Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

146 ratings
CIMTrans Sedans, Vans, and SUVs Prop Pack
Assets: Prop
File Size
35.001 MB
14 Dec, 2017 @ 4:18pm
4 May, 2020 @ 11:55am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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CIMTrans Sedans, Vans, and SUVs Prop Pack

In 2 collections by ninjanoobslayer
CIMTrans Road Maintenance Vehicles by ninjanoobslayer
44 items
Props by ninjanoobslayer
127 items
CIMTrans SUVs, Vans, and Sedans Props Are Here


Need additional vehicles to decorate your roadworks department? The CIMTrans department has ordered a series of supervisor, surveyor, and transport vehicles for you!

Get the CIMTrans Depot to spawn maintenance trucks or the CIMTrans Depot With Integrated Snow Service to deal with snow and maintenance at the same time!

Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to place in game and the Prop And Tree Anarchy Mod to place anywhere. Anarchy should be always on if you don't want to lose your props after you save.

If you want individual props, go to your SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\255710 and find the folder with the corresponding Steam ID (1231681088) and delete the ones you don't want from the directory.

Use BOTH the Move It Mod and Prop Snapping Mod with the option "Allow Prop to Submerge" enabled to move it to road height!

Use the Find It mod, to help find my props. They have additional keywords now.


Vehicle Versions In Links Below


2017 Toyota Rav4
2016 Ford Escape/Kuga
2010 Chevrolet Tahoe
2010 Chevrolet Tahoe Snow Plow
2018 Chevrolet Tahoe
2018 Chevrolet Tahoe Snow Plow


2016 Chevrolet Express
2010 Ford E350
2019 Ford Transit


2017 Honda Civic
2018 Toyota Prius
2016 Ford Fusion
2011 Chevrolet Volt

schwenkbnsf 18 Mar, 2024 @ 12:19am 
Amazing job on all your assets. I love and use them all. Thank you for your time and effort. All the best.