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16.3 hrs on record
Can't believe this bangin' OST came bundled with a very solid and enjoyable RPG. Even got me to check out the creator's webcomic (which you should also check out if you like this kind of humor.)

Highly recommend, had as much fun with it as I did with LaD: Infinite Wealth in a shorter timespan. Buy on sale or for full price, I'm not your mom.
Posted 29 May.
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130.8 hrs on record (111.3 hrs at review time)
it was never saekover, we're so ichiback
Posted 6 February.
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49.1 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Already in contention for my favorite game of the year, Pizza Tower really shows how far along this game's come over the years.

Tight controls, bumpin' soundtrack, engaging but fair bossfights, great level design and an artstyle that perfectly captures the essence of playing a Nickelodeon cartoon from the 90s, this game accomplishes it all, and allows for fun to be had by both casual players and those looking for a challenge or needing a new game to fully complete. Though this game definitely wears its inspiration like Wario's strained, garlic-scented overalls, it still manages to capture its own wild essence and become its own game without feeling like its repeating something we've seen before, even managing to make a 2D speed-based platformer that's loads more engaging than any of the classic Sonic games, I'd even bargain.

It's 100% worth the price, as is the soundtrack if you enjoy buying those.
Posted 6 February, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
7.4 hrs on record
Disclaimer: Less of a thumbs down and more of a sideways hand waving while shrugging. Really wish Steam put a middle-of-the-road option for these.

I can't say I didn't have a little bit of fun with this game. The movement system is enjoyable and allows for pretty clever exploration and platforming challenges, though with that said, most of the later levels don't really accommodate for the amount of jumps and swings you get later on, and I had more fun seeing how much I could bypass platforming sections or sequence breaking past places that would need certain powerups. It's probably the best thing about the game if anything, not to say anything about the combat, which is as basic as you can get for a 3D platformer.

The visuals are fine, they're rendered well and the optimization is decent, with later updates fixing some of the main issues I'd had with the game.

The humor, for me, is very hit-or-miss, usually going on the latter. Vulgar humor can be done very well, but this game sometimes doesn't know how to let off or give it enough nuance to make any impact, it's just gross stuff 90% of the time. There were a couple more subtle lines that got a chuckle from me, and I think there could've been more done with Nate's role in the Underworld, but everything else either fell flat or just repulsed me if anything.

The soundtrack is also just fine. I didn't dislike any of the music, but none of it really stuck either, and the only issues I had with audio were Nugget's constant repeating lines before they were patched out.

Without wishing to spoil much either, while the bosses were halfway decent for what the combat allowed, and the final boss was probably the best of them, the ending is incredibly abrupt and anti-climactic, feeling less like a joke and more like a middle finger to the player.

Overall, I feel as though Hell Pie could've spent more time baking in the oven, though its release was possibly due to time constraints from backer promises, so who knows. There's a lot of areas just barred off completely and a paltry number of levels with the beginning of a movement system that felt genuinely nice to play with, muddled with overall mediocre level design, writing that feels half-assed at times, and an almost desperate notion to cling to its 'edgy, disgusting' sense of humor that doesn't evolve much past what you'd see 14-year olds in 2008 discuss at recess.

TL;DR: 5/10, if you really need to scratch that platforming itch buy it when it goes on sale.
Posted 6 February, 2023.
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110.1 hrs on record (73.5 hrs at review time)
I loved it when the vampire said, "It's vampire time!" and vampired all over those survivors.

Jokes aside, I've had more fun with this game than most triple-A titles, and this is the best attention Castlevania's gotten in years. Buy it.
Posted 24 November, 2022.
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56.0 hrs on record (53.7 hrs at review time)
If you didn't think getting devoured by the products of Tim Burton's wet dreams weren't enough alone, now you can do it with friends!

Jokes aside, hard but very solid game with an active community and dev team. Definitely worth the price.

10/10 Would starve again.
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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7 people found this review helpful
796.2 hrs on record (497.5 hrs at review time)
I'll change the review if 'Komoney' has a change of heart, but I just can't recommend this game right now. What once was a fun venture into the beginnings of Yu-Gi-Oh for those of us who missed it, never got a chance, or are just tired of the modern TCG became a downward-spiraling chain of events that have caused the game to lose its charm in favor of making a few quick bucks. Gem rewards have been getting nerfed with every week so building multiple, diverse decks is nearly impossible without weeks upon weeks of grinding the pitiful rewards we have, unless you'd rather shell out $30 for 100ish cards that might not even be what you need.
The bare minimum of thought is put into what goes in the newer boxes, which has led to stuff like Sylvans and Fur Hires completely dominating PvP, though most of the blame goes to Konami since they were some of the only decks F2Ps could build on such a restricted budget. Banlists take forever to arrive and sometimes don't hit problem cards, events are rehashed often and made even worse, and Konami shows no signs of listening to the playerbase or thought of what could be better for the game's community.
The only hope right now is if 5Ds somehow saves the systems and showers everyone with free gems like it used to be (and hopefully stay that way), but for now I couldn't recommend anyone to this game if they like being competitive, nor if they'd want to have fun with archetypes they'd like to build due to the severe gem budgeting going on. If you have a lot of friends who like it and have a lot of patience, go for it, but newer players should wait a while in my opinion.
Posted 4 August, 2018.
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44 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Wanted to write something longer, but haven't played too much and wanted to keep it the review digestable.

I recommend this game with the stipulation that you buy it for $15 or less and enjoy the McElroy's or cheesy humor meant to mimic the style of 80s/90s anime involving mech pilots, as well have having some friends to play with.

The gameplay is standard enough (it's golf), only now you're in mechs and can destroy buildings and try to hinder each other from making shots. Controls are mapped well and feel varying between mechs but are a bit cryptic, since they aren't really explained anywhere so it's more trial and error when you first pilot a new one. Special weapons feel nice as well, though, again, they aren't explained too well. Physics might be a bit too floaty, though we do golf on the Moon and under the sea, so I suppose those are the reasons for it.

The voicework is well done (in that it's intentionally bad for the purposes of the shows it wants to mimic) and the McElroy's as the announcers deliver some great lines, though I could understand the desire for an off switch since they aren't everyone's favorite. The mech designs look great as well, varying immensely and even offering a giant skeleton and Pierce's mech from Saints Row (apparently someone at Volition was friends with the people at No Goblin.)

If this is on sale and you want a golfing game to play with friends locally (or online, though I haven't tested the servers), give it a go. The game is what it set out to be: wacky, chaotic, and campy.
Posted 16 March, 2017. Last edited 17 March, 2017.
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113 people found this review helpful
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0.5 hrs on record
Overall displeased. I'm running on an older laptop as I write this and thought it'd be good to see if this could update my drivers well, as all other attempts and programs I've used result in nothing happening. Turns out, this program did update my driver! The downside: it left the older versions on with the newer ones, result in my PC becoming incredibly slow and bogged down. Luckily one system restore later and my PC was back to how it was, as the terms and conditions of this product state that they are not responsible for anything happening to your computer as a result of using this program.

TL;DR. Wouldn't recommend, should probably just go find out how to update manually like I'm doing now.
Posted 12 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries