Martini Tits
Gina   Switzerland
- pubstomping p100 nurse main with 200'000 hours, bringing pain res + pop + agitation + nowhere to hide
- 103'431 consecutive wins against soloQ survivors
- cried after my first and only comp match
- i collect -reps from salty survivors because i proxy camp, slug for the 4k and tunnel every match, im very edgy and proud
- i dont know why survs dc/kobe against me, they just are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ entitled and dont wanna learn how to play against (insert S-Tier Killer here)
- if i feel silly and going casual i play double iri blight with pop and pain res
- if a survivor ever has the audacity to escape, ill go on a skull merchant win streak because their fun is not my responsibility
- yes this is a joke
作成者 - wesker's kitten
A comprehensive guide on how to romance and potentially have sex with the one and only Albert Wesker from the hit game Dead By Daylight (AKA The Mastermind). All gifs and images used in this guide are mine! <3
JERYL - 公開グループ
The Jeryl - DBD
作成者 - Hey Chains
Today I'll be telling you how to play the the survivor character Mike Ehrmantraut from the Breaking Bad DLC. Using a combination of his perks and and perks of others, to immersive yourself in the character of Mike Ehrmantraut.
Object OwObsession 6月26日 14時54分 
+rep :er_wave:
Fabioh 3月25日 15時31分 
i can be ur valentine (truly valentine)
Martini Tits 2月26日 8時58分 
dude it was against a nurse with map offering and gen regression, 10/10 will kms again
Gragex 2月25日 14時00分 
-rep killiing herself on 1st hook
! Agent 47 2月22日 11時57分 
+rep skilled and funny mikaela with great sport, hope u have better teammates <3
Welsar 2月11日 10時51分 
+rep qt-π surv