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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 55.8 hrs on record
Posted: 25 Jun, 2023 @ 10:13pm

IF you have never played the story before go ahead and pirate it! I will only be talking about GTA online here. I am very shocked how far this game has fallen since i last played it, especialy the last update (1.67) is just rockstar spitting in our faces they have removed 200 ish cars from being purchased by the claim of removing lesser used viechles to make the browsing more stream lined. i might add they have only broken things in this update such as thousands if not more custom jobs, incurence for your personal viechles randomly disapering (meaning you cant claim them back they are gone forever) the bunker and moc deleting your curent personal veichle even your personal aicrafts if you them active for ecxample the all new jet that is worth 6million. This game has been spiraling downhill for many years but now its just a cluster♥♥♥♥ of overpriced dripfeed and now they are removing ♥♥♥♥ to then reverse drip feed it to us! T2 and rockstars are like the evil emperor and darth vader they do not care for us at all they just see as retarded money machines who will play this game no matter what! please do not give in it will only reinforce their belife that this aproach works. If you for a second think that rockstar or T2 care about you then your are a part of the problem!!! Its very sad i have so many great memories of this game for it too just be ruined by these greedy and psychotic companies! lastly ♥♥♥♥ YOU TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE AND ROCKSTAR GAMES for destroying a franchise i once loved!
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