created by miztaegg
A set of Jerrycans, propane canister and oxygen tank reskins. Texture resolutions boosted to 1024px completed with custom normal maps and shader settings....
DR2 Baseball Bat Sounds
Created by tomaz
Replaces the Baseball Bat sounds with the ones from Dead Rising 2. CREDITS: Capcom/Capcom Vancouver (Blue Castle Games) - Original sounds from Dead Rising 2 Me - Sound editing I fully support & encourage edits of my mods. If you decide to upload your edit ...
DR2 Cricket Bat Sounds
Created by tomaz
Replaces the Cricket Bat sounds with the ones from Dead Rising 2. Pretty much the same thing as the baseball bat. CREDITS: Capcom/Capcom Vancouver (Blue Castle Games) - Original sounds from Dead Rising 2 Me - Sound editing I fully support & encourage edits...
DR2 Frying Pan Sounds
Created by tomaz
Replaces the Frying Pan sounds with the ones from Dead Rising 2. CREDITS: Capcom/Capcom Vancouver (Blue Castle Games) - Original sounds from Dead Rising 2 Me - Sound editing I fully support & encourage edits of my mods. If you decide to upload your edit to...
E3 Flashlight Beams
Created by XENORT
Kept you waiting, huh? Here's another "beta flashlight beams" mod by yours truly. This time based on E3 variant seen in different presentations and gameplay footages of the time. Pros: - Beams can light up some dim areas. - Unlike Early 2008 counterpart, w...
Enhanced Blood Splatter Overlay
Created by [valeriae]
This mod does exactly what it says on the tin, it improves the blood splatters that get on your view/screen when killing things at close range. (Melee weapons or shooting at point blank) The blood will refract what is behind it, and it does not have any gl...
Enhanced Shovel & Pitchfork Sounds
Created by SkellyVoid
Both sounds Combined into one addon for those who prefer to be more organized. Seperate sounds here. Shovel: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888342392 and Pitchfork: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888362024...
Escape Event Silent Hill Music
Created by Lobo Del Anime Loqd
//////////////Remplaza lo que es es Rescate//////////// By:Akira Yamaoka...
FA:S KAC SR-25 (Military Sniper)
Created by 8sianDude
Knight's Armament Company Stoner Rifle-25 designated marksman rifle, fitted with a Leupold Mk.4 telescopic sight, Magpul MOE stock, Harris Bipod, extended charging handle latch and an AN/PEQ-15. Ported from Firearm: Source. The SR-25 is a 7.62x51mm designa...
Far Cry 5: Sledgehammer
Created by Qude
What time is it? HAMMERTIME it is! The Sledgehammer is a two handed melee weapon in Far Cry 5. It is an unused weapon. Now on MW2019 animations, includes the original sledgehammer model and high quality textures. Replaces the electric guitar. Credits Ubiso...
Francis Head - no goatee/tattoos
Created by TOG | K1CHWA
removed tattoos and goatee...made hair/stubble darker. texture *this modifies head only FRANCIS SKIN ARCHIVE please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING ...
Francis Klebitz IMPROVED
Created by ChimiChamo
An improved version of my favourite Francis addon: Francis Klebitz by Weasel. This fixes some minor issues I had with the original. Changes: -Added Cuba's jiggleboned attachments -Added xdR reanim support -Added jiggleboned holster -Added LOD models -Added...
Francis Klebitz VGUI
Created by ChimiChamo
VGUI for Weasel's Francis Klebitz. Credit to tomaz for the pose and Pyromaniax for the lobby and s_panel base. ...
Friday the 13th: Baseball Bat
Created by Qude
The Baseball Bat is one of the weapons found in Friday the 13th: The Game. It is a melee weapon used by counselors. Boasting a long reach with an almost guaranteed chance to stun, this is a formidable choice to fend Jason off. Now on MW2019 animations, inc...
Friday the 13th: Frying Pan
Created by Qude
The Pan is one of the weapons found in Friday the 13th: The Game. It is a melee weapon used by counselors. This weapon deals very low damage, so it's not a good choice if you're trying to demask Jason, but otherwise it's decent enough with a high stun chan...
Friday the 13th: Pitchfork
Created by Qude
The Pitchfork is one of the weapons found in Friday the 13th: The Game. It was a weapon that was used by Jason Voorhees. Now on MW2019 animations, includes the original pitchfork model and high quality textures. Replaces Pitchfork. Credits IllFonic - Asset...
Ghostly Sounds For Common Infected
Created by Dark Star
This will overhaul and replace the common infected audio to sound ghostly & otherworldly. It also replaces their spawn chimes with ominous dark piano sound FX. Preview of the audio is the first video in screenshots. https://i.imgur.com/mtIQAbS.png...
HD + RNG Tank Rock
Created by Ellie
This mod is an HD replacement for the Tank Rocks that includes the "not so used" Model RNG : there are 5 different rock design and each one the tank will throw will be different. This mod is actually the first one that really makes the full use of Model RN...
HD Machine Guns Without HUD Display
Created by Yalbor
This mod wasn't made by me. I'm NOT the owner. I just removed the HUD Display that comes with original addon. I made this because there is a lot of people reporting bugs with custom HUDs and asking the owner to remove it, and since she (for what I understo...
Hell Chant
Created by yoru
An add-on for my Horror Ambiance mod. This replaces all contagion, & glimpse music. Uses DOOM 3 ambience, partially BG3. Only affects l4d1 campaigns....
Hell Chant 2 [Pt. 1]
Created by yoru
This mod is a continuation of the original Hell Chant, which covers L4D1 campaigns. Hell Chant 2 had to be split in half due to size limits, see the required item. Both parts combined will fully replace L4D2 contagion music with DOOM64 Tracks (1997). Credi...
Hell Chant 2 [Pt. 2]
Created by yoru
See the first part for description....
Horrible Looking Blood Spit
Created by bench
Changes the spitter's spit to whatever this is....
Horror Ambience
Created by yoru
Would you like to get the heebie-jeebies? The spooks? The scares? You won't get it here, since it's l4d2. But you'll be able to hear a few weird noises here and there. I sampled sounds from a variety of sources, including Cloverfield, Stalker, Metro, DOOM ...
Horror Magazine Stand
Created by Tя!cky ツ
Covers from the industries best genre of Horror and Monster Magazines back then and still today! http://imgur.com/16VLQeH.jpg This mod is also in "RNG Magazine Stands" - see all the Mag Stands in one RNG Mod! http://imgur.com/ZU2mKN7.jpg http://i.imgur.com...
HUD Icon - Steyr TMP (Replace SMG / Uzi)
This mod is just a HUD icon, You need to use it with this mod, otherwise, it will not take effect....
INS:S Survivor - Ellis IMPROVED
Created by ChimiChamo
A generally improved version of mav's INS:S Survivor - Ellis, fixing issues that were in it. The list of changes include: -Added Cuba's jiggleboned attachments -Improved hoodie weighting near legs -Removed most clipping from the gear -Improved weighting of...
Killing Floor 2 S&W Model 500 Bone Collector
Created by Lt. Rocky
Briar's come along to do his own version of the Revolver album. Ain't no hippies gonna be singing about peace and love and flowers and narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, instead there'll be rows of smoldering gulashes, bones jutting out from within tipped w...
Killing Floor Pipe bomb sounds
Created by Mundfish
Hello lads, my 24th Workshop add-on. The lack of good pipe bomb sounds that aren't meme based and that they are realistic has been bugging me for awhile. So I took it upon myself to fix that. The beep sounds have been sampled from MW2 Semtex sound mod by B...
L4D1 Beta Styled Saferoom Door
Created by мяFunreal
This saferoom door is build to resemble the L4D1 beta door. I made this model for the Renegadist, as a L4D1 mod. However i liked the model so much, that i made my own skin for it. If you want the version only replacing the original l4d1 campaign doors, go ...
Created by tomaz
Left 4 Dead 1 HUD Plus A version of Urik's L4D1 HUD with a few improvements and changes, while remaining somewhat faithful to L4D1's artstyle. Features: Various inconsistent spacing issues amended Redesigned player, incap, gas can and survival panels Sligh...
L4D1 Population Revert Tool (Post Last Stand Update)
Created by Demo
MUST. HOST. ON. LOCAL. SERVER. MUST. HOST. ON. LOCAL. SERVER. MUST. HOST. ON. LOCAL. SERVER. MUST. HOST. ON. LOCAL. SERVER. MUST. HOST. ON. LOCAL. SERVER. MUST. HOST. ON. LOCAL. SERVER. This script reverts the populations of all Left 4 Dead 1 campaigns bac...
L4D1 Rusty Ammo Can Retexture
Created by miztaegg
Retexture of the good old L4D1 ammo can, in hidef textures and normal map. Totally Rusty for your taste. Now It is skin only as L4D2 uses both ammo can/pile from both game....
L4D1 Styled L4D2 Zombat (REAL BEYTA)
Created by snubow
*insert ellis real voice actor quote here* i was working on something like this back when i was working on an early 2008 beyta modpack, but i never really ended up finishing the mod, nor did i really finish the modpack (i accidentally deleted everything lu...
Lab Bile
Created by Ellie
This mod is a shape replacement for the Bile Jar / Vomit Bottle. It replaces it by a more "Laboratory" looking version. It's also in HD and compatible with any skin that replaces the color of the liquid inside. Everything is said :D, just make sure to kill...
Lab Bile (Bile) Hud Icon
Created by Shootist
Alex D.'s original Lab Bile hud icon for the Bile. Nothing has been altered. Credit to Alex D. Vasilkov for making this addon. I am only reuploading it. This addon replaces SCRIPTS (changes the in-game item stats)! It only works on a server (i.e. your own ...
Laser Box: Remastered? [UPDATED]
Created by Robеrto
"Update: Using Fixed UV Model" My Version of Laser Box: Remastered. Reskin compatible. Original Mod's: Laser Box with Lasers 🩹 Fixed Laser Sights (UV map) (RNG) Glowsticks on Laser Sights...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Created by Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
Linkin Park (Dark Carnival Concert Only)
Created by greendevilface
Replaces the music and textures of the Dark Carnival Midnight Riders concert with Linkin Park. This is an edit of Watcher's Linkin Park Concert mod without the rescue or credits music, in order to reduce conflicts with other mods (and to avoid the jarring ...
Created by Jimmakos
...words are really unnecessary Features new model,textures,shaders,firing and reloading sounds. Replace the mini14 (hunting rifle). Detailed credits: An Aggressive Napkin - M14 model Millenia - Scope model,all the textures Rafaël De Jongh - 556Bullet mode...
M4A4 HUD icon (M16)
Created by Nebbers
Another HUD icon mod, this time for the M4A1 Carbine w/o carry handle, which, for whatever reason, CS:GO refers to as the M4A4 Carbine, despite the fact that no such weapon with this name actually exists; it's actually a Mk18. Enough rambling for now, thou...
Maschinenpistole 40/M
Created by Lt. Rocky
Mein Leben. This replaces the hidden Counterstrike: Source MP5 on its own animations, normalized onto L4D's rig by myself. If you currently have no regular means of obtaining the CSS weapons, try my unlocker. You can also get a version on the regular SMG h...
Medical Cabinet HD
Created by Jules
HD Pack file. If you like this and you'd prefer a more modern gaming experience, check out the HD Pack link above. Recommended: Lifesystems Health Kit (featured) Sexual Healing sounds To Miztaegg, K1CHWA, and Splinks for leading the way...
Melee Crosshair Removal
Created by Gary
This mod removes the TF2 style crosshair used for melee weapons and throwables and should be used with a custom crosshair. I made this because the other Melee Crosshair Removal mod on the workshop also removes the special infected inner circle. ...
MW2019 Screwdriver HUD icon (Knife)
A MW2019 Screwdriver HUD icon replacement for the default Knife icon. Known issues: If you downloaded this mod while in game, you may need to restart L4D2 for it to work properly. This also applies to any other HUD icons you may have downloaded. The HUD ic...
MW2019: Crowbar
Created by mav
The universal utility tool. Its sharp blades are designed to pry open tough surfaces, but can also be used for deadly action. The Crowbar from another time. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyh...
MW2019: M79 Grenade Launcher
Created by mav
Grenade launcher. Fires a grenade projectile that explodes on impact. High damage with a significant blast radius. The modern M79 Thumper. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, T...
MW2019: Placement Explosives
Created by mav
Placement Explosives help control areas and locations by acting as traps. Handle anything that comes your way with a well placed explosive. All placeable explosive items. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. This mod co...
MW2019: Screwdriver
Created by Qude
"Hey, it gets the job done. The Innocence Lost Knife." The Screwdriver is a melee weapon featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The original texture by itself does not look good in-game, so a few edits and visual tweaks have been made to enhance the tex...
MW2019: Vanguard Katana
Created by mav
Famously known Samurai's Katana. Traditionally forged using a folded steel technique. Light to wield, resilient to force, and durable to wear. The Katana from the past. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scob...
Nick Wake
Created by tomaz
"Hello, my name is Alan and I'm aWake, too" -Alan Wake probably idk i haven't played the game yet A dumb edit of Nick to make him resemble Alan Wake from the sequel game, complete with a jiggly satchel and tie. Viewmodel arms LODs Jiggleboned attachments I...
Nightmare Downed Music - V3 UPDATE (COMPLETED)
Created by snubow
HARM YOURSELF IN A PERMANENT WAY!!!! welcome to the mod i've probably put the second most effort in out of all of em. this is YET ANOTHER mod for the nightmare modpack created by yoru, but you can definitely just use it on your own. AS OF 7/23/2024 THIS MO...
Nightmare Zombat (for yoru's nightmare collection)
Created by snubow
"here they come!' -lemmestrokeyoshit25 (note: only replaces l4d1 horde drums) this is a fan-made mod that i made specifically for yoru's nightmare collection, since it just uses the regular zombat. if they'd like to add this to the collection, go ahead! cr...
Created by 秋迹
HUD icon for NMRiH - F.U.B.A.R (Golf Club)...
NMRiH - FUBAR (Golf Club)
Created by Qude
"Godammit, I am seriously FUBAR!" ― Bill Replaces the Golf Club with NMRiH's Fubar. Including the original model, textures, sounds. Thanks to 'ᴋⲩ1‾ for finding the original sounds and forwarding them to me. Credits No More Room in Hell - Assets. Qude - Who...
NMRiH Chainsaw
Created by Lt. Rocky
When there's no more room in hell, it'll be up to you to cut the numbers down. Groovy. The chainsaw from the Half-Life mod No More Room in Hell replaces the chainsaw. I feel its not as good-looking as the default chainsaw, but a good change-up is always ni...
Created by H.U.N.K
Are you TOO LAZY to ALWAYS open the console and type "sv_consistency 0" so your friends can join your server FULL of scripts? USE THIS!!! this will ALWAYS enable "sv_consistency 0" in YOUR server without having to type it in the console :D Tags: no consist...
Phasmophobia Car Alarm
Created by Oxxy (Real)
The car alarm sound from the multiplayer ghost hunting game Phasmophobia. NOTE: The alarm sound itself I made louder to work better in l4d, if this recieves backlash I will revert the change. ...
Pipebomb Reborn
Created by Yog
"Terminator grade pipebombs, approved by Kyle Reese" https://cdn.yogensia.com/steam-workshop/headlines/description.png This is something I've been wanting to do for a couple of year but never got around to. I think the original pipebomb, which was done for...
PM md. 90 Short Barrelled [RNG Magazines] (AK47)
Created by 8sianDude
Romanian PM md. 90 short barrelled carbine (also known as the AIMR for the export designation), ported from Kali's massive AK variants prop pack for Gmod. Introduced in 1990, the Pistol Mitralieră model 1990 cu țeavă scurtă (PM md. 90 short barrelled) is a...
Postal Redux Menu Music
Created by Wickid
Replaces the main menu soundtrack with various music files from Postal Redux, including ambience from The Carnival, Central Park, The Ghetto, The Bridge, and The Outskirts....
Psykskallar Map Previews (Yoru)
Created by snubow
didn't do shit today.. harhar... the simple screens were made by Qdude, here doesn't include tls, cold stream and the parish because the first two maps are Shit and the last one was broken for some reason. here's a link to the menu backgrounds note that th...
RE Resistance Molotov Cocktail (Molotov)
Created by 8sianDude
A molotov cocktail grenade is available in Resident Evil Resistance for the survivors. Albiet the different brand logo, the texture looks rather suspiciously similar to L4D's molotov. - Replaces the Molotov Features: - a poor man's grenade Credits: - Molot...
RE SH COF Campaign Intros & Saferoom music
Created by Pie
This is my first real mod, it's not perfect. Every campaign has it's own unique music from the following games, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Cry Of Fear, mixes, and etc. Note: I will be updating this addon till I feel it's ready to be left with. I will repl...
RE2 Remake Ingram MAC-11 (Suppressed SMG)
Created by 8sianDude
Despite Resident Evil 2 Remake is a third person game, the Japanese folks at Capcom definitely outdid themselves not only in focusing on the intense horror atmosphere of the game, but also made some fairly high quality weapon models with a decent polygon c...
RE2 Remake Remington 870 (Chrome Shotgun)
Created by 8sianDude
A shotgun found in the R.P.D. weapons locker room by rookie officer Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 2 (RE2)/Biohazard 2 Remake is the Remington 870 (known as the "W-870" in-game). The vanilla Remington 870 was found with a short barrel, 4 round magazine t...
RE3 Remake Glock 19 (9mm Pistols)
Created by 8sianDude
A handgun found by Jill Valentine in the hands of a dead police officer in Resident Evil 3 Remake is the Glock 19 Gen 2 (known as the "G19 Handgun" in-game). Seemingly replacing her custom issued Beretta 92 Samurai Edge from the classic version of the game...
RE3 Remake Remington 870 Express Field Gun (Wooden Shotgun)
Created by 8sianDude
A 12 gauge pump action shotgun used by Robert Kendo featured in one of the cutscenes in Resident Evil 3 Remake is the Remington 870 Express Field Gun. This firearm is a cutscene only weapon and cannot be used in-game by the player, since the shotgun role i...
RE4 Remake Benelli M3 Super 90 (Auto Shotgun)
Created by 8sianDude
A shotgun available for purchase from The Merchant in Resident Evil 4 Remake, is the Benelli M3 Super 90, known as the "Riot Gun" in-game. The M3 comes with a civilian model magazine tube, and ironsights. It features a Benelli M4 style collapsing stock on ...
RE4 Remake Colt Model 933 [Alt ver.] (M16)
Created by 8sianDude
A compact assault rifle found hidden in the castle's library in Resident Evil 4 Remake, is the Colt Model 933, known as the "CQBR Assault Rifle" in-game. This is a re-used asset from RE3 Remake, albeit with a slightly modified mesh. The sling swivel behind...
RE4 Remake Springfield M1903A4 (CS:S Scout)
Created by 8sianDude
An old American service rifle available for purchase at the Merchant in Resident Evil 4 Remake, is the Springfield Armory Model 1903, known as the "SR M1903" in-game. The rifle can be upgraded with various optical scopes. Attaching the scope will replace t...
RE4 Remake Steyr TMP with Stock (UZI SMG)
Created by 8sianDude
A compact sub-machine gun available for purchase at the Merchant in Resident Evil 4 Remake, is the Steyr TMP, known as the "TMP" in-game. It can be upgraded with an attachable butt-stock in-game, with the model based on the civilian SPP carbine stock. The ...
RE8 Village Degtyaryov PKM (M60)
Created by 8sianDude
A cutscene exclusive machine gun used by Hound Wolf operator Lobo during the raid mission on a Romanian Village in Resident Evil 8 Village is the Degtyaryov PKM, known as the "PT Machine Gun" in-game. Attachments: The PKM is modified with a picatinny rail ...
RE8 Village MAS FR F2 (CS:S AWP)
Created by 8sianDude
A sniper rifle found in the attic of Dimitrescu's Castle in Resident Evil 8 Village is a Saint-Étienne Weapons Factory (MAS) FR F2, known as "F2 Rifle" in-game. God knows how a standard issue French military sniper rifle ended up in a Romanian castle. Atta...
Rebar (Nightstick) HUD Icon
Created by CCPD
Custom HUD icon for Rebar (Nightstick) weapon mod. Rate. Favourite. Subscribe. Reward. *Restart L4D2 for the HUD icon to work properly. **HUD icon is edited with a script file that won't work on servers that force file consistency....
Remove Explosion Flash
Created by Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
Resident Evil Village: Face Eater - Common Infected
Created by Dian
The Face Eater creature from Resident Evil Village, replaces the common infected. Features: ● It has details of dismemberment. ● Jigglebones in the jaw. ● Only 2 models. ● It does not replace the armored police model. Credits: Model extraction in xps: davo...
Robbie the Rabbit (Gnome)
Created by Zaeryn
What a cute doll. Robbie is a mascot of Silent Hill's Lakeside amusement park. Now you can take him with you everywhere... but why in god's name would you do that?! He replaces the much less horrifying gnome. I finally fixed the rotations. Pro tip: When co...
SA80 Assault Rifle (SG552)
Created by Lt. Rocky
Tigg's awesome SA80 model on Max's new custom animation replacing the hidden Counterstrike: Source SG552! See the M16 version here! See the AK-47 version here! Credits: Tigg - Model creation; UV's, bakes & original texture MaxG3D - Animation; Modified text...
Sawrunner charge(Cry of fear)
Created by Reyiarlu
Replace charger music Music by Andreas Rönnberg copyright Team Psykskallar "contusion"sounds are taken from Appelflap64 http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=154403241&searchtext=cry ...
Shoe Scuff Sounds
Created by tomaz
A simple VScript that takes advantage of the (seemingly) unused shoe scuff sounds and plays them every time a survivor/special infected jumps. I know, absolutely riveting, right? Also plays when you slip off a ledge. This is compatible with footstep sound ...
Siberia hell sound spit music
Created by Forsaken Murderer
The addon replaces the music while you are near or in the acid of the Spitter with the sounds from the Siberia Hell sounds video. this sound was used in Mr Incredible Becoming Uncanny. It occurred to me why I should make this addon....
Signalis "Cigarette Wife" Tank Theme
Created by owobuwus
Replaces vanilla tank theme with Cigarette Wife by Cicada Sirens, from the Signalis soundtrack. --- All rights to the music and imagery used in this mod belong to the creators of Signalis: Signalis is a game developed by rose-engine and published by Humble...
Signalis Saferoom (L4D2)
Created by Belrangerus
Elster, LSTR-512, Signalis, saferoom, music, theme, monsterswithout...
Silenced Hunter Bacteria(s)
Created by barbinsnarshin
Silences the Hunter's Bacteria music....
Silenced Jockey Bacteria(s)
Created by barbinsnarshin
Silences the Jockey's Bacteria music....
Silenced Spitter Bacteria(s)
Created by barbinsnarshin
Silences the Spitter's Bacteria music....
Silent Hill - End of Small Sanctuary (Credits)
Created by Appendix
This song replaces the credtis music for both L4D1 and L4D2 campaigns. The link to the song can be found below. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCJ8qeMiQac...
Silent Hill 2 Remake - Health Drink
Created by ihcorochris
Restores vitality by providing nourishment. Mildly effective. Replaces the Pain Pills on default animation CREDITS: Bloober Team - Assets Zaeryn / Fistful of Frags Team - Sounds ...
Silent Hill 2 Remake - Steel Pipe
Created by ihcorochris
A 3-foot long steel pipe. Cold and smooth to the touch. Replaces the Shovel on default animations CREDITS: Bloober Team - Assets ...
Silent Hill 2 Remake - Syringe
Created by ihcorochris
Restores vitality by relieving pain. Highly effective. Only applies if you're within Silent Hill Replaces the Adrenaline on Rex The Impaler's ported Cry of Fear animations. CREDITS: Bloober Team - Assets Team Psykskallar / Rex The Impaler - Animations ...
Silent Hill Jukebox Music Replacer
Created by tactlessTactician
Part of my 5 part Silent Hill music and sound pack, my first mod uploads. This mod changes the songs on the in game Jukebox. Badman - Replaced with "Otherside", a bonus track on the SH1 soundtrack. Was used for a "bloopers" reel for the game. Midnight Ride...
Silent Hill: Lying Figure (Spitter)
Created by person man
Replaces the Spitter with the model of the Lying Figure creature from Silent Hill....
Sledgehammer (Guitar) HUD Icon
Created by CCPD
Custom HUD icon for Sledgehammer (Guitar) weapon mod. Click HERE for the Axe version. Rate. Favourite. Subscribe. Reward. *Restart L4D2 for the HUD icon to work properly. **HUD icon is edited with a script file that won't work on servers that force file co...
Slender Man's Shadow - Smoker Music (My Version)
Created by ROBERT KYLE
This is an edit of this mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=260587963&searchtext=slenderman I only made this because I wanted to replace the tag musics too, since I'm a perfectionist and all. Pages 5/8 Theme: https://www.youtube.com...
SMGs/Pistols Headshot Wound to Common Infected
Created by Hex To Max
Enables SMGs and Pistols to inflict headshot wound to common infected in any mode like Campaign, Scavenge and Versus !!! This addon is server-side script. It means this will work only if you host a server and not work if you join any other servers which do...
SOMA Proxy Witch Sound Replacement | NIGHTMARE
Created by Kreze
Tis' for Nightmare. Replaces Witch sounds with SOMA's Proxy ones, more or less at least....
Song of Unhealing (Sound)
Created by Qwazzy
Replaces the death music with "Song of Unhealing". This is a reversed version of the "Song of Healing", made popular by the BEN DROWNED creepypasta from Jadusable. - Now work with deaths using the L4D1 cast as well....
Stephen King Carousel - The clown 1990
Created by Lunatix
They all float and when you will have subscribed you will float too ! -- Replace carousel music -- ...
Team Psykskallar Aesthetics
Created by yoru
This is a Cry of Fear re-texture project. I got sick and tired of vanilla textures, so here we are. This also changes color corrections and skyboxes. I made this purely for my Nightmare mod pack. It's a horror toned hard mode of sorts. If you're a vanilla ...
The Aftermath (Bill)
Created by Porky-da-Corgi
http://i.imgur.com/vUI4TyV.png Always the grizzled fighter, even death couldn't take Bill from this world. Beaten, but not broken after his sacrifice, he refuses to let the undead stand in the way of reuniting with those he called family. http://i.imgur.co...
The Aftermath (Louis)
Created by Porky-da-Corgi
http://i.imgur.com/vUI4TyV.png With only so much time left for grooming in the midst of the apocalypse, Louis has switched his dapper shirt-and-tie combo out for something more practical, and really, who's going to blame him for looking a little rough arou...
The Aftermath (Rochelle)
Created by Dale
In spite of the apocalypse, Rochelle keeps the other survivors level-headed and focused. Even amidst the zombies, biting wit still goes hand-in-hand with bombastic flair. She wouldn’t have it any other way. http://i.imgur.com/vUI4TyV.png Hoodie sampled fro...
The Particles Manifest
Created by Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
The Tormentor
Created by yoru
This mod replaces Tank sounds with one of my favorite Dead Space 2 Necromorphs. It's made to be used with the Twisted Tank model, since I think it fits great. The Tormentor is a big Necromorph composed of many corpses. You can see the twisted tank model ha...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Created by мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
Toad Sounds for Spitter from Dying Light
Created by ɐuɐuɐq ʅᴉʌƎ
You can watch the video to see what's the deal about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp7aFijFRq8 --- What to do if you experience screeching, popping, or static sounds while using this mod: Step 1: Go to Steam>steamapps>common>L4D2>L4D2>addons>Workshop an...
TUMTaRA - Water, Ragdolls, Music
Created by мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. Mapname: tumtara_sound+ragdoll+water Contains: ...
Twisted boomer (replaces l4d1 and l4d2 models)
I know many of you always wanted a bloated boomer with it's guts hanging out, I just know it. ..... Well hey : D Here's a new twisted for the special infected serie : the twisted boomer ! Disgusting, with its guts coming out to say hello and the upper part...
Twisted Charger
Well, are you looking for a charger that has an arm made of people ? With a twisted neck and swollen face ? If yes you will never guess what I've got here- This mod is a replacement for the model and texture of the charger, designed and made by yours truly...
Twisted Huntress (replaces both l4d2 and l4d1 models)
So, you've probably been thinking something along the line of "hey what if the hunter was a necromorph dog-wolf-thing, but also weirdly hot for some reason" right ? Of course you did, well if you'll believe it I've got just the thing : 3 ------------ TWIST...
Twisted Jockey
Soooo, folks, ever thought " I sure wish there was a creepy smiling self mutilating jockey " ? Well you're in luck ! For you, I introduce : The Twisted ! Designed by yours truly, it has the smile, the self mutilation, and most importantly the creeps ! ... ...
Twisted tank (replaces l4d1/l4d2/the sacrifice models)
IMPORTANT : If you have the server consistency problem, make sure to turn off cvar and sv_consistency. If there is something else, the exact error message might solve the issue. Update : I replaced the colliders with the ones from the base tank model, norm...
Twisted Witch (replaces l4d1/l4d2/the sacrifice models)
Well I hope you're looking for a witch with hands on hands on hands with a distorded face, because that's just what this mod is ! Replaces the witch and witch bride models and texture with that lovingly made and designed creep : D Works for l4d1 and l4d2 m...
Vending Machine - Cool Breeze
Created by Gyroic
cold drinks? pass. what else is there... Cool Breeze bottled water? nice. This mod changes the vending machine's design to the other vending machine in other valve games like Counter strike and Half-life....
Vintage Ammo Pile [HD]
Created by Funneh
Straight from the 1980s, this ammo collection has a nice antique look to it....
Zoey - Beta Inspired
Created by Meraru
Similar to my previous mod but this time it includes a matching head texture. The hands have been recolored as well to match the head's skintone. I don't take mod requests. Credits: - Cuba: Hand freckles. - Theuaredead`: HD Zoey. - Noa: Default Zoey with B...