George   United States
:fateHelm: Playing and collecting games, the new midlife crisis :gobking:
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:cleanfloppy: Older gamer with diverse collection of games in my library. I'll generally accept friend requests as long as I can see some basic info on your profile or we have had an agreeable experience in a game together. I am also likely to accept or add someone if we have had positive interaction on a forum.
Любимая игра
1 643
Часов сыграно
Витрина скриншотов
Dark Dreams
321 406 24
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
Wizard And The Dragon
165 251 16
Витрина иллюстраций
Silent Contemplation
138 186 17
Витрина обзора
175 ч. сыграно
Alright, after 39 hours in game I think it's safe to say this is a solid yes recommendation. The game runs with little performance issues on my set up. Most lags hit around larger population with more than 300 people and several buildings. Crates other game Grim Dawn ran through a great EA process and upon release became my favorite game with ~1400 hours played. I have no doubt they will improve upon and update this game to the same caliber of quality game play as it proceeds through EA and into it's 1.0 version.

Are there some mechanics that can use improvement? Yes, there are. The more pressing issues are invisible global inventory and some small corrections to the traders management system, plus some tweaks to the raider system. I would assume that the tiers for unlocking buildings and resources will under go some changes as well as the game moves closer to it's official release but that said there is plenty to do here right now to bring you hours of fun . There are several maps of varying difficulty and you can customize the play through as well in advanced settings. There is some learning curve to farming and trading for things you don't have readily available, though I feel this just adds to the challenge of your play through.
Любимая группа
Older than most!
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Недавняя активность
3,1 ч. всего
последний запуск 11 мая
10 ч. всего
последний запуск 7 мая
0,6 ч. всего
последний запуск 6 мая
Достижения   0 из 64
♣️คгครん♣ час назад 
:mylove: Have a lovely day dear friend i wish u best :mylove:
♣️คгครん♣ час назад 
:ncirclez::rarebutterfly:               :rarebutterfly::ncirclez:
:rarebutterfly:   :cameralens::cameralens:   :cameralens::cameralens:   :rarebutterfly:
:rarebutterfly:         :cameralens:         :rarebutterfly:
:ncirclez::rarebutterfly:               :rarebutterfly::ncirclez:
Koy 2 ч. назад 
Hey my friend. I hope you have had a very lovely weekend. To a great week ahead :manekineko:
wasabi™ 3 ч. назад 
:yellow_jewel::whfbutterfly:               :whfbutterfly::yellow_jewel:
:whfbutterfly:   :goldenball::goldenball:   :goldenball::goldenball:   :whfbutterfly:
:whfbutterfly:         :goldenball:         :whfbutterfly:
:yellow_jewel::whfbutterfly:               :whfbutterfly::yellow_jewel:

Thank you for the message my friend :smile:
Have a wonderful start to the week week mate :heartg:
Nice to meet you!
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 10 ч. назад 
⢀⢊       ⢱⠊⠑⡀ 🌈💗🍭Super Sunny Sunshine Sunday💗🏳️‍🌈🦄
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