Adam   Uganda
:bandit: :gordon: :er_wave:

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Profile artwork Tina
Review Showcase
This game is awesome. Story wise, character wise... Incredible. I would recommend this game to anybody.

The title perfectly describes the game. "Innocence." Tale of two lost children facing the reality of pretty dark a terrible world. The year is 1348, plague is on the verge of spreading and the Inquisition is upon you. Amicia and Hugo, our main characters, have to work together to get to safety and escape. The game features and absolutely amazing story telling, couple of really good characters and some corny dialogue. By that I dont mean the dialogue is bad, bad it has some corny moments here and there, but nothing too bad. The growth of the characters is what you should be really focusing on, because its impeccable. Each character has flaws and imperfections and sometimes I even wondered if I like some of them. In the end though, I did. Very well done.

The gameplay is stealthy, some may say repetitive, but there is plenty of mechanics and new stuff you can unlock, it didnt bother me at all. Almost every chapter you learn or discover something new, new ways to play and new stuff which directly impact the gameplay. It might not be 10/10 gameplay but its still pretty fun.

If you thinking about this game, I would highly recommend you to buy this. Not for the gameplay, but for the story and the message this have to offer. You might even cry a little bit. 8,7/10 for me, awesome game.
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109 hrs on record
last played on 22 Sep
392 hrs on record
last played on 21 Sep
45 hrs on record
last played on 15 Sep
Bubák 19 Jun @ 9:05am 
Keďže sa mi tento profil zdá veľmi "suchý", pridávam recept na výborný krčmový bravčový guláš, ako od babičky!

Cibuľu očistíme a nakrájame na kocky. Pliecko nakrájame na kocky.

Cibuľu osmažíme spolu s rascou na oleji alebo na masti do tmavohneda. Pridáme mletú papriku, mäso a len krátko restujeme, aby paprika nezhorkla. Zalejeme vodou, pridáme paradajkový pretlak, feferónku, soľ a korenie. Bravčový guláš dusíme asi 1,5 hodiny. Až je mäso takmer mäkké, prilejeme podľa potreby vriacu vodu, pridáme mäsový bujón a zahustíme múku rozmiešanú vo vode. Guláš nesmie byť hustý, inak nevystúpi na povrch tuk. Guláš pomaly a na najmenšom plameni necháme ešte 20 minút bez pokrievky veľmi pomaly prebublávať. Nakoniec pridáme prelisovaný cesnak a majoránku. :steamsalty::steamthumbsup:+rep | ✪ Nor 3 May @ 4:26pm 
+rep nice profile😉
Ramirez 24 Aug, 2023 @ 8:53am 
me to fr, we need to find a new game to play. are you still in the discord server of D2? and what about krusel
Ramirez 23 Aug, 2023 @ 2:49am 
haha that's awesome,
tbh i took a lone brake from anything about games but for now im playing cod and minecraft
Ramirez 22 Aug, 2023 @ 10:32am 
bruh, so what are you playing these days?
Ramirez 22 Aug, 2023 @ 2:20am 
hello my friend i missed you are u still playing d2 by any chence