Senpai Creampi
Get to know me first u jerk!   Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

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The Worker's Revolution
To this day the capitalist bourgeoisie continue to oppress the proletariat workers
The workers revolution will live on and will never die from the evil capitalists that control the world
The workers must get their and and fight for the freedom and equality of the world!
The 1% control all the wealth and must be stopped, Capitalism is the root and cause of all evil!
We must stand up and unite the workers of the world! The Western capitalist dominate the world
It is enough that the people know there was an election. Capitalist corruption is everywhere
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
The election is controlled by evil capitalist and the 1%. The election means nothing.
The evil capitalist pig was able to take down the workers union but it will come back!
The workers will stand for unfair treatment by the Bourgeoisie no longer!
Capitalists teach false propaganda stating communism is evil, yet capitalism has caused many deaths, even more than fascists! The british empire alone has caused tens of millions on deaths to the innocent workers of the world, the west has caused many deaths to workers!
The greedy capitalist british empire is the root of all evil, and have committed crimes against humanity! The capitalists have destroyed culture, conducted genocide, and destabilized their foreign colonies! The capitalist british have killed millions of innocent workers for their gain and profit! The zionist bankers and the west continue to control the world as it has been for centuries! We demand change in the elections, enough puppet politicians! No more corrupt elections!
Alone we stand against imperialism, Alone we stand against the capitalists that control the world for their own gain and profit and none for the workers that have lead them to success!
History shows that there are no invincible armies, and the worker's army has fought couragously and have destroyed the Nazi scum which is now a footnote of history! However the evil capitalists continue to take all credit of the glorious victory of World War 2 using fake propaganda! Everybody knows the soviet army fought the hardest in the war compared to the capitalists!
In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance.
Lenin has passed away as a symbol for the workers to show the capitalists no more will we workers be oppressed and we must continue his legacy to thank him for his contributions for the workers of the world! The Worker's revolution will never capitulate to the capitalists!
During the soviet era, Communism became too sucessful for the capitalists to stay in power so the west including the USA united to oppress the workers to keep themselves in power, because the soviets were too powerful for eurocentric domination of the world. The workers have yet again, been put down and have been oppressed by the capitalist westerners that continue to oppress the workers and dominate the world for their gain and profit! Capitalism benefits the elitists and top 10% while communism benefits and supports the hard working workers that deserve more. We, the workers must once again, triumph again and defeat the capitalists, capitalism does not and will never work and will crumble as a footnote in history! The capitalists have won the battle but they have not won the war! The worker's of the world must rebel against capitalist control, we need a global revolution, no more will we be oppressed, we must continue Lenin's legacy and destroy capitalism!

Equality for the World!
Education for the Citizens!
Food for the Hungry!
Homes for the Homeless!
Healthcare for the ill!
Peace for the World

Capitalism is fueled from war, The USA was suffering from the great depression during peace however when joining WW2 The USA became prosperous. To this day they are continuing to wage wars in the Middle East! Capitalism is fueled from war, Communism is fueled off of hard work from the workers!

The revolution will be back stronger than before to unite the workers of the world!

Salute to the German Democratic Republic, Peoples republic of Romania, Czechoslovakian union, Bavarian Soviet Republic, Chinese soviet Republic, Polish people's Republic, Peoples republic of Bulgaria, Hungarian peoples republic, Albania, and The Soviet Union! For there contribution to the Worker's Revolution!

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fe1n19 12 févr. 2024 à 2h17 
hi! arctic combat has come back
sogstar 12 févr. 2018 à 14h49 
Hello Brother
ReservoirDog 16 janv. 2018 à 20h08 
Slava Lenin and Stalin
Eclipze 5 janv. 2018 à 16h36 
Very intelligent comrade
Coereus 6 déc. 2017 à 19h51 
LIl Trunks 3 oct. 2017 à 17h34 
Has Massive ♥♥♥ 10/10 +rep