Zach Goodrich   Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
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It's about time that Classic Doom got the Enhanced treatment that both the first two Quake games got! Also you can play some mods for free as well just like in Quake 1 Enhanced before this. I played the Star Wars Doom a bit and most of the weapons are Star Wars themed with the exception of the fists being Doomguy's fist thus the BFG still being Doom's BFG. Also you get a lightsaber in the place of the chainsaw. Back to the main Doom material you have Doom and Doom 2 as this title suggests as well as each Doom 2 expansions in Evilution and Plutonia as well of Master Levels and No Rest For The Living, as well as John Romero's unofficial fifth episode of Doom 1 called Sigil and a new official campaign called Legacy of Rust which is the first official version of classic Doom to give new enemies and new weapons for the first time in 30 years! Legacy of Rust has six original enemies in the Ghouls which were the original sprites for the Lost Souls and the Ghouls rather than charging you will instead shoot projectiles at you that make the same sound effects that the fireballs thrown by the Imps, Barons, Cacodemons, Hell Knights, and Mancubi make. We secondly have the Banshees who are kamikaze type enemies. Thirdly if you find Legacy of Rust's secret level and fourthly if you don't do so you have the Shocktroopers who are modeled after the Doomguy sprite, are in possession of the Plasma Rifle, and while awake and in full action while looking for you will make noises which are rerecording of the three different standard Strogg guards from Quake 2, and have the pain grunts and secondary death cry of Doomguy. Thirdly if you don't go the the secret level and fourthly if you do so you'll encounter the Vassagos which are combinations of Hell Knights/Barons and demonic beasts from Heretic/Hexen with primarily blueblack skin and wings and will shoot fire that will stick to floors and walls where it lands. The Vassagos make similar noises to the Doom's demons variants from Doom 64/PS1 port of Classic Doom. Fifthly we have the Mindweavers who are basically Arachnotrons size wise but have the weapons and death animations of the Spider Mastermind boss. For the six and final newbie of an enemy we have an official retro style version of Doom Eternal's Tyrant which is a weaker Cyberdemon save for where this variation has no horns and it's eyes and exposed entrails are green instead of red. The Tryants also with their metallic stepping sound effects are rerecorded from the steps of the Doom 64/PS1 port of Classic Doom's variant of the Cyberdemon. And with the classic two games and Doom 2's expansions you can pick between the classic synthesized MIDI soundtrack or the way cooler in my opinion rock n' roll head banging remix done by Andrew Hulshult. Even Doom 2's two secret Wolfenstein themed levels have the remix. If there ever is a Wolfenstein 3 in the alternate history iteration and it has a flashback where you yourself the player encountered Mecha-Hitler and get to kill him I hope that the music Machine Games chooses will be Andrew Hulshult's version of The Ultimate Challenge song! Also co-op and deathmatch are amazing in this as well. Doom + Doom II Enhanced is another amazing port of a legendary gaming phenomenon that is a must have for all first person shooter enthusiasts out there either for those that like the modern style campaign driven shooters, arena shooters, and/or especially boomer shooters, this package is totally worth the 10 American bucks that it costs for those of y'all yet to have this in your library!
Nhóm yêu thích
Bratski's FPS Corner - Nhóm công khai
Indie Games, Retro and Modern
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deepbluezach 11 Thg07, 2022 @ 4:25am 
Thank you Sam!
Ratbag 10 Thg07, 2022 @ 10:21am 
Cool background bud