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Análises recentes de Henrimagne

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19.7 horas registradas
I found "The Turing Test" enjoyable and challenging.
I would describe it as a "puzzle room" game that sometimes forces you to think outside the box.

There are 7 chapters and one progresses through 70 areas (sectors) by solving a puzzle (10 puzzle rooms for each chapter): figure out how to open the door to advance to the next area. There are a further 7 optional puzzles (one for each chapter). Of course, the puzzles gradually become more complex the further one gets.

The puzzles involve movable and fixed items, like power boxes, power spheres, pressure plates, switches, electromagnets, laser bridges, cameras and small operable machines. The game is primarily in first person, but through controlling said cameras and machines the view switches away from the main character to help you perform your task.

The game is about more than just puzzles though. It does follow a story and at the very heart of this is the issue of morality and the making of life and death decisions. Can a machine think? Can AI be sentient, or have feelings as humans do? Could AI reach the point where these things are possible and even be indistinguishable from humans? Can one trust machines to control our lives? As entities unhindered by emotion and sentiment, and programmed to be blatantly logical, can AI be trusted to decide on our behalf on what is right and what is wrong, even what is best for mankind? In this regard the ending of the game was quite compelling.

I was impressed.
Publicada em 26 de julho de 2021. Última edição em 27 de julho de 2021.
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18.8 horas registradas (17.4 horas no momento da análise)
"Deliver Us The Moon" is a third-person, futuristic story-driven adventure game with puzzle and exploration elements.

The over-exploited earth is totally dependent on the energy produced on the moon. When a catastrophe befalls the WSA's lunar energy-generating facilities, resulting in a devastating energy crisis on earth, an astronaut is sent to restore power and once again "deliver" mankind "the moon".

You interact with your surroundings to solve puzzles while accumulating information trying to make sense of what happened to the moonbase and it's people. You are assisted by an ASE, a drone-like artificial intelligence that dutifully follows you around. Many of the puzzles involve figuring out how to get to the next room / area. A handy plasma cutter helps in this regard. At times you will be exposed to areas devoid of oxygen, including the lunar surface. Your suit only holds 3 minutes' worth of oxygen, so time becomes important for survival.

"Deliver Us The Moon" is a visually pleasing and worthwhile experience. It took me around 15 hours to complete. The six chapters can be replayed individually from the menu. The game auto saves often. It would be great to see some kind of sequel in the future.
Publicada em 10 de julho de 2021.
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1,118.8 horas registradas (185.4 horas no momento da análise)
The first ever RTS game I played back in the 90s before Steam, extended. Even today it is still one of the biggest sellers after all this time, which says a lot.
Relive history in great campaign scenarios or play a randomly generated game. Choose your civilization, build up your economy, your military power and go conquer the other civilizations on the map.
Still my favourite RTS game.
Publicada em 25 de maio de 2021.
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17.1 horas registradas (2.2 horas no momento da análise)
The first ever RTS game I played back in the late 90s before Steam, extended and enhanced. It is still one of the biggest sellers after all this time, which says a lot.
Relive real history in great campaign scenarios or play a randomly generated game. Choose your civilization, build up your economy, your military power and go conquer the other civilizations on the map.
Still my favourite RTS game.
Publicada em 25 de maio de 2021. Última edição em 25 de maio de 2021.
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5.4 horas registradas
I've been a fan of Tonguç Bodur now for quite a while. I find his slow-paced games relaxing and visually stimulating. His creations are often of an introspective nature, exploring life and the inner self. He is the meditating person's game developer.
"Lucid Cycle" is described as a series of short dream-like experiences. Exploration with minor puzzle elements. It takes around two hours to play through the game, which saves after every dream scene. Apart from a cat, you share your small apartment with an AI that comments on your dream sessions every morning after you wake up.
Take it slow, examine, interact, enjoy the experience.
Publicada em 1 de março de 2021. Última edição em 2 de março de 2021.
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46 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3.5 horas registradas (3.4 horas no momento da análise)
"Journey" is a profoundly magical experience.

I jumped into the game not knowing what to expect. I knew the gameplay was similar to that of "Flower", which I had played before, and I did glimpse in the discussions that one could meet other travellers (players) on the way, but apart from that I had no idea what "Journey" was about.
The simplicity and the alien feel of the game world is impressive. But above all I was awestruck by the interaction with other players. There is something extraordinary about meeting a stranger in this unfamiliar world and to then ally yourself to them in the common purpose of reaching the end of the journey set out before you. This is done without clear language to communicate with (no voice server or texting). All you have are chirp sounds, an accompanying visual sign (acting as a form of identification) and your movements to convey thoughts and feelings, wonder and appreciation, a warning or encouragement, a "Come over here!" or "Look, I found a symbol!" I found that having this basic system is actually enough; it fits with the simplicity of the world around you.
"Journey" reminds us that there are others on this trek through life. We are all on this same road that we have to figure out as we go. There may be wonders and joys along the way. Sometimes the road is filled with dangers and we may experience set backs. But in the end we have a common goal: reaching or realising the destination, becoming the person we want to be, finding meaning in struggle, testing our resolve, and very importantly, sharing this experience with others, helping them or getting help ourselves, or simply just enjoying good company. It seems a journey worth taking. In the end this journey is what it all comes down to.

I loved the experience.
Publicada em 27 de janeiro de 2021.
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13 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
33.2 horas registradas (32.8 horas no momento da análise)
I absolutely love this game. The sense of freedom that the fox gives one running through the open spaces is simply liberating. I wanted to explore every nook and cranny the environment could offer.

You play as a fox, accompanied by a spirit guide (or wisp), wandering a beautiful landscape.
Progress through the eight chapters by interacting with the environment, opening locked or blocked gates or getting past walls by solving minor puzzles or using the fox’s magical abilities.
The goal is to find and stop the source of the disease that has destroyed the long-dead human civilisation that once flourished there, their ruined buildings still infested by choking red vegetation and spores. On his journey, the fox can also seek out and find 28 shaman skeletons scattered throughout the chapters to set their spirits free (not essential to finish the game).

Chapters and even parts of chapters can be replayed from the menu, which makes it easier to go back and find any missed shamans or their staffs.

It is a relaxing game. Explore. Discover. Reflect. No hurry, no shooting, no killing. Great, relaxing soundtrack.
Publicada em 19 de julho de 2020. Última edição em 27 de agosto de 2020.
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34 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
1,456.3 horas registradas (82.6 horas no momento da análise)
My previous video editor was very simple and basic. I like simplicity. I want to edit a clip quickly and get back to gaming. Too many features and gimmicks thrown at you at the same time can be daunting. So when CineLab stopped working, the hunt was on for something to replace it.

I am happy to say that MovieMator can be as simple OR as complicated as you want it to be. If you want quick and easy, you do quick and easy. Quickly trim a single video clip and export to PC drive.
But you can also add all kinds of extra stuff at your leisure. Add multiple video and sound tracks to your project. Add filters like 'fade in/out from/to black' by dragging the filter onto the specific clip. Create cross-fade transitions. Manipulate the speed of your video or sound clips: slow them down or speed them up. Reposition or crop your video clip to get a 'zoom in' effect. Add text to video clips or picture stills. Create GIF animations from video files. Create sound files from video files. Custom set the video resolution of your projects.

The only negative so far is an annoying glitch/bug when trimming the end of a clip (right side). In stead of letting you smoothly click and drag the end bracket back or forward, it sometimes takes on a mind of its own and quickly runs away with your end bracket towards the start of the clip, overshooting the spot you had in mind. But this can be avoided by making use of the "scissors" feature (Split at Playhead) at the desired point instead.

I am still learning as I go. The best way to learn is to simply click on features or drag and drop them onto your project and see what they do. MovieMator has what I need. With it I am making satisfying gaming videos, projects I can be proud of.

Export to these Supported Formats:

MP4, FLV, AVI, MOV, F4V, 3gp, 4K Video, MKV, WebM, GIF Animation, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, WebM VP9, ASF, DVD (pal), DVD (ntsc)

MP3, WAV, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, WMA

Example videos made with MovieMator:

Multiple video and sound tracks used.
Features: speed slowed down / increased; zooming-in effect; fade in from black / fade out to black transitions

One video track, two sound tracks used. Features: cross-fade transitions.
Note: All sheep and explosion sounds when spectating the other player were edited in afterwards because those sounds were absent from the original recordings (a game bug when spectating).
Publicada em 1 de março de 2020. Última edição em 11 de julho de 2020.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
633.3 horas registradas (18.9 horas no momento da análise)
A really fun and relaxing mini-golf game to play with your friends. Highly recommended.

15 official 18-hole courses in various themes:
Space Station
Pirate Cove
The Escapists
The Deep
Bouncy Castle
Peaceful Pines

1 official 9-hole course:
Corrupted Forest

And there are many more player-made courses that you can subscribe to in the Workshop.

5 different modes:
Classic (normal),
Hockey (playing with an ice-hockey puck),
Dunk (basket ball style),
Party (featuring Snap Freeze, Honey Trap, Double Jump and Randomizer to change the shape of opponents' balls).
Or create and custom save your own modes.

Ball colour can be customised. Hats, Trails and Floaties for your ball can be obtained through item drops by simply playing the game.
The controls are very simple. Settings include features like Maximum Shots and Time per round, Ball Spin, enable/disable Jump, Collision, Powerups, Gravity, Bouncy Ground, Ball Shape and Size.
Level Editor included to create your own courses.

This can easily keep you busy for many hours at a time. Very addictive.
Publicada em 15 de fevereiro de 2020. Última edição em 12 de setembro de 2023.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
195.5 horas registradas (113.3 horas no momento da análise)
A must for jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts.

It's jigsawing without the hassle. No pieces that can go missing or get sucked up by the vacuum cleaner!
There are 30 different puzzles, all available in sizes 40, 80, 200 and 400 pieces (giving a total of 120 puzzles).

Your puzzle is saved automatically every time you fit a piece in it's correct position. Leave an unfinished puzzle, exit the game and return later whenever you wish to continue your work. A number of virtual boxes are available for sorting pieces by colour, texture, etc. You could however choose not to use any boxes (settings), for which there are Steam achievements.

In this particular game (the first in the series) the pieces are always the right way around and don't rotate, a function that is available later in the series.

Relaxing music accompaniment.
Publicada em 3 de julho de 2019.
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