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281 horas de jogo
I remember this game coming out, and the fallout that went with it. Everything was terrible back then. However, the devs did something unprecedented - They got back to work and made the game better.

I can say with certainty, that this game deserves every reward that it has received and then some. Everyone at HelloGames made the best effort they could and then some in order to bring to us a polished product, and they keep coming out with more!

Only things I would want added:

- an extra storyline that allows us to take on the sentinels, not just a community expedition

- playable sentinel ships (fighter ships, maybe an expanded line for solar, hauler, etc.)

- Capital ship vs. capital ship battles

- More than 1 class of capital ships. Freighters are great, but can you imagine a missile class cruiser or a battleship with a giant laser battery? I would love to see a bit more on this end, and seriously hope it becomes a thing.

- Pirate stronghold raiding. We've seen those derelicts with the pirates floating about, now imagine landing your craft and taking them on....on the ground. Different way of playing, and it stresses the importance of Exosuit/Multitool builds even more.

- Political and banking. We see a lot of systems "at war", but who with? can we negotiate a treaty? could we say "screw it" and nuke everything? not yet, but hopefully soon. Banking I feel would be another angle. I.E. credit and material loans. Need a stack of Ferrite? Need some creds for that S class ship you found and want to buy? Call in the loan company and order some up, with a payment system and interest rate added in.

- centralized ship dealership. Again, you can make it so it does more than small personal ships. again, do MORE capital ship types.

I sincerely love this game, and I really want more from it. Again, just suggestions/ideas.

For the first time ever, I am happy to give a game 10/10. I never felt it was dragged out of me, and I can't wait to see what the devs do next!

Análise favorita
I have played for a while, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoy the story line and background history. I could honestly see this as a teaching point for folks who want to learn about the middle ages in today's age of technology, and the perk/trait system is amazing.

The only gripe I have is the combat system, which is annoying to say the least. I would happily like to have a key bind system or something better than relying on your mouse to determine the direction of attack. Only other suggestion is a patch in which we can invest money into a local trader and see either positive or negative returns.

Other than that, I really have nothing bad to say about the game.

Final Verdict: 9/10

And the General_Tactics seal of approval for original idea, and with the fervent hope that this will not be the only Kingdom Come game from the developers. Great job guys!
Jogo favorito