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Lifeless Planet surprised me.

Actually, the moment the game started and I looked around at the desolation and then took my first steps into the unknown, I knew I was going to love this game. It just had that kind of promise to it. And I'm glad to say that playing it was totally worth it.
The game starts out innocently enough - an astronaut stranded on an alien planet, looking for the rest of his crew, hoping to survive it all. But then our hero stumbles into a deserted town and it looks all too familiar, exactly like a scene from Earth: even a Russian flag flies in the alien wind. Strange indeed, but it's just the beginning of more strange and weird but spectacular things to come on a very personal journey about surviving loss.
You can't help but wonder what lies behind the next dune, the next giant doorway, the next turn in the path and where it is all going to lead to.
You get to explore the seemingly lifeless planet, learn about what has happened there, using your jetpack in the lowish gravity to get to otherwise unreachable places and solving puzzles by interacting with the environment. The controls are uncomplicated and the scenery is stunning.

Lifeless Planet gets my vote and I'm definitely going back to experience it again.
Publicada em 26 de outubro de 2016.
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132.6 horas registradas (83.9 horas no momento da análise)
What a fun experience! What an awesomely spectacular game!

It is fast-paced combat racing the way it should be. Beautifully flowing tracks and intense speed. At 500, 600, 700 km/h ... yes, even over Mach 1, you're almost a fighter pilot :) ... and you WILL be doing some flying. Futuristic-looking. Different planets with different tracks that are gravity-defying and alinear - up becomes down and down becomes up and the tracks split off to form alternative routes. I totally love the roll-cage thing: you keep going even when the car flips over. You have a range of weapons to keep your competitors at bay: rockets, guns ...

Even if you're not a big fan of racing games, like me, you might be surprised by this one. I'd recommend GRIP any day. For me it's the most fun since that old classic combat racer Re-Volt. And it's going to keep getting better as development continues. It most certainly gets my vote.

For a visual reference, watch my GRIP showcase video: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=844398789
Note: This video was recorded when the game was still in early access. The tracks and weapons shown may have since been changed.
Publicada em 8 de outubro de 2016. Última edição em 2 de abril de 2019.
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143.0 horas registradas (70.6 horas no momento da análise)
Firstly, if you have played DOOM 3 before, really liked it and you're wondering whether it would be worth getting the BFG edition or not: Get it yesterday already, marine! You get DOOM 3, yes, but also more of the same asskicking gameplay in two awesome mission packs (Ressurection Of Evil & Lost Mission) and, on top of that, DOOM 1 and DOOM 2 are added on just for old time's sake so you can relive where first-person shooting really began.
If you're brand new to DOOM and you're a first-person shooter kind of gamer, well, are you in for a treat! - DOOM 3 is said to be one of the best FPS games ever, developed by the people who actually popularized the genre: id Software.

The story:
It is 2145 and humans, under the auspices of the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC), have established a research facility on Mars. Employees are mostly engineers, scientists or soldiers. Research is being done in the fields of biology, space exploration, teleportation and weapons development. Furthermore, exciting evidence has been found of previous inhabitants: an alien civilization that was destroyed by a vicious and seemingly unstoppable enemy. Incredible times.
However, a growing unease has filtered through UAC personnel. Rumours are abound of strange things happening,like unexplained voices and otherworldly creatures roaming the facility, sometimes resulting in accidents or even loss of life. In addition, the facility, under Dr. Malcolm Betruger, is running an ever-increasing tab on the corporation's resources and Earth has sent a representative to investigate. It turns out that Betruger, through his work in teleportation, has opened a portal to another dimension and in so doing has enabled hostile creatures to come through to Mars. In reality, these creatures are demons and the place they come from is ... hell. They are the same malignant creatures that destroyed the ancient Martian civilization.
You play a marine, freshly imported from Earth and dumped into the chaos, on a crusade to stop the evil from invading the Mars facility and, ultimately, Earth. You have a range of weapons to your disposal, but you will also have to gain information and access to other parts of the facility to complete your task. You do this by collecting PDA's from personnel, dead and alive, scattered throughout the base. Since the main portal is situated in hell itself, you will have to travel there (following in Betruger's footsteps) and retrieve a powerful artifact called the Soul Cube which can be used to defeat the enemy's mightiest warrior (as well as assist in the downfall of many other along the way) and close the portal.

The game can be divided into three large sections: 1) the Mars facility, 2) Hell and 3) the Mars facility revisited, although in the latter part the Mars base and hell ultimately becomes indistinguishable from each other. Once in possession of the Soul Cube (you bring it back with you from hell), demon attacks become more vicious and your strategy in using the artifact to your advantage becomes key.

Slight changes have been made to the original DOOM 3 (for example, certain triggers and enemies have been taken out and some of your weapons sound a bit different), but you may not even notice it. The biggest change maybe is how the flashlight works: it is not handheld anymore but a fixed item, so you can use it while you're actually shooting (a definite plus), like in QUAKE 4. However, the flashlight dies after about 30 seconds and then needs to recharge (in a few seconds) before it can be used again. Whether this is a good or bad thing probably depends on individual opinion. Of course, the benefit would be that you don't ever need to manually turn it off, maybe saving you some seconds to concentrate on enemies.

Mission Pack 1: Ressurection Of Evil (RoE)
You play as a different marine who finds a new artifact on Mars but in the process opens another gateway to hell. An old enemy, Malcolm Betruger, revels in the prospect of newly invading the world. Three bosses ("hunters") are released that you will later have to defeat one by one. You get instructions from Dr. Elizabeth McNeil to destroy the artifact, which (of course) must be done in hell. So, once again your character travels through the complex on Mars untill you find a portal to hell. Enough said, no more clues.
Some new weapons are introduced: a "grabber gun" and Sarge's shotgun (find the cabinet code first, though). The grabber gun may not seem like much, but it will make life easier. It is used to move object (like crates, boxes, drums and stones) and to catch fire balls mid-air and throw them back at enemies. It can be used to directly kill small enemies and pick up items that are out of reach. Sarge's double-barrelled shotgun is a valuable tool at close range, boasting more punch than the game's regular shotgun. It fires two cartridges at once, which are replaced manually by your character in about three seconds.
A few new enemies make their appearance, including a tougher kind of imp that throws white-blue fire balls. There also is a new large, slow-moving enemy with a powerful ranged attack, but one can easily use its lack of speed to one's advantage. It may involve guerrilla tactics, running for cover or making sure to have some obstacle between you and your foe when you're not shooting.

Mission Pack 2: Lost Mission
You play as the only surviving member of Bravo team (remember them from the original Doom 3?) who got wiped out while on a mission - it all starts with a replay of the cut scene from the original game, showing the demise of the team by the hand of some maggots/imps (it is the same incident that damages a cooling rod in the reactor, the one that is replaced by your character in the original game). Having survived the attack, you then roam the facility continuing the fight on your own. You link up with a scientist, Dr. Richard Meyers, who informs you of a problem: it so happens that there still exists a working teleporter in "the other dimension" (hell) that could assist the enemy's ultimate goal: invading Earth. So, once more into the breach you go. You find your way to hell and reach the portal, fighting enemies large and small, until you face off with a copy of an old enemy from the original game - the Guardian (no seekers this time) - to achieve your goal.
In Lost Mission (as in RoE) you get to travel through other, quite scenic parts of hell (obviously, the place is quite expansive). Your journey even includes a short boat trip on molten lava.
There are no new artifacts (also no Soul Cube). Sarge's sawed-off double-barreled shotgun as well as the grabber gun from RoE make a return.

All in all, "Doom 3: BFG Edition" is one of the best FPS game bundles you can buy. It is an extensive, zombie-shooting, demon-hunting experience that should keep you coming back for more until you've cleared out hell of all its evil, and then do it all over again.

Enjoy big time.
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2014. Última edição em 2 de abril de 2019.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
85.3 horas registradas (41.3 horas no momento da análise)
"Alien Rage - Unlimited" is a great FPS game with lots of alien enemies to shoot and blow to bloody pieces.

Yes, there is a storyline to it all: In the future, humans and a race called the Vorus are both mining the same asteroid for Promethium, an extremely valuable source of energy in a world depleted of fossil fuels. In the beginning there is peace and cooperation, but then something goes wrong and carnage follows. You will figure it out as you move through the 14 levels, picking up audio logs along the way that tell of the events that led to you being sent in to mow down any and all alien opposition.

Apart from the lesser enemy types, the game features a whole range of enemy bosses, each requiring its own set of tactics to defeat. There are some really tricky parts - for example, the final boss can be quite difficult at first - however, once you understand how to best use your weapons and environment for each situation (and remember to keep moving), it gets easier. There are three difficulty levels, the lowest (or normal) level being called "Challenging" - an indication that your first tour isn't necessarily going to be a pushover (depending on your unique experience with FPS games, of course).

Weapons can be divided into two types: projectile and energy, all with secondary fire modes. You can only carry three weapons at once. Of these, only two can be changed for other weapons, because the unlimited ammo pistol (your default weapon) is a fixed necessity - don't underestimate its use, though, for it's a formidable weapon and one can finish the game using it alone (especially with perks tailored to maximize its use).

Players gain a selection of "perks" (advantages) by stacking up points made from kills, modifying the abilities of weapons, armour or the player's health. For instance, the Mega Pistol perk supercharges the default pistol to give it way more punch.

At times you are able to also pick up a mighty minigun, although it will hamper your speed. The game's shotgun may not be very useful (personally), but there are enough weapons to experiment with as well as a melée attack. In one level you also get to drive a mech, squashing the enemy under metal feet and spewing bullets from your rotating machinegun barrels (it overheats quickly, but this can be helped by chosing the Heavy Weapon Recovery perk).

There aren't all that many controls, which is great - and it can be customized. The jump function very rarely comes into play since the game is structured in such a way that jumping over cumbersome obstacles is eliminated (assisting fast-moving gameplay).

The game has autosave checkpoints, no manual saving. Some players might have an issue with that, for it sometimes means that one has to repeat easier bits before getting back to the action that got you killed. Not really a problem, though. The game has real replay value, especially since global leaderboards are kept: you can try to improve your overall score by replaying individual levels, maybe also to go back for pickups you've missed before, all the while keeping tabs on how other players are getting on.

The game has amazing graphics and scenery/environment.

If you're a fan of the FPS genre, then "Alien Rage - Unlimited" is worth it.

Publicada em 21 de novembro de 2014.
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