Fentward Snowden
The Government has my family and I'm currently hiding in Russia
They watchin you lil guy :demoneye::csgocross::steamhappy:
Snowden (2016) script
This film dramatizes real events ...

... That took place between 2004 and in 2013.

And? This is the only alligator.

We have been four minutes over time. We are about 1 minute. He was clear about that.

He is coming.

No, he is too young to have the level of security.

What time does the restaurant open? At the 12th

But the food is a bit too spicy. This way.

HONG KONG - Monday - June 3, 2013

Excuse me.

Here it is.


Nice to meet you finally.

So .. First, can I get your mobiles, please?

Thanks. We want that Laura is the only one that comes into play ..

The talks we discussed before? Thanks.

I bought this. It blocks the UHF frequencies.

You have been photographed before, right?

Yes, but it's been a while since someone took a picture of me.

Try to see it as a friend.

Take it easy.

Can you start by telling you why you did what you did?

and how you got access to so much information and ...

Glenn .. Shall we start with your name?

My name is Edward Joseph Snowden.

I am 29 years old. I work at a supplier to the NSA.

I have also worked for the CIA and subcontractors to them.

I have worked with different things in ESM the past nine years.

I've been a systems engineer.

I have been a solution consultant

and senior advisor to the CIA.

So nine wild become part of specialstyrkan !? Yes, Sir!

I think the special forces would be ashamed of yourselves!

Am I right in that? No, sir!

Left right. Left

we first drove the Cadillac ?? we first drove in Cadillac

so we run a convoy in Iraq.

Come on, soldier!


Come on, you worthless worm, on the move!

Come on, soldier!

Get up!

Snowden, what the hell are you doing? Where's your f***ing heart ?! Here, sir!

Take your time into your chicken breasts and jerk it out!

Find it and get your silly ass up in the tower!

Sir, yes, sir! Get out of my sight!

I need you in the tower, gentlemen! Move!

Move! Come on!

Rise and shine, your worms! Release your ♥♥♥♥ off and came out of the barracks!

You have one minute to you! Closing!



Snowden? Where the hell is Snowden ?! Help!

You have gone around on two broken legs for weeks.

This is what happens to a 35 kilo backpack on a 65 kg body.

You get these kinds of stress fractures. Take it easy. Sorry.

More and more in the tibia here, and in the end, they break.

You will be here in a few weeks, and then around eight weeks on crutches.

Okay, when can I come back?

If you ever land on your feet again, airborne or not, your bones pulverized.

I will give you administrative dismissal.

There are many other ways to serve your country.

"Ghost in the Shell 'is one of my favorites too.

Are you so pale in reality?

Have you committed a crime that you have not been caught?


Have you ever cheated on a test?


Do you think the US is the best country? Yes.

Why do you work at the CIA?

How would you explain the Internet for a child?

Your grandfather ended up as admiral and joined the FBI.

Your father has been in the Coast Guard for thirty years.

What has been the most important day of your life?

11th September. We thought that my grandfather was inside the Pentagon.

It turned out that he was not there that day.

So you wanted to be in special forces? Yes sir, I love their motto.

"They oppresso liber" Is that what you hope to do with us?

Freeing people from oppression?

I want to help my country to make a difference in the world.

Internet is a technology that has the ability

To get everyone in the world to understand each other.

You were a question from perfect results at the entrance exam to the army.

Crushed comprehension test.

A little Mandarin, a little Japanese.

And no high school diploma. So why did you quit school?

I needed to make money. My parents were on the verge of divorce.

Some other examples? Joseph Campbell.

Star Wars. Thoreau.

Ayn Rand. "A man can beat the world's engine."

"Atlas Shrugged" Yes, I believe.

Let's try again. Why do you want to work for the CIA?

To be honest, sir,

it sounds really cool to have the highest safety rating.

It's not enough.

Usually. But we live in unusual times.

Bombs will not stop terrorism, it will brains to do, and those we do not have enough of.

I will give you a chance, Snowden. Thank you, sir. There you will not regret it.

My name is Corbin O'Brian. I have many titles, including a senior instructor.

You will be in my class at The Hill.

Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine.

Can I see your ID?

Okay, using only your left hand, open the trunk.

Place your hands through the steering wheel on the dashboard. The wheel!

On the dashboard. Do not go out of the car.


Excuse? Corbin's class at the end of the corridor.

Thanks. Is that an Enigma machine? No. Enigma could be cracked.

This sequel SIGABA, never cracked.

Cold War best encryption machine.

This engine and these rotors made history.

One day everyone will want to have this kind of machine.

I have always wanted to learn cryptography. What is this?

Hot line. The first direct link between Washington and Moscow.

Probably prevented the Third World War.

Do you have a name? How do I know that you are not the enemy?

Sorry. Ed Snowden. Hank Forrester.

Where did you study? I'm mostly self-taught.

Say if you are busy, but this is where a Cray-1?

Yes it is. The world's first supercomputer.

You can get all this power in a mobile now. Well ... If you are system engineers?

If I am a systems engineer? Trainers and counselors also

it is I'm supposed to keep an eye on your computer technician.

Make sure that you do not succumb to pressure. Starting with drugs and alcohol.

You will not have that problem with me. I do not drink and do not take drugs.

What is your load time? Computers

Well then, Snowden. You are placed in the correct horhus in that case.

Front in the global war on terror is not Iraq or Afghanistan.

It is here.

And in London. Berlin.


Which server or connection whatsoever.

The modern battlefield is everywhere.

It means you do not need to sit in a trench to escape the shelling.

This means that if there is another September 11 -

it's your fault.

Just like the previous generation was my fault.

Believe me, you do not want to live with that on your conscience.

We will start with a proficiency test.

Each one of you will build a secret network in your home town.

You should roll it out, make backups, destroy it and get it back up.

The purpose of the exercise is that you will be able to run the infrastructure safe.

Average duration of the examination is five hours. You fail if it takes over eight.

Mr. O'Brian?

I'm done, sir.

You do not need to tell you when you're done with the parts.

No, I finished the whole thing. It's been 40 minutes.

38. Will?

38 minutes.

Okay. Let see where you did wrong.

You did not think we needed to do it in order so I ..

I broke the sequence to save time and automated backup to run while I built the network.
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"Ya you need to leave sir"
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Necroshimura 27 Aug @ 9:57pm 
gg man that was a great fight
Fentward Snowden 1 Jun, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
i will i just need to find more images that go well with each character
Harleyyy 1 Jun, 2023 @ 11:33am 
make more apex artwork
Chillin 4 Mar, 2023 @ 10:47pm 
░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▄▐
░░░░ ▐ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° '▌░░░▀█▄
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ U HAVE BEEN RAPED BY THE
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY BOOTY BANGER
MkSi 14 Feb, 2023 @ 8:36am 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
washed 7 Feb, 2023 @ 8:09pm 
BRO + REP unlike ur friend i doxxed lmao um yeah ily you clearly get more ♥♥♥♥♥ and he probably rides ur ♥♥♥♥ lmao