Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Temple District
East, South and Southeast Asia
アイテム (882)
作成者 xxyztwz
需要配合同名的MOD才能使用,否则就是普通的建筑物。 效果:根据路边停车的数量多少,每周能有一定的收入,车越多收得越多。但是会降低20%的居民区需求 在地标建筑第五级的菜单你能找到这个建筑 Need to subscribe the Mod which is the same name one, otherwise no effect. Effect: Depe...
作成者 KaninoYokonov
Punihi university Cost: 49,800 Maintenance Cost: 12,000 Student: 3,000 ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ If you subscribe to my Asset, please subscribe to this prop collection. このコレクションをサブスクライブしてね。必要なPropが入ってるよ。
作成者 KaninoYokonov
Punihi elementary Cost: 12,980 Maintenance Cost: 1,280 Students: 450 ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ If you subscribe to my Asset, please subscribe to this prop collection. このコレクションをサブスクライブしてね。必要なPropが入ってるよ。
アーケードつき個人商店(Japanese low building)
作成者 chivicvtec
作成者 kuedaba
クエダバ林業 by k_uedaba...
國民革命忠烈祠 National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
作成者 Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。於1969年完工,建築型式仿北京故宮太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 歡迎使用First Person Camera: Updated 進來參觀。:) 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。于1969年完工,建筑型式仿北京故宫太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 预览图片中的牌楼在这里。 欢迎使用First Person Camera: Update...
作成者 kei_em
一部の地方ではおなじみのスガキヤが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
ニコイチモータース (japanese)
作成者 hakurai
信用組合 Credit Association
作成者 Hans Neureiter
Continuing on my quest to model a whole bunch of Colonial-era buildings from Hsinchu, this is the Hsinchu First Credit Association (新竹第一信用合作社). The structure was built in 1934 and still in this same location today. This is one of the more well-known histor...
作成者 kei_em
ある程度以上の年齢の方にはお馴染みの下宿屋さんです。高密度住宅区画レベル1で出現します。 This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
國民大戲院 Cinema
作成者 Hans Neureiter
This is the old cinema of Hsinchu. It began its life in 1933 under Japanese rule as a motion picture house (with the name 營有樂館). In 1946 it was renamed The Great Theatre of the Nation (國民大戲院). It was abandoned in 1991 due to bankruptcy and fell to ruin, bu...
中国馆 China pavilion
作成者 LIME
作成者 hakurai
一階が商店となっている戸建住宅です。商店は廃業しているのでResidential Low (Level1)扱いとなっております。 住宅A by hakurai...
作成者 言绥
八一南昌起义纪念塔 by 飞行的荷兰人...
國民革命忠烈祠牌樓 Entrance Gate of the National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
作成者 Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠牌樓 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。 資產可置於任何地方,請使用任何含無碰撞的Mod(NoPillars / Sharp Junction Angles / Fine Road Anarchy)放置。 主建築在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠牌楼 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。 资产可置于任何地方,请使用任何含无碰撞的Mod(NoPillars / Sharp Junction Angles / Fine Road ...
北京內城城牆 (模塊化) | 北京内城城墙 (模块化) | Beijing Inner City Wall (modular)
作成者 Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a newer draggable version available in the workshop. I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can walk on the wall now and it's easier to place. ****************** 明清北京內城城牆(english description at the bottom) 中國歷史上最後兩代王...
北京四合院 beijing Courtyard
作成者 dabaofu
si he yuan Courtyard by dabaofu ,A siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing. L1 3x4...
寺院 Japanese temple
作成者 TOKACHI269
It will be added to level1 unique buildings. 日本でよく見かける寺院です。 ユニーク施設レベル1に追加されます。 自由な配置にしたい方は検索MODでtempleと調べてください 。 <mesh info> 本堂 triss : 1642 tex : 1024x1024(d) 山門 triss : 454 tex : 512x256(d,n) 石灯籠 triss:136 tex : 64x256(d.n) 鐘楼 triss : 734 tex : 512x512(d...
圓山大飯店牌樓 Grand Hotel Gateway
作成者 Emperor Li
位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 本建築在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! The Grand Hotel is a Chinese classical style building located at Yuanshan in Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan. It was completed in 1973 and one of the famous landmark in Taipei.(from: wik...
作成者 chivicvtec
高密度住宅で追加されます   初投稿ですのでクオリティーはよくないですが ぜひ使ってやってください...
大型消防局 fire department
作成者 龙潜渊
大型消防局 fire department by Ansing...
作成者 X1NgYes
大陆门 by cokool...
專賣局 Monopoly Building
作成者 Hans Neureiter
This is the old monopoly building (managing alcohol and tobacco) built in 1935. It is now the main complex for the Taiwan Alcohol & Tobacco Company (台灣菸酒公司) in the area. This is the building more or less as it appears today, complete with lit-up billboards...
新築の相対式近郊駅(夜間照明対応版) Newly Suburban Station and Facing Platform for AFTER DARK DLC
作成者 n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 2010年以降に立て替えられた、という設定の近郊地域駅です。 性能はデフォルトの鉄道駅と変わりません。 サイズは12x4ですが、デフォルトの車両は全両収まります。 ホームのそばに通過線を設置するといったギミックも可能です。 A suburban station in Japan, like a rebuilt one in 2010's. All capacity is not changed. Size is 12 x 4, so a...
故宮漢白玉欄杆 | 故宫汉白玉栏杆 | Forbidden City's White Marble Balustrade
作成者 Emperor Li
故宮漢白玉欄杆 也可用來裝飾您的中式公園及建築。內含兩個物件:欄杆本身及欄杆柱(物件位於:參見第四張預覽圖),放置請使用 Prop Line Tool (設定間隔為1.7m),最後加上欄杆柱。欄杆會沿著地形起伏。 感謝您的訂閱! 故宫汉白玉栏杆 也可用来装饰您的中型公园及建筑。内含两个物件:栏杆本身及栏杆柱(物件位于:参见第四张预览图),放置请使用 Prop Line Tool (设定间隔为1.7m),最后加上栏杆柱。栏杆会沿着地形起伏。 感谢您的订阅! Forbidden City's White Mar...
日本の歩道橋(japanese footbridge)
作成者 TOKACHI269
日本の歩道橋です。 propなので人は通りません。 tris : 1008 textures size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specular,color,alpha) footbridge by TOKACHI269...
日本の現代的消防署 Japanese Modern Fire Station
作成者 n_mosimo
昭和の高度成長期の香りがまだ漂う、古臭い消防署です。 性能はデフォルトと変わりません。また、旗はなびきません。 The quaint fire station with 1960's Japanese architecture. All efficiency is not changed, and flags cannot flutter. 旗がないバージョンはこちら No-Flags Version is here
神社 shrine
作成者 se7enthgame
神社 shrine by se7enthgame 7×5 park...
祈年殿 Qiniandian
作成者 wings
祈年殿 Qiniandian by 357995474...
日本の現代的消防署(国旗なし) Japanese Modern Fire Station (without Flag)
作成者 n_mosimo
パソコン等にも優しいバージョンです。性能に差異はありません。 For PC. There's no different from
日本の現代的警察署 Japanese Modern Police Station
作成者 n_mosimo
普段の作り方と変えたために窓のテクスチャがとても汚いですが、どうかご容赦ください。 I apologize for very disgraceful window textures because I've changed a method of making and missed for the Render Baking on Blender. I'm so sorry. -------------------------- 都内のある警察署を基にした、現代的な警察署です。 職員数・警察車両・水道・電力...
楊氏節孝坊 Yang Family Piety Arch
作成者 Hans Neureiter
This is the Yang Family Piety Memorial Arch (楊氏節孝坊), built in 1824 in Hsinchu's North District, just off Zhongshan Rd. This asset has a built in pedestrian path and is meant to attach to a road to create a pedestrian alley between buildings. The asset is f...
竹塹迎曦門 Yíngxī Gate
作成者 Hans Neureiter
This is the old eastern city gate built in 1829. It is the only remaining city gate in Hsinchu, Taiwan. It is also known as the East Gate. This is a level 3 unique building with a footprint of 2x2 (it's small!)...
正陽門城樓 | 正阳门城楼 | Zhengyangmen Gate Tower
作成者 Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a new version available in the workshop. This one is compatible with the modular city wall . The newer one has new wall texture and compatible with the draggable city wall . I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can...
美術館 Art Gallery
作成者 Hans Neureiter
This is a recreation of the Hsinchu City Art Gallery & Reclamation Hall (新竹市美術館暨開拓館). The building is another early 1900s Japanese-era building. It was first constructed in 1925 in the then-popular baroque style. This model shows the enlarged structure — b...
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
作成者 Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a new version available in the workshop. This one is compatible with the modular city wall . The newer one has new wall texture and compatible with the draggable city wall . I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can...
荷花 (無水下部分) | Lotus (no underwater part)
作成者 Emperor Li
一小​叢​荷花和荷葉,此版本不含水下部分,如此可放置於任何水decal、湖物件等等的上面。 預覽圖是使用MrMiyagi的Chinese Scholars Garden。 完全版請到這裡。 建議使用Boformer的Random Tree Rotation . 感謝您的訂閱! 一小丛荷花和荷叶,此版本不含水下部分,如此可放置于任何水decal、湖物件等等的上面。 预览图是使用MrMiyagi的Chinese Scholars Garden。 完全版请到这里。 建议使用Boformer的Random Tree...
解放碑 JieFangBei
作成者 猫砂居士
解放碑 by GCQ_Zhang 解放碑全称“人民解放纪念碑”,位于重庆市渝中区商业区中心部位,民族路、民权路、邹容路交汇处,是重庆标志性建筑之一,是抗战胜利和重庆解放的历史见证,是全国唯一一座纪念中华民族抗日战争胜利的国家纪念碑。 解放碑于1940年3月由国民政府兴建,高26米(七丈七尺,象征“七七”抗战),意指坚决抗战的精神丰碑,命名“精神堡垒”。抗日战争胜利后,国民政府在“精神堡垒”原址上修建了“抗战胜利纪功碑”,1950年由刘伯承改题“人民解放纪念碑”,简称“解放碑”。解放碑特有的历史内涵,牵动着人...
作成者 amamIya
路中绿化带 by Bot Megumi...
雷峰塔 Leifeng Pagoda
作成者 Emperor Li
雷峰塔(english description at the bottom) 西湖十景之一(「雷峰夕照」)。建於975年,傳說是吳越王錢弘俶為慶祝寵妃黃氏得子而建,昔日亦稱黃妃塔,因為塔建於西湖南岸夕照山的雷峰之上,民間稱之為雷峰塔。明嘉靖年間,倭寇放火燒掉了雷峰塔木質結構,只留下了磚體塔身,後來,由於傳說雷峰塔的塔磚可以用來驅病強身或安胎,許多人就從塔磚上磨取粉末、挖取磚塊。1924年9月25日下午,幾乎挖空的塔基再也不堪重負,突然全部崩塌。2002年新雷峰塔重建於舊雷峰塔的原址之上,塔座部分成為遺址的展...
作成者 korea.bester
둥근공원 by korea.bester...
雑居ビル併設地下鉄駅 Subway Station with Office Building
作成者 n_mosimo
After Dark 対応版はこちら/For After Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 東京のある駅を元にした地下鉄駅です。性能はデフォルトのままです。 The subway station base...
雑居ビル併設地下鉄駅(夜間照明対応版) Subway Station with Office Building for AFTER DARK DLC
作成者 n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 東京のある駅を元にした地下鉄駅です。性能はデフォルトのままです。 The subway station based on a station of Tokyo. All capacity is not changed. 商業・オフィスの機能はありません。 It does not work as a commercial or an office building. 注意 Attention 斜面に設置した場合、土地の傾斜に沿ってビルが大...
黃鶴樓 | 黄鹤楼 | Yellow Crane Tower
作成者 Emperor Li
斷斷續續的做了好幾個月終於完成了... 断断续续的做了好几个月终于完成了... After several months of off and on works it's finally finished... (english description at the bottom) 黃鶴樓 位於中國湖北省武漢市武昌蛇山上,江南四大名樓之一,共5層,高50.4米。始建於三國時代吳黃武二年(公元223年),歷代屢修屢毀,現在的黃鶴樓是於1985年重建的。更多資訊請參見: 維基百科 如果您喜歡,請參觀我的工作坊物...
교보문고 Kyobo Books
作成者 Shindosi
Kyobo Books 3x4 by Shindosi...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico,Growable)
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 이 아파트는 실제 판상형 아파트들을 모티브로 하여 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico).crp ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2.crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 ...
作成者 korea.bester
둥근공원 by korea.bester...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico)
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 타워형인듯 판상형 같은 이 아파트는 실제 아파트와는 다르게 디자인적인 요소를 바탕으로 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico).crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico)는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘...
부영아파트 B Booyoung APT B
作成者 Shindosi
Booyoung APT 20 by Shindosi RICO 4x4 lot 40 households custom lod 20층 40세대 버젼입니다 ...
부영아파트 Booyoung APT
作成者 Shindosi
Booyoung APT by Shindosi 4x4 RICO lot 50 households custom lod 부영아파트 50세대 대형평수 버젼입니다...
상가 A / Korea CS Multi-tenant
作成者 Shindosi
Default CO building with custom signs CS$ 상가 by Shindosi ...
상가B / Korea CS Multi-tenant building
作成者 Shindosi
CS$ Multi-tenant 4x3 by Shindosi...
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC
作成者 CushyCrux
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC User "alborzka" ask me to create this wonderful Thing. It's based on a Idea of a modular Tower by Kisho Kurokawa, as a part of "Helix City". And because Artists create Art. It needs !some! Tris. The lowest LOD Can't work and look...
(JP-Asset No.3)Japanese Medical Clinic
作成者 hakurai
ありそうで無かった日本の診療所のアセットです。 Spec Electricity Consumption 30 Construction Cost: 10000 Fire Hazard: 1 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 10 Maintenance Cost: 3000 Water Sewage Accumulation: 20 Water Consumption: 20 Workers Uneducated: 8 Educated: 17 Well E...
(RICO) ELVIS Jamsil Lotte world (롯데월드)
엘비스의 잠실 롯데월드가 출시되었습니다 이제 많은 사람들이 이 거대한 테마파크에서 즐기기 위해 모여들 것입니다 1989년 완공된 대한민국 서울 잠실에 위치한 롯데그룹의 대규모 테마파크입니다 *이 건물은 지하철역을 포함하고 있습니다 따라서 여러분은 근처에 지하철역을 따로 배치할 필요가 없습니다 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요! ELVIS's Jamsil Lotte World is real...
ELVIS Nudle HQ part 1 is now availabe. Now I started Silicon valley project. Maybe Nudle,Tidis or real HQ such as Microsoft,facebook or NVIDIA If you want more information about my asset's NEWS, Please Follow my facebook. If you want to help my modding,Ple...
(RICO) Luxerion Shopping Center by Vexcarius
作成者 Meteor Daddy
THUMBS UP AND RATE IF YOU LIKE IT RICO Luxerion Shopping Center by Vexcarius Lvl3 Commercial RICO Building Tris: Only 1800+ for a big unique building (Building 1k; Letterings 800 tris) I wanted to create commercial spaces like this one since the first day ...
1 Cherry Blossom
作成者 WolfKakashi
1 Cherry Blossom by Jul Japanese Cherry Blossom Low Density Houses Link to the houses you need
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms
作成者 Zuben
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms by Zuben Height : 6.5 ~ 8.5m Tris : 2920 나무 벚나무 벚꽃 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you like. plaese rate up. Thank you. 마음에 드시면 평가하기 눌러주세요. ...
Red Japanese Maple Tree
作成者 Leo Mystic Magic
Red Japanese Maple Tree by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys I also removed the dirt patch at the bottom of the tree, I took the screenshots before I edited the .crp file. You will see in game that the dirt patch is no more! Enjoy Please be sure to rate it ...
Orange Japanese Maple Tree
作成者 Leo Mystic Magic
Orange Japanese Maple Tree by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys I also removed the dirt patch at the bottom of the tree, I took the screenshots before I edited the .crp file. You will see in game that the dirt patch is no more! Enjoy Please be sure to rate ...
2 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
作成者 stockjr97
Level 3 version....
1 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
作成者 stockjr97
Level 3 version....
1 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
作成者 stockjr97
Level 3 version....
1*1 small stone lino
作成者 dabaofu
small stone lino by dabaofu unique Space:1*1 Cost: 600 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 50...
10Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
作成者 WolfKakashi
10Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses...
10Narrow Suburban House lvl1
作成者 WolfKakashi
10Narrow Suburban House lvl1 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses i c...
10Narrow Suburban House lvl3
作成者 WolfKakashi
10Narrow Suburban House lvl3 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses i c...
2 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl2
作成者 stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified. More props added for lvl2....
2 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
作成者 stockjr97
Level 3 version....
2 Narrow Suburban House lvl2
作成者 stockjr97
This is the second house for the upcoming narrow house collection. More houses are to come. Details: Level 2 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 612 1024x1024 JPG Textures ...
那珂ちゃんのファンやめます。 2 Oil Drum,4 Cannonball & 11 Iron Ingot ↓CS動畫上げてます。 燃2弾4鋼11 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
20Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
作成者 WolfKakashi
20Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses...
20Narrow Suburban House lvl1
作成者 WolfKakashi
20Narrow Suburban House lvl1 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses i c...
20Narrow Suburban House lvl3
作成者 WolfKakashi
20Narrow Suburban House lvl3 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses i c...
2x1 Kyoto Block #2 (Lv 1 High Density Commercial)
作成者 BachToBaroque
2nd attempt at this asset creation thingy. Getting a better understand on texture maps at least. Dimensions seems kinda off, especially the height. Oh well. Model is based on this building. 2x1 Level 1 High Density Commericial, Growable: -357 Tris main mod...
2x1 Kyoto Block #5 (Lv1 HD.Comm)
作成者 BachToBaroque
Here you go, a building that actually relates to the title :P This was orginally intended for a corner-lot but I can't get it to work properly, frustration caught up & I decided to screw that & just make it a regular 2x1 lot. I suggest you treat these as c...
2x1 SA cherry park
作成者 Thokari
(incl. tooltip and icon!) small sidewalk allotment with berries, cherries and salad. Ecodesigned by forestfey...
(RICO) Luxury Office with Shops
作成者 Meteor Daddy
This is a RICO of Luxury Office with Shops by Vexcarius Only 600+ Tris...
2x2 buddha club leisure
作成者 forestfey
"not as outstanding without the geo-dome, but nevertheless funky sounds and soulfood" leisure contmod propped by forestfey...
2x2 buddha beach bar
作成者 forestfey
lushly begreened tourism-spec contmod. 'So Bumpa's got this going for him, which is nice indeed.' by forestfey...
2x3 Kyoto Block #3 (Lv2 Office)
作成者 BachToBaroque
This buiding was really testing my 3d modelling skills but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, and with the help I got over at Simtropolis forum I present to you my third asset. - 2 x 3, Level 2 Growable Office. - Main model: 1474 Tris. 1024x1024 D...
2x4 Kyoto Block #1 (Lv3 High Density Commercial)
作成者 BachToBaroque
(03/Dec/2016): This is was my first asset. I've updated it & made some improvements. If the existing old building disappears I apologize in advance. Special thanks to Temple Of Doom a.k.a /u/kalimashookdeday for his tutorial vids. Model Stats: - 2 x 4 Grow...
3 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl2
作成者 stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified. More props added for lvl2....
作成者 Thokari
flowerbedded L2 HDC contmod "organic martial arts school" ecodesigned by forestfey C-LOG: exchanged outdated walls for new ones and added some AfterDark lighting....
30Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
作成者 WolfKakashi
30Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses...
3 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
作成者 stockjr97
Level 3 version....
Cherry Blossom Firedepartment
作成者 WolfKakashi
Feuerwehr HQ by Jul This awesome trees will be needed Thank you for this amazing mods Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms by Zuben Red Japanese Maple Tree by Shroomblaze
Cherry Blossom Crematorium
作成者 WolfKakashi
Krematorium by Jul This awesome trees will be needed Thank you for this amazing mods Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms by Zuben Red Japanese Maple Tree by Shroomblaze
Cherry Blossom Park
作成者 jefflknight
Cherry Blossom Park by jefflknight...
Cynth's Pearl Tower (Residential Growable)
作成者 Cynth
Cynth's Pearl Tower (3x4 / 3x3 Residential Growable) Modern panorama skyscraper for everyone who dislikes edges :) Grows on level 5 high residential zones and takes 3x3 or 3x4 fields. Version 1.4 release - mesh overhaul - texture improvements - multi color...
作成者 Optron Warrior
J-graves-b by Optron Warrior...
作成者 stockjr97
Tired of entry doors not touching the ground? With this prop, you'll be able to create a stoop that makes contact with both the ground and the door. The prop is under the park items category. Step 1: Hang the stoop on the wall. Step 2: Lower the stoop to j...
Cherry Blossom Police
作成者 WolfKakashi
Polizei HQ by Jul This awesome trees will be needed Thank you for this amazing mods Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms by Zuben Red Japanese Maple Tree by Shroomblaze
作成者 Optron Warrior
Japanese Style Grave props for the cemetary...
Goodwill Gate larger version 大善鄰門
作成者 Emperor Li
A fictional larger version of Yokohama Chinatown's Goodwill Gate. The building is placeable anywhere. Please use any mod with Road Anarchy (NoPillars/Sharp Junction Angles) to place the gate on top of the street. The distance of the pillars is 22.5m. origi...
Ji Xian Pavilion 集賢亭 | 集贤亭
作成者 Emperor Li
Ji Xian Pavilion (In Chinese it literally means a place to gather (集 Ji) capable talents(賢 Xian)) located in Hangzhou West Lake, China. It's one of the 18 classic scenes of West Lake in Qing Dynasty (Riding and Shooting at Tingwan). Li Wei, the governor of...
West Lake Jade Belt Bridge(Prop) 西湖玉帶橋(插件) | 西湖玉带桥(插件)
作成者 Emperor Li
This prop is required for my asset: West Lake Jade Belt Bridge. 杭州西湖玉帶橋必要插件 杭州西湖玉带桥必要插件 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tags: stone bridge, chinese architecture, chinese gar...
Japanese Cherry Blossom Sakura
作成者 Optron Warrior
I love cherry blossoms so I created this version as a tree prop you can place anywhere just like the ingame trees. I love the CO ones but they don't show up for me in the asset editor so these are totally custom trees I created from scratch....
4x4 SAKURA park
作成者 zerosuke
upkeep high tourist 15-15-18(h-l-m) entertainment 120 redius 150 no electricity&water tree -Japanese Cherry Blossom Sakura thanks! If you encounter any issues please report them here ...
Torii Gate v2
作成者 Optron Warrior
This is the latest version of my Torii Gate, I re-modelled the original prop which was my first ever 3d creation for Skylines. It is slightly more detailed and can be used to re-decorate any assets you have used the Torii gate in. Also due to the improvmen...
L1 2x4 Izakaya market
作成者 forestfey
"Renraku's" Izakaya market based on MysteRy FreqUence 93's Naruto Ramen Shop, propped by forestfey...
Soldyne's Chinese Lanterns v2
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Taipei 101
作成者 Fly54
Formerly known as Taipei World Financial Center, Taipei 101 stands as a beacon for the people of Taipei, Taiwan. After construction had been completed in 2004, Taipei 101 was officially declared the worlds tallest building at an astonishing 509.2 m, which ...
Soldyne's Chinese Lanterns v3
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. This prop is designed to work with 2 lane and 4 lane roads, but, you can use it for whatever you wish. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can fin...
Edo Castle 江戸城
作成者 hkhrm2003
Edo Castle (Kan'ei Era) Original 3D Model made by SeaGate from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted, modified and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
IFC Mall 2
作成者 koxx
IFC Mall 2 by bisabeols - IFC Mall 2 (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 9x7 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : tris = 1872 : texture = 1024x1024px : LOD = 512x512px - Asset Group : One IFC Seoul / Two IFC Seoul / Three IFC Seoul / Conrad ...
IFC Mall 1
作成者 koxx
IFC Mall 1 by bisabeols - IFC Mall 1 (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 9x9 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : tris = 1453 : texture = 1024x1024px : LOD = 512x512px -Need prop : neros palace forum(prop) - Asset Group : One IFC Seoul / Two...
Police Box (1x2)
作成者 Zuben
Police Box (1x2) by Zuben Republic of Korea style. - Size: 1x2 cells - Texture: 512x512 - LOD: Auto Apply illumination map. (For After-Dark) cost information, see screenshots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you...
[RICO] 엘지2차 / LG APT Phase II (25) Wide
作成者 Shindosi
LG APT II 25 wide by Shindosi RICO 모드 Level 2 Residential 100 세대 RICO enabled Level 2 residential 100 Homes Tris - 10164 1024x1024 Custom LOD Tris - 244 256x256 비상계단과 소화전으로 안전을 확보한 9호라인까지 있는 90년대 복도식 아파트입니다 좋아요와 뎃글 부탁합니다 저와 같은 어셋 제작자들을 응원해주세요! 90s style Ko...
[RICO] 엘지2차 / LG APT Phase II (25)
作成者 Shindosi
LG APT II 25 by Shindosi RICO 모드 적용 레벨 2 Residential 50 세대 RICO enabled Level 2 residential 50 Homes Tris - 4127 1024x1024 Custom LOD Tris - 145 256x256 90년대 복도식 아파트입니다 좋아요와 뎃글 부탁합니다 저와 같은 어셋 제작자들을 응원해주세요! 90s style Korea Residential block by LG Constructi...
[RICO] 엘지2차 / LG APT Phase II (20)
作成者 Shindosi
LG APT II 20 by Shindosi RICO 모드 Level 2 Residential 40 세대 RICO enabled Level 2 residential 40 Homes Tris - 3481 1024x1024 Custom LOD Tris - 145 256x256 20층 버젼입니다 좋아요와 뎃글 부탁합니다 저와 같은 어셋 제작자들을 응원해주세요! 90s style Korea Residential block by LG Construction (no...
Koban - Japanese police box. 1x1 (AD)
作成者 stmSantana
Koban - Japanese policebox 1x1 by stmSantana (After Dark) + Required Asset: police bicycle01 A kōban (交番) is a small neighborhood police station found in Japan. Kōban also refers to the smallest ...
beijing Courtyard Unique Building ploppable
作成者 dabaofu
beijing Courtyard Unique by dabaofu Changed to unique architectural 8 * 4...
Korean traditional houses gate
作成者 kyrilts
Korean traditional houses gate...
Korean traditional houses 02
作成者 kyrilts
Korean traditional houses 02...
Korean traditional houses 04
作成者 kyrilts
Korean traditional houses 04...
Korean traditional houses 03
作成者 kyrilts
Korean traditional houses 03...
Korean traditional houses 01
作成者 kyrilts
Korean traditional houses 01...
Variable Props - CL1_2x3a
作成者 Bfb Da Packman
558 Tris / 3.5 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Korea convenience Store GS25 by ELVIS0529 Source Collection: Better Commercial Growables (Low Density, Level 1) The buildings in this collection use up to 64 props and trees. Each time the asset grows, approx...
Variable Props - CL1_4x4d
作成者 Bfb Da Packman
1,664 Tris / 1.9 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Seicomart by matamihu Source Collection: Better Commercial Growables (Low Density, Level 1) The buildings in this collection use up to 64 props and trees. Each time the asset grows, approximately 20-30 of t...
Variable Props - CL1_4x4c
作成者 Bfb Da Packman
1,745 Tris / 2.7 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Yoshinoya by nasvic Source Collection: Better Commercial Growables (Low Density, Level 1) The buildings in this collection use up to 64 props and trees. Each time the asset grows, approximately 20-30 of the...
Variable Props - CL1_4x4b
作成者 Bfb Da Packman
3,760 Tris / 2.3 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Dklep Lidl by Horvath Source Collection: Better Commercial Growables (Low Density, Level 1) The buildings in this collection use up to 64 props and trees. Each time the asset grows, approximately 20-30 of t...
Variable Props - CL1_4x1 Filler
作成者 Bfb Da Packman
12 Tris / 0.5 MB - Custom asset with no 3D model Commercial / Low Density / Level 1 / 4x1 / Filler Lot This filler lot grows as a construction site on 4x1, 4x2,4x3, and 4x4 Low Density Commercial lots. Commercial workers will be employed at the constructio...
Japanese Myojin Torii(鳥居,prop)
一般的な朱い明神鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a general Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 Park Version 明神鳥居(朱) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Garden
作成者 Rouven
Japanese Garden by Assgeier...
作成者 LIME
Asset Type: Prop Thanks for the core79 plan Use of assets:
Ema (絵馬) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
A picture tablet for the realization of visitors' wishes. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Information Board (観光案内板) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
An information board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Cart (荷車) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
A wooden cart. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Greek Style Temple
作成者 Too'rah
Greek Style Temple by Too'rah...
West Lake Jade Belt Bridge 西湖玉帶橋 | 西湖玉带桥
作成者 Emperor Li
Yudai Bridge (Jade Belt Bridge) on West Lake, Hangzhou, China, was built in 1731 and is one of the 18 classic scenes of West Lake in Qing Dynasty ("Jade Ribbon with Sunny Rainbow"). A pavilion was erected on the bridge, which was destroyed at the end of th...
HDB 640203
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640203 (Boon Lay Dr) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a Shorter version of the Block 204, which is located beside Block 204. 10-Story Building ...
HDB 640204
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640204 (Boon Lay Dr) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a taller version of the Block 203, which is located beside Block 203. Its height adds a n...
JP 2*2 house 004 L1
JP 2*2 house 004 L1~L3 set 4 random roof colors 2x2サイズの日本風家屋L1~L3のセットです。 4つのランダムな屋根の色 日本家屋アセット第4弾です。 更新予定はありませんので、アセットエディタで 好みのprop等を設置してお使いください。...
JP 1*2 house001 L1~L3
JP 1*2 house 004 L1~L3 set 4 random wall colors 1x2サイズの日本風家屋L1~L3のセットです。 4つのランダムな壁の色 1x2日本家屋アセット第1弾です。 某アニメ主人公の家がモデルです。 更新予定はありませんので、アセットエディタで 好みのprop等を設置してお使いください。...
Narrow Suburban House 1 1x1 lvl2
作成者 stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified. More props added for lvl2...
PokeMart Lv1
作成者 creepyeyes
A level 1 low denisty commercial store, fits in 2x2 space. Modelled after the PokeMart found in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The Level 2 version (modelled after Heart Gold and Soul Silver) can be found here:
Doosan APT 두산아파트 [RICO]
作成者 Shindosi
Doosan APT by Shindosi Optimized with custom LOD RICO enabled with 50 Households...
Chozu (手水) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
A place where visitors purify their hands with water. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Japanese Rural Shrine (神社)
作成者 kei_em
A Japanese rural shrine placed in Park category. This 3D model and related props were created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on 3Dモデル、および関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 #UPDATE# Now compatible wit...
[AD]Drosovilas OCBC Centre from Singapore (Unique Building)
作成者 Drosovila
Drosovilas OCBC Centre from SIngapore. -Unique Building Level 5, Stats based off of "Modern Arts Museum" -8x4 size. Height 197.7 meters(1:1) -680 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(300 tris, 512x256 texture res) -Feel free to send me screenshots of it...
Gwanghwamun [광화문]
作成者 Kugisa
Gwanghwamun by Kugisa Gwanghwamun (Hangul: 광화문; hanja: 光化門) is the main and largest gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace, in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It is located at a three-way intersection at the northern end of Sejongno. As a landmark and symbol of Seoul...
East Cross
作成者 Kugisa
East Cross by Kugisa Use with Gwanghwamun Type : Park...
Wall 1 tile
作成者 Kugisa
Wall by Kugisa Use with Gwanghwamun Type : Park...
作成者 Kugisa
Wall by Kugisa Use with Gwanghwamun Type : Park...
作成者 Snowsign
Korea brand apartment SK VIEW 4*4 size Level5. SK E & C Korea Apartments brands. 29 floor tower apartment building It can make production more apartments Assets Okay, Please click rating. --------------------------------------------------------------------...
Japanese Warehouses 2
作成者 Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
CS$ 4x4 - 상업건물
作成者 Shindosi
CS$ Large Mixed-use 4x4 by Shindosi...
Korea Commercial Sign Collection
作成者 Shindosi
by Shindosi A collection of 97 signs 2D and 3D All optimized with custom LOD Requirement for my CS building collection ...
CS$$ 교보문고 II
作成者 Shindosi
by Shindosi...
CS$ 4x4 - Euro-Style Retail
作成者 Shindosi
CS$ Euro Retail 4x4 by Shindosi...
CS$ 3x3 상가
作成者 Shindosi
CS$ Multi-tenant 3x3 by Shindosi...
HDB 640188
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640188 (Boon Lay Dr) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is 1 of the older buildings around my neighborhood. 10-Story Building - Level 1 Growable - A...
HDB 390012
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390012 (Dakota Cres) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! The 3rd Dakota Cres building in the series. A 2-story building. The first story was commercialized and used as shop houses, while the second story was residential. If you like this, please give it a 👍, it real...
HDB 390010
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390010 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! This is the 4th and last Dakota Cres building type in the series that I know of (via google street view). I am not sure if the buildings has been demolished but i am glad that Dakota Crescent buildings are somewhat preserve...
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 國父紀念館
作成者 Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-01-09*** Update for version 1.6.2-f1. Remove Sub-Buildings Enabler as dependency. 1.6.2-f1版更新 移除Sub-Buildings Enabler需求 A memorial to the Republic of China's National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall was built ...
ELVIS korean police patrol (prop)
머리말 현대 자동차의 고급세단 제네시스의 EQ900의 경찰차 버전입니다. 현실에선 너무 비싸 도입할 수 없는 이 제니시스 경찰차를 여러분의 도시에 도입하세요. ELVIS korean police patrol (prop) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS korean police patrol (prop).crp 도움 ELVIS korean police patrol (prop)은 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 SomeHQ님이 해주셨습...
Korean style Academy
Korean style Academy by ELVIS0529 -821tris 1024*1024 tex res -252tris 256*256 tex res...
HDB 390028
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390028 (Dakota Cres) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! Back with another prominent building based on Dakota Cres area that is soon to be extinct. If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Dakota...
HDB 640489
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640489 (Jurong West Ave 1) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a 4x2 Level 2 high residential based on Singapore HDB style building. Correctly Sca...
HDB 640491
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640491 (Jurong West Ave 1) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a different variation of a 4x2 Level 2 high residential based on Singapore HDB styl...
Japanese Warehouse 1B
作成者 Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese Warehouse 1A
作成者 Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Xi_Plop Version
作成者 Memories
Xi is the apartment of Korea. Xi_4x4 Unique Building Menu location : Landmark Tap Xi_Growable Version
Hon Kwok City Center
作成者 Apiem
This is a modified version of the Hon Kwok City Center. I took a bit of liberty with the design of this building but it still is mostly true to the real buildings shape. This asset is roughly 1:1 scale based on the renders and info I could gather on the bu...
Kaohsiung 85 Sky Tower
作成者 Cel
85 Sky Tower, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Level 6 unique building...
Sang Mo HK Tower
作成者 Bixel
Sang Mo HK Tower by Bixel High Density Residential Plot Size: 2x2 Grow Level: 2 Model: 3100 Faces LOD: 54 Faces...
Pond with Bridge
作成者 Optron Warrior
A Koi pond with Japanese style small bridge crossing over it. It is a simplified re-model taken from my mountain temple, I thought it would make a nice prop for custom parks etc....
Goddess Of Fire(火焰女神)
作成者 tndwelcome
Goddess Of Fire by tndwelcome 借用了游戏内的雕像,手脚加了火焰,算是另类的FFF团雕像了23333,市民会在脚底的火焰内进进出出 雕像建成典礼当天 市长:“可爱的居民们哟,此时此刻我在此郑重的宣布 。。。。” 市民1号:“我有种不祥的预感” 市民2号:“恩,我也有” 市长帅气的转过身,脱光衣服冲向雕像:“我等将在地狱的烈焰中永生Σ(`д′*ノ)ノ” 市民1号:“啊啊啊啊啊啊,果然市长他又疯了(ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!! ,哎,我为什么说又Σ(っ °Д °;)っ ?” 市民2号:“...
Chinese Neon Sign A2
作成者 GCVos
These signs are props you can use to fancy up your buildings, Chinatown style. Update 24-9: This asset is confirmed to work with the After Dark day/night cycle. A1
China tulou Annular Residential
作成者 dabaofu
fu jian tu lou by dabaofu Fujian Tulou is a type of Chinese rural dwelling of the Hakka is in the mountainous areas in southeastern Fujian, China. They were mostly built between the 12th and the 20th centuries unique Space:6*6 Cost: 1 Electricity:1 Mainten...
Tower Palace 51F
作成者 Zuben
Tower Palace 51F by Zuben 'THE SHARP CENTUM PARK' in Busan, Republic of Korea Level 6 Unique building The number of luminous window is changed with time. Height: 157m Tris: 19114 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD: Auto Tower Palace 51F (HR5 4x4) (1:1.6) - Residential...
Tower Palace 51F (HR5 8x8)
作成者 Zuben
Tower Palace 51F (HR5 8x8) by Zuben Scale 1:1 Residential High 8x8 Level 5 3854 Tris Attention !! - This asset will require a margin space. Tower Palace 51F (HR5 4x4) (1:1.6) - Residential High
Ishidourou (石灯籠) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
A lantern for gardens of Japanese shrine or temples. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Ishidatami (石畳) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
A path paved with stones....
Japanese Shrine
作成者 Wisp
Japanese Shrine (assets by kei_em)...
Tree-lined Avenue (Cherry)
作成者 hamymac
Tree-lined Avenue (Cherry) by hamymac...
Dragon Statue
作成者 Wen
Dragon Statue by Wen Size : 4x6 Construction cost: 30000 Maintenace cost: 700 Electricity consumption: 10 Tourists High/Low/Medium: 200/200/200 Workers Educated/Highly/Uneducated/Well: 5/5/5/5 Attractiveness: 100 Entertainment: 150 Entertainment Radius: 50...
LIG건영아파트 B [RICO]
作成者 Shindosi
LIGAPT 3x4 by Shindosi 3x4 B version Optimized w/ custom lod 50 households 50세대 중형평수 버젼입니다...
LIG건영아파트 A [RICO]
作成者 Shindosi
LIGAPT by Shindosi Optimized with lod 50 households 50세대 대형평수 버젼입니다...
megurigaoka hight school prop
This is necessary for megurigaoka hight school asset to use prop. Contents will be prop of gymnasium, solar panel, bicycle parking space, net fence. 巡ヶ丘高校アセットを使用する際に必要なpropです。 内容は、体育倉庫、ソーラーパネル、駐輪場、ネットフェンスのpropになります。...
[PROP] Japanese Water Storage Tank 日本風の貯水槽
作成者 n_mosimo
For prop. Best for install on the top of Asian buildings or apartment. 東洋的なビルやマンション・アパートの屋上に最適です。...
Little Leafy Bush.
作成者 pdelmo
Little Leafy Bush. by pdelmo. A must have asset. Full detail minamal poly and texture . No need to use the vanilla bushes 109 Polygons 256X256 Texture...
JPN apartment 01
It is based on unique building. It corresponds to RICO MOD and appears in the tab of Residential High. If you do not introduce MOD, I think that it will appear in 3 tabs of unique building. size: 7x4 RICO MODに対応した7x4サイズの5階建てマンションで、アニメ 「小林さんちのメイドラゴン」の3話以降に登...
Songdo Central Park Prugio 101 (Unique)
作成者 Snowsign
PURGIO S_CITY 101 by Snowsign...
作成者 Snowsign
5x5 size 기존 아파트에서 리코모드로 업데이트 했습니다. 유니크건물 베이스이므로 새로 구독 하셔야 합니다....
Haeundae Doosan We've The Zenith
作成者 Snowsign
Haeundae Doosan We've the Zenith is a complex of three residential towers in the Haeundae District of Busan, South Korea, which was completed in 2011. With 80 floors and a height of 301 m, Tower A is the 13th tallest residential building in the world, and ...
We've The Zenith Logo.
作成者 Snowsign
zenith logo Prop...
Songdo Central Park Prugio 103 (RICO)
作成者 Snowsign
This asset is only used with RICO! mod. It is residental apartment. Songdo Central Park Prugio 103 Buildings in Songdo, Incheon, South Korea . 이 건물은 RICO모드를 구독하셔야 이용 가능합니다. RICO모드를 사용 하시는분은 주거용으로 사용가능한 건물입니다. 송도 센트럴파크 푸르지오 103동 건물입니다. 구독시 좋아요 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다...
4x4 L5 HDB1
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
4x4 L5 HDB1 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! Singapore Inspired HDB Version 1.1 updated! - Model and texture optimsed - Added more texture details - Uses H5 4x4 base Source: goo(dot)gl/maps/HTSgI Feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =)...
[PROP] Carport カーポート
作成者 n_mosimo
Fit for a car. 車一台分の大きさです。...
Soldyne's Chinese Path Lamp
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Korean Piloti Residence 01 (by Breeze)
作成者 Breeze
File name : Korean Piloti Residence 01 (Bz) Type : Growable Size : 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 Density : Low residential Level : 5 Tris : 950 Using texture : c,d,n,s .jpg (1024 x 1024 pixel) Lod Tris : 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Hong Kong Museum of Art 香港藝術館
作成者 jonycheng
looking for asset creator...
RICO Corner building01
作成者 TOKACHI269
30°のコーナ用の建物です。 triss : 6530 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 61 texture size : 256x256 (defuse)...
[PROP] Large Outdoor Unit 大型室外機
作成者 n_mosimo
For prop. Best for high-rise buildings. 高層ビルに最適な室外機です。...
Vents ComLow L3 4x3 (Prop)
作成者 DanDeKalb
Vents ComLow L3 4x3 from vanilla building...
[PROP] Japanese Substation Box 変電設備
作成者 n_mosimo
For rooftop. 屋上向け。...
Vents Office L1 3x3 (Prop)
作成者 DanDeKalb
Vents Office L1 3x3 from vanilla building...
ICC in Hong Kong
作成者 Henry Suen
ICC in Hong Kong by Book Sun This is a reuploaded version. I wanna see if this could help solve the problem that someone cant find the building in game....
Punihi House3(Buddha)
作成者 KaninoYokonov
Buddha! ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ If you subscribe to my Asset, please subscribe to this prop collection. このコレクションをサブスクライブしてね。必要なPropが入ってるよ。 ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*...
Won&won 63.5
作成者 forestpig
Rental office building in Gang-nam, Korea. Design by Hwang doo-jin(Architect)...
Hi mart 하이마트
作成者 Shindosi
CS-L $$$ Hi mart by Shindosi An electronics mart in Korea. ...
[KOREA] DaeBang Nobleland Apt RICO ver.
作成者 Snowsign
This asset is only used with RICO! mod. It is residental high apartment. SIZE 5X3 S.Korea DB Nobleland APT RICO버젼 고밀도 주거용 건물입니다. 대방건설 조감도를 사용해서 제작 했습니다. 사이즈는 5X3 이며... 구독하실때 엄지척 하나씩 부탁드립니다. ...
作成者 forestpig
Kyobotower. Gang-nam, Korea...
作成者 forestpig
A/C by forestpig...
Samsung tower(C)
作成者 forestpig
Samsung tower(C). Gang-nam, Korea...
70Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
作成者 WolfKakashi
70Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3 by Jul Original Mod Collection: Japanese Suburban Styled Houses from stockjr97 Look at this really really good work from him. Amazing! This is one of a few houses...
Punihi House3
作成者 KaninoYokonov
※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ If you subscribe to my Asset, please subscribe to this prop collection. このコレクションをサブスクライブしてね。必要なPropが入ってるよ。 ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※...
Punihi Shop 8
作成者 KaninoYokonov
※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ If you subscribe to my Asset, please subscribe to this prop collection. このコレクションをサブスクライブしてね。必要なPropが入ってるよ。 ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ ...
Acetylene Acylinder
作成者 CityOfTokyo
Acetylene Acylinder by CityOfTokyo...
作成者 Takouma
InstantLAWSON prop (AD update) Example of use:
Chinese Neon Sign B1
作成者 GCVos
These signs are props you can use to fancy up your buildings, Chinatown style. Update 24-9: This asset is confirmed to work with the After Dark day/night cycle. A1
Chinese Neon Sign A1
作成者 GCVos
These signs are props you can use to fancy up your buildings, Chinatown style. Update 24-9: This asset is confirmed to work with the After Dark day/night cycle. A1
Japanese Ryobu Torii(鳥居,prop)
一般的な朱い両部鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 彌彦神社の鳥居がモデルです。 This is a three-dimensional Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. Torii of Yahiko-Jinja is the model. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Park Version
Japan House_01 L1 2x4
作成者 [HK]KevKevCHENG
JPhouse L1 2x4 by KevKevCHENG...
japanese low building
作成者 chivicvtec
japanese low commercial building 1x1...
WFC in Chongqing(重庆环球金融中心)
作成者 Henry Suen
WFC in Chongqing by Book Sun(重庆环球金融中心) It's a World Financial Centre building in Chongqing ,a city in China. It's a unique building in 4th level. 你可以在 独特建筑 的第四级找到它...
Sukhumvit Living Town Bangkok
作成者 ON
Plot 4x11 Plop cost 52000 Main Model Tris 12,990 Texture 2048x2048 Lod Model Tris 102 Texture 512x512 Building in Bangkok,Thailand UPDATE Fix new LOD Fix size Texture...
Mini Torii Shrine
作成者 Wisp
Mini Torii Shrine Very small park (1x2) good to fit between buildings, just like you see in Japan (assets by kei_em)...
Seigyo Building
作成者 creepyeyes
Clearly the Seigyo Group must be quite wealthy to afford such a grand skyscraper all to themselves, but you've never seen them referenced on TV or the news, and you've definitely never seen their products in the store. Who is the Seigyo Group? What role do...
Small Japanese Temple (LoM)
作成者 LegionOfMe
Original model: J-Temple-V1.0-Prop by Optron Warrior The change:The original is just a prop. I made it into a small park which can be placed on land & on water. Features: o Free Placement mode o Custom Icon preview o Custom tooltip preview o Custom snapsho...
Nightmarket set 1 (Hong Kong)
作成者 t1993810
make sure have this prop mod This is night market of Hong Kong The Temple Street Night Market is sometimes known as Men's Street as it is popular for men's fashion. The market ...
Ad Tower
Ad Tower by Perfect Gaming Future™ Welcome to Corporate America!...
Sungnyemun [숭례문]
Sungnyemun by ELVIS Namdaemun (Hangul: 남대문; hanja: 南大門, South Great Gate), officially known as the Sungnyemun (Hangul: 숭례문; hanja: 崇禮門, Gate of Exalted Ceremonies), is one of the Eight Gates in the Fortress Wall of Seoul, South Korea, which surrounded the ...
Five Story Pagoda
作成者 PandaYoume
Ancient Building Type: Park Size: 2.91mb Texture: 1024 x 1024 Triangles: 3032 Construction cost: 15000 Maintenance cost: 250 Electric/Water: 0 Non illumination *Pagoda...
Japanese Temple v1.5.2
作成者 Optron Warrior
Updated on 27th May 2018: I have made some minor changes to this asset and added trees from CO taking advantage of the many new props added to the game by collosal order. Added: Asian style lamps New Trees Shroomblazes trees are no longer in this asset as ...
J-Wall Style-1 Straight
作成者 Optron Warrior
Japanese Style Wall Puzzle Piece for use as a prop to create custom wall layouts. This is/will be a requirement for some of my temples. This is a new creation intended as a replacement/update for the old J-Walls, unfortunatley I don't know how to add icons...
J-Wall Style-1 Corner
作成者 Optron Warrior
Japanese Style Wall Puzzle Piece for use as a prop to create custom wall layouts. This is/will be a requirement for some of my temples. This is a new creation intended as a replacement/update for the old J-Walls, unfortunatley I don't know how to add icons...
Yokohama Chinatown's Goodwill Gate 善鄰門
作成者 Emperor Li
Description: The Goodwill Gate (Zenrin-mon) is located in Yokohama Chinatown, the largest Chinatown in Japan and Asia. There are four main gates at the entrance of the town in four directions. Every gate has different colors based on "feng shui", which is ...
作成者 robert
Buddhastatue-Prop by Tauro...
Japanese Spirit House Garden
作成者 Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up! Thanks Attention! You will need to subscribe to the requirements for this to show up properly! Known Issue - The Zen Garden sand will either be dark or light colored based on how you place it. I did not make these models, I found them as fr...
Japanese Castle
作成者 Optron Warrior
**03/10/2015 V1.5:Updated to include night lighting for After Dark expansion. I managed to update this asset directly so no need to re-sub :-)! Description: A Large Japanese Castle based in part on Karumoto Castle bat for SC4 as reference, as well as real ...
Yangzburg Castle
作成者 THZ
Yangzburg Castle by TGB_THZ This is a fictional building, some inspired from Nagoya Castle. Tris : 25,444. Space: 12*10 Tourists(L~H):100, 100, 100 Attractiveness Accumulation:15 Entertainment Accumulation:150 (Radius 400 meters) Height: 50.2 meters 3ds ma...
Osaka Castle 2.0
作成者 dabaofu
Osaka Castle V2 by dabaofu The new LOD model and the lod_d map unique Space:10*8 Cost: 150000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000...
Chinatown building 1 rico
作成者 chmt0423
It is a vanilla building with chinatown theme props added to it 3x3 low density level 1 commercial (with mod ploppable rico) level 1 monument (without mod) Electricity 10 / Garbage 10 / Sewage 10 / Water 10 Construction cost 3000 / Maintenance cost 100 Fir...
Geunjeongjeon Hall
作成者 Zuben
Geunjeongjeon Hall by Zuben 경복궁 근정전 (대한민국) Geunjeongjeon Hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace (Republic of Korea) Unique Building - Level 6 Tab 1:1 Scale 4798 Tris base model - 3D Warehouse --...
South Korea Geunjeongjeon 근정전
作成者 kyrilts
Tile 7x8 Tris 3998 texture 2048x2048 lod tirs 228 texture 128x128 Geunjeongjeon is the main hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace. Officials assembled in this hall to wish the kings a Happy New Year. And this place was also used by kings to conduct state affairs, h...
Rokuon-ji Kinkaku(Ver.4)
作成者 ragutaro
京都にある鹿苑寺金閣です。 Rokuon-ji Kinkaku in Kyoto, Japan. *Update 2015/09/26 Ver.4 After Darkに対応した。 Recreated for After Dark. 2015/05/23 Ver.3 メニューアイコンとツールチップ画像を追加した。 Added menu icons and a tooltip image. 2015/04/03 Ver.2 池を追加した。 Added a pond. ------------------ Bu...
Lotus Temple
作成者 dabaofu
Lotus Temple by dabaofu unique Space:12*12 Cost: 150000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 1000 The Lotus Temple, located in New Delhi, India, is a Bahá'í House of Worship completed in 1986. Notable for its flowerlike shape, it serves as the Mother Temple of the I...
Floating Chinese Pagoda
作成者 BachToBaroque
Hello. This pagoda is based on the Sun & Moon Pagodas in GuiLin, China. My version is a mash-up of the two pagodas. It stands at around 36m and 16.5m diameter, place on water. I hope the tri count is not too high for a small model. In-game stats: - Unique ...
South Korea Bulguksa 불국사 After Dark Update
作成者 kyrilts
Bulguksa is located on the slopes of mount Toham (Jinheon-dong, Gyeongju city, North Gyeongsang province, South Korea). It is a head temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and encompasses seven National treasures of South Korea, including Dabotap and...
Pavilion of Prince Teng(滕王阁)
作成者 言绥
滕王阁 by 飞行的荷兰人...
Soldyne's Guardian Lion Stone
作成者 soldyne
Also known as Fu Dogs in the American West or Korean Dogs in Japan, these creatures are used as guardians of important places. They traditionally come in stone or bronze variants. There is also a female version with a lion cub instead of a sphere, but, the...
Daedongmun [;Gate]
作成者 koxx
Daedongmun by bisabeols - Daedongmun = Size : 4x7 = Unique lv3. - Parks and lights are not included. more pics = ...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall Window
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall Moongate
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall x1
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall x4
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chinese Wall Corner
作成者 soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Haiden (拝殿) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
A house for worship in Japanese shirines. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Japanese Onion Hut -EMPTY- (たまねぎ小屋)
日本の農村には必ずあるやつ。 空っぽの玉葱小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Buddha Park 4x4
作成者 Technopop
Buddha Park 4x4 by Scruzzer...
Barangay Hall (Philippines)
作成者 Meteor Daddy
Barangay Hall by Vexcarius (Bonus: Mayor Duterte text at the back) A barangay hall / center serves as one of the smallest unit of local government in the Philippines. It is very common sight on every community / district. Tris 550 Pls thumbs up for Fil pla...
Japanese Garden
作成者 Dêath Gûñ
This is my first park I created. Japanese Garden by Dêath Gûñ ...
Tactile Paving Decal 点字ブロック
作成者 ako_ako
点字ブロックのデカールです。画像にある5種類が追加されます。 デカールのあるタブに表示されます。"block" で検索しても出てきます。 Prop Line Toolのフェンスモードも使用出来ますが、90度回転する必要があります。 This is a Tactile Paving(Studded Paving Block)Decals. I don't know correct name in english. In japan, they are called "Tenji-Blocks". Recomm...
Watermelon Patch (西瓜畑)
作成者 kei_em
西瓜畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Watermelon patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD...
Japanese radish (大根) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
Japanese radish is good for cooked, boiled, and fried cooking. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
作成者 bingbong_kr
han_gate by 빙봉...
Guanyin - Goddess of Mercy
作成者 jinnivan_TH
Guan Yin by jinnivan_TH...
japanese house 01
作成者 TOKACHI269
update : Imploved roof color and add color variation. japanese house 01 by TOKACHI269...
BI City Seoul_B3
作成者 AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 50 Construction cost: 18000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 5714 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_B4
作成者 AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 50 Construction cost: 26000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 5926 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_A1
作成者 AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 60 Construction cost: 24000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 5236 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
作成者 TOKACHI269
It will be added to level6 unique buildings. 東京スカイツリーです。現実の3分の2の大きさです。 ユニーク施設レベル6に追加されます。 <mesh info> main triss : 22554 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 4748 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specurar,ill...
市役所(Japanese City Office)
作成者 hakurai
人口5万人くらいの市の市役所をイメージして制作しました。 Unique Building Level5 Please set CityOfficeRoof and CityOfficeSign by yourself. 市役所(Japanese City Office) by hakurai...
作成者 hakurai
CityOfficeSign by hakurai...
作成者 hakurai
CityOfficeRoof by hakurai...
BI City Seoul_B2
作成者 AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 80 Construction cost: 34000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 8069 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_B1
作成者 AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 80 Construction cost: 28000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 7925 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
CS$$ 1x1 Nene Chicken
作成者 Shindosi
CS$$ 1x1 by Shindosi Popular fried chicken brand in Korea...
metro and shop
作成者 pekorin
metro and shop by pekorin It becomes the prototype of the SHOP and Metro . During the night , SHOP is being closed ! SHOP is also expected to light up in the near future . 試作のSHOP隣接型メトロになります。夜間の間、SHOPは休業中です! 近いうちにSHOPもライトアップする予定です。 New version http://steam...
作成者 CityOfTokyo
JapaneseStyleApartment It is the general Apartments in Japan. Wooden or lightweight steel frame two-story low-rise housing. Level : 3 size : 3 x 4 Triangle : 1284 Texture : 512 x 512 *** Update Log *** 15/Oct : Add Color...
Madoka's House
作成者 Ruoca
L5 3x4 "Kaname Residence" from Magica Madoka. Want to make a Contract? 〴( ◕‿‿◕ )〵 ...
Korea House 06 Prop
作成者 kyrilts
Korea House 06 Prop...
SAPS Stairs 12m
作成者 squirrelarmyuk
SAPS Stairs 12m by squirrelarmyuk...
Chinatown building 2 rico
作成者 chmt0423
It is a vanilla building with chinatown theme props added to it 3x3 low density level 1 commercial (with mod ploppable rico) level 1 monument (without mod) Electricity 10 / Garbage 10 / Sewage 10 / Water 10 Construction cost 3000 / Maintenance cost 100 Fir...
作成者 hakurai
小規模な営業所、事業所をイメージして制作したRICO対応のトンガリ物件です。 Move it等を使わず、簡単に鋭角にFitするように設置が可能!! 企業名はあえて入れてません。PROPと組み合わせて色んな企業の事業所を作りましょう。 JP-OfficeBuilding by hakurai ...
JP 2*2 house 001 L1~L3 set
JP 2*2 house 001 L1~L3 set 4 random roof colors 2x2サイズの日本風家屋L1~L3のセットです。 4つのランダムな屋根の色 日本家屋アセット第一弾です。今後も追加を予定しています。 モデルは某アニメの兄妹が住まう家です。 RICO版の予定はありません。...
Onitsuka Tiger Store
作成者 SheenaBanana
Polys: 1,134 Maps: D, I, N, S Ploppable RICO Note: Inspired by Onitsuka Tiger in Omotesando, Tokyo. Let me know if you encounter any issues using this. Thanks!...
Residential (RICO)
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次的作品一栋住宅楼 这是我首次制作住宅类资产 希望大家喜欢 资产信息: 资产名字:house-he 占地大小:2x2 建筑类型:高密度住宅 建筑等级:5 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is my first make Residential building if you like please rate~~ asset info: Asset name:house-he size:2x...
BI City Seoul_D1
作成者 AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 40 Construction cost: 18000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 2877 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
Japanese House 2x2 01
作成者 Takafumi3ry2ta
JapaneseHouse_A01 by Takafumi3ry2ta Residential Lv.1 Size: 2x2 Main Model: 1705 Tries / 1024x1024 LOD: 140 tries / 256x256...
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
作成者 TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
Hong Kong Housing block "Linear" (RICO)
作成者 Junna
Hong Kong Housing Authority standard block "Linear 1" deck-acess block for redeveloped resettlement estate sites; 26-storey version; 250 dwelligs (roughly the same with realistic population mod)--. Roughly 2000 tris, 2048xX texture. Default lod....
JLD Building 8
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 8 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
JLD Building 7
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
JLD Building 7 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is inspired by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s plan for Jurong Lake: https://...
세종대왕동상 Statue of king Sejong
세종대왕동상 Statue of king Sejong 세종대왕동상 Statue of king Sejong 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 대한민국 서울을 대표하는 장소인 광화문 광장에 위풍당당히 조성되어 있는 세종대왕 동상입니다. It is called by Statue of King Sejong the great. King Sejong lived in 15 century and he cared subjects and made korean ...
충무공 이순신 동상 Statue of Yi Sunshin
충무공 이순신 동상 Statue of Yi Sunshin 충무공 이순신 동상 Statue of Yi Sunshin 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 대한민국 서울을 대표하는 장소인 광화문 광장에 위풍당당히 조성되어 있는 충무공 이순신 동상입니다. It is called by Statue of Yi Sunshin. Yi Sunshin lived in 16-17 century and he was a hero in Japanese invasion...
松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle
松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle 松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Matsumoto Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. and it was built in 16 century. So it's a...
Tugu Yogyakarta
作成者 meshd
Tugu Yogyakarta (also known as Tugu Jogja, Tugu Pal Putih, and De Witte Paal) is a landmark monument in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Informations Type : Unique Building Level 1 Size : 2x2 Circular Cost : ₡20000 Upkeep : ₡26/week Water : 0 Electricity : 560kW Pol...
Negi (ネギ) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
Neri are sometimes used as cold med. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Message Board (伝言板) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
A message board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Punihi Shop 9
作成者 KaninoYokonov
※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ If you subscribe to my Asset, please subscribe to this prop collection. このコレクションをサブスクライブしてね。必要なPropが入ってるよ。 ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ ...
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK
作成者 CityOfTokyo
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN Drink vending machines appeared in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and the number of installed drink vending machines is now about 2.5 million units nationwide. ASSET LIST Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, ...
[EMC][EMD]MOM Elevated single station module
作成者 konfox0527
MOMメトロ単線高架駅モジュール Modular station user guide 注意 attention -路線設定ができない場合、Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)をサブスクライブしてShiftキーを押しながら路線設定をしてください。 -Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。最悪ゲームが強制終了します。 -路線設定時に●がホーム側...
商店 A (Japanese Rural Shop A)
作成者 TOKACHI269
低クオリティのためずっと公開しないでいましたが少しでもアセットの足しになればと思い公開に踏み切りました。 裏面のクオリティが低いのでうまく隠してください。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 569 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD Triss : 13 texture size : 32x64 (defuse,specurar) Japanese Rural Shop A by TOKACHI269...
조선 왕실 패키지 Korean Royal Family
조선 왕실 패키지 Korean Royal Family 조선 왕실 패키지 Korean Royal Family 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선시대 왕실 Prop 패키지입니다. 두 가지 버전의 임금과 세자, 세손과 중전, 대비와 공주로 구성되어 있습니다. This is is a package of Royal family of Korean Kingdom. These props mean members of Korean past kingdom ...
경복궁 NEW 근정전 Korean Palace
경복궁 NEW 근정전 Korean Palace 경복궁 NEW 근정전 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 가장 중요한 건물인 근정전입니다. 임진왜란으로 소실되었던 근정전은 고종 대에 재건되었고 그 숭고함은 오늘날에 이르러서도 서울에서 웅장하게 후손들을 맞이하고 있습니다. 근정전은 이미 만들어져 있으나 리메이크된 버전으로, 좀더 좋은 퀄리티를 갖게 되었습니다만 용량이 무거워졌습니다. 이 건물은...
조선 종묘 Korean Royal Shrine
조선 종묘 Korean Royal Shrine 조선 종묘 Korean Royal Shrine 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선 왕조 왕실의 신위를 봉안한 사당으로 국가적인 제사를 지냈던 종묘 정전입니다. 종묘는 오늘날에 이르러 유네스코가 인정한 세계적인 문화 유산으로 명맥을 이어가고 있습니다. 자랑스러운 세계적 문화 유산을 여러분의 도시에 지어보세요! This building is called by Jongmyo and it was a...
경복궁 전각 세트 Korean Palace Package
경복궁 전각 세트 Korean Palace Package 경복궁 전각 세트 Korean Palace Package 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁의 여러 전각들을 간략하게 구성한 패키지입니다. 5가지 궁궐 한옥으로 구성된 전각 세트로 좀더 현실에 가까운 근정전과 강녕전 사정전, 그리고 경회루 인근 지역을 비롯한 경복궁 전체를 만들 수 있습니다. 이 패키지는 대단히 자유롭기 때문에, 조선의 궁궐뿐만 아니라, 여러분만의 궁궐도 창조해 보세요! This is a pa...
경복궁 근정문 Korean Palace
경복궁 근정문 Korean Palace 경복궁 근정문 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 중요한 건물인 근정전의 정문, 근정문입니다. 경복궁과 함께 서울의 명소로 자리매김하고 있습니다. This gate is called by Geunjeongmun and it was a best important gate in Gyeongbokgung, Korean palace. This royal ga...
ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대)
머리말 청와대는 대한민국 대통령과 관계된 행정기관이자 집무공간이며 동시에 대통령 관저입니다. 위 건물은 본관건물이며 메인 게이트를 통해 들어 오면 바로 보이는 건물입니다. ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대).crp 도움 ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대) 는 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에...
The Plaza Hotel Seoul
作成者 TDB The Plaza Hotel Seoul 87m 이 에셋은 한국 창작자 커뮤니티 PLAY CITY와 함께합니다. 바로가기 Level 3 Unique Building Tris: 14K (for Details) Texture: 2048 X 2048 (2K) / LOD 512 X 512 LOD Ready After Dark Ready Update: July 7, 2018. P.M.12:15 (GMT) #O...
Singapore Land Tower
作成者 EndlessFtw
Singapore Land Tower is a skyscraper located in the Central Business District of Singapore, near Raffles Place MRT station. Check out my collection (link above or click the sentence) for more Singaporean skyscrapers like the...
Hyundai car show room
Hyundai car show room by ELVIS0529 office level 2 -2673tris 1024*1024 tex res custom lod 518*518 tex res ...
OUE Bayfront, Singapore
作成者 EndlessFtw
Works best with Utimate Eyecandy mod (by reducing brightness), or else it will be too blue (visual issue, no need for UE if you can live with it). OUE Bayfront is an office building located in the Central Business District of Singapore. Check out my collec...
作成者 TOKACHI269
東京都中央区勝どきにある高層マンションです。58階建て。 model : model model : wikipedia 航空障害灯は本来は点滅しますが技術的問題により再現できませんでしたのでご了承ください。 シングルバージョンです。ツインバージョンは こちら This is a single tower version. twin version is here. RICO residential high Citizen : 250 construction-cost : 20000 <Mesh inf...
Modern Japanese Houses
作成者 Ronyx69
Includes 3 sets of 2+2 small modern japanese residential houses - 12 variations total. If you subscribe to the prop pack (optional) you will see a lot of variations because of random props - mailboxes, plants, solar panels, vents, clothes racks... I think ...
Chinese New Year Package 春节装饰包
作成者 hikke
大家好这次的作品是春节装饰包 里面包含了5个小摆件 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家春节愉快~~ 别忘记点赞~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi everyone~ This is Chinese New Year Package It contains 5 items if you like please ra...
ShunTakCentre(1:1)香港信德中心 HK Hong Kong
作成者 XDBX
ShunTakCentre(1:1) by XDBX...
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5)长江集团中心 hk hong kong
作成者 XDBX
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5) by XDBX...
Mikimoto Ginza 2
作成者 UNFU
珠宝品牌御本木位于日本东京中央区银座二町目-4-12的第二家店,设计者为建筑大师伊东丰雄。 RICO: 高密度商业 提供就业:50 建筑费用:3000 : Poly: 6 Triss:12 贴图分辨率:1024x1024 (漫反射,照明) The jewelry brand Mikimoto's second store located in the second store in 2-4-12, Minamachi, Ginza, Central Tokyo, Japan Design by Toyo-i...
作成者 TOKACHI269
東京都中央区勝どきにある高層マンションです。58階建て。 model : GoogleMap wikipedia 航空障害灯は本来は点滅しますが技術的問題により再現できませんでしたのでご了承ください。 こちらはツインタワーバージョンです。シングルバージョンは こちら 。 This is a twin tower version. Single version is here . RICO residential high Citizen : 500 construction-cost : 40000 <Me...
Osaka Style Riverside
作成者 amamIya
Osaka Style Riverside by amamIya...
Dragon Cafe
作成者 isdraken
Dragon Cafe by isdraken Requires After Dark and it is a "Leisure" area building. What's new in this one? Japanese style and the cims can enter the building and sit down and take it easy AND YOU can watch them do it. Yes it works just great....
[A3w] Oldstation building module
作成者 konfox0527
古い駅舎モジュール 注意 / Attention このアセットは駅舎と壁のみです。プラットホームが別途必要です。上記コレクションから選んでください。 This asset only station building and wall module, Not include pratform and train track. Choose platform in the collection. 概要 Overview かつて大正時代に建設され、関東大震災に耐え、戦後の輸送需要の高まりに度重なる回送をへて、20...
HDB 640836
作成者 Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640836 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! HDB 640836 (Jurong West St 81) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is not a grow-able! It requires RICO Mod to ...
[RICO]仿古商店 Antique Chinese Shops
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次的作品是仿古代商业街模块 有四种配色,模仿现实中得仿古商业街制作 我还制作了 仿古得旗子和 灯笼 配合使用效果更佳~~ 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 红灯笼: 仿古旗子: 模型信息: 资产名字:fgjz-hi 三角形计数:658 贴图:1...
2 Ping An Finance Center 1:1
作成者 koxx
2 Ping An Finance Center 1:1 by bisabeols 平安金融中心 -Previous aerial view / not exist -Height : 398m / top loof : 323m texture : 2048x2048 lod : 512x512 Unique Buidling - 1:1.5 size : -more pic...
[RICO]古风建筑 Antique Chinese Building
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次继续推出我的第二个古风建筑 也是参照了古镇里常见的建筑类型。 这个是木结构的,我还会制作一个同款的砖结构 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks fgjz-2 951 252 1024x1024 512x512 building hi everyone~~ This is Antique Chinese Building enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ ...
Okinawa City Hotel18
作成者 zan16432
Okinawa city hotel by zan16432....
Residential Building 021
作成者 Valex L4 9x5 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Festival Park" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Roppongi Hills Complex-Mori Tower
作成者 UNFU 六本木新城(日语:六本木ヒルズ/ろっぽんぎヒルズ Roppongi hiruzu 英语:Roppongi Hills),又称六本木之丘,是位于日本东京六本木的都市复合开发区,由森大厦主导开发,是日本规模最大的都市更新计划之一。设计者为入江三宅设计事务所。 此资产为六本木之丘综合体的主体部分:森大厦。地上54层,地下6层,内有东京君悦酒店( グランドハイアット東京;Grand Hyatt Tokyo)、森美术馆、六本木新城TOHO影城等设施。雅虎...
石桥 Stone Bridge
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次制作的是石拱桥 古镇常见元素之一 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks stone bridge 1895 398 1024x1024 512x512 park hi everyone~~ This is stone brtdge~ enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~...
Japanese Commercial Building 03 ~ 09
作成者 TOKACHI269
9種類の斜線制限のある建物を追加します。奥行1.5マスです。 add 9 kinds of building with hatched limits. The depth is 1.5 square. Japanese Commercial Building 01 Japanese Commercial Building 02 <Mesh info> Main triss : 766, 984, 661, 655, 912, 756, 715 texture size : 512 x 512 (defuse...
作成者 UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
Far East Finance Center:Remastered远东金融中心:重制版 hong kong hk
作成者 XDBX
The Far East Financial Center is a commercial building in Admiralty, Hong Kong. It was completed in 1982 and has a golden glass curtain wall. 远东金融中心是一座位于香港金钟的商业大厦,完工于1982年,外形是金色的玻璃幕墙。 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
Cheung Kong Center Remastered长江集团中心:重制版Hong kong HK
作成者 XDBX
Cheung Kong Center is located at the junction of Garden Road and Queen's Road Central.,and it was built in December 1995 and completed in 1999. 长江集团中心位处花园道及皇后大道中交界,于1995年12月兴建,1999年落成 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
The Center:Remastered香港中环中心:重制版 Hong Kong HK
作成者 XDBX
The Center:Remastered 香港中环中心:重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了模型 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
作成者 shibakata
■概要(Overview) 北海道札幌市北区に本社を置く家具小売り企業。 社名のとおり、創業者の名前は似鳥昭雄。 アメリカでは下の名前をとって「Aki-Home」である。 「おねだん以上。ニトリ」のキャッチコピーは有名ですが、「お値段異常」と揶揄されることもあります。 Furniture retailing company "Nitori" headquartered in Kita Ward, Sapporo City, Hokkaido. As the company name, the founder...
水滴大楼 Raindrop Plaza
作成者 amamIya
水滴大楼 Raindrop Plaza by amamIya...
Modern Science Tower
作成者 amamIya
Modern Science Tower by amamIya...
组合式古风建筑套装 Antique Chinese Building(modular)
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次推出的是组合式套装 一共三种宽度规格的房子+一个配套的马头墙 可以组合出多种形式,比如我预览图那种 还有就是我把占地调整了一下,移到河边应该不会影响地形 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 注:可以使用find it 单独调出来放置 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks fgjz-3 577 216 1024x1024 512x512 building fgjz-4 633 184 1024x1024 512x512 building fgjz...
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered香港中银大厦重制版hong kong HK
作成者 XDBX
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered 香港中银大厦重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次制作的是西安的大雁塔 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 资产背景介绍: 大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。 Background introduction: Great Wild Goose Pagoda or Big Wild Goose Pago...
月门 Moon gate
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次制作的是月亮门 一共二个版本,有门的和没门的 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 资产背景介绍: 月亮门又称月洞门或月门,为中国古典园林、住宅中在院墙上开设的圆弧形洞门,因圆形如月而得名,既作为院与院之间的出入通道,又可透过门洞引入另一侧的景观,兼具实用性与装饰性。月亮门两侧的墙体通常刷成粉白色,并在门的边缘处留有灰色的装饰边,下部做平不设门槛,上部则设计有点明意境的横向匾额。除用于院落之间的分隔与过渡外,亦可用于室内空间。 Hello everyone this is Moon gate A to...
AKB48 cafe&shop あきはばら Japan
作成者 やばい
akb48 cafe logo and led on by やばい AKB48 cafe&shop by やばい konfox0527さんのモジュール高架駅と合うために、形を少しだけ調整しました。 モデル店舗とは少し形状が異なります。 To fit konfox0527‘s module station sets, I adjust its structure,it slightly different from the original shop. Enjoy!^_^ Akihabara Tokyo Ja...
Japanese Covered Walkway / 商店街の屋根
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese covered walkway in shopping streets. Place them on the sides of roads. 日本の商店街にありがちな屋根のついた歩道です。道路わきに設置してください。 Tris: ~100 / Textures: 256x256 (128x128 LOD), d/n お布施をいただけるとやる気が出ます。 Donate:
[Updated]Japanese Shopping Arcade / 日本の商店街のアーケード
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
**Updated 2019/06/17** - Fixed too bright colors - Remodel and more detailed - Added 1 more entrance variant Japanese typical and common arcade in shopping street. Use PLT to connect each props. ** 2019/06/17 アップデート** - 明るすぎる色を調整しました - モデルを細かくしました - 入口にバリエ...
Daiwa securities billboard 大和証券 看板
作成者 やばい
Daiwa securities by やばい 大和証券渋谷支店の看板でございます This is the billboard of Daiwa Securities Shibuya store. 渋谷 東京 日本 Enjoy^_^ Shibuya Tokyo Japan...
glass no color
作成者 やばい
glass no color by やばい...
glass color
作成者 やばい
glass color by やばい...
Le Reve-Dubai
作成者 752811818
Le Reve-Dubai by 752811818 Le Reve大厦-迪拜 six level of unique building 第六级特殊建筑 217m 51 floor 217米 51层...
【deprecated】The Address Sky View 1.0-Dubai
作成者 752811818
已废弃 已废弃 已废弃 已废弃 已废弃 请退订 请退订 请退订 请退订 请退订 请订阅2.0版本 请订阅2.0版本 Discard Discard Discard Discard Discard Subscribe to Version 2.0 Subscribe to Version 2.0 The Address Sky View-Dubai by 752811818 天空视界大厦-迪拜 68 floors 268m six level of unique building 68层 268米 第六级独特...
Al Ghaya Tower-Dubai
作成者 752811818
Al Ghaya Tower-Dubai by 752811818 Al Ghaya 大厦----迪拜 six level of unique building 第六级特殊建筑 34 floor 131m 34层 131m...
City Premiere Hotel Apartments-Dubai
作成者 752811818
City Premiere Hotel Apartments by 752811818 城市首映酒店公寓-迪拜...
作成者 DawiD
Another one! Its an office, comercial and residential tower. Its not as big as it could seam on screenshots, its lower then Złota or Cosmopolitan that i made some time ago. Its 141m to the top, and 119m to the roof. I wouldn...
Al Attar Tower-Dubai
作成者 752811818
Al Attar Tower-Dubai by 752811818 Al Attar大厦——迪拜 six level of unique building 第六级特殊建筑 32层 130米 32 floors 130m...
kani doraku 道頓堀 大阪
作成者 やばい
kani doraku by やばい かに道楽道頓堀東店です。 Kani Dōraku (かに道楽) is a Japanese restaurant chain that specialises in crustaceans and other seafood. The restaurants are known for their traditional appearance and the large, mechanical, red crab that moves above the main en...
qfront 渋谷 東京
作成者 やばい
qfront 渋谷 東京 by やばい Qfront by やばい 渋谷駅ハチ公口前の道玄坂下のスクランブル交差点前に立地する。1960年から1998年まで同地に存在していた「峰岸ビル」というテナントビルを建て替え、東急百貨店さっぽろ店などの不動産を管理する同社子会社の札幌プラザ株式会社が事業主となり1999年12月に竣工した。 A staple of the Shibuya landscape, QFRONT is hard to miss. Staring down over the scramblin...
BI City Seoul HQ C4
作成者 AliTarGz
Hello my dear subscribers and other cities skylines's funs! I decided to release several buildings of the residential complex "BI City Seoul" with updated textures, and added semi-transparent glass (rotor sheider). But I did not update the existing buildin...
LIppoCentre V1.1香港力宝中心 HK hong kong
作成者 XDBX
LIppoCentre V1.1 香港力宝中心 添加广告牌灯光。 Add billboard lights 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model 文件尺寸小于原版 File size is smaller than the original You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑...
古风建筑 06-08 Antique Chinese Building
作成者 hikke
大家好 这次继续推出古风建筑 也是参照了古镇里常见的建筑类型。 一共三种式样 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- hi everyone~~ This is Antique Chinese Building enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Re...
Anime And Burgers
作成者 Tarispere
Come in! Eat some anime and watch some burgers! Idea by PlasmaDude23 Asset made by Parhelionn...
Japanese Stone Fence
日本を演出する石塀。多くの場面で使へるでせう。 石塀 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
[RICO] Japanese Department Store / 駅前ファッションビル・デパート
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
----- 26 Oct 2019 UPDATED Fixed brightness and normal map. ----- Building of Japanese department store. This is very typical shape so please decorate with props and make it your own department store. Recommended Prop Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパ...
Temple Redone 12 x 10
作成者 Treehearne
Better Temple Cost: 48,000 Maintenance: 3,800 Electricity consumption: 15 Higher attractiveness/entertainment acc. Lower noise acc - smaller noise radius Less garbage consumption Minimal sewage consumption Attracts more medium wealth tourists Recolor/redec...
作成者 NKZ.
This is old theatre in Thailand. History of this biuilding Sala Chalermkrung Royal Theatre (Thai: ศาลาเฉลิมกรุง; RTGS: Sala Chaloem Krung; literally 'Pavilion of City's Glory') is a theatre in Bangkok, Thailand. It was established in 1933. Originally it wa...
Japanese Jinja shrine3x8
作成者 ruven001111
Japanese Jinja shrine3x8...
Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心 HK
作成者 XDBX
Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 中文名: 香港文化中心 name: Hong Kong Cultural Centre 位 置:九龙尖沙咀 Location: Tsim Sha Tsui 香港文化中心于1979年奠基,1984年开始兴建,并于1989年11月8日启用。香港文化中心的揭幕仪式,邀请到当时的英国王储查理斯王子及戴安娜王妃主持揭幕,...
作成者 waya
JP-PhotoGallery by waya...
作成者 waya
wy-JP-CoffeeShop by waya...
[RICO] Opera House - Dubai
作成者 Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Twitter:
[RICO] Dubai Opera Shops
作成者 Bibel Gurra
11,000 tris & LOD: 1,250 tris with 512x512 texture. No props so you can customize them however you want to....
[RICO] Dubai Opera Shop
作成者 Bibel Gurra
3,800 tris & LOD: 1,250 tris with 512x512 texture. No props so you can customize the building however you want to....
National Taichung Theater
作成者 bartz!
The National Taichung Theater is an opera house from my home city - Taichung (the third largest city in Taiwan). The building was designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The opera house will officially open in 2016. ● 20473 tris custom model ● Custom LOD ...
Japanese Elementary School
作成者 Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car)
作成者 Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(8両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 Speed 20 (游戏单位 Game Unit) 定员 Capacity...
Chinese Gate Pier 門墩
作成者 Emperor Li
Category: Prop Tris: 32 LOD tris: 4 Simtropolis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: chinese architecture, Courtyard House, Siheyuan, Quadrangle, Hutong, Beijing, Peking, China, 北京, 中國傳統建築, 中国传统建筑, ...
Hotto Motto ほっともっと
Hotto Motto ほっともっと Ploppable RICO 対応済 Finally, Hotto Motto also arrives Cities: Skylines. I've arranged a bit from the new design of store in order to save polygons and time, haha. ついに、シティーズ・スカイラインにも上陸。 メモリを節約するために、少しアレンジでした。 さて、次のモデルはまだ未定です、 しばらくシティーズお休みし...
宝くじ売り場 Japanese Lottery Ticket Booth
作成者 Krakow131
日本の駅前にありそうな宝くじ売り場です 初投稿作品ですので完成度は悪しからず 更新履歴 2018/10/19 明度と彩度の調整・検索効率化のためのタグ(Booth, JPN, JP, Japan, Krakowなど)...
The Lotus Temple
作成者 Claudius Aetius
The Lotus Temple by scaletho The Lotus Temple, located in Delhi, India, is a Bahá'í House of Worship. Notable for its flowerlike shape, it has become a prominent attraction in the city. Like all Bahá'í Houses of Worship, the Lotus Temple is open to all, re...
Dragon's Temple
作成者 Gαβriel
Dragon's Temple by Beerus...
Spring Temple Buddha , China
作成者 SvenBerlin
Spring Temple Buddha , China Is from a free 3D model-website. The statue is 128m high. Maybe looks great on top of a mountain. Is everywhere ploppable, no energy, no water after dark updated / reduced a lot of polygones...
황룡사 구층목탑 Korean Temple Tower
황룡사 구층목탑 Korean Temple Tower 황룡사 구층목탑 Korean Temple Tower 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 7세기, 신라 진흥왕에 의해 실제로 준공되었던 황룡사 구층목탑입니다! 신라인들은 불교 사찰로 지은 황룡사에 구층 목탑을 세워 나라의 안녕을 기원했는데, 높이가 무려 90미터에 달하는 보기 드문 마천루로, 우리의 선조들은 이미 1400년전 목재로 마천루를 지을 수 있는 능력을 갖고 있었습니다. 에셋의 높이는...
River Point
作成者 DawiD
My own design. This is new developer investment for your city! Huge block of flats with simple and modern looks. Perfect for river port revitalization. tower for a project: https://i.imgur.c...
Thai Stilt House (01)
作成者 Palm'sTime
Thai Stilt House (01) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Model Info: Type Low density residential Size 2 x 3 Tris 241 (Main) | 71 (LOD) Texture Size 1024 x 1024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale N/A Filename & Keyword (for searching in Find It! mod) : (TH) House 01 No...
JP Tokyo Cathedral
作成者 にる~ niroo
Tokyo Cathedral (Catholic Sekiguchi Church) Church in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. Designer:Kenzo Tange Completion year:12,1964 Unique building size:15*9 _________________________________________ 東京カテドラル(カトリック関口教会) 所在:東京都文京区関口3丁目16番15号 設計:丹下健三 竣工年:1964年12月 ユニーク施設 サ...
[Prop] Chinese Pavilion 亭
作成者 Emperor Li
4 Chinese pavilions in southern chinese style including: hexagonal pavilion (single eave roof) hexagonal pavilion (double eave roof) octagonal pavilion (single eave roof) octagonal pavilion (double eave roof) Use More Beautification to plop them. Tris coun...
Chinese Garden
作成者 HiRa
Size: 4x4 Cost: 2,500 Maintenance cost: 16 Tourist draw: 50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *It's the same effect as Zen Garden....
Louis Vuitton Ginza (Tokyo)
作成者 Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Louis Vuitton store in Ginza, Tokyo. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 485 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha, normal maps Custom LOD: 69 tris / ...
作成者 naraktukung
สวน by naraktukung...
作成者 waya
wy-JP-LogiThebookstore by waya...
Chinese Stone Bridge 漢白玉石橋
作成者 Emperor Li
Chinese bridge of white marble. It's a pedestrian path with 3m half width for elevated and bridge segment and 4m for ground path in order to create the typical opening. 人行道高架、橋部分半寬3米,地面半寬為4米以做變寬入口, Connect with pedestrian path different half width to creat...
Yau Ma Tei Police Station
Old Police Station, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong. It is a landmark of Yau Ma Tei. 油麻地差館 by tommywan622...
Pale Lights (Prop Pack)
作成者 stmSantana
These are light props that is pale than vanilla props. (softer light, gentle light, tender light ?) " I tried to make a park of the night in a calm relaxed atmosphere, but the lamp of the vanilla is too bright and dazzling.... " Caution Please do not use t...
メイドインアビス ナナチ (made in abyss nanachi)
作成者 TOKACHI269
んなぁ~ <mesh info> main triss : 1776 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,,alfa,,color) LOD triss : 187 texture size : 128x128 (defuse)...
Animated Fountain Square 4x4
作成者 HooHeeHaa
Briefing An Animated Fountain Square. There are benches for your citizens to rest on and tables for a cup of coffee. It's a tourist attraction. Size 4x4 Building Cost 1200 Location It can be found in Unique Buildings-Tourism and Leisure....
Pumpkin (カボチャ) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
a large rounded orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Watermelon (西瓜) - Prop
作成者 kei_em
Watermelons. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Building Lights
作成者 NKZ.
Building Lights by NKZ. Detail Assets Main Textures Main tris Main LOD textures Main LOD tris Neon LED Light Top 128 x 64 80 - - Neon LED Light Side 128 x 64 80 - - favorite, like and follower thank you. Youtube : NKZ. https...
Sino-Portuguese Phuket (shophouses)-01
作成者 NKZ.
Sino-Portuguese phu-ket (shophouses)-01 by NKZ. color variation you can change!!! Detail Assets Detail sino-portuguese-Phu-ket-01 Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 Main Tris - 2,347 LOD Textures - 256 x 256 LOD - 1,058 RICO Read...
BaanPruksa - (Rangsit - Bangpoon 3) Townhouse Pack
作成者 NKZ.
BaanPruksa - (Rangsit - Bangpoon 3) Townhouse Pack by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail Pruksa Scandia-L Pruksa Scandia-R Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 Main Tris - 354 LOD Textures - 256 x 256 LOD - 7...
Caffe Bene(카페베네)
作成者 Memories
Caffe Bene(카페베네) -Caffè Bene is a coffeehouse chain based in Seoul, South Korea- Commercial_L2 Size 3x4 Model Tris 4745 Texture 1024x1024 Lod Tris 296 Lod Texture 256x254 ...
The Gentry - Rama IX (Type L - Modern House)
作成者 Palm'sTime
The Gentry - Rama IX (Type L) (Modern House) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 3 x 2 Storey & Heights 3 Storey | 11.8 M.* Tris 2,274 (Main) | 247 (LOD) Texture Size 1024 x 1024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale ...
Modern Sufficiency House (Pack)
作成者 Palm'sTime
Modern Sufficiency House Pack By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type Low density residential house. Size Type 2 : 2 x 3 Type 3 : 3 x 2 Type 4 : 2 x 2 Type 6 : 2 x 2 Storey & Heights Type 2 : 2 Storey | 8.6 M. Type 3 : 1 Storey | 4.85 M. Type 4 : 2 Storey | 7...
Parkroyal Hotel, Singapore
作成者 Sineptorro
This building is based on the Parkroyal Hotel located in the Central Area of Singapore Building Info: Type: Level 5 Monument Size: 15x5 Tris: 4309 (Main), 212 (LOD) Texture Size: 2048x1024 (Main), 128x128 (LOD) Scale: 10:9 I recommend to decorate the big t...
Thai Shop House | 01 (TYPE 1)
作成者 NKZ.
Thai Shop House - 01 by NKZ. Detail Assets Main Textures Main tris Main LOD textures Main LOD tris ThaiShophouse01-L 1,024 x 1,024 372 256 x 256 338 ThaiShophouse01-R 1,024 x 1,024 372 256 x 256 338 Search The same name in the table. If you place this buid...
Souk al Bahar Bridge
作成者 Raccoon
Souk al Bahar Bridge Made for IHXAI's project Dubai Information: Downtown Dubai, previously known as Downtown Burj Dubai, is a large-scale, mixed-use complex under development in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the home of some of the city's largest lan...
Thai Tropical Contemporary + Modern House | Volume 1
作成者 Palm'sTime
Thai Tropical Contemporary + Modern House Volume 1 By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Contains 11 houses + 1 garage (for HBA620C house) Type Low density residential. Storey 1-3 Storey Tris 587 - 2,222 (Main) | 38 - 332 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) ...
Thai Shop House (Type: Central)
作成者 Palm'sTime
Thai Shop House Type: Central By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type High density commercial building. Size 3 x 3 Storey 2/3/4 Storey Tris 3,634/5,242/6,922 (Main) | 118 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (Comm...
hm park 3x6 B
作成者 gawron
hm park 3x6 B by gawron...
柴山第四~五ビル_Shibayama 4~5th Building
作成者 shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第四~五ビル 第二~三ビルタイプを低くしたもので、正面以外は大きく変わりません。 テナントは1990年頃の大阪の恵美須町を想定しています。 懐かしいと思っていただければ幸いです。 柴山第四ビルは、テナントが多い雑居ビルです。 小さいながらも郵便局と電器店が入居しています。労働人口15名(RICO) 縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign をいれなくても、屋上がさみしくなるだけなのでお好みでどうぞ。 柴山第五ビルは、何が入っているかよくわかりませんので、繁華街...
縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign
作成者 shibakata
■概要(Overview) 屋上で見かける縦型の看板です。 今回からディテールを正しく表現することにしました。 H型鋼、ブレース、プレート、照明計画、LODデータ 看板の種類は10種類あります。 Vertical signboard seen on the roof. I decided to express the details correctly from this time. H-shaped steel, brace, plate, lighting plan, LOD data There ar...
Thai Rural House 03 | Phikul House(Modern House)
作成者 NKZ.
Thai Rural House 03 | Phikul House(Modern House) by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail Thai Rural House 03 Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 Main Tris - 2,582 LOD Textures - 256 x 256 LOD - 235 RICO Ready - YES Cost - 53,000 Buildings Si...
(Random prop) JP Random japanese style shop prop
作成者 koma
It is a prop that can set up a shop randomly in various buildings. 2 types included. いろいろな建物に商店をランダムに設置できるプロップです。 2種類同梱。...
(Random) JP Random japanese style shop
作成者 koma
When installing, stores will be displayed randomly. shop JS-A ~ JS-D 4 types included. Please go to the hot spring area and sightseeing spots. 設置する際、店舗がランダムに表示されます。 shop JS-A~JS-D 4種類同梱。 温泉街や観光地などにどうぞ。...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico)
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 이 아파트는 실제 타워형 아파트들을 모티브로 하여 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico).crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico)는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 ...
Park Avenue Exclusive A1
作成者 AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Park Avenue Exclusive" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 60 Const...
作成者 stockjr97
A Japanese inn from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. The model and textures has been slightly tweaked and reworked. This functions as a tourist hotel, so After Dark is required. Ploppable RICO definitions are also included. Details: Lots Size: 3x3 Lot type...
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack
作成者 TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ファイルサイズが大きいですが、Loading Screen Modを使えば同じテクスチャのものはスキップしてくれるのでそこまでメモリーは消費しないと思います。 Although the file size is large, if use Loading Screen Mod, I will skip the same texture thing, so I think that memory will not be c...
Japanese Residential Props
作成者 TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック用のプロップです。 Japanese Residential Props by TOKACHI269...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
作成者 TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg B
作成者 Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg B by Sparks Model INFO Tris 7360 Textures 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 3×4 Height 8 storeys high(29m) Instructions Search word: JP or Tokyo ------- ------- From this,139.741547,3a,75y,97.3...
JP office A (Osaka 西梅田オフィスビル)
作成者 curr66
JP office A (Osaka 西梅田オフィスビル) by curr66 基本信息: 这是位于大阪梅田2丁目的一座办公楼,地面以上九层,由于我想比较好地刻画广告牌,所以用sub建筑导入。你可以通过“Find it!”搜索“JP office”或者其他关键词来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的办公楼建筑。 Basic information: This is an office building located in Mei Tian, Osaka, with nine floors above the gr...
Jianou residential building简欧住宅楼
作成者 红米先生
简欧住宅楼高层+简欧住宅楼底层共计两座,其中一座32层高,占地4X3格子,高度104米,另外一座15层,占地4X3格子,高度54米,属性为住宅类,模型均采用SUB分层子建筑方式导入,共计面数4500,LOD:2400,分辨率2k. There are two high-rise buildings and two ground floors of Jianou residential building. One of them is 32 stories high, covering an area of ...
The 80s offices A
作成者 RyanCat
One of the 80s offices series. Better maintained version: Main : 1338 tris 1024x1024(d,i,s,n) LOD : 20 tris 128x128(d,i) Support me here...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 3
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 2 by 시린시...
[Korea] KR Commercial building 2
作成者 시린시
KR Building1 by 시린시...
JP Office (株式会社コムコシステム)
作成者 curr66
JP Office (株式会社コムコシステム) by curr66 基本描述: 这是一座位于东京JR 品川駅附近的办公楼,你可以通过“find it” 输入“JP Office”或者其他关键词来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的办公建筑。 Basic description: This is an office building near JR Shinagawa Station, Tokyo. You can find it by entering "JP Office" or other keywords t...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 8
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 8 by 시린시...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 7
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 7 by 시린시...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 6
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 6 by 시린시...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 5
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 5 by 시린시...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 4
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 4 by 시린시...
JP Commercial Corner Building
作成者 kostas667
I wanted to make some Japanese building, so I found a completely random one on Google maps and made it. This is how this building looks in reality:,139.7772422,3a,75y,224.26h,111.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sd-CvAkEywgntrv...
Uniqlo Kichijoji (Tokyo)
作成者 Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner, although it looks best when you plop it at a corner) L1 building based on the Uniqlo flagship store in Kichijoji, Tokyo. It is equipped with animated scrolling LED display in the store interior. If you are not using zoni...
Chinese Castle Modular Pack 中式城堡模组
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A Beijing-Style Chinese Castle. All individual modules have 4 color variances: purple, yellow, green, grey. Please use Move It! to raise the buildings above terrain level to matc...
[Korea] KR marcket 1
作成者 시린시
KR marcket 1 by 시린시...
[RICO] JP Shachimaru Dealer
作成者 Tommy V Kochiya
It is a domestic dealer of Shachimaru automobile, a Japanese fictitious automobile manufacturer. It is the latest design based on the "Shachimaru Dealer Concept" concept. Since it is a Japanese car manufacturer, it incorporates a "Japanese" taste in some p...
JP Old Shops
作成者 sway
Pack of 3 Japanese old style shops. Originally made by Tatiana Devos and published on Sketchfab under the CC attribution 4.0 license. I think they look pretty nice so I simplified the models and modified the texture files to make them usable in Cities Skyl...
Ancient Chinese Architecture Water viewing platform 观水台
作成者 VQVQ
观水台 by VQVQ Ancient Chinese Architecture Water viewing platform 2*2 If you want to give the craftsmen a platform to see the lake, subscribe to it! You can find it in your list of unique buildings! 一个小亭子,。在独特建筑列表里,名字叫观水台,最好另外订阅建筑不怕水的那个mod,另外没有放置入口的楼梯和走廊,玩家可...
作成者 29724548
应县木塔The Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple
作成者 MC100
"今天正式的去拜见佛宫寺塔, 绝对的Overwhelming, 好到令人叫绝, 喘不出一口气来半天!这个塔真是个独一无二的伟大作品. 不见此塔, 不知木构建筑的可能性达到了什么程度. 我佩服极了. 佩服建造这塔的时代, 和那时代里不知名的大建筑师, 不知名的匠人。" -----------梁思成 "Today I officially went to visit the Sakyamuni pagoda of Fogong temple. It's absolutely Overwhelming and s...
Deoksugung Seokjojeon
作成者 sebong
Deoksugung Seokjojeon by sebong 2020.01.09 Reduce file size...
haeundae_gyeongdong_niin korea _ yunseul
作成者 yunseul
haeundaegyeongdongniin by yunseul...
Traditional Chinese Architecture 古风建筑
作成者 VQVQ
Traditional Chinese Architecture 3*3...
Charminar- Hyderabad,India
作成者 DSBSubhrajyoti
Charminar- Hyderabad,India by DSBSubhrajyoti The Legendary Monument from Hyderabad, India. Scale 1:1 ...
GSB (Thai Bank) - ธนาคารออมสิน
作成者 Palm'sTime
Government Savings Bank Thai Bank By Palm'sTime Info: Type Unique Building (Commercial High Level 2) Tris 3,707 (Main) | 147 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (as Commercial High Level 2) Donations If you li...
Centrio Mall
作成者 bart
IF YOU LIKE THIS WORK, GIVE IT A THUMBS UP Centrio Mall CENTRIO COMPLEX - CDO Central Business District Part of Cagayan de Oro Central Business District Collection Rescaled, standalone version: Click here! Centrio Mall is a supermall in Cagayan de Oro City...
三井住友銀行横浜支店 / JP Mitsui Sumitomo Bank
作成者 koma
"Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation", Yokohama Branch. This building was constructed in 1931 and is still used as a bank branch. Unique Building 6×4 cell. Support / Donate If you can support us, please consider it. Ofuse Amaz...
辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆 Wuchang Uprising Memorial hall
作成者 CM.
你可以在第五级别特式建筑中找到。 You can find it in the fifth-level special building. 辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆,以收藏辛亥革命时期及辛亥革命人物相关的文物见长的专题性博物馆,已收藏文物数千件,有“辛亥名人字画”、“共和纪念瓷器”、“近代名人家谱”等。 The Wuchang Uprising Memorial Museum of the Revolution of 1911 is a thematic museum known for its collec...
Centrio Seda Hotel
作成者 bart
IF YOU LIKE THIS WORK, GIVE IT A THUMBS UP Centrio Seda Hotel CENTRIO COMPLEX - CDO Central Business District Part of Cagayan de Oro Central Business District Collection Seda is a mid-rise hotel within the Centrio complex. It sits between the Centrio Tower...
강성문 強盛門 Korean Fantastic Gate
강성문 強盛門 Korean Fantastic Gate 강성문 強盛門 Korean Fantastic Gate 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 이 관문은 현실에 존재하지 않고 창작된 가상의 조선시대 관문으로, 강성대국 조선을 상상하며 난징의 중화문을 베이스로 만든 강성문입니다. This gate is not in real world but I created it. Korean Kingdom, Joseon's style building is o...
Yokohama Chinatown's East Gate 朝陽門
作成者 Emperor Li
The east gate of Yokohama Chinatown, the largest Chinatown in Japan and Asia. It is one of the four main gates in Chinatown. The building is placeable anywhere. Please use any mod with Road Anarchy (NoPillars/Sharp Junction Angles) to place the gate on top...
Modern House
作成者 nob50506000
Low Density Residential Level.2 シンプルモダンな住宅9セット Assetは建物のみです。 ご支援いただけると嬉しいです。↓
One of the townhouses found frequently not just in Seoul but the entirety of South Korea. This particular one was modeled after what I found in western Seoul (Ahyun-dong). You have to search "New Asset" lol sorry I will fix it soon. 아현동 근처에서 봤던 붉은벽돌 주택을 모델...
Modeled after frequently found townhouses in Korea. You have to search them as "New Asset" in order to find them lol sorry it will be fixed soon. 서울에서 (그리고 한국전체에서) 자주보이는 주택한개를 모델링해봤습니다. 아현동에서 봤었던거 같은디 기억은 잘안나네용~ 찾으실때 "New Asset"이라고 찾으셔야되는디 곧 고칠게요 ㅜ...
Modeled after one of the townhouses found in Suwon Korea. You have to search "New Asset" in Findit lol sorry guys I will fix it soon. 이거는 수원이었나...어디에서 봤던거 모델링해봤습니다 ㅋㅋ 찾으실때 "New Asset"이라고 찾으셔야됩니다;; 곧 고칠게요...
Chao Phraya River Pier
作成者 NKZ.
Chao Phraya River Pier by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail Chao Phraya River Pier(Thai) Type - Transport Ship Main Textures - 256 x 2,048 Main Tris - 10,268 LOD Textures - 128 x 128 LOD - 550 Cost - 12,500 Based on real-life Chao P...
横浜 木村ビル / JP Yokohama Kimura Building
作成者 koma
Kimura Building The Kimura Building is located in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is a 3×3 cell for corner lots, and the category is high-density commercial, level 2. Due to production reasons, some parts of the building may differ from the actual b...
PH Ancestral House
作成者 SA547PH
Ancestral houses in the Philippines, popularly known in the Filipino language as "bahay na bato", are examples of colonial Spanish architecture; many of them were residences of prominent families, and often sited near the town center, or as the hacienda ce...
作成者 pkbsl
This is korea senior center. This building is in the hospital tab....
Vietnam police station
作成者 korotovool
Vietnamese police station by korotovool...
Ancient Chinese Citizens Pack
作成者 RyanCat
Ancient Chinese Citizens pack. Prop version Use No Vanilla Citizensto prevent vanilla citizens spawning. Includes 43 individuals with 27 different models.That means each type of citizen or tourist has 2 different models. All models are from the internet. I...
Large Japanese Garden
作成者 Matthew
Large Japanese Garden for your city! This garden is similar to my previous except it is larger. Larger pathway, larger rock garden, and more trees. Asset size is 2x4 Please share this around and make sure to give it a thumbs up! :)...
Small Japanese Garden
作成者 Matthew
A calming Japanese garden for your city! Asset is built with several props from the Workshop so make sure you download them in order for everything to appear! The size is 2x2 Please share this around and make sure to give it a thumbs up! :)...
JP Shrine Props 神社用小物
作成者 TOKACHI269
Japanese Shrine Props Make your own shrine! Shrine assets by four Japanese asset creators. The main shrine modeled after Katori Jingu Shrine, 6 types of buildings, and 37 types of Props. Katori Jingu Shrine is an ancient shrine in Chiba Prefecture that is ...
作成者 Moch
Miko_prop by Moch The Miko works in japanese shrines and mainly refers to women who support the Shinto priest. It is a prop of the Miko. 8 poses included. This is props. It doesn't move. Please use the scenery of the shrine. My Cities:Skylines items...
London Oyster Barriers
作成者 meshd Keyword for Find It: "oyster" Height adjustable using Move It TfL Oyster Card Barriers / Ticket Gates / Gateline You can make the barcode scanner visible by renaming the building to anything else other than their original as...
中国高铁车站轨道 China Highspeed Station Track
作成者 狼少
The V2.0 of China Highspeed station track speed limit:150km/h Track Gauge:1435mm 高铁主线: Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impressions ❤ 请点个赞~~谢谢❤ 使用方法: (1)对于玩家 使用touch t...
Arasaka residential [CYBERPUNK 2077]
作成者 eligios⚡
Arasaka residential complex. You are already annoyed by: the densely populated City Center and Heywood; heat (due to lack of space even for wind); distance from Arasaka production? Then Arasaka presents you a comfortable apartment 5 minutes from work, or e...
作成者 kwanheng
城市大学 by 5ishi...
作成者 Akabane Kangen
大學 by Akabane Kangen...
[Campus]Korea University Mainhall(KU)
作成者 Kong
저의 모교인 고려대학교 입니다 :) 건물정보 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스 본관(서울특별시 성북구 안암로 145) 후원(카카오페이) 커피 한 잔의 후원은 개발자에게 큰 힘이 됩니다! Building info Korea University Seoul Campus Mainhall(145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea) Donat...
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Statue
作成者 DSBSubhrajyoti
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial is a statue prop. Note: The High tri count error can be ignored since the props have a LOD fade relatively lower than buildings and the statue isn't intended to be placed multiple times anyway; likely not a performance hog. Mohandas...
Indian Footpath Stalls
作成者 DSBSubhrajyoti
Indian Footpath Stalls by DSBSubhrajyoti Wanna game some good ol' tea on your way to or back from work? How about some candies for your kids? Or how about treating your girlfriend with some classic Phuchka/Golgappa or Bhel Puri? Now you can, in Cities Skyl...
KR Complex Building2
作成者 Leaf
우리나라 번화가에서 흔하게 볼 수 있는 복합상업건물입니다. 만약 간판이 보이지 않는다면, 제 프로필을 클릭하셔서 "창작마당 아이템"항목에 들어가신 후, "KR COMPLEX BUILDING2_Sign Pack"을 구독한 뒤 사용해보셔요. 감사합니다:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is a comp...
Korean Sign Set
作成者 dove
Korean Sign Set List : Korean_sign_gs25 Korean_sign_emart24 Korean_sign_cu Korean_sign_momsTouch Korean_sign_ediyaCoffee Korean_sign_tWorld Building in picture : Tiles in picture : https://s...
KR Complex Building2_Sign Pack
作成者 Leaf
"find it" 모드를 구독한 뒤에 사용해보세요. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe to the "find it" mod and try it out. KR Complex Building2_Sign Pack by Leaf...
KR Complex Building2_ns
作成者 Leaf
우리나라 번화가에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 건물입니다. 간판을 포함하지 않은 버전입니다. 감사합니다:) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a complex commercial building common in downtown Korea. This version does not include a sign. ...
Japanese Simple House
作成者 nob50506000
Low Density Residential Level.3 日本風住宅17セット 都会から郊外まで使える建売住宅風アセットです。 ご支援いただけると嬉しいです。↓
作成者 じゃんちゃん
wy-JP-ComplexBuilding-FM by じゃん...
Common Korean townhouses built in the late 80s and early 90s. Found in Ahyun-dong, South Korea. 오늘도 아현동에서 본 빌란지 멘션인지 공급합니다. Tris: ~2.2k In-game name: K-townhouse...
Yellow Crane Tower (Parklife)
作成者 Beckler OM
Yellow Crane Tower is a recreation of the famous tower for your cims to discover this amazing building of the Wuhan, China. This building is available in City Park tab. It functions just like any other Parklife park area building by attracting cims from ne...
Beijing-Style Palace Pack 各種殿
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A couple Beijing-style palace buildings: Hall of Divine Light - located in Tuancheng, Beijing, China. Beijing-Style Palace #2 - A generic Beijing-Style Palace #3 Beijing-Style Te...
Temple of Heaven - Hall of Imperial Zenith 北京天壇皇乾殿
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Temple of Heaven is an imperial complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Q...
Commonly found townhouses in Korea. This particular one was modeled after the one that I found near Ehwa-University. 아현동에서 봤던 맨숀을 만들어보았습니다. 왜자꾸 아현동거만 만드냐면 모르겟네요 아현동에 재밌는 건물들이 많아요 ㅋㅋㅋ in-game name: k-townhouse tris: ~2.2k...
作成者 curr66
BIC CAMERA AKIBA店 (秋葉原) by curr66 基本描述: 这座建筑位于东京千代田区秋叶原的bic camera商业楼,但由于它的广告牌之类的历年来都有进行更换,我就直接依据谷歌地图最新的样貌进行制作,希望大家喜欢。同样的,这也是一座独特建筑,你可以通过“find it”来找到它。 Basic description: This building is located in the bic camera commercial building in Akihabara, Chiyoda-...
KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation)
作成者 sebong
한국전력 사옥(KEPCO) sign version by sebong 한국전력 삼성동 사옥 입니다. 현재는 철거되어 존재 하지않습니다. This is KEPCO's Samseong-dong office building. Currently it has been demolished No sign version :
Shinhan bank
作成者 sebong
Shinhan bank...
诺德金融中心Nord financial center
作成者 红米先生
天津诺德金融中心Nord financial center by Redmi(红米) 位于天津滨海新区核心CBD,楼房高220米,占地13x13格 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑类型...
作成者 waya
JP-QingdaoBeach-RentalStore by waya...
Bali Indonesia
作成者 flores_sj
Check my YouTube video of all my assets here Cyberpunk Future World City Bali Indonesia by Javier Flores...
KR shop5
作成者 Leaf
한국의 흔한 상가건물입니다. 만약 간판이 보이지 않는다면, 제 프로필의 "창작마당아이템" 항목으로 들어가 "KOREAN SHOP5_SIGN" 자산을 구독 후 사용해보셔요. 감사합니다:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a common commercial building in Korea. If you do...
AC Units
랜덤으로 4가지 브랜드의 실외기가 설치됩니다. Main 256*128 Lod 64*32...
KR shop5_ns
作成者 Leaf
한국의 흔한 상가건물입니다. 간판을 포함하지 않은 버전입니다. 감사합니다:) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a common commercial building in Korea. This version does not include a sign. Thanks you :) KR shop5_ns by ...
Happiness bell 恋路が浜の幸せの鐘
作成者 Takamon27
It is the happiness bell of Koijigahama in Japan. Building and Prop are included. 伊良湖岬の恋路が浜にある幸せの鐘のアセットです。 BuildingとPropが同梱されています。...
日本中型公寓A(ミディアムアパートメント A)
作成者 curr66
日本中型公寓A(ミディアムアパートメント A) by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本福冈的一家中餐店,但我依旧将它作为一座住宅建筑。内容中有加入额外的props内容,一个自助售货机和一些花卉,可在必要内容中订阅,如果你不想要这些props,也可以不订阅它们,也不会影响你的使用,同时这也是一自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is a Chinese restauran...
東横イン Japanese Business Hotel
作成者 Krakow131
日本の駅前でよく見かけることのできるビジネスホテルです、観光特化地区に2x2のサイズで出現します。 RICOへの対応方法は他サイト参照 ...
Pm Buddha 1 / 6x6
作成者 BucketBrain
Pm Buddha 1 / 6x6 by BucketBrain...
Small Insurance Company
作成者 220hertz
A 2x3 low-density growable Level 1 commercial building. Asset stats Main mesh: 1120 tris Lod mesh: 60 tris Textures: 1024 and 128 Decoration and props: A few lights and rooftop props, which you can see in the shots above, an entrance marker and a dumpster ...
Asia-Park by Nachtschmetterling...
作成者 koma
The Chugoku Bank is a regional bank headquartered in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. This model was created with reference to the Tomo branch of the Chugoku Bank in Fuku yama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The Harato Bank is a fictional bank that replaced t...
HK Mark 2 block 8s, 70s
作成者 Uncle Misha
Description A Mark II resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it looked in the mid-1970s. An 8-storey long version. Based on 8-story long blocks of Lok Fu and Wang Tau Hom resettlement estates. Mark II blocks, so-called '日' blocks, were a later development of ...
War Memorial of Korea Monument stone
作成者 sebong
War Memorial of Korea Monument stone National Museum located at 29 Itaewon-ro (Yongsan-dong 1-ga), Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea The War Memorial of Korea consists of 4 assets. 1. Main building 2. Corridor 3. Memorial portion 4. Monument stone(This asset) Each ...
War Memorial of Korea Memorial portion
作成者 sebong
War Memorial of Korea Memorial portion National Museum located at 29 Itaewon-ro (Yongsan-dong 1-ga), Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea The War Memorial of Korea consists of 4 assets. 1. Main building 2. Corridor 3. Memorial portion(This asset) 4. Monument stone Eac...
War Memorial of Korea Corridor
作成者 sebong
War Memorial of Korea Corridor National Museum located at 29 Itaewon-ro (Yongsan-dong 1-ga), Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea The War Memorial of Korea consists of 4 assets. 1. Main building 2. Corridor(This asset) 3. Memorial portion 4. Monument stone Each asset ...
War Memorial of Korea
作成者 sebong
War Memorial of Korea National Museum located at 29 Itaewon-ro (Yongsan-dong 1-ga), Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea The War Memorial of Korea consists of 4 assets. 1. Main building(This asset) 2. Corridor 3. Memorial portion 4. Monument stone Each asset works ind...
SHINSEGAE Department store HQ
作成者 sebong
SHINSEGAE Department store HQ This building is the new building of Shinsegae Department Store, which was built in 2005. It is located at Toegye-ro 77 in Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea The lighting of this asset was created using the mod , I recommend subscribing to...
(Yet another) common townhouse/mansions found in Korea. K-주택 또 올립니다. in-game title: K-townhouse tris: 1410...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (No Sign)
作成者 Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (No Sign) by Sparks This is the no-sign version. Here's the main link (Normal version):
La Colina (ラコリーナ)
作成者 christinayan
La Colina by christinayan01. Baumkuchen shop at Ohmihachiman City, Shiga, Japan. Architect by master of natural material: Terunobu Fujimori. 今日もバームクーヘンを食べたいお客で行列です。 ** Referenced building (参考にした実在の建物) ** La Colina Omihachiman / Terunobu Fujimori (ラコリーナ近江八幡...
作成者 sebong
HWAMYEONG PRUGIO apartment v1 screenshot by Deltaple screenshot by 공기구름...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (2K)
作成者 Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (2K) by Sparks This is the HD 2K version Here's the main link (Normal version):
Taoist Temple Props 北京東嶽廟組件
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Required props for Taoist Temple Complex 東嶽廟 所需组件 From left to right: 从左到...
Taoist Temple Complex 北京東嶽廟
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Important Please flatten the terrain before use. As shown above, the "rea...
JP Office (京都アニメーション)
作成者 curr66
JP Office (京都アニメーション) by curr66 这是日本的京都动画总部,之后我也会做其他的几个工作室,也为前段时间的纵火事件表示哀悼,希望京阿尼能尽快恢复如初 This is the Kyoto Animation Headquarters in Japan. I will also work in several other studios in the future. I also express my condolences for the arson incident some ti...
Hong Kong Space Museum 香港太空館
作成者 jonycheng
looking for creator!! 急: 尋找原創者!!! 請問有人可以上載香港文化中心嗎???...
Wako Department Store
作成者 Ronyx69
Wako Department Store featuring a Seiko clock. Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.,139.7650966,88a,35y,356.2h,44.4t/data=!3m1!1e3 The building has been slightly simplified. The real one is not a perfect 90° angle and has an additional ...
Bamboo Tube Station (竹筒の駅)
作成者 christinayan
Bamboo Tube Station by christinayan01. Inspiration from Shigeru Ban's works. 竹籠の筒のようなホームがあるシンプルな和風テイストの駅舎を作りたくなりBlenderで制作。 **Stats** Template : Passenger Station. 旅客駅. Tris : 1452. (LOD: 144.) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Alpha maps. ** 3D model **...
作成者 LIME
Gate of Divine Might 神武門
作成者 Emperor Li ***UPDATE 2020-06-01*** Roof color changeable with painter 屋頂顏色可用painter 改 ****************************** Also called Gate of Divine Prowess, the Gate of Divine Might is the northern gate of the Forbidden City and was built ...
Chair and parasol for park area
作成者 ron_fu-ta
パークエリア用の椅子とパラソル。訪れた人は着席します。 Chair and parasol for park area. People sit the chair. DLC "Parklife" が必要です。 DLC "Parklife" is required. <Recomend MOD> Move It! More Beautification https://steamc...
Parasol set
作成者 ron_fu-ta
パラソルセット Parasol set Parasol 1 : 4 kinds of random colors Parasol 2 : 4 kinds of random colors Parasol chirpy <Recomend MOD> Move It! More Beautification
作成者 CityOfTokyo
DAIHATSU Midget MP4 It is the tricar which Daihatsu Motor produced....
[prop] police bicycle01
作成者 stmSantana
Japanese police bike prop for "KOBAN" asset. low poly, but over 900 Polygons. * Koban - Japanese police box. 1x1 (v1.04) 拙作の交番アセットに必要な警察自転車プロップです。 プロップ用なのでローポリゴンで作ってタイヤもカクカク、フレームも四角パイプ、各部品も省略し...
Japan Post Signs
作成者 Ronyx69
Includes the Japan Post logo and a central post office sign. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Can be used for any japanese post office. Main: 46 - 76 tris 256x256 LOD: 10 - 36 tris Twitch Yo...
CommunityBus v2
作成者 nekote
CommunityBus v2(After Dark) Left-hand traffic Ver 左側通行バージョンです。 Right-hand traffic Ver 右側通行は此方をどうぞ。 Japanese Community Bus(public light bus) passenger= 40 遅ればせながらDLC対応しました、宜しければ再度ダウンロードお願いします。 ...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 1
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 1 by 시린시...
[Korea] Coffee shop sign prop pack
作成者 시린시
한국 커피샵 프랜차이즈 간판 팩 * 엔젤리너스 * 이디야 * 투썸플레이스 구성품 Angelinus sign prop .crp EDIYA COFFEE sign prop.crp Twosome Place sign prop.crp ...
Centrio Tower
作成者 bart
IF YOU LIKE THIS WORK, GIVE IT A THUMBS UP Centrio Tower CENTRIO COMPLEX - CDO Central Business District Part of Cagayan de Oro Central Business District Collection Centrio Tower is a 23-storey condominium within the Centrio Complex, at the heart of CDO’s ...
korean styled building [residental]
作成者 purplemountain
korean styled building by purplemountain Not compatible with Rico. You can add some commercial signs if you want to use this like commercial building, but this would works as residental low. Please let me know if there is problem with this asset. You can f...
House Nobi (野比家) (RICO)
作成者 christinayan
House Nobi by christinayan01 野比のび太くんちです。 Nobita Nobi's home in Doraemon. **Stats** Template : RICO. Residence Low. Lv1 (低密度住宅Lv1). Tris : 1738. (LOD: ) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Illumination maps. Size : 2 x 2 grid. With Expand front yard...
House Isono (磯野家) (RICO)
作成者 christinayan
House Isono by christinayan01. 磯野カツオくんちです。 Katsuwo Isono's home in Sazaesan. **Stats** Template : RICO. Residence Low. Lv1 (低密度住宅Lv1). Tris : 2535. (LOD: ) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Illumination maps. Size : 3 x 4 grid. With Expand front ...
House Nohara (野原家) (RICO)
作成者 christinayan
House Nohara by christinayan01. 野原しんのすけくんちです Shin-nosuke Nohara's home in Crayon Shin-chan. **Stats** Template : RICO. Residence Low. Lv1 (低密度住宅Lv1). Tris : 1738. (LOD: ) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Illumination maps. Size : 2 x 2 grid. Wit...
Japanese suburban house
作成者 nob50506000
KR Country House Set(NO PROPS)
作成者 K_Green
KR Country House Set with NO PROPS Contents - KR Country House Concrete1 free - KR Country House Concrete2 free - KR Country House Brick1 free - KR Country House Brick2 free * Basic Size : 2X3(16mX24m) If you want to original version, check here. Creator's...
JP Gas Cylinder Pack
作成者 jaijai
JP Gas Cylinder Prop Pack This asset contains 6 props. There are two types of cylinders: 20kg and 30kg. Asset Details 20kg A Triangles: 132 (23), Texture: 128x128 (32x32) 20kg A4 Triangles: 528 (48), Texture: 128x128 (32x32) 20kg B Triangles: 372 (36), Tex...
JP Old house 32~33
作成者 koma
An old Japanese style house with a fenestration room in the entrance. Two types are included in the package. Growable residential low 1×2. 玄関に風除室が付いている古い和風の住宅です。 2種類同梱しています。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾ...
作成者 Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4) . 大手外食チェーン店第2弾です。新とりそぼろ丼が安くて好きです。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
作成者 Kliekie
Aubergine Nestled in funky Fernwood, Aubergine Specialty Foods is dedicated to inspiring one’s culinary imagination. From the frequent local shoppers to the just-dropped-by browser, everyone is sure to be tempted by the bountiful local produce, internation...
jp_re1 (Japanese suburban house)
作成者 nob50506000
Low Density Residential 1×2 日本の都市によくある駐車場付きの細長い住宅...
korea villa3
作成者 waya
建物は3つあります。4階、8階、14階です。 There are 3 buildings, 4, 8 and 14 floors...
Japanese Garbage can
作成者 Krakow131
自動販売機の横などにおけるゴミ箱です デフォルトや既存のアセットのゴミ箱はおしゃれすぎたので取り急ぎ作りました japanese garbage can to throw away plastic bottles....
作成者 waya
JP-VendingMachine-36kinds Most of them are 160x160 24 triangles,Thank you for the photo support of Mr. Kaminogi, Mr. Shibakata and Mr. Koma....
JP High School Student KT01
JP High School Student KT01...
JP Apartment / 日本風アパート3Packs
作成者 koma
This is a package of 3 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 日本各地にありそうなアパート3種パックです。 JP Apartment km A 3 × 2 JP Apartment km B 2 × 4 JP Apartment km C 2 × 3 JP Apartment km A B C by koma...
JPPO Roof Props
作成者 Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
Japanese Residential Props
作成者 Ronyx69
Props for my modern japanese houses. Found in industrial props menu or search "r69 jp res prop". Some of the props are random prop variations of an empty container prop, however you can still plop individual props. Main: 10 - 64 tris 32x32 - 512x256 LOD: 1...
korean villa pack
잠실 부근의 실제 빌라들을 바탕으로 제작했습니다. 리코모드는 따로 적용하셔야 합니다. 혹은 아래 모드 이용 바람. kr villa 1 (1.53mb _ 1,448 tris ) kr villa 2 (1.74mb_ 2,844 tris ) kr villa 3(1,56mb_ 1,712 tris ) kr villa 4(1.96m...
Modular Seya Station
Edited from TOKACHI269's Seya Station. NOT working for station....
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs texture : 512*256...
Future Gadget Laboratory (Steins;Gate)
作成者 Auchmial
This is the fictional Future Gadget Laboratory building in Akihabara from the anime Steins;Gate. Now Hououin Kyouma can protect your city from a two-fold attack by SERN and The Organization! There is nothing anime about the design of this building, however...
JP Old house 30~31
作成者 koma
This is a 2-pack of Japanese style houses with signature architecture. Both are 1 x 1 square in size. They are set up as a house with a closed shop attached to it. The category is Residential. 看板建築の和風住宅2パックです。 どちらも1×1マスサイズです。 廃業した店舗を併設する住宅という設定ですので、 カテゴリーは...
Japanese Telephone Booth
作成者 Auchmial
This is a modern NTT Telephone Booth which I made primarily as part of my new building - Osaka Setback Office 5. It is a building instead of a prop so that it can have both a solid and a translucent texture with the Rotors Shader. It does not, however, nee...
KR Shop1
作成者 Leaf
우리나라에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 가게입니다. 60~70년대 흔하게 지어진 상점건물들과 비슷하게 만들어봤습니다. 감사합니다:) -프롭은 포함되어있지 않습니다- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a common store in South Korea. I tried to make i...
Japanese suburban house 5packs
作成者 nob50506000
low density residential - growable jp_re14 jp_re15 jp_re16 level3 jp_re15 jp_re16 level4...
作成者 Sparks
AKIHABARA GAMERS Head Office A by Sparks Model INFO Tris 4360 Textures 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 2×2 Height 9 storeys high Instructions Search word: AKIHABARA or AKI ------- ------- From this,139.7716493,3a...
JP Cafe Isamiya
作成者 koma
I made this work with reference to a certain cafe in a certain place. Please note that the appearance of the building is different from the actual building. 某所にある某カフェを参考に制作させていただきました。 実在の建物とは外観に相違があります。ご了承ください。 JP Cafe Isamiya by koma...
作成者 koma
The Hokuriku Bank Ebetsu Branch in Ebetsu City, Hokkaido. Why Hokuriku Bank in Hokkaido? If you're wondering, please visit Wikipedia. 北海道江別市の北陸銀行江別支店です。 なぜ北海道に北陸銀行?と思われた方はWikipediaをご覧ください。 Growable comlow 2×3 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofus...
Japanese suburban house
作成者 nob50506000
日本風住宅4棟です。 Find it!ではjp_re【number】で出てきます。...
居酒屋 ミマツ / つけ麺 東
作成者 koma
I created this design based on a shop in Ota-ku, Tokyo. Growable comlow 1×2. 東京都大田区にあるお店を参考に制作しました。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト JP Mimatsu - Azuma by koma...
JP commercial A
作成者 curr66
基本描述: 这是一座位于东京Shimbashi Station(新橋駅)附近的商务楼,里面包含两栋建筑,一栋是带有广告牌的,一座是没有的,你可以通过“find it” 输入“JP commercial”来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的商业建筑。 Basic description: This is a commercial building near Tokyo's Shimbashi Station. There are two buildings in it. One is with a billboar...
Japanese Simple House
作成者 nob50506000
Low Density Residential 日本風住宅7セット シンプルで小さめな家です。 ご支援いただけると嬉しいです。↓
Spotlights prop pack
作成者 Armesto Pack of prop spotlights. Currently using 14 vanilla effects: Upwards neutral Upwards warm Upwards cold Upwards yellow Downwards neutral Downwards warm Downwards...
60° Office - Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower
作成者 fayeddd
Welcome Hello! I am back with Jakarta's building. Please enjoy. About The Asset The asset is a single tower building that overhangs at a 60º degree angle. Created with 'next level' illumination maps and LOD support. The asset is inspired from real-life Ind...
Istiqlal Jakarta Grand Mosque
作成者 fayeddd
Welcome Hello! We are back with another Jakarta's stuff. This is special because this building is very well known as national landmark. So please enjoy. About The Asset The asset is a single grand mosque building. The asset is inspired from real-life Istiq...
Favela / Slum - Jakarta Houses Pack - Part 2
作成者 fayeddd
Welcome The part 2 is arrived. Check the first part in here.. About The Asset The original asset was made by Aitortilla01 for Cities XL and now converted to C:S by me. This pack consists of 7 houses. The lot size follows the original size. I didn't put pro...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
作成者 Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #1 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
NPC Gril
作成者 六六
NPC Gril by Acolasia丶六六 群号557678106 喜欢记得关注我,谢谢 I like to remember attention, thank you...
Japanese Miwa Torii(鳥居,prop)
一般的な朱い三輪鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 白峰神宮の鳥居がモデルです。 This is a Torii complex of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. Shiramine Shrine torii is the model. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 Park Version
H1 1x1 Chinatown Temenent
作成者 Bad Tempered Raven
H1 1x1 Chinatown Temenent by Batardio...
Malaysia Shoplot 2
作成者 BachToBaroque
This kind of building can be found almost everywhere in this country. It's very generic and is very common in light industrial areas, old/new commercial areas, even near residential areas. It comes with 4 color variations. Enjoy & thank you! --------------...
Wong's Chinese Shop
作成者 苏打水
Wong's Chinese Shop by 人群中突然多出一个蓝色的光头...
초원사진관 리마스터(Chowon photo studio Remaster)
作成者 SCAR eng) (There may be a mistranslation.) It is a studio run by Jeong Won (Han Seok-gyu), a male protagonist in the movie "August's Christmas" directed by Heo Jin-ho. It is made by mixing the set restored in Gunsan City with the...
Tamabi Library (たまび図書館)
作成者 christinayan
Tamabi Library by christinayan01. タマビの図書館です。 ** Referenced building (参考にした実在の建物) ** Tama Art University, library / Toyo Ito (多摩美術大学図書館/伊東豊雄). **Stats** Template : Education, Library. (教育機関、図書館). Tris : ...
Sayama Church(狭山礼拝堂)
作成者 christinayan
Sayama Church by christinayan01. Inspiration from Hiroshi Nakamura's(中村拓志) work "Cemetery Lakeside Park Chapel (狭山の森礼拝堂)". ** Referenced building (参考にした実在の建物) ** 【建築】狭山の森 礼拝堂/中村拓志&NAP建築設計事務所|ARCHITECTURE GRAVURE
作成者 红米先生
中式现代小学 by 红米...
作成者 Mortel sf
chien modéliser depuis le jeu note...
Honoka Kousaka, μ's, Love Live
作成者 CheeseFries
Honoka Kousaka, μ's, Love Live by CheeseFries Model:
Raptor Citizen
作成者 Rangarig
RaptorCitizen by Rangarig...
作成者 红米先生
垃圾桶 by 红米...
Tsuzumimon Gate (鼓門)
作成者 christinayan
Tsuzumimon Gate by christinayan01. Traditional musical instrument motif large gate, in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa, Japan 金沢駅にある鼓門です。 Prop is here. プロップ版作りました。 ** Referenced building ** 【建築】Kana...
New Park with Huge Buddha
作成者 Competence-Yenz
A park with an enourmous Buddha statue, bamboo and tall trees. Construction cost : 3000 Maintenance cost : 125 Low wealth tourists : 50 Medium wealth tourists : 50 High wealth tourists : 50 Entertainment accumulation : 100 Entertainment radius : 400 Size :...
New Tiny Japanese Park
作成者 Competence-Yenz
A small Japanese park with lots of pine trees, moss, rocks, benches and a well Construction cost : 1150 Maintenance cost : 85 Low wealth tourists : 50 Medium wealth tourists : 50 High wealth tourists : 50 Entertainment accumulation : 85 Entertainment radiu...
Korean Commercial building
作成者 ahiu00102
This is a typical style of Korean commercial building I didn't make a illumination mask ※ Not RICO ------------------------------ MAIN 1024x1024 / 892 Tris LOD 128x128 / 116 Tris ------------------------------ Thank you...
Korean Commercial building
作成者 ahiu00102
This is a typical style of Korean commercial building ※ Not RICO ------------------------------ MAIN 1024x1024 / 815 Tris LOD 128x128 / 44 Tris ------------------------------ Thank you...
シマノコーヒー大正館 / JP Shimano coffee
作成者 koma
I made it with reference to Shimano Coffee Taisho-kan in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture. Please note that there are some differences with the actual building. Growable comlow 1×2 埼玉県川越市のシマノコーヒー大正館を参考に制作しました。 実在の建物と異なる部分がありますが、ご了承下さい。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただける...
VAF 4x1 Botanical Walkway 1
作成者 -=\V/=-
VAF 4x1 Botanical Walkway 1 by -=\V/=-...
秋葉原建物 Adores カラオケ
作成者 curr66
秋葉原建物 Adores カラオケ by curr66 基本描述: 这座建筑位于东京千代田区秋叶原的Adores カラオケ,建筑的大部分细节我都依据实景进行了还原,有的地方由于历年来都有所变化就依照谷歌地图最新的样貌进行制作,希望大家喜欢。同样的,这也是一座独特建筑,你可以通过“find it”搜索相关关键词来找到它。 Basic description: This building is located in Adores カラオケ, Akihabara, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. I res...
作成者 sebong
Busan International Finance Center (BIFC) _korea _yunseul
作成者 yunseul
--------------------------------------- -translucency glass .ver -no building logo -low quality exterior Glass texture -Unique Building...
作成者 红米先生
欧式居民楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 共计三栋分别:30层一栋 17层一栋 8层一栋,属于住宅楼建筑类,风格偏向于闽南风格建筑...
Landmark building——Yunding 云顶大厦
作成者 啥也不会
云鼎大厦位于山东省济南市高新区汉峪金谷,建筑高度339米。目前属于济南市最高建筑 有偿接受资产定制 Vx:oyhm527 by 筑联建科BIM Yunding Building is located in Hanyu Jingu, Jinan High-tech Zone, Shandong Province, with a building height of 339 meters. It is currently the tallest building in Jinan Paid acceptance...
Jinan Evergrande IFC 1:1
作成者 Roger Wang
Jinan Evergrande international financial center is located in the East plot of Sports Park in Huaiyin District of Jinan City, with Weihai Road in the north, Rizhao road in the south, Weifang road in the East and Dongying road in the West. It is located on ...
Samsung SDS Tower East
作成者 Roger Wang
An office building in Seoul...
Samsung SDS Tower West
作成者 Roger Wang
Seoul Office Building...
gedung sate
作成者 IndomieGoreng
gedung sate by IndomieRebus ...
Japanese Traditional Hot Spring (v2)
作成者 63Drone
A re-edited version of ZPHM's asset with missing props added and better entertainment and tourist level values. Original asset by ZPHM:
Mobicom Building
作成者 ON
Plot size 2*1 Office lv3 main tri +sub = 3000+ Texture 1024*1024 + 512*256 LOD tri +sub = 300+ Texture 128*128 + 128*64 Buiding in Bangkok,Thailand Support my workshop @paypal
[Country House Project] Country House Door & Wall Set
作成者 K_Green
시골집 대문 & 담장 세트 Country House Door & Wall Set 포함 항목 Contents 1. Doors - gate type1 (blue/green/white) - gate type2 (blue/green/white) - gate type3 (blue/green/white) 2. Walls - concrete 2m/8m - concrete block 2m/8m - concrete w tile 2m/8m You can find doors...
Korean Country House Sub Buildings Set
作成者 K_Green
시골집 프로젝트 한국 시골집 서브건물 세트(프롭) Korean country house sub buildings set(prop) 포함 항목 Contents 1. 석면 지붕 창고 Warehouse with asbestos roof - Asbestos Warehouse1 - Asbestos Warehouse2 - Asbestos Warehouse3 2. 비닐하우스(집모양) Greenhouse(house shape) - green house - green h...
Korean Country House Prop Set
作成者 K_Green
시골집 프로젝트 Project COUNTRY HOUSE 한국 시골집 프롭 세트 포함 항목 1. 경운기 Cultivator 2. 건고추 Drying red pepper 3. 우편함 Postbox 4. 목재 평상 Wooden bench 5. 목재파렛트 Wooden pallet(1200X1000) 6. 플라스틱 파렛트 Plastic pallet(1200X1000) (color variable) 7. 개집 Doghouse 8. 야외 수도꼭지 Outdoor tap...
Korean Country House Set
作成者 K_Green
한국 시골집 세트 Contents 1. Type 1 with concrete wall - KR Country House Concrete1 2X2 - KR Country House Concrete1 2X3 - KR Country House Concrete1 3X2 2. Type 2 with concrete wall - KR Country House Concrete2 2X2 - KR Country House Concrete2 2X3 - KR Country H...
H apartment prop
1:1 scale 전용 두개의 로고가 랜덤으로 생성됩니다....
H apartment A
네가지 색상의 아파트가 랜덤으로 생성됩니다. 1:1 scale main (1024x512 *2) lod (256x128*2) sub (64*64)...
H apartment B
네가지 색상의 아파트가 랜덤으로 생성됩니다. 1:1 scale main (1024x512 *2) lod (256x128*2) sub (64*64)...
警察局公安法院检察院Police station public security court Procuratorate
作成者 红米先生
Siny- Module Escalator 拼装扶梯
作成者 Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
Invisible Pedestrian Path (12m width) 隱形人行道
作成者 Emperor Li
Invisible Pedestrian Path Half width 6m Lane width 14m vanilla pedestrian path with no pillars, no elevated segments and nodes. It's used in my Chinese city wall project for better connection with gates and other accessories. ...
Shinto Shrine (Friedhof)
作成者 RayChan
Dies ist ein Friedhof. Designt wie wie ein Shinto Schrein in Japan....
Sacred Burial Ground
作成者 Trippy
Soothsayers & fortune telling services also available. Surrounded by redwoods, an alternative burial ground for those of alternative faith. Found under Healthcare --> Parks Stats & relevant info Cost - 20,000 Upkeep - 200 p/wk Electric - 0 Water - 0 Nature...
Buddhist Crematorium
作成者 Trippy
Found under Healthcare > Parks. Only the Monks know it's secrets. But it disposes of bodies at a good rate. The dead are cremated in the hands of Buddha himself (or at least some stone lookalike). Relevant stats & info Cost - 250,000 - Burning Buddhas don'...
LED Lighting Fixture 天井照明と看板照明
作成者 Takamon27
LED lighting fixture and signboard lighting. LED天井照明と看板照明です。 2022.10.21 Update ポリ数を削減し、カスタムエフェクトローダーVerを追加しました。...
KR Complex Building1
作成者 Leaf
우리나라에서 흔하게 볼 수 있는 복합상업건물입니다. 학원과 음식점, 출판사, 가구점 등이 입점해 있습니다. 감사합니다 :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a complex commercial building that is common in Korea. There are academies, restau...
[Korea] warehouse pack dlc ver.
作成者 시린시
warehouse long dlc 1 warehouse long dlc 2 warehouse long dlc 3 warehouse short dlc 1 warehouse short dlc 2 warehouse short dlc 3...
作成者 红米先生
大棚蔬菜2 by 红米,长80米,宽15米,白色是半透明玻璃材质...
新宿区 Shinjuku Accessories Pack
作成者 Marigold
A pack of accessories for Shinjuku City in Tokyo, Japan. Including: 10 neon signs 1 large wall sculpture 1 entrance gate (with neon sign) 1 LOVE sculpture (also found in other capitals in the world) 1 vertical and 1 horizontal HUMAX sign Recommended to mak...
姬路城 ひめじじょう Himeji Castle
姬路城 ひめじじょう Himeji Castle 姬路城 ひめじじょう Himeji Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Himeji Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. Especially this is an important, UNESCO internationa...
大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle
大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle 大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Osaka Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. and it began to build in 16 century. So it's an impor...
现代艺术馆 Modern Art Museum
作成者 amamIya
现代艺术馆 Modern Art Museum Unique Building Level 5 Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main: 18670 Submesh: 14146 Glass: 4209 Lod: Main: 2102 Submesh: 352 Glass: 0 Texture: Main: 512*512 Submesh: 256*256 Glass: 256*256...
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
作成者 910095247
The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa is a museum of contemporary art located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. The museum was designed by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa of the architectural office SANAA in 2004. In Octobe...
Molang Prop (몰랑이)
作成者 Pekora
Description It is Molang prop for people who love cute things. What is Molang? Molang is a lovely chubby, cute adorable ‘pig rabbit’ that invented by once was a university student in South Korea, Yoon Hye Ji. At first, she made this loving super chubby bun...
作成者 Onlylove
健身器材01 by Onlylove...
Green city square绿地城市广场
作成者 红米先生
绿地城市广场占地8X8格子,64X64米,贴图分辨率1024X1024,通过SUB方式导入,模型LOD面数在6千左右.由于在资产编辑器里无法放置更多PROP,有上限要求,所有里边有一半地方为空地,需要自己在游戏中开启相关prop模组便可在广场上任意地方放置你想要的prop资产,比如常见的树木等。 另外广场外形已对角为起点,可以想象摆放方式,比如十字路口放置在一边,或者十字路口对角摆放,镜像最好,这样可以形成一个大型城市广场。 The Greenland city square covers an area ...
Onsen (温泉)
作成者 christinayan
Onsen by christinayan01. ONSEN is the Japanese name for "hot spring". The term also extends to cover the bathing facilities and traditional inns frequently situated around a hot spring. シンプルな温泉です。ヨーロッパ風景にもきっと馴染みます。 **Stats** Template: Parks. 公園. Tris: 2683...
JP Shirakawa-go / 合掌造り家屋
作成者 koma
2020.07.14 The wheel of a Daihachi car is on the roof The house has been added. 2020.07.14 屋根に大八車の車輪がのっている 家屋を追加しました。 Gassho-zukuri houses in Shirakawa-go and Gokayama The house is located in the Gassho-zukuri village in Gokayama, Shirakawa-go. Four types ...
Don Quijote - Kabukicho
作成者 Skoots
Inspired by the Don Quijote in Kabukicho Japan. Created for a friend using Blender 2.8 by Skoots...
Night Market NO.01
作成者 SeeSun
Night Market夜市 NO.01 by 抽不到五星...
(Mixed-Use) Leaf Mart Convenience Store with Apartments
作成者 stockjr97
PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!! This is a Japanese-styled mixed-use store and apartment building. It is a commercial building with a high-density residential sub-building. This, of course, means that it CANNOT be zoned and must be plopped with the Ploppable RICO mod ...
Japanese Recycling Bins
作成者 stockjr97
Was originally only meant for my Leaf Mart asset, but decided to make it a general prop so others can use it. This is a row of Japanese recycling bins that you'll commonly see in front of Japanese konbinis (or convenience stores). This one in particular is...
Ryokan (Unique Building/Monument)
作成者 stockjr97
For those who don't own the After Dark DLC, this is a Unique Building version of the ryokan. A Japanese inn from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. The model and textures has been slightly tweaked and reworked. Details: Lots Size: 3x3 Lot type: Unique Buildi...
Tagore K Museum
作成者 Mr.Planner
Tagore K Museum, a 19th century landlord house converted into a heritage museum. This building will add a touch of the gone colonial era and will attract huge tourists to the city. from Mr.Planner We have got an opportunity to save mankind by staying at ho...
Urban Residential 3
作成者 Mr.Planner
Urban Residential 3, an Indian urban house, but can be used in any modern residential area. from Mr.Planner...
Sensō-ji Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) 浅草寺-雷門
作成者 Emperor Li The Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) is the outer gate of Sensō-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple), a famous ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. With its lantern and statues, it attracts tourists from around the worl...
Sri Ganesh temple
作成者 Mr.Planner
Sri Ganesh temple. This is not a major tourist attraction but a humble place for daily worship. by Mr.Planner...
DeviShakti Temple
作成者 Mr.Planner
A Hindu Temple and cultural destination for your city. The workshop has some fantastic Mosques and Churches. So I thought it would be great to introduce a Temple. This is my first asset on Steam Workshop, The model is without a custom LOD. I'm yet to get m...
作成者 Takafumi3ry2ta
JP_Machiya_01 by Takafumi3ry2ta...
作成者 Takouma
InstantSevenEleven prop (AD) Example of use:
okinawan condminium with seveneleven japan
作成者 zan16432
okinawan style condminium with seveneleven in japan by zan16432...
Cam Key Mansion
Reference Cam Key Mansion Introduction Cam Key Mansion 489-495 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 9 floor   - Level 2 growth   - After Dark ready   - 1245 tris, 1024 x 512 texture RICO is ready   - Size: 2x...
Sunset Harbor Japanese fishing boat
作成者 PentalimbedP
TOKACHI269's fishing boats from his fishing harbor asset pack converted to sunset harbor vehicles. All credits to the original author. Use mods like Service Vehicle Selector 2 or Advanced Vehicle Options to limit the spawn to your preferred type. Update: S...
Japanese Low-rise Apartment
作成者 nob50506000
Low Density Residential Level.1 日本風の低層アパートです。 8種類入ってます。...
代々木ゼミナール Yozemi Tower
作成者 Keith3201
This serves as an alternative to the smaller default universities if you have a very densely populated city and are in need of more education. It is 132 meters tall with 36 floors. It is based on a building in Tokyo, Japan. The main model has 2,011 tris wi...
BOOKOFF 秋葉原駅前店
作成者 curr66
BOOKOFF 秋葉原駅前店 by curr66 我同时还发布有1K大小的贴图的版本,如果你觉得2K贴图太大的话,就点击这个链接进行订阅 I also released a version with 1K stickers. If you think 2K stickers are too big, just click this link to subscribe https://...
[Korea] Newtown villa1
作成者 시린시
Newtown villa1 by 시린시...
陶朱隱園 Agora Garden V1.0 (Larger Footprints Mod need)
作成者 超究武神千千
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ This Version needs Larger Footprints Mod which is not stable. I recommend V1.1 version ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️...
Luxury Business Complex
作成者 amamIya
Luxury Business Complex by amamIya...
Leifeng Tower (Parklife)
作成者 Beckler OM
The 5-story Leifeng Tower, known officially as Leifeng Pagoda, will allow your cims to explore this recreation of the famous ancient Chinese landmark. This building is found under City Park tab. It functions just like any other Parklife park area building,...
作成者 christinayan
Kofun(古墳) by christinayan01. Kofun(ancient grave) are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan. 前方後円墳です。 **Stats** Template : Park. 公園. Tris : 9361. (LOD: .) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Alpha maps. Size: 8 x 11 grid. ** 3D model ** FBX file. Ava...
中式古风仿唐建筑4X4Ancient Chinese building(Tang Dynasty style)
作成者 MC100
中式古风仿唐Ancient China by mc100 这是我第一次做资产,参考了一些唐代建筑,但是简化了很多。本模组做得没有那些大佬们那么精细,希望大家能够见谅。本人B站:MC100南少 This is the first time I've made the assest.I referred to some buildings of Tang dynasty of China,but simiplified a lot.Hope U guys can love it.:) Bilibili:MC10...
Ancient Tang Building (Parklife)
作成者 Beckler OM
Ancient Tang Building to allow your cims to experience ancient Chinese Tang Dynasty buildings within their own city. This building is found in the City Park tab. It functions in the same manner as any other Parklife park area building, being able to attrac...
Round About Park with Cherry Blossoms
作成者 Shakes5746
A simple park in the middle of a round about. Low cost to build, low energy and water usage, 1 each. Has a large entertainment impact on your city. Just something simple I built. Let me know if you like. Round A Bout Park by Dj-Disaster...
Historical Chinese residence Pack
作成者 RyanCat
Historical Chinese residence Pack Contains 7 traditional Chinese style residence buildings,which share the textures.Use Loading screen mod to save RAM. Tris: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Main 1429 317 514 2595 2497 1746 1682 LOD 22 22 ...
Democracy Monument - อนุสาวรีย์ประชาธิปไตย
作成者 Palm'sTime
Thai Democracy Monument อนุสาวรีย์ประชาธิปไตย Note / หมายเหตุ This asset is an adapted from this Schnathun's sketchup model on 3D Warehouse. Full credit goes to original creator. Asset นี้ดัดแปลงมาจากต้นฉบับของคุณ Schnathun โดยเป็น sketchup model บน 3D War...
Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building
作成者 NameInvalid
The New Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building houses the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly, where state assemblymen from all over Sarawak meet and preside over debates and passing of laws. The complex is at the north bank of the Sarawak River in bet...
HK Herbal tea shops
作成者 Uncle Misha
Description A traditional Chinese herb shop as a standalone 1x1 building. Two variations. Asset details A clinic: 1 worker, 1 patient, no ambulance (yes, it is a really tiny clinic). 1x1 tile. Screenshots were made with Relight Neutral LUT. Check the scree...
Chinese veranda 1
作成者 RyanCat
The waterside building I used in Contains a main building,a lotus vat prop,a wooden stand prop and a wooden lamp prop which uses the custom effect loader mod that make it lit up at night. The building has inside structures on t...
Ancient Chinese Banners and Flags中式古风旗帜
作成者 MC100
包含了6面旗子,配合古建筑场景使用。 This asset includes six banners and flags.You can place them on the wall or other Chinese buildings.
一个小亭子a pavilion
作成者 XDBX
a pavilion 1 by XDBX 这是会所qq群推出的一个教学资产,来方便一些制作资产的初学者, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XDBX’都市天际线资产娱乐会所: Welcome to XDBX‘s Group. ------...
Pavilion (Post Office)
作成者 m4gic
A Pavilion by XDBX Functions as a Post Office from Industries DLC...
Bonsai (盆栽)
作成者 christinayan
Bonsai by christinayan01. Japanese bonsai (pine tree) as taller. 育ちすぎてしまった盆栽です。 **Stats** Template : Prop. (プロップ). Tris : 997. Texture : 1024px Diffuse map. Size : 1x1 grid. Note: - ** 3D model ** FBX file. Available free download on my website. Bonsai - A...
Changchun Railway Station South Building
作成者 yamei
Changchun Station, located in Kuancheng District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China, is a special-class station under the jurisdiction of China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and an important transportation hub in Jilin Province. On November 3...
Historical Chinese Buildings Pack (Offices)
作成者 RyanCat
Historical Chinese Buildings Pack by RyanCat Contains 8 different buildings,which function as offices. They all share one texture so you can use Loading screen mod to save RAM. Use repaint to change roof color. Tris: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Main 3913 4051 ...
Pedestrian Arch Bridge 海心沙人行桥
作成者 HooHeeHaa
The construction of the Haixinsha Pedestrian Bridge began in 2020. The bridge connects Haixinsha on the north bank and Guangzhou Tower on the south bank, and is the first pedestrian bridge over the Pearl River. Size: 16x2 Texture: 512x512, d, n, s 广州塔人行景观桥...
Small Mosques - Jakarta Houses Pack - Part 3
作成者 fayeddd
Welcome The part 3 is arrived. Check the first part in here.. Check the second part in here.. About The Asset This pack consists of 5 type of small mosques and 3 minarets. All assets support various colors. Triangles: Max 2000Triangles / LOD: default by th...
Bakrie Mosque Jakarta
作成者 fayeddd
Welcome Hello! I am back with another mosque. About The Asset The asset is a single mosque building. The asset is inspired from real-life Bakrie Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia. Created with 'next level' illumination maps and LOD support. Category: Unique Bui...
Jiangnan Style Pavilion 江南十字脊歇山閣
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A generic Jiangnan style pavilion building. Based on Woxin Pavilion near Ying'en Gate, Shaoxing, China. A Park Life version and a prop version included. 一座十字脊歇山顶的楼阁建筑,原型是绍兴迎恩门附近的...
Palace Corridor Network 京式宮殿走廊
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Draggable corridor network using assets from Taoist Temple Complex 使用 東嶽廟 素材制作的可拉式回廊 Include a draggable corridor network, a corner piece, left end, right end. 包含可拉式”路网“回廊,直角,和两端...
Guzheng (Chinese Zither)
作成者 RyanCat
Guzheng (Chinese Zither) prop Tris:488 Texture:512x512,d...
Traditional Chinese market pack
作成者 RyanCat
Traditional Chinese market pack(props) by RyanCat Contains 14 props Support me here...
Korean Lights
作成者 TDB Korean Lights Feel the mood. 한국 조명 분위기를 가속화하다. Informations Cheongsachorong Modern Street 6m Yeosu Odongdo Seawall Lighting #Korea #Light #Street #Cheongsachorong #Lantern #한국 #조명 #가로등 #청사초롱
Chinese Taoist Temple - Xuanmiaoguan 玄妙觀
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Chinese Taoist Temple - Xuanmiaoguan Based on Change list: Fixed the wall Added night lights Shrunk the model to...
圆明园park 02
作成者 Ming Yue
圆明园park 02 by Ming Yue As one part of the theme park of the Old Summer Palace,it has a beautiful view of the landscape.There were courtyard with meandering streams,beautiful singing girls and an endless stretch of beautiful scenery in this park!If you want...
Beijing Style Palace Building 京式重簷歇山殿
作成者 Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A generic Beijing style palace building. 糅合各种原型的一栋北京式建筑。殿名普通😄 借鑒了工坊作者 Emperor Li的很多素材,特別感謝。 Model Info LOT Size 7x4 Tris 6738 LOD Tris 39 Texture 2048x2048 LOD Texture 256x256 --...
Thai Teacher House (Pack) - บ้านพักครู
作成者 Palm'sTime
Thai Teacher House By Palm'sTime Building Info: Type House / Residential Low Size All types: 2 x 2 Storey 2 Storey Tris Main Tris: Type 1 : 799 Type 2 : 1,344 Type 3 : 767 LOD: Type 1 : 62 Type 2 : 56 Type 3 : 38 Texture Size 512 x 512 (Main) | 64 x 64 (LO...
Lime bottom tree 底色刷石灰白树
作成者 76561198822036937
Lime bottom tree 底色刷石灰白树...
Japanese old house
作成者 nob50506000
1950~80年代くらいに建てられた古めの住宅です。 農家や地方にありそうな広いタイプです。庭はついていません。 jp_re86 jp_re88 jp_re89 jp_re90 jp_re91 Lv.1...
Japanese Suburban House
作成者 nob50506000
都市部から郊外まで使えるシンプルな一戸建てです。 外壁にカラーマップを設定しているので好きな色に変えられます。 庭はついていません。 Lv.2 jp_re77 jp_re79 jp_re80 jp_re81 jp_re82 jp_re83 jp_re84 jo_re85 jp_re87 Lv.1 jp_re78a jp_re78b...
Richard Building AmaC
作成者 RichardShi
Random light at night. Richard Building AmaC by RichardShi...
Jimbocho Book Center
作成者 curr66
Jimbocho Book Center by curr66 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本东京市九段下附近的一座一二层是书店的办公楼。本次制作主要刻画了底部书店以及附带的自行车停车区域,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is a one- or two-story bookstore office building located nea...
The Catsle Of Cagliostro
作成者 CityOfTokyo
The Catsle Of Cagliostro Description It is a castle appearing in "Lupine the Third Castle of Cagliostro". The population of the Cagliostro ducho with the castle of Cagliostro is 3,500 and it is set as the smallest UN member country in the world. Cagliostro...
Cagliostro ClockTower
作成者 CityOfTokyo
Cagliostro ClockTower Description It is a clock tower that appears in "Lupine the Third Castle of Cagliostro". It is on the other side of Cagliostro Castle and is sending lake water to the castle with Roman water service. The original role of the clock tow...
Cagliostro Flag Replaser
作成者 CityOfTokyo
Cagliostro Flag Replaser It is the flag of the Cagliostro duchy that appears in "Lupine III Castle of Cagliostro". To replace stock flags go to the More Flags mod's options and change Replace stock flags with option. You can be put in-game with More Beauti...
TRAYCLE Market&Coffee
作成者 koma
TRAYCLE Market&Coffee is located in Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture. This building, a nationally registered tangible cultural property, is a relocated Kamogawa branch of the Furukawa Bank from the early Taisho era and is used as a cafe and general store. I...
Chinese Restaurant Xiao Chun
作成者 Emperor Li
Chinese Restaurant Xiao Chun (Growable Lv3 3x3) Nothing really new actually, just slightly modify my old Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun to make another Lv3 restaurant. I also make another one with level 2 (Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun). All 3 restaurants sh...
Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun
作成者 Emperor Li
Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun (Growable Lv2 3x3) Nothing really new actually, just slightly modify my old Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun to make another Lv2 restaurant. I also make another one with level 3 (Chinese Restaurant Xiao Chun). All 3 restaurants sh...
Shanghai customs house 上海海关大楼
作成者 CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. Ps:此资产顶端并没有国旗,如果有需要国旗的需要自己摆放。 Ps:There is no national flag on the top of this asset. If you need a national flag, you need to place it yourself. 上海海关大楼是1891年拆除旧屋,于1893年建成一座英国建筑师设计、浦东...
JP Suburb shop pack 2
作成者 koma
JP Suburb shop pack 2 Japanese old commercial shop. JP Suburb shop Yasui.(安井電器商会) Tris : 815 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 92 Texture 32×32 JP Suburb shop Sasaki.(ささき釣具店) Tris : 731 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 101 Texture 64×64 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな古風な店舗パックです。 安井電器...
JP Suburb shop pack 1
作成者 koma
JP Suburb shop pack 1 Japanese old commercial shop. JP Suburb shop Nakanishi.(中西薬局) Tris : 768 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 98 Texture 64×64 JP Suburb shop Saitou.(斉藤酒店) Tris : 854 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 129 Texture 64×64 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな古風な店舗パックです。 中西薬局...
JP House1x2 日本の住宅
作成者 Goemon
日本の住宅 低層 1x2...
JP bank 日本の福岡銀行
作成者 Goemon
JP bank  office 2×2 福岡銀行 ...
207 Des Voeux Road West | 德輔道西207號
作成者 Jeremychit 207 Des Voeux Road West 德輔道西207號 - 厚生酒行 Introduction Tenement building on Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. Built in 1921, and it's graded as Grade II historic buildings in Hong Ko...
505-507 Canton Road | 廣東道505號
作成者 Jeremychit 505-507 Canton Road 廣東道505-507號 Introduction Tenement building on Canton Road, Jordon, Hong Kong. Built in 1948. Description This building is the first Hong Kong building I made for Cities: Sk...
Taru A (酒樽) [Prop]
作成者 christinayan
Taru A by christinayan01. Wooden barrel for Japanese SAKE of Daiginjo. 焼酎の酒樽です。 **Stats** Template : Prop. (プロップ). Tris : 320. Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular maps. Size : 1x1 grid. Note: - ** 3D model ** FBX file. Available free download on my website....
Taru B (酒樽) [Prop]
作成者 christinayan
Taru B by christinayan01. Wooden barrel for Japanese SAKE of Daiginjo. 大吟醸の酒樽です。 **Stats** Template : Prop. (プロップ). Tris : 258. Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular maps. Size : 1x1 grid. Note: - ** 3D model ** FBX file. Available free download on my website...
Sake brewery (酒蔵)
作成者 christinayan
Sake brewery by christinayan01. Required DLC "Industries". Daiginjo factory, it is top-quality sake brewed from rice grains. 創業以来長い歴史を持ち、味を守り続ける酒蔵です。 **Stats** Template : Industry, Unique Factory. (産業。ユニーク施設。レモネード工場). Tris : 1002. Texture : 1024px Diffuse,...
骑楼#1 Overhang Building#1
作成者 HooHeeHaa
First work of the overhang building series. Overhang buildings are commonly seen in shop streets in Southern China, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The asset I made was modeled after the renovated buildings near Tuanyida Square, Guangzhou, China, and com...
Props pack for viaye's Metro Station Assets千世车站配件prop包
作成者 via枼世千
This props pack includes: 6 kinds of lights for my stations; 1 Chinese style of advertisement board. I have deleted all of my previous lamp and board assets. IF YOU SUBSCRIBE MY PREVIOUS LAMP ASSET, PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE THIS PROP PACK, for problems...
viaye's Modern Chinese Style of Metro Station A(vanilla ver.) 国风地铁站A原版
作成者 via枼世千
Introduction for update: 1. More details for station, including real lights, elevators, real glass, and so on; 2.Fixed models for size in real world(128m); 3.Real metro station track; Enjoy! 大幅更新介绍: 1.在站台内加了更多细节,更多的灯光和适配地铁站风格的灯;将原先的假电梯更换成真正的电梯模型; 2.模型修正,从1...
HK Mark 1 block 6s, 60s
作成者 Uncle Misha
Description A Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it looked in the prosperous 1960s. A 6-storey version, with flat roof. Based on the very first 6-storey blocks of Shek Kip Mei resettlement estate. Mark I blocks, so-called 'H' blocks, were designed ...
viaye's Modern Chinese Style of Metro Station B(No DLC) 千世国风地铁站B(无DLC)
作成者 via枼世千
注意:新的摆件包已经发布,之前的所有摆件已经全部删除,请已经订阅本资产的玩家记得订阅。 2021年2月12日本次更新内容: 更新了千世系列国风地铁站专属图标; 更新了本地铁站内的所有摆件; 采用狼少大佬的地铁站台轨道,如果是使用MOM的玩家请记得千万不要替换轨道(默认显示的是火车,但实际是地铁轨道),否则可能会出现被替换的情况。 ATTENTION: New viaye's prop pack has been uploaded, all the previous prop assets have been...
Hong Kong Housing Estate (H-Block) | 香港工字型公共屋邨
This's my first time uploading things to Steam Workshop :D Please inform me if there is any problem. Thx ~ Introduction of the building Introduced in 1976, this H-Block design is used in public housing estates in Hong Kong constructed between 1979 and 1983...
Tobu Store Supermarket
作成者 Muska
일본의 체인 수퍼마켓 토부스토어 니시카와구치점입니다. RICO 사용하시면 저밀도 상업 건물로 이용하실 수 있습니다. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Tobu Store is Supermarket Chain in Japan. This is Nishikawaguchi branch which is located in Saitama, Japan. If you use RICO you can use it as an low commecial building. =*=*...
Stone Bridges Pack
作成者 RyanCat
Stone Bridges Pack by RyanCat Contains 9 historical Chinese stone bridges prop. Use Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance for better LOD performance. Or use Ultimate Level Of Detail (ULOD) to configure the LOD distance. UseLoading Screen Mod to share textures....
Beijing Courtyard House Prop Part 3
作成者 Emperor Li
A collection of 37 Beijing courtyard house (Siheyuan) props for future projects. All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of them share the same texture. Can be found under Landscaping\Common Find it keywords: BCHP, Beijing Tris: 2422~434 L...
Beijing Courtyard House Prop Pack Part 2 四合院物件之二
作成者 Emperor Li
A pack of 15 Beijing courtyard house (Siheyuan) props 十五個北京四合院物件。 All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of them share the same texture. 全物件貼圖大小為1024x1024 px (LOD: 128x128),有些使用相同貼圖。 Can be found under Landscaping\Common 位於Landscaping\Com...
Beijing Courtyard House Prop Pack Part 1 四合院物件之一
作成者 Emperor Li
A pack of 13 Beijing courtyard house (Siheyuan) props 十三個北京四合院房屋物件。 All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of them share the same texture. 全物件貼圖大小為1024x1024 px (LOD: 128x128),有些使用相同貼圖。 Can be found under Landscaping\Common 位於Landscaping\C...
Hospital On Tree (木上整形外科)
作成者 christinayan
Hospital On Tree by christinayan01. Inspiration from Terunobu Fujimori's work. 木の上の小さな整形外科。地階には謎の扉がある。 ** Referenced building (参考にした実在の建物) ** Tea room "Tetsu" / Terunobu Fujimori (茶室 徹/藤森照信+大嶋信道) **Stats...
Jakarta Houses Pack - Part 1
作成者 fayeddd
Welcome I think you cannot make a realistic South East Asian city without these orange roof houses. So here it comes and please enjoy! About The Asset The original asset was made by Aitortilla01 for Cities XL and now converted to C:S by me. I split the pac...
JP Shrine Buildings 神社の建物
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
日本の神社を再現するために必要な様々な建物がパッケージになったセットです。 神社用小物 JP Shrine PropsのPropと合わせてお使いください。 Find It 等で「JPCS」と検索すると、すべてのアセットが表示されます。 配置の方法や使い方はガイドをご覧ください。 This is a package with various buildings to make shrines in Japan. Please use this buildings with 神社用小物 JP Shrine Pr...
Props for Japanese Style Roads / 和風道路小物
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
和風の道路に必要なProp類です。 Contents / 内容物 JP Traditional Bridge Pole / 橋の欄干 Tris: 92 (LOD: 40) JP Traditional Road Pole / 道路に立ってる柱 Japanese style bollard Tris: 92 (LOD: 40) Tris: 10 Textures: JP Traditional Planter Random / 橋で使っている植木鉢 3 variants randomly appear. 3種...
Vietnamese Tube House 01 I Nhà phố Việt Nam 01
Vietnamese Tube House 01 by nhattam1999 Building Info: This buiding were built in early 30s in Art Deco style, located at 43, Hang Bai Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. During French Colonial period, it was famous for Nguyễn Dực Radio, the biggest radio store at tha...
Pangyo_Detached House6 (판교단독주택)
作成者 setsuna4786
Pangyo_Detached House6 by 漆黑の林...
Pangyo_Detached House5 (판교단독주택)
作成者 setsuna4786
Pangyo_Detached House5 by 漆黑の林...
Residential House HDR4 4x4 RICO 124-87-151.87
作成者 targa
Fourteen-story brick one-entrance house for 21 families (in the game). The building is made of gray bricks. Typical project 124-87-151.87 Version this building with red brick walls here. You can use props from this collection to decorate buildings. This is...
作成者 cherrymae87
YAKISOBA RESTURAUNT by cherrymae87...
Phuket Baba Museum
作成者 NKZ.
Phu-ket Baba Museum or MUSEUM PHU-KET(Peranakannitat) by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail MUSEUM PHU-KET(Peranakannitat) Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 Main Tris - 16,773 LOD Textures - 256 x 256 LOD - 201 Cost - 17,000 Google Map :...
MUSEUM PHUKET(Phuket Nagara)
作成者 NKZ.
MUSEUM PHU-KET(Phu-ket Nagara)-Old Phu.ket Town by NKZ. Detail Assets Detail MUSEUM PHU-KET(Phu-ket Nagara) Main Textures - 1,024 x 1,024 Main Tris - 11,321 LOD Textures - 256 x 256 LOD - 317 Cost - 15,000 Required mods Additive Shader search same name in ...
Forbidden City Wall
作成者 Emperor Li
The wall surrounding the Forbidden City. works as elevated pedestrian path, Cims can walk atop the wall. Including bridge segment. Can be found under pedestrian path menu. Recommend to flatten the terrain first. But it follows the terrain. wall heights adj...
Melinh point Saigon
作成者 korotovool
Melinh point Saigon by korotovool BIG UPDATE! - due to this type of building and base on its original. Melinh Point Saigon is a prestigious office development in the prime business of Ho Chi Minh City, District 1 - Vietnam...
[Korea] Hollys coffee
作成者 시린시
Hollys coffee by 시린시...
French Colonial Palace
The palace was built in 1886–1890, It counts with Gothic, Renaissance and French colonial architecture influences. This palace was based on some Various colonial buildings and constructions in Southeast Asia countries - known as Indochina in the 19th and 2...
경복궁 강녕전 Korean Palace
경복궁 강녕전 Korean Palace 경복궁 강녕전 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 중요한 건물 중 하나인 강녕전입니다. 경복궁의 내전이자 임금의 침실이였던 강녕전은 오늘날에 이르러 문화 유산으로서 서울의 명소로 자리매김하고 있습니다. This building is called by Gangnyeongjeon and it was a one of popular buildings in G...
Thai Countryside House
作成者 marconok19
This asset belongs to low-rise residential. The other mods like Find it and Plop growables may be required Created by marconok19...
The Pavilion of Prince Teng (Palace Buildings) 滕王閣宮殿組件
作成者 Bathtub
Recommend to subscribe with The Pavilion of Prince Teng together 推荐和滕王阁一起订阅 If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Pavilion of Prince Teng is a building in the north west of the city of Nanchang, in Jiangxi provin...
The Pavilion of Prince Teng 滕王閣
作成者 Bathtub
Recommend to subscribe with Palace Buildings together 推荐和滕王阁宫殿组件一起订阅 If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Pavilion of Prince Teng is a building in the north west of the city of Nanchang, in Jiangxi province, Chi...
Meditation Dojo (空中座禅道場)
作成者 christinayan
Meditation Dojo by christinayan01. Super long cantilever building almost made of wood. Architect by Shigeru Ban. Location at Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan. パソナグループが兵庫県淡路市に建設中の空中座禅道場です。 2022年2月16日追記:座禅リトリート&レストラン『禅房 靖寧』(Zembo Seinei)という名称に決まったようです。 **Referenced ...
(PROP) イナバ物置 / JP Inaba strage room A B
作成者 koma
「やっぱりイナバ 100人乗っても大丈夫!」 でお馴染みのイナバ物置のプロップです。 2種類同梱しています。 扉のカラーは4色ランダムです。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 アマゾン欲しいものリストです。 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
JPEH 低密度住宅 Lv1 3Packs
作成者 koma
We are adding three new types to the JPEH (JP Easy House) series. The sizes are 2×3, 3×2, and 3×3. Growable Residential low. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JPEH ( JP Easy House ) シリーズに新たに3種類追...
JP Car Port
作成者 SUGINOKO ver.1.0 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のカーポートです。 ・Japanese car port. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is a ruin and can be placed freely. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●以下の21種類が同包されています。 ・The following 21 types are include...
Plant package 1-52
作成者 waya
这个是用少量三角型制作的树和植物以节约资源。所以它可以大范围的使用。 This is a small number of triangular trees and plants to save resources. So it can be widely used. これは少量の三角型で作られた木と植物で資源を節約している。だから広範囲に使用することができます。 wy-Botany001 128x128 129t wy-Botany002-A 128x128 18t wy-Botany003-A B C 2...
Wall light Prop Set ウォールライトPropセット
作成者 Takamon27
ウォールライトのアセットです。 10種類のウォールライトを同梱しています。 このアセットはCustom Effect Loaderを使用しています。 It is a wall light asset. Includes 10 types of wall lights. This asset uses the Custom Effect Loader....
和風住宅塀パック / JP js-fence
作成者 koma
This is an exterior wall prop pack for Japanese style houses. Four different parts are included in the package. By combining them, you can create exterior walls of various sizes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------...
物干し台と物干し竿 / JP Drying laundry
作成者 koma
This is a prop for a clothesline and a clothesline pole. Two types are included in the package, a new one and an old one. (Recommended props) Japanese Residential Props ---------------------...
Korean Royal Living Space1
作成者 cherrymae87
Korean Royal Living Space1 by cherrymae87...
Korean Royal Living Space 1
作成者 cherrymae87
Korean Royal Living Space 1 by cherrymae87...
Hanyuan Palace
作成者 MC100
"the gold gate of the magnificent palace was opened, millions of halls came into view. And all nations' ambassadors woshiped the paramount emperor."------------Wang Wei(an eminent poet in Tang Dynasty) Hanyuan Palace is the principal hall of Daming Palace,...
Fishbone Antenna | 魚骨天線
作成者 Jeremychit Fishbone Antenna 魚骨天線 Description Antennas, or "fishbone" antennas. Antenna prop with six different variations, from two antennas on a pole to six antennas carmped together, recreating Hong Ko...
Trash Props
作成者 creepyeyes
A collection of assets that are for a building theme that I'm working on - but this part is done, so enjoy it now! Contains three trash piles, two trash "decals" (they do have some geometry/height, so not quite a decal) and a trash bag. EDIT 3/21/17 - Dark...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 2 | 香港唐樓
作成者 Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 2 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 二 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a pharmacy and a hardware store on the shop floor. ...
Japanese Rural Shop / 日本小超市
作成者 newp
大家好! Hello Everyone this is the first asset I will be making out of my Seaside Village Collection, the Japanese shop is based off a store in Ine, Japan, I will be trying to fix the light issue soon as currently they turn on very abruptly. The shop can be u...
乡村住宅20 rural house
作成者 yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
웬디스 시부야 (wendy's Shibuya)
作成者 SCAR
This is Wendy's Japanese Shibuya branch, an American hamburger franchise. This is a collaboration version with Nijisanji, a virtual YouTuber company that was conducted from September to October 2021. 미국의 햄버거 프렌차이즈인 웬디스의 일본 시부야점입니다. 2021년 9월부터 10월까지 진행한 버추얼...
69th Cangbai Rd,Chongqing (2K)
作成者 RyanCat
Located at Cangbai Road,Chongqing,China,the Soviet Embassy Military Attache Office was originally the Mansion of Shen Zhiren,which was built in the early years of the Republic of China.With the move of the Soviet Embassy into Chongqing,its military attache...
作成者 cherrymae87
KOREA PALACE by cherrymae87...
Tris Roof Eldercare (住宅型有料老人ホーム蛇)
作成者 christinayan
Tris Roof Eldercare by christinayan01. Impressive timber triangle-roofs which look like a snake. いわゆるひとつの住宅型有料老人ホームです。最近のバージョンアップから増えた施設ですね。 Inspiration from Kengo Kuma's works "Kyushu Geibun Kan Museum". 参考:隈研吾建築都市設計事務所設計の九州芸文館. **Stats** Template : Healt...
Fountain jet props
作成者 Robert
A set of animated fountain jets, exported at 3 different scales - ~7m, ~14m, and ~20m (same mesh and texture) They run non-stop, no needs. It's just the nozzle and the water, and a 'pool steam' effect. Place them in existing pools or bodies of water (with ...
Cultural Center of the Philippines - Tanghalang Pambansa (National Theater)
作成者 kimoz17
Cultural Center of the Philippines: Tanghalang Pambansa (National Theater) by kimoz17 The Tanghalang Pambansa (National Theater) is the flagship venue and primary offices of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP). Designed by late National Artist of ...
TWEH_Old House Pack 台灣鄉下民宅四款(Taiwan)
作成者 sanyu321
這是台灣鄉下常見的民宅建築,一共有四棟。 如何使用 Search "TW" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 遊戲中作為低密度住宅使用。其中兩棟附有水泥地面可以當作庭院。考慮到造景需求,並沒有在資產中使用圍牆,如有需要可以使用下列物品:台灣圍牆↗️。 另外因為中途顏色調錯整個重做,物件重新擺了超過幾個小時,所以後來命名就用了01、02之類的來命名了...不過原本是叫做紅色磚瓦房之類的,嘛還是要叫做透天比較好?其實是不確定這種建築要怎麼叫,最後還是用數字命名保...
Taiwan building props
作成者 YufuCharioteer
台灣建築配件 ▲"Custom Effect Loader"必要 支援其他作者創作所製作的道具包,部分道具也可做為裝飾用途使用 Taiwan building props ▲This asset require "Custom Effect Loader" Mod. Decorative props for buildings in Taiwan Asset Details Too much content, list only approximate range Triangles(LOD): 12(2)...
TWEH_Components 台灣建築用地面組(Taiwan)
作成者 sanyu321
這是台灣建築用地面組,不建議作為單獨使用。 如何使用 Search "TWEH_Components" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 因為這是作為之後台灣建築的前置項目之一,並非是作為單獨的物件來使用。被使用在鄉村農舍的庭院(搭配建築的連結:鄉下民宅↗️),或是相關建築的地面。 注意事項 如果省得麻煩可以直接在Find it!搜尋Sanyu也會出現(笑)。這並不是Decal(NOT Decal),是很扁平的物件。 實際內容物 包括下列2款。 TWEH_C...
West Valley State Palace
West Valley State Palace was built in 1886 at Blanca Rosa District - West Valley, It counts with French colonial architecture influences. The Palace also has a name which is La Villa de Jaune. This palace was based on some Various colonial buildings and co...
India Gate
作成者 Macwelshman] India Gate The India Gate is a war memorial located astride the Rajpath, on the eastern edge of the "ceremonial axis" of New Delhi. It stands as a memorial to 90,000 soldiers of the British Indian Army who died between 1914 a...
Residential house #1
作成者 SFM
Residential house #1 by Supreme Flagship Musashi. My first building for this game. I'm sure there are a lot of errors in this asset, but I will try to fix it in future works. Textures 512x512....
Japanese High-rise Apartment / Citytower Azabu-juban
作成者 Pekora
Description Japanese High-rise Apartment / Citytower Azabu-juban Unique, Rico (RICO ready / Residence lv5 / Homes: 200 / Cost : 0) "Citytower Azabu-juban" in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Japanese style High-rise Apartment *I recommend to use Dynamic Resolution Mo...
JPEP 簡単公園セット / JP Easy Park 6 packs
作成者 kasasasa
良ければこっちも使ってね If you like, use this one too JP 公園の看板 / japanese park sign JP 日本の遊具 / japanese playground equipment 錆びた遊具パック /...
錆びた遊具 / rusty playground equipment
作成者 kasasasa
以前作った遊具アセット のリペイントです。 This is a repaint of a playground asset I made before . 検索ワードは「playground equipment」「遊具」「遊具の名前」です。 The search terms in Find it are "playground equipment" and "遊具". contents ・jp park rusty swing ・jp park rusty swing guard ・jp park rust...
Wooden bench
作成者 jPRO Wooden bench sitting feature not included yet... Elevatable: wooden_bench_A_01 wooden_bench_B_01 wooden_bench_C_01 wooden_bench_D_01 Happy Creators Discord Twit...
JP Fake Bollard&Planter
ver.2.4 ■ 日本の擬石ボラードと花壇です。以下の13種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese fake bollard&planter. The following 13 types are included. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the discretion of the author. FS_B...
JP 公園の看板 / japanese park sign
作成者 kasasasa
町名+番号で表記されるタイプの看板です。 1号~3号の看板とそれぞれの無地のものが同梱されています。 無地の看板をPOしてオリジナルの看板を作ることも可能です。 This is a sign that is indicated by the town name + number. No.1~No.3 signs and their respective plain ones are included in the package. It is possible to make your own origin...
JP 日本の遊具 / japanese playground equipment
作成者 kasasasa
日本の遊具を集めました。 うんてい、シーソー、ジャングルジム、スプリング遊具、ターザンロープ、ブランコ、ブランコの柵、滑り台、鉄棒 の全9種(遊具8種+関連アイテム1種)のプロップが同梱されています。 住宅街のちょっとした空きスペースにでも公園を作って設置してあげてください。 This is a collection of Japanese playground equipment. Includes 9 types of equipment (8 types of playground equipment...
Drinking Fountain Prop
作成者 sway
Japanese style drinking fountain prop. Name Description Tris Tex sw_drinking_fountain prop 292(18) 128*256(32*32) Last Update I don't make or update Cities Skylines assets anymore. My assets are not very good in terms of quality, but feel free to use modto...
JP Mesh Fence
ver.1.0 ■ 日本のメッシュフェンスです。 ▪ Japanese mesh fence. ■ 以下の40種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 40 types are included. M_Fence-CA1P02b M_Fence-CA1P02c M_Fence-CA1P02d M_Fence-CA1P02g M_Fence-CA1P02w 78 25...
JP Low Hedge Network
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a network of low (about 70cm) plants that can be found on the sides of roads and parking lots in Japan. Since they do not follow the ground, you can place them wherever you want. Three patterns are included: with curb, without curb, and with curb o...
JP Staircase
作成者 newp
Staircase based off one in Yanaka Ginza District. There are two different versions of the staircase, one with pots and one without the pots. I dont know how to describe the size measurements so I included a few pictures to show its size in relation to the ...
Sasebo JP Office MCT-B
作成者 Sparks
Sasebo JP Office MCT-B by Sparks ...
Tokyo Office Building B "Oda Kosan Building"
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
Office building inspired from "Oda Kosan Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. Specifications 1x3 Growable Level 3 Office Tris: 4183+props (LOD: 46) / Textures: 1024x1024 (LOD: 256x256) d/n/s/i/a About the production request I can accept asset request with...
三井住友信託銀行 / JP Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Bank
作成者 koma
3 / 6, the building was updated with a unique building version without signage. This is the Fu ku i Branch of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Fu ku i City, Fu ku i Prefecture. The building was constructed in 1934 and is still in use as an active bank. Growable...
エアコン室外機 / JP AC Units
作成者 koma
This is a prop for the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. 16 types are included in the package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- エアコンの室外機のプロップです。 16種類同梱しています。 ---------------------------...
作成者 may628
喷泉花园 by may628...
Nature Ceremony (木の葬儀場)
作成者 christinayan
Nature Ceremony by christinayan01. As a funeral services. Inspiration from Tsuyoshi Tane's works. Japan. All params are double or triple than original one. 葬儀場。収容数は2倍でエネルギー消費も2倍。 賑やかな外観とは対象的に内部では慎ましく葬儀が行われている。 Referenced building (参考にした実際の建物) : One Kyoto b...
广大饭堂Orchid Restaurant
作成者 Friedrich
广大饭堂Orchid Restaurant by Friedrich 原型:广州大学兰苑饭堂 Prototype: Lanyuan dining hall of Guangzhou University PS:如果有想复原广州大学的小伙伴可以加我QQ:1932268597,期待你的加入 最后感谢我建模带路人和指导者:@MC100 大佬 Finally, thank my modeling guide and mentor: @ MC100...
作成者 KimuXY
中国传统雕塑_03 by jinxiyun...
JP traditional house 2a
作成者 p.poti1990
This asset is traditional type of housing in urban areas of Japan,called "machiya". They are characterized by their narrow frontage (street frontage) and long depth, and are often found in castle towns and lodging towns. *These are produced on the premise ...
KR Community Service Center
作成者 Leaf
주민들을 위해 각종 행정, 복지업무를 담당하고 있는 동사무소입니다. 서울시 서초구 반포2동 주민센터를 모티브로 만들었습니다. 감사합니다 :) 2X3 유니크빌딩 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a community service center that exists for various convenie...
Wall-mounted Lights for signs / 広告看板用のライト
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is Japanese wall-mounted lights for signs and billboards. 広告看板用などに使われるライトです。 Tris: 52 Texture: 64x64...
House in Chinese old downtown 3
作成者 Adonis
You can put that building inside your Chinese old downtown....
House in Chinese old downtown 4
作成者 Adonis
These are two adjacent 2-story private houses, with an herbal tea store underneath....
House in Chinese old downtown 1
作成者 Adonis
You can put that building inside your Chinese old downtown. This is my first building asset. If you like this Chinese old downtown house, I will consider continuing this series. ...
作成者 深圳刘德华
Foshan Tower Theater佛山坊塔大剧院
作成者 Zmax
佛山市公共文化综合体位于佛山市东平新城核心区,东临世纪莲体育馆与佛山公园的轴线空间,定位为市级公共文化中心。坊塔是佛山市公共文化综合体的标志性建筑,其独特的外框设计别具特色,由底部四个方体组成裙楼,支托上部五个方体交错叠合成一个外形时尚独特的塔楼,总高度为153.6m Foshan Public Cultural Complex is located in the core area of Dongping New Town, Foshan City, with the axis space of Cent...
湖畔茶馆 HuPan Teahouse
作成者 魔芋爽
湖畔茶馆 by 无番和 新中式-徽派建筑 占地4×4格,三角形面数约2500。 订阅后你可以在“公园”目录下找到它。 原建筑不带装饰,增加了大家DIY的空间。 ———— HuPan Teahouse New Chinese style-Hui style architecture It covers an area of 4 × 4 squares and has the number of triangular faces about 2,500. After subscribing, you can f...
Temple of Heaven - Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests
作成者 MC100
ABOUT TEMPLE OF HEAVEN The Temple of Heaven (Chinese: 天坛; pinyin: Tiāntán) is an imperial complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual...
作成者 RichardShi
洪崖洞系列资产/HONGYADONG ANTIQUE ASSETS 此资产为洪崖洞系列资产的建筑部分其中之一。属性为商业建筑。我会在接下来的时间内逐步对此系列更新。包括建筑,但不止是建筑。 This commercial building asset is from the pack of HONGYADONG ANTIQUE ASSETS. A steady update contains not only buildings but more is in my plan. 如果每个洪崖洞资产能因您的点赞...
作成者 RichardShi
洪崖洞系列资产/HONGYADONG ANTIQUE ASSETS 此资产为洪崖洞系列资产的建筑部分其中之一。属性为商业建筑。我会在接下来的时间内逐步对此系列更新。包括建筑,但不止是建筑。 This commercial building asset is from the pack of HONGYADONG ANTIQUE ASSETS. A steady update contains not only buildings but more is in my plan. 如果每个洪崖洞资产能因您的点赞...
Sensō-ji Main Hall
作成者 Emperor Li Main Hall of Sensō-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple), a famous ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan.( wikipedia ) This is the Parklife version. Can be found under Parks & Plazas \ City Park. related Buildings: K...
Sensoji Buildings Unique Building Version
作成者 Emperor Li
3 previous released Sensoji buildings (Main Hall, Hozomon and Pagoda) as unique building. For mayors who don't own the Parklife DLC. The Kaminarimon unique building version is here . If you own the Parklife DLC, I strongly recommend to use the Parklife ver...
Wisma Bumiputera Tower
作成者 Macwelshman] Wisma Bumiputera Tower Wisma Bumiputera is a 22-storey office building in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is designed by Timothy Seow of Singapore with local partners Encona Engineering and built from 1982 to 1985 and opened in March ...
Sensō-ji Five-Story Pagoda
作成者 Emperor Li Originally located on the east side of the Sensō-ji temple ground. After its destruction during the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, it was rebuilt in 1973 on the west side. ( wikipedia ) This is the Parklife version. Can be ...
Sensō-ji Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate)
作成者 Emperor Li The Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) is the outer gate of Sensō-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple), a famous ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. With its lantern and statues, it attracts tourists from around the worl...
Sensō-ji Hozomon (Treasure-House Gate)
作成者 Emperor Li The Hōzōmon (Treasure-House Gate) is the inner of two large entrance gates that ultimately leads to the Sensō-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple), a famous ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. It houses many of t...
Hong Kong Neon Sign - Lukfοοk Jewellery | 六福珠寶霓虹招牌
作成者 Jeremychit Hong Kong Neon Sign - Lukfοοk Jewellery 香港霓虹招牌 - 六福珠寶 Introduction Hong Kong's neon signs, liting up the night sky of this bustling city, once created the world known iconic image of Hong Kong...
八一起义指挥部旧址 4K
The former site of the "August 1" uprising headquarters was originally Jiangxi travel agency. It was built in the 13th year of the Republic of China (1924). It is located at No. 256, Zhongshan Road, Nanchang , Jiangxi . It is a gray five storey building wi...
上海博物馆 Shanghai Museum
作成者 KimuXY
上海博物馆,位于上海市黄浦区人民大道201号,陈列面积共计12000平方米,一楼为中国古代青铜馆、中国古代雕塑馆和展览大厅;二楼为中国古代陶瓷馆、暂得楼陶瓷馆和展览厅;三楼为中国历代书法馆、中国历代绘画馆、中国历代玺印馆;四楼为中国古代玉器馆、中国历代钱币馆、中国明清家具馆、中国少数民族工艺馆和展览厅,是综合性博物馆。 1996年10月12日,上海博物馆新馆全面竣工,馆内文物收藏包括青铜、陶瓷、书画、雕塑、甲骨、符印、货币、玉器、家具、织绣、漆器、竹木牙角、少数民族文物等31个门类,尤以青铜、陶瓷、书画最为...
[KOR]한국식 여가 특화 상가 2(Korea Commercial Leisure 2)
作成者 Bong
1층은 유명 브랜드 카페와 신발가게 2, 3층은 24시간 만화 카페입니다. 대학로에서 많이 있는 24시간 만화 카페입니다. 이곳에서 하루종일 만화책을 읽고 뒹굴거릴 수 있습니다! 특히 이 곳의 공차 카페에서의 음료수는 특별히 반입 가능하다네요 이 상가는 여가 상업 지구에서 건설될 것입니다. 이 건물을 거리에 두어 좀더 북적북적한 한국 거리를 만들어 보세요! (2X2 여가 특화 상업)...
JP #30
作成者 Rava
JP #30 by VevaBluWolf...
Park Avenue Building Nagasaki
作成者 Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. Patreon Beta Notes Thank you to all my Patreon supporters for supporting m...
Lotus Apartment
作成者 Roger Wang
This is an apartment building...
[KOR]중소형 상가(Korea Commercial Low)
作成者 Bong
중소형 상가(Korea Commercial Low) 1층엔 편의점, 피자집 2층, 3층은 카페 테마의 건물에셋입니다 원래 2층에는 술집 테마였는데 완성하고 보니깐 카페같군요... 다음은 제대로 유흥가 테마의 건물을 만들어보겟습니다! (2X1 2L 저밀도 상업)...
JP Will Coffee&Bar
作成者 koma
Will COFFEE&BAR is located in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is 1×2 size, Growable Commercial Low. It is designed to be placed on a corner lot for diorama play, but it may grow on a lot other than a corner lot because it is growable. -------------...
Signboard Light 看板用ライト
作成者 Takamon27
Two sign lights with different lengths. Requires Custom Effect Loader mod. 長さの異なる2つの看板用ライトです。 カスタムエフェクトローダーmodが必要です。 ...
Gate of Heavenly Peace (Tiananmen)
作成者 Emperor Li
Can be found under Parks & Plazas\Nature Reserve Find it keywords: FC, Forbidden City Tris: 9076 LOD tris: 196 Texture: 2048x2048 LOD Texture: 128x128 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: chin...
自由高达 Freedom Gundam
作成者 KimuXY
自由高达 Freedom Gundam 原模型非本人制作,我只是按照天际线标准进行减面优化并且重新烘焙贴图。 The original model was not made by my. I just optimized the polycount according to the skyline standard and baked the map. ...
重庆大剧院Chongqing Grand Theatre
作成者 29724548
重庆大剧院Chongqing Grand Theatre 重庆大剧院(Chongqing Grand Theatre),位于重庆市江北区北城文华街东路,于2007年1月28日开工建设,2009年9月1日正式竣工,是集歌剧、戏剧、音乐会演出,文化艺术交流,多功能为一体的大型社会文化设施。...
上海海通证券大厦 Shanghai Haitong Securities Building
作成者 KimuXY
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 11
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 11 by 시린시...
[korea] Gurisambo aparts [RICO]
作成者 시린시
Gurisambo aparts by 시린시...
[Korea] KR Commercial builng 10
作成者 시린시
KR Commercial builng 10 by 시린시...
Civic Center Kuching, Sarawak
作成者 NameInvalid
Civic Center is a place for recreational area for the public to do recreational activities, a meeting venue for any program or events. Civic Center, Kuching was officially opened on 4th Septembar 1988. The tower measures at 243 feet (about 74 meters) heigh...
Rooftop Cell Tower
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
Cell towers on roofs in Japan. These are for an upcoming shopping mall. 3 variants included. Specifications 5m-8.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 278(88), 232(84), 188(90) Textures Main (LOD): 64x512( 32x256 ) d/n/s/i * Loading Screen Mod ready About the producti...
Brain-computer interface Pack \ 脑机接口包
作成者 黑桃A
Brain-computer interface Pack The packs Include 2 CIV & 2 I/O Interface. tag: controlled \ man \ woman \ standing \ sitting -------------------------------------------------------- 脑机接口包 包含 2个prop人物 和 2个接口 标签:controlled \ man \ woman \ standing \ sitting b...
Bodhi Dhamma Temple Cyberpunk
作成者 nardo Cyberpunk Building Thai Style Achieve Nirvana! This Asset includes: Bodhi Dhamma Temple Cyberpunk Enjoy this Asset!
南京鼓楼Nanjing Drum Tower
作成者 scratchivsky
南京鼓楼Nanjing Drum Tower by scratchivsky 南京鼓楼始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),设置于城市中心的高岗之上,由上部城楼和下部砖砌城台组成。城楼毁于明末清初,现存城楼为康熙年间修建,城台为明初原物,由于重修时鼓楼城楼已由计时报时报警礼仪的鼓楼,转变为保护“圣谕”之碑的碑楼,因此建筑规模、等级及做法均发生很大变化。 南京鼓楼上部城楼柱网铺满城台顶部,屋盖将城台完全遮蔽,形式与今北京鼓楼相似。城台拱券横跨城市主要道路,并不设门,人车自由穿行。明代鼓楼集报时报警礼仪于一身,每天...
Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Mizuki
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a store of Yodobashi Camera, a famous Japanese electronics retailer, which I built to set up in the city of Mizuki, where I distribute my YouTube live. Yodobashi Camera has recently been converting its stores into commercial complexes, and this sto...
Showa Machiya Pack
作成者 p.poti1990
This is a townhouse pack of a type that was built mainly in the mid-Showa period. In addition to stand-alone use, it can also be used as a terrace house by arranging assets with the same eave height. Decorations are kept to a minimum, so it can be converte...
明孝陵明楼Ming Xiaoling Soul Tower
作成者 scratchivsky
明孝陵明楼MingXiaoling Soul Tower by scratchivsky 如果喜欢,请点个赞,谢谢! Please thumb up if you like,thanks! 南京明孝陵明楼是一座五间殿堂建筑,下部为砖拱券承重墙体,上部则为木构屋面,属砖木混合结构。这种建筑形制在明代初年的官式建筑中较为罕见,同时,孝陵明楼作为明代开国皇帝陵寝首创之建筑形式,对后来明、清皇家陵寝建筑的发展具有深远的影响。 Fang-cheng Ming-lou at Xiaoling Mausoleum of ...
LycoReco Cafe (Unique building) 喫茶リコリコ
作成者 WTigerTw
LycoReco Cafe by WTigerTw unique building LycoReco Cafe is a fictional Japanese-style cafe' basis on the animation: Lycoris Recoil. Some modification has been made for realism. You may also use the Ploppable RICO mod to turn this into RICO commercial build...
LycoReco Cafe Prop pack
作成者 WTigerTw
LycoReco Cafe Prop pack Prop pack for LycoReco Cafe by WTigerTw LycoReco Cafe 建築作品的裝飾包 This is the prop pack used in LycoReco cafe created by WTIgerTw. Including 6 props: 2x 4 seat tables 1x 1 seat stool 1x 2 seat bench 1x LycoReco menu 1x LycoReco light p...
Ploppable Asphalt +
作成者 Ronyx69
Allows using road shaders on props for ploppable asphalt, pavement, cliff, grass, gravel surfaces. Also includes legacy asphalt props, they are outdated but still work fine if you used them before, from now on I recommend using the new set. http://steamcom...
Ploppable Grass
作成者 Ronyx69
10 ploppable grass props: Square4, Square8, Square16, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLM...
Chinese Office_13
作成者 深圳刘德华
Chinese Office_13 by 深圳刘德华...
上海新世界大丸百货 Shanghai New World Daimaru
作成者 KimuXY
上海新世界大丸百货是黄浦区国资控股与日本著名老字号百货公司大丸松坂屋合作打造的高端精品百货店,位于南京路步行街东段与河南中路交汇处,毗邻外滩,地理位置得天独厚。2015年5月15日正式开业。   上海新世界大丸百货分为地上六层和地下五层,停车泊位300余个,总建筑面积达11.8万平方米。拥有十二部升龙旋转电梯,与众不同的开合式玻璃穹顶和巨型LED屏幕,超大中庭商业空间,及各类人性化的服务设施等。商场内云集了众多国内外知名品牌,包括GUCCI、Tiffany & Co、Bottega Veneta、Salva...
上海金鹰国际购物广场 Shanghai Golden Eagle International Shopping Plaza
作成者 KimuXY
瑞城OPA / JP Mizuki-OPA
作成者 koma
JP Mizuki-OPA is a large shopping mall. The size is 8x8 and the category is Unique Building. It was created in reference to Akita OPA in front of Akita Station, Akita Prefecture. The building opened in 1974 as the JUSCO Akita store, and has undergone sever...
作成者 Reaper
JK_air_conditioning_office_V2_02 by Reaper...
Tropical Areca Fern
作成者 Norwyct
A small pack containing 3 different Areca Laosensis fern/palms. Areca Laosensis (Chocolate Palm) is an little known tropical palm that are native to Thailand. It can go grow up to 5 meters/16 feets. They grow well in partial shade to full shade. They fit n...
Japanese Maple Set
作成者 MrMaison
Japanese Maple Set by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece set of Japanese Maple trees. The Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) is native to Japan, Korea, China, eastern Mangolia and southeast Russia. It has around 1,000 cultivars and is grown worldwide for it's larg...
Hotel 123 Tennoji
作成者 Accapulco
Hotel from Osaka, Japan. Main/LOD 2700 - 256x2048 80 - 128x128...
作成者 Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
MACAU 牌坊廣場購物旅遊中心(RICO)
作成者 fai_mo
MACAU 澳門大三巴牌坊前的廣場購物旅遊中心 包括 耶穌會紀念廣場(公園) 廣場購物旅遊中心(旅遊商業)...
(Tourism) Nespresso boutique
作成者 macluk
This is a small project of simply repurposing chosen assets type from commercial to tourism specialisation this time. And this is LordGrun's Nespresso boutique again (yes, I found it useful in both specializations), a "small coffee shop where your cims can...
29-45 San Hong Street | 新康街29-45號
作成者 Jeremychit 29-45 San Hong Street 新康街29-45號 Introduction Prewar shophouse building on San Hong Street, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong. Buildings like this were built in town centers in the New Territories in the ...
城门The ancient city gates
作成者 Same old
城门 by Same old...
JP Karaoke Buildings
作成者 EXYN4
Including 2 types(Jankara, Mega Big)...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
作成者 XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
Air Conditioning +cable [prop]
作成者 hmrf
Air Conditioning +cable ...
Miscellaneous Props 一些雜物
作成者 Bathtub
A couple props for my own use. Slightly modified some of Emperor Li's assets: Two (tall & short) version of Imperial City Wall with grey roof instead of yellow Some Beijing props but with green roof and red paint. Beijing Siheyuan (Courtyard) wall network ...
Flower bed 5绿化带物件
作成者 红米先生
Flower bed 5 by Redmi(红米) 绿化带物件共计5个 纯中式造型 属于PROP版本 1:绿化带10米X4米 2:道路树木底盘2X2米,高度0.5厘米 3:街道花坛4X4米,高1米 4:街道花坛5X4米,高1米 5:树木支架:1.5X1.5米,高1.5米,纯木纹材质。 LOD顶点面数:各占200 分辨率:512X512 搜素物件请直接搜索英文标题名称 There are 5 green belt objects in total Pure Chinese style Belongs to p...
HK-styled Prop
作成者 XDBX
HK-styled Prop by XDBX...
Japan Shed 1 納屋
日本の納屋です。 3つの納屋を同梱しています。 Shed in Japan. 3 props are included. 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Japanese Small Pond (Prop)
作成者 CityOfTokyo
Japanese Small Pond by CityOfTokyo...
JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯
作成者 hakurai
BROWN Ver.も同封しています。 またTOKACHI269氏よりScreenshotsを提供していただきました。 JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯 by hakurai...
Large Gong Prop
作成者 Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model. I did redesign the Gong itself though for simplicity to reduce tri count. You can find the original listing here... Gong Total Tris = 616...
Yellow flower
作成者 ron_fu-ta
黄色の花。 多く植えることで花畑を作れます。 Yellow flower. You can make a flower field by planting many....
作成者 stmSantana
neon-drink1-2m by stmSantana...
Japanese Urban School 1 Props
作成者 Auchmial
This is a set of props for my building Japanese Urban High School. The set includes: Wall: 12 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Planter: 48 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Solar Panel: 240 tris 128 x 256...
Station Waiting Room 02
單線とかにありさう。 廢驛の待合室02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Bicycle Shelter 01
古びた自轉車置き場です。 廢驛の自轉車置き場01 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Telephone Box
錆びついとる。 廢驛の電話ボックス by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
古代路人Ancient Han Chinese Prop
作成者 MC100
做了个古代路人的prop,可以配合古建筑场景使用。之前我一直用的是韩国佬的古代朝鲜人资产,但总觉得还是不好,毕竟中式建筑还是要中国人更加协调一些,所以我就做了这个资产。其实模型不是我做的,但是我对贴图进行了修改以及把原来那副贼眉鼠眼的样子改成了现在这样的正人君子模样。有点像《真三》里的刘备233 This is an ancient Chinese who wears Hanfu(the traditional Chinese costumes before Qing Dynasty,Han Chinese...
Shinryaku Sign 02
OPの謎看板その1。 海の家れもん侵略看板02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Lantern Lights Pack
作成者 RyanCat
Lantern Lights Pack Contains 4 Chinese style lantern lights. lighted at night. Mesh info Tris:736;606;2388;997 Texture:1024x1024,d,n.(The 4 share 1 texture) Use network skin 2 to replace lights in streets. Use Find it 2 to plop it in game. Support me here...
Temple Street Gate | 廟街牌坊
作成者 Jeremychit Temple Street Gate 廟街牌坊 Description Gate (Paifang) at Temple Street, Hong Kong. Temple Street is famous for its night market. The street is accessible by vehicle during the day, and stalls are...
Waving Chinese Flag Sign (Dragon Gate Inn)
作成者 Emperor Li An animated traditional Chinese shop sign for the dragon gate inn. Tris: 208 LOD tris: 12 Texture: 256x256 LOD Texture: 64x64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
JP Apartment
作成者 nob50506000
小規模な中層マンションになります。 6階建てマンション3棟が入っています。 都会から地方まで幅広く使えるサイズです。 Lv.2 jp_apt30~32...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
JP Light Pole
作成者 SUGINOKO ver.1.1 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のライトポールです。 ・Japanese light pole. ●支柱は55cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●このアセットは光ります。 ・This asset giows. ●以下の14種類が同包されています。 ・The following 14 types are included. Img Name Tris https://i.imgu...
Hyperbolic Tower (双曲タワー)
作成者 christinayan
Hyperbolic Tower by christinayan01. Outside long wood structure impressive modern style. 双曲線デザインの家具からイメージしたという外観のアパートメント。 **Stats** Template : RICO. Residence. High, Level 3 (RICO。高密度。LV3). Tris : 8220. (LOD: -) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Illumina...
park 9x11
作成者 和光同尘
park 9x11 by 和光同尘...
Uri dongne Hospital
作成者 Uniform006
Uri dongne Hospital. This is a Korean style regional hospital. If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다...
作成者 RichardShi
洪崖洞系列资产/HONGYADONG ANTIQUE ASSETS 此资产为洪崖洞系列资产的建筑部分其中之一。属性为商业建筑。我会在接下来的时间内逐步对此系列更新。包括建筑,但不止是建筑。 This commercial building asset is from the pack of HONGYADONG ANTIQUE ASSETS. A steady update contains not only buildings but more is in my plan. 如果每个洪崖洞资产能因您的点赞...
Japan Fence (日本の柵)
作成者 christinayan
Japan Fence by christinayan01. 神社でよく見かける朱色の柵です。 **Stats** Template : Road, Decoration wall (道路:装飾用の壁). Tris : 180 (LOD: -). Texture : 1024px Diffuse map. Size : 1xN grid. Note: - ** 3D model ** FBX file. Available free download on my website. - - ARCHITECT...
Five+1 Pagoda (五重+一の塔)
作成者 christinayan
SixPagoda1 by christinayan01. 負けず嫌いの建築主が世界一高い五重塔を依頼したところ、六重の塔になってしまっていることに完成してから気づいたそう。でも観光地として人気に。 **Stats** Template : Unique building (ユニーク建築物). Tris : 14252. Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Normal maps. Size : 4x4 grid. ** 3D model ** FBX file. Available fre...
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop)
作成者 _luminou_
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop) Pack of 6 "Roof Heliport" (prop) No DLC required Contains all textures and LOD files Roof Heliport 01 Triangles: 610 / 106 Weight: 16.41 / 2.89 Texture: 256² / 128² Roof Heliport 02 Triangles: 314 / 10 Weight: 7.32 / 0.25 Textur...
Lotus Temple | New Delhi
作成者 ra yen
The Lotus Temple The Lotus Temple, located in Delhi, India, is a Baháʼí House of Worship that was dedicated in December 1986. Notable for its lotus like shape, it has become a prominent attraction in the city. Like all Bahá’í Houses of Worship, the Lotus T...
Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi
作成者 ra yen
Rashtrapati Bhavan Rashtrapati Bhavan, formerly Viceroy's House is the official residence of the president of the Republic of India. Located in the Western end of Rajpath (formerly- Kingsway), Raisina Hill, New Delhi, It is the second largest residence of ...
大原美術館新児島館 / JP Ohara art museum
作成者 koma
The Ohara Museum of Art is a Western art museum located in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. The Shin-Kojima-kan is housed in the former Chugoku Bank Kurashiki Honmachi Branch Office building in Honmachi, Kurashi...
お祭り屋台 - YATAI -
作成者 [JP]@sayaka
お祭り用のPropです。 ・たこ焼き屋台 - TAKOYAKI - ・わたあめ屋台 - Cotton Candy - ・焼きそば屋台 -YAKISOBA- ・金魚すくい屋台 -KINGYO- 一応、夜間照明も設定してあります。 ※アセット制作 初心者の為 不慣れなので少しずつ作っています。 今後、少しずつ屋台の種類を追加する予定です。 Rezしたときにrandomでlightのcollarが変化します。  ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any ...
作成者 红米先生
中学男生宿舍 by 红米...
公园游客船 客运版 Passenger Version
作成者 六六
公园游客船 客运版 by Acolasia丶六六 群号557678106 感谢订阅 如果您遇到问题,请留言。 资产需要自定义载具mod切换或者等待随机刷新 ************************************************ Park Tourist Boat Passenger Version by Acolasia, Liuliu Group No. 557678106 Thanks for subscribing If you encounter problems, ple...
小学校 JP Elementary School
作成者 TOKACHI269
小学校 JP Elementary School 小学校です。本校舎、副校舎、職員室は共通のテクスチャを使っており、ひとまとめのものと個別のものが含まれています。 Find it!でJPESと検索してください。 It is elementary school. The main school building, the secondary school building, and the staff room use a common texture. and include collective and ...
市图书馆 City Libary
作成者 amamIya
市图书馆 City Libary by amamIya...
广大兰苑饭堂Orchid Restaurant
作成者 Friedrich
广大饭堂Orchid Restaurant by Friedrich 原型:广州大学兰苑饭堂 Prototype: Lanyuan dining hall of Guangzhou University 此建筑必须要在拥有Campus DLC下使用 如果没有上述DLC,可以去订阅之前发布的无DLC版本 Note: this building must be used with campus DLC. If you don't have the above DLC, you can subscribe to ...
作成者 六六
杭州西湖保俶塔 by Acolasia丶六六...
波形钢护板Corrugated steel sheet
作成者 amamIya
波形钢护板Corrugated steel sheet by amamIya...
漁港 (Japanese Fishing harbor)
作成者 TOKACHI269
日本によくある漁港です。工業propのタブに追加されます。 <mesh info> ship main triss : 2584 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,) LOD triss : 70 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,) ship(small) main triss : 1116 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD ...
职业中学教学楼1 Middle school building1
作成者 魔芋爽
职业中学教学楼1 by 无番和 原型为武汉科谷技工学校,因为有现成的效果图,房屋结构也很简单,就拿来练练手。 本系列共有教学楼1和教学楼2两个资产。 教学楼1占地5*7格,三角形面数2070,自动生成的LOD。可容纳中学生200人。 订阅后你可以在中学目录下找到这个建筑。 —————— Vocational middle school teaching building 1 The prototype is Wuhan Kegu Technical School. Because of the ready-...
职业中学教学楼2 Middle school building 2
作成者 魔芋爽
职业中学教学楼2 by 无番和 原型为武汉科谷技工学校,因为有现成的效果图,房屋结构也很简单,就拿来练练手。 本系列共有教学楼1和教学楼2两个资产。 教学楼2占地4*11格,三角形面数2844,自动生成的LOD。可容纳中学生300人。 订阅后你可以在中学目录下找到这个建筑。 —————— Vocational middle school teaching building 2 The prototype is Wuhan Kegu Technical School. Because of the ready...
リンクされたコレクション (108)
Japanese Temple Set
23 アイテム含む
Japanese Suburban Styled Houses
46 アイテム含む
Collection for Japanese scene
409 アイテム含む
75 アイテム含む
Asia Collection
438 アイテム含む
ELVIS Korean Assets
92 アイテム含む
Mo's Taiwan Collection
122 アイテム含む
Chinese Contemporary
6 アイテム含む
-CHINA- No´s all in one
434 アイテム含む
Chinatown Parks
28 アイテム含む
Chinatown Assets
37 アイテム含む
178 アイテム含む
Chinese Unique Buildings
9 アイテム含む
184 アイテム含む
bisabeols's Workshop
41 アイテム含む
Punihi Architectural Inc.
41 アイテム含む
Siam renaissance
16 アイテム含む
Okinawa ,japan
38 アイテム含む
Stars of Victoria HK
33 アイテム含む
Kisaragi Line ~廢驛~
22 アイテム含む
chivic`s japanese city v2
644 アイテム含む
华风夏韵Ancient China
474 アイテム含む
Thai Theme
210 アイテム含む
NKZ. Thai Assets
104 アイテム含む
Hong Kong style
10 アイテム含む
Not Made in China
32 アイテム含む
Memories Assets
23 アイテム含む
HK pedestrian overcrossing
9 アイテム含む
Japan Part1
894 アイテム含む
Kaminogi's Japanese Assets
101 アイテム含む
6 アイテム含む
Shanghai Made By ME
6 アイテム含む
DSBSubhrajyoti's Workshop
77 アイテム含む
Osaka Setback Highrises
7 アイテム含む
Spakrs Japanese Office Building
6 アイテム含む
Isla Ivatan Mods and Assets
580 アイテム含む
Stilt Houses Collection
15 アイテム含む
CBD: Cagayan de Oro
5 アイテム含む
Jakarta in-Game Project
33 アイテム含む
Japan Part 2
979 アイテム含む
Chinese Garden 中國園林
21 アイテム含む
Japan Style Schools
20 アイテム含む
BTB's Kyoto Buildings
9 アイテム含む
Japanese Buses LV290 KV290
61 アイテム含む
65 アイテム含む
195 アイテム含む
[Urban housing]
3 アイテム含む
829 アイテム含む
595 アイテム含む
57 アイテム含む
Chinatown - Melbourne
5 アイテム含む
Korean Traditional Hanok
54 アイテム含む
13 アイテム含む
我的上海建筑 Shanghai
20 アイテム含む
Cims dancing Gangnam Style
10 アイテム含む
北京城 Beijing
37 アイテム含む
HK Mark I block, 1960s
17 アイテム含む
7 アイテム含む
26 アイテム含む
53 アイテム含む
77 アイテム含む
14 アイテム含む
Ateneo de Manila University
4 アイテム含む
Japanese City assets idk
576 アイテム含む
48 アイテム含む
meshd Collection - Indonesia
24 アイテム含む
我的家乡rural house
44 アイテム含む
SUGINOKO Collection Prop&Tree
633 アイテム含む
India Gate
5 アイテム含む
5 アイテム含む
2022新南京New Nanjing
34 アイテム含む
Ploppable Asphalt +
6 アイテム含む
97 アイテム含む