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25.0 ч. всего (20.2 ч. в момент написания)
You know that feeling when you have thousands of words in your head to describe something but you also find it impossible to describe it in written or spoken form? It's like that for me with Prey. Though one sentence i can easily formulate and stand behind - PREY IS EXEPCIONALLY GOOD.

So. Prey... is a game. A very good game which obviously draws most of it's inspirations from System Shock and Bioshock and if you have played or know about any of those games you can pretty much know what awaits you here and while i have played and absolutely love both System Shock and Bioshock i think Prey is my new favorite from these three.

It's something about atmosphere really. While this is not a horror game , at least i do not perceive it that way, it has this eery feeling throughout whole game ( this only applies if you choose to play on Hard or higher difficulty levels which i strongly urge you to do , it's a whole different game like that ) where you really feel like a PREY . If you want to survive you will have learn to effectively hide,scavenge ( i hate forced scavenging in video games but here it somehow adds to whole experience and feels integral part of it ) and weight your options every step of the way.

Admittedly game gets easier and less suspenseful later on like most harder games does ( i'm at that point now ) but i'm so invested in it's story and setting i just dont care and want to carry on. Prey is right kind of hard , you always have several options while level and map design is designed in such a specific way that even though i know this feeling is false, once you find a way to pass difficult enemy without engaging it you feel like you created your own unique way of doing so which noone else have thought of. You feel like an artist of sorts really.

Icing on a cake for me is side quests though i dont think that's an accurate name of them. If you imagine main story line as a centre branch of a tree those side stories are it's smaller branches. Every single one of them feels connected to the main story and in some cases to each other and at time they lead to one another in very unexpected and creative ways. Last time i was so interested in optional quests was in Witcher 3 and we all know how strong world building in that game was .

I just wholeheartedly recommend this game for everyone and i recommend to play it on hard and to struggle , it really makes you feel like you are isolated on a space station there you are the main dish on a menu.

Опубликовано 7 марта 2020 г..
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25.3 ч. всего (12.3 ч. в момент написания)
One thing i would like to note at the beggining is that i got this game for roughly 5 $ from Humble Choise so for that price this would be a great purchase BUT it's retail price is 60$ so i will judge it for that price.
And for 60$ it's terrible. Full of bugs, minor inconveniences , mind boggling design choises etc etc. I had to roll back to gpu driver from 2018 to be able to play this game in DX12.

This time around there is less focus on combat and more on exploration which would be nice if exploration wouldnt be so boring and uninspired. You have these seemingly open areas but you can find two identical ledges and Lara would jump on to one without any problems and just refuse to grab on another one because it's not programmed to be used and that's main problem with this game , it's linear in the worst way. Not because you follow a story or a straight path but because there is only just one way to get somewhere . Sometimes Lara will fall from 20 meters and be all right because you fell down in the right pleace and other times she will slip and fall onto the ledge 2 meters below and die because that wasnt programmed for her to land and it breaks immersion so much. This game is terrible at making you feel like you are on the adventure.. you feel like you are in the theme park sitting in a cart and going through it.

As is mandatory in modern AAA game it has crafting and collectibles. These two , again , are made in ridiculous ways. Crafting is basically useless because it's mostly for weapons and armor and with little to no combat there's basically no need for them so you can beat whole game with starter bow on hardest combat difficulty . I havent used my upgraded rifles or pistols in 12 hours so far so total waste of time and with abundancy of materials you just upgrade everything without really having to think and choose there to invest your resources.

Collectibles again are lazy and just mostly drop'd onto your usual path. They also make no sense in game world as well because you find 10 priceless treasures every 100 meters, sometimes in people's homes so you just bardge in , take their golden statue and leave without them even caring you did that.

Also everyone in Peru speaks perfect English, even natives living in secluded villages.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider just tries to tick all boxes for triple A game in 2019 and fails at every step. For 5 $ ? Yes , get it but for anything more than that it's a waste of money and time.

Besides interesting and well made locals this game has nothing over it's predecessors and is easily worst of the Tomb Raider games to date.
Опубликовано 22 декабря 2019 г.. Отредактировано 22 декабря 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 89
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151.5 ч. всего (76.5 ч. в момент написания)
Kingdom Come : Deliverance can only be described as a 'Diamond in a rough' . When this game works ( and by works i dont mean just technically but as a whole ) it just works and is in my opinion deepest RPG experience of the past few years and likely whole decade.

Main cons of this game are purely technical and related to the engine it's using. It has a lot of optimization troubles and what seems to be leftover junk code so you will need beast of a PC to run this on any reasonable settings , that said this game can look beyond gorgeous at times and that's not just purely from the graphical perspective but also how realistic and well thought out whole GAME MAP is . You really feel like you are there and if you live or lived geographically similar part of planet you can really appreciate how lifelike everything is.

While you are playing predetermined character , Henry , this game has so many deep and intriguing systems you can roleplay to your liking.There are many perks which besides having upside has a down side as well so at the end of the game you have really unique character shaped by all those systems,perks and other interesting stuff in this game.

I'm not going to delve into the story , while nothing spectacular it's very well written and paced and keeping in mind this game is mostly historically accurate story is grounded in real history which for someone who is interested in such times makes it almost a history lesson.

As much as this game made me furious at times and as many hours of game i had to replay because of bugs,glitches or simply terrible saving system i cant recommend it enough for everyone who looks for actual RPG game , not something like recent Assassins Creeds or other action games with RPG elements. This is a true, uncompromised Role Playing experience which takes particular player to be appreciated by and if you can overcome it's mostly technical flaws it will reward you with uncontested caliber experience.
Опубликовано 4 декабря 2019 г.. Отредактировано 4 декабря 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 28
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17.7 ч. всего (9.8 ч. в момент написания)
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NOTE: At the time of writing this review/opinion i'm at Surface Tension level which is a little bit more than half way through the game . If my opinion will shift strongly after playing remaining portion of the game i will update this review to reflect my opinion.

Now , a good question to start with would be ' Is Black Mesa a REMAKE,REMASTER or REIMAGINING of original Half Life ' ? I think it's all of those at the same time but none of them entirely. ' What does that even mean?' you could ask. Well ... while if you have played the original you will recognize all the areas, events and everything in between with ease they have redesigned some of the areas so much they sort of are different levels all together with hit and miss accuracy.

That said nothing stands as plain 'bad' in this game , i'm just not sold on some of the redesign choices they have made. But once that is out of the way i couldnt recommend Black Mesa more. I'm so glad it actually exists and that i have chance to play it. For someone like me who have played Half Life 1 last time probably a decade and a half ago this brings so many great memories back and it just holds up so well to this day . I think they left the core of the FPS game from that time untouched and the fact that it is so enjoyable to play in 2019 speaks volumes of how timeless this formula is and what monumental game Half Life was and still is. I feel more investment in this basically two decades old game i have beaten several times than most of modern FPS games with all they modern design and bombastic cutscenes.

To me Black Mesa is just a perfect way to relive and renew my appreciation for this genre and this francize in 21st century . I'm really glad this project did happen and even though it's still in EA after 10 years or so and well i dont agree on some of their changes i'm super greatful to Crowbar Collective for caring and doing this for us folks.

Опубликовано 29 ноября 2019 г..
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9.1 ч. всего
I would like to begin this 'review' stating that me not recommending this game didint mean i do not like it at all or think it's a objectively bad game , it just didint click with me as much as i actually expected.

I'm not a big walking sim fan in general though i played SOMA and What Remains of Editch Finch recently i found both of those walking sims quite enjoyable so this game being one doesnt really break a deal for me.

Now i have many good things to say about Observer . It's setting is so dear to me , i love cyberpunk and especially dark cyberpunk , lots of tasty visual style, amazing voice acting from Rutger Hauer and premise i was very into and honestly for the first hour or so i was enjoying myself very much but .

But then first 'inside brain' section came and it just all fell apart for me. From this intriguing cyber punk detective noir game it morphed into epilepsy inducing ( i have absolutely no tendency for one but this game , literally, gave me headaches ) self indulgent stream of nonsense visuals and sounds making absolutely no sense . Yes , i understand that you are supposed to be inside other person's head and stuff should be abstract and unclear but this game just overdone it so much it lost all impact. It wasnt fun , wasnt eye opening or even intriguing , it was crap and i was waiting for it to be over so i could back into main chunk of the game.

Sadly it all went down hill from there , there was more and more nonsense sections and pain inducing flashing nonsense sections.

I lost track of the story ( thought i must admit smaller stories , side quests if you will , were quite interesting and i enjoyed figuring them out ) at the last portion of the game and didint really care or understand what is happening anymore. By the end i was relieved that i'm done and i can move on to other games.

Since this is walking sim basically ( some light horror/survival sections but you need to actually try to die there ) there's nothing to say about game mechanically , it didint add or take away anything from the experience.

I will close with this .. it feels somewhat bad to leave this game a negative review ( but that's steam for you with only white and black option ) because i do not honestly think it's a bad game or anything like that but i really didint enjoy myself at all. It's way too pretentious and focuses on wrong things too much. It had such a good dark cyberpunk d noir start and could do sooo much with it but instead went with epilepsy and nonsense. Shame , it really is.

Опубликовано 6 июля 2019 г..
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5.2 ч. всего
Oh this is tough one.

A hour or so into the game i decided that i will write some sort of opinion about the game because even though it had few flaws i felt that 'MIXED' score it has on Steam is a bit harsh and game was quite okay in general. That changed a bit after playing to the end but let's not get ahead of ourselfs.

I'm not going to point out the positives because while this game doesnt do anything exeptionally well it does most things competently enough ,but what really drags this game down though are wonky controls , bad voice acting and general lack of tempo.

Biggest problem here is controls.. they are bad. They are NOT AS BAD as some of the reviews tries to picture them and they do not render game unplayable but they will cause you huge amount of frustration and you will have replay several segments of the game over and over again until CONTROLS RNG GOD will be in your favor.

Very stale and uninspired voice acting with general 'meh' story which doesnt make much sense doesnt add to whole experience as well. Also i've encountered few bugs but nothing game breaking.

With all that said i somehow still have soft spot for it and generally would say it's an okay game worth a go. If you can get it for few bucks it's okay ~3hours to spend your time with.
Опубликовано 5 апреля 2019 г..
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198.5 ч. всего (126.6 ч. в момент написания)
I died and i loved it again!
Опубликовано 13 марта 2019 г.. Отредактировано 13 марта 2019 г..
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66.0 ч. всего (58.0 ч. в момент написания)
I died but didint love it that much.
Опубликовано 13 марта 2019 г.. Отредактировано 13 марта 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 18
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140.0 ч. всего (130.7 ч. в момент написания)
I died and i loved it!
Опубликовано 13 марта 2019 г..
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29.4 ч. всего (27.7 ч. в момент написания)
Have you ever thought to yourself that stealth in your games are so easy and unrealistic ? Well i have a game for you ! You will run back crying for your mommy after you will face stealth in Blades of the Shogun!

This game is just brilliant all around and must be one of the best purchases i've made in 2019. From presentation to mechanics it's top notch and i'm struggling to find a single bad thing about it. I've only found a single annoynce in this game and it is camera retaled thing where you cant seem to target enemies from a specific angle but that happens really reraly and you can always just rotate a camera.

I just love it. We need more games like this!
Опубликовано 11 марта 2019 г..
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