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Évaluations récentes de Rhunin

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128.4 h en tout
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12/22/2018 POST :
If you are here, you own one or more copies of Ark and are looking to expand the journey... You're going to buy the game regardless of whether or not you like it because the company making it is well funded and will continue to work on it and has made games good in the past (if you call Ark good)

So I say get it now while it's on sale and is only 24.99 (less than half of what Ark was a bit ago when it was released and some of you bought it)

Yes.. There are connection issues... But do you see that BIG BABY BLUE banner that says Early Access?
You know what you're getting yourself into just because of that... Be patient, play some other random games, and enjoy it when they fix the problems :)

Btw STEAM had issues selling the game... Does that tell you anything about the volume of people interested in this? On Day One.... Latency issues will insue, what did you expect? :)

01/11/2019 EDIT :
The game is much better after relentless updates and patches.
- Latency only occurs when a server is near maxed or above maxed population.
- Ships of the Damned have been nerfed to be more so "creatures" that roam the waters to be attacked or avoided and made so that you actually can do so.
- A lot of the grind has been removed via doubling resource harvest rates and weekends having double resource gather and tame rates.
- Wind has been optimized so you don't have to have more than a basic knowledge of wind patterns, physics, etc to sail your ship where you want it to go.
- Overall survivability and usability of characters and companies has been improved to be sustainable to say the least.

- Be courteous and ask permission to land and/or claim territory or you will be met with hostile force and probably repelled.
- Avoid the mega clans and especially the Chinese, by no means be racist and slander them and such, but don't poke a sleeping bear, go ahead and run away while you can get a headstart.
Évaluation publiée le 22 décembre 2018. Dernière modification le 11 janvier 2019.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
28.6 h en tout (22.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I'll keep this review nice and simple.
The game is fun, if hard.
The game is endearing, if angering.
The game is realistic, in a wishful world.

You will get attached to character only to watch them get cleaved in half by an axe or turned to a ragdoll (figuratively) by a stray arrow. You will thoroughly enjoy a weapon or armor piece only to have it's wielder die possibly leaving it unlootable on the battlefield.

But that said you will make new friends of factions and characters, you will get attached to other Brothers and you will find better gear to equip them with. There will always be another day, well... Atleast until you all die or the gold runs dry...

This game would be FANTASTIC as a phone port and I would pay another 29.99 installment + 4.99 for each of the DLC to play it on my phone, this is my personal opinion but the game is simple enough to not tax phones, and is good enough to be worth the port/purchase/playtime.
Évaluation publiée le 10 décembre 2018.
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28 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
13.0 h en tout (11.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Games ally AI is awful, on any difficulty your friendly AI will operate at 50% efficiency as the enemy while you go about your normal playstyle, the only truly viable content is the campaign which at times can be unnecessarily grueling and 1v1 or 1v# skirmishes where the enemy AI has several difficulties including a very nice "automatic" difficulty which scales according to your previous wins vs losses, but it constantly feels like your playing console Halo again and its just you behind enemy lines against an ungodly amount of enemies

this combined with the dead multiplayer content unless you bring friends makes it so that i cant actually recommend this game its fun for several hours but it gets old quickly and at that point you hit a hard wall (not to mention most factions seem to have a cheat unit that just overwhelms when mass produced so theres not even really tactics, its just spam a unit and make it so theyre forced into a specific type of defense)
Évaluation publiée le 27 septembre 2018.
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37.8 h en tout
Meh version of Deus Ex Machina meets Call of Duty Black Ops with some wall running and super jump thrown in

online multiplayer is complete garbage (last i played there was gauntlets that one shotted you being used by invulnerable glitchers, there was atleast one per match)

storyline campaign i found comparable to one of the crysis games though, spot on in that regard
Évaluation publiée le 9 juillet 2018.
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0.0 h en tout
I run a Windows 10 PC
Was able to start the game on several occasions, both on official servers and in singleplayer
Was able to play

HOWEVER the textures are extremely low resolution, i have it on high and it looks very similar to low (might be temporary, but its there for now ^_^)
Also the game crashes upon exiting to menu requiring a client restart

other than that good job on another excellent map :)

(please make some noticeable servers that disallow anything more than character swapping though.. roaming mega tribes really ruined the other maps for me T_T)
Évaluation publiée le 14 juin 2017.
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467.9 h en tout (396.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Path of Exiles is probably one of the best Click+Attack RPGs out there and is highly comparable to Diablo 2-3 (especially if you felt D3 was a bit too.. cartoony in comparison to the hardcore gore and dark atmosphere D2 left you feeling).

But what makes PoE unique, like.. Truly unique, is its level and skill system, yes there are other games that have the massive sprawled tree, but not many of them allow a Tank-Style character to spec into the EXACT tree of the Mage-Style character (albeit your build would be a mass of wtf O_O, you can do it)

Perk Tree - a massive compilation of characters interconnected but seperated that have specialized bonuses and core abilities ---(for instance : Elemental Equilibrium (EE) is a keystone passive skill which changes the resistance of any monster you hit with elemental damage, increasing resistance to the element you hit with by 25% but reducing other elemental resistances by 50%. Multiple EE strikes will overwrite each other.)--- or just the basic, +25% chance to block or +5 Vitality, etc

Skill Tree - is not a tree exactly, its a list of gems that you socket into items that do exactly as the gem says ---(Spectral Throw is an attack. It throws the current melee weapon at an enemy and returns to the player, dealing damage to enemies in its path.)--- but its not limited to just actions there are also passive alterations one can do ---(such as Chain is a support gem that causes any projectiles created by the linked skill to chain when they hit an enemy. When this happens, the projectile targets another enemy in range and changes direction to fly towards second enemy. It will continue to chain until all the chains are used up. This gem adds 2 to the number of times a projectile can chain.)--- making the number of possiblities equal to the amount of sockets in your items

Oh! and the second thing making PoE unique is that your potions refill based on monsters dying around you! Meaning you can spam spells as much as you kill because killing refills your potions which refills your mana!

Lastly, ever season brings a new mechanic to the game, and upon the seasons completion, yes, there are leaderboards but the cool thing is, if that "new" mechanic that was in the season is liked, they incorporate it into their non-seasonal baseline game!

Other than that its pretty much as most other clicker rpgs go and those rumors about all of its Micro-Transactions being aesthetics is true, i myself have spent about.. 1,500 if not 3k on this game simply to have a radiant angel character >;D
Évaluation publiée le 15 mars 2017.
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121.2 h en tout (94.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Ark is cheaper. Ark is more complete. Ark had a DLC out before they completed the game, albeit the DLC map and content was more fun than the original given the Sci-fi/Fantasy-esque environment giving a change of pace.

But what is NOT said is that Ark is over-run with Nomadic Roaming alpha tribes that bring max level characters/dinos/bases/weapons from server to server wiping everything the players have spent their hard given time to build and accomplish. So pay less for a more complete but in the end, empty experience.

Rust is cheaper. Rust is more complete because Rust has been completely rebuilt from years ago when it was owned by Russians (and I mean they dominated the servers, not owned the game).

But again what is not said, is that Rust is a sniper fest with a 2 week time trial that is built to satisfy the adrenaline junky/script-kiddie/masochist of wasted time.

Conan IS currently $30. It is NOT finished, but it is getting there. In the last week every issue I personally have encountered has been reported through bug report pop-ups from my client crashing out-right (hasn't happened since day 2 of release for me) and fixed within a few days of me experiencing it, minus a few that are known by the company, just being worked on and not resolved. But you don't give them enough credit for their actions, if they made this game free-to-play then everyone and their nephew would be on it from day one because it's "new" and "free" two of the most searched game tags, meaning there would be a MASSIVE overflow of 15 Y.O.'s who know how to get passed the parental controls, getting into the game, experiencing "game-breaking" bugs, stating that this game is unplayable to the public but privately giving the devs no information to how it is broken or unplayable, so the $30 is more of a buffer that a cost, but as an added bonus, it helps the devs who have pumped out updates nearly every day!

So PLEASE give them a chance before you say it's "wrong" that they charge so much for a "pre-alpha" game when the game has progressed passed that "pre-alpha" by a landslide in just a few days.

And if the price for the content truly bothers you that much.. Move on, you don't seem to be the type that would've played this "under-developed" game long enough to know it's good from bad if it were free or not. (let alone report bugs to help the game, god forbid we as gamers HELP our devs make US good games) ^_^
Évaluation publiée le 7 février 2017.
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5.7 h en tout (5.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is the character models of Divinity II but refreshed with newer graphics and futuristic theme, and to be perfectly honest it felt like i was playing a spread out Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic..

Game is fun and enjoyable but the constant traveling places youve already been can be annoying ^_^
Évaluation publiée le 13 septembre 2016.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
250.1 h en tout (155.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Truth be told, this game is amazing, however I cannot in good heart recommend this game to others if they wish to play multiplayer because anyone other than the host loses their inventory entirely, with no body/bag/anything dropped upon leaving or crashing, the only way to stop this is to use a Cryo Chamber, which can be somewhat expensive and tedious to upkeep for the players who are still playing with someone in them. The Cryo Chamber requires constant oxygen pumped into it to keep its occupants alive and if your client crashes before you can get to the chamber, you lose your inventory. Which can be quite annoying whenever your trying to place important building materials that you've harvested for a long time, only to be lost in an instant because your autosave doesnt save their inventory.

In Short:

Great game, ♥♥♥♥ mechanic that breaks the game as a multiplayer game, which is exactly what all sandbox games are, you build cool ♥♥♥♥ and show it off to your friends who are in the game with you, which this mechanic ruins the experience of.
Évaluation publiée le 28 avril 2016.
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186.4 h en tout (75.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Before buying this game i looked at it and thought damn.. it better be good.. thats pretty high for an indie looking game...

then as many have said, 30 min later became 8 hours before i knew it, now those 8 hours have become 70 hours..

then i come to the realization.. i wouldve paid 50 for this game... O_O
Évaluation publiée le 27 avril 2016.
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