Colorado, United States
If your wondering why i randomly added you its for no reason. This is my Bio and im gonna tell some stuff about me.

I was born on February 13th, i'm a huge fan of Tactical stuff and usually i add random people if they like a certain thing. (This is because i usually like friends that have the same interests.)

Theres a 20/50 chance i'll text you. This means im trying to know more about you so no worries.

My race is African American (Im light skin) And im gonna list my interests.

Half-Life 1-2
Resident Evil
Saints Row
Grand Theft Auto
Call of Duty
Metal Gear

Im on almost daily so if your feeling alone and you wanna know more about me. You can ask me bc im most likely online. (You can also text me if im offline bc sometimes im on invisible mode.)

I have many friends on here, im not the best friend but i try my best.


I have one enemy on this platform and his username goes by the name of Monster_Truck113, he used to be a great friend but he was always sensitive and don't let his "Niceness" get to you its practically a trick, he'll try to argue with you if you even do something SLIGHTLY dislikable and he'll take it to the most extreme, like how he blamed me for a CRIME but i dont even have a criminal record or how hes kinda racist and a bit homophobic. He's 11 and if you ever see this bio down to here, unfriend him IMMEDIATELY.:steamthumbsdown:

I have a lot of fictional factions i have interests in! Heres some of them

K.O.B from Gametoons (I am not a gametoons fan don't think im a child.)
H.E.C.U from Half-Life
Shadow Company (OG MW2)
Opfor from Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 2009.
S.A.S From Call of Duty, Counter-Strike. I know they aren't really fictional but still.
Cerberus from Manhunt.
N.O.O.S.E from Grand Theft auto 4 - 5
Mercs from Black Ops 2.

I might stop getting on Steam.

There for im just a guy that adds people bc i like others with my interests.

Currently Online
N4H_J1T_TR1PP1N 9 Jul @ 7:00pm 
Wtf lmfao
icecooler21 26 Jun @ 1:00pm 
whats with all these kids
i am the only one over 11
25 Jun @ 5:48pm 
N4H_J1T_TR1PP1N 25 Jun @ 4:52pm 
I remember you and you were from my Friends List a few months or weeks ago
25 Jun @ 4:50pm 
why did you friend me SAS Pal!
25 Jun @ 3:56pm 
stfu Ori