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기록상 0.0시간
If elder scrolls will take note of this game it might actually be worth looking out for after their disastrous fallout 4 and 76 and now starfield release. I'm inclined to say that I'm gladly looking forward to the second instalment more rather than a new fallout or elder scrolls at this point.
2024년 5월 11일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 149.4시간 (평가 당시 97.2시간)
The game is the living dream for any Dark Souls or FromSoftware fanatic.
It's bits and pieces of the best the series has to offer in an absolutely HUGE open world with nothing but excitement and exploration.
There's just too much to cover but the combat feels more smooth than ever. Mount system really adds to the world, exploration and sometimes even puzzle solving. PVP and CO-OP seems smooth from my perspective (haven't dabbled into too much pvp to be honest). Graphics are stunning. While it's not up to 2023 standards it is very cohesive in its level design and there are plenty of vistas and enemy variation to keep you watching.

It sometimes feels like you're getting punished for exploring too far or too out of bounds because this means some NPC's just vanish and entire quest lines will be missing. While I get some people love this to keep things interesting for NG+, I prefer to do one thorough as possible playthrough.

Oh one more thing (not a gripe) I'm 97 hours in and not finished yet.
I just beat Morgott and go to the Forbidden Lands and I haven't farmed or taken hours for any boss at all. I'm just thoroughly exploring every single thing in the game. So be ready for at least a 100 hours on your first playthrough!! Well worth your money.
2023년 3월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.8시간 (평가 당시 0.4시간)
this game sucks
you need to play it
2023년 1월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 38.7시간 (평가 당시 16.4시간)
I feel like I've yet to scratch the surface of this game but I can see there's a lot of love put into crafting this game.
Best played with Teammates though the in-game voice chat doesn't seem to work for some reason (?)
Lots of options when it comes to playstyles and what I've tried was solid.
Some missions and maps are very tedious if I have to give a negative and sometimes you're just backtracking for 20 minutes figuring out where to go.
Overall: great game and I can't wait to put some more hours into it
2023년 1월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 77.1시간 (평가 당시 31.9시간)
Marvelous open world game unlike anything ive ever played
ive been playing for 30 hours and I feel like I havent scratched the surface yet
its like elder scrolls but without the magic and a more realistic approach in handling quests and dialogue
the combat is also really immersive and different
I can highly recommend it to anyone who likes a bit of depth in his games
2022년 12월 8일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 60.0시간 (평가 당시 38.1시간)
Start is perhaps even less forgiving than the first dark souls game, which says a lot (being my absolute first FromSoftware experience and all) Once you get more into it you start to feel more and more powerful but don't expect to feel this way before 20 hours in at least. The bosses and mini bosses will tear you a new one.
Combat is crazy and makes all the weebos here feel like they're part of their naruto cosplay outfits.
It's awesome and I can't wait to finish it.
2022년 10월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 17.1시간 (평가 당시 16.8시간)
What a ride! I thought this would be just an atmospheric card game but damn, give these guys a budget for a triple A game and I can't wait to see what they come up with. That was awesome. Wish it was slightly longer but hey, it was good while it lasted!
2022년 9월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 171.6시간 (평가 당시 84.8시간)
Great game with endless possibilities and a fairly high learning curve difficulty even for seasoned RPG veterans.
The sheer possibilities mixed with the narrators voice acting sometimes really makes you feel like part of an actual dungeons and dragons campaign.
Only downsides are a lot of backtracking and endless hit and miss kind of areas that will be overleveled. You really need to explore everything in order to keep up with XP and levelling to be able to tackle certain places. The whole inventory management thing is here for the die-hard fans and even some crafting which could've been a bit more practical. Overall I'm 80 hours in and I didn't even finish act 2 yet!!! Says enough. Definitely worth the money in each and every way, just make sure to sometimes look up stuff in order not to fall behind early on with the character progression, cuz it can get tough if you try a jack of all trades approach.
2022년 8월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 79.1시간 (평가 당시 70.3시간)
It is incredible and for some reason I only just got into the ringed city DLC and I'm reachin 70 hours played which is much more than the people usually say the playtime is, even though I finished DS1 and 2 as well.
It is a fantastic product but I'm missing out completely on the online part of the game since getting into DS1, which makes me want to not recommend the game FOR NOW.
I paid top dollar to play this with DLC and even after 5 months their online services are not working. By the time they finally fixed it I probably finished all dark souls and won't feel the need to revisit them ever again. Which is a shame imo.
2022년 7월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 59.6시간 (평가 당시 26.7시간)
No internet; probably they wont ever fix it anyways

As for the actual game: World is bland at best, level design is horrible, combat is smooth but then again very awkward and strange. Be prepared to be absolutely frustrated all the time, not because of the difficulty but purely because of the design choices. You can really tell this is not from the same developer as DS1, as there is absolutely nowhere near the ambiance, atmosphere or any glimmer of feeling in this game. I've been breezing through content up until the bell tower now and nothing is memorable. Not a single boss nor area will stick. Everything is completely disjointed and NPC's have nothing interesting to share in terms of world building.

If you want a quick dark souls satisfaction, go for it but don't prepare to feel similar vibes than playing the first one. Only picked it up because I wanna play all 3 in order before I go and play elden ring.

Ok so after finishing the main game: I kinda 'liked' the second half of the game. It seemed more reasonable apart for a couple of really annoying parts I skipped in drangleic everything went much smoother and in a more 'fun' way than the first half. Was it satisfying at the end? not really. I couldn't care less about the story near the end or when I beat Vendrick and Narshada or whatever her name was.
In the end: story still bland and complete nonsense (sure there will be some nerds calling out the iceberg stuff which i think is mostly fan-made up BS, not a single memorable NPC, few interesting bossfights but overall extremely frustrating ones, interesting weapons and a bit more choice to upgrade multiple and figure out what you like instead of sticking to the same one for a lack of upgrade stuff in DS1.
2022년 4월 28일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 5월 7일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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